Java tutorial
/* * Children Immunization Registry System (IRS). Copyright (C) 2011 PATH ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Author: Tran Trung Hieu * Email: */ package org.hil.children.service.impl; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader; import org.hil.children.service.ChildrenManager; import org.hil.core.dao.ChildrenDao; import org.hil.core.dao.ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericCommuneDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericVaccinationDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericVaccinationDayDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericVillageDao; import org.hil.core.dao.VillageDao; import org.hil.core.model.Children; import org.hil.core.model.ChildrenVaccinationHistory; import org.hil.core.model.Commune; import org.hil.core.model.District; import org.hil.core.model.Vaccination; import org.hil.core.model.VaccinationDay; import org.hil.core.model.Village; import org.hil.core.model.vo.ChildrenDuePrintVO; import org.hil.core.model.vo.ChildrenPrintVO; import org.hil.core.model.vo.ChildrenVaccinatedInLocationVO; import org.hil.core.model.vo.RegionVaccinationReportData; import org.hil.core.model.vo.ListChildrenPrintVO; import org.hil.core.model.vo.VaccinationReportPrintVO; import; import org.hil.core.service.BaseManager; import org.hil.core.util.Config; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDateUtil; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import; import; import org.granite.context.GraniteContext; import org.granite.messaging.webapp.HttpGraniteContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; @Service("childrenManager") public class ChildrenManagerImpl extends BaseManager implements ChildrenManager { @Qualifier("childrenDaoExt") @Autowired private ChildrenDao childrenDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericChildrenDao childrenDao; @Autowired private GenericCommuneDao communeDao; @Autowired private GenericVillageDao villageDao; @Qualifier("villageDaoExt") @Autowired private VillageDao villageDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericVaccinationDao vaccinationDao; @Autowired private GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao childrenVaccinationHistoryDao; @Qualifier("childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt") @Autowired private ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericVaccinationDayDao vaccinationDayDao; @Autowired private Config config; public List<Children> searchChildren(ChildrenSearchVO params) { return childrenDaoExt.searchChildren(params); } public Children saveChild(Children child, boolean force) { String name = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName(); return childrenDaoExt.saveChild(child, name, force); } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> getVaccinationHistory(Children child) { return childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.findByChildOrderbyDueDate(child.getId()); } public List<ChildrenDuePrintVO> getListChildrenDue(String dueTime, Commune commune) { return childrenDaoExt.getListChildrenDue(dueTime, commune); } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> getVaccinationHistoryByVaccines(Long childId, Short vaccinated, List<Vaccination> vaccines, boolean asc) { return childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.findByChildAndVaccineAndVaccinatedAndOderbyVaccinationId(childId, vaccinated, vaccines, asc); } public String printListChildrenDue(String dueTime, Commune commune, List<ChildrenDuePrintVO> childrenDue) { String path = ""; JasperPrint reportPrint = createListChildrenPrintVOReportPrint(childrenDue, dueTime, commune); String prefixFileName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + commune.getDistrict().getDistrictId() + commune.getCommuneId(); try { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); String pdfPath = reportDir + "/" + prefixFileName + "_" + currentTime + ".pdf"; log.debug("path to pdf report:" + pdfPath); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(reportPrint, pdfPath); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_" + currentTime + ".pdf"; } catch (Exception ex) { String connectMsg = "Could not create the report " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); log.debug(connectMsg); } return path; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public JasperPrint createListChildrenPrintVOReportPrint(List<ChildrenDuePrintVO> childrenDue, String dueTime, Commune commune) { JasperPrint childrenVOReportPrint = new JasperPrint(); try { Map parameters = new HashMap(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", reportDir + "/jrxml/"); String jasperPath = reportDir + "/jrxml/ListChildrenImmunization.jasper"; JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(jasperPath); JRBeanCollectionDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource( getListChildrenPrintVO(childrenDue, dueTime, commune)); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, ds); childrenVOReportPrint = jasperPrint; } catch (Exception ex) { String connectMsg = "Could not create the report " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); log.debug(connectMsg); } return childrenVOReportPrint; } public List<ListChildrenPrintVO> getListChildrenPrintVO(List<ChildrenDuePrintVO> childrenDue, String dueTime, Commune commune) { List<ListChildrenPrintVO> listChildrenPrintVOs = new ArrayList<ListChildrenPrintVO>(); ListChildrenPrintVO aListChildrenPrintVO = new ListChildrenPrintVO(); aListChildrenPrintVO.setChildren(childrenDue); aListChildrenPrintVO.setCommuneName(commune.getCommuneName()); List<VaccinationDay> vaccinatationDays = vaccinationDayDao.findByCommune(commune); dueTime = dueTime.replaceAll("-", "/"); aListChildrenPrintVO.setDueDate(vaccinatationDays.get(0).getDateInMonth() + "/" + dueTime); listChildrenPrintVOs.add(aListChildrenPrintVO); return listChildrenPrintVOs; } public ChildrenVaccinationHistory saveVaccinationHistory(ChildrenVaccinationHistory vaccinationEvent) { vaccinationEvent.setFromMobile(false); return childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.saveVaccinationHistory(vaccinationEvent); } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> saveVaccinationHistory(ChildrenVaccinationHistory vaccinationEvent, Long childId, Short vaccinated, List<Vaccination> vaccines, boolean asc) { vaccinationEvent.setFromMobile(false); childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.saveVaccinationHistory(vaccinationEvent); return childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.findByChildAndVaccineAndVaccinatedAndOderbyVaccinationId(childId, vaccinated, vaccines, asc); } public void deleteChild(Children child) { childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt.removeByChildId(child.getId()); childrenDao.remove(child); } public List<RegionVaccinationReportData> getChildrenVaccinationReport(String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district) { return childrenDaoExt.getChildrenVaccinationReport(timeFrom, timeTo, commune, district); } public String printListVaccinationReport(String type, String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, List<RegionVaccinationReportData> statistics) { String path = ""; String prefixFileName = ""; if (commune != null) prefixFileName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + commune.getDistrict().getDistrictId() + commune.getCommuneId(); else prefixFileName = district.getProvince().getProvinceId() + district.getDistrictId(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String filePath = reportDir + "/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf")) { JasperPrint reportPrint = createListVaccinationReportPrint(timeFrom, timeTo, commune, district, statistics); try { filePath += ".pdf"; JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(reportPrint, filePath); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime + ".pdf"; log.debug("path to pdf report:" + path); } catch (Exception ex) { String connectMsg = "Could not create the report " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); log.debug(connectMsg); } } else { filePath += ".xls"; POIFSFileSystem fs; String regionName = ""; String provinceName = ""; String districtName = ""; String communeName = ""; String timeData = ""; Short rId = 0; if (commune != null) { communeName = commune.getCommuneName(); provinceName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName(); districtName = commune.getDistrict().getDistrictName(); rId = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getRegionId(); } else if (district != null) { provinceName = district.getProvince().getProvinceName(); districtName = district.getDistrictName(); rId = district.getProvince().getRegionId(); } if (rId == 1) regionName = "Mi?n Bc"; else if (rId == 2) regionName = "Mi?n Trung"; else regionName = "Mi?n Nam"; if (timeFrom.equalsIgnoreCase(timeTo)) { timeData = timeTo; } else { timeData = timeFrom + " - " + timeTo; } try { fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(reportDir + "/excel/TCMR_Report_Template.xls")); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = null; HSSFCell c = null; r = s.getRow(4); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + regionName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(5); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + provinceName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(6); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + districtName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(7); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(c.getStringCellValue() + " " + communeName.toUpperCase()); r = s.getRow(4); c = r.getCell(15); c.setCellValue(timeData); HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); cs.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); HSSFCellStyle cs1 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs1.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); int rownum = 13; for (rownum = 13; rownum < statistics.size() + 11; rownum++) { if (rownum < statistics.size() + 10) copyRow(wb, s, rownum, rownum + 1); r = s.getRow(rownum); r.setHeight((short) 270); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(rownum - 12); c = r.getCell(3); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getRegionName()); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1()); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getBCG() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteBCG() + ")"); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBL24() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBL24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBG24() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBG24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV2() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV3() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getMeasles1() + " (" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteMeasles1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getAmountOfFinish()); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases()); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases()); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases()); } if (statistics != null && statistics.size() > 0) { for (; rownum < statistics.size() + 13; rownum++) { r = s.getRow(rownum); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getChildrenUnder1()); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getBCG() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteBCG() + ")"); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBL24() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBL24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getVGBG24() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteVGBG24() + ")"); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV2() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV2() + ")"); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getOPV3() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteOPV3() + ")"); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getMeasles1() + "\n(" + statistics.get(rownum - 13).geteMeasles1() + ")"); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getAmountOfFinish()); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getProtectedTetanusCases()); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionNormalCases()); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases() == null ? 0 : statistics.get(rownum - 13).getReactionSeriousCases()); r.setHeight((short) 500); } } else { for (; rownum < 16; rownum++) { r = s.getRow(rownum); c = r.getCell(6); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(8); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(10); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(11); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(14); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(16); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(18); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(19); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(20); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(21); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(23); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(25); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(27); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(28); c.setCellValue(""); c = r.getCell(30); c.setCellValue(""); } } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_Report_" + currentTime + ".xls"; log.debug("Excel: " + path); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return path; } private static void copyRow(HSSFWorkbook workbook, HSSFSheet worksheet, int sourceRowNum, int destinationRowNum) { // Get the source / new row HSSFRow newRow = worksheet.getRow(destinationRowNum); HSSFRow sourceRow = worksheet.getRow(sourceRowNum); // If the row exist in destination, push down all rows by 1 else create a new row if (newRow != null) { worksheet.shiftRows(destinationRowNum, worksheet.getLastRowNum(), 1); } else { newRow = worksheet.createRow(destinationRowNum); } // Loop through source columns to add to new row for (int i = 0; i < sourceRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) { // Grab a copy of the old/new cell HSSFCell oldCell = sourceRow.getCell(i); HSSFCell newCell = newRow.createCell(i); // If the old cell is null jump to next cell if (oldCell == null) { newCell = null; continue; } // Copy style from old cell and apply to new cell HSSFCellStyle newCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle(); newCellStyle.cloneStyleFrom(oldCell.getCellStyle()); newCell.setCellStyle(newCellStyle); // If there is a cell comment, copy if (newCell.getCellComment() != null) { newCell.setCellComment(oldCell.getCellComment()); } // If there is a cell hyperlink, copy if (oldCell.getHyperlink() != null) { newCell.setHyperlink(oldCell.getHyperlink()); } // Set the cell data type newCell.setCellType(oldCell.getCellType()); // Set the cell data value switch (oldCell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: newCell.setCellValue(oldCell.getStringCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: newCell.setCellValue(oldCell.getBooleanCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: newCell.setCellErrorValue(oldCell.getErrorCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: newCell.setCellFormula(oldCell.getCellFormula()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: newCell.setCellValue(oldCell.getNumericCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: newCell.setCellValue(oldCell.getRichStringCellValue()); break; } } // If there are are any merged regions in the source row, copy to new row for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) { CellRangeAddress cellRangeAddress = worksheet.getMergedRegion(i); if (cellRangeAddress.getFirstRow() == sourceRow.getRowNum()) { CellRangeAddress newCellRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(newRow.getRowNum(), (newRow.getRowNum() + (cellRangeAddress.getFirstRow() - cellRangeAddress.getLastRow())), cellRangeAddress.getFirstColumn(), cellRangeAddress.getLastColumn()); worksheet.addMergedRegion(newCellRangeAddress); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public JasperPrint createListVaccinationReportPrint(String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, List<RegionVaccinationReportData> statistics) { JasperPrint vaccinationReportPrint = new JasperPrint(); try { Map parameters = new HashMap(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", reportDir + "/jrxml/"); String jasperPath = reportDir + "/jrxml/ImmunizationReport.jasper"; JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(jasperPath); JRBeanCollectionDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource( getListVaccinationReportPrintVO(timeFrom, timeTo, commune, district, statistics)); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, ds); vaccinationReportPrint = jasperPrint; } catch (Exception ex) { String connectMsg = "Could not create the report " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); log.debug(connectMsg); } return vaccinationReportPrint; } public List<VaccinationReportPrintVO> getListVaccinationReportPrintVO(String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, List<RegionVaccinationReportData> statistics) { List<VaccinationReportPrintVO> listVaccinationReportPrintVOs = new ArrayList<VaccinationReportPrintVO>(); VaccinationReportPrintVO aVaccinationReportPrintVO = new VaccinationReportPrintVO(); RegionVaccinationReportData sum = statistics.get(statistics.size() - 2); RegionVaccinationReportData total = statistics.get(statistics.size() - 1); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumAmountOfFinish(sum.getAmountOfFinish()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumBCG(sum.getBCG() + "\n(" + sum.geteBCG() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumChildrenUnder1(sum.getChildrenUnder1()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumDPT_VGB_Hib1(sum.getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\n(" + sum.geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumDPT_VGB_Hib2(sum.getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\n(" + sum.geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumDPT_VGB_Hib3(sum.getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\n(" + sum.geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumMeasles1(sum.getMeasles1() + " (" + sum.geteMeasles1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumOPV1(sum.getOPV1() + "\n(" + sum.geteOPV1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumOPV2(sum.getOPV2() + "\n(" + sum.geteOPV2() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumOPV3(sum.getOPV3() + "\n(" + sum.geteOPV3() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumProtectedTetanusCases(sum.getProtectedTetanusCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumReactionNormalCases(sum.getReactionNormalCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumReactionSeriousCases(sum.getReactionSeriousCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumVGBG24(sum.getVGBG24() + "\n(" + sum.geteVGBG24() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setSumVGBL24(sum.getVGBL24() + "\n(" + sum.geteVGBL24() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalAmountOfFinish(total.getAmountOfFinish()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalBCG(total.getBCG() + "\n(" + total.geteBCG() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalChildrenUnder1(total.getChildrenUnder1()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO .setTotalDPT_VGB_Hib1(total.getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\n(" + total.geteDPT_VGB_Hib1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO .setTotalDPT_VGB_Hib2(total.getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\n(" + total.geteDPT_VGB_Hib2() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO .setTotalDPT_VGB_Hib3(total.getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\n(" + total.geteDPT_VGB_Hib3() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalMeasles1(total.getMeasles1() + "\n(" + total.geteMeasles1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalOPV1(total.getOPV1() + "\n(" + total.geteOPV1() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalOPV2(total.getOPV2() + "\n(" + total.geteOPV2() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalOPV3(total.getOPV3() + "\n(" + total.geteOPV3() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalProtectedTetanusCases(total.getProtectedTetanusCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalReactionNormalCases(total.getReactionNormalCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalReactionSeriousCases(total.getReactionSeriousCases()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalVGBG24(total.getVGBG24() + "\n(" + total.geteVGBG24() + ")"); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTotalVGBL24(total.getVGBL24() + "\n(" + total.geteVGBL24() + ")"); statistics.remove(statistics.size() - 1); statistics.remove(statistics.size() - 1); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setStatistics(statistics); String regionName = ""; if (commune != null) { aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setCommuneName(commune.getCommuneName().toUpperCase()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO .setProvinceName(commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName().toUpperCase()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setDistrictName(commune.getDistrict().getDistrictName().toUpperCase()); Short rId = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getRegionId(); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setRegionId(commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getRegionId()); if (rId == 1) regionName = "Mi?n Bc"; else if (rId == 2) regionName = "Mi?n Trung"; else regionName = "Mi?n Nam"; aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setRegionName(regionName.toUpperCase()); } else if (district != null) { aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setCommuneName(""); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setProvinceName(district.getProvince().getProvinceName().toUpperCase()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setDistrictName(district.getDistrictName().toUpperCase()); aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setRegionId(district.getProvince().getRegionId()); Short rId = district.getProvince().getRegionId(); if (rId == 1) regionName = "Mi?n Bc"; else if (rId == 2) regionName = "Mi?n Trung"; else regionName = "Mi?n Nam"; aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setRegionName(regionName.toUpperCase()); } if (timeFrom.equalsIgnoreCase(timeTo)) { aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTimeData(timeTo); } else { aVaccinationReportPrintVO.setTimeData(timeFrom + " - " + timeTo); } listVaccinationReportPrintVOs.add(aVaccinationReportPrintVO); log.debug(aVaccinationReportPrintVO.getRegionName()); return listVaccinationReportPrintVOs; } public String printListChildren(ChildrenSearchVO params) { List<ChildrenPrintVO> children = childrenDaoExt.searchChildrenForPrint(params); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String strDOBFrom = format.format(params.getDateOfBirthFrom()); String strDOBTo = format.format(params.getDateOfBirthTo()); String path = ""; String prefixFileName = ""; Commune commune = communeDao.get(params.getCommuneId()); prefixFileName = commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + commune.getDistrict().getDistrictId() + commune.getCommuneId(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String filePath = reportDir + "/" + prefixFileName + "_List_Children_Excel_" + currentTime; POIFSFileSystem fs; try { filePath += ".xls"; fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(reportDir + "/excel/ListOfChildrenInCommune.xls")); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = null; HSSFCell c = null; r = s.getRow(0); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(commune.getCommuneName()); c = r.getCell(2); c.setCellValue("(" + strDOBFrom + " - " + strDOBTo + ")"); HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); cs.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); HSSFCellStyle cs1 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs1.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle cs2 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); cs2.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")); int rownum = 3; for (rownum = 3; rownum < children.size() + 3; rownum++) { r = s.createRow(rownum); c = r.createCell(0); c.setCellStyle(cs1); c.setCellValue(rownum - 2); c = r.createCell(1); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getFullName()); c = r.createCell(2); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getDateOfBirth()); c = r.createCell(3); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).isGender() == true ? "N" : "Nam"); c = r.createCell(4); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getVillageName()); c = r.createCell(5); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getMotherName()); c = r.createCell(6); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getMotherBirthYear() != null ? children.get(rownum - 3).getMotherBirthYear() : 0); c = r.createCell(7); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getMotherMobile()); c = r.createCell(8); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getFatherName()); c = r.createCell(9); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getFatherBirthYear() != null ? children.get(rownum - 3).getFatherBirthYear() : 0); c = r.createCell(10); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getFatherMobile()); c = r.createCell(11); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getCaretakerName()); c = r.createCell(12); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getCaretakerMobile()); c = r.createCell(13); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getVGB()); c = r.createCell(14); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getBCG()); c = r.createCell(15); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getDPT_VGB_Hib1()); c = r.createCell(16); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getDPT_VGB_Hib2()); c = r.createCell(17); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getDPT_VGB_Hib3()); c = r.createCell(18); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getOPV1()); c = r.createCell(19); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getOPV2()); c = r.createCell(20); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getOPV3()); c = r.createCell(21); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(children.get(rownum - 3).getMeasles1()); } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_List_Children_Excel_" + currentTime + ".xls"; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return path; } public List<ChildrenVaccinatedInLocationVO> getChildrenVaccinatedInLocationReport(String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, Vaccination vaccine) { return childrenDaoExt.getChildrenVaccinatedInLocationReport(timeFrom, timeTo, commune, district, vaccine); } public String printListVaccinatedInLocationReport(String type, String timeFrom, String timeTo, Commune commune, District district, Vaccination vaccine, List<ChildrenVaccinatedInLocationVO> statistics) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String path = ""; String prefixFileName = ""; if (commune != null) prefixFileName = district.getDistrictId() + "_" + commune.getCommuneId(); else if (district != null) prefixFileName = district.getDistrictId(); GraniteContext gc = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = ((HttpGraniteContext) gc).getServletContext(); String reportDir = sc.getRealPath(config.getBaseReportDir()); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String filePath = reportDir + "/" + prefixFileName + "_DanhSachTreDenTiem_" + vaccine.getName() + "_" + currentTime; POIFSFileSystem fs; try { filePath += ".xls"; fs = new POIFSFileSystem( new FileInputStream(reportDir + "/excel/ListOfChildrenVaccinatedInLocation.xls")); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow r = null; HSSFCell c = null; r = s.getRow(0); c = r.getCell(0); c.setCellValue("Danh sch tr n tim chng " + vaccine.getName() + " (bao gm c tr tim bnh vin/phng khm)"); r = s.getRow(1); c = r.getCell(1); c.setCellValue(district.getDistrictName()); if (commune != null) { c = r.getCell(2); c.setCellValue("X"); c = r.getCell(3); c.setCellValue(commune.getCommuneName()); c = r.getCell(4); c.setCellValue("(" + timeFrom + " - " + timeTo + ")"); } else { c = r.getCell(2); c.setCellValue("(" + timeFrom + " - " + timeTo + ")"); } HSSFCellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); cs.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); HSSFCellStyle cs1 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs1.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs1.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle cs2 = wb.createCellStyle(); cs2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); cs2.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")); int rownum = 3; for (rownum = 3; rownum < statistics.size() + 3; rownum++) { r = s.createRow(rownum); c = r.createCell(0); c.setCellStyle(cs1); c.setCellValue(rownum - 2); c = r.createCell(1); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getCommuneName()); c = r.createCell(2); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getVillageName()); c = r.createCell(3); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getChildCode()); c = r.createCell(4); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getFullName()); c = r.createCell(5); c.setCellStyle(cs1); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getGender() == true ? "N" : "Nam"); c = r.createCell(6); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getDateOfBirth()); c = r.createCell(7); c.setCellStyle(cs); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getMotherName()); c = r.createCell(8); c.setCellStyle(cs2); c.setCellValue(statistics.get(rownum - 3).getDateOfImmunization()); c = r.createCell(9); c.setCellStyle(cs); String vaccinatedLocation = ""; if (statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() != null && statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() >= 1 && statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() <= 4) { if (statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() == 1) vaccinatedLocation = "Bnh vin TW"; else if (statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() == 2) vaccinatedLocation = "Bnh vin tnh"; else if (statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() == 3) vaccinatedLocation = "Bnh vin huyn"; else if (statistics.get(rownum - 3).getOtherLocation() == 4) vaccinatedLocation = "Phng khm/Bnh vin t nhn"; } else vaccinatedLocation = statistics.get(rownum - 3).getVaccinatedCommune(); c.setCellValue(vaccinatedLocation); } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filePath); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); path = "/reports/" + prefixFileName + "_DanhSachTreDenTiem_" + vaccine.getName() + "_" + currentTime + ".xls"; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return path; } public void importExcel() { String name = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName(); log.debug("Start import..."); String fileToBeRead = "/home/hieu/DKTC-2011_Hieu.xls"; try { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(fileToBeRead)); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(1); Vaccination vvgb = vaccinationDao.get((long) 1); Vaccination vbcg = vaccinationDao.get((long) 2); Vaccination vdpt1 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 3); Vaccination vopv1 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 4); Vaccination vdpt2 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 5); Vaccination vopv2 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 6); Vaccination vdpt3 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 7); Vaccination vopv3 = vaccinationDao.get((long) 8); Vaccination vmeasles = vaccinationDao.get((long) 9); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); for (int r = 1; r < sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); r++) { log.debug("--------------------------------------" + r); HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(r); Children child = new Children(); Date bcg = null; Date opv1 = null; Date opv2 = null; Date opv3 = null; Date dpt1 = null; Date dpt2 = null; Date dpt3 = null; Date measles = null; Date helpb1 = null; Boolean helpb1ontime = null; Date finishedDate = null; String villageName = ""; long communeId = 0; for (int c = 0; c < 20; c++) { HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(c); // Type the content Date tmpDate = null; int tmpInt = 0; String tmpStr = ""; Boolean tmpboolean = null; if (cell != null) { if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { tmpDate = cell.getDateCellValue(); } else tmpInt = (int) cell.getNumericCellValue(); } else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) { tmpStr = cell.getStringCellValue(); } else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) { tmpInt = (int) cell.getNumericCellValue(); } else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { tmpboolean = cell.getBooleanCellValue(); } } if (c == 0) { communeId = (long) tmpInt; } else if (c == 1) { child.setFullName(tmpStr); } else if (c == 2) { if (tmpInt == 2) child.setGender(true); else child.setGender(false); } else if (c == 3) { // if (cell==null) // child.setDateOfBirth(null); // else // child.setDateOfBirth(tmpDate); if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) child.setDateOfBirth(null); else { child.setDateOfBirth(format.parse(tmpStr)); } } else if (c == 4) { child.setFatherName(tmpStr); } else if (c == 5) { child.setMotherName(tmpStr); } else if (c == 6) { //village villageName = tmpStr; } else if (c == 7) { // if (cell != null) // bcg = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) bcg = null; else { bcg = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 8) { // if (cell != null) // opv1 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) opv1 = null; else { opv1 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 9) { // if (cell != null) // opv2 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) opv2 = null; else { opv2 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 10) { // if (cell != null) // opv3 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) opv3 = null; else { opv3 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 11) { // if (cell != null) // dpt1 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) dpt1 = null; else { dpt1 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 12) { // if (cell != null) // dpt2 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) dpt2 = null; else { dpt2 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 13) { // if (cell != null) // dpt3 = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) dpt3 = null; else { dpt3 = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 14) { // if (cell != null) // measles = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) measles = null; else { measles = format.parse(tmpStr); } } else if (c == 15) { // if (cell != null) { // helpb1 = tmpDate; // helpb1ontime = true; // } if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) helpb1 = null; else { helpb1 = format.parse(tmpStr); helpb1ontime = true; } } else if (c == 16 && helpb1 == null) { // if (cell != null) { // helpb1 = tmpDate; // helpb1ontime = false; // } if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) helpb1 = null; else { helpb1 = format.parse(tmpStr); helpb1ontime = false; } } else if (c == 19) { // if (cell != null) // finishedDate = tmpDate; if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.equalsIgnoreCase("")) finishedDate = null; else { finishedDate = format.parse(tmpStr); } } } if (child.getDateOfBirth() != null) { log.debug(child.getFullName() + " - " + child.getDateOfBirth() + " - " + child.isGender()); Commune commune = communeDao.get(communeId); if (villageName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) child.setVillage(villageDao.findByCommune(commune).get(0)); else { List<Village> vl = villageDaoExt.findByCommuneIdAndVillageName(communeId, villageName); if (vl != null && vl.size() > 0) child.setVillage(vl.get(0)); else { child.setVillage(villageDao.findByCommune(commune).get(0)); child.setAddress(villageName); } } child.setCurrentCaretaker((short) 0); child.setCreationDate(new Date()); child.setAuthor(name); child.setBarcodeDate(null); child.setLocked(false); if (finishedDate != null) { child.setFinishedDate(finishedDate); } else if (bcg != null && dpt1 != null && dpt2 != null && dpt3 != null && opv1 != null && opv2 != null && opv3 != null && measles != null) { Date maxDate = dpt3.getTime() > opv3.getTime() ? dpt3 : opv3; maxDate = maxDate.getTime() > measles.getTime() ? maxDate : measles; child.setFinishedDate(maxDate); } else child.setFinishedDate(null); int year = child.getDateOfBirth().getYear() + 1900; if (child.getFullName() != null && !child.getFullName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) child.setFirstName(child.getFullName().substring(child.getFullName().lastIndexOf(" ") + 1)); if (child.getMotherName() != null && !child.getMotherName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) child.setMotherFirstName( child.getMotherName().substring(child.getMotherName().lastIndexOf(" ") + 1)); child.setChildCode(commune.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + commune.getDistrict().getDistrictId() + commune.getCommuneId() + "-" + year); child =; String code = childrenDaoExt.generateChildCode(child); child.setChildCode(code); log.debug("child code: " + code); child =; ChildrenVaccinationHistory newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); if (helpb1 != null) { log.debug("VGB " + helpb1); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); if (helpb1ontime != null) newVH.setOverdue(helpb1ontime); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vvgb); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(helpb1); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vvgb);; } if (bcg != null) { log.debug("BCG " + bcg); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vbcg); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(bcg); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vbcg);; } if (dpt1 != null) { log.debug("DPT1 " + dpt1); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt1); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(dpt1); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt1);; } if (opv1 != null) { log.debug("OPV1 " + opv1); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vopv1); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(opv1); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vopv1);; } if (dpt2 != null) { log.debug("DPT2 " + dpt2); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt2); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(dpt2); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt2);; } if (opv2 != null) { log.debug("OPV2 " + opv2); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vopv2); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(opv2); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vopv2);; } if (dpt3 != null) { log.debug("DPT3 " + dpt3); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt3); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(dpt3); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vdpt3);; } if (opv3 != null) { log.debug("OPV3 " + opv1); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vopv3); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(opv3); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vopv3);; } if (measles != null) { log.debug("Measles " + measles); newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); //newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 1); newVH.setVaccination(vmeasles); newVH.setDateOfImmunization(measles); newVH.setVaccinatedLocation(child.getVillage().getCommune());; } else { newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(child); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vmeasles);; } log.debug("--------------------------------------"); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } }