Example usage for javax.script Bindings clear

List of usage examples for javax.script Bindings clear


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.script Bindings clear.


void clear();

Source Link


Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).


From source file:com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl.JythonTestScript.java

private static void initializeEmbeddedJython() {
    TestBedConfiguration testbedConfig = TestBedConfiguration.getInstance();
    if (testbedConfig != null) {
        platform = testbedConfig.getList("testapi_implementation.import");
    } else {// w w w  .  ja  v a 2s.  c om
        platform = null;

    // to force loading of components if not loaded

    // dynamically create VerbsTestAPI class with verbs methods
    TestAPI testAPI = TestAPIImpl.getInstance();
    Collection<String> registeredComponents = testAPI.getRegisteredComponents();

    // install line buffered auto-flush writers for stdout/sterr
    engine.getContext().setWriter(new LineBufferedPrintWriter(System.out));
    engine.getContext().setErrorWriter(new LineBufferedPrintWriter(System.err));

    Bindings bindings = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    if (bindings != null) {

    globalBindings = engine.createBindings();
    globalBindings.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, "embedded_jython");
    globalBindings.put("logger", scriptLogger);
    globalBindings.put("Status", ScriptTestResultStatus.class);
    try {
        // Declare __TestAPIWrapper class, of which the testAPI variable will be an instance
        String code = "import sys as __sys\n" + "from sets import Set as __Set\n"
                + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite import QTasteException, QTasteTestFailException, QTasteDataException\n"
                + "import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl.JythonTestScript.ScriptTestResultStatus as Status\n"
                + "class ComponentNotPresentException(Exception):\n" + "    pass\n"
                + "class StepsException(Exception):\n" + "    pass\n" + "class __TestAPIWrapper:\n"
                + "    def __init__(self, testScript):\n" + "        self.testScript = testScript\n"
                + "    def __invoke(self, method, args):\n"
                + "        self.testScript.logInvoke(method.im_self, method.__name__, str(args)[1:-1-(len(args)==1)])\n"
                + "        try:\n" + "            return method(*args)\n" + "        except TypeError, e:\n"
                + "            raise QTasteDataException('Invalid argument(s): ' + str(e))\n"
                + "    def stopTest(self, status, message):\n" + "        if status == Status.FAIL:\n"
                + "            raise QTasteTestFailException(message)\n"
                + "        elif status == Status.NOT_AVAILABLE:\n"
                + "            raise QTasteDataException(message)\n" + "        else:\n"
                + "            raise SyntaxError('Invalid status argument')\n";

        // add get<Component>() methods to the __TestAPIWrapper class
        for (String component : registeredComponents) {
            code += "    def get" + component + "(self, **kw):\n"
                    + "        component = self.testScript.getComponent('" + component + "', kw)\n"
                    + "        return __TestAPIWrapper." + component + "Wrapper(self, component)\n";
        engine.eval(code, globalBindings);

        for (String component : registeredComponents) {
            // declare the <Component>Wrapper class, of which the objects returned
            // by get<Component>() methods will be instances
            code = "class __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper:\n"
                    + "    def __init__(self, testAPI, component):\n" + "        self.testAPI = testAPI\n"
                    + "        self.component = component\n" + "    def __nonzero__(self):\n"
                    + "        return self.component\n" + "    def __getattr__(self, attr):\n" + // only called when self.attr doesn't exist
                    "        raise AttributeError('Component " + component
                    + " has no \\'' + attr + '\\' verb')\n" + "    def __checkPresent(self):\n"
                    + "        if not self.component:\n"
                    + "            raise ComponentNotPresentException('Component " + component
                    + " is not present in testbed')\n";

            // add verbs methods to the ComponentWrapper class
            Collection<String> verbs = testAPI.getRegisteredVerbs(component);
            for (String verb : verbs) {
                code += "    def " + verb + "(self, *args):\n" + "        self.__checkPresent()\n"
                        + "        return self.testAPI._TestAPIWrapper__invoke(self.component." + verb
                        + ", args)\n";
            code += "__TestAPIWrapper." + component + "Wrapper = __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper\n";
            code += "del __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper\n";
            engine.eval(code, globalBindings);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        logger.fatal("Couldn't create __TestAPIWrapper Python class", e);

    try {
        String code = "import os as __os\n"
                + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl import JythonTestScript as __JythonTestScript\n"
                + "__isInTestScriptImport = 0\n" + "def isInTestScriptImport():\n"
                + "    return __isInTestScriptImport != 0\n" + "def importTestScript(testCasePath):\n"
                + "    global __isInTestScriptImport\n" + "    wasInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport\n"
                + "    __isInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport + 1\n" + "    try:\n"
                + "        import sys as __sys\n" + "        testCaseName = __os.path.basename(testCasePath)\n"
                + "        basePath = __os.path.dirname(__sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename) + __os.sep + '..'\n"
                + "        testCasePath = __os.path.realpath(__os.path.join(basePath, testCasePath))\n"
                + "        __sys.path.insert(0, testCasePath)\n" + "        try:\n"
                + "            if 'TestScript' in __sys.modules:\n"
                + "                del __sys.modules['TestScript']\n" + "            try:\n"
                + "                import TestScript\n" + "            except ImportError:\n"
                + "                raise ImportError('No test script found in ' + testCasePath)\n"
                + "            if wasInTestScriptImport:\n" + "                # test script is imported\n"
                + "                __sys._getframe(1).f_globals[testCaseName] = TestScript\n"
                + "            else:\n" + "                # test script is not imported\n"
                + "                __JythonTestScript.addToGlobalJythonScope(testCaseName, TestScript)\n"
                + "            del __sys.modules['TestScript']\n" + "            del TestScript\n"
                + "        finally:\n" + "            __sys.path.pop(0)\n" + "    finally:\n"
                + "        __isInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport - 1\n";
        engine.eval(code, globalBindings);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        logger.fatal("Couldn't create importTestScript or isInTestScriptImport Python function", e);

    try {
        String code = "import time as __time, sys as __sys\n"
                + "from java.lang import ThreadDeath as __ThreadDeath\n"
                + "from java.lang.reflect import UndeclaredThrowableException as __UndeclaredThrowableException\n"
                + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite import QTasteTestFailException\n"
                + "import com.qspin.qtaste.reporter.testresults.TestResult.Status as __TestResultStatus\n"
                + "def doStep(idOrFunc, func=None):\n" + "    if __isInTestScriptImport:\n"
                + "        # test script is imported, so don't execute step\n" + "        return\n"
                + "    doStep.countStack = getattr(doStep, 'countStack', [0])\n"
                + "    doStep.stepIdStack = getattr(doStep, 'stepIdStack', [])\n"
                + "    doStep.stepNameStack = getattr(doStep, 'stepNameStack', [])\n"
                + "    doStep.countStack[-1] = doStep.countStack[-1] + 1\n" + "    if func is None:\n"
                + "        # idOrFunc is the step function no id is given\n"
                + "        id = str(doStep.countStack[-1])\n" + "        func = idOrFunc\n" + "    else:\n"
                + "        # idOrFunc is the step id, args[0] is the step function\n"
                + "        id = str(idOrFunc)\n" + "    doStep.stepIdStack.append(id)\n"
                + "    doStep.stepNameStack.append(func.func_name)\n" + "    doStep.countStack.append(0)\n"
                + "    doStep.stepId = stepId = '.'.join(doStep.stepIdStack)\n"
                + "    stepName = '.'.join(doStep.stepNameStack)\n" + "    stepDoc = func.func_doc\n"
                + "    __JythonTestScript.getLogger().info('Begin of step %s (%s)' % (stepId, stepName))\n"
                + "    status = __TestResultStatus.SUCCESS\n" + "    begin_time = __time.clock()\n"
                + "    try:\n"
                + "        testScript.addStepResult(stepId, __TestResultStatus.RUNNING, stepName, stepDoc, 0)\n"
                + "        func()\n"
                + "    except (QTasteTestFailException, __ThreadDeath, __UndeclaredThrowableException):\n"
                + "        status = __TestResultStatus.FAIL\n" + "        raise\n" + "    except:\n"
                + "        status = __TestResultStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE\n" + "        raise\n" + "    finally:\n"
                + "        end_time = __time.clock()\n" + "        elapsed_time = end_time - begin_time\n"
                + "        __JythonTestScript.getLogger().info('End of step %s (%s) - status: %s - elapsed time: %.3f seconds' "
                + "% (stepId, stepName, status, elapsed_time))\n"
                + "        testScript.addStepResult(stepId, status, stepName, stepDoc, elapsed_time)\n"
                + "        doStep.countStack.pop()\n" + "        doStep.stepIdStack.pop()\n"
                + "        doStep.stepNameStack.pop()\n";
        engine.eval(code, globalBindings);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        logger.fatal("Couldn't create doStep Python function", e);

    try {
        String code = "import sys as __sys\n" + "def __findStepIndex(table, id):\n"
                + "   for index in range(len(table)):\n" + "       stepId = str(table[index][0])\n"
                + "       if stepId == id:\n" + "           return index\n"
                + "   raise StepsException('Step %s does not exist in steps table' % id)\n"
                + "def doSteps(table, selector = None):\n" + "    if __isInTestScriptImport:\n"
                + "        # test script is imported, so don't execute steps\n" + "        return\n"
                + "    # check that steps id are correct identifiers\n" + "    import re\n"
                + "    idPattern = re.compile(r'^\\w+$')\n" + "    for index in range(len(table)):\n"
                + "       stepId = str(table[index][0])\n" + "       if not idPattern.match(stepId):\n"
                + "           raise StepsException('Step id %s is not a valid identifier' % stepId)\n"
                + "    if selector is None:\n" + "        for (stepId, stepName) in table:\n"
                + "            doStep(stepId, stepName)\n" + "    else:\n"
                + "        match = re.match(r'^\\[\\s*(\\w*)(?:\\s*-\\s*(\\w*))?\\s*\\]$', selector)\n"
                + "        if match:\n" + "            startId = match.group(1)\n"
                + "            endId = match.group(match.lastindex)\n" + "        else:\n"
                + "            raise StepsException(arg + ' is not a valid format of selector, should be [id], [id1-id2], "
                + "[id1-] or [-id2]')\n" + "        if startId == '':\n" + "            startIndex = 0\n"
                + "        else:" + "            startIndex = __findStepIndex(table, startId)\n"
                + "        if endId == '':\n" + "            endIndex = len(table)-1\n" + "        else:"
                + "            endIndex = __findStepIndex(table, endId)\n"
                + "        if endIndex < startIndex:\n"
                + "            raise StepsException('Step %s should occur after step %s in steps table' % (startId, endId))\n"
                + "        for (stepId, stepName) in table[startIndex:endIndex+1]:\n"
                + "            doStep(stepId, stepName)\n";
        engine.eval(code, globalBindings);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        logger.fatal("Couldn't create doSteps Python function", e);

    // set code to declare __ScriptDebugger class
    // note: it doesn't work if it is evaluated in the global bindings
    scriptDebuggerClassCode = "import bdb as __bdb\n" + "class __ScriptDebugger(__bdb.Bdb):\n"
            + "  def user_line(self, frame):\n" + "    if self.run:\n" + "      self.run = 0\n"
            + "      self.set_continue()\n" + "    else:\n" + "      # arrived at breakpoint\n"
            + "      lineNumber = frame.f_lineno\n" + "      fileName = frame.f_code.co_filename\n"
            + "      action = __scriptBreakpoint.breakScript(fileName, lineNumber, frame.f_locals)\n"
            + "      if action == 0:\n"
            + "        testAPI.stopTest(Status.NOT_AVAILABLE, 'Script has been stopped by user')\n"
            + "      elif action == 1:\n" + "        self.set_next(frame)\n" + "      elif action == 3:\n"
            + "        self.set_step()\n" + "      elif action == 2:\n" + "        self.set_continue()\n";

From source file:be.solidx.hot.test.TestScriptExecutors.java

private Collection<Long> multiThreadedTest(final Script script, final int max,
        final ScriptExecutor scriptExecutor) throws InterruptedException {
    final int iterations = 100;
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> results = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> avgs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();
    long benchStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            @Override//from   w ww.jav  a2 s .  co  m
            public void run() {
                try {
                    long res = 0;
                    Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    parameters.put("i", new Integer(max));
                    parameters.put("n", new Integer(0));

                    //long starting = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    Object object = scriptExecutor.execute(script, parameters);
                    if (object instanceof Bindings) {
                        Bindings bindings = (Bindings) object;
                        res = (Integer) bindings.get("result");
                    } else if (object instanceof Double) {
                        res = Math.round((Double) object);
                    } else if (object instanceof Long) {
                        res = (long) object;
                    } else
                        res = new Long((Integer) object);
                    long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - avgs.get(this.toString());
                    results.put(UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits() + "", res);
                    avgs.put(this.toString(), end);
                } catch (Exception e) {
        avgs.put(runnable.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis());

    while (results.size() < iterations) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (Long value : avgs.values()) {
        sum += value;
    System.out.println((sum / (double) iterations) + "");
    System.out.println("==== Time needed for all requests: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - benchStart));
    executor = null;
    return results.values();

From source file:de.axelfaust.alfresco.nashorn.repo.processor.NashornScriptProcessor.java

protected void initScriptContext() throws ScriptException {
    final Bindings oldEngineBindings = this.engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    final AMDModulePreloader oldPreloader = this.amdPreloader;
    final AMDScriptRunner oldAMDRunner = this.amdRunner;

    LOGGER.debug("Initializing new script context");

    try (NashornScriptModel model = NashornScriptModel.openModel()) {
        // create new (unpolluted) engine bindings
        final Bindings engineBindings = this.engine.createBindings();
        this.engine.setBindings(engineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

        final Bindings globalBindings = new SimpleBindings();
        this.engine.setBindings(globalBindings, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);

        // only available during initialisation
        globalBindings.put("applicationContext", this.applicationContext);

        LOGGER.debug("Executing bootstrap scripts");
        URL resource;//  w  w w.j a  v a  2 s .c om

        // 1) simple logger facade for SLF4J
        LOGGER.debug("Bootstrapping simple logger");
        resource = NashornScriptProcessor.class.getResource(SCRIPT_SIMPLE_LOGGER);

        // 2) AMD loader and noSuchProperty to be used for all scripts apart from bootstrap
        LOGGER.debug("Setting up AMD");
        resource = NashornScriptProcessor.class.getResource(SCRIPT_AMD);

        resource = NashornScriptProcessor.class.getResource(SCRIPT_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY);

        final Object define = this.engine.get("define");
        this.amdPreloader = ((Invocable) this.engine).getInterface(define, AMDModulePreloader.class);

        // 3) the nashorn loader plugin so we can control access to globals
        LOGGER.debug("Setting up nashorn AMD loader");
        this.preloadAMDModule("loaderMetaLoader", "nashorn", "nashorn");

        // 4) remove Nashorn globals
        LOGGER.debug("Removing disallowed Nashorn globals \"{}\" and \"{}\"",
                NASHORN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_TO_ALWAYS_REMOVE, this.nashornGlobalPropertiesToRemove);
        for (final String property : NASHORN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_TO_ALWAYS_REMOVE) {

        if (this.nashornGlobalPropertiesToRemove != null) {
            for (final String property : this.nashornGlobalPropertiesToRemove.split(",")) {

        // 5) Java extensions (must be picked up by modules before #9)
        globalBindings.put("processorExtensions", this.processorExtensions);

        // 6) AMD config
        LOGGER.debug("Applying AMD config \"{}\"", this.amdConfig);
        resource = this.amdConfig.getURL();

        // 7) configured JavaScript base modules
        LOGGER.debug("Bootstrapping base modules");

        // 8) configured JavaScript extension modules
        LOGGER.debug("Bootstrapping extension modules");

        // 9) remove any init data that shouldn't be publicly available

        // 10) obtain the runner interface
        LOGGER.debug("Preparing AMD script runner");
        resource = NashornScriptProcessor.class.getResource(SCRIPE_AMD_SCRIPT_RUNNER);
        final Object scriptRunnerObj = this.executeScriptFromResource(resource);
        this.amdRunner = ((Invocable) this.engine).getInterface(scriptRunnerObj, AMDScriptRunner.class);

        LOGGER.info("New script context initialized");
    } catch (final Throwable t) {
        LOGGER.warn("Initialization of script context failed", t);

        // reset
        this.engine.setBindings(oldEngineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
        this.amdPreloader = oldPreloader;
        this.amdRunner = oldAMDRunner;

        if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) t;
        } else if (t instanceof ScriptException) {
            throw (ScriptException) t;
        } else {
            throw new org.alfresco.scripts.ScriptException(
                    "Unknown error initializing script context - reset to previous state", t);
    } finally {