Example usage for javax.swing JList subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing JList subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing JList subclass-usage.


From source file com.sec.ose.osi.ui.frm.main.report.project.AbstractJListProject.java

 * AbstractJListProject
 * @author suhyun47.kim, hankido.lee

From source file Main.java

class PropertiesList extends JList {

    SortedListModel model;

    Properties tipProps;

From source file io.bibleget.VersionsSelect.java

 * @author Lwangaman
public class VersionsSelect extends javax.swing.JList {
    private final EventList<BibleVersion> bibleVersions;

From source file DNDList.java

public class DNDList extends JList implements DropTargetListener, DragSourceListener, DragGestureListener {

     * enables this component to be a dropTarget

From source file com.anrisoftware.prefdialog.miscswing.lists.RubberBandingList.java

 * Using rubber band selection in a swing list.
 * @author <a
 *         href=http://java-swing-tips.blogspot.de/2008/10/using-rubber-band-selection
 *         -in-jlist.html">2008/10/09 using rubber band selection in JList

From source file CheckBoxList.java

public class CheckBoxList extends JList {

    public CheckBoxList() {

        setModel(new DefaultListModel());

From source file com.sec.ose.osi.ui.frm.main.identification.JListMatchedFiles.java

 * JListMatchedFiles
 * @author suhyun47.kim, sjh.yoo, hankido.lee

From source file dk.dma.ais.virtualnet.transponder.gui.SelectTargetList.java

 * This class defines a list of {@linkplain TargetTableEntry} elements
 * that can be filtered using a text field returned by
 * {@linkplain #getFilterField()}
public class SelectTargetList extends JList<TargetTableEntry> {