List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletContext getRealPath
public String getRealPath(String path);
From source
@PostConstruct public void init() { try {/*from w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ ServletContext context = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getContext(); String logPath = null; try { logPath = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/scaleLog4jPath"); } catch (NamingException ne) { try { logPath = InitialContext.doLookup("java:/env/scaleLog4jPath"); } catch (NamingException ne2) { logPath = null; } } if (logPath == null) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("log4j.rootLogger", "info,console"); //props.put("log4j.appender.console","org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender"); //props.put("log4j.appender.console.File","/home/mlb/myvd.log"); props.put("log4j.appender.console", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"); props.put("log4j.appender.console.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"); props.put("log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern", "[%d][%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n"); PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); } else { if (logPath.startsWith("WEB-INF/")) { org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure(context.getRealPath(logPath)); } else { org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure(logPath); } } logger = Logger.getLogger(ScaleCommonConfig.class.getName());"Initializing Scale " + version); String configPath = null; try { configPath = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/scaleConfigPath"); } catch (NamingException ne) { try { configPath = InitialContext.doLookup("java:/env/scaleConfigPath"); } catch (NamingException ne2) { configPath = null; } } if (configPath == null) { configPath = "WEB-INF/scaleConfig.xml"; logger.warn("No configuraiton path found - Loading configuration from '" + configPath + "'"); } else {"Loading configuration from '" + configPath + "'"); } InputStream in = null; if (configPath.startsWith("WEB-INF")) { in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ScaleCommonConfig .includeEnvironmentVariables(context.getRealPath("/" + configPath)).getBytes("UTF-8")); } else { in = new ByteArrayInputStream( ScaleCommonConfig.includeEnvironmentVariables(configPath).getBytes("UTF-8")); } JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.tremolosecurity.scale.config.xml"); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); Object obj = unmarshaller.unmarshal(in); JAXBElement<ScaleCommonConfigType> scaleConfig = (JAXBElement<ScaleCommonConfigType>) obj; this.scaleConfig = scaleConfig.getValue(); String ksPath = this.scaleConfig.getServiceConfiguration().getKeyStorePath(); String ksPass = this.scaleConfig.getServiceConfiguration().getKeyStorePassword(); in = null; if (ksPath.startsWith("WEB-INF")) { in = context.getResourceAsStream("/" + ksPath); } else { in = new FileInputStream(ksPath); } this.tlsKeys = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); this.tlsKeys.load(in, ksPass.toCharArray()); this.sslctx = SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(this.tlsKeys) .loadKeyMaterial(this.tlsKeys, ksPass.toCharArray()).build(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public void reportesPDF(HttpServletResponse response, int tr, ServletContext d, String usuario, String contra, String horario, int opc) { String reporteT = ""; try {//w ww . ja v a 2s.c om Document reporte = new Document(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Paragraph intro = new Paragraph(); intro.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); String linea = "/Imagenes/rallita.png"; String absolute_url_linea = d.getRealPath(linea); Image linea_div = Image.getInstance(absolute_url_linea); Paragraph vacio = new Paragraph(" ", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10)); vacio.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); if (tr == 0) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent("header_pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); ArrayList<JFreeChart> graf = grafica(usuario, contra); if (graf == null) { intro = new Paragraph( "Lo sentimos, por el momento an no existe informacin para este reporte.", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 18)); reporte.add(intro); } else { for (int i = 0; i < graf.size(); i++) { BufferedImage bufferedImage = graf.get(i).createBufferedImage(500, 300); Image chart = Image.getInstance(writer, bufferedImage, 1.0f); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(chart); } } reporteT = "Estadsticas de registros."; } if (tr == 1) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent("header_pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; reporte.add(linea_div); Paragraph creador = new Paragraph("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca\n" + "\n" + "Centro de Cmputo\n" + "\n" + "Coordinacin de Desarrollo de Sistemas", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10)); reporte.add(creador); reporte.add(linea_div); intro = new Paragraph("Sin alta en CENEVAL " + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), FontFactory.getFont("arial", 18)); intro.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); reporte.add(intro); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(noaltaCen(usuario, contra)); reporteT = "Sin alta en CENEVAL."; } if (tr == 2) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent("header_pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; reporte.add(linea_div); Paragraph creador = new Paragraph("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca\n" + "\n" + "Centro de Cmputo\n" + "\n" + "Coordinacin de Desarrollo de Sistemas", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10)); reporte.add(creador); reporte.add(linea_div); intro = new Paragraph("Estatus Prefichas " + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), FontFactory.getFont("arial", 18)); intro.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); reporte.add(intro); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(statusfichas(usuario, contra)); reporteT = "Estatus prefichas"; } if (tr == 3) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent("header_pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; reporte.add(linea_div); Paragraph creador = new Paragraph("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca\n" + "\n" + "Centro de Cmputo\n" + "\n" + "Coordinacin de Desarrollo de Sistemas", FontFactory.getFont("arial", 10)); reporte.add(creador); reporte.add(linea_div); intro = new Paragraph("Pre proceso concluido " + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), FontFactory.getFont("arial", 18)); intro.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); reporte.add(intro); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(procesoCon(usuario, contra)); reporteT = "Pre proceso concluido"; } if (tr == 4) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); ArrayList<PdfPTable> tables = firmasAspAula(usuario, contra, horario, opc); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent2 event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent2("ficha-pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; if (tables.size() != 1) { PdfPTable tableH = tables.get(tables.size() - 1); tableH.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 10, 720, writer.getDirectContent()); } else { reporte.add(tables.get(0)); } reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { if (i + 1 != tables.size()) { reporte.add(tables.get(i)); if (i + 2 != tables.size()) { reporte.newPage(); } } } reporteT = "Firmas Aspirantes_" + horario; } if (tr == 5) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(reporte, response.getOutputStream()); ArrayList<PdfPTable> tables = tablaAspAula(usuario, contra, horario, opc); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(30, 30, 550, 800); writer.setBoxSize("art", rect); HeaderFooterPageEvent2 event = new HeaderFooterPageEvent2("ficha-pdf.png"); writer.setPageEvent(event);; if (tables.size() != 1) { PdfPTable tableH = tables.get(tables.size() - 1); tableH.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 10, 720, writer.getDirectContent()); } else { reporte.add(tables.get(0)); } reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); reporte.add(vacio); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { if (i + 1 != tables.size()) { reporte.add(tables.get(i)); if (i + 2 != tables.size()) { reporte.newPage(); } } } reporteT = "Aspirantes por aula horario_" + horario; } reporte.addTitle("Reportes_" + reporteT); reporte.addSubject("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca"); reporte.addKeywords("Instituto Tecnolgico de Toluca"); reporte.addAuthor("Coordinacion de desarrollo de sistemas"); reporte.addCreator("Centro de Cmputo ITT"); //Asignamos el manejador de eventos al escritor. reporte.close(); } catch (DocumentException | IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Reportes.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
public String printListVaccinationReport(String type, String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, List<RegionVaccinationReportData> statistics) { String path = ""; String prefixFileName = ""; if (commune != null) prefixFileName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + commune.getDistrict().getDistrictId() + commune.getCommuneId(); else//w ww. j av a 2 s .c o m prefixFileName = district.getProvince().getProvinceId() + district.getDistrictId(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String filePath = reportDir + "/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf")) { JasperPrint reportPrint = createListVaccinationReportPrint(timeFrom, timeTo, commune, district, statistics); try { filePath += ".pdf"; JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(reportPrint, filePath); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime + ".pdf"; log.debug("path to pdf report:" + path); } catch (Exception ex) { String connectMsg = "Could not create the report " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); log.debug(connectMsg); } } else { filePath += ".xls"; POIFSFileSystem fs; String regionName = ""; String provinceName = ""; String districtName = ""; String communeName = ""; String timeData = ""; Short rId = 0; if (commune != null) { communeName = commune.getCommuneName(); provinceName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName(); districtName = commune.getDistrict().getDistrictName(); rId = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getRegionId(); } else if (district != null) { provinceName = district.getProvince().getProvinceName(); districtName = district.getDistrictName(); rId = district.getProvince().getRegionId(); } if (rId == 1) regionName = "Mi?n Bc"; else if (rId == 2) regionName = "Mi?n Trung"; else regionName = "Mi?n Nam"; if (timeFrom.equalsIgnoreCase(timeTo)) { timeData = timeTo; } else { timeData = timeFrom + " - " + timeTo; } try { fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(reportDir + "/excel/TCMR_Report_Template.xls")); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = null; HSSFCell c = null; r = s.getRow(4); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + regionName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(5); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + provinceName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(6); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + districtName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(7); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + communeName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(4); c = r.getCell(15); c.setCellValue(timeData); HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); cs.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); HSSFCellStyle cs1 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs1.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); int rownum = 13; for (rownum = 13; rownum < statistics.size() + 11; rownum++) { if (rownum < statistics.size() + 10) copyRow(wb, s, rownum, rownum + 1); r = s.getRow(rownum); r.setHeight((short) 270); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(rownum - 12); c = r.getCell(3); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getRegionName()); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1()); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getBCG() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteBCG() + ")"); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBL24() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBL24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBG24() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBG24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV2() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV3() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getMeasles1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteMeasles1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getAmountOfFinish()); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases()); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases()); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases()); } if (statistics != null && statistics.size() > 0) { for (; rownum < statistics.size() + 13; rownum++) { r = s.getRow(rownum); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1()); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getBCG() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteBCG() + ")"); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBL24() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBL24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBG24() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBG24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV2() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV3() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getMeasles1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteMeasles1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getAmountOfFinish()); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases()); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases()); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases()); r.setHeight((short) 500); } } else { for (; rownum < 16; rownum++) { r = s.getRow(rownum); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(""); } } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime + ".xls"; log.debug("Excel: " + path); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return path; }
From source
static FileResource resolveRequestedFile(final ServletContext servletContext, final String resourcePathUri, final ResourceServletConfiguration resourceServletConfiguration) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { // URL-decode the file name (might contain spaces and on) and prepare file object. String filename = StringUtil.urlDecode(resourcePathUri); // parse out the session key... if (filename.contains(";")) { filename = filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf(";")); }// w ww.j a va 2 s .co m if (!filename.startsWith(RESOURCE_PATH)) { LOGGER.warn("illegal url request to " + filename); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "illegal url request")); } { final FileResource resource = handleWebjarURIs(servletContext, resourcePathUri); if (resource != null) { return resource; } } {// check files system zip files. final Map<String, ZipFile> zipResources = resourceServletConfiguration.getZipResources(); for (final String path : zipResources.keySet()) { if (filename.startsWith(path)) { final String zipSubPath = filename.substring(path.length() + 1, filename.length()); final ZipFile zipFile = zipResources.get(path); final ZipEntry zipEntry = zipFile.getEntry(zipSubPath); if (zipEntry != null) { return new ZipFileResource(zipFile, zipEntry); } } if (filename.startsWith(zipResources.get(path).getName())) { LOGGER.warn("illegal url request to " + filename + " zip resource"); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "illegal url request")); } } } // convert to file. final String filePath = servletContext.getRealPath(filename); final File file = new File(filePath); // figure top-most path allowed by request final String parentDirectoryPath = servletContext.getRealPath(RESOURCE_PATH); final File parentDirectory = new File(parentDirectoryPath); FileResource fileSystemResource = null; { //verify the requested page is a child of the servlet resource path. int recursions = 0; File recurseFile = file.getParentFile(); while (recurseFile != null && recursions < 100) { if (parentDirectory.equals(recurseFile)) { fileSystemResource = new RealFileResource(file); break; } recurseFile = recurseFile.getParentFile(); recursions++; } } if (fileSystemResource == null) { LOGGER.warn("attempt to access file outside of servlet path " + file.getAbsolutePath()); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "illegal file path request")); } if (!fileSystemResource.exists()) { // check custom (configuration defined) zip file bundles final Map<String, FileResource> customResources = resourceServletConfiguration.getCustomFileBundle(); for (final String customFileName : customResources.keySet()) { final String testName = RESOURCE_PATH + "/" + customFileName; if (testName.equals(resourcePathUri)) { return customResources.get(customFileName); } } } return fileSystemResource; }
From source
@Override public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { // request windows line breaks to make the files easier to edit (in particular the marshalled .xml files) System.setProperty("line.separator", "\r\n"); // get a reference to the servlet context ServletContext servletContext = event.getServletContext(); // set up logging try {/* w ww . j a v a2s .c o m*/ // set the log path System.setProperty("logPath", servletContext.getRealPath("/") + "/WEB-INF/logs/Rapid.log"); // get a logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(RapidHttpServlet.class); // set the logger and store in servletConext servletContext.setAttribute("logger", _logger); // log!"Logger created"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error initilising logging : " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { // we're looking for a password and salt for the encryption char[] password = null; byte[] salt = null; // look for the rapid.txt file with the saved password and salt File secretsFile = new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/") + "/WEB-INF/security/encryption.txt"); // if it exists if (secretsFile.exists()) { // get a file reader BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(secretsFile)); // read the first line String className = br.readLine(); // read the next line String s = br.readLine(); // close the reader br.close(); try { // get the class Class classClass = Class.forName(className); // get the interfaces Class[] classInterfaces = classClass.getInterfaces(); // assume it doesn't have the interface we want boolean gotInterface = false; // check we got some if (classInterfaces != null) { for (Class classInterface : classInterfaces) { if (com.rapid.utils.Encryption.EncryptionProvider.class.equals(classInterface)) { gotInterface = true; break; } } } // check the class extends com.rapid.Action if (gotInterface) { // get the constructors Constructor[] classConstructors = classClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); // check we got some if (classConstructors != null) { // assume we don't get the parameterless one we need Constructor constructor = null; // loop them for (Constructor classConstructor : classConstructors) { // check parameters if (classConstructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { constructor = classConstructor; break; } } // check we got what we want if (constructor == null) { _logger.error( "Encyption not initialised : Class in security.txt class must have a parameterless constructor"); } else { // construct the class EncryptionProvider encryptionProvider = (EncryptionProvider) constructor .newInstance(); // get the password password = encryptionProvider.getPassword(); // get the salt salt = encryptionProvider.getSalt(); // log"Encyption initialised"); } } } else { _logger.error( "Encyption not initialised : Class in security.txt class must extend com.rapid.utils.Encryption.EncryptionProvider"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("Encyption not initialised : " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else {"Encyption not initialised"); } // create the encypted xml adapter (if the file above is not found there no encryption will occur) RapidHttpServlet.setEncryptedXmlAdapter(new EncryptedXmlAdapter(password, salt)); // initialise the schema factory (we'll reuse it in the various loaders) _schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); // initialise the list of classes we're going to want in the JAXB context (the loaders will start adding to it) _jaxbClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();"Loading database drivers"); // load the database drivers first loadDatabaseDrivers(servletContext);"Loading connection adapters"); // load the connection adapters loadConnectionAdapters(servletContext);"Loading security adapters"); // load the security adapters loadSecurityAdapters(servletContext);"Loading form adapters"); // load the form adapters loadFormAdapters(servletContext);"Loading actions"); // load the actions loadActions(servletContext);"Loading templates"); // load templates loadThemes(servletContext);"Loading controls"); // load the controls loadControls(servletContext); // add some classes manually _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.NameRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.MinOccursRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.MaxOccursRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.MaxLengthRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.MinLengthRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SOAElementRestriction.EnumerationRestriction.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.Webservice.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.SQLWebservice.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.soa.JavaWebservice.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Validation.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Action.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Event.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Style.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Control.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Page.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Application.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Device.class); _jaxbClasses.add(com.rapid.core.Device.Devices.class); // convert arraylist to array Class[] classes = _jaxbClasses.toArray(new Class[_jaxbClasses.size()]); // re-init the JAXB context to include our injectable classes JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(classes); // this logs the JAXB classes _logger.trace("JAXB content : " + jaxbContext.toString()); // store the jaxb context in RapidHttpServlet RapidHttpServlet.setJAXBContext(jaxbContext); // load the devices Devices.load(servletContext); // load the applications! loadApplications(servletContext); // add some useful global objects servletContext.setAttribute("xmlDateFormatter", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")); servletContext.setAttribute("xmlDateTimeFormatter", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")); String localDateFormat = servletContext.getInitParameter("localDateFormat"); if (localDateFormat == null) localDateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; servletContext.setAttribute("localDateFormatter", new SimpleDateFormat(localDateFormat)); String localDateTimeFormat = servletContext.getInitParameter("localDateTimeFormat"); if (localDateTimeFormat == null) localDateTimeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm a"; servletContext.setAttribute("localDateTimeFormatter", new SimpleDateFormat(localDateTimeFormat)); boolean actionCache = Boolean.parseBoolean(servletContext.getInitParameter("actionCache")); if (actionCache) servletContext.setAttribute("actionCache", new ActionCache(servletContext)); int pageAgeCheckInterval = MONITOR_CHECK_INTERVAL; try { String pageAgeCheckIntervalString = servletContext.getInitParameter("pageAgeCheckInterval"); if (pageAgeCheckIntervalString != null) pageAgeCheckInterval = Integer.parseInt(pageAgeCheckIntervalString); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("pageAgeCheckInterval is not an integer"); } int pageMaxAge = MONITOR_MAX_AGE; try { String pageMaxAgeString = servletContext.getInitParameter("pageMaxAge"); if (pageMaxAgeString != null) pageMaxAge = Integer.parseInt(pageMaxAgeString); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("pageMaxAge is not an integer"); } // start the monitor _monitor = new Monitor(servletContext, pageAgeCheckInterval, pageMaxAge); _monitor.start(); // allow calling to https without checking certs (for now) SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new Https.TrustAllCerts() }; sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error("Error loading applications : " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public static int loadApplications(ServletContext servletContext) throws JAXBException, JSONException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException, RapidLoadingException, XPathExpressionException { // get any existing applications Applications applications = (Applications) servletContext.getAttribute("applications"); // check we got some if (applications != null) { // loop the application ids for (String appId : applications.getIds()) { // loop the versions for (String version : applications.getVersions(appId).keySet()) { // get the version Application application = applications.get(appId, version); // close it application.close(servletContext); }/*from ww w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ } } // make a new set of applications applications = new Applications(); File applicationFolderRoot = new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/applications/")); for (File applicationFolder : applicationFolderRoot.listFiles()) { if (applicationFolder.isDirectory()) { // get the list of files in this folder - should be all version folders File[] applicationFolders = applicationFolder.listFiles(); // assume we didn't need to version boolean versionCreated = false; // if we got some if (applicationFolders != null) { try { // look for an application file in the root of the application folder File applicationFile = new File(applicationFolder.getAbsoluteFile() + "/application.xml"); // set a version for this app (just in case it doesn't have one) String version = "1"; // if it exists here, it's in the wrong (non-versioned) place! if (applicationFile.exists()) { // create a file for the new version folder File versionFolder = new File(applicationFolder + "/" + version); // keep appending the version if the folder already exists while (versionFolder.exists()) { // append .1 to the version 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc version += ".1"; versionFolder = new File(applicationFolder + "/" + version); } // make the dir versionFolder.mkdir(); + " created"); // copy in all files and pages folder for (File file : applicationFolders) { // copy all files and the pages folder if (!file.isDirectory() || (file.isDirectory() && "pages".equals(file.getName()))) { // make a desintation file File destFile = new File(versionFolder + "/" + file.getName()); // this is not a version folder itself, copy it to the new version folder Files.copyFolder(file, destFile); // delete the file or folder Files.deleteRecurring(file); // log + " moved to " + destFile); } } // record that we created a version versionCreated = true; } // application.xml non-versioned check try { // get the version folders File[] versionFolders = applicationFolder.listFiles(); // get a marshaller Marshaller marshaller = RapidHttpServlet.getMarshaller(); // loop them for (File versionFolder : versionFolders) { // check is folder if (versionFolder.isDirectory()) { // look for an application file in the version folder applicationFile = new File(versionFolder + "/application.xml"); // if it exists if (applicationFile.exists()) { // placeholder for the application we're going to version up or just load Application application = null; // if we had to create a version for it if (versionCreated) { // load without resources application = Application.load(servletContext, applicationFile, false); // set the new version application.setVersion(version); // re-initialise it without resources (for the security adapter) application.initialise(servletContext, false); // marshal the updated application object to it's file FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(applicationFile); marshaller.marshal(application, fos); fos.close(); // get a dir for the pages File pageDir = new File(versionFolder + "/pages"); // check it exists if (pageDir.exists()) { // loop the pages files for (File pageFile : pageDir.listFiles()) { // read the contents of the file String pageContent = Strings.getString(pageFile); // replace all old file references pageContent = pageContent .replace("/" + application.getId() + "/", "/" + application.getId() + "/" + application.getVersion() + "/") .replace("~?a=" + application.getId() + "&", "~?a=" + application.getId() + "&" + application.getVersion() + "&"); // create a file writer FileWriter fs = new FileWriter(pageFile); // save the changes fs.write(pageContent); // close the writer fs.close(); + " updated with new references"); } } // make a dir for it's web resources File webDir = new File(application.getWebFolder(servletContext)); webDir.mkdir(); + " created"); // loop all the files in the parent for (File file : webDir.getParentFile().listFiles()) { // check not dir if (!file.isDirectory()) { // create a destination file for the new location File destFile = new File(webDir + "/" + file.getName()); // copy it to the new destination Files.copyFile(file, destFile); // delete the file or folder file.delete(); + " moved to " + destFile); } } } // (re)load the application application = Application.load(servletContext, applicationFile); // put it in our collection applications.put(application); } } // folder check } // version folder loop } catch (Exception ex) { // log the exception _logger.error(ex); } // version load catch } catch (Exception ex) { // log it _logger.error("Error creating version folder for app " + applicationFolder, ex); } // version folder creation catch } // application folders check } // application folder check } // application folder loop // store them in the context servletContext.setAttribute("applications", applications); + " applications loaded"); return applications.size(); }
From source
/** * load optional velocity properties using the following loading strategy * <ul>/* w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * <li>relative to the servlet context path</li> * <li>relative to the WEB-INF directory</li> * <li>on the classpath</li> * </ul> * * @param context the current ServletContext. may <b>not</b> be null * @return the optional properties if struts.velocity.configfile was specified, an empty Properties file otherwise */ public Properties loadConfiguration(ServletContext context) { if (context == null) { String gripe = "Error attempting to create a loadConfiguration from a null ServletContext!"; LOG.error(gripe); throw new IllegalArgumentException(gripe); } Properties properties = new Properties(); // now apply our systemic defaults, then allow user to override applyDefaultConfiguration(context, properties); String defaultUserDirective = properties.getProperty("userdirective"); properties.remove("userdirective"); /** * if the user has specified an external velocity configuration file, we'll want to search for it in the * following order * * 1. relative to the context path * 2. relative to /WEB-INF * 3. in the class path */ String configfile; if (customConfigFile != null) { configfile = customConfigFile; } else { configfile = ""; } configfile = configfile.trim(); InputStream in = null; String resourceLocation = null; try { if (context.getRealPath(configfile) != null) { // 1. relative to context path, i.e. / String filename = context.getRealPath(configfile); if (filename != null) { File file = new File(filename); if (file.isFile()) { resourceLocation = file.getCanonicalPath() + " from file system"; in = new FileInputStream(file); } // 2. if nothing was found relative to the context path, search relative to the WEB-INF directory if (in == null) { file = new File(context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/" + configfile)); if (file.isFile()) { resourceLocation = file.getCanonicalPath() + " from file system"; in = new FileInputStream(file); } } } } // 3. finally, if there's no physical file, how about something in our classpath if (in == null) { in = VelocityManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configfile); if (in != null) { resourceLocation = configfile + " from classloader"; } } // if we've got something, load 'er up if (in != null) {"Initializing velocity using " + resourceLocation); properties.load(in); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to load velocity configuration " + resourceLocation, e); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } // overide with programmatically set properties if (this.velocityProperties != null) { Iterator keys = this.velocityProperties.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); properties.setProperty(key, this.velocityProperties.getProperty(key)); } } String userdirective = properties.getProperty("userdirective"); if ((userdirective == null) || userdirective.trim().equals("")) { userdirective = defaultUserDirective; } else { userdirective = userdirective.trim() + "," + defaultUserDirective; } properties.setProperty("userdirective", userdirective); // for debugging purposes, allows users to dump out the properties that have been configured if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Initializing Velocity with the following properties ..."); for (Iterator iter = properties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String value = properties.getProperty(key); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(" '" + key + "' = '" + value + "'"); } } } return properties; }
From source
/** * load optional velocity properties using the following loading strategy * <ul>//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c om * <li>relative to the servlet context path</li> * <li>relative to the WEB-INF directory</li> * <li>on the classpath</li> * </ul> * * @param context the current ServletContext. may <b>not</b> be null * @return the optional properties if struts.velocity.configfile was specified, an empty Properties file otherwise */ public Properties loadConfiguration(ServletContext context) { if (context == null) { String gripe = "Error attempting to create a loadConfiguration from a null ServletContext!"; LOG.error(gripe); throw new IllegalArgumentException(gripe); } Properties properties = new Properties(); // now apply our systemic defaults, then allow user to override applyDefaultConfiguration(context, properties); String defaultUserDirective = properties.getProperty("userdirective"); /** * if the user has specified an external velocity configuration file, we'll want to search for it in the * following order * * 1. relative to the context path * 2. relative to /WEB-INF * 3. in the class path */ String configfile; if (customConfigFile != null) { configfile = customConfigFile; } else { configfile = ""; } configfile = configfile.trim(); InputStream in = null; String resourceLocation = null; try { if (context.getRealPath(configfile) != null) { // 1. relative to context path, i.e. / String filename = context.getRealPath(configfile); if (filename != null) { File file = new File(filename); if (file.isFile()) { resourceLocation = file.getCanonicalPath() + " from file system"; in = new FileInputStream(file); } // 2. if nothing was found relative to the context path, search relative to the WEB-INF directory if (in == null) { file = new File(context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/" + configfile)); if (file.isFile()) { resourceLocation = file.getCanonicalPath() + " from file system"; in = new FileInputStream(file); } } } } // 3. finally, if there's no physical file, how about something in our classpath if (in == null) { in = VelocityManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configfile); if (in != null) { resourceLocation = configfile + " from classloader"; } } // if we've got something, load 'er up if (in != null) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Initializing velocity using " + resourceLocation); } properties.load(in); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Unable to load velocity configuration " + resourceLocation, e); } } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } // overide with programmatically set properties if (this.velocityProperties != null) { Iterator keys = this.velocityProperties.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); properties.setProperty(key, this.velocityProperties.getProperty(key)); } } String userdirective = properties.getProperty("userdirective"); if ((userdirective == null) || userdirective.trim().equals("")) { userdirective = defaultUserDirective; } else { userdirective = userdirective.trim() + "," + defaultUserDirective; } properties.setProperty("userdirective", userdirective); // for debugging purposes, allows users to dump out the properties that have been configured if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Initializing Velocity with the following properties ..."); for (Iterator iter = properties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String value = properties.getProperty(key); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(" '" + key + "' = '" + value + "'"); } } } return properties; }
From source
private void initResources(FilterConfig config) { try {/* w ww. j ava 2 s .com*/ if (CONFIG.getContent().getAssetsUrl() != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Using external assets, please provide the jsmart assets content at [" + CONFIG.getContent().getAssetsUrl() + "]"); } ServletContext context = config.getServletContext(); Set<String> libs = context.getResourcePaths(LIB_FILE_PATH); if (libs == null || libs.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find the JSmart library JAR file. Empty [" + LIB_FILE_PATH + "] resource folder."); return; } String libFilePath = null; for (String lib : libs) { Matcher matcher = JAR_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(lib); if (matcher.find()) { libFilePath =; break; } } if (libFilePath == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not find the JSmart library JAR file inside [" + LIB_FILE_PATH + "]"); return; } Resources jsonResources = EXPRESSIONS.GSON.fromJson(convertResourceToString(FILTER_RESOURCES), Resources.class); File libFile = new File(context.getRealPath(libFilePath)); Dir content = Vfs.fromURL(libFile.toURI().toURL()); Iterator<Vfs.File> files = content.getFiles().iterator(); while (files.hasNext()) { Vfs.File file =; // Copy index.jsp and replace content to redirect to welcome-url case configured if (file.getRelativePath().startsWith(INDEX_JSP)) { if (CONFIG.getContent().getWelcomeUrl() != null) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(file.openInputStream(), writer); String index = writer.toString().replace("{0}", CONFIG.getContent().getWelcomeUrl()); copyFileResource(new ByteArrayInputStream(index.getBytes(ENCODING)), file.getRelativePath(), context); } } // Do not copy anything if assets-url was provided if (CONFIG.getContent().getAssetsUrl() != null) { continue; } // Copy js, css and font resources to specific location for (String resource : jsonResources.getResources()) { String resourcePath = resource.replace("*", ""); if (file.getRelativePath().startsWith(resourcePath)) { initDirResources(context.getRealPath(PATH_SEPARATOR), file.getRelativePath()); copyFileResource(file.openInputStream(), file.getRelativePath(), context); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * Parse specified xml file and add definition to specified definitions set. * This method is used to load several description files in one instances list. * If filename exists and definition set is <code>null</code>, create a new set. Otherwise, return * passed definition set (can be <code>null</code>). * @param servletContext Current servlet context. Used to open file. * @param filename Name of file to parse. * @param xmlDefinitions Definitions set to which definitions will be added. If null, a definitions * set is created on request./*from ww w. ja va 2 s.c om*/ * @return XmlDefinitionsSet The definitions set created or passed as parameter. * @throws DefinitionsFactoryException On errors parsing file. */ private XmlDefinitionsSet parseXmlFile(ServletContext servletContext, String filename, XmlDefinitionsSet xmlDefinitions) throws DefinitionsFactoryException { try { /*InputStream input = servletContext.getResourceAsStream(filename);*/ InputStream input = null; Resource[] resources = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext) .getResources(filename); final int length = resources.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { input = resources[i].getURL().openStream(); /*getServletContext().getResource(path)*/ } catch (IOException e) { //error loading from this resource. Probably it doesn't exist. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("", e); } return xmlDefinitions; } // Try to load using real path. // This allow to load config file under websphere 3.5.x // Patch proposed Houston, Stephen (LIT) on 5 Apr 2002 if (null == input) { try { input = new; } catch (Exception e) { } } // If still nothing found, this mean no config file is associated if (input == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Can't open file '" + filename + "'"); } return xmlDefinitions; } // Check if parser already exist. // Doesn't seem to work yet. //if( xmlParser == null ) if (true) { xmlParser = new XmlParser(); xmlParser.setValidating(isValidatingParser); } // Check if definition set already exist. if (xmlDefinitions == null) { xmlDefinitions = new XmlDefinitionsSet(); } xmlParser.parse(input, xmlDefinitions); } } catch (SAXException ex) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error while parsing file '" + filename + "'."); ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new DefinitionsFactoryException("Error while parsing file '" + filename + "'. " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { /*throw new DefinitionsFactoryException*/ if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("IO Error while parsing file '" + filename + "'. " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } return xmlDefinitions; }