Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without * warranties or conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.vmware.identity.samlservice; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.opensaml.common.SignableSAMLObject; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.Issuer; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.LogoutRequest; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.LogoutResponse; import; import; import org.opensaml.xml.util.Base64; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.DiagnosticsLoggerFactory; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.IDiagnosticsLogger; import com.vmware.identity.idm.PrincipalId; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SamlTokenSpec.AuthenticationData.AuthnMethod; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SignatureAlgorithm; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.SamlValidator.ValidationResult; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.LogoutStateValidator; import com.vmware.identity.session.LogoutRequestData; import com.vmware.identity.session.Session; import com.vmware.identity.session.SessionManager; import com.vmware.identity.session.SessionParticipant; /** * Object that encapsulates a lifetime of LogoutRequest/Response * */ public class LogoutState { private static final IDiagnosticsLogger log = DiagnosticsLoggerFactory.getLogger(LogoutState.class); private final DefaultIdmAccessorFactory factory; private IdmAccessor idmAccessor; private final SamlValidator<LogoutState> validator; private RequestCache requestCache; private HttpServletRequest request; private HttpServletResponse response; private MessageSource messageSource; private Locale locale; private SessionManager sessionManager; private SignableSAMLObject samlObject; private LogoutRequest logoutRequest; private LogoutResponse logoutResponse; private String samlRequest; private String samlResponse; private String signedMessage; private String relayState; private String sigAlg; private String signature; private ProcessingState processingState; private ValidationResult validationResult; private String issuerValue; private String sessionId; private final String correlationId; /** * Construct logout state object * * @param request * @param response2 * @param sessionManager * @param locale */ public LogoutState(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionManager sessionManager, Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) { log.debug("Constructing from request " + request.toString()); Validate.notNull(request); Validate.notNull(sessionManager); this.processingState = ProcessingState.UNKNOWN; this.setRequest(request); this.setResponse(response); this.setLocale(locale); this.setMessageSource(messageSource); this.sessionManager = sessionManager; //TODO - check for correlation id in the headers PR1561606 this.correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.factory = new DefaultIdmAccessorFactory(this.correlationId); Validate.notNull(factory); this.idmAccessor = factory.getIdmAccessor(); this.validator = new LogoutStateValidator(); RequestCacheFactory requestFactory = new DefaultRequestCacheFactory(); this.requestCache = requestFactory.getRequestCache(); this.relayState = request.getParameter(Shared.RELAY_STATE_PARAMETER); this.signature = request.getParameter(Shared.SIGNATURE_PARAMETER); this.sigAlg = request.getParameter(Shared.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PARAMETER); this.samlRequest = request.getParameter(Shared.SAML_REQUEST_PARAMETER); this.samlResponse = request.getParameter(Shared.SAML_RESPONSE_PARAMETER); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", null); Validate.isTrue(this.samlRequest != null || this.samlResponse != null); // construct message that was supposed to be signed if (this.signature != null && this.sigAlg != null) { try { if (this.samlRequest != null) { this.signedMessage = Shared.SAML_REQUEST_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.samlRequest, "UTF-8"); } else if (this.samlResponse != null) { this.signedMessage = Shared.SAML_RESPONSE_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.samlResponse, "UTF-8"); } if (this.relayState != null) { this.signedMessage = this.signedMessage + "&" + Shared.RELAY_STATE_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.relayState, "UTF-8"); // print out decoded relay state. Note that we do not need // to // store decoded value. byte[] relayStateBytes = Base64.decode(this.relayState); log.debug("Relay state specified was " + new String(relayStateBytes)); } this.signedMessage = this.signedMessage + "&" + Shared.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.sigAlg, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.debug("Could not reconstruct signed message"); this.signedMessage = null; } } this.processingState = ProcessingState.INITIALIZED; } /** * Initial parsing of the request Includes signature check and validation * * @param tenant * @param processor */ public void parseRequestForTenant(String tenant, ProcessingFilter<LogoutState> processor) { log.debug("parseRequestForTenant, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.notNull(this.request); // check for replays if (this.samlRequest != null) { if (this.requestCache.shouldDenyRequest(this.samlRequest)) { log.debug("Replay attack detected - DENYING logout request"); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", null); throw new IllegalStateException("Forbidden"); } else { this.requestCache.storeRequest(this.samlRequest); } } else if (this.samlResponse != null) { if (this.requestCache.shouldDenyRequest(this.samlResponse)) { log.debug("Replay attack detected - DENYING logout response"); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", null); throw new IllegalStateException("Forbidden"); } else { this.requestCache.storeRequest(this.samlResponse); } } try { processor.preProcess(this); } catch (SamlServiceException e) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", null); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } SamlService service = createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, null); // relying // party // unknown // at // this // point // decode request try { setSamlObject(service.decodeSamlRequest(this.request)); if (samlObject instanceof LogoutRequest) { setLogoutRequest((LogoutRequest) samlObject); } else if (samlObject instanceof LogoutResponse) { setLogoutResponse((LogoutResponse) samlObject); } } catch (MessageDecodingException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); log.debug("Caught exception " + e.toString()); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); log.debug("Caught exception " + e.toString()); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } // if signature was specified along with signing algorithm, verify // signature Issuer issuer = getIssuer(); if (issuer == null || issuer.getValue() == null) { service = null; } else { this.setIssuerValue(issuer.getValue()); service = createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, this.getIssuerValue()); } if (service == null) { // return 400 to the caller and throw this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", "Issuer"); throw new IllegalStateException("Issuer not recognized"); } if (this.sigAlg != null && this.signature != null) { try { service.verifySignature(this.signedMessage, this.signature); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER, OasisNames.REQUEST_DENIED); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } this.validationResult = validator.validate(this); if (this.validationResult.isValid()) { // mark as parsed this.processingState = ProcessingState.PARSED; } } /** * Extract issuer value (== relying party URL) from LogoutRequest/Response * * @return */ private Issuer getIssuer() { Issuer retval = null; if (getLogoutRequest() != null) { retval = getLogoutRequest().getIssuer(); } else if (getLogoutResponse() != null) { retval = getLogoutResponse().getIssuer(); } return retval; } // create SamlService object private SamlService createSamlServiceForTenant(String tenant, String relyingParty) { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); CertPath certPath = this.idmAccessor.getCertificatesForRelyingParty(relyingParty); SignatureAlgorithm checkAlgorithm; if (this.sigAlg == null) { checkAlgorithm = null; } else { checkAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.getSignatureAlgorithmForURI(this.sigAlg); if (checkAlgorithm == null) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); throw new IllegalStateException("logout request has invalid signature algorithm"); } } SamlServiceFactory factory = new DefaultSamlServiceFactory(); return factory.createSamlService(this.idmAccessor.getSAMLAuthorityPrivateKey(), SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256, // TODO use real settings checkAlgorithm, this.idmAccessor.getIdpEntityId(), certPath); } /** * Return validation result * * @return */ public ValidationResult getValidationResult() { return validationResult; } /** * Wrapper around ProcessingFilter call * * @param tenant * @param processor */ public void process(String tenant, ProcessingFilter<LogoutState> processor) { log.debug("process, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.isTrue(this.logoutRequest != null || this.logoutResponse != null); Validate.notNull(processor); // processing call try { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); processor.process(this); } catch (SamlServiceException e) { // not enough data log.debug("Caught Saml Service Exception from process " + e.toString()); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER); } catch (Exception e) { // unexpected processing error log.debug("Caught Exception from process " + e.toString()); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER); } // add log out session cookie for tls client auth try { addLogoutSessionCookie(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to add logout session cookie for TLS Client auth.", e); } } private void addLogoutSessionCookie() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { Session session = sessionManager.get(getSessionId()); if (session != null && session.getAuthnMethod() == AuthnMethod.TLSCLIENT) { // set logout session cookie String cookieName = Shared.getLogoutCookieName(this.getIdmAccessor().getTenant()); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); String timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime()).toString(); String encodedTimestamp = Shared.encodeString(timestamp); log.debug("Setting cookie " + cookieName + " value " + encodedTimestamp); Cookie sessionCookie = new Cookie(cookieName, encodedTimestamp); sessionCookie.setPath("/"); sessionCookie.setSecure(true); sessionCookie.setHttpOnly(true); response.addCookie(sessionCookie); } } /** * Remove the session cookie as needed * Note: the cookie should be set as exactly as the added in * logonState.addResponseHeaders except value. * @param response */ public void removeResponseHeaders() { log.debug("removeResponseHeaders, response " + response); if (getSessionId() != null && response != null) { // session identified, remove session cookie String cookieName = Shared.getTenantSessionCookieName(this.getIdmAccessor().getTenant()); removeSessionCookie(cookieName, response); } } private void removeSessionCookie(String cookieName, HttpServletResponse response) { Validate.notNull(response); if (cookieName == null || cookieName.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Cookie name is null or empty. Ignoring."); return; } log.debug("Removing cookie " + cookieName); Cookie sessionCookie = new Cookie(cookieName, ""); sessionCookie.setPath("/"); sessionCookie.setSecure(true); sessionCookie.setHttpOnly(true); sessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(sessionCookie); } /** * Create LogoutResponse based on out ValidationResult * * @param tenant * @param messageSource * @param locale * @return */ public LogoutResponse generateResponseForTenant(String tenant, MessageSource messageSource, Locale locale) { LogoutResponse retval = null; log.debug("generateResponseForTenant, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.validationResult); // We should reply with Saml response for slo request. // For a slo response received (which happens only multi-service logged on scenario), // no action is needed further. if (this.validationResult.getResponseCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK && this.logoutRequest != null) { try { Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.notNull(this.getIssuerValue()); this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); String relyingParty = this.getIssuerValue(); // however if we had more than one relying party, // we need to get original requester from the session instead Session session = this.getSession(); if (session != null) { LogoutRequestData logoutRequestData = session.getLogoutRequestData(); if (logoutRequestData != null) { relyingParty = logoutRequestData.getInitiator(); } } String sloEndpoint = this.idmAccessor.getSloForRelyingParty(relyingParty, OasisNames.HTTP_REDIRECT); if (sloEndpoint == null) { log.warn(String.format("SLO service for relying party %s does not exist.", relyingParty)); // logout response can be be created since SLO end point does not exist. return null; } SamlService service = createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, relyingParty); retval = service.createSamlLogoutResponse(this.getID(), sloEndpoint, this.validationResult.getStatus(), this.validationResult.getSubstatus(), this.validationResult.getMessage(messageSource, locale)); // At this point, we have sent out SLO requests to non-initiating participants, and is about // to send out SLO response to the intiating participant. So now can kill the session. if (getSessionId() != null) { getSessionManager().remove(getSessionId()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Caught exception while generating response " + e.toString() + ", will return 400"); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); return null; } } return retval; } /** * Extract message ID from logout request/response * * @return */ private String getID() { String retval = null; if (getLogoutRequest() != null) { retval = getLogoutRequest().getID(); } else if (getLogoutResponse() != null) { retval = getLogoutResponse().getID(); } return retval; } /** * Based on all processing, encode and sign response and generate a redirect * * @param samlResponse * @param tenant * @return */ public String generateResponseUrlForTenant(LogoutResponse samlResponse, String tenant) { String retval = null; log.debug("generateResponseUrlForTenant, tenant " + tenant + ", SLO response " + samlResponse); try { // 1. encode response into a string Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.isTrue(this.logoutRequest != null || this.logoutResponse != null); Validate.notNull(this.getIssuerValue()); this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); String relyingParty = this.getIssuerValue(); SamlService service = createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, relyingParty); String encodedResponse = service.encodeSAMLObject(samlResponse); // 2. calculate the message that needs to be signed String toBeSigned = service.generateRedirectUrlQueryStringParameters(null, encodedResponse, this.getRelayState(), SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256.toString(), // TODO // use // real // settings null); // 3. calculate signature String signature = service.signMessage(toBeSigned); // 4. combine everything into a redirect URL retval = this.idmAccessor.getSloForRelyingParty(relyingParty, OasisNames.HTTP_REDIRECT); if (retval == null) { log.warn(String.format("SLO service for relying party %s does not exist.", relyingParty)); // logout response url can be be created since SLO end point does not exist. return null; } String queryString = service.generateRedirectUrlQueryStringParameters(null, encodedResponse, this.getRelayState(), SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256.toString(), // TODO // use // real // settings signature); retval = retval + "?" + queryString; } catch (Exception e) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); retval = null; } return retval; } /** * @return the idmAccessor */ public IdmAccessor getIdmAccessor() { return idmAccessor; } /** * @param idmAccessor * the idmAccessor to set */ public void setIdmAccessor(IdmAccessor idmAccessor) { this.idmAccessor = idmAccessor; } /** * @return the requestCache */ public RequestCache getRequestCache() { return requestCache; } /** * @param requestCache * the requestCache to set */ public void setRequestCache(RequestCache requestCache) { this.requestCache = requestCache; } /** * @return the request */ public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } /** * @param request * the request to set */ public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } /** * @return the sessionManager */ public SessionManager getSessionManager() { return sessionManager; } /** * @param sessionManager * the sessionManager to set */ public void setSessionManager(SessionManager sessionManager) { this.sessionManager = sessionManager; } /** * @return the logoutRequest */ public LogoutRequest getLogoutRequest() { return logoutRequest; } /** * @param logoutRequest * the logoutRequest to set */ public void setLogoutRequest(LogoutRequest logoutRequest) { this.logoutRequest = logoutRequest; } /** * @return the logoutResponse */ public LogoutResponse getLogoutResponse() { return logoutResponse; } /** * @param logoutResponse * the logoutResponse to set */ public void setLogoutResponse(LogoutResponse logoutResponse) { this.logoutResponse = logoutResponse; } /** * @return the samlRequest */ public String getSamlRequest() { return samlRequest; } /** * @param samlRequest * the samlRequest to set */ public void setSamlRequest(String samlRequest) { this.samlRequest = samlRequest; } /** * @return the relayState */ public String getRelayState() { return relayState; } /** * @param relayState * the relayState to set */ public void setRelayState(String relayState) { this.relayState = relayState; } /** * @return the sigAlg */ public String getSigAlg() { return sigAlg; } /** * @param sigAlg * the sigAlg to set */ public void setSigAlg(String sigAlg) { this.sigAlg = sigAlg; } /** * @return the signature */ public String getSignature() { return signature; } /** * @param signature * the signature to set */ public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; } /** * @return the processingState */ public ProcessingState getProcessingState() { return processingState; } /** * @param processingState * the processingState to set */ public void setProcessingState(ProcessingState processingState) { this.processingState = processingState; } /** * @param validationResult * the validationResult to set */ public void setValidationResult(ValidationResult validationResult) { this.validationResult = validationResult; } /** * @return the issuerValue */ public String getIssuerValue() { return issuerValue; } /** * @param issuerValue * the issuerValue to set */ public void setIssuerValue(String issuerValue) { this.issuerValue = issuerValue; } /** * @return the sessionId */ public String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } /** * @param sessionId * the sessionId to set */ public void setSessionId(String sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; } /** * @return the samlObject */ public SignableSAMLObject getSamlObject() { return samlObject; } /** * @param samlObject * the samlObject to set */ public void setSamlObject(SignableSAMLObject samlObject) { this.samlObject = samlObject; } /** * Processing state */ public static enum ProcessingState { /** * Unknown / not initialized */ UNKNOWN, /** * initialized, not parsed */ INITIALIZED, /** * parsed */ PARSED } /** * get Session object or null if session cannot be obtained * @return */ private Session getSession() { Session retval = null; if (this.getSessionManager() != null && this.getSessionId() != null) { retval = this.getSessionManager().get(this.getSessionId()); } return retval; } /** * Returns true if we need to send out additional LogoutRequest message(s) * before ending a session. * * @return */ public boolean needLogoutRequest() { boolean retval = false; if (this.getValidationResult().isValid()) { // check the session to see that it has more than one participant Session session = this.getSession(); if (session != null) { Collection<SessionParticipant> participants = session.getSessionParticipants(); if (participants != null && participants.size() > 1) { retval = true; // will need to log out other SPs } } } return retval; } /** * Returns true if we need to send out LogoutResponse message * before ending a session. * * @return */ public boolean needLogoutResponse() { return (this.getSamlRequest() != null); } /** * Generate SAML request redirect url * @param samlRequest * @param relyingparty * @param service * @param tenant * @return */ public String generateRequestUrlForTenant(LogoutRequest samlRequest, String relyingParty, SamlService service, String tenant) { String retval = null; log.debug("generateRequestUrlForTenant, tenant " + tenant + ", request " + samlRequest); try { // 1. encode response into a string Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.isTrue(this.logoutRequest != null || this.logoutResponse != null); Validate.notNull(this.getIssuerValue()); this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); String encodedRequest = service.encodeSAMLObject(samlRequest); // 2. calculate the message that needs to be signed String toBeSigned = service.generateRedirectUrlQueryStringParameters(encodedRequest, null, this.getRelayState(), SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256.toString(), // TODO // use // real // settings null); log.debug("Message to sign " + toBeSigned); // 3. calculate signature String signature = service.signMessage(toBeSigned); log.debug("Signature " + signature); // 4. combine everything into a redirect URL retval = samlRequest.getDestination(); Validate.notNull(retval); String queryString = service.generateRedirectUrlQueryStringParameters(encodedRequest, null, this.getRelayState(), SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256.toString(), // TODO // use // real // settings signature); retval = retval + "?" + queryString; log.debug("Generated URL " + retval); } catch (Exception e) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); retval = null; } return retval; } /** * Create LogoutRequest redirect URLs for the session participants * @param tenant * @param messageSource * @param locale * @return */ public Collection<String> generateRequestUrlsForTenant(String tenant, MessageSource messageSource, Locale locale) { List<String> requestUrls = new ArrayList<String>(); log.debug("generateRequestsForTenant, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.validationResult); if (this.validationResult.getResponseCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { try { Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.isTrue(this.logoutRequest != null || this.logoutResponse != null); Validate.notNull(this.getIssuerValue()); Session session = this.getSession(); Validate.notNull(session); try { session.getLock().lock(); Collection<SessionParticipant> participants = session.getSessionParticipants(); LogoutRequestData logoutRequestData = session.getLogoutRequestData(); String originalRelyingParty = logoutRequestData != null ? logoutRequestData.getInitiator() : this.getIssuerValue(); String targetRelyingParty = null; SessionParticipant targetParticipant = null; // Determine other SP which needs to be logged out. Generate slo request URL for each and add to the list. for (SessionParticipant participant : participants) { if (!originalRelyingParty.equals(participant.getRelyingPartyUrl())) { //found a participant that is not the original slo initiator. targetParticipant = participant; targetRelyingParty = participant.getRelyingPartyUrl(); Validate.notNull(targetParticipant); Validate.notNull(targetRelyingParty); // sloEndpoint can be null if relying party does not support SLO. String sloEndpoint = this.idmAccessor.getSloForRelyingParty(targetRelyingParty, OasisNames.HTTP_REDIRECT); if (sloEndpoint != null) { // Create a request for this SP this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); SamlService service = createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, targetRelyingParty); PrincipalId principal = session.getPrincipalId(); Validate.notNull(principal); LogoutRequest request = service.createSamlLogoutRequest(null, sloEndpoint, OasisNames.UNSPECIFIED, principal.getName() + "@" + principal.getDomain(), targetParticipant.getSessionId()); String redirectUrl = generateRequestUrlForTenant(request, targetRelyingParty, service, tenant); requestUrls.add(redirectUrl); // Create/update logout request data in the session if (logoutRequestData == null) { logoutRequestData = new LogoutRequestData(originalRelyingParty, this.getID()); } logoutRequestData.setCurrent(targetRelyingParty); logoutRequestData.setCurrentRequestId(request.getID()); session.setLogoutRequestData(logoutRequestData); this.getSessionManager().update(session); } } } } finally { session.getLock().unlock(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Caught exception while generating request " + e.toString() + ", will return 400"); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); return null; } } return requestUrls; } /** * @return the samlResponse */ public String getSamlResponse() { return samlResponse; } /** * @param samlResponse the samlResponse to set */ public void setSamlResponse(String samlResponse) { this.samlResponse = samlResponse; } public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { return response; } public void setResponse(HttpServletResponse response) { this.response = response; } /** * checkIsExternalAuthenticated * @return true if the current session is authenticated using external IDP */ public boolean checkIsExternalAuthenticated() { Validate.notNull(sessionManager); Validate.notNull(sessionId); Session session = sessionManager.get(sessionId); Validate.notNull(session); return session.isUsingExtIDP(); } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } public MessageSource getMessageSource() { return messageSource; } public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messageSource = messageSource; } }