Example usage for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing AbstractAction subclass-usage.


From source file daylightchart.gui.util.GuiAction.java

 * An abstract action, which takes listeners.
 * @author sfatehi
public class GuiAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file org.geopublishing.atlasStyler.swing.AtlasStylerSaveLayerToSLDAction.java

 * Action to save the SLD of the {@link StyledLayer} to a {@link File}. Two
 * versions of the SLD are saved. The normal one, and an optimized one for
 * production use. The later can not be properly reimported yet.
public class AtlasStylerSaveLayerToSLDAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file org.photovault.swingui.ShowPhotoHistoryAction.java

 Show the history a selected photo(s). Currently this action just prints
 changes applied to this photo recursively to logger.
 @author Harri Kaimio
 @since 0.6.0

From source file org.bibsonomy.plugin.jabref.action.AbstractPluginAction.java

 * {@link AbstractPluginAction} is the base class for all actions.
 * Provides a method to run workers asynchronously.
 * @author Waldemar Biller <biller@cs.uni-kassel.de>

From source file org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.SetOutputPathSelectionTableAction.java

 * @author Andrea Vacondio
public class SetOutputPathSelectionTableAction extends AbstractAction {

From source file com.floreantpos.actions.PosAction.java

public abstract class PosAction extends AbstractAction {
    private boolean visible = true;
    protected UserPermission requiredPermission;

    public PosAction() {

From source file net.sf.maltcms.chromaui.ui.paintScales.PaintScaleDialogAction.java

 * @author nilshoffmann
public class PaintScaleDialogAction extends AbstractAction {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 695398043093737680L;

From source file it.unibas.spicygui.controllo.tree.ActionSelectMappingTask.java

public class ActionSelectMappingTask extends AbstractAction {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ActionSelectMappingTask.class);
    private Modello modello;
    private LastActionBean lastActionBean;
    private JTree albero;

From source file MainClass.java

abstract class UndoRedoAction extends AbstractAction {
    UndoManager undoManager = new UndoManager();

    String errorMessage = "Cannot undo";

    String errorTitle = "Undo Problem";

From source file Main.java

class ExitAction extends AbstractAction {
    int MASK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();

    KeyStroke exitKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, MASK);

    public ExitAction(String name) {