List of usage examples for javax.servlet.jsp JspWriter println
abstract public void println(Object x) throws IOException;
From source
public void queryFulltext(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String textToSearch, String selection, String dist, String limit) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); String[] coords = null;/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (selection != null && selection.contains(";")) { coords = selection.split(";"); } String queryText = "PREFIX luc: <>\n" + "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?ser ?long ?lat ?sType ?sTypeIta ?sCategory ?sName ?txt ?x WHERE {\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + (km4cVersion.equals( "old") ? " OPTIONAL { ?ser km4c:hasServiceCategory ?cat.\n" + " ?cat rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\") }\n" : " {\n" + " ?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)\n" + " OPTIONAL { ?sType rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?sCategory),\"\"))}\n" + " ?sType rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\")\n" + " }\n") + " OPTIONAL {{?ser schema:name ?sName } UNION { ?ser foaf:name ?sName }}\n" + " {\n" + " ?ser geo:lat ?lat .\n" + " ?ser geo:long ?long .\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?ser", coords, dist) + " } UNION {\n" + " ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry.\n" + " ?entry geo:lat ?lat.\n" + " ?entry geo:long ?long.\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, dist) /*+ "} UNION {" + " ?ser km4c:hasStreetNumber/km4c:hasExternalAccess ?entry." + " ?entry geo:lat ?lat." + " ?entry geo:long ?long." + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, dist)*/ + " }\n" + "} ORDER BY DESC(?sc)"; if (!"0".equals(limit)) { queryText += " LIMIT " + limit; } TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryText); long start = System.nanoTime(); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); logQuery(queryText, "free-text-search", sparqlType, textToSearch + ";" + limit, System.nanoTime() - start); int i = 0; out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); while (result.hasNext()) { if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } BindingSet bindingSet =; String serviceUri = bindingSet.getValue("ser").stringValue(); String serviceLat = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("lat") != null) { serviceLat = bindingSet.getValue("lat").stringValue(); } String serviceLong = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("long") != null) { serviceLong = bindingSet.getValue("long").stringValue(); } String label = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) { label = bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue(); //label = Character.toLowerCase(label.charAt(0)) + label.substring(1); label = label.replace(" ", "_"); label = label.replace("'", ""); } // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA String subCategory = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) { subCategory = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue(); subCategory = subCategory.replace("", ""); subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1); subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_"); } String category = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sCategory") != null) { category = bindingSet.getValue("sCategory").stringValue(); category = category.replace("", ""); category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1); category = category.replace(" ", "_"); } String sName = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sName") != null) { sName = bindingSet.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } else { sName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase(); } // Controllo categoria SensorSite e BusStop per ricerca testuale. String serviceType = ""; String valueOfLinee = ""; //Da verificare se OK /*if (subCategory.equals("sensorSite")) { serviceType = "RoadSensor"; } else if (subCategory.equals("busStop")) { serviceType = "NearBusStop"; TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(sName, con); if(resultLinee != null){ while (resultLinee.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLinee =; String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue(); valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - "+idLinee; } if(valueOfLinee.length()>3) valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee.substring(3); } } else if(! "".equals(category)){ serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; }*/ serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; if (subCategory.equals("BusStop")) { TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(sName, con); if (resultLinee != null) { while (resultLinee.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLinee =; String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue(); valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - " + idLinee; } if (valueOfLinee.length() > 3) valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee.substring(3); } } String txt = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("txt") != null) { txt = bindingSet.getValue("txt").stringValue(); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + serviceLong + ", " + " " + serviceLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + serviceUri + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType // ********************************************** + "\"nome\": \"" + ServiceMap.escapeJSON(sName) + "\", "); if (!"".equals(category)) out.println("\"tipo\": \"servizio\", " + " \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", "); out.println("\"type\": \"" + ServiceMap.escapeJSON(label) + "\", " + " \"linee\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfLinee) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " // + "\"query\": \"" + queryString + "\" " + "}"); i++; } out.println("] " + "}"); }
From source
static void generateFileDetails(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long startOffset = 0; int datanodePort; final Long blockId = JspHelper.validateLong(req.getParameter("blockId")); if (blockId == null) { out.print("Invalid input (blockId absent)"); return;/*from w ww . jav a 2s . c o m*/ } String tokenString = req.getParameter(JspHelper.DELEGATION_PARAMETER_NAME); UserGroupInformation ugi = JspHelper.getUGI(req, conf); String datanodePortStr = req.getParameter("datanodePort"); if (datanodePortStr == null) { out.print("Invalid input (datanodePort absent)"); return; } datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodePortStr); final Long genStamp = JspHelper.validateLong(req.getParameter("genstamp")); if (genStamp == null) { out.print("Invalid input (genstamp absent)"); return; } String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort"); int namenodeInfoPort = -1; if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null) namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr); final String nnAddr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getParameter(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS)); if (nnAddr == null) { out.print(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS + " url param is null"); return; } final int chunkSizeToView = JspHelper.string2ChunkSizeToView(req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView"), getDefaultChunkSize(conf)); String startOffsetStr = req.getParameter("startOffset"); if (startOffsetStr == null || Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr) < 0) startOffset = 0; else startOffset = Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr); String path = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(req.getParameter("filename")); if (path == null) { path = req.getPathInfo() == null ? "/" : req.getPathInfo(); } final String filename = JspHelper.validatePath(path); if (filename == null) { out.print("Invalid input"); return; } final String blockSizeStr = req.getParameter("blockSize"); if (blockSizeStr == null || blockSizeStr.length() == 0) { out.print("Invalid input"); return; } long blockSize = Long.parseLong(blockSizeStr); final DFSClient dfs = getDFSClient(ugi, nnAddr, conf); List<LocatedBlock> blocks = dfs.getNamenode().getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE) .getLocatedBlocks(); // Add the various links for looking at the file contents // URL for downloading the full file String downloadUrl = "/streamFile" + ServletUtil.encodePath(filename) + JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr, true) + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString); out.print("<a name=\"viewOptions\"></a>"); out.print("<a href=\"" + downloadUrl + "\">Download this file</a><br>"); DatanodeInfo chosenNode; // URL for TAIL LocatedBlock lastBlk = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1); try { chosenNode = JspHelper.bestNode(lastBlk, conf); } catch (IOException e) { out.print(e.toString()); dfs.close(); return; } String tailUrl = "///" + JspHelper.Url.authority(req.getScheme(), chosenNode) + "/tail.jsp?filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString) + JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr) + "&referrer=" + URLEncoder.encode(req.getRequestURL() + "?" + req.getQueryString(), "UTF-8"); out.print("<a href=\"" + tailUrl + "\">Tail this file</a><br>"); out.print("<form action=\"/browseBlock.jsp\" method=GET>"); out.print("<b>Chunk size to view (in bytes, up to file's DFS block size): </b>"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"blockId\" value=\"" + blockId + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"blockSize\" value=\"" + blockSize + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"startOffset\" value=\"" + startOffset + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" + filename + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"genstamp\" value=\"" + genStamp + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"datanodePort\" value=\"" + datanodePort + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"namenodeInfoPort\" value=\"" + namenodeInfoPort + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS + "\" value=\"" + nnAddr + "\">"); out.print("<input type=\"text\" name=\"chunkSizeToView\" value=" + chunkSizeToView + " size=10 maxlength=10>"); out.print(" <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\">"); out.print("</form>"); out.print("<hr>"); out.print("<a name=\"blockDetails\"></a>"); out.print("<B>Total number of blocks: " + blocks.size() + "</B><br>"); // generate a table and dump the info out.println("\n<table>"); String nnCanonicalName = JspHelper.canonicalize(nnAddr); for (LocatedBlock cur : blocks) { out.print("<tr>"); final String blockidstring = Long.toString(cur.getBlock().getBlockId()); blockSize = cur.getBlock().getNumBytes(); out.print("<td>" + blockidstring + ":</td>"); DatanodeInfo[] locs = cur.getLocations(); for (int j = 0; j < locs.length; j++) { String datanodeAddr = locs[j].getXferAddr(); datanodePort = locs[j].getXferPort(); String blockUrl = "///" + JspHelper.Url.authority(req.getScheme(), locs[j]) + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + blockidstring + "&blockSize=" + blockSize + "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") + "&datanodePort=" + datanodePort + "&genstamp=" + cur.getBlock().getGenerationStamp() + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString) + JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr); String blockInfoUrl = "///" + nnCanonicalName + ":" + namenodeInfoPort + "/block_info_xml.jsp?blockId=" + blockidstring; out.print("<td> </td><td><a href=\"" + blockUrl + "\">" + datanodeAddr + "</a></td><td>" + "<a href=\"" + blockInfoUrl + "\">View Block Info</a></td>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } out.println("</table>"); out.print("<hr>"); out.print("<br><a href=\"///" + nnCanonicalName + ":" + namenodeInfoPort + "/dfshealth.jsp\">Go back to DFS home</a>"); dfs.close(); }
From source
/** * Draws page children as an unordered list. * /*from ww w . ja v a 2s .c o m*/ * @param page current page * @param activePage active page * @param out jsp writer * @throws IOException jspwriter exception * @throws RepositoryException any exception thrown during repository reading */ private void drawChildren(Content page, Content activePage, JspWriter out) throws IOException, RepositoryException { Collection<Content> children = new ArrayList<Content>(page.getChildren(ItemType.CONTENT)); if (children.size() == 0) { return; } out.print("<ul class=\"level"); out.print(page.getLevel()); if (style != null && page.getLevel() == startLevel) { out.print(" "); out.print(style); } out.print("\">"); Iterator<Content> iter = children.iterator(); // loop through all children and discard those we don't want to display while (iter.hasNext()) { final Content child =; if (expandAll.equalsIgnoreCase(EXPAND_NONE) || expandAll.equalsIgnoreCase(EXPAND_SHOW)) { if (child.getNodeData(StringUtils.defaultString(this.hideInNav, DEFAULT_HIDEINNAV_NODEDATA)) .getBoolean()) { iter.remove(); continue; } // use a filter if (filter != null) { if (!filter.accept(child)) { iter.remove(); continue; } } } else { if (child.getNodeData(StringUtils.defaultString(this.hideInNav, DEFAULT_HIDEINNAV_NODEDATA)) .getBoolean()) { iter.remove(); continue; } } } boolean isFirst = true; Iterator<Content> visibleIt = children.iterator(); while (visibleIt.hasNext()) { Content child =; List<String> cssClasses = new ArrayList<String>(4); NodeData nodeData = I18nContentSupportFactory.getI18nSupport().getNodeData(child, NODEDATA_NAVIGATIONTITLE); String title = null; if (nodeData != null) { title = nodeData.getString(StringUtils.EMPTY); } // if nav title is not set, the main title is taken if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) { title = child.getTitle(); } // if main title is not set, the name of the page is taken if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) { title = child.getName(); } boolean showChildren = false; boolean self = false; if (!expandAll.equalsIgnoreCase(EXPAND_NONE)) { showChildren = true; } if (activePage.getHandle().equals(child.getHandle())) { // self showChildren = true; self = true; cssClasses.add(CSS_LI_ACTIVE); } else if (!showChildren) { showChildren = child.getLevel() <= activePage.getAncestors().size() && StringUtils .equals(activePage.getAncestor(child.getLevel()).getHandle(), child.getHandle()); } if (!showChildren) { showChildren = child .getNodeData(StringUtils.defaultString(this.openMenu, DEFAULT_OPENMENU_NODEDATA)) .getBoolean(); } if (endLevel > 0) { showChildren &= child.getLevel() < endLevel; } cssClasses.add(hasVisibleChildren(child) ? showChildren ? CSS_LI_OPEN : CSS_LI_CLOSED : CSS_LI_LEAF); if (child.getLevel() < activePage.getLevel() && activePage.getAncestor(child.getLevel()).getHandle().equals(child.getHandle())) { cssClasses.add(CSS_LI_TRAIL); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classProperty) && child.hasNodeData(classProperty)) { cssClasses.add(child.getNodeData(classProperty).getString(StringUtils.EMPTY)); } if (markFirstAndLastElement && isFirst) { cssClasses.add(CSS_LI_FIRST); isFirst = false; } if (markFirstAndLastElement && !visibleIt.hasNext()) { cssClasses.add(CSS_LI_LAST); } StringBuffer css = new StringBuffer(cssClasses.size() * 10); Iterator<String> iterator = cssClasses.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { css.append(; if (iterator.hasNext()) { css.append(" "); } } out.print("<li class=\""); out.print(css.toString()); out.print("\">"); if (self) { out.println("<strong>"); } String accesskey = null; if (child.getNodeData(NODEDATA_ACCESSKEY) != null) { accesskey = child.getNodeData(NODEDATA_ACCESSKEY).getString(StringUtils.EMPTY); } out.print("<a href=\""); out.print(((HttpServletRequest) this.pageContext.getRequest()).getContextPath()); out.print(I18nContentSupportFactory.getI18nSupport().toI18NURI(child.getHandle())); out.print(".html\""); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accesskey)) { out.print(" accesskey=\""); out.print(accesskey); out.print("\""); } if (nofollow != null && child.getNodeData(this.nofollow).getBoolean()) { out.print(" rel=\"nofollow\""); } out.print(">"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.wrapperElement)) { out.print("<" + this.wrapperElement + ">"); } out.print(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(title)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.wrapperElement)) { out.print("</" + this.wrapperElement + ">"); } out.print(" </a>"); if (self) { out.println("</strong>"); } if (showChildren) { drawChildren(child, activePage, out); } out.print("</li>"); } out.print("</ul>"); }
From source
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); HttpServletRequest hrq = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); boolean emphasiseDate = false; boolean emphasiseTitle = false; if (emphColumn != null) { emphasiseDate = emphColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("date"); emphasiseTitle = emphColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("title"); }//from w ww .ja v a 2s .co m // get the elements to display String configLine = null; String widthLine = null; if (sortOption != null) { if (configLine == null) { configLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + sortOption.getName() + ".columns"); widthLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + sortOption.getName() + ".widths"); } if (configLine == null) { configLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist." + sortOption.getName() + ".columns"); widthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + sortOption.getName() + ".widths"); } } if (configLine == null) { configLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.columns"); widthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.widths"); } // Have we read a field configration from dspace.cfg? if (configLine != null) { // If thumbnails are disabled, strip out any thumbnail column from the configuration if (!showThumbs && configLine.contains("thumbnail")) { // Ensure we haven't got any nulls configLine = configLine == null ? "" : configLine; widthLine = widthLine == null ? "" : widthLine; // Tokenize the field and width lines StringTokenizer llt = new StringTokenizer(configLine, ","); StringTokenizer wlt = new StringTokenizer(widthLine, ","); StringBuilder newLLine = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder newWLine = new StringBuilder(); while (llt.hasMoreTokens() || wlt.hasMoreTokens()) { String listTok = llt.hasMoreTokens() ? llt.nextToken() : null; String widthTok = wlt.hasMoreTokens() ? wlt.nextToken() : null; // Only use the Field and Width tokens, if the field isn't 'thumbnail' if (listTok == null || !listTok.trim().equals("thumbnail")) { if (listTok != null) { if (newLLine.length() > 0) { newLLine.append(","); } newLLine.append(listTok); } if (widthTok != null) { if (newWLine.length() > 0) { newWLine.append(","); } newWLine.append(widthTok); } } } // Use the newly built configuration file configLine = newLLine.toString(); widthLine = newWLine.toString(); } } else { configLine = DEFAULT_LIST_FIELDS; widthLine = DEFAULT_LIST_WIDTHS; } // Arrays used to hold the information we will require when outputting each row String[] fieldArr = configLine == null ? new String[0] : configLine.split("\\s*,\\s*"); String[] widthArr = widthLine == null ? new String[0] : widthLine.split("\\s*,\\s*"); boolean isDate[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean emph[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean isAuthor[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean viewFull[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; String[] browseType = new String[fieldArr.length]; String[] cOddOrEven = new String[fieldArr.length]; try { // Get the interlinking configuration too CrossLinks cl = new CrossLinks(); // Get a width for the table String tablewidth = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.tablewidth"); // If we have column widths, output a fixed layout table - faster for browsers to render // but not if we have to add an 'edit item' button - we can't know how big it will be if (widthArr.length > 0 && widthArr.length == fieldArr.length && !linkToEdit) { // If the table width has been specified, we can make this a fixed layout if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tablewidth)) { out.println("<table style=\"width: " + tablewidth + "; table-layout: fixed;\" align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } else { // Otherwise, don't constrain the width out.println( "<table align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } // Output the known column widths out.print("<colgroup>"); for (int w = 0; w < widthArr.length; w++) { out.print("<col width=\""); // For a thumbnail column of width '*', use the configured max width for thumbnails if (fieldArr[w].equals("thumbnail") && widthArr[w].equals("*")) { out.print(thumbItemListMaxWidth); } else { out.print(StringUtils.isEmpty(widthArr[w]) ? "*" : widthArr[w]); } out.print("\" />"); } out.println("</colgroup>"); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tablewidth)) { out.println("<table width=\"" + tablewidth + "\" align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } else { out.println( "<table align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } // Output the table headers out.println("<tr>"); for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < fieldArr.length; colIdx++) { String field = fieldArr[colIdx].toLowerCase().trim(); cOddOrEven[colIdx] = (((colIdx + 1) % 2) == 0 ? "Odd" : "Even"); // find out if the field is a date if (field.indexOf("(date)") > 0) { field = field.replaceAll("\\(date\\)", ""); isDate[colIdx] = true; } // Cache any modifications to field fieldArr[colIdx] = field; // find out if this is the author column if (field.equals(authorField)) { isAuthor[colIdx] = true; } // find out if this field needs to link out to other browse views if (cl.hasLink(field)) { browseType[colIdx] = cl.getLinkType(field); viewFull[colIdx] = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(browseType[colIdx]).isItemIndex(); } // find out if we are emphasising this field if (field.equals(emphColumn)) { emph[colIdx] = true; } else if ((field.equals(dateField) && emphasiseDate) || (field.equals(titleField) && emphasiseTitle)) { emph[colIdx] = true; } // prepare the strings for the header String id = "t" + Integer.toString(colIdx + 1); String css = "oddRow" + cOddOrEven[colIdx] + "Col"; String message = "itemlist." + field; // output the header out.print("<th id=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + css + "\">" + (emph[colIdx] ? "<strong>" : "") + LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, message) + (emph[colIdx] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</th>"); } if (linkToEdit) { String id = "t" + Integer.toString(cOddOrEven.length + 1); String css = "oddRow" + cOddOrEven[cOddOrEven.length - 2] + "Col"; // output the header out.print("<th id=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + css + "\">" + (emph[emph.length - 2] ? "<strong>" : "") + " " //LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, message) + (emph[emph.length - 2] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</th>"); } out.print("</tr>"); // now output each item row for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // now prepare the XHTML frag for this division out.print("<tr>"); String rOddOrEven; if (i == highlightRow) { rOddOrEven = "highlight"; } else { rOddOrEven = ((i & 1) == 1 ? "odd" : "even"); } for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < fieldArr.length; colIdx++) { String field = fieldArr[colIdx]; // get the schema and the element qualifier pair // (Note, the schema is not used for anything yet) // (second note, I hate this bit of code. There must be // a much more elegant way of doing this. Tomcat has // some weird problems with variations on this code that // I tried, which is why it has ended up the way it is) StringTokenizer eq = new StringTokenizer(field, "."); String[] tokens = { "", "", "" }; int k = 0; while (eq.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens[k] = eq.nextToken().toLowerCase().trim(); k++; } String schema = tokens[0]; String element = tokens[1]; String qualifier = tokens[2]; // first get hold of the relevant metadata for this column DCValue[] metadataArray; if (qualifier.equals("*")) { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); } else if (qualifier.equals("")) { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, null, Item.ANY); } else { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); } // save on a null check which would make the code untidy if (metadataArray == null) { metadataArray = new DCValue[0]; } // now prepare the content of the table division String metadata = "-"; if (field.equals("thumbnail")) { metadata = getThumbMarkup(hrq, items[i]); } if (metadataArray.length > 0) { // format the date field correctly if (isDate[colIdx]) { DCDate dd = new DCDate(metadataArray[0].value); metadata = UIUtil.displayDate(dd, false, false, hrq); } // format the title field correctly for withdrawn items (ie. don't link) else if (field.equals(titleField) && items[i].isWithdrawn()) { metadata = Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[0].value); } // format the title field correctly else if (field.equals(titleField)) { metadata = "<a href=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/handle/" + items[i].getHandle() + "\">" + Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[0].value) + "</a>"; } // format all other fields else { // limit the number of records if this is the author field (if // -1, then the limit is the full list) boolean truncated = false; int loopLimit = metadataArray.length; if (isAuthor[colIdx]) { int fieldMax = (authorLimit > 0 ? authorLimit : metadataArray.length); loopLimit = (fieldMax > metadataArray.length ? metadataArray.length : fieldMax); truncated = (fieldMax < metadataArray.length); log.debug("Limiting output of field " + field + " to " + Integer.toString(loopLimit) + " from an original " + Integer.toString(metadataArray.length)); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < loopLimit; j++) { String startLink = ""; String endLink = ""; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(browseType[colIdx]) && !disableCrossLinks) { String argument; String value; if (metadataArray[j].authority != null && metadataArray[j].confidence >= MetadataAuthorityManager.getManager() .getMinConfidence(metadataArray[j].schema, metadataArray[j].element, metadataArray[j].qualifier)) { argument = "authority"; value = metadataArray[j].authority; } else { argument = "value"; value = metadataArray[j].value; } if (viewFull[colIdx]) { argument = "vfocus"; } startLink = "<a href=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/browse?type=" + browseType[colIdx] + "&" + argument + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); if (metadataArray[j].language != null) { startLink = startLink + "&" + argument + "_lang=" + URLEncoder.encode(metadataArray[j].language, "UTF-8"); } if ("authority".equals(argument)) { startLink += "\" class=\"authority " + browseType[colIdx] + "\">"; } else { startLink = startLink + "\">"; } endLink = "</a>"; } sb.append(startLink); sb.append(Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[j].value)); sb.append(endLink); if (j < (loopLimit - 1)) { sb.append("; "); } } if (truncated) { String etal = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); sb.append(", ").append(etal); } metadata = "<em>" + sb.toString() + "</em>"; } } // prepare extra special layout requirements for dates String extras = ""; if (isDate[colIdx]) { extras = "nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"right\""; } String id = "t" + Integer.toString(colIdx + 1); out.print("<td headers=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + rOddOrEven + "Row" + cOddOrEven[colIdx] + "Col\" " + extras + ">" + (emph[colIdx] ? "<strong>" : "") + metadata + (emph[colIdx] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</td>"); } // Add column for 'edit item' links if (linkToEdit) { String id = "t" + Integer.toString(cOddOrEven.length + 1); out.print("<td headers=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + rOddOrEven + "Row" + cOddOrEven[cOddOrEven.length - 2] + "Col\" nowrap>" + "<form method=\"get\" action=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/tools/edit-item\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"handle\" value=\"" + items[i].getHandle() + "\" />" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit Item\" /></form>" + "</td>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } // close the table out.println("</table>"); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new JspException(ie); } catch (BrowseException e) { throw new JspException(e); } return SKIP_BODY; }
From source
public void queryMunicipalityServices(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String selection, String categorie, String textToSearch, String risultatiBus, String risultatiSensori, String risultatiServizi) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); List<String> listaCategorie = new ArrayList<>(); if (categorie != null && !"".equals(categorie)) { String[] arrayCategorie = categorie.split(";"); // GESTIONE CATEGORIE listaCategorie = Arrays.asList(arrayCategorie); }//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m String nomeComune = selection.substring(selection.indexOf("COMUNE di") + 10); String filtroLocalita = ""; filtroLocalita += "{ ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry . "; filtroLocalita += " ?entry geo:lat ?elat . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elat>40) "; filtroLocalita += " ?entry geo:long ?elong . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elong>10) "; filtroLocalita += " ?nc km4c:hasExternalAccess ?entry . "; filtroLocalita += " ?nc km4c:belongToRoad ?road . "; filtroLocalita += " ?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . "; filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . }"; filtroLocalita += "UNION"; filtroLocalita += "{"; filtroLocalita += "?ser km4c:isInRoad ?road . "; filtroLocalita += " ?ser geo:lat ?elat . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elat>40) "; filtroLocalita += " ?ser geo:long ?elong . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elong>10) "; filtroLocalita += "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . "; filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . "; filtroLocalita += "}"; String fc = ""; try { fc = ServiceMap.filterServices(listaCategorie); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int b = 0; int numeroBus = 0; //if (listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) { OLD if (listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) { String queryString = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?bs ?nomeFermata ?bslat ?bslong ?x WHERE {\n" + " ?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n" + " ?bs foaf:name ?nomeFermata.\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?bs", "foaf:name", textToSearch) //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?nomeFermata ) = xsd:string ).\n" + " ?bs geo:lat ?bslat.\n" //+ " FILTER (?bslat>40)\n" //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslat ) = xsd:float )\n" + " ?bs geo:long ?bslong.\n" //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslong ) = xsd:float )\n" //+ " FILTER (?bslong>10)\n" + " ?bs km4c:isInMunicipality ?com.\n" + " ?com foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string.\n" + "}"; if (!risultatiBus.equals("0")) { queryString += " LIMIT " + risultatiBus; } TupleQuery tupleQueryBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryString, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultBS = tupleQueryBusStop.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryString, "API-fermate", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0); out.println("{\"Fermate\": "); out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); while (resultBS.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetBS =; String valueOfBS = bindingSetBS.getValue("bs").stringValue(); String valueOfNomeFermata = bindingSetBS.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslat").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslong").stringValue(); if (b != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfBSLong + ", " + " " + valueOfBSLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNomeFermata) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"fermata\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfBS + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(b + 1) + " " + "}"); b++; numeroBus++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("NearBusStop")) { if (categorie.equals("BusStop")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroSensori = 0; //if (listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) { String queryStringSensori = "PREFIX km4c:<> " + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX dct:<>" + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" + "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "select distinct ?sensor ?idSensore ?lat ?long ?address ?x where{" + "?sensor rdf:type km4c:SensorSite ." + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", "?p", textToSearch) + "?sensor geo:lat ?lat ." //+ " FILTER regex(str(?lat), \"^4\") ." + "?sensor geo:long ?long ." + "?sensor <> ?idSensore ." + "?sensor km4c:placedOnRoad ?road ." + "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun ." + "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string ." + "?sensor <> ?address ." + "}"; if (!risultatiSensori.equals("0")) { queryStringSensori += " LIMIT " + risultatiSensori; } TupleQuery tupleQuerySensori = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryStringSensori, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultSensori = tupleQuerySensori.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringSensori, "API-sensori", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0); //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) { if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) { out.println("{\"Sensori\": "); } else { out.println(",\"Sensori\":"); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int s = 0; while (resultSensori.hasNext()) { // out.println(result); BindingSet bindingSetSensori =; String valueOfId = bindingSetSensori.getValue("idSensore").stringValue(); String valueOfIdService = bindingSetSensori.getValue("sensor").stringValue(); String valueOfLat = bindingSetSensori.getValue("lat").stringValue(); String valueOfLong = bindingSetSensori.getValue("long").stringValue(); String valueOfAddress = bindingSetSensori.getValue("address").stringValue(); if (s != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfLong + ", " + " " + valueOfLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfId) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"sensore\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfIdService + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfAddress) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(s + 1) + " " + "}"); s++; numeroSensori++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("RoadSensor") || categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops")) { if (categorie.equals("SensorSite") || categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroServizi = 0; //if (!categorie.equals("NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("NearBusStops;RoadSensor")) { if (!categorie.equals("BusStop") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") && !categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) { String queryStringServices = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>\n" + "PREFIX dc:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX skos:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "SELECT distinct ?ser ?serAddress ?serNumber ?elat ?elong ?sName ?sType ?email ?note ?labelIta ?multimedia ?description ?identifier WHERE {\n" + " ?ser rdf:type km4c:Service" + (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? " OPTION (inference \"urn:ontology\")" : "") + ".\n" + " OPTIONAL{?ser schema:name ?sName. }\n" + " ?ser schema:streetAddress ?serAddress.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:houseNumber ?serNumber}.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser dc:description ?description FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")}\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia }\n" + " OPTIONAL { ?ser dcterms:identifier ?identifier }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser skos:note ?note }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser schema:email ?email }\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + filtroLocalita + fc + " ?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)\n" + " ?sType rdfs:label ?labelIta. FILTER(LANG(?labelIta)=\"it\")\n" + "}"; if (!risultatiServizi.equals("0")) { queryStringServices += " LIMIT " + risultatiServizi; } TupleQuery tupleQueryServices = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryStringServices, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultServices = tupleQueryServices.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringServices, "API-servizi", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch + ";" + categorie, 0); //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops") && !listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop") && !listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) { out.println("{\"Servizi\": "); } else { out.println(", \"Servizi\": "); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int t = 0; while (resultServices.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetServices =; String valueOfSer = bindingSetServices.getValue("ser").stringValue(); String valueOfSName = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("sName") != null) { valueOfSName = bindingSetServices.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } String valueOfSerAddress = bindingSetServices.getValue("serAddress").stringValue(); String valueOfSerNumber = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber") != null) { valueOfSerNumber = bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber").stringValue(); } String valueOfSType = bindingSetServices.getValue("sType").stringValue(); String valueOfSTypeIta = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta") != null) { valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta").stringValue(); } String valueOfELat = bindingSetServices.getValue("elat").stringValue(); String valueOfELong = bindingSetServices.getValue("elong").stringValue(); String valueOfNote = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("note") != null) { valueOfNote = bindingSetServices.getValue("note").stringValue(); } String valueOfEmail = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("email") != null) { valueOfEmail = bindingSetServices.getValue("email").stringValue(); } //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_"); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("'", ""); Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", ""); valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"^^<>", ""); valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"", ""); if (t != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfELong + ", " + " " + valueOfELat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSTypeIta) + "\", " + " \"email\": \"" + valueOfEmail + "\", " + " \"note\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfSer + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerAddress) + "\", \"numero\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerNumber) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(t + 1) + " " + "}"); t++; numeroServizi++; } out.println("]}}"); } }
From source
public void queryService(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String idService) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); int i = 0;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ String queryService = "PREFIX km4c:<> " + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<>" //+ "PREFIX omgeo:<> " //+ "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" //+ "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "SELECT ?serAddress ?serNumber ?elat ?elong ?sName ?sType ?type ?sCategory ?sTypeIta ?email ?note ?multimedia ?descriptionEng ?descriptionIta ?phone ?fax ?website ?prov ?city ?cap WHERE{" + " {" + " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasAccess ?entry ." + " ?entry geo:lat ?elat . " //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " ?entry geo:long ?elong . " //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }UNION{" + " <" + idService + "> km4c:isInRoad ?road." + " <" + idService + "> geo:lat ?elat." //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " <" + idService + "> geo:long ?elong." //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }UNION{" + " <" + idService + "> geo:lat ?elat." //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " <" + idService + "> geo:long ?elong." //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:name ?sName.}" + " OPTIONAL { <" + idService + "> schema:streetAddress ?serAddress.}" + (km4cVersion.equals("old") ? " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasServiceCategory ?cat ." + " ?cat rdfs:label ?nome . " + " BIND (?nome AS ?sType) ." + " BIND (?nome AS ?sTypeIta) ." + " FILTER(LANG(?nome) = \"it\") ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> <> ?description ." + " FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")} ." : " <" + idService + "> a ?type . FILTER(?type!=km4c:RegularService && ?type!=km4c:Service)" + " ?type rdfs:label ?nome . " + " ?type rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. " + " BIND (?nome AS ?sType) ." + " BIND (?nome AS ?sTypeIta) ." + " FILTER(LANG(?nome) = \"it\") .") + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:houseNumber ?serNumber} ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> dcterms:description ?descriptionIta" //+ " FILTER(LANG(?descriptionEng) = \"en\")" + "}" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> dcterms:description ?descriptionEng FILTER(?descriptionEng!=?descriptionIta)" //+ " FILTER(LANG(?descriptionIta) = \"it\")" + "}" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia} ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> skos:note ?note} . " + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:email ?email } . " // AGGIUNTA CAMPI DA VISUALIZZARE NELLA SCHEDA + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:faxNumber ?fax }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:telephone ?phone }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:addressRegion ?prov }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:addressLocality ?city }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:postalCode ?cap }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:url ?website }" // ---- FINE CAMPI AGGIUNTI --- + "}LIMIT 1"; // out.println("count = "+count); String queryDBpedia = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX cito:<>\n" + "SELECT ?linkDBpedia WHERE{\n" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:isInRoad ?road.\n" + "?road cito:cites ?linkDBpedia.}\n" + "}"; out.println("{ \"Service\":" + "{\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); TupleQuery tupleQueryService = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryService); TupleQueryResult resultService = tupleQueryService.evaluate(); String TOS = ""; String NOS = ""; TupleQuery tupleQueryDBpedia = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryDBpedia); TupleQueryResult resultDBpedia = tupleQueryDBpedia.evaluate(); String valueOfDBpedia = "["; while (resultService.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetService =; while (resultDBpedia.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetDBpedia =; if (bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia") != null) { if (!("[".equals(valueOfDBpedia))) { valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + ", \"" + bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia").stringValue() + "\""; } else { valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + "\"" + bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia").stringValue() + "\""; } } } valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + "]"; String valueOfSerAddress = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("serAddress") != null) { valueOfSerAddress = bindingSetService.getValue("serAddress").stringValue(); } String valueOfSerNumber = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("serNumber") != null) { valueOfSerNumber = bindingSetService.getValue("serNumber").stringValue(); } String valueOfSType = bindingSetService.getValue("sType").stringValue(); String valueOfSTypeIta = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) { valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSetService.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue(); } // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA String subCategory = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("type") != null) { subCategory = bindingSetService.getValue("type").stringValue(); subCategory = subCategory.replace("", ""); //subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1); //subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_"); } String category = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sCategory") != null) { category = bindingSetService.getValue("sCategory").stringValue(); category = category.replace("", ""); //category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1); //category = category.replace(" ", "_"); } String serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; // controllo del Nome per i Geolocated Object String valueOfSName = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sName") != null) { valueOfSName = bindingSetService.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } else { valueOfSName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase(); } String valueOfELat = bindingSetService.getValue("elat").stringValue(); String valueOfELong = bindingSetService.getValue("elong").stringValue(); String valueOfNote = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("note") != null) { valueOfNote = bindingSetService.getValue("note").stringValue(); } String valueOfEmail = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("email") != null) { valueOfEmail = bindingSetService.getValue("email").stringValue(); } String valueOfMultimediaResource = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("multimedia") != null) { valueOfMultimediaResource = bindingSetService.getValue("multimedia").stringValue(); } String valueOfDescriptionIta = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionIta") != null) { valueOfDescriptionIta = bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionIta").stringValue(); } String valueOfDescriptionEng = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionEng") != null) { valueOfDescriptionEng = bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionEng").stringValue(); } //AGGIUNTA CAMPI DA VISUALIZZARE SU SCHEDA String valueOfFax = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("fax") != null) { valueOfFax = bindingSetService.getValue("fax").stringValue(); } String valueOfPhone = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("phone") != null) { valueOfPhone = bindingSetService.getValue("phone").stringValue(); } String valueOfProv = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("prov") != null) { valueOfProv = bindingSetService.getValue("prov").stringValue(); } String valueOfCity = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("city") != null) { valueOfCity = bindingSetService.getValue("city").stringValue(); } String valueOfUrl = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("website") != null) { valueOfUrl = bindingSetService.getValue("website").stringValue(); } String valueOfCap = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("cap") != null) { valueOfCap = bindingSetService.getValue("cap").stringValue(); } // ---- FINE AGGIUNTA --- NOS = valueOfSName; //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_"); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("@it", ""); TOS = valueOfSTypeIta; Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", ""); if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfELong + ", " + " " + valueOfELat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"" + TOS + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", " + " \"phone\": \"" + valueOfPhone + "\", " + " \"fax\": \"" + valueOfFax + "\", " + " \"website\": \"" + valueOfUrl + "\", " + " \"province\": \"" + valueOfProv + "\", " + " \"city\": \"" + valueOfCity + "\", " + " \"cap\": \"" + valueOfCap + "\", " // ********************************************** + " \"email\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfEmail) + "\", " + " \"linkDBpedia\": " + valueOfDBpedia + ", " + " \"note\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + " \"description\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfDescriptionIta) + "\", " + " \"description2\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfDescriptionEng) + "\", " + " \"multimedia\": \"" + valueOfMultimediaResource + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + idService + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + valueOfSerAddress + "\", \"numero\": \"" + valueOfSerNumber + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " + "}"); i++; } out.println("] }"); if ("Parcheggio_auto".equals(TOS)) { String queryStringParkingStatus = " PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX time:<>" + "SELECT distinct ?situationRecord ?instantDateTime ?occupancy ?free ?occupied ?capacity ?cpStatus WHERE { " + " ?cps km4c:observeCarPark <" + idService + ">." + " ?cps km4c:capacity ?capacity." + " ?situationRecord km4c:relatedToSensor ?cps." + " ?situationRecord km4c:observationTime ?time." + " ?time <> ?instantDateTime." + " ?situationRecord km4c:parkOccupancy ?occupancy." + " ?situationRecord km4c:free ?free." + " ?situationRecord km4c:carParkStatus ?cpStatus." + " ?situationRecord km4c:occupied ?occupied." + "} ORDER BY DESC (?instantDateTime) LIMIT 1"; TupleQuery tupleQueryParking = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringParkingStatus); TupleQueryResult resultParkingStatus = tupleQueryParking.evaluate(); out.println(",\"realtime\": "); if (resultParkingStatus.hasNext()) { out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"parcheggio\":[ " + "\"" + NOS + "\"" + "]," + "\"vars\":[ " + "\"Capacit\", " + "\"PostiLiberi\"," + "\"PostiOccupati\"," + "\"Occupazione\"," + "\"Aggiornamento\"" + "]" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); int p = 0; while (resultParkingStatus.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetParking =; String valueOfInstantDateTime = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("instantDateTime") != null) { valueOfInstantDateTime = bindingSetParking.getValue("instantDateTime").stringValue(); } String valueOfOccupancy = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("occupancy") != null) { valueOfOccupancy = bindingSetParking.getValue("occupancy").stringValue(); } String valueOfFree = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("free") != null) { valueOfFree = bindingSetParking.getValue("free").stringValue(); } String valueOfOccupied = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("occupied") != null) { valueOfOccupied = bindingSetParking.getValue("occupied").stringValue(); } String valueOfCapacity = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("capacity") != null) { valueOfCapacity = bindingSetParking.getValue("capacity").stringValue(); } String valueOfcpStatus = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("cpStatus") != null) { valueOfcpStatus = bindingSetParking.getValue("cpStatus").stringValue(); } if (p != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{" + "\"Capacit\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfCapacity + "\" " + " }," + "\"PostiLiberi\": { " + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfFree + "\" " + " }," + "\"PostiOccupati\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfOccupied + "\" " + " }," + "\"Occupazione\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfOccupancy + "\" " + " }," + "\"Stato\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfcpStatus + "\" " + " }," + "\"Aggiornamento\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfInstantDateTime + "\" " + " }"); out.println("}"); p++; } out.println("]}}}"); } else { out.println("{}}"); } } else { out.println("}"); } }
From source
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { String legend = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String label_name = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String label_group = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String label_embargo = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String label_date = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String radio0 = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String radio1 = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String radio_help = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String label_reason = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String button_confirm = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String help_name = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); String help_reason = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try {//from ww 2 s .c om HttpServletRequest hrq = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); Context context = UIUtil.obtainContext(hrq); // get startDate and reason of the resource policy of the target DSpaceObject List<ResourcePolicy> policies = null; if (!advanced && dso != null) { policies = AuthorizeManager.findPoliciesByDSOAndType(context, dso, ResourcePolicy.TYPE_CUSTOM); } else if (rp != null) { policies = new ArrayList<ResourcePolicy>(); policies.add(rp); } String name = ""; int group_id = 0; String startDate = ""; String reason = ""; String radio0Checked = " checked=\"checked\""; String radio1Checked = ""; String disabled = " disabled=\"disabled\""; if (policies != null && policies.size() > 0) { ResourcePolicy rp = policies.get(0); name = (rp.getRpName() == null ? "" : rp.getRpName()); group_id = rp.getGroup().getID(); startDate = (rp.getStartDate() != null ? DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getStartDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd") : ""); reason = (rp.getRpDescription() == null ? "" : rp.getRpDescription()); if (!startDate.equals("")) { radio0Checked = ""; radio1Checked = " checked=\"checked\""; disabled = ""; } } // if advanced embargo is disabled, embargo date and reason fields are always enabled if (!advanced) { disabled = ""; } if (embargo) { // Name sb.append("<div class=\"form-group\">"); sb.append(label_name).append("\n"); sb.append("<p class=\"help-block\">").append(help_name).append("</p>").append("\n"); sb.append( "<input class=\"form-control\" name=\"name\" id=\"policy_name\" type=\"text\" maxlength=\"30\" value=\"") .append(name).append("\" />\n"); sb.append("</div>"); // Group sb.append("<div class=\"form-group\">"); sb.append(label_group).append("\n"); sb.append("<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"group_id\" id=\"select_group\">\n"); Group[] groups = getGroups(context, hrq, subInfo); if (groups != null) { for (Group group : groups) { sb.append("<option value=\"").append(group.getID()).append("\""); if (group_id == group.getID()) { sb.append(" selected=\"selected\""); } sb.append(">").append(group.getName()).append("</option>\n"); } } else { sb.append("<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">Anonymous</option>\n"); } sb.append("</select>\n"); sb.append("</div>"); // Select open or embargo sb.append(label_embargo).append("\n"); sb.append("<div class=\"radio\">"); sb.append("<label><input name=\"open_access_radios\" type=\"radio\" value=\"0\"") .append(radio0Checked).append(" />").append(radio0).append("</label>\n"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<div class=\"radio\">"); sb.append("<label><input name=\"open_access_radios\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\"") .append(radio1Checked).append(" />").append(radio1).append("</label>\n"); sb.append("</div>"); } // Embargo Date if (hidden) { sb.append( "<input name=\"embargo_until_date\" id=\"embargo_until_date_hidden\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"") .append(startDate).append("\" />\n"); ; sb.append("<input name=\"reason\" id=\"reason_hidden\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"").append(reason) .append("\" />\n"); } else { sb.append("<div class=\"form-group col-md-12\">"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-2\">"); sb.append(label_date); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-2\">"); sb.append( "<input class=\"form-control\" name=\"embargo_until_date\" id=\"embargo_until_date\" maxlength=\"10\" size=\"10\" type=\"text\" value=\"") .append(startDate).append("\"").append(disabled).append(" />\n"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-8\">"); sb.append("<span class=\"help-block\">" + radio_help + "</span>"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("</div>"); // Reason sb.append("<div class=\"form-group col-md-12\">"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-12\">"); sb.append(label_reason).append("\n"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-12\">"); sb.append("<p class=\"help-block\">").append(help_reason).append("</p>").append("\n"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<div class=\"col-md-12\">"); sb.append("<textarea class=\"form-control\" name=\"reason\" id=\"reason\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\"") .append(disabled).append(">").append(reason).append("</textarea>\n"); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("</div>"); } // Add policy button if (addpolicy) { sb.append( "<input class=\"btn btn-success col-md-offset-5\" name=\"submit_add_policy\" type=\"submit\" value=\"") .append(button_confirm).append("\" />\n"); } out.println(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new JspException(ie); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JspException(e); } return SKIP_BODY; }
From source
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { PageContext pageContext = null;// w w w . j av a 2 s .c om HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "", true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("<!--\n"); out.write("Copyright 2012 The Infinit.e Open Source Project\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n"); out.write("you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n"); out.write("You may obtain a copy of the License at\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n"); out.write("distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n"); out.write("WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n"); out.write("See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n"); out.write("limitations under the License.\n"); out.write("-->\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write( "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n"); out.write("<html xmlns=\"\">\n"); out.write("<head>\n"); out.write("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n"); out.write("<title>Infinit.e File Upload Tool</title>\n"); out.write("<style media=\"screen\" type=\"text/css\">\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("body \n"); out.write("{\n"); out.write("\tfont: 14px Arial,sans-serif;\n"); out.write("}\n"); out.write("h2\n"); out.write("{\n"); out.write("\tfont-family: \"Times New Roman\";\n"); out.write("\tfont-style: italic;\n"); out.write("\tfont-variant: normal;\n"); out.write("\tfont-weight: normal;\n"); out.write("\tfont-size: 24px;\n"); out.write("\tline-height: 29px;\n"); out.write("\tfont-size-adjust: none;\n"); out.write("\tfont-stretch: normal;\n"); out.write("\t-x-system-font: none;\n"); out.write("\tcolor: #d2331f;\n"); out.write("\tmargin-bottom: 25px;\n"); out.write("}\n"); out.write(".show {\n"); out.write("display: ;\n"); out.write("visibility: visible;\n"); out.write("}\n"); out.write(".hide {\n"); out.write("display: none;\n"); out.write("visibility: hidden;\n"); out.write("}\n"); out.write("</style>\n"); out.write("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"AppConstants.js\"> </script>\n"); out.write("</head>\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("<body onload=\"populate()\">\n"); if (API_ROOT == null) { ServletContext context = session.getServletContext(); String realContextPath = context.getRealPath("/"); ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("javascript"); try { // EC2 Machines FileReader reader = new FileReader(realContextPath + "/AppConstants.js"); engine.eval(reader); reader.close(); engine.eval("output = getEndPointUrl();"); API_ROOT = (String) engine.get("output"); SHARE_ROOT = API_ROOT + "share/get/"; } catch (Exception je) { try { ////////////Windows + Tomcat FileReader reader = new FileReader(realContextPath + "\\..\\AppConstants.js"); engine.eval(reader); reader.close(); engine.eval("output = getEndPointUrl();"); API_ROOT = (String) engine.get("output"); SHARE_ROOT = API_ROOT + "share/get/"; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } } if (null == API_ROOT) { // Default to localhost API_ROOT = "http://localhost:8080/api/"; SHARE_ROOT = "$infinite/share/get/"; } if (API_ROOT.contains("localhost")) localCookie = true; else localCookie = false; } Boolean isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn(request, response); if (isLoggedIn == null) { out.println("The Infinit.e API cannot be reached."); out.println(API_ROOT); } else if (isLoggedIn == true) { showAll = (request.getParameter("sudo") != null); DEBUG_MODE = (request.getParameter("debug") != null); communityList = generateCommunityList(request, response); if (request.getParameter("logout") != null) { logOut(request, response); out.println("<div style=\" text-align: center;\">"); out.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0\">"); out.println("</div>"); } else { out.println("<div style=\" text-align: center;\">"); String contentType = request.getContentType(); if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) { // Create a new file upload handler ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()); // Parse the request FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request); byte[] fileBytes = null; String fileDS = null; byte[] iconBytes = null; String iconDS = null; Set<String> communities = new HashSet<String>(); boolean isFileSet = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItemStream item =; String name = item.getFieldName(); InputStream stream = item.openStream(); if (item.isFormField()) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("communities")) { communities.add(Streams.asString(stream)); } else request.setAttribute(name, Streams.asString(stream)); //out.println("<b>" + name + ":</b>" + request.getAttribute(name).toString()+"</br>"); } else { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { if (!item.getName().equals("")) isFileSet = true; fileDS = item.getContentType(); fileBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); // Check if this should be a java-archive (rather than just an octet stream) if (fileDS.equals("application/octet-stream")) { ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(fileBytes)); ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { fileDS = "application/java-archive"; break; } } } // Reset stream, and read } } } ////////////////////////////////////Delete Share //////////////////////////////// if (request.getAttribute("deleteId") != null) { String fileId = request.getAttribute("deleteId").toString(); if (fileId != null && fileId != "") removeFromShare(fileId, request, response).toString(); } ////////////////////////////////////Update Community Info//////////////////////////////// else if (null == fileBytes) { String shareId = request.getAttribute("DBId").toString(); if (shareId != null && shareId != "") addRemoveCommunities(shareId, communities, request, response); } else { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boolean newUpload = (request.getAttribute("DBId").toString().length() == 0); ///////////////////////////////// SWF Manip ///////////////////////////////// String shareId = request.getAttribute("DBId").toString(); String fileUrl = ""; String fileId = ""; String bin = request.getAttribute("binary").toString(); if (request.getAttribute("title") != null && request.getAttribute("description") != null && fileBytes != null) { if (!isFileSet) //if not a binary file or file was not changed { fileId = shareId; if (shareId != null && shareId != "") addRemoveCommunities(shareId, communities, request, response); out.println("File was not set, just updated communities."); } else if (bin.equals("null")) //is a json file, make sure its okay and upload it { fileId = UpdateToShare(fileBytes, fileDS, request.getAttribute("title").toString(), request.getAttribute("description").toString(), shareId, communities, true, request.getAttribute("type").toString(), newUpload, request, response); } else //is a binary, do normal { fileId = UpdateToShare(fileBytes, fileDS, request.getAttribute("title").toString(), request.getAttribute("description").toString(), shareId, communities, false, request.getAttribute("type").toString(), newUpload, request, response); } if (fileId.contains("Failed")) { out.println(fileId); } else { fileUrl = SHARE_ROOT + fileId; if (newUpload) out.println( "You have successfully added a file to the share, its location is: " + fileUrl); else out.println( "You have successfully updated a file on the share, its location is: " + fileUrl); } } else { fileUrl = null; out.println("Error: Not enough information provided for file Upload"); } ///////////////////////////////// End File Manip ///////////////////////////////// out.println("</div>"); } } else { } out.write("\n"); out.write("\t\n"); out.write("\t<script>\n"); out.write("\tfunction clearCommList()\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\tmult_comms = document.getElementById('communities');\n"); out.write("\t\t\tfor ( var i = 0, l = mult_comms.options.length, o; i < l; i++ )\n"); out.write("\t\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\t o = mult_comms.options[i];\n"); out.write("\t\t\t o.selected = false;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\tfunction highlightComms(commList)\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\tmult_comms = document.getElementById('communities');\n"); out.write("\t\t\tfor ( var i = 0, l = mult_comms.options.length, o; i < l; i++ )\n"); out.write("\t\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\t o = mult_comms.options[i];\n"); out.write("\t\t\t if(commList.indexOf(o.value) == -1)\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\to.selected = false;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t else \n"); out.write("\t\t\t \to.selected = true;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\tfunction populate()\n"); out.write("\t{\n"); out.write("\t\tvar typerow = document.getElementById('typerow');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar type = document.getElementById('type');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar title = document.getElementById('title');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar description = document.getElementById('description');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar file = document.getElementById('file');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar created = document.getElementById('created');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar DBId = document.getElementById('DBId');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar deleteId = document.getElementById('deleteId');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar deleteButton = document.getElementById('deleteButton');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar share_url = document.getElementById('share_url');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar owner_text = document.getElementById('owner_text');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar owner = document.getElementById('owner');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar url_row = document.getElementById('url_row');\n"); out.write("\t\tvar dropdown = document.getElementById(\"upload_info\");\n"); out.write("\t\tvar list = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;\n"); out.write("\t\tvar binary = document.getElementById(\"binary\");\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tif (list == \"new\")\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttitle.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdescription.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttype.value = \"binary\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tcreated.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tDBId.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdeleteId.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tshare_url.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttyperow.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\turl_row.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner_text.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdeleteButton.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tclearCommList();\n"); out.write("\t\t\tbinary.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\treturn;\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tif ( list == \"newJSON\")\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttitle.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdescription.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttype.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tcreated.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tDBId.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdeleteId.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tshare_url.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner.value = \"\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttyperow.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\turl_row.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\towner_text.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdeleteButton.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\tclearCommList();\n"); out.write("\t\t\tbinary.value = \"null\";\n"); out.write("\t\t\treturn;\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t//_id, created, title, description\n"); out.write("\t\tsplit = list.split(\"$$$\");\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tres_id = split[0];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_created = split[1];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_title = split[2];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_description = split[3];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_url = split[4];\n"); out.write("\t\tcommunities = split[5];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_owner = split[6];\n"); out.write("\t\tres_binary = split[7];\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tres_type = split[8];\t\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tif ( res_binary == \"null\" )\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttyperow.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\telse\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttyperow.className = \"hide\";\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\ttitle.value = res_title;\n"); out.write("\t\tdescription.value = res_description;\n"); out.write("\t\tcreated.value = res_created;\n"); out.write("\t\tDBId.value = res_id;\n"); out.write("\t\tdeleteId.value = res_id;\n"); out.write("\t\tshare_url.value = res_url;\n"); out.write("\t\towner.value = res_owner;\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tdeleteButton.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\towner.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\towner_text.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\turl_row.className = \"show\";\n"); out.write("\t\thighlightComms(communities);\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tbinary.value = res_binary;\n"); out.write("\t\ttype.value = res_type;\n"); out.write("\t}\n"); out.write("\t\tfunction validate_fields()\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttitle = document.getElementById('title').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\tdescription = document.getElementById('description').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\tfile = document.getElementById('file').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\tbinary = document.getElementById(\"binary\").value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\ttype = document.getElementById(\"type\").value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t//share_url = document.getElementById('share_url').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t//file_url = document.getElementById('file_url').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t//file_check = document.getElementById('file_check').checked;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t\tif (title == \"\")\n"); out.write("\t\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\talert('Please provide a title.');\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\treturn false;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t\tif (description == \"\")\n"); out.write("\t\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\talert('Please provide a description.');\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\treturn false;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t\tif ( binary == \"null\" && type == \"\")\n"); out.write("\t\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\talert('Please provide a type.');\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\treturn false;\n"); out.write("\t\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\tfunction confirmDelete()\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write( "\t\t\tvar agree=confirm(\"Are you sure you wish to Delete this file from the File Share?\");\n"); out.write("\t\t\tif (agree)\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\treturn true ;\n"); out.write("\t\t\telse\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\treturn false ;\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\tfunction showResults()\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\tvar title = document.getElementById('DBId').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\tvar url = getEndPointUrl() + \"share/get/\" + title;\n"); out.write("\t\t\, '_blank');\n"); out.write("\t\t\twindow.focus();\t\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\t// -->\n"); out.write("\t\t</script>\n"); out.write("\t</script>\n"); out.write( "\t\t<div id=\"uploader_outter_div\" name=\"uploader_outter_div\" align=\"center\" style=\"width:100%\" >\n"); out.write( "\t \t<div id=\"uploader_div\" name=\"uploader_div\" style=\"border-style:solid; border-color:#999999; border-radius: 10px; width:475px; margin:auto\">\n"); out.write("\t \t<h2>File Uploader</h2>\n"); out.write("\t \t<form id=\"search_form\" name=\"search_form\" method=\"get\">\n"); out.write("\t \t\t<div align=\"center\"\">\n"); out.write("\t \t\t<label for=\"ext\">Filter On</label>\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t <select name=\"ext\" id=\"ext\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(populateMediaTypes(request, response)); out.write("\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t </select>\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t </div>\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t "); if (showAll) out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sudo\" id=\"sudo\" value=\"true\" />"); out.write("\t \t\t\n"); out.write("\t \t</form>\n"); out.write( "\t \t<form id=\"delete_form\" name=\"delete_form\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" onsubmit=\"javascript:return confirmDelete()\" >\n"); out.write( "\t \t\t<select id=\"upload_info\" onchange=\"populate()\" name=\"upload_info\"><option value=\"new\">Upload New File</option><option value=\"newJSON\">Upload New JSON</option> "); out.print(populatePreviousUploads(request, response)); out.write("</select>\n"); out.write( "\t \t\t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"deleteButton\" id=\"deleteButton\" class=\"hidden\" value=\"Delete\" />\n"); out.write("\t \t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleteId\" id=\"deleteId\" />\n"); out.write("\t \t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleteFile\" id=\"deleteFile\" />\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t "); if (showAll) out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sudo\" id=\"sudo\" value=\"true\" />"); out.write("\t \t\t\n"); out.write("\t \t</form>\n"); out.write( "\t <form id=\"upload_form\" name=\"upload_form\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" onsubmit=\"javascript:return validate_fields();\" >\n"); out.write( "\t <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px\">\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t <td>Title:</td>\n"); out.write( "\t <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" id=\"title\" size=\"39\" /></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t <td>Description:</td>\n"); out.write( "\t <td><textarea rows=\"4\" cols=\"30\" name=\"description\" id=\"description\" ></textarea></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr id=\"typerow\">\n"); out.write("\t <td>Type:</td>\n"); out.write( "\t <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"type\" id=\"type\" size=\"39\" /></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t \t<td>Communities:</td>\n"); out.write("\t \t<td>"); out.print(communityList); out.write("</td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t \t<td id=\"owner_text\">Owner:</td>\n"); out.write("\t \t<td>\n"); out.write( "\t <input type=\"text\" name=\"owner\" id=\"owner\" readonly=\"readonly\" size=\"25\" />\n"); out.write("\t \t</td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write("\t <td>File:</td>\n"); out.write("\t <td><input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" id=\"file\" /></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr id=\"url_row\" class=\"hide\">\n"); out.write("\t \t<td>Share URL:</td>\n"); out.write( "\t \t<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"share_url\" id=\"share_url\" readonly=\"readonly\" size=\"38\"/>\n"); out.write( "\t \t<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"showResults()\" value=\"View\"/>\n"); out.write("\t \t</td>\n"); out.write("\t \t<td></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t <tr>\n"); out.write( "\t <td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:right\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" /></td>\n"); out.write("\t </tr>\n"); out.write("\t </table>\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"created\" id=\"created\" />\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBId\" id=\"DBId\" />\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fileUrl\" id=\"fileUrl\" />\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"binary\" id=\"binary\" />\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t\t "); if (showAll) out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sudo\" id=\"sudo\" value=\"true\" />"); out.write("\t \t\t\n"); out.write("\t\t\t\t</form>\n"); out.write("\t </div>\n"); out.write("\t <form id=\"logout_form\" name=\"logout_form\" method=\"post\">\n"); out.write( "\t \t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"logout\" id = \"logout\" value=\"Log Out\" />\n"); out.write("\t </form>\n"); out.write("\t </div>\n"); out.write("\t </p>\n"); out.write("\t\n"); } } else if (isLoggedIn == false) { //localCookie =(request.getParameter("local") != null); //System.out.println("LocalCookie = " + localCookie.toString()); String errorMsg = ""; if (request.getParameter("logintext") != null || request.getParameter("passwordtext") != null) { if (logMeIn(request.getParameter("logintext"), request.getParameter("passwordtext"), request, response)) { showAll = (request.getParameter("sudo") != null); out.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0\">"); out.println("Login Success"); } else { errorMsg = "Log in Failed, Please Try again"; } } out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("<script>\n"); out.write("\tfunction validate_fields()\n"); out.write("\t{\n"); out.write("\t\tuname = document.getElementById('logintext').value;\n"); out.write("\t\tpword = document.getElementById('passwordtext').value;\n"); out.write("\t\t\n"); out.write("\t\tif (uname == \"\")\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\talert('Please provide your username.');\n"); out.write("\t\t\treturn false;\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t\tif (pword == \"\")\n"); out.write("\t\t{\n"); out.write("\t\t\talert('Please provide your password.');\n"); out.write("\t\t\treturn false;\n"); out.write("\t\t}\n"); out.write("\t}\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("</script>\n"); out.write( "\t<div id=\"login_outter_div\" name=\"login_outter_div\" align=\"center\" style=\"width:100%\" >\n"); out.write( " \t<div id=\"login_div\" name=\"login_div\" style=\"border-style:solid; border-color:#999999; border-radius: 10px; width:450px; margin:auto\">\n"); out.write(" \t<h2>Login</h2>\n"); out.write( " <form id=\"login_form\" name=\"login_form\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"javascript:return validate_fields();\" >\n"); out.write( " <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"padding-left:10px\">\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write(" <td>User Name</td>\n"); out.write(" <td> </td>\n"); out.write(" <td>Password</td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write( " <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"logintext\" id=\"logintext\" width=\"190px\" /></td>\n"); out.write(" <td> </td>\n"); out.write( " <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"passwordtext\" id=\"passwordtext\" width=\"190px\" /></td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" <tr>\n"); out.write( " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\"><input name=\"Login\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\" /></td>\n"); out.write(" </tr>\n"); out.write(" </table>\n"); out.write("\t\t\t</form>\n"); out.write(" </div>\n"); out.write(" </div>\n"); out.write("\t<div style=\"color: red; text-align: center;\"> "); out.print(errorMsg); out.write(" </div>\n"); } out.write("\n"); out.write(" \n"); out.write(" \n"); out.write("</body>\n"); out.write("</html>"); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) try { out.clearBuffer(); } catch ( e) { } if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } }
From source
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); HttpServletRequest hrq = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); /* just leave this out now boolean emphasiseDate = false;//from www . j av a 2s. co m boolean emphasiseTitle = false; if (emphColumn != null) { emphasiseDate = emphColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("date"); emphasiseTitle = emphColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("title"); } */ // get the elements to display String browseListLine = null; String browseWidthLine = null; // As different indexes / sort options may require different columns to be displayed // try to obtain a custom configuration based for the browse that has been performed if (browseInfo != null) { SortOption so = browseInfo.getSortOption(); BrowseIndex bix = browseInfo.getBrowseIndex(); // We have obtained the index that was used for this browse if (bix != null) { // First, try to get a configuration for this browse and sort option combined if (so != null && browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty( "webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty( "webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".widths"); } // We haven't got a sort option defined, so get one for the index // - it may be required later if (so == null) { so = bix.getSortOption(); } } // If no config found, attempt to get one for this sort option if (so != null && browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".widths"); } // If no config found, attempt to get one for this browse index if (bix != null && browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager .getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".widths"); } // If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the sort name if (so != null && browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".widths"); } // If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the index name if (bix != null && browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + bix.getName() + ".columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + bix.getName() + ".widths"); } } if (browseListLine == null) { browseListLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.columns"); browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.widths"); } // Have we read a field configration from dspace.cfg? if (browseListLine != null) { // If thumbnails are disabled, strip out any thumbnail column from the configuration if (!showThumbs && browseListLine.contains("thumbnail")) { // Ensure we haven't got any nulls browseListLine = browseListLine == null ? "" : browseListLine; browseWidthLine = browseWidthLine == null ? "" : browseWidthLine; // Tokenize the field and width lines StringTokenizer bllt = new StringTokenizer(browseListLine, ","); StringTokenizer bwlt = new StringTokenizer(browseWidthLine, ","); StringBuilder newBLLine = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder newBWLine = new StringBuilder(); while (bllt.hasMoreTokens() || bwlt.hasMoreTokens()) { String browseListTok = bllt.hasMoreTokens() ? bllt.nextToken() : null; String browseWidthTok = bwlt.hasMoreTokens() ? bwlt.nextToken() : null; // Only use the Field and Width tokens, if the field isn't 'thumbnail' if (browseListTok == null || !browseListTok.trim().equals("thumbnail")) { if (browseListTok != null) { if (newBLLine.length() > 0) { newBLLine.append(","); } newBLLine.append(browseListTok); } if (browseWidthTok != null) { if (newBWLine.length() > 0) { newBWLine.append(","); } newBWLine.append(browseWidthTok); } } } // Use the newly built configuration file browseListLine = newBLLine.toString(); browseWidthLine = newBWLine.toString(); } } else { browseListLine = DEFAULT_LIST_FIELDS; browseWidthLine = DEFAULT_LIST_WIDTHS; } // Arrays used to hold the information we will require when outputting each row String[] fieldArr = browseListLine == null ? new String[0] : browseListLine.split("\\s*,\\s*"); String[] widthArr = browseWidthLine == null ? new String[0] : browseWidthLine.split("\\s*,\\s*"); boolean isDate[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean emph[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean isAuthor[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; boolean viewFull[] = new boolean[fieldArr.length]; String[] browseType = new String[fieldArr.length]; String[] cOddOrEven = new String[fieldArr.length]; try { // Get the interlinking configuration too CrossLinks cl = new CrossLinks(); // Get a width for the table String tablewidth = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.tablewidth"); // If we have column widths, try to use a fixed layout table - faster for browsers to render // but not if we have to add an 'edit item' button - we can't know how big it will be if (widthArr.length > 0 && widthArr.length == fieldArr.length && !linkToEdit) { // If the table width has been specified, we can make this a fixed layout if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tablewidth)) { out.println("<table style=\"width: " + tablewidth + "; table-layout: fixed;\" align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } else { // Otherwise, don't constrain the width out.println( "<table align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } // Output the known column widths out.print("<colgroup>"); for (int w = 0; w < widthArr.length; w++) { out.print("<col width=\""); // For a thumbnail column of width '*', use the configured max width for thumbnails if (fieldArr[w].equals("thumbnail") && widthArr[w].equals("*")) { out.print(thumbItemListMaxWidth); } else { out.print(StringUtils.isEmpty(widthArr[w]) ? "*" : widthArr[w]); } out.print("\" />"); } out.println("</colgroup>"); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tablewidth)) { out.println("<table width=\"" + tablewidth + "\" align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } else { out.println( "<table align=\"center\" class=\"miscTable\" summary=\"This table browses all dspace content\">"); } // Output the table headers out.println("<tr>"); for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < fieldArr.length; colIdx++) { String field = fieldArr[colIdx].toLowerCase().trim(); cOddOrEven[colIdx] = (((colIdx + 1) % 2) == 0 ? "Odd" : "Even"); // find out if the field is a date if (field.indexOf("(date)") > 0) { field = field.replaceAll("\\(date\\)", ""); isDate[colIdx] = true; } // Cache any modifications to field fieldArr[colIdx] = field; // find out if this is the author column if (field.equals(authorField)) { isAuthor[colIdx] = true; } // find out if this field needs to link out to other browse views if (cl.hasLink(field)) { browseType[colIdx] = cl.getLinkType(field); viewFull[colIdx] = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(browseType[colIdx]).isItemIndex(); } // find out if we are emphasising this field /* if ((field.equals(dateField) && emphasiseDate) || (field.equals(titleField) && emphasiseTitle)) { emph[colIdx] = true; } */ if (field.equals(emphColumn)) { emph[colIdx] = true; } // prepare the strings for the header String id = "t" + Integer.toString(colIdx + 1); String css = "oddRow" + cOddOrEven[colIdx] + "Col"; String message = "itemlist." + field; // output the header out.print("<th id=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + css + "\">" + (emph[colIdx] ? "<strong>" : "") + LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, message) + (emph[colIdx] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</th>"); } if (linkToEdit) { String id = "t" + Integer.toString(cOddOrEven.length + 1); String css = "oddRow" + cOddOrEven[cOddOrEven.length - 2] + "Col"; // output the header out.print("<th id=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + css + "\">" + (emph[emph.length - 2] ? "<strong>" : "") + " " //LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, message) + (emph[emph.length - 2] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</th>"); } out.print("</tr>"); // now output each item row for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { out.print("<tr>"); // now prepare the XHTML frag for this division String rOddOrEven; if (i == highlightRow) { rOddOrEven = "highlight"; } else { rOddOrEven = ((i & 1) == 1 ? "odd" : "even"); } for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < fieldArr.length; colIdx++) { String field = fieldArr[colIdx]; // get the schema and the element qualifier pair // (Note, the schema is not used for anything yet) // (second note, I hate this bit of code. There must be // a much more elegant way of doing this. Tomcat has // some weird problems with variations on this code that // I tried, which is why it has ended up the way it is) StringTokenizer eq = new StringTokenizer(field, "."); String[] tokens = { "", "", "" }; int k = 0; while (eq.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens[k] = eq.nextToken().toLowerCase().trim(); k++; } String schema = tokens[0]; String element = tokens[1]; String qualifier = tokens[2]; // first get hold of the relevant metadata for this column DCValue[] metadataArray; if (qualifier.equals("*")) { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); } else if (qualifier.equals("")) { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, null, Item.ANY); } else { metadataArray = items[i].getMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); } // save on a null check which would make the code untidy if (metadataArray == null) { metadataArray = new DCValue[0]; } // now prepare the content of the table division String metadata = "-"; if (field.equals("thumbnail")) { metadata = getThumbMarkup(hrq, items[i]); } else if (metadataArray.length > 0) { // format the date field correctly if (isDate[colIdx]) { DCDate dd = new DCDate(metadataArray[0].value); metadata = UIUtil.displayDate(dd, false, false, hrq); } // format the title field correctly for withdrawn items (ie. don't link) else if (field.equals(titleField) && items[i].isWithdrawn()) { metadata = Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[0].value); } // format the title field correctly (as long as the item isn't withdrawn, link to it) else if (field.equals(titleField)) { metadata = "<a href=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/handle/" + items[i].getHandle() + "\">" + Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[0].value) + "</a>"; } // format all other fields else { // limit the number of records if this is the author field (if // -1, then the limit is the full list) boolean truncated = false; int loopLimit = metadataArray.length; if (isAuthor[colIdx]) { int fieldMax = (authorLimit == -1 ? metadataArray.length : authorLimit); loopLimit = (fieldMax > metadataArray.length ? metadataArray.length : fieldMax); truncated = (fieldMax < metadataArray.length); log.debug("Limiting output of field " + field + " to " + Integer.toString(loopLimit) + " from an original " + Integer.toString(metadataArray.length)); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < loopLimit; j++) { String startLink = ""; String endLink = ""; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(browseType[colIdx]) && !disableCrossLinks) { String argument; String value; if (metadataArray[j].authority != null && metadataArray[j].confidence >= MetadataAuthorityManager.getManager() .getMinConfidence(metadataArray[j].schema, metadataArray[j].element, metadataArray[j].qualifier)) { argument = "authority"; value = metadataArray[j].authority; } else { argument = "value"; value = metadataArray[j].value; } if (viewFull[colIdx]) { argument = "vfocus"; } startLink = "<a href=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/browse?type=" + browseType[colIdx] + "&" + argument + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); if (metadataArray[j].language != null) { startLink = startLink + "&" + argument + "_lang=" + URLEncoder.encode(metadataArray[j].language, "UTF-8"); } if ("authority".equals(argument)) { startLink += "\" class=\"authority " + browseType[colIdx] + "\">"; } else { startLink = startLink + "\">"; } endLink = "</a>"; } sb.append(startLink); sb.append(Utils.addEntities(metadataArray[j].value)); sb.append(endLink); if (j < (loopLimit - 1)) { sb.append("; "); } } if (truncated) { String etal = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, ""); sb.append(", ").append(etal); } metadata = "<em>" + sb.toString() + "</em>"; } } // prepare extra special layout requirements for dates String extras = ""; if (isDate[colIdx]) { extras = "nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"right\""; } String id = "t" + Integer.toString(colIdx + 1); out.print("<td headers=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + rOddOrEven + "Row" + cOddOrEven[colIdx] + "Col\" " + extras + ">" + (emph[colIdx] ? "<strong>" : "") + metadata + (emph[colIdx] ? "</strong>" : "") + "</td>"); } // Add column for 'edit item' links if (linkToEdit) { String id = "t" + Integer.toString(cOddOrEven.length + 1); out.print("<td headers=\"" + id + "\" class=\"" + rOddOrEven + "Row" + cOddOrEven[cOddOrEven.length - 2] + "Col\" nowrap>" + "<form method=\"get\" action=\"" + hrq.getContextPath() + "/tools/edit-item\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"handle\" value=\"" + items[i].getHandle() + "\" />" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit Item\" /></form>" + "</td>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } // close the table out.println("</table>"); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new JspException(ie); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new JspException(e); } catch (BrowseException e) { throw new JspException(e); } return SKIP_BODY; }