Java tutorial
/** * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package savant.view.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import savant.api.adapter.FrameAdapter; import savant.api.adapter.GraphPaneAdapter; import; import; import savant.api.event.ExportEvent; import savant.api.event.PopupEvent; import savant.api.util.Listener; import savant.controller.GraphPaneController; import savant.controller.LocationController; import savant.controller.event.GraphPaneEvent; import; import savant.exception.RenderingException; import savant.selection.PopupThread; import savant.selection.PopupPanel; import savant.settings.ColourSettings; import savant.settings.InterfaceSettings; import savant.util.swing.ProgressPanel; import savant.util.*; import savant.view.tracks.BAMTrack; import savant.view.tracks.BAMTrackRenderer; import savant.view.tracks.ContinuousTrackRenderer; import savant.view.tracks.Track; import savant.view.tracks.TrackCancellationListener; /** * * @author mfiume */ public class GraphPane extends JPanel implements GraphPaneAdapter, MouseWheelListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GraphPane.class); private Track[] tracks; private Frame parentFrame; private int mouseX = 0; private int mouseY = 0; /** * min / max axis values */ private int xMin; private int xMax; protected int yMin; protected int yMax; private double unitWidth = Double.NaN; protected double unitHeight; private AxisType yAxisType = AxisType.NONE; private AxisType xAxisType = AxisType.NONE; private boolean mouseInside = false; // Locking private Range lockedRange; /** * By default, tracks adjust their unitHeight to accommodate the contents * without a scroll-bar. */ protected boolean scaledToFit = true; /** * Selection Variables */ private Rectangle2D selectionRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); private boolean isDragging = false; //scrolling... private BufferedImage bufferedImage; private Range prevRange = null; private DrawingMode prevMode = null; private Dimension prevSize = null; private String prevRef = null; private boolean paneResize = false; private int newHeight; private int oldWidth = -1; private int oldHeight = -1; private int oldViewHeight = -1; private boolean renderRequired = false; private int posOffset = 0; protected boolean forcedHeight = false; //dragging private int startX; private int startY; private int baseX; private int initialScroll; private boolean panVert = false; //popup public Thread popupThread; private Record currentOverRecord = null; private Shape currentOverShape = null; /** * Provides progress indication when loading a track. */ private ProgressPanel progressPanel; //awaiting exported images private final List<Listener<ExportEvent>> exportListeners = new ArrayList<Listener<ExportEvent>>(); private final List<Listener<PopupEvent>> popupListeners = new ArrayList<Listener<PopupEvent>>(); private boolean yAxisLocked; /** * CONSTRUCTOR */ public GraphPane(Frame parent) { this.parentFrame = parent; addMouseListener(this); // listens for own mouse and addMouseMotionListener(this); // mouse-motion events //addKeyListener( this ); getInputMap().allKeys(); addMouseWheelListener(this); //trackToYRangeMap = new HashMap<Track, Range>(); popupThread = new Thread(new PopupThread(this), "PopupThread"); popupThread.start(); // GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); gpc.addListener(new Listener<GraphPaneEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(GraphPaneEvent event) { if (event.getType() == GraphPaneEvent.Type.HIGHLIGHTING) { repaint(); } } }); } /** * Lock the Y Axes from changing automatically * * @param b */ public void setYMaxLocked(boolean b) { System.out.println("Locking Y max: " + b); this.yAxisLocked = b; } /** * Set the tracks to be displayed in this GraphPane * * @param tracks an array of Track objects to be added */ public void setTracks(Track[] tracks) { this.tracks = tracks; setYAxisType(AxisType.NONE); // We don't get a y-axis until the renderer kicks in. } /** * Return the list of tracks associated with this GraphPane. */ public Track[] getTracks() { return tracks; } /** * Render the contents of the GraphPane. Includes drawing a common * background for all tracks. * * @param g2 the Graphics object into which to draw. */ public boolean render(Graphics2D g2) { return render(g2, new Range(xMin, xMax), null); } public boolean render(Graphics2D g2, Range xRange, Range yRange) { LOG.trace("GraphPane.render(g2, " + xRange + ", " + yRange + ")"); double oldUnitHeight = unitHeight; int oldYMax = yMax; // Paint a gradient from top to bottom GradientPaint gp0 = new GradientPaint(0, 0, ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_TOP), 0, getHeight(), ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_BOTTOM)); g2.setPaint(gp0); g2.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); LocationController lc = LocationController.getInstance(); JScrollBar scroller = getVerticalScrollBar(); if (gpc.isPanning() && !isLocked()) { double fromX = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseClickPosition()); double toX = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseReleasePosition()); g2.translate(toX - fromX, 0); } // Deal with the progress-bar. if (tracks == null) { parentFrame.updateProgress(); return false; } else { for (Track t : tracks) { if (t.getRenderer().isWaitingForData()) { String progressMsg = (String) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.PROGRESS); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 0)); showProgress(progressMsg, -1.0); return false; } } } if (progressPanel != null) { remove(progressPanel); progressPanel = null; } int minYRange = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxYRange = Integer.MIN_VALUE; AxisType bestYAxis = AxisType.NONE; for (Track t : tracks) { // ask renderers for extra info on range; consolidate to maximum Y range AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE); if (axisRange != null) { int axisYMin = axisRange.getYMin(); int axisYMax = axisRange.getYMax(); if (axisYMin < minYRange) { minYRange = axisYMin; } if (axisYMax > maxYRange) { maxYRange = axisYMax; } } // Ask renderers if they want horizontal grid-lines; if any say yes, draw them. switch (t.getYAxisType(t.getResolution(xRange))) { case INTEGER_GRIDLESS: if (bestYAxis == AxisType.NONE) { bestYAxis = AxisType.INTEGER_GRIDLESS; } break; case INTEGER: if (bestYAxis != AxisType.REAL) { bestYAxis = AxisType.INTEGER; } break; case REAL: bestYAxis = AxisType.REAL; break; } } setXAxisType(tracks[0].getXAxisType(tracks[0].getResolution(xRange))); setXRange(xRange); setYAxisType(bestYAxis); Range consolidatedYRange = new Range(minYRange, maxYRange); setYRange(consolidatedYRange); consolidatedYRange = new Range(yMin, yMax); DrawingMode currentMode = tracks[0].getDrawingMode(); boolean sameRange = (prevRange != null && xRange.equals(prevRange)); if (!sameRange) { PopupPanel.hidePopup(); } boolean sameMode = currentMode == prevMode; boolean sameSize = prevSize != null && getSize().equals(prevSize) && parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getWidth() == oldWidth && parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getHeight() == oldHeight; boolean sameRef = prevRef != null && lc.getReferenceName().equals(prevRef); boolean withinScrollBounds = bufferedImage != null && scroller.getValue() >= getOffset() && scroller.getValue() < getOffset() + getViewportHeight() * 2; //bufferedImage stores the current graphic for future use. If nothing //has changed in the track since the last render, bufferedImage will //be used to redraw the current view. This method allows for fast repaints //on tracks where nothing has changed (panning, selection, plumbline,...) //if nothing has changed draw buffered image if (sameRange && sameMode && sameSize && sameRef && !renderRequired && withinScrollBounds) { g2.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, getOffset(), this); renderCurrentSelected(g2); //force unitHeight from last render unitHeight = oldUnitHeight; yMax = oldYMax; } else { // Otherwise prepare for new render. renderRequired = false; int h = getHeight(); if (!forcedHeight) { h = Math.min(h, getViewportHeight() * 3); } LOG.debug("Requesting " + getWidth() + "\u00D7" + h + " bufferedImage."); bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); if (bufferedImage.getHeight() == getHeight()) { setOffset(0); } else { setOffset(scroller.getValue() - getViewportHeight()); } LOG.debug("Rendering fresh " + bufferedImage.getWidth() + "\u00D7" + bufferedImage.getHeight() + " bufferedImage at (0, " + getOffset() + ")"); Graphics2D g3 = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); g3.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); prevRange = xRange; prevSize = getSize(); prevMode = tracks[0].getDrawingMode(); prevRef = lc.getReferenceName(); renderBackground(g3, xAxisType == AxisType.INTEGER || xAxisType == AxisType.REAL, yAxisType == AxisType.INTEGER || yAxisType == AxisType.REAL); // Call the actual render() methods. boolean nothingRendered = true; String message = null; int priority = -1; for (Track t : tracks) { // Change renderers' drawing instructions to reflect consolidated YRange AxisRange axes = (AxisRange) t.getRenderer().getInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE); if (axes == null) { axes = new AxisRange(xRange, consolidatedYRange); } else { axes = new AxisRange(axes.getXRange(), consolidatedYRange); } //System.out.println("Consolidated y range for " + t.getName() + " is " + consolidatedYRange); t.getRenderer().addInstruction(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE, axes); try { t.getRenderer().render(g3, this); nothingRendered = false; } catch (RenderingException rx) { if (rx.getPriority() > priority) { // If we have more than one message with the same priority, the first one will end up being drawn. message = rx.getMessage(); priority = rx.getPriority(); } } catch (Throwable x) { // Renderer itself threw an exception. LOG.error("Error rendering " + t, x); message = MiscUtils.getMessage(x); priority = RenderingException.ERROR_PRIORITY; } } if (nothingRendered && message != null) { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 0)); revalidate(); drawMessage(g3, message); } updateYMax(); // If a change has occured that affects scrollbar... if (paneResize) { paneResize = false; // Change size of current frame if (getHeight() != newHeight) { Dimension newSize = new Dimension(getWidth(), newHeight); setPreferredSize(newSize); setSize(newSize); parentFrame.validate(); // Ensures that scroller.getMaximum() is up to date. // If pane is resized, scrolling always starts at the bottom. The only place // where looks wrong is when we have a continuous track with negative values. scroller.setValue(scroller.getMaximum()); repaint(); return false; } } else if (oldViewHeight != -1 && oldViewHeight != getViewportHeight()) { int newViewHeight = getViewportHeight(); int oldScroll = scroller.getValue(); scroller.setValue(oldScroll + (oldViewHeight - newViewHeight)); oldViewHeight = newViewHeight; } oldWidth = parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getWidth(); oldHeight = parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getHeight(); g2.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, getOffset(), this); fireExportEvent(xRange, bufferedImage); renderCurrentSelected(g2); } return true; } /** * Get the height of the viewport. The viewport is the grandparent of this * GraphPane. */ private int getViewportHeight() { return getParent().getParent().getHeight(); } /** * Access to the scrollbar associated with this GraphPane. For ordinary * GraphPanes, the JScrollPane is our great-grandparent. */ public JScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar() { return ((JScrollPane) getParent().getParent().getParent()).getVerticalScrollBar(); } private void renderCurrentSelected(Graphics2D g2) { // Temporarily shift the origin g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2.translate(0, getOffset()); for (Track t : tracks) { if (t.getRenderer().hasMappedValues()) { List<Shape> currentSelected = t.getRenderer().getCurrentSelectedShapes(this); if (currentSelected.size() > 0) { boolean arcMode = t.getDrawingMode() == DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED; for (Shape selectedShape : currentSelected) { if (selectedShape != currentOverShape) { if (arcMode) { g2.setColor(Color.GREEN); g2.draw(selectedShape); } else { //g2.setColor(Color.GREEN); g2.setColor(new Color(0, 255, 0, 150)); g2.fill(selectedShape); if (selectedShape.getBounds().getWidth() > 5) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.draw(selectedShape); } } } } } break; } } if (currentOverShape != null) { if (tracks[0].getDrawingMode() == DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED) { g2.setColor(Color.RED); g2.draw(currentOverShape); //get record pair BAMIntervalRecord rec1 = (BAMIntervalRecord) currentOverRecord; BAMIntervalRecord rec2 = ((BAMTrack) tracks[0]).getMate(rec1); //mate //render reads with mismatches ((BAMTrackRenderer) tracks[0].getRenderer()).renderReadsFromArc(g2, this, rec1, rec2, prevRange); } else { g2.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 150)); g2.fill(currentOverShape); if (currentOverShape.getBounds() != null && currentOverShape.getBounds().getWidth() > 5 && currentOverShape.getBounds().getHeight() > 3) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.draw(currentOverShape); } } } //shift the origin back g2.translate(0, -getOffset()); } @Override public void setRenderForced() { renderRequired = true; } public boolean isRenderForced() { return renderRequired; } /** * Force the bufferedImage to contain entire height at current range. * Intended for creating images for track export. Make sure you unforce * immediately after! */ public void forceFullHeight() { forcedHeight = true; } public void unforceFullHeight() { forcedHeight = false; } private void setOffset(int offset) { posOffset = offset; } @Override public int getOffset() { return posOffset; } private void requestHeight(int h) { newHeight = h; paneResize = true; } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (tracks != null && tracks.length > 0) { LOG.trace("GraphPane.paintComponent(" + tracks[0].getName() + ")"); } super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; boolean trueRender = render(g2); GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); int h = getHeight(); // Aiming adjustments. if (gpc.isAiming() && mouseInside) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); Font thickfont = g2.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 15.0F); g2.setFont(thickfont); int genomeX = gpc.getMouseXPosition(); double genomeY = gpc.getMouseYPosition(); String target = ""; target += "X: " + MiscUtils.numToString(genomeX); if (!Double.isNaN(genomeY)) { target += " Y: " + MiscUtils.numToString(genomeY); } g2.drawLine(mouseX, 0, mouseX, h); if (genomeY != -1) { g.drawLine(0, mouseY, this.getWidth(), mouseY); } g2.drawString(target, mouseX + 5, mouseY - 5); } double x1 = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseClickPosition()); double x2 = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseReleasePosition()); double width = x1 - x2; selectionRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(width < 0 ? x1 : x2, 0.0, Math.max(2.0, Math.abs(width)), h); if (gpc.isPanning()) { // Panning adjustments (none). } else if (gpc.isZooming() || gpc.isSelecting()) { // Zooming adjustments. Rectangle2D rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(selectionRect.getX(), selectionRect.getY() - 10.0, selectionRect.getWidth(), selectionRect.getHeight() + 10.0); g2.setColor(Color.gray); g2.setStroke( new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[] { 4f }, 4f)); g2.draw(rectangle); if (gpc.isZooming()) { g.setColor(ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_ZOOM_FILL)); } else if (gpc.isSelecting()) { g.setColor(ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_SELECTION_FILL)); } g2.fill(selectionRect); } // Plumbing adjustments. Range xRange = getXRange(); if (gpc.isPlumbing()) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); double spos = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseXPosition()); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(spos, 0, spos, h)); double rpos = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseXPosition() + 1); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(rpos, 0, rpos, h)); } // Spotlight if (gpc.isSpotlight() && !gpc.isZooming()) { int center = gpc.getMouseXPosition(); int left = center - gpc.getSpotlightSize() / 2; int right = left + gpc.getSpotlightSize(); g2.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 200)); // draw left of spotlight if (left >= xRange.getFrom()) { g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, transformXPos(left), h)); } // draw right of spotlight if (right <= xRange.getTo()) { double pix = transformXPos(right); g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(pix, 0, getWidth() - pix, h)); } } if (isLocked()) { drawMessage((Graphics2D) g, "Locked"); } if (trueRender) { gpc.delistRenderingGraphpane(this); } } /** * Render the background of this GraphPane * * @param g The graphics object to use */ private void renderBackground(Graphics2D g2, boolean xGridOn, boolean yGridOn) { int h = getHeight(); int w = getWidth(); // Paint a gradient from top to bottom GradientPaint gp0 = new GradientPaint(0, 0, ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_TOP), 0, h, ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_BACKGROUND_BOTTOM)); g2.setPaint(gp0); g2.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); // We don't want the axes stomping on our labels, so make sure the clip excludes them. Area clipArea = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h)); Color gridColor = ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.AXIS_GRID); if (yGridOn) { // Smallish font for tick labels. Font tickFont = g2.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 9); int[] yTicks = MiscUtils.getTickPositions(transformYPixel(getHeight()), transformYPixel(0.0)); g2.setColor(gridColor); g2.setFont(tickFont); for (int t : yTicks) { double y = transformYPos(t); // Skip labels at the top or bottom of the window because they look stupid. if (y != 0.0 && y != getHeight()) { String s = Integer.toString(t); Rectangle2D labelRect = tickFont.getStringBounds(s, g2.getFontRenderContext()); double baseline = y + labelRect.getHeight() * 0.5 - 2.0; g2.drawString(s, 4.0F, (float) baseline); clipArea.subtract(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Double(3.0, baseline - labelRect.getHeight() - 1.0, labelRect.getWidth() + 2.0, labelRect.getHeight() + 2.0))); } } g2.setClip(clipArea); for (int t2 : yTicks) { double y = transformYPos(t2); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(0.0, y, w, y)); } } if (xGridOn) { Range r = LocationController.getInstance().getRange(); int[] xTicks = MiscUtils.getTickPositions(r); g2.setColor(gridColor); for (int t : xTicks) { double x = transformXPos(t); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x, 0, x, h)); } } g2.setClip(null); } public Range getXRange() { return new Range(xMin, xMax); } /** * Set the range for the horizontal axis, adjusting the width of graph * units. * * @param r an X range */ @Override public void setXRange(Range r) { if (r != null) { xMin = r.getFrom(); xMax = r.getTo(); setUnitWidth(); } } /** * Set the interpretation of the pane's horizontal coordinate system. */ public void setXAxisType(AxisType type) { xAxisType = type; } @Override public Range getYRange() { return new Range(yMin, yMax); } /** * Set the vertical range, adjusting the height of graph units. * * @param r a Y range */ @Override public void setYRange(Range r) { /* * if (yAxisLocked) { if (lastYRange != null) { consolidatedYRange = lastYRange; System.out.println("Got previous y range for " + this.getTracks()[0].getName() + " at " + consolidatedYRange); } else { System.out.println("No y range stored for " + this.getTracks()[0].getName()); } } */ if (yAxisLocked) { return; } if (r != null && yAxisType != AxisType.NONE) { int oldYMin = yMin; yMin = r.getFrom(); yMax = r.getTo(); if (scaledToFit) { setUnitHeight(); LOG.debug("setYRange set unit height to " + unitHeight); } else { // Adjust ymin to keep the x-axis from dropping down as we scroll along. if ((yMin < 0.0 || oldYMin < 0.0) && oldYMin < yMin) { yMin = oldYMin; } } } //System.out.println("Saving range for " + this.getTracks()[0].getName() + " at " + new Range(yMin, yMax)); } /** * Set the interpretation of the pane's vertical coordinate system. */ public void setYAxisType(AxisType type) { yAxisType = type; parentFrame.setYMaxVisible(type != AxisType.NONE); } /** * Calculate the number of pixels equal to one graph unit of height. * * @return the height of a graph unit in pixels */ @Override public double getUnitHeight() { return unitHeight; } /** * Set the number of pixels equal to one graph unit of height. */ public void setUnitHeight() { unitHeight = (double) getHeight() / (yMax - yMin); } /** * Set the number of pixels equal to one graph unit of height. */ @Override public void setUnitHeight(double height) { unitHeight = height; } /** * * @return the number of pixels equal to one graph unit of width. */ @Override public double getUnitWidth() { return unitWidth; } /** * Set the number of pixels equal to one graph unit of width. */ public void setUnitWidth() { unitWidth = (double) getWidth() / (xMax - xMin + 1); } /** * Transform a horizontal position in terms of drawing coordinates into * graph units. * * @param pix drawing position in pixels * @return corresponding logical position */ @Override public int transformXPixel(double pix) { return (int) Math.floor(pix / unitWidth + xMin); } /** * Transform a horizontal position in terms of graph units into a drawing * coordinate. * * @param pos position in graph coordinates * @return corresponding drawing coordinate */ @Override public double transformXPos(int pos) { return (pos - xMin) * unitWidth; } /** * Transform a vertical position in terms of pixels into graph units. * * @param pix position in pixel coordinates * @return corresponding graph coordinate */ @Override public double transformYPixel(double pix) { return (getHeight() - pix) / unitHeight + yMin; } /** * Transform a vertical position in terms of graph units into a pixel * position. * * @param pos position in graph coordinates * @return a corresponding drawing coordinate */ @Override public double transformYPos(double pos) { return getHeight() - ((pos - yMin) * unitHeight); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { int notches = e.getWheelRotation(); LocationController lc = LocationController.getInstance(); if (MiscUtils.MAC && e.isMetaDown() || e.isControlDown()) { if (notches < 0) { lc.shiftRangeLeft(); } else { lc.shiftRangeRight(); } } else { if (InterfaceSettings.doesWheelZoom()) { if (notches < 0) { lc.zoomInOnMouse(); } else { lc.zoomOutFromMouse(); } } else { JScrollBar sb = getVerticalScrollBar(); if (sb.isVisible()) { sb.setValue(sb.getValue() + notches * 15); } } } } private void setMouseModifier(MouseEvent e) { GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); boolean zooming = MiscUtils.MAC ? e.isMetaDown() : e.isControlDown(); boolean selecting = e.isShiftDown() && !zooming; gpc.setZooming(isDragging && zooming); gpc.setPanning(isDragging && !zooming && !selecting); gpc.setSelecting(isDragging && selecting); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { if (event.getClickCount() == 2) { LocationController.getInstance().zoomInOnMouse(); return; } trySelect(event.getPoint()); setMouseModifier(event); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { setMouseModifier(event); requestFocus(); int x1 = getConstrainedX(event); baseX = transformXPixel(x1); initialScroll = getVerticalScrollBar().getValue(); Point l = event.getLocationOnScreen(); startX = l.x; startY = l.y; GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); gpc.setMouseClickPosition(transformXPixel(x1)); } public void resetCursor() { setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); LocationController lc = LocationController.getInstance(); int x2 = getConstrainedX(event); resetCursor(); double x1 = transformXPos(gpc.getMouseClickPosition()); if (gpc.isPanning()) { if (!panVert) { Range r = lc.getRange(); int shiftVal = gpc.getMouseClickPosition() - transformXPixel(x2); Range newr = new Range(r.getFrom() + shiftVal, r.getTo() + shiftVal); lc.setLocation(newr); AnalyticsAgent.log(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("navigation-event", "panned"), new NameValuePair("navigation-modality", "mousedrag") }); } } else if (gpc.isZooming()) { Range r; if (isLocked()) { r = lockedRange; } else { r = lc.getRange(); } int newMin = (int) Math.round(Math.min(x1, x2) / getUnitWidth()); // some weirdness here, but it's to get around an off by one int newMax = (int) Math.max(Math.round(Math.max(x1, x2) / getUnitWidth()) - 1, newMin); Range newr = new Range(r.getFrom() + newMin, r.getFrom() + newMax); AnalyticsAgent.log(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("navigation-event", "zoomed"), new NameValuePair("navigation-modality", "mousedrag") }); lc.setLocation(newr); } else if (gpc.isSelecting()) { for (Track t : tracks) { if (t.getRenderer().hasMappedValues()) { if (t.getRenderer().rectangleSelect(selectionRect)) { repaint(); } break; } } AnalyticsAgent.log(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("selection-event", "selected"), new NameValuePair("selection-modality", "mousedrag") }); } isDragging = false; setMouseModifier(event); gpc.setMouseReleasePosition(transformXPixel(x2)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent event) { resetCursor(); mouseInside = true; setMouseModifier(event); PopupPanel.hidePopup(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent event) { this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); setMouseModifier(event); mouseInside = false; GraphPaneController.getInstance().setMouseXPosition(-1); GraphPaneController.getInstance().setMouseYPosition(Double.NaN, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) { setMouseModifier(event); GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); int x2 = getConstrainedX(event); isDragging = true; if (gpc.isPanning()) { setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (gpc.isZooming() || gpc.isSelecting()) { setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } // Check if scrollbar is present (only vertical pan if present) JScrollBar scroller = getVerticalScrollBar(); boolean scroll = scroller.isVisible(); if (scroll) { //get new points Point l = event.getLocationOnScreen(); int currX = l.x; int currY = l.y; //magnitude int magX = Math.abs(currX - startX); int magY = Math.abs(currY - startY); if (magX >= magY) { //pan horizontally, reset vertical pan panVert = false; gpc.setMouseReleasePosition(transformXPixel(x2)); scroller.setValue(initialScroll); } else { //pan vertically, reset horizontal pan panVert = true; gpc.setMouseReleasePosition(baseX); scroller.setValue(initialScroll - (currY - startY)); } } else { //pan horizontally panVert = false; gpc.setMouseReleasePosition(transformXPixel(x2)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) { mouseX = event.getX(); mouseY = event.getY(); if (!Double.isNaN(unitWidth)) { GraphPaneController gpc = GraphPaneController.getInstance(); // Update the GraphPaneController's record of the mouse position gpc.setMouseXPosition(transformXPixel(mouseX)); switch (yAxisType) { case NONE: gpc.setMouseYPosition(Double.NaN, false); break; case INTEGER: case INTEGER_GRIDLESS: gpc.setMouseYPosition(Math.floor(transformYPixel(mouseY)), true); break; case REAL: gpc.setMouseYPosition(transformYPixel(mouseY), false); break; } gpc.setSpotlightSize(getXRange().getLength()); } } /** * Given a MouseEvent, return the x value constrained by the dimensions of * the GraphPane. */ private int getConstrainedX(MouseEvent event) { int x = event.getX(); if (x < 0) { return 0; } return Math.min(x, getWidth()); } /** * A locked track maintains its horizontal location while other tracks * scroll. * * @return true if the track is locked, false otherwise */ public boolean isLocked() { return lockedRange != null; } /** * Set a track so that it doesn't scroll horizontally. * * @param b true to prevent horizontal scrolling */ public void setLocked(boolean b) { if (b) { lockedRange = LocationController.getInstance().getRange(); } else { lockedRange = null; renderRequired = true; } repaint(); } @Override public FrameAdapter getParentFrame() { return parentFrame; } //POPUP public void tryPopup(Point p) { if (tracks == null) { return; } Point pt = new Point(p.x, p.y - getOffset()); for (Track t : tracks) { Map<Record, Shape> map = t.getRenderer().searchPoint(pt); if (map != null) { /** * XXX: This line is here to get around what looks like a bug in * the 1.6.0_20 JVM for Snow Leopard which causes the * mouseExited events not to be triggered sometimes. We hide the * popup before showing another. This needs to be done exactly * here: after we know we have a new popup to show and before we * set currentOverRecord. Otherwise, it won't work. */ PopupPanel.hidePopup(); // Arbitrarily pick the first record in the map. Most of the time, there will be only one. Record overRecord = map.keySet().iterator().next(); Point p1 = (Point) p.clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(p1, this); PopupPanel.showPopup(this, p1, t, overRecord); currentOverRecord = overRecord; currentOverShape = map.get(currentOverRecord); if (currentOverRecord instanceof ContinuousRecord) { currentOverShape = ContinuousTrackRenderer.continuousRecordToEllipse(this, currentOverRecord); } repaint(); return; } } // Didn't get a hit on any track. currentOverShape = null; currentOverRecord = null; } /** * Invoked when user selects something in the popup menu. * * @param rec */ @Override public void recordSelected(Record rec) { for (Track t : tracks) { t.getRenderer().addToSelected(rec); } repaint(); } @Override public void popupHidden() { if (currentOverShape != null) { currentOverShape = null; currentOverRecord = null; repaint(); } } public void trySelect(Point p) { Point p_offset = new Point(p.x, p.y - getOffset()); for (Track t : tracks) { Map<Record, Shape> map = t.getRenderer().searchPoint(p_offset); if (map != null) { Object[] recs = map.keySet().toArray(); if (recs.length == 1) { t.getRenderer().addToSelected((Record) recs[0]); } else { ArrayList<Record> array = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (Object rec : recs) { array.add((Record) rec); } t.getRenderer().toggleGroup(array); } repaint(); break; } } } /** * Draw an informational message on top of this GraphPane. * * @param g2 the graphics to be rendered * @param message text of the message to be displayed */ private void drawMessage(Graphics2D g2, String message) { g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); Font font = g2.getFont(); Font subFont = font; int h = getSize().height / 3; int w = getWidth(); if (w > 500) { font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 36); subFont = subFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 18); } else if (w > 150) { font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 24); subFont = subFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 12); } else { font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 12); subFont = subFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 8); } int returnPos = message.indexOf('\n'); g2.setColor(ColourSettings.getColor(ColourKey.GRAPH_PANE_MESSAGE)); if (returnPos > 0) { drawMessageHelper(g2, message.substring(0, returnPos), font, w, h, -(subFont.getSize() / 2)); drawMessageHelper(g2, message.substring(returnPos + 1), subFont, w, h, font.getSize() - (subFont.getSize() / 2)); } else { drawMessageHelper(g2, message, font, w, h, 0); } } private void drawMessageHelper(Graphics2D g2, String message, Font font, int w, int h, int offset) { g2.setFont(font); FontMetrics metrics = g2.getFontMetrics(); Rectangle2D stringBounds = font.getStringBounds(message, g2.getFontRenderContext()); int preferredWidth = (int) stringBounds.getWidth() + metrics.getHeight(); int preferredHeight = (int) stringBounds.getHeight() + metrics.getHeight(); w = Math.min(preferredWidth, w); h = Math.min(preferredHeight, h); int x = (getWidth() - (int) stringBounds.getWidth()) / 2; int y = (getHeight() / 2) + ((metrics.getAscent() - metrics.getDescent()) / 2) + offset; g2.drawString(message, x, y); } /** * One of tracks is still loading. Instead of rendering, put up a * progress-bar. * * @param msg progress message to be displayed */ void showProgress(String msg, double fraction) { if (progressPanel == null) { progressPanel = new ProgressPanel(new TrackCancellationListener(parentFrame)); add(progressPanel); } progressPanel.setMessage(msg); progressPanel.setFraction(fraction); validate(); } public void addExportEventListener(Listener<ExportEvent> eel) { synchronized (exportListeners) { exportListeners.add(eel); } } public void removeExportListener(Listener<ExportEvent> eel) { synchronized (exportListeners) { exportListeners.remove(eel); } } public void removeExportListeners() { synchronized (exportListeners) { exportListeners.clear(); } } public void fireExportEvent(Range range, BufferedImage image) { int size = exportListeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { exportListeners.get(i).handleEvent(new ExportEvent(range, image)); size = exportListeners.size(); //a listener may get removed } } @Override public final void addPopupListener(Listener<PopupEvent> pel) { synchronized (popupListeners) { popupListeners.add(pel); } } @Override public void removePopupListener(Listener<PopupEvent> eel) { synchronized (popupListeners) { popupListeners.remove(eel); } } @Override public void firePopupEvent(PopupPanel popup) { int size = popupListeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { popupListeners.get(i).handleEvent(new PopupEvent(popup)); size = popupListeners.size(); //a listener may get removed } } @Override public void setScaledToFit(boolean value) { if (scaledToFit != value) { scaledToFit = value; if (value) { // If we have just switched to scaled-to-fit mode, we will have to reevaluate our scroll-bars. requestHeight(getViewportHeight()); } renderRequired = true; repaint(); } } @Override public boolean isScaledToFit() { return scaledToFit; } /** * Check to see if the frame needs to be resized. Only required if we're not * using scaledToFit mode, and thus have a pre-existing notion of what the * unit-height (or interval height) should be. * * @return true if pane needs to be resized */ @Override public boolean needsToResize() { if (!scaledToFit) { int currentHeight = getHeight(); int expectedHeight = (int) ((yMax - yMin) * unitHeight); expectedHeight = Math.max(expectedHeight, parentFrame.getFrameLandscape().getHeight()); if (expectedHeight != currentHeight) { requestHeight(expectedHeight); return true; } } return false; } /** * Update the display of ymax. Overridden by VariantGraphPanes to show the */ protected void updateYMax() { parentFrame.updateYMax(yMax); } }