Java tutorial
/* ServiceMap. Copyright (C) 2015 DISIT Lab - University of Florence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.disit.servicemap.api; import; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.disit.servicemap.Configuration; import org.disit.servicemap.Configuration; import org.disit.servicemap.ServiceMap; import org.disit.servicemap.ServiceMap; import static org.disit.servicemap.ServiceMap.escapeJSON; import static org.disit.servicemap.ServiceMap.logQuery; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException; import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException; import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; /** * * @author bellini */ public class ServiceMapApi { static public String filterQuery(String query, String km4cVersion) { if (km4cVersion.equals("new")) { return query.replace("^^xsd:string", ""); } return query; } public void queryFulltext(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String textToSearch, String selection, String dist, String limit) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); String[] coords = null; if (selection != null && selection.contains(";")) { coords = selection.split(";"); } String queryText = "PREFIX luc: <>\n" + "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?ser ?long ?lat ?sType ?sTypeIta ?sCategory ?sName ?txt ?x WHERE {\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + (km4cVersion.equals( "old") ? " OPTIONAL { ?ser km4c:hasServiceCategory ?cat.\n" + " ?cat rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\") }\n" : " {\n" + " ?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)\n" + " OPTIONAL { ?sType rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?sCategory),\"\"))}\n" + " ?sType rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\")\n" + " }\n") + " OPTIONAL {{?ser schema:name ?sName } UNION { ?ser foaf:name ?sName }}\n" + " {\n" + " ?ser geo:lat ?lat .\n" + " ?ser geo:long ?long .\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?ser", coords, dist) + " } UNION {\n" + " ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry.\n" + " ?entry geo:lat ?lat.\n" + " ?entry geo:long ?long.\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, dist) /*+ "} UNION {" + " ?ser km4c:hasStreetNumber/km4c:hasExternalAccess ?entry." + " ?entry geo:lat ?lat." + " ?entry geo:long ?long." + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, dist)*/ + " }\n" + "} ORDER BY DESC(?sc)"; if (!"0".equals(limit)) { queryText += " LIMIT " + limit; } TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryText); long start = System.nanoTime(); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); logQuery(queryText, "free-text-search", sparqlType, textToSearch + ";" + limit, System.nanoTime() - start); int i = 0; out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); while (result.hasNext()) { if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } BindingSet bindingSet =; String serviceUri = bindingSet.getValue("ser").stringValue(); String serviceLat = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("lat") != null) { serviceLat = bindingSet.getValue("lat").stringValue(); } String serviceLong = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("long") != null) { serviceLong = bindingSet.getValue("long").stringValue(); } String label = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) { label = bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue(); //label = Character.toLowerCase(label.charAt(0)) + label.substring(1); label = label.replace(" ", "_"); label = label.replace("'", ""); } // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA String subCategory = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) { subCategory = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue(); subCategory = subCategory.replace("", ""); subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1); subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_"); } String category = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sCategory") != null) { category = bindingSet.getValue("sCategory").stringValue(); category = category.replace("", ""); category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1); category = category.replace(" ", "_"); } String sName = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sName") != null) { sName = bindingSet.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } else { sName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase(); } // Controllo categoria SensorSite e BusStop per ricerca testuale. String serviceType = ""; String valueOfLinee = ""; //Da verificare se OK /*if (subCategory.equals("sensorSite")) { serviceType = "RoadSensor"; } else if (subCategory.equals("busStop")) { serviceType = "NearBusStop"; TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(sName, con); if(resultLinee != null){ while (resultLinee.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLinee =; String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue(); valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - "+idLinee; } if(valueOfLinee.length()>3) valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee.substring(3); } } else if(! "".equals(category)){ serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; }*/ serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; if (subCategory.equals("BusStop")) { TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(sName, con); if (resultLinee != null) { while (resultLinee.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLinee =; String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue(); valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - " + idLinee; } if (valueOfLinee.length() > 3) valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee.substring(3); } } String txt = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("txt") != null) { txt = bindingSet.getValue("txt").stringValue(); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + serviceLong + ", " + " " + serviceLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + serviceUri + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType // ********************************************** + "\"nome\": \"" + ServiceMap.escapeJSON(sName) + "\", "); if (!"".equals(category)) out.println("\"tipo\": \"servizio\", " + " \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", "); out.println("\"type\": \"" + ServiceMap.escapeJSON(label) + "\", " + " \"linee\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfLinee) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " // + "\"query\": \"" + queryString + "\" " + "}"); i++; } out.println("] " + "}"); } public void queryService(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String idService) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); int i = 0; String queryService = "PREFIX km4c:<> " + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<>" //+ "PREFIX omgeo:<> " //+ "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" //+ "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "SELECT ?serAddress ?serNumber ?elat ?elong ?sName ?sType ?type ?sCategory ?sTypeIta ?email ?note ?multimedia ?descriptionEng ?descriptionIta ?phone ?fax ?website ?prov ?city ?cap WHERE{" + " {" + " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasAccess ?entry ." + " ?entry geo:lat ?elat . " //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " ?entry geo:long ?elong . " //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }UNION{" + " <" + idService + "> km4c:isInRoad ?road." + " <" + idService + "> geo:lat ?elat." //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " <" + idService + "> geo:long ?elong." //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }UNION{" + " <" + idService + "> geo:lat ?elat." //+ " FILTER (?elat>40) " + " <" + idService + "> geo:long ?elong." //+ " FILTER (?elong>10) ." + " }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:name ?sName.}" + " OPTIONAL { <" + idService + "> schema:streetAddress ?serAddress.}" + (km4cVersion.equals("old") ? " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasServiceCategory ?cat ." + " ?cat rdfs:label ?nome . " + " BIND (?nome AS ?sType) ." + " BIND (?nome AS ?sTypeIta) ." + " FILTER(LANG(?nome) = \"it\") ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> <> ?description ." + " FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")} ." : " <" + idService + "> a ?type . FILTER(?type!=km4c:RegularService && ?type!=km4c:Service)" + " ?type rdfs:label ?nome . " + " ?type rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. " + " BIND (?nome AS ?sType) ." + " BIND (?nome AS ?sTypeIta) ." + " FILTER(LANG(?nome) = \"it\") .") + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:houseNumber ?serNumber} ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> dcterms:description ?descriptionIta" //+ " FILTER(LANG(?descriptionEng) = \"en\")" + "}" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> dcterms:description ?descriptionEng FILTER(?descriptionEng!=?descriptionIta)" //+ " FILTER(LANG(?descriptionIta) = \"it\")" + "}" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia} ." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> skos:note ?note} . " + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:email ?email } . " // AGGIUNTA CAMPI DA VISUALIZZARE NELLA SCHEDA + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:faxNumber ?fax }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:telephone ?phone }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:addressRegion ?prov }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:addressLocality ?city }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:postalCode ?cap }" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> schema:url ?website }" // ---- FINE CAMPI AGGIUNTI --- + "}LIMIT 1"; // out.println("count = "+count); String queryDBpedia = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX cito:<>\n" + "SELECT ?linkDBpedia WHERE{\n" + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:isInRoad ?road.\n" + "?road cito:cites ?linkDBpedia.}\n" + "}"; out.println("{ \"Service\":" + "{\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); TupleQuery tupleQueryService = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryService); TupleQueryResult resultService = tupleQueryService.evaluate(); String TOS = ""; String NOS = ""; TupleQuery tupleQueryDBpedia = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryDBpedia); TupleQueryResult resultDBpedia = tupleQueryDBpedia.evaluate(); String valueOfDBpedia = "["; while (resultService.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetService =; while (resultDBpedia.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetDBpedia =; if (bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia") != null) { if (!("[".equals(valueOfDBpedia))) { valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + ", \"" + bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia").stringValue() + "\""; } else { valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + "\"" + bindingSetDBpedia.getValue("linkDBpedia").stringValue() + "\""; } } } valueOfDBpedia = valueOfDBpedia + "]"; String valueOfSerAddress = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("serAddress") != null) { valueOfSerAddress = bindingSetService.getValue("serAddress").stringValue(); } String valueOfSerNumber = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("serNumber") != null) { valueOfSerNumber = bindingSetService.getValue("serNumber").stringValue(); } String valueOfSType = bindingSetService.getValue("sType").stringValue(); String valueOfSTypeIta = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) { valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSetService.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue(); } // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA String subCategory = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("type") != null) { subCategory = bindingSetService.getValue("type").stringValue(); subCategory = subCategory.replace("", ""); //subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1); //subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_"); } String category = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sCategory") != null) { category = bindingSetService.getValue("sCategory").stringValue(); category = category.replace("", ""); //category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1); //category = category.replace(" ", "_"); } String serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; // controllo del Nome per i Geolocated Object String valueOfSName = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("sName") != null) { valueOfSName = bindingSetService.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } else { valueOfSName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase(); } String valueOfELat = bindingSetService.getValue("elat").stringValue(); String valueOfELong = bindingSetService.getValue("elong").stringValue(); String valueOfNote = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("note") != null) { valueOfNote = bindingSetService.getValue("note").stringValue(); } String valueOfEmail = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("email") != null) { valueOfEmail = bindingSetService.getValue("email").stringValue(); } String valueOfMultimediaResource = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("multimedia") != null) { valueOfMultimediaResource = bindingSetService.getValue("multimedia").stringValue(); } String valueOfDescriptionIta = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionIta") != null) { valueOfDescriptionIta = bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionIta").stringValue(); } String valueOfDescriptionEng = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionEng") != null) { valueOfDescriptionEng = bindingSetService.getValue("descriptionEng").stringValue(); } //AGGIUNTA CAMPI DA VISUALIZZARE SU SCHEDA String valueOfFax = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("fax") != null) { valueOfFax = bindingSetService.getValue("fax").stringValue(); } String valueOfPhone = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("phone") != null) { valueOfPhone = bindingSetService.getValue("phone").stringValue(); } String valueOfProv = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("prov") != null) { valueOfProv = bindingSetService.getValue("prov").stringValue(); } String valueOfCity = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("city") != null) { valueOfCity = bindingSetService.getValue("city").stringValue(); } String valueOfUrl = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("website") != null) { valueOfUrl = bindingSetService.getValue("website").stringValue(); } String valueOfCap = ""; if (bindingSetService.getValue("cap") != null) { valueOfCap = bindingSetService.getValue("cap").stringValue(); } // ---- FINE AGGIUNTA --- NOS = valueOfSName; //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_"); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("@it", ""); TOS = valueOfSTypeIta; Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", ""); if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfELong + ", " + " " + valueOfELat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"" + TOS + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", " + " \"phone\": \"" + valueOfPhone + "\", " + " \"fax\": \"" + valueOfFax + "\", " + " \"website\": \"" + valueOfUrl + "\", " + " \"province\": \"" + valueOfProv + "\", " + " \"city\": \"" + valueOfCity + "\", " + " \"cap\": \"" + valueOfCap + "\", " // ********************************************** + " \"email\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfEmail) + "\", " + " \"linkDBpedia\": " + valueOfDBpedia + ", " + " \"note\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + " \"description\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfDescriptionIta) + "\", " + " \"description2\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfDescriptionEng) + "\", " + " \"multimedia\": \"" + valueOfMultimediaResource + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + idService + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + valueOfSerAddress + "\", \"numero\": \"" + valueOfSerNumber + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " + "}"); i++; } out.println("] }"); if ("Parcheggio_auto".equals(TOS)) { String queryStringParkingStatus = " PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX time:<>" + "SELECT distinct ?situationRecord ?instantDateTime ?occupancy ?free ?occupied ?capacity ?cpStatus WHERE { " + " ?cps km4c:observeCarPark <" + idService + ">." + " ?cps km4c:capacity ?capacity." + " ?situationRecord km4c:relatedToSensor ?cps." + " ?situationRecord km4c:observationTime ?time." + " ?time <> ?instantDateTime." + " ?situationRecord km4c:parkOccupancy ?occupancy." + " ?situationRecord km4c:free ?free." + " ?situationRecord km4c:carParkStatus ?cpStatus." + " ?situationRecord km4c:occupied ?occupied." + "} ORDER BY DESC (?instantDateTime) LIMIT 1"; TupleQuery tupleQueryParking = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringParkingStatus); TupleQueryResult resultParkingStatus = tupleQueryParking.evaluate(); out.println(",\"realtime\": "); if (resultParkingStatus.hasNext()) { out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"parcheggio\":[ " + "\"" + NOS + "\"" + "]," + "\"vars\":[ " + "\"Capacit\", " + "\"PostiLiberi\"," + "\"PostiOccupati\"," + "\"Occupazione\"," + "\"Aggiornamento\"" + "]" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); int p = 0; while (resultParkingStatus.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetParking =; String valueOfInstantDateTime = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("instantDateTime") != null) { valueOfInstantDateTime = bindingSetParking.getValue("instantDateTime").stringValue(); } String valueOfOccupancy = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("occupancy") != null) { valueOfOccupancy = bindingSetParking.getValue("occupancy").stringValue(); } String valueOfFree = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("free") != null) { valueOfFree = bindingSetParking.getValue("free").stringValue(); } String valueOfOccupied = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("occupied") != null) { valueOfOccupied = bindingSetParking.getValue("occupied").stringValue(); } String valueOfCapacity = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("capacity") != null) { valueOfCapacity = bindingSetParking.getValue("capacity").stringValue(); } String valueOfcpStatus = ""; if (bindingSetParking.getValue("cpStatus") != null) { valueOfcpStatus = bindingSetParking.getValue("cpStatus").stringValue(); } if (p != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{" + "\"Capacit\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfCapacity + "\" " + " }," + "\"PostiLiberi\": { " + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfFree + "\" " + " }," + "\"PostiOccupati\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfOccupied + "\" " + " }," + "\"Occupazione\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfOccupancy + "\" " + " }," + "\"Stato\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfcpStatus + "\" " + " }," + "\"Aggiornamento\": {" + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfInstantDateTime + "\" " + " }"); out.println("}"); p++; } out.println("]}}}"); } else { out.println("{}}"); } } else { out.println("}"); } } public void queryBusStop(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String idService) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); String nomeFermata = ""; String queryStringBusStop = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<> " + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "SELECT distinct ?nomeFermata ?bslat ?bslong ?address WHERE { " + " <" + idService + "> rdf:type km4c:BusStop." + " <" + idService + "> foaf:name ?nomeFermata." + " OPTIONAL {<" + idService + "> km4c:isInRoad ?road." + " ?road km4c:extendName ?address}." + " <" + idService + "> geo:lat ?bslat." + " <" + idService + "> geo:long ?bslong." + "}LIMIT 1"; TupleQuery tupleQueryBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringBusStop); TupleQueryResult busStopResult = tupleQueryBusStop.evaluate(); out.println("{\"Fermata\": "); out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int i = 0; try { while (busStopResult.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetBusStop =; String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetBusStop.getValue("bslat").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetBusStop.getValue("bslong").stringValue(); String valueOfRoad = ""; if (bindingSetBusStop.getValue("address") != null) { valueOfRoad = bindingSetBusStop.getValue("address").stringValue(); } nomeFermata = bindingSetBusStop.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue(); if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfBSLong + ", " + " " + valueOfBSLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " // + " \"popupContent\": \"" + nomeFermata + "\", " + " \"nome\": \"" + nomeFermata + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + idService + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"fermata\", " + " \"address\": \"" + valueOfRoad + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"NearBusStop\" " // ********************************************** + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " + "}"); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } out.println("] " + "},"); /*String queryForLine = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX vcard:<>" + "PREFIX foaf:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE {" + " ?tpll rdf:type km4c:PublicTransportLine." + " ?tpll dcterms:identifier ?id." + " ?tpll km4c:hasRoute ?route." + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs." + " ?rs km4c:endsAtStop ?bs1." + " ?rs km4c:startsAtStop ?bs2." + " { ?bs1 foaf:name \"" + nomeFermata + "\"." + " }UNION " + " {?bs2 foaf:name \"" + nomeFermata + "\" . " + " } " + "} ORDER BY ?id "; TupleQuery tupleQueryForLine = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForLine);*/ TupleQueryResult resultLines = queryBusLines(nomeFermata, con); if (resultLines != null) { try { out.println("\"linee\":"); out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"fermata\": " + "\"" + nomeFermata + "\"" + "," + "\"vars\": " + "\"linea\"" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); int j = 0; while (resultLines.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLines =; String idLine = bindingSetLines.getValue("id").stringValue(); if (j != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{" + "\"linea\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + idLine + "\" " + " }" + " }"); j++; } out.println("]}},"); } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } } String queryStringAVM = "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX dcterms:<> " + "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX time:<> " + "SELECT ?ride (MAX(?avmr) AS ?avmrNew) " + "WHERE{ " //+ " <" + idService + "> rdf:type km4c:BusStop." + " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasForecast ?bsf." + " <" + idService + "> km4c:hasForecast ?bsf.\n" + " ?avmr km4c:includeForecast ?bsf.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?rs km4c:endsAtStop <" + idService + "> }.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?rs km4c:startsAtStop <" + idService + "> }.\n" + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs.\n" + " ?avmr km4c:onRoute ?route.\n" //+ " ?avmr km4c:concernLine ?tpll." + " ?ride km4c:hasAVMRecord ?avmr." + " ?avmr km4c:hasLastStopTime ?time." + " ?time <> ?timeInstant." + "}GROUP BY ?ride ORDER BY DESC (?avmrNew) LIMIT 10"; TupleQuery tupleQueryAVM = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringAVM); TupleQueryResult resultAVM = tupleQueryAVM.evaluate(); String filtroSecondaQuery = ""; try { i = 0; while (resultAVM.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetAVM =; String valueOfAVMR = bindingSetAVM.getValue("avmrNew").stringValue(); if (i > 0) { filtroSecondaQuery += "UNION"; } filtroSecondaQuery += " { ?ride km4c:hasAVMRecord <" + valueOfAVMR + ">."; filtroSecondaQuery += " ?ride dcterms:identifier ?idRide."; filtroSecondaQuery += " <" + valueOfAVMR + "> km4c:includeForecast ?previsione;"; filtroSecondaQuery += " km4c:onRoute ?route;\n"; filtroSecondaQuery += " km4c:rideState ?stato.} "; i++; } if (i == 0) { out.println("\"realtime\": {}}"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } String queryStringAVM2 = "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX time:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?arrivoPrevistoIstante ?linea ?stato ?idRide ?bsLast ?rName ?bsFirst WHERE {\n" + " ?fermata rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n" + " ?fermata foaf:name \"" + nomeFermata + "\".\n" + " ?fermata km4c:hasForecast ?previsione\n." + filtroSecondaQuery + " ?previsione km4c:hasExpectedTime ?arrivoPrevisto.\n" + " ?arrivoPrevisto schema:value ?arrivoPrevistoIstante.\n" + " FILTER (?arrivoPrevistoIstante >= now()).\n" + " ?ride km4c:onRoute ?route.\n" + " ?route km4c:hasLastStop ?bse.\n" + " ?bse foaf:name ?bsLast.\n" + " ?route km4c:hasFirstStop ?bss.\n" + " ?bss foaf:name ?bsFirst.\n" + " ?route foaf:name ?rName.\n" /*+ " ?ride km4c:onRoute ?route.\n" + " ?route km4c:direction ?dir.\n" + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs.\n" + " ?rs km4c:distance ?mxdist.\n" + " ?rs km4c:endsAtStop ?bse.\n" + " ?bse foaf:name ?bsLast.\n" + " {\n" + " SELECT ?route ?dir (max(?dist) as ?mxdist) WHERE {\n" + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs.\n" + " ?route km4c:direction ?dir.\n" + " ?rs km4c:distance ?dist.\n" + " } group by ?route ?dir\n" + " }"*/ + " }\n" + " ORDER BY ASC (?arrivoPrevistoIstante) LIMIT 6"; /*String queryStringAVM2 = "PREFIX foaf:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX time:<>" + "SELECT distinct ?avmr ?linea ?stato ?arrivoPrevistoIstante ?idRide WHERE {" + "{" + "SELECT ?ride (MAX(?avmr) AS ?avmrLast) WHERE{" + "?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop." + "?bs foaf:name \"" + nomeFermata + "\"." + "?bs km4c:hasForecast ?bsf." + "?avmr km4c:includeForecast ?bsf." //+ "?avmr km4c:concernLine ?tpll." + "?ride km4c:hasAVMRecord ?avmr." //+ "?avmr km4c:hasLastStopTime/schema:value ?timeInstant." + "}" + "GROUP BY ?ride " + "ORDER BY DESC (?avmrLast)" + "LIMIT 15" + "}" + "?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop." + "?bs foaf:name \"" + nomeFermata + "\"." + "?bs km4c:hasForecast ?previsione." + "?avmrLast km4c:includeForecast ?previsione." + "?previsione km4c:expectedTime ?arrivoPrevistoIstante." + "?avmrLast km4c:concernLine ?linea." + "?avmrLast km4c:rideState ?stato." + "?ride km4c:hasAVMRecord ?avmrLast." + "?ride dcterms:identifier ?idRide." + "FILTER(?arrivoPrevistoIstante>=now())" + "}" + "order by ?arrivoPrevistoIstante";*/ TupleQuery tupleQueryAVM2 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringAVM2); String idRide = ""; TupleQueryResult resultAVM2 = tupleQueryAVM2.evaluate(); out.println("\"realtime\":"); if (resultAVM2.hasNext()) { out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"fermata\":[ " + "\"" + nomeFermata + "\"" + "]," + "\"vars\":[ " + "\"orario\", " + "\"linea\"," + "\"stato\"," + "\"ride\"" + "]" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); int k = 0; while (resultAVM2.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet2 =; String valueOfArrivoPrevistoIstante = bindingSet2.getValue("arrivoPrevistoIstante").stringValue(); String valueOfLinea = ""; String bsLast = ""; String bsFirst = ""; String nomeLinea = ""; if (bindingSet2.getValue("linea") != null) { valueOfLinea = bindingSet2.getValue("linea").stringValue(); } String valueOfStato = ""; if (bindingSet2.getValue("stato") != null) { valueOfStato = bindingSet2.getValue("stato").stringValue(); } if (bindingSet2.getValue("idRide") != null) { idRide = bindingSet2.getValue("idRide").stringValue(); } if (bindingSet2.getValue("bsLast") != null) { bsLast = bindingSet2.getValue("bsLast").stringValue(); } if (bindingSet2.getValue("bsFirst") != null) { bsFirst = bindingSet2.getValue("bsFirst").stringValue(); } String direction = bsFirst + " ➔ " + bsLast; if (bindingSet2.getValue("rName") != null) { nomeLinea = bindingSet2.getValue("rName").stringValue(); } valueOfLinea = valueOfLinea.replace("", ""); valueOfArrivoPrevistoIstante = valueOfArrivoPrevistoIstante.substring(11, 19); if (k != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{" + "\"orario\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfArrivoPrevistoIstante + "\" " + " }," + "\"linea\": { " + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + nomeLinea + "\" " + " }," + "\"stato\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfStato + "\" " + " }," + "\"direction\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + direction + "\" " + " }," + "\"ride\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + idRide + "\" " + " }"); out.println(" }"); k++; } out.println("]}}}"); } else { out.println("{}}"); } } public void queryMeteo(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String idService) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); String queryForComune = "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX dcterms:<> " + "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<> " + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX time:<> " + "SELECT ?nomeComune WHERE {" + " {" + " <" + idService + "> km4c:refersToMunicipality ?mun." + " ?mun foaf:name ?nomeComune." + " }UNION{" + " <" + idService + "> rdf:type km4c:Municipality;" + " foaf:name ?nomeComune." + " }" + "}"; TupleQuery tupleQueryComuneMeteo = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForComune); TupleQueryResult resultComuneMeteo = tupleQueryComuneMeteo.evaluate(); String nomeComune = ""; int i = 0; try { if (resultComuneMeteo.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetComuneMeteo =; nomeComune = bindingSetComuneMeteo.getValue("nomeComune").stringValue(); } else { out.println("{\"ERROR\":\"Invalid service url\"}"); } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } //System.out.println("comune: " + nomeComune); String queryStringMeteo1 = "PREFIX geo:<>" + "PREFIX foaf:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>" + "PREFIX time:<> " + "SELECT distinct ?wRep ?instantDateTime WHERE{" + " ?comune rdf:type km4c:Municipality." + " ?comune foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string." + " ?comune km4c:hasWeatherReport ?wRep." + " ?wRep km4c:updateTime ?instant." + " ?instant <> ?instantDateTime." + "} ORDER BY DESC (?instantDateTime) LIMIT 1 "; TupleQuery tupleQuery1 = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryStringMeteo1, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult result1 = tupleQuery1.evaluate(); if (result1.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet1 =; String valueOfInstantDateTime = bindingSet1.getValue("instantDateTime").stringValue(); String valueOfWRep = bindingSet1.getValue("wRep").stringValue(); String wPred = ""; String queryMeteo = "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX dcterms:<> " + "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<> " + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX time:<> " + "SELECT distinct ?giorno ?descrizione ?minTemp ?maxTemp ?instantDateTime ?wPred WHERE{" + " <" + valueOfWRep + "> km4c:hasPrediction ?wPred." + " ?wPred dcterms:description ?descrizione." + " ?wPred km4c:day ?giorno." + " ?wPred km4c:hour ?g. FILTER(STR(?g)=\"giorno\")\n" + " OPTIONAL { ?wPred km4c:minTemp ?minTemp.}" + " OPTIONAL { ?wPred km4c:maxTemp ?maxTemp.}" + "}"; TupleQuery tupleQueryMeteo = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryMeteo); //tolto filterQuery per problema temporaneo da rimettere TupleQueryResult resultMeteo = tupleQueryMeteo.evaluate(); out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"location\": " + "\"" + nomeComune + "\"" + "," + "\"vars\":[ " + "\"giorno\", " + "\"descrizione\"," + "\"minTemp\"," + "\"maxTemp\"," + "\"instantDateTime\"" + "]" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); try { i = 0; while (resultMeteo.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetMeteo =; wPred = bindingSetMeteo.getValue("wPred").stringValue(); String valueOfGiorno = bindingSetMeteo.getValue("giorno").stringValue(); String valueOfDescrizione = bindingSetMeteo.getValue("descrizione").stringValue(); String valueOfMinTemp = ""; if (bindingSetMeteo.getValue("minTemp") != null) { valueOfMinTemp = bindingSetMeteo.getValue("minTemp").stringValue(); } String valueOfMaxTemp = ""; if (bindingSetMeteo.getValue("maxTemp") != null) { valueOfMaxTemp = bindingSetMeteo.getValue("maxTemp").stringValue(); } if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{" + "\"giorno\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfGiorno + "\" " + " }," + "\"descrizione\": { " + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfDescrizione + "\" " + " }," + "\"minTemp\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfMinTemp + "\" " + " }," + "\"maxTemp\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfMaxTemp + "\" " + " }," + "\"instantDateTime\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfInstantDateTime + "\" " + " }" + "}"); i++; } out.println("]}}"); } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } } else { out.println("{\"ERROR\":\"No forecast found\"}"); } } public void querySensor(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String idService) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); String querySensore = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX dct:<>" + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" + "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "select distinct ?idSensore ?lat ?long ?address ?nomeComune where{" + " <" + idService + "> rdf:type km4c:SensorSite;" + " geo:lat ?lat;" + " geo:long ?long;" + " dcterms:identifier ?idSensore;" + " schema:streetAddress ?address;" + " km4c:placedOnRoad ?road." + " ?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun." + " ?mun foaf:name ?nomeComune." //+ " FILTER regex(str(?lat), \"^4\") ." + "}" + "LIMIT 1"; String nomeSensore = ""; TupleQuery tupleQuerySensor = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, querySensore); TupleQueryResult resultSensor = tupleQuerySensor.evaluate(); out.println("{\"Sensore\": "); out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); try { int s = 0; while (resultSensor.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetSensor =; String valueOfId = bindingSetSensor.getValue("idSensore").stringValue(); String nomeComune = bindingSetSensor.getValue("nomeComune").stringValue(); String valueOfLat = bindingSetSensor.getValue("lat").stringValue(); String valueOfLong = bindingSetSensor.getValue("long").stringValue(); String valueOfAddress = bindingSetSensor.getValue("address").stringValue(); nomeSensore = valueOfId; if (s != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfLong + ", " + " " + valueOfLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " // + " \"popupContent\": \"" + valueOfId + " - sensore\", " + " \"nome\": \"" + valueOfId + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"sensore\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"RoadSensor\", " // ********************************************** + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + idService + "\", " + " \"nomeComune\": \"" + nomeComune + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + valueOfAddress + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(s + 1) + " " + "}"); s++; } out.println("]},"); } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } String querySensorData = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX dct:<>" + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" + "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "select ?avgDistance ?avgTime ?occupancy ?concentration ?vehicleFlow ?averageSpeed ?thresholdPerc ?speedPercentile ?timeInstant where{" + " <" + idService + "> rdf:type km4c:SensorSite;" + " dcterms:identifier \"" + nomeSensore + "\"^^xsd:string;" + " km4c:hasObservation ?obs." + " ?obs km4c:measuredTime ?time." + " ?time dcterms:identifier ?timeInstant." + " optional {?obs km4c:averageDistance ?avgDistance}." + " optional {?obs km4c:averageTime ?avgTime}." + " optional {?obs km4c:occupancy ?occupancy}." + " optional {?obs km4c:concentration ?concentration}." + " optional {?obs km4c:vehicleFlow ?vehicleFlow}." + " optional {?obs km4c:averageSpeed ?averageSpeed}." + " optional {?obs km4c:thresholdPerc ?thresholdPerc}." + " optional {?obs km4c:speedPrecentile ?speedPercentile}." + "} ORDER BY DESC (?timeInstant)" + "LIMIT 1"; TupleQuery tupleQuerySensorData = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(querySensorData, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultSensorData = tupleQuerySensorData.evaluate(); String valueOfInstantDateTime = ""; try { int t = 0; out.println("\"realtime\":"); if (resultSensorData.hasNext()) { out.println("{ \"head\": {" + "\"sensore\":[ " + "\"" + nomeSensore + "\"" + "]," + "\"vars\":[ " + "\"avgDistance\", " + "\"avgTime\"," + "\"occupancy\"," + "\"concentration\"," + "\"vehicleFlow\"," + "\"averageSpeed\"," + "\"thresholdPerc\"," + "\"speedPercentile\"," + "\"timeInstant\"" + "]" + "},"); out.println("\"results\": {"); out.println("\"bindings\": ["); while (resultSensorData.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetSensorData =; valueOfInstantDateTime = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("timeInstant").stringValue(); String valueOfAvgDistance = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("avgDistance") != null) { valueOfAvgDistance = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("avgDistance").stringValue(); } String valueOfAvgTime = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("avgTime") != null) { valueOfAvgTime = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("avgTime").stringValue(); } String valueOfOccupancy = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("occupancy") != null) { valueOfOccupancy = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("occupancy").stringValue(); } String valueOfConcentration = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("concentration") != null) { valueOfConcentration = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("concentration").stringValue(); } String valueOfVehicleFlow = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("vehicleFlow") != null) { valueOfVehicleFlow = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("vehicleFlow").stringValue(); } String valueOfAverageSpeed = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("averageSpeed") != null) { valueOfAverageSpeed = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("averageSpeed").stringValue(); } String valueOfThresholdPerc = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("thresholdPerc") != null) { valueOfThresholdPerc = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("thresholdPerc").stringValue(); } String valueOfSpeedPercentile = "Not Available"; if (bindingSetSensorData.getValue("speedPercentile") != null) { valueOfSpeedPercentile = bindingSetSensorData.getValue("speedPercentile").stringValue(); } if (t != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{"); out.println("\"avgDistance\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfAvgDistance + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"avgTime\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfAvgTime + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"occupancy\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfOccupancy + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"concentration\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfConcentration + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"vehicleFlow\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfVehicleFlow + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"averageSpeed\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfAverageSpeed + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"thresholdPerc\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfThresholdPerc + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"speedPercentile\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfSpeedPercentile + "\" " + " },"); out.println("\"instantTime\": {" + "\"type\": \"literal\"," + "\"value\": \"" + valueOfInstantDateTime + "\" " + " }"); out.println("}"); t++; } out.println("]}}}"); } else { out.println("{}}"); } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } } public void queryMunicipalityServices(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String selection, String categorie, String textToSearch, String risultatiBus, String risultatiSensori, String risultatiServizi) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); List<String> listaCategorie = new ArrayList<>(); if (categorie != null && !"".equals(categorie)) { String[] arrayCategorie = categorie.split(";"); // GESTIONE CATEGORIE listaCategorie = Arrays.asList(arrayCategorie); } String nomeComune = selection.substring(selection.indexOf("COMUNE di") + 10); String filtroLocalita = ""; filtroLocalita += "{ ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry . "; filtroLocalita += " ?entry geo:lat ?elat . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elat>40) "; filtroLocalita += " ?entry geo:long ?elong . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elong>10) "; filtroLocalita += " ?nc km4c:hasExternalAccess ?entry . "; filtroLocalita += " ?nc km4c:belongToRoad ?road . "; filtroLocalita += " ?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . "; filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . }"; filtroLocalita += "UNION"; filtroLocalita += "{"; filtroLocalita += "?ser km4c:isInRoad ?road . "; filtroLocalita += " ?ser geo:lat ?elat . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elat>40) "; filtroLocalita += " ?ser geo:long ?elong . "; filtroLocalita += " FILTER (?elong>10) "; filtroLocalita += "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . "; filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . "; filtroLocalita += "}"; String fc = ""; try { fc = ServiceMap.filterServices(listaCategorie); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int b = 0; int numeroBus = 0; //if (listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) { OLD if (listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) { String queryString = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?bs ?nomeFermata ?bslat ?bslong ?x WHERE {\n" + " ?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n" + " ?bs foaf:name ?nomeFermata.\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?bs", "foaf:name", textToSearch) //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?nomeFermata ) = xsd:string ).\n" + " ?bs geo:lat ?bslat.\n" //+ " FILTER (?bslat>40)\n" //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslat ) = xsd:float )\n" + " ?bs geo:long ?bslong.\n" //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslong ) = xsd:float )\n" //+ " FILTER (?bslong>10)\n" + " ?bs km4c:isInMunicipality ?com.\n" + " ?com foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string.\n" + "}"; if (!risultatiBus.equals("0")) { queryString += " LIMIT " + risultatiBus; } TupleQuery tupleQueryBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryString, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultBS = tupleQueryBusStop.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryString, "API-fermate", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0); out.println("{\"Fermate\": "); out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); while (resultBS.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetBS =; String valueOfBS = bindingSetBS.getValue("bs").stringValue(); String valueOfNomeFermata = bindingSetBS.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslat").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslong").stringValue(); if (b != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfBSLong + ", " + " " + valueOfBSLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNomeFermata) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"fermata\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfBS + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(b + 1) + " " + "}"); b++; numeroBus++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("NearBusStop")) { if (categorie.equals("BusStop")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroSensori = 0; //if (listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) { String queryStringSensori = "PREFIX km4c:<> " + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<> " + "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> " + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "PREFIX dct:<>" + "PREFIX omgeo:<> " + "PREFIX foaf:<> " + "PREFIX skos:<>" + "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "select distinct ?sensor ?idSensore ?lat ?long ?address ?x where{" + "?sensor rdf:type km4c:SensorSite ." + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", "?p", textToSearch) + "?sensor geo:lat ?lat ." //+ " FILTER regex(str(?lat), \"^4\") ." + "?sensor geo:long ?long ." + "?sensor <> ?idSensore ." + "?sensor km4c:placedOnRoad ?road ." + "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun ." + "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string ." + "?sensor <> ?address ." + "}"; if (!risultatiSensori.equals("0")) { queryStringSensori += " LIMIT " + risultatiSensori; } TupleQuery tupleQuerySensori = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryStringSensori, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultSensori = tupleQuerySensori.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringSensori, "API-sensori", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0); //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) { if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) { out.println("{\"Sensori\": "); } else { out.println(",\"Sensori\":"); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int s = 0; while (resultSensori.hasNext()) { // out.println(result); BindingSet bindingSetSensori =; String valueOfId = bindingSetSensori.getValue("idSensore").stringValue(); String valueOfIdService = bindingSetSensori.getValue("sensor").stringValue(); String valueOfLat = bindingSetSensori.getValue("lat").stringValue(); String valueOfLong = bindingSetSensori.getValue("long").stringValue(); String valueOfAddress = bindingSetSensori.getValue("address").stringValue(); if (s != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfLong + ", " + " " + valueOfLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfId) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"sensore\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfIdService + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfAddress) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(s + 1) + " " + "}"); s++; numeroSensori++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("RoadSensor") || categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops")) { if (categorie.equals("SensorSite") || categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroServizi = 0; //if (!categorie.equals("NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("NearBusStops;RoadSensor")) { if (!categorie.equals("BusStop") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") && !categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) { String queryStringServices = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>\n" + "PREFIX dc:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX skos:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "SELECT distinct ?ser ?serAddress ?serNumber ?elat ?elong ?sName ?sType ?email ?note ?labelIta ?multimedia ?description ?identifier WHERE {\n" + " ?ser rdf:type km4c:Service" + (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? " OPTION (inference \"urn:ontology\")" : "") + ".\n" + " OPTIONAL{?ser schema:name ?sName. }\n" + " ?ser schema:streetAddress ?serAddress.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:houseNumber ?serNumber}.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser dc:description ?description FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")}\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia }\n" + " OPTIONAL { ?ser dcterms:identifier ?identifier }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser skos:note ?note }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser schema:email ?email }\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + filtroLocalita + fc + " ?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)\n" + " ?sType rdfs:label ?labelIta. FILTER(LANG(?labelIta)=\"it\")\n" + "}"; if (!risultatiServizi.equals("0")) { queryStringServices += " LIMIT " + risultatiServizi; } TupleQuery tupleQueryServices = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, filterQuery(queryStringServices, km4cVersion)); TupleQueryResult resultServices = tupleQueryServices.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringServices, "API-servizi", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch + ";" + categorie, 0); //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops") && !listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop") && !listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) { out.println("{\"Servizi\": "); } else { out.println(", \"Servizi\": "); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int t = 0; while (resultServices.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetServices =; String valueOfSer = bindingSetServices.getValue("ser").stringValue(); String valueOfSName = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("sName") != null) { valueOfSName = bindingSetServices.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } String valueOfSerAddress = bindingSetServices.getValue("serAddress").stringValue(); String valueOfSerNumber = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber") != null) { valueOfSerNumber = bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber").stringValue(); } String valueOfSType = bindingSetServices.getValue("sType").stringValue(); String valueOfSTypeIta = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta") != null) { valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta").stringValue(); } String valueOfELat = bindingSetServices.getValue("elat").stringValue(); String valueOfELong = bindingSetServices.getValue("elong").stringValue(); String valueOfNote = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("note") != null) { valueOfNote = bindingSetServices.getValue("note").stringValue(); } String valueOfEmail = ""; if (bindingSetServices.getValue("email") != null) { valueOfEmail = bindingSetServices.getValue("email").stringValue(); } //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_"); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("'", ""); Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", ""); valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"^^<>", ""); valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"", ""); if (t != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfELong + ", " + " " + valueOfELat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSTypeIta) + "\", " + " \"email\": \"" + valueOfEmail + "\", " + " \"note\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfSer + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerAddress) + "\", \"numero\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerNumber) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(t + 1) + " " + "}"); t++; numeroServizi++; } out.println("]}}"); } } public void queryLatLngServices(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String[] coords, String categorie, String textToSearch, String raggioBus, String raggioSensori, String raggioServizi, String risultatiBus, String risultatiSensori, String risultatiServizi) throws Exception { Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new"); List<String> listaCategorieServizi = new ArrayList<String>(); if (categorie != null) { String[] arrayCategorie = categorie.split(";"); // GESTIONE CATEGORIE listaCategorieServizi = Arrays.asList(arrayCategorie); } String fc = ""; try { fc = ServiceMap.filterServices(listaCategorieServizi); } catch (Exception e) { } int i = 0; int numeroBus = 0; //if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops")) { if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop")) { String queryStringNearBusStop = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX skos:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?bs (STR(?nome) AS ?nomeFermata) ?bslat ?bslong ?x WHERE {\n" + " ?bs geo:lat ?bslat.\n" + " ?bs geo:long ?bslong.\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?bs", coords, raggioBus) + " ?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n" + " ?bs foaf:name ?nome.\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?bs", "foaf:name", textToSearch) + (km4cVersion.equals("old") ? " FILTER ( datatype(?bslat ) = xsd:float )\n" + " FILTER ( datatype(?bslong ) = xsd:float )\n" : "") + "} ORDER BY ?dist"; if (!risultatiBus.equals("0")) { queryStringNearBusStop += " LIMIT " + risultatiBus; } TupleQuery tupleQueryNearBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringNearBusStop); TupleQueryResult resultNearBS = tupleQueryNearBusStop.evaluate(); out.println("{\"Fermate\": "); out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int s = 0; while (resultNearBS.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetNearBS =; String valueOfBS = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bs").stringValue(); String valueOfNomeFermata = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bslat").stringValue(); String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bslong").stringValue(); /*String queryForLinee = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX vcard:<>" + "PREFIX foaf:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE {" + " ?tpll rdf:type km4c:PublicTransportLine." + " ?tpll dcterms:identifier ?id." + " ?tpll km4c:hasRoute ?route." + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs." + " ?rs km4c:endsAtStop ?bs1." + " ?rs km4c:startsAtStop ?bs2." + " { ?bs1 foaf:name \"" + valueOfNomeFermata + "\"." + " }UNION " + " {?bs2 foaf:name \"" + valueOfNomeFermata + "\" . " + " } " + "} ORDER BY ?id "; TupleQuery tupleQueryForLinee = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForLinee);*/ TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(valueOfNomeFermata, con); String valueOfLinee = ""; if (resultLinee != null) { while (resultLinee.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSetLinee =; String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue(); valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - " + idLinee; } } if (s != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfBSLong + ", " + " " + valueOfBSLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNomeFermata) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"fermata\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"NearBusStop\", " + " \"linee\": \"" + valueOfLinee.substring(3) + "\", " // ********************************************** + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfBS + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(s + 1) + " " + "}"); s++; numeroBus++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("NearBusStops")) { if (categorie.equals("BusStop")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroSensori = 0; //if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("SensorSite")) { String queryStringNearSensori = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>\n" + "PREFIX dct:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX skos:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?idSensore ?lat ?long ?address ?x WHERE {\n" + " ?sensor rdf:type km4c:SensorSite.\n" + " ?sensor geo:lat ?lat.\n" + " ?sensor geo:long ?long.\n" + " ?sensor dcterms:identifier ?idSensore.\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", "?p", textToSearch) + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", coords, raggioBus) + " ?sensor schema:streetAddress ?address.\n" + "} ORDER BY ?dist"; if (!risultatiSensori.equals("0")) { queryStringNearSensori += " LIMIT " + risultatiSensori; } TupleQuery tupleQuerySensori = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringNearSensori); TupleQueryResult resultNearSensori = tupleQuerySensori.evaluate(); //if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops")) { if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop")) { out.println("{\"Sensori\": "); } else { out.println(", \"Sensori\": "); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); while (resultNearSensori.hasNext()) { // out.println(result); BindingSet bindingSetNearSensori =; String valueOfId = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("idSensore").stringValue(); String valueOfIdService = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("sensor").stringValue(); String valueOfLat = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("lat").stringValue(); String valueOfLong = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("long").stringValue(); String valueOfAddress = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("address").stringValue(); if (i != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfLong + ", " + " " + valueOfLat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfId) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"sensore\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"RoadSensor\", " // ********************************************** + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfIdService + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfAddress) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + " " + "}"); i++; numeroSensori++; } out.println("]}"); //if (categorie.equals("RoadSensor")) { if (categorie.equals("SensorSite")) { out.println("}"); } } int numeroServizi = 0; //if (!categorie.equals("NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("NearBusStops;RoadSensor")) { if (!categorie.equals("BusStop") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") && !categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) { String queryStringServiceNear = "PREFIX km4c:<>\n" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>\n" + "PREFIX schema:<>\n" + "PREFIX geo:<>\n" + "PREFIX xsd:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdf:<>\n" + "PREFIX omgeo:<>\n" + "PREFIX foaf:<>\n" + "PREFIX skos:<>\n" + "PREFIX rdfs:<>\n" + "PREFIX dc:<>\n" + "SELECT distinct ?ser ?serAddress ?elat ?elong ?sType ?sCategory ?sTypeIta ?sName ?email ?note ?multimedia ?description ?x WHERE {\n" + " ?ser rdf:type km4c:Service" + (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? " OPTION (inference \"urn:ontology\")" : "") + ".\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser <> ?sName}\n" + " ?ser <> ?serAddress.\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser skos:note ?note}\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser dc:description ?description" + " FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")" + " }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia}\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser schema:email ?email }\n" + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + " {\n" + " ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry.\n" + " ?entry geo:lat ?elat.\n" + " ?entry geo:long ?elong.\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, raggioServizi) + " } UNION {\n" + " ?ser geo:lat ?elat.\n" + " ?ser geo:long ?elong.\n" + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?ser", coords, raggioServizi) + " }\n" + fc + (!km4cVersion.equals("old") ? " graph ?g {?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)}\n" + " ?sType rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. FILTER(?sCategory != <>) " + " ?sType rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\")\n" : "") + "} ORDER BY ?dist"; if (!risultatiServizi.equals("0")) { queryStringServiceNear += " LIMIT " + risultatiServizi; } TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringServiceNear); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); //if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops") && !listaCategorieServizi.contains("RoadSensor")) { if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop") && !listaCategorieServizi.contains("SensorSite")) { out.println("{\"Servizi\": "); } else { out.println(", \"Servizi\": "); } out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ "); int w = 0; while (result.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; String valueOfSer = bindingSet.getValue("ser").stringValue(); String valueOfSerAddress = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("serAddress") != null) { valueOfSerAddress = bindingSet.getValue("serAddress").stringValue(); } String valueOfSType = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) { valueOfSType = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue(); } String valueOfSTypeIta = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) { valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue(); //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_"); valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("'", ""); } // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA String subCategory = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) { subCategory = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue(); subCategory = subCategory.replace("", ""); subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1); subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_"); } String category = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sCategory") != null) { category = bindingSet.getValue("sCategory").stringValue(); category = category.replace("", ""); category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1); category = category.replace(" ", "_"); } String serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory; String valueOfSName = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("sName") != null) { valueOfSName = bindingSet.getValue("sName").stringValue(); } else { valueOfSName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase(); } String valueOfELat = bindingSet.getValue("elat").stringValue(); String valueOfELong = bindingSet.getValue("elong").stringValue(); String valueOfNote = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("note") != null) { valueOfNote = bindingSet.getValue("note").stringValue(); } String valueOfEmail = ""; if (bindingSet.getValue("email") != null) { valueOfEmail = bindingSet.getValue("email").stringValue(); } Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", ""); if (w != 0) { out.println(", "); } out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": { " + " \"type\": \"Point\", " + " \"coordinates\": [ " + " " + valueOfELong + ", " + " " + valueOfELat + " " + " ] " + "}, " + "\"type\": \"Feature\", " + "\"properties\": { " + " \"nome\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + " \"tipo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSTypeIta) + "\", " // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType + " \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", " // ********************************************** + " \"email\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfEmail) + "\", " + " \"note\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + " \"serviceUri\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSer) + "\", " + " \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerAddress) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(w + 1) + " " + "}"); w++; numeroServizi++; } out.println("]}}"); } else { if (categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") || categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) { out.println("}"); } } } public TupleQueryResult queryBusLines(String nameBusStop, RepositoryConnection con) { String queryForLine = "PREFIX km4c:<>" + "PREFIX km4cr:<>" + "PREFIX schema:<>" + "PREFIX xsd:<>" + "PREFIX geo:<>" + "PREFIX rdf:<>" + "PREFIX vcard:<>" + "PREFIX foaf:<>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<>" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE {" + " ?tpll rdf:type km4c:PublicTransportLine." + " ?tpll dcterms:identifier ?id." + " ?tpll km4c:hasRoute ?route." + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs." + " ?rs km4c:endsAtStop ?bs1." + " ?rs km4c:startsAtStop ?bs2." + " { ?bs1 foaf:name \"" + nameBusStop + "\"." + " }UNION " + " {?bs2 foaf:name \"" + nameBusStop + "\" . " + " } " + "} ORDER BY ?id "; TupleQuery tupleQueryForLine; try { tupleQueryForLine = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForLine); return tupleQueryForLine.evaluate(); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServiceMapApi.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServiceMapApi.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServiceMapApi.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; } public JSONObject queryLocation(RepositoryConnection con, String lat, String lng) throws Exception { String sparqlType = Configuration.getInstance().get("sparqlType", "virtuoso"); JSONObject obj = null; String query = ServiceMap.latLngToAddressQuery(lat, lng, sparqlType); TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); TupleQueryResult results = tupleQuery.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(query, "get-address", sparqlType, lat + ";" + lng, 0); if (results.hasNext()) { obj = new JSONObject(); BindingSet binding =; String valueOfVia = binding.getValue("via").stringValue(); String valueOfNumero = binding.getValue("numero").stringValue(); String valueOfComune = binding.getValue("comune").stringValue(); String valueOfUriComune = binding.getValue("uriComune").stringValue(); obj.put("address", valueOfVia); obj.put("number", valueOfNumero); obj.put("municipality", valueOfComune); obj.put("municipalityUri", valueOfUriComune); } if (obj == null) { query = ServiceMap.latLngToMunicipalityQuery(lat, lng, sparqlType); tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); results = tupleQuery.evaluate(); ServiceMap.logQuery(query, "get-municipality", sparqlType, lat + ";" + lng, 0); if (results.hasNext()) { obj = new JSONObject(); BindingSet binding =; String valueOfComune = binding.getValue("comune").stringValue(); String valueOfUriComune = binding.getValue("uriComune").stringValue(); obj.put("municipality", valueOfComune); obj.put("municipalityUri", valueOfUriComune); } } return obj; } public void queryLocation(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String lat, String lng) throws Exception { JSONObject obj = queryLocation(con, lat, lng); if (obj != null) out.print(obj.toString()); else out.println("{}"); } static private Map<String, String> serviceTypeMap = null; static private Map<String, String> serviceTypeCategMap = null; static public String mapServiceType(String st) { if (serviceTypeMap == null) { String[][] t1 = new String[][] { { "shoppingAndService_hypermarket", "shopping_hypermarket" }, { "shoppingAndService_shopping_centre", "shopping_shopping_centre" }, { "shoppingAndService_tobacco_shop", "shopping_tobacco_shop" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_fuel_station", "transferService_fuel_station" }, { "shoppingAndService_bookshop", "shopping_bookshop" }, { "shoppingAndService_pharmacy", "emergency_pharmacy" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_car_park", "transferService_car_park" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_courier", "transferService_courier" }, { "agricultureAndLivestock_veterinary", "healthCare_veterinary" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_vehicle_rental", "transferService_vehicle_rental" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_bike_rental", "transferService_bike_rental" }, { "educationAndResearch_training_school", "education_training_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_language_courses", "education_language_courses" }, { "culturalActivity_theatre", "entertainment_theatre" }, { "shoppingAndService_jeweller", "shopping_jeweller" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_sensorSite", "transferService_sensorSite" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_busStop", "transferService_busStop" }, { "environment_weather_sensor", "environmentAndAgriculture_weather_sensor" }, { "shoppingAndService_mechanic_workshop", "tourismService_mechanic_workshop" }, { "educationAndResearch_ski_school", "education_ski_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_diving_school", "education_diving_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_sailing_school", "education_sailing_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_junior_school", "education_private_junior_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_junior_school", "education_public_junior_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_infant_school", "education_private_infant_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_infant_school", "education_public_infant_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_junior_high_school", "education_private_junior_high_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_junior_high_school", "education_public_junior_high_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_training_school_for_teachers", "education_training_school_for_teachers" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_professional_institute", "education_private_professional_institute" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_professional_institute", "education_public_professional_institute" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_polytechnic_school", "education_private_polytechnic_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_polytechnic_school", "education_public_polytechnic_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_high_school", "education_private_high_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_high_school", "education_public_high_school" }, { "educationAndResearch_conservatory", "education_conservatory" }, { "educationAndResearch_public_university", "education_public_university" }, { "shoppingAndService_non_food_large_retailers", "shopping_non_food_large_retailers" }, { "shoppingAndService_single_brand_store", "shopping_single_brand_store" }, { "shoppingAndService_clothing_factory_outlet", "shopping_clothing_factory_outlet" }, { "shoppingAndService_artisan_shop", "shopping_artisan_shop" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_civil_airport", "transferService_civil_airport" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_helipads", "transferService_helipads" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_urban_bus", "transferService_urban_bus" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_taxi_park", "transferService_taxi_park" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_bus_tickets_retail", "transferService_bus_tickets_retail" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_airfields", "transferService_airfields" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_train_station", "transferService_train_station" }, { "educationAndResearch_private_preschool", "education_private_preschool" }, { "shoppingAndService_footwear_factory_outlet", "shopping_footwear_factory_outlet" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_rTZgate", "transferService_rTZgate" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_controlled_parking_zone", "transferService_controlled_parking_zone" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_cycle_paths", "transferService_cycle_paths" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_tram_stops", "transferService_tram_stops" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_tramline", "transferService_tramline" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_bike_rack", "transferService_bike_rack" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting_charging_stations", "transferService_charging_stations" }, { "environment_photovoltaic_system", "environmentAndAgriculture_photovoltaic_system" } }; String[] t2 = { "accommodation_agritourism", "accommodation_beach_resort", "accommodation_bed_and_breakfast", "accommodation_boarding_house", "accommodation_camping", "accommodation_day_care_centre", "accommodation_farm_house", "accommodation_historic_residence", "accommodation_holiday_village", "accommodation_hostel", "accommodation_hotel", "accommodation_religiuos_guest_house", "accommodation_rest_home", "accommodation_summer_residence", "accommodation_vacation_resort", "culturalActivity_archaeological_site", "culturalActivity_auditorium", "culturalActivity_churches", "culturalActivity_cultural_centre", "culturalActivity_historical_buildings", "culturalActivity_library", "culturalActivity_monument_location", "culturalActivity_museum", "culturalActivity_squares", "emergency_carabinieri", "emergency_civil_protection", "emergency_coast_guard_harbormaster", "emergency_commissariat_of_public_safety", "emergency_corps_of_forest_rangers", "emergency_emergency_medical_care", "emergency_emergency_services", "emergency_fire_brigade", "emergency_first_aid", "emergency_italian_finance_police", "emergency_local_police", "emergency_traffic_corps", "emergency_useful_numbers", "entertainment_aquarium", "entertainment_boxoffice", "entertainment_cinema", "entertainment_climbing", "entertainment_discotheque", "entertainment_fishing_reserve", "entertainment_game_reserve", "entertainment_game_room", "entertainment_gardens", "entertainment_golf", "entertainment_green_areas", "entertainment_gym_fitness", "entertainment_hippodrome", "entertainment_pool", "entertainment_rafting_kayak", "entertainment_recreation_room", "entertainment_riding_stables", "entertainment_skiing_facility", "entertainment_social_centre", "entertainment_sports_facility", "financialService_atm", "financialService_bank", "financialService_financial_institute", "financialService_insurance", "governmentOffice_airport_lost_property_office", "governmentOffice_consulate", "governmentOffice_department_of_motor_vehicles", "governmentOffice_district", "governmentOffice_employment_exchange", "governmentOffice_income_revenue_authority", "governmentOffice_other_office", "governmentOffice_police_headquarters", "governmentOffice_postal_office", "governmentOffice_prefecture", "governmentOffice_social_security_service_office", "governmentOffice_train_lost_property_office", "governmentOffice_welfare_worker_office", "governmentOffice_youth_information_centre", "healthCare_addiction_recovery_centre", "healthCare_community_centre", "healthCare_dentist", "healthCare_doctor_office", "healthCare_family_counselling", "healthCare_group_practice", "healthCare_healthcare_centre", "healthCare_health_district", "healthCare_health_reservations_centre", "healthCare_local_health_authority", "healthCare_mental_health_centre", "healthCare_physical_therapy_centre", "healthCare_poison_control_centre", "healthCare_private_clinic", "healthCare_public_hospital", "healthCare_red_cross", "healthCare_senior_centre", "healthCare_youth_assistance", "tourismService_beacon", "tourismService_camper_service", "tourismService_fresh_place", "tourismService_pedestrian_zone", "tourismService_toilet", "tourismService_tourist_complaints_office", "tourismService_tourist_information_office", "tourismService_tourist_trail", "tourismService_tour_operator", "tourismService_travel_agency", "tourismService_travel_bureau", "tourismService_wifi", "wineAndFood_bakery", "wineAndFood_catering", "wineAndFood_dining_hall", "wineAndFood_drinking_fountain", "wineAndFood_grill", "wineAndFood_highway_stop", "wineAndFood_ice_cream_parlour", "wineAndFood_literary_cafe", "wineAndFood_pastry_shop", "wineAndFood_pizzeria", "wineAndFood_restaurant", "wineAndFood_sandwich_shop_pub", "wineAndFood_small_shop", "wineAndFood_sushi_bar", "wineAndFood_trattoria", "wineAndFood_wine_shop_and_wine_bar" }; serviceTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < t1.length; i++) serviceTypeMap.put(t1[i][0], t1[i][1]); for (int i = 0; i < t2.length; i++) serviceTypeMap.put(t2[i], t2[i]); } String r = serviceTypeMap.get(st); if (r == null) { if (serviceTypeCategMap == null) { String[][] t = { { "accommodation", "accommodation" }, { "advertising", "shopping" }, { "agricultureAndLivestock", "environmentAndAgriculture" }, { "civilAndEdilEngineering", "financialService" }, { "culturalActivity", "culturalActivity" }, { "educationAndResearch", "education" }, { "emergency", "emergency" }, { "entertainment", "entertainment" }, { "environment", "environmentAndAgriculture" }, { "financialService", "financialService" }, { "governmentOffice", "governmentOffice" }, { "healthCare", "healthCare" }, { "industryAndManufacturing", "financialService" }, { "miningAndQuarrying", "financialService" }, { "shoppingAndService", "shopping" }, { "tourismService", "tourismService" }, { "transferServiceAndRenting", "transferService" }, { "utilitiesAndSupply", "shopping" }, { "wholesale", "shopping" }, { "wineAndFood", "wineAndFood" } }; serviceTypeCategMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) serviceTypeCategMap.put(t[i][0], t[i][1]); } String categ = st.substring(0, st.indexOf("_")); r = serviceTypeCategMap.get(categ); if (r == null) r = "?" + categ; } return r; } }