List of usage examples for javax.swing JScrollBar getMaximum
public int getMaximum()
From source
/** * Implemented as specified by the {@link Browser} interface. * @see Browser#scrollToNode(ImageDisplay) *//*from w ww.j a v a2 s .com*/ public void scrollToNode(ImageDisplay node) { if (node == null) return; JScrollPane pane = rootDisplay.getDeskDecorator(); Rectangle bounds = node.getBounds(); Rectangle viewRect = pane.getViewport().getViewRect(); if (viewRect.contains(bounds)) return; JScrollBar hBar = pane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); if (hBar.isVisible()) { int x = bounds.x; int max = hBar.getMaximum(); if (x > max) x = max; hBar.setValue(x); } JScrollBar vBar = pane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (vBar.isVisible()) { int y = bounds.y; int max = vBar.getMaximum(); if (y > max) y = max; vBar.setValue(y); } }
From source
private void downloadAndPreviewImage(String url) { Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override//from w ww . ja va 2 s .co m public void run() { try { final MediaArtwork art; switch (type) { case BANNER: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.BANNER); break; case CLEARART: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.CLEARART); break; case DISC: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.DISC); break; case FANART: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.BACKGROUND); break; case LOGO: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.LOGO); break; case CLEARLOGO: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.CLEARLOGO); break; case POSTER: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.POSTER); break; case SEASON: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.SEASON); break; case THUMB: art = new MediaArtwork("", MediaArtworkType.THUMB); break; default: return; } art.setDefaultUrl(tfImageUrl.getText()); art.setPreviewUrl(tfImageUrl.getText()); Url url = new Url(art.getPreviewUrl()); final BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageCache.createImage(url.getBytes()); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { addImage(bufferedImage, art); // scroll down JScrollBar vertical = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); vertical.setValue(vertical.getMaximum()); } }); tfImageUrl.setText(""); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("could not download manually entered image url: " + tfImageUrl.getText()); } } };; }
From source
public boolean render(Graphics2D g2, Range xRange, Range yRange) { LOG.trace("GraphPane.render(g2, " + xRange + ", " + yRange + ")"); double oldUnitHeight = unitHeight; int oldYMax = yMax; // Paint a gradient from top to bottom GradientPaint gp0 = new GradientPaint(0, 0, ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_TOP), 0, getHeight(), ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_BOTTOM)); g2.setPaint(gp0);//from w w w. j a v a2s .c o m g2.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); LocationController lc = LocationController.getInstance(); JScrollBar scroller = getVerticalScrollBar(); if (gpc.isPanning() && !isLocked()) { double fromX = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseClickPosition()); double toX = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseReleasePosition()); g2.translate(toX - fromX, 0); } // Deal with the progress-bar. if (tracks == null) { parentFrame.updateProgress(); return false; } else { for (Track t : tracks) { if (t.getRenderer().isWaitingForData()) { String progressMsg = (String) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.PROGRESS); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 0)); showProgress(progressMsg, -1.0); return false; } } } if (progressPanel != null) { remove(progressPanel); progressPanel = null; } int minYRange = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxYRange = Integer.MIN_VALUE; AxisType bestYAxis = AxisType.NONE; for (Track t : tracks) { // ask renderers for extra info on range; consolidate to maximum Y range AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE); if (axisRange != null) { int axisYMin = axisRange.getYMin(); int axisYMax = axisRange.getYMax(); if (axisYMin < minYRange) { minYRange = axisYMin; } if (axisYMax > maxYRange) { maxYRange = axisYMax; } } // Ask renderers if they want horizontal grid-lines; if any say yes, draw them. switch (t.getYAxisType(t.getResolution(xRange))) { case INTEGER_GRIDLESS: if (bestYAxis == AxisType.NONE) { bestYAxis = AxisType.INTEGER_GRIDLESS; } break; case INTEGER: if (bestYAxis != AxisType.REAL) { bestYAxis = AxisType.INTEGER; } break; case REAL: bestYAxis = AxisType.REAL; break; } } setXAxisType(tracks[0].getXAxisType(tracks[0].getResolution(xRange))); setXRange(xRange); setYAxisType(bestYAxis); Range consolidatedYRange = new Range(minYRange, maxYRange); setYRange(consolidatedYRange); consolidatedYRange = new Range(yMin, yMax); DrawingMode currentMode = tracks[0].getDrawingMode(); boolean sameRange = (prevRange != null && xRange.equals(prevRange)); if (!sameRange) { PopupPanel.hidePopup(); } boolean sameMode = currentMode == prevMode; boolean sameSize = prevSize != null && getSize().equals(prevSize) && parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getWidth() == oldWidth && parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getHeight() == oldHeight; boolean sameRef = prevRef != null && lc.getReferenceName().equals(prevRef); boolean withinScrollBounds = bufferedImage != null && scroller.getValue() >= getOffset() && scroller.getValue() < getOffset() + getViewportHeight() * 2; //bufferedImage stores the current graphic for future use. If nothing //has changed in the track since the last render, bufferedImage will //be used to redraw the current view. This method allows for fast repaints //on tracks where nothing has changed (panning, selection, plumbline,...) //if nothing has changed draw buffered image if (sameRange && sameMode && sameSize && sameRef && !renderRequired && withinScrollBounds) { g2.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, getOffset(), this); renderCurrentSelected(g2); //force unitHeight from last render unitHeight = oldUnitHeight; yMax = oldYMax; } else { // Otherwise prepare for new render. renderRequired = false; int h = getHeight(); if (!forcedHeight) { h = Math.min(h, getViewportHeight() * 3); } LOG.debug("Requesting " + getWidth() + "\u00D7" + h + " bufferedImage."); bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); if (bufferedImage.getHeight() == getHeight()) { setOffset(0); } else { setOffset(scroller.getValue() - getViewportHeight()); } LOG.debug("Rendering fresh " + bufferedImage.getWidth() + "\u00D7" + bufferedImage.getHeight() + " bufferedImage at (0, " + getOffset() + ")"); Graphics2D g3 = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); g3.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); prevRange = xRange; prevSize = getSize(); prevMode = tracks[0].getDrawingMode(); prevRef = lc.getReferenceName(); renderBackground(g3, xAxisType == AxisType.INTEGER || xAxisType == AxisType.REAL, yAxisType == AxisType.INTEGER || yAxisType == AxisType.REAL); // Call the actual render() methods. boolean nothingRendered = true; String message = null; int priority = -1; for (Track t : tracks) { // Change renderers' drawing instructions to reflect consolidated YRange AxisRange axes = (AxisRange) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE); if (axes == null) { axes = new AxisRange(xRange, consolidatedYRange); } else { axes = new AxisRange(axes.getXRange(), consolidatedYRange); } //System.out.println("Consolidated y range for " + t.getName() + " is " + consolidatedYRange); t.getRenderer().addInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE, axes); try { t.getRenderer().render(g3, this); nothingRendered = false; } catch (RenderingException rx) { if (rx.getPriority() > priority) { // If we have more than one message with the same priority, the first one will end up being drawn. message = rx.getMessage(); priority = rx.getPriority(); } } catch (Throwable x) { // Renderer itself threw an exception. LOG.error("Error rendering " + t, x); message = MiscUtils.getMessage(x); priority = RenderingException.ERROR_PRIORITY; } } if (nothingRendered && message != null) { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 0)); revalidate(); drawMessage(g3, message); } updateYMax(); // If a change has occured that affects scrollbar... if (paneResize) { paneResize = false; // Change size of current frame if (getHeight() != newHeight) { Dimension newSize = new Dimension(getWidth(), newHeight); setPreferredSize(newSize); setSize(newSize); parentFrame.validate(); // Ensures that scroller.getMaximum() is up to date. // If pane is resized, scrolling always starts at the bottom. The only place // where looks wrong is when we have a continuous track with negative values. scroller.setValue(scroller.getMaximum()); repaint(); return false; } } else if (oldViewHeight != -1 && oldViewHeight != getViewportHeight()) { int newViewHeight = getViewportHeight(); int oldScroll = scroller.getValue(); scroller.setValue(oldScroll + (oldViewHeight - newViewHeight)); oldViewHeight = newViewHeight; } oldWidth = parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getWidth(); oldHeight = parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getHeight(); g2.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, getOffset(), this); fireExportEvent(xRange, bufferedImage); renderCurrentSelected(g2); } return true; }