List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http Cookie setMaxAge
public void setMaxAge(int expiry)
From source
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setAttribute("Dump", this); request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO_8859_1"); getServletContext().setAttribute("Dump", this); String info = request.getPathInfo(); if (info != null && info.endsWith("Exception")) { try {//from w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m throw (Throwable) (Loader.loadClass(this.getClass(), info.substring(1)).newInstance()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ServletException(th); } } String redirect = request.getParameter("redirect"); if (redirect != null && redirect.length() > 0) { response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); response.sendRedirect(redirect); response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); return; } String error = request.getParameter("error"); if (error != null && error.length() > 0) { response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); response.sendError(Integer.parseInt(error)); response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); return; } String length = request.getParameter("length"); if (length != null && length.length() > 0) { response.setContentLength(Integer.parseInt(length)); } String buffer = request.getParameter("buffer"); if (buffer != null && buffer.length() > 0) response.setBufferSize(Integer.parseInt(buffer)); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html"); if (info != null && info.indexOf("Locale/") >= 0) { try { String locale_name = info.substring(info.indexOf("Locale/") + 7); Field f = java.util.Locale.class.getField(locale_name); response.setLocale((Locale) f.get(null)); } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); response.setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } } String cn = request.getParameter("cookie"); String cv = request.getParameter("value"); String v = request.getParameter("version"); if (cn != null && cv != null) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cn, cv); cookie.setComment("Cookie from dump servlet"); if (v != null) { cookie.setMaxAge(300); cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setVersion(Integer.parseInt(v)); } response.addCookie(cookie); } String pi = request.getPathInfo(); if (pi != null && pi.startsWith("/ex")) { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.write("</H1>This text should be reset</H1>".getBytes()); if ("/ex0".equals(pi)) throw new ServletException("test ex0", new Throwable()); if ("/ex1".equals(pi)) throw new IOException("test ex1"); if ("/ex2".equals(pi)) throw new UnavailableException("test ex2"); if ("/ex3".equals(pi)) throw new HttpException(501); } PrintWriter pout = response.getWriter(); Page page = null; try { page = new Page(); page.title("Dump Servlet"); page.add(new Heading(1, "Dump Servlet")); Table table = new Table(0).cellPadding(0).cellSpacing(0); page.add(table); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getMethod: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getMethod()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContentLength: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(Integer.toString(request.getContentLength())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContentType: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getContentType()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getCharacterEncoding: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getCharacterEncoding()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestURI: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestURI()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestURL: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestURL()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContextPath: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getContextPath()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServletPath: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getServletPath()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getPathInfo: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getPathInfo()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getPathTranslated: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getPathTranslated()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getQueryString: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getQueryString()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getProtocol: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getProtocol()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getScheme: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getScheme()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServerName: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getServerName()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServerPort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Integer.toString(request.getServerPort())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalName: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocalName()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalAddr: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocalAddr()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalPort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Integer.toString(request.getLocalPort())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteUser: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteUser()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteAddr: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteAddr()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteHost: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteHost()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemotePort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemotePort()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestedSessionId: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestedSessionId()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("isSecure(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.isSecure()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("isUserInRole(admin): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.isUserInRole("admin")); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocale: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocale()); Enumeration locales = request.getLocales(); while (locales.hasMoreElements()) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocales: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(locales.nextElement()); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Other HTTP Headers") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Enumeration h = request.getHeaderNames(); String name; while (h.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) h.nextElement(); Enumeration h2 = request.getHeaders(name); while (h2.hasMoreElements()) { String hv = (String) h2.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().right(); table.addCell(hv); } } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Request Parameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); h = request.getParameterNames(); while (h.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) h.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().right(); table.addCell(request.getParameter(name)); String[] values = request.getParameterValues(name); if (values == null) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + " Values: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("NULL!!!!!!!!!"); } else if (values.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + "[" + i + "]: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(values[i]); } } } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Cookies").attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; cookies != null && i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = cookies[i]; table.newRow(); table.addHeading(cookie.getName() + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell(cookie.getValue()); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Request Attributes") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Enumeration a = request.getAttributeNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(request.getAttribute(name)) + "</pre>"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Servlet InitParameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getInitParameterNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getInitParameter(name)) + "</pre>"); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Context InitParameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getServletContext().getInitParameterNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getServletContext().getInitParameter(name)) + "</pre>"); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Context Attributes") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getServletContext().getAttributeNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getServletContext().getAttribute(name)) + "</pre>"); } if (request.getContentType() != null && request.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data") && request.getContentLength() < 1000000) { MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(request); String[] parts = multi.getPartNames(); table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Multi-part content") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) { name = parts[p]; table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + multi.getString(parts[p]) + "</pre>"); } } String res = request.getParameter("resource"); if (res != null && res.length() > 0) { table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Get Resource: " + res) .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("this.getClass(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + this.getClass().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("this.getClass().getClassLoader(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServletContext(): ").cell().right(); try { table.addCell("" + getServletContext().getResource(res)); } catch (Exception e) { table.addCell("" + e); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Request Wrappers")); ServletRequest rw = request; int w = 0; while (rw != null) { page.add((w++) + ": " + rw.getClass().getName() + "<br/>"); if (rw instanceof HttpServletRequestWrapper) rw = ((HttpServletRequestWrapper) rw).getRequest(); else if (rw instanceof ServletRequestWrapper) rw = ((ServletRequestWrapper) rw).getRequest(); else rw = null; } page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "International Characters")); page.add("Directly encoced: Drst<br/>"); page.add("HTML reference: Dürst<br/>"); page.add("Decimal (252) 8859-1: Dürst<br/>"); page.add("Hex (xFC) 8859-1: Dürst<br/>"); page.add( "Javascript unicode (00FC) : <script language='javascript'>document.write(\"D\u00FCrst\");</script><br/>"); page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to generate GET content")); TableForm tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("GET"); tf.addTextField("TextField", "TextField", 20, "value"); tf.addButton("Action", "Submit"); page.add(tf); page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to generate POST content")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.addTextField("TextField", "TextField", 20, "value"); Select select = tf.addSelect("Select", "Select", true, 3); select.add("ValueA"); select.add("ValueB1,ValueB2"); select.add("ValueC"); tf.addButton("Action", "Submit"); page.add(tf); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to upload content")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.attribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); tf.addFileField("file", "file"); tf.addButton("Upload", "Upload"); page.add(tf); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to get Resource")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.addTextField("resource", "resource", 20, ""); tf.addButton("Action", "getResource"); page.add(tf); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } page.write(pout); String data = request.getParameter("data"); if (data != null && data.length() > 0) { int d = Integer.parseInt(data); while (d > 0) { pout.println("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789\n"); d = d - 50; } } pout.close(); if (pi != null) { if ("/ex4".equals(pi)) throw new ServletException("test ex4", new Throwable()); if ("/ex5".equals(pi)) throw new IOException("test ex5"); if ("/ex6".equals(pi)) throw new UnavailableException("test ex6"); if ("/ex7".equals(pi)) throw new HttpException(501); } request.getInputStream().close(); }
From source
/** * Register an authenticated Principal and authentication type in our * request, in the current session (if there is one), and with our * SingleSignOn valve, if there is one. Set the appropriate cookie * to be returned.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s.c o m * * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param response The servlet response we are generating * @param principal The authenticated Principal to be registered * @param authType The authentication type to be registered * @param username Username used to authenticate (if any) * @param password Password used to authenticate (if any) */ protected void register(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Principal principal, String authType, String username, String password) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Authenticated '" + principal.getName() + "' with type '" + authType + "'"); // Cache the authentication information in our request request.setAuthType(authType); request.setUserPrincipal(principal); Session session = getSession(request, false); // Cache the authentication information in our session, if any if (cache) { if (session != null) { session.setAuthType(authType); session.setPrincipal(principal); if (username != null) session.setNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE, username); else session.removeNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE); if (password != null) session.setNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password); else session.removeNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE); } } // Construct a cookie to be returned to the client if (sso == null) return; // Only create a new SSO entry if the SSO did not already set a note // for an existing entry (as it would do with subsequent requests // for DIGEST and SSL authenticated contexts) String ssoId = (String) request.getNote(Constants.REQ_SSOID_NOTE); if (ssoId == null) { // Construct a cookie to be returned to the client HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response.getResponse(); ssoId = generateSessionId(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Constants.SINGLE_SIGN_ON_COOKIE, ssoId); cookie.setMaxAge(-1); cookie.setPath("/"); hres.addCookie(cookie); // Register this principal with our SSO valve sso.register(ssoId, principal, authType, username, password); request.setNote(Constants.REQ_SSOID_NOTE, ssoId); } else { // Update the SSO session with the latest authentication data sso.update(ssoId, principal, authType, username, password); } // Fix for Bug 10040 // Always associate a session with a new SSO reqistration. // SSO entries are only removed from the SSO registry map when // associated sessions are destroyed; if a new SSO entry is created // above for this request and the user never revisits the context, the // SSO entry will never be cleared if we don't associate the session if (session == null) session = getSession(request, true); sso.associate(ssoId, session); }
From source
@Override public void clearSession(UrlHolder holder, HttpSession sharedSession, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {//from w w w. j a va2s . co m Cookie sessionCookie; sessionCookie = new Cookie(holder.getApp().getCookieConfig().getSessionCookieName(), "LOGGED_OUT"); String domain = ProxyTools.getInstance().getCookieDomain(holder.getApp().getCookieConfig(), request); if (domain != null) { sessionCookie.setDomain(domain); } sessionCookie.setPath("/"); sessionCookie.setSecure(false); sessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(sessionCookie); sharedSession.invalidate(); }
From source
/** * Set Cookie to response./*from www . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @param maxAgeInSeconds -1: clear cookie when close browser. 0: clear cookie immediately. n>0 : max age in n seconds. * @param path see Cookie.setPath(String) * @param domain the domain name within which this cookie is visible; form is according to RFC 2109 */ public Controller setCookie(String name, String value, int maxAgeInSeconds, String path, String domain) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value); if (domain != null) cookie.setDomain(domain); cookie.setMaxAge(maxAgeInSeconds); cookie.setPath(path); response.addCookie(cookie); return this; }
From source
public void set(final Request request, final Response response, final Map<String, List<String>> prefs) { Cookie prefCookie = ((WebRequest) request).getCookie(Constants.PREFS_COOKIE_NAME); final Map<String, String> current = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (prefCookie == null || !StringUtils.hasText(prefCookie.getValue())) { prefCookie = new Cookie(Constants.PREFS_COOKIE_NAME, null); } else {//w w w .j a v a 2s . co m current.putAll(getPrefs(new String(Base64.decodeBase64(prefCookie.getValue().getBytes())))); } // after retrieved previous setting in order to overwrite the key ... for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : prefs.entrySet()) { current.put(entry.getKey(), StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(entry.getValue(), ";")); } try { prefCookie.setValue(new String(Base64.encodeBase64(setPrefs(current).getBytes()))); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not set preferences " + current, e); } prefCookie.setMaxAge(ONE_YEAR_TIME); ((WebResponse) response).addCookie(prefCookie); }
From source
private void removeSessionCookie(String cookieName, HttpServletResponse response) { Validate.notNull(response);//from w w w. j av a2 s. com if (cookieName == null || cookieName.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Cookie name is null or empty. Ignoring."); return; } log.debug("Removing cookie " + cookieName); Cookie sessionCookie = new Cookie(cookieName, ""); sessionCookie.setPath("/"); sessionCookie.setSecure(true); sessionCookie.setHttpOnly(true); sessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(sessionCookie); }
From source
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse httpRes = (HttpServletResponse) response; UrlExclusionList exclList = (UrlExclusionList) request.getServletContext() .getAttribute(SecurityConstant.CSRF_CHECK_URL_EXCL_LIST_ATTR_NAME); logger.debug("doFilter: request from IP address=" + httpReq.getRemoteAddr()); if (httpReq.getSession(false) == null) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return;//from w ww . jav a 2s . c om } logger.debug("doFilter: matching " + httpReq.getRequestURI() + " to exclusions list " + exclList.getExclusionMap()); try { if (!exclList.isEmpty() && exclList.isMatch(httpReq.getRequestURI())) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("doFilter", e); } // Check the user session for the salt cache, if none is present we // create one Cache<SecurityInfo, SecurityInfo> csrfPreventionSaltCache = (Cache<SecurityInfo, SecurityInfo>) httpReq .getSession().getAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_CACHE_ATTR_NAME); if (csrfPreventionSaltCache == null) { if (tokenTimeout == -1) { csrfPreventionSaltCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).build(); } else { csrfPreventionSaltCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000) .expireAfterAccess(tokenTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(); } httpReq.getSession().setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_CACHE_ATTR_NAME, csrfPreventionSaltCache); String nameSalt = RandomStringUtils.random(10, 0, 0, true, true, null, new SecureRandom()); httpReq.getSession().setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_PARAM_NAME, nameSalt); } // Generate the salt and store it in the users cache String salt = RandomStringUtils.random(20, 0, 0, true, true, null, new SecureRandom()); String saltNameAttr = (String) httpReq.getSession().getAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_PARAM_NAME); SecurityInfo si = new SecurityInfo(saltNameAttr, salt); if (SecurityTokenFilter.checkReferer) { String refHeader = StringUtils.defaultString(httpReq.getHeader("Referer")); logger.debug("doFilter: refHeader=" + refHeader); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(refHeader)) { try { URL refUrl = new URL(refHeader); refHeader = refUrl.getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException mex) { logger.debug("doFilter: parsing referer header failed", mex); } } si.setRefererHost(refHeader); } logger.debug("doFilter: si=" + si.toString()); csrfPreventionSaltCache.put(si, si); // Add the salt to the current request so it can be used // by the page rendered in this request httpReq.setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_ATTR_NAME, si); // set CSRF cookie HttpSession session = httpReq.getSession(false); if (session != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(csrfCookieName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Cookie[] cookies = httpReq.getCookies(); // boolean cookiePresent = false; for (Cookie c : cookies) { String name = c.getName(); logger.debug("doFilter: cookie domain=" + c.getDomain() + "|name=" + name + "|value=" + c.getValue() + "|path=" + c.getPath() + "|maxage=" + c.getMaxAge() + "|httpOnly=" + c.isHttpOnly()); // if (csrfCookieName.equals(name)) { // cookiePresent = true; // break; // } } } // if (!cookiePresent) { byte[] hashSalt = new byte[32]; SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom(); sr.nextBytes(hashSalt); String csrfHash = RandomStringUtils.random(64, 0, 0, true, true, null, sr); Cookie c = new Cookie(csrfCookieName, csrfHash); c.setMaxAge(1800); c.setSecure(false); c.setPath(httpReq.getContextPath()); c.setHttpOnly(false); httpRes.addCookie(c); // session.setAttribute(SecurityConstant.CSRFCOOKIE_VALUE_PARAM, // hashStr); // } } chain.doFilter(request, response); }
From source
/** * This method simulates the authentication process against a content * source, so that every document is consider here as public. * <p>/*from w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * Creates the authentication cookie and always return 200, unless there is * any problem processing the request. * * @param request HTTP request * @param response HTTP response * @param authCookies vector that contains the authentication cookies * @param url the document url * @param creds an array of credentials for all external sources * @param id the default credential id to be retrieved from creds * @return the HTTP error code * @throws HttpException * @throws IOException */ public int authenticate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Vector<Cookie> authCookies, String url, Credentials creds, String id) throws HttpException, IOException { Cookie[] cookies = null; // Initialize status code int statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; // Read cookies cookies = request.getCookies(); // Debug logger.debug("HTTP No authentication start"); // // Launch the authentication process // // Protection try { Cookie extAuthCookie = null; extAuthCookie = new Cookie("gsa_basic_noauth", ""); extAuthCookie.setValue("true"); String authCookieDomain = null; String authCookiePath = null; int authMaxAge = -1; // Cache cookie properties authCookieDomain = (request.getAttribute("authCookieDomain")).toString(); authCookiePath = (request.getAttribute("authCookiePath")).toString(); //authMaxAge try { authMaxAge = Integer.parseInt(valveConf.getAuthMaxAge()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error( "Configuration error: chack the configuration file as the number set for authMaxAge is not OK:"); } // Set extra cookie parameters extAuthCookie.setDomain(authCookieDomain); extAuthCookie.setPath(authCookiePath); extAuthCookie.setMaxAge(authMaxAge); // Log info if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Adding gsa_basic_noauth cookie: " + extAuthCookie.getName() + ":" + extAuthCookie.getValue() + ":" + extAuthCookie.getPath() + ":" + extAuthCookie.getDomain() + ":" + extAuthCookie.getSecure()); //add sendCookies support boolean isSessionEnabled = new Boolean(valveConf.getSessionConfig().isSessionEnabled()).booleanValue(); boolean sendCookies = false; if (isSessionEnabled) { sendCookies = new Boolean(valveConf.getSessionConfig().getSendCookies()).booleanValue(); } if ((!isSessionEnabled) || ((isSessionEnabled) && (sendCookies))) { response.addCookie(extAuthCookie); } //add cookie to the array authCookies.add(extAuthCookie); statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK; } catch (Exception e) { // Log error logger.error("HTTP Basic authentication failure: " + e.getMessage(), e); // Update status code statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; } // End of the authentication process logger.debug("HTTP No Authentication completed (" + statusCode + ")"); // Return status code return statusCode; }
From source
private HttpServletRequest clearSessionCoookie(final HttpServletRequest httpRequest, final HttpServletResponse httpResponse, final Token token, final State state) { if (httpRequest == null || httpResponse == null || token == null || state == null) { throw new PreconditionException("Required parameter is null"); }/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ final Cookie redisSessionCookie = getCookie(httpRequest, "SESSION"); final Cookie javaSessionCookie = getCookie(httpRequest, "JSESSIONID"); if (redisSessionCookie != null || javaSessionCookie != null) { if (token.getUserID().toString().equals(state.getUserID())) { if (redisSessionCookie != null && redisSessionCookie.getValue().equals(state.getSessionName())) { return httpRequest; } if (javaSessionCookie != null && javaSessionCookie.getValue().equals(state.getSessionName())) { return httpRequest; } } if (redisSessionCookie != null) { redisSessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); httpResponse.addCookie(redisSessionCookie); HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(false); if (session != null) { session.invalidate(); } } if (javaSessionCookie != null) { javaSessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); httpResponse.addCookie(javaSessionCookie); HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(false); if (session != null) { session.invalidate(); } } return new HttpServletRequestWrapper(httpRequest) { @Override public Cookie[] getCookies() { final List<Cookie> cookieList = new ArrayList<Cookie>(); for (Cookie cookie : httpRequest.getCookies()) { if (!cookie.getName().equals("SESSION") && !cookie.getName().equals("JSESSIONID")) { cookieList.add(cookie); } } final Cookie[] cookieArray = new Cookie[cookieList.size()]; cookieList.toArray(cookieArray); return cookieArray; } }; } return httpRequest; }
From source
private void initializeRoutes() throws IOException { // this is the blog home page get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/", "ELKTemplate.ftl") { @Override//from w ww . java2 s. com public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request)); // this is where we would normally load up the blog data // but this week, we just display a placeholder. HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>(); template.process(root, writer); } }); /* get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/display_vms", "display_vms.ftl") { @Override public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { //String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request)); List<Document> posts = new ArrayList<Document>();// = statsDAO.findByDateDescending(10); ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities("VirtualMachine"); SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); System.out.println("We are good"); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); VMsDBCollection.deleteMany(query); //HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>(); if(!(mes == null || mes.length == 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < mes.length; i++) { Document text = new Document(); VirtualMachine vm = (VirtualMachine) mes[i]; if(!vm.getName().contains("Template")) { String name = vm.getName(); text.append("name", name); Document DB_VMs = new Document("_id", name); if(vm.getConfig() != null) { String instanceId = vm.getConfig().getInstanceUuid(); text.append("instanceId", instanceId); } System.out.println("VM Name : " + name); String conectionState = vm.getRuntime().getConnectionState().toString(); text.append("conectionState", conectionState); DB_VMs.append("conectionState", conectionState); String ip = vm.getGuest().getIpAddress(); text.append("ip", ip); DB_VMs.append("ip", ip); String powerState = vm.getRuntime().getPowerState().toString(); text.append("powerState", powerState); if (vm.getTriggeredAlarmState() == null) { text.append("alarmState", "notTriggered"); DB_VMs.append("powerState", "notTriggered"); } else { text.append("alarmState", "Triggered"); DB_VMs.append("powerState", "Triggered"); } String launchTime = writeActualDate(vm.getRuntime().getBootTime()); text.append("launchTime", launchTime); DB_VMs.append("launchTime", launchTime); posts.add(text); VMsDBCollection.insertOne(DB_VMs); } } } root.put("VMs", posts); template.process(root, writer); } });*/ /* get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/create_vm", "create_vm.ftl") { @Override public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); System.out.println("Inside Create VM backend"); template.process(root, writer); } });*/ /* post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/create_vm", "/create_vm.ftl") { @Override public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { if (request.queryParams("Create") != null) { ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities("VirtualMachine"); //Clone VM String vmname = request.queryParams("vmname"); String vm_template = request.queryParams("OS"); VirtualMachine vm = (VirtualMachine) new InventoryNavigator( rootFolder).searchManagedEntity("VirtualMachine", vm_template); VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo vmri = vm.getRuntime(); HostSystem hs = new HostSystem(vm.getServerConnection(), vmri.getHost()); Datacenter dc = (Datacenter) new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntity("Datacenter", "T03-DC"); ResourcePool rp = (ResourcePool) new InventoryNavigator(dc).searchManagedEntities("ResourcePool")[0]; if (vm == null) { System.out.println("No VM found with name " + vm_template); SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("login_error", "No template available"); template.process(root, writer); } else { try { VirtualMachineCloneSpec cloneSpec = new VirtualMachineCloneSpec(); VirtualMachineRelocateSpec locateSpec = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(); locateSpec.setPool(rp.getMOR()); cloneSpec.setLocation(locateSpec); cloneSpec.setPowerOn(false); cloneSpec.setTemplate(false); Task task = vm.cloneVM_Task((Folder) vm.getParent(), vm_template, cloneSpec); System.out.println("Launching the VM clone task. " + "Please wait ..."); String status = task.waitForTask(); if (status == Task.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("VM got cloned successfully."); } else { System.out.println("Failure -: VM cannot be cloned"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } response.redirect("/display_vms"); } } else if (request.queryParams("Cancle") != null) { response.redirect("/display_vms"); } } }); */ /* post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/display_vms", "display_vms.ftl") { @Override public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { //String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request)); List<Document> posts = new ArrayList<Document>();// = statsDAO.findByDateDescending(10); SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); ArrayList<String> VM_list = new ArrayList<String>(); MongoCursor<Document> cursor = VMsDBCollection.find(query).iterator(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { String a =; System.out.println(a); try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(a); String vm_name = jsonObject.getString("_id"); VM_list.add(vm_name); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //take VM list from DB if (request.queryParams("PowerOn") != null) { Iterator vm_iterator = VM_list.iterator(); while(vm_iterator.hasNext()) { String VM_name =; boolean myCheckBox = request.queryParams(VM_name) != null; if (myCheckBox) { System.out.println("Power ON VM " + VM_name); powerOn(VM_name); } } response.redirect("/display_vms"); } else if (request.queryParams("PowerOff") != null) { Iterator vm_iterator = VM_list.iterator(); while(vm_iterator.hasNext()) { String VM_name =; boolean myCheckBox = request.queryParams(VM_name) != null; if (myCheckBox) { System.out.println("Power Off VM " + VM_name); powerOff(VM_name); } } response.redirect("/display_vms"); } else if (request.queryParams("Delete") != null) { Iterator vm_iterator = VM_list.iterator(); while(vm_iterator.hasNext()) { String VM_name =; boolean myCheckBox = request.queryParams(VM_name) != null; if (myCheckBox) System.out.println("Delete VM "+ VM_name); deleteVM(VM_name); } response.redirect("/display_vms"); } else if (request.queryParams("Get_Chart") != null) { Iterator vm_iterator = VM_list.iterator(); while(vm_iterator.hasNext()) { String VM_name =; boolean myCheckBox = request.queryParams(VM_name) != null; if (myCheckBox) { System.out.println("Get VM " + VM_name +"Charts" ); CurrentSelectedVM = VM_name; } } response.redirect("/gChart"); } else if (request.queryParams("Create") != null) { response.redirect("/create_vm"); }else { System.out.println("Invalid "); response.redirect("/display_vms"); // ??? } } }); */ /* // google chart handler get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/gChart", "GoogleLine.ftl") { @Override public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request)); if (CurrentSelectedVM != null) { ArrayList<ArrayList> gchartData = statsDAO.getGchart(CurrentSelectedVM); SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("VMName", CurrentSelectedVM); CurrentSelectedVM = null; root.put("gcdata", gchartData); //System.out.println(gchartData); // System.out.println(gchartData.get(0)); template.process(root, writer); } } });*/ /* post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/gChart", "GoogleLine.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { if (request.queryParams("Home") != null) { response.redirect("/display_vms"); } } }); */ // handle the signup post post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String email = request.queryParams("email"); String username = request.queryParams("username"); String password = request.queryParams("password"); String verify = request.queryParams("verify"); HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>(); root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username)); root.put("email", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(email)); if (validateSignup(username, password, verify, email, root)) { // good user System.out.println("Signup: Creating user with: " + username + " " + password); if (!userDAO.addUser(username, password, email)) { // duplicate user root.put("username_error", "Username already in use, Please choose another"); template.process(root, writer); } else { // good user, let's start a session String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(username); System.out.println("Session ID is" + sessionID); response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID)); response.redirect("/login"); } } else { // bad signup System.out.println("User Registration did not validate"); template.process(root, writer); } } }); // present signup form for blog get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); // initialize values for the form. root.put("username", ""); root.put("password", ""); root.put("email", ""); root.put("password_error", ""); root.put("username_error", ""); root.put("email_error", ""); root.put("verify_error", ""); template.process(root, writer); } }); get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/welcome", "welcome.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String cookie = getSessionCookie(request); String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(cookie); if (username == null) { System.out.println("welcome() can't identify the user, redirecting to signup"); response.redirect("/signup"); } else { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("username", username); template.process(root, writer); } } }); // present the login page get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("username", ""); root.put("login_error", ""); template.process(root, writer); } }); // process output coming from login form. On success redirect folks to the welcome page // on failure, just return an error and let them try again. post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String username = request.queryParams("username"); String password = request.queryParams("password"); System.out.println("Login: User submitted: " + username + " " + password); Document user = userDAO.validateLogin(username, password); if (user != null) { // valid user, let's log them in String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(user.get("_id").toString()); if (sessionID == null) { response.redirect("/internal_error"); } else { // set the cookie for the user's browser response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID)); response.redirect("/ConfigureAlarm"); } } else { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username)); root.put("password", ""); root.put("login_error", "Invalid Login"); template.process(root, writer); } } }); // allows the user to logout of the blog get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/logout", "signup.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String sessionID = getSessionCookie(request); if (sessionID == null) { // no session to end response.redirect("/login"); } else { // deletes from session table sessionDAO.endSession(sessionID); // this should delete the cookie Cookie c = getSessionCookieActual(request); c.setMaxAge(0); response.raw().addCookie(c); response.redirect("/login"); } } }); // used to process internal errors get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/internal_error", "error_template.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("error", "System has encountered an error."); template.process(root, writer); } }); get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/ConfigureAlarm", "ConfigureAlarmForm.ftl") { @Override protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException { String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request)); SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash(); root.put("error", "System has encountered an error."); template.process(root, writer); } }); }