Example usage for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage.


From source file pl.otros.logview.gui.markers.editor.NewMarkerAction.java

public class NewMarkerAction extends AbstractAction {

    private final JFileChooser chooser;
    private final File markersFolder = AllPluginables.USER_MARKERS;

    public NewMarkerAction() {

From source file org.ecoinformatics.seek.ecogrid.AddServicesFromRegistrySearchAction.java

 * This action will add selected service in registry search reslut frame to
 * current service search frame.
 * @author Jing Tao

From source file org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.swing.AtlasStylerSaveAsLayerToSLDAction.java

 * Action to save the SLD of the {@link StyledLayer} to a {@link File}. Two
 * versions of the SLD are saved. The normal one, and an optimized one for
 * production use. The later can not be properly reimported yet.
public class AtlasStylerSaveAsLayerToSLDAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file org.jax.bham.infer.PlotPhylogeneticTreeAction.java

 * A simple action for showing a phylogeny tree image
 * @author <A HREF="mailto:keith.sheppard@jax.org">Keith Sheppard</A>
public class PlotPhylogeneticTreeAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.modules.gui.base.actions.ExportAction.java

 * Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 17:52:48
 * @author Thomas Morgner
public class ExportAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file org.cds06.speleograph.actions.OpenAction.java

 * This file is created by PhilippeGeek.
 * Distributed on licence GNU GPL V3.
public class OpenAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file it.unibas.spicygui.controllo.tree.ActionExportQuery.java

public class ActionExportQuery extends AbstractAction {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ActionIncreaseFont.class);
    private Vista vista;
    private JTextArea textArea;

From source file it.unibas.spicygui.controllo.tree.ActionSettingEngineConfiguration.java

public class ActionSettingEngineConfiguration extends AbstractAction {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ActionSettingEngineConfiguration.class);
    private SettingEngineConfigurationDialog dialog;
    private JTree albero;

From source file it.unibas.spicygui.controllo.tree.ActionCreateCompositionScene.java

public class ActionCreateCompositionScene extends AbstractAction {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ActionCreateCompositionScene.class);
    private Modello modello;
    private LastActionBean lastActionBean;
    private JTree albero;

From source file eu.delving.sip.actions.MediaImportAction.java

 * Import media to be matched with a dataset
 * @author Gerald de Jong <gerald@delving.eu>