Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Mirth Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MPL license a copy of which has * been included with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. */ package; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.Element; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import javax.swing.text.Segment; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.fife.ui.autocomplete.Completion; import; public class MirthSourceCompletionProvider extends SourceCompletionProvider { private static final Pattern PARENTHESES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\([\\S\\s]*\\)"); private MirthCompletionCacheInterface completionCache; private String lastCompletionsAtText = null; private List<Completion> lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; public MirthSourceCompletionProvider(boolean xmlSupported) { this(null, xmlSupported); } public MirthSourceCompletionProvider(String javaScriptEngine, boolean xmlSupported) { super(javaScriptEngine, xmlSupported); } public void setCompletionCache(MirthCompletionCacheInterface completionCache) { this.completionCache = completionCache; } @Override protected List<Completion> getCompletionsImpl(JTextComponent comp) { Set<Completion> set = new HashSet<Completion>(super.getCompletionsImpl(comp)); String text = StringUtils.trim(getAlreadyEnteredText(comp)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text)) { int dot = text.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot > 0) { int nextToLastDot = text.lastIndexOf('.', dot - 1); String identifier; if (nextToLastDot >= 0) { identifier = text.substring(nextToLastDot + 1, dot).trim(); } else { identifier = text.substring(0, dot).trim(); } identifier = PARENTHESES_PATTERN.matcher(identifier).replaceAll("").trim(); int index = identifier.lastIndexOf(' '); if (index >= 0) { identifier = identifier.substring(index + 1); } String partialText = text.substring(dot + 1).trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(identifier)) { set.addAll(completionCache.getFunctionCompletions(comp, identifier, partialText)); } } else if (text.equals("new") || text.startsWith("new ")) { String partialText = text.substring(3).trim(); set.addAll(completionCache.getConstructorCompletions(comp, partialText)); } else { set.addAll(completionCache.getVariableCompletions(comp, text)); set.addAll(completionCache.getClassCompletions(comp, text)); set.addAll(completionCache.getGlobalFunctionCompletions(comp, text)); set.addAll(completionCache.getCodeCompletions(comp, text)); } } else { set.addAll(completionCache.getVariableCompletions(comp, "")); set.addAll(completionCache.getClassCompletions(comp, "")); set.addAll(completionCache.getGlobalFunctionCompletions(comp, "")); set.addAll(completionCache.getCodeCompletions(comp, "")); } return new ArrayList<Completion>(set); } @Override public List<Completion> getCompletionsAt(JTextComponent tc, Point p) { Set<Completion> completions = new HashSet<Completion>(); List<Completion> parentCompletions = super.getCompletionsAt(tc, p); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(parentCompletions)) { completions.addAll(parentCompletions); } int offset = tc.viewToModel(p); if (offset < 0 || offset >= tc.getDocument().getLength()) { lastCompletionsAtText = null; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } Segment s = new Segment(); Document doc = tc.getDocument(); Element root = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = root.getElementIndex(offset); Element elem = root.getElement(line); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); int end = elem.getEndOffset() - 1; try { doc.getText(start, end - start, s); // Get the valid chars before the specified offset. int startOffs = s.offset + (offset - start) - 1; while (startOffs >= s.offset && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.array[startOffs])) { startOffs--; } // Get the valid chars at and after the specified offset. int endOffs = s.offset + (offset - start); while (endOffs < s.offset + s.count && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.array[endOffs])) { endOffs++; } int len = endOffs - startOffs - 1; if (len <= 0) { lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } String text = new String(s.array, startOffs + 1, len); if (text.equals(lastCompletionsAtText)) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt)) { completions.addAll(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt); } return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } lastCompletionsAtText = text; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = completionCache.getClassCompletions(tc, text); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt)) { completions.addAll(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt); } return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); // Never happens } lastCompletionsAtText = null; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } }