List of usage examples for javax.mail Session getInstance
public static Session getInstance(Properties props)
From source
/**Writes a passed payload data to the passed message object. Could be called from either the MDN * processing or the message processing/* w w w.j av a 2 s . c om*/ */ public void writePayloadsToMessage(byte[] data, AS2Message message, Properties header) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream payloadOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); MimeMessage testMessage = new MimeMessage(Session.getInstance(System.getProperties()), new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); //multiple attachments? if (testMessage.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { this.writePayloadsToMessage(testMessage, message, header); return; } InputStream payloadIn = null; AS2Info info = message.getAS2Info(); if (info instanceof AS2MessageInfo && info.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE && ((AS2MessageInfo) info).getCompressionType() == AS2Message.COMPRESSION_NONE) { payloadIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } else if (testMessage.getSize() > 0) { payloadIn = testMessage.getInputStream(); } else { payloadIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } this.copyStreams(payloadIn, payloadOut); payloadOut.flush(); payloadOut.close(); byte[] payloadData = payloadOut.toByteArray(); AS2Payload as2Payload = new AS2Payload(); as2Payload.setData(payloadData); String contentIdHeader = header.getProperty("content-id"); if (contentIdHeader != null) { as2Payload.setContentId(contentIdHeader); } String contentTypeHeader = header.getProperty("content-type"); if (contentTypeHeader != null) { as2Payload.setContentType(contentTypeHeader); } try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(testMessage.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } if (as2Payload.getOriginalFilename() == null) { String filenameHeader = header.getProperty("content-disposition"); if (filenameHeader != null) { //test part for convinience: extract file name MimeBodyPart filenamePart = new MimeBodyPart(); filenamePart.setHeader("content-disposition", filenameHeader); try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(filenamePart.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } } } message.addPayload(as2Payload); }
From source
public Result execute(Result result, int nr, Repository rep, Job parentJob) { LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance(); File masterZipfile = null;/*w ww .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ // Send an e-mail... // create some properties and get the default Session Properties props = new Properties(); if (Const.isEmpty(server)) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMail.Error.HostNotSpecified")); result.setNrErrors(1L); result.setResult(false); return result; } String protocol = "smtp"; if (usingSecureAuthentication) { if (secureConnectionType.equals("TLS")) { // Allow TLS authentication props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); } else { protocol = "smtps"; // required to get rid of a SSL exception : // nested exception is: // Unsupported record version // Unknown props.put("mail.smtps.quitwait", "false"); } } props.put("mail." + protocol + ".host", environmentSubstitute(server)); if (!Const.isEmpty(port)) props.put("mail." + protocol + ".port", environmentSubstitute(port)); boolean debug = log.getLogLevel() >= LogWriter.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; if (debug) props.put("mail.debug", "true"); if (usingAuthentication) { props.put("mail." + protocol + ".auth", "true"); /* * authenticator = new Authenticator() { protected * PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new * PasswordAuthentication( * StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, * "")), * StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationPassword * , "")) ); } }; */ } Session session = Session.getInstance(props); session.setDebug(debug); try { // create a message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); // set message priority if (usePriority) { String priority_int = "1"; if (priority.equals("low")) { priority_int = "3"; } if (priority.equals("normal")) { priority_int = "2"; } msg.setHeader("X-Priority", priority_int); // (String)int // between 1= high // and 3 = low. msg.setHeader("Importance", importance); // seems to be needed for MS Outlook. // where it returns a string of high /normal /low. } // Set Mail sender (From) String sender_address = environmentSubstitute(replyAddress); if (!Const.isEmpty(sender_address)) { String sender_name = environmentSubstitute(replyName); if (!Const.isEmpty(sender_name)) sender_address = sender_name + '<' + sender_address + '>'; msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sender_address)); } else { throw new MessagingException(Messages.getString("JobMail.Error.ReplyEmailNotFilled")); } // set Reply to addresses String reply_to_address = environmentSubstitute(replyToAddresses); if (!Const.isEmpty(reply_to_address)) { // Split the mail-address: space separated String[] reply_Address_List = environmentSubstitute(reply_to_address).split(" "); InternetAddress[] address = new InternetAddress[reply_Address_List.length]; for (int i = 0; i < reply_Address_List.length; i++) address[i] = new InternetAddress(reply_Address_List[i]); msg.setReplyTo(address); } // Split the mail-address: space separated String destinations[] = environmentSubstitute(destination).split(" "); InternetAddress[] address = new InternetAddress[destinations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++) address[i] = new InternetAddress(destinations[i]); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address); if (!Const.isEmpty(destinationCc)) { // Split the mail-address Cc: space separated String destinationsCc[] = environmentSubstitute(destinationCc).split(" "); InternetAddress[] addressCc = new InternetAddress[destinationsCc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinationsCc.length; i++) addressCc[i] = new InternetAddress(destinationsCc[i]); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, addressCc); } if (!Const.isEmpty(destinationBCc)) { // Split the mail-address BCc: space separated String destinationsBCc[] = environmentSubstitute(destinationBCc).split(" "); InternetAddress[] addressBCc = new InternetAddress[destinationsBCc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinationsBCc.length; i++) addressBCc[i] = new InternetAddress(destinationsBCc[i]); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, addressBCc); } String realSubject = environmentSubstitute(subject); if (!Const.isEmpty(realSubject)) { msg.setSubject(realSubject); } msg.setSentDate(new Date()); StringBuffer messageText = new StringBuffer(); if (comment != null) { messageText.append(environmentSubstitute(comment)).append(Const.CR).append(Const.CR); } if (!onlySendComment) { messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.Job")).append(Const.CR); messageText.append("-----").append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.JobName") + " : ") .append(parentJob.getJobMeta().getName()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.JobDirectory") + " : ") .append(parentJob.getJobMeta().getDirectory()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.JobEntry") + " : ").append(getName()) .append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Const.CR); } if (includeDate) { messageText.append(Const.CR).append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.MsgDate") + ": ") .append(XMLHandler.date2string(new Date())).append(Const.CR).append(Const.CR); } if (!onlySendComment && result != null) { messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.PreviousResult") + ":").append(Const.CR); messageText.append("-----------------").append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.JobEntryNr") + " : ") .append(result.getEntryNr()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.Errors") + " : ") .append(result.getNrErrors()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesRead") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesRead()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesWritten") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesWritten()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesInput") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesInput()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesOutput") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesOutput()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesUpdated") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesUpdated()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.Status") + " : ") .append(result.getExitStatus()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.Result") + " : ") .append(result.getResult()).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Const.CR); } if (!onlySendComment && (!Const.isEmpty(environmentSubstitute(contactPerson)) || !Const.isEmpty(environmentSubstitute(contactPhone)))) { messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.ContactInfo") + " :").append(Const.CR); messageText.append("---------------------").append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.PersonToContact") + " : ") .append(environmentSubstitute(contactPerson)).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.Tel") + " : ") .append(environmentSubstitute(contactPhone)).append(Const.CR); messageText.append(Const.CR); } // Include the path to this job entry... if (!onlySendComment) { JobTracker jobTracker = parentJob.getJobTracker(); if (jobTracker != null) { messageText.append(Messages.getString("JobMail.Log.Comment.PathToJobentry") + ":") .append(Const.CR); messageText.append("------------------------").append(Const.CR); addBacktracking(jobTracker, messageText); } } Multipart parts = new MimeMultipart(); MimeBodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart(); // put the text in the // 1st part if (useHTML) { if (!Const.isEmpty(getEncoding())) { part1.setContent(messageText.toString(), "text/html; " + "charset=" + getEncoding()); } else { part1.setContent(messageText.toString(), "text/html; " + "charset=ISO-8859-1"); } } else part1.setText(messageText.toString()); parts.addBodyPart(part1); if (includingFiles && result != null) { List<ResultFile> resultFiles = result.getResultFilesList(); if (resultFiles != null && !resultFiles.isEmpty()) { if (!zipFiles) { // Add all files to the message... // for (ResultFile resultFile : resultFiles) { FileObject file = resultFile.getFile(); if (file != null && file.exists()) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileType.length; i++) { if (fileType[i] == resultFile.getType()) found = true; } if (found) { // create a data source MimeBodyPart files = new MimeBodyPart(); URLDataSource fds = new URLDataSource(file.getURL()); // get a data Handler to manipulate this // file type; files.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // include the file in the data source files.setFileName(file.getName().getBaseName()); // add the part with the file in the // BodyPart(); parts.addBodyPart(files); log.logBasic(toString(), "Added file '" + fds.getName() + "' to the mail message."); } } } } else { // create a single ZIP archive of all files masterZipfile = new File(System.getProperty("") + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + environmentSubstitute(zipFilename)); ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = null; try { zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(masterZipfile)); for (ResultFile resultFile : resultFiles) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileType.length; i++) { if (fileType[i] == resultFile.getType()) found = true; } if (found) { FileObject file = resultFile.getFile(); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(file.getName().getBaseName()); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); // Now put the content of this file into // this archive... BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream( KettleVFS.getInputStream(file)); int c; while ((c = >= 0) { zipOutputStream.write(c); } inputStream.close(); zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); log.logBasic(toString(), "Added file '" + file.getName().getURI() + "' to the mail message in a zip archive."); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.logError(toString(), "Error zipping attachement files into file [" + masterZipfile.getPath() + "] : " + e.toString()); log.logError(toString(), Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); } finally { if (zipOutputStream != null) { try { zipOutputStream.finish(); zipOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.logError(toString(), "Unable to close attachement zip file archive : " + e.toString()); log.logError(toString(), Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); } } } // Now attach the master zip file to the message. if (result.getNrErrors() == 0) { // create a data source MimeBodyPart files = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(masterZipfile); // get a data Handler to manipulate this file type; files.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // include the file in th e data source files.setFileName(fds.getName()); // add the part with the file in the BodyPart(); parts.addBodyPart(files); } } } } msg.setContent(parts); Transport transport = null; try { transport = session.getTransport(protocol); if (usingAuthentication) { if (!Const.isEmpty(port)) { transport.connect(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(server, "")), Integer.parseInt(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(port, ""))), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, "")), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationPassword, ""))); } else { transport.connect(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(server, "")), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, "")), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationPassword, ""))); } } else { transport.connect(); } transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients()); } finally { if (transport != null) transport.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { log.logError(toString(), "Problem while sending message: " + e.toString()); result.setNrErrors(1); } catch (MessagingException mex) { log.logError(toString(), "Problem while sending message: " + mex.toString()); result.setNrErrors(1); Exception ex = mex; do { if (ex instanceof SendFailedException) { SendFailedException sfex = (SendFailedException) ex; Address[] invalid = sfex.getInvalidAddresses(); if (invalid != null) { log.logError(toString(), " ** Invalid Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++) { log.logError(toString(), " " + invalid[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } Address[] validUnsent = sfex.getValidUnsentAddresses(); if (validUnsent != null) { log.logError(toString(), " ** ValidUnsent Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < validUnsent.length; i++) { log.logError(toString(), " " + validUnsent[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } Address[] validSent = sfex.getValidSentAddresses(); if (validSent != null) { // System.out.println(" ** ValidSent Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < validSent.length; i++) { log.logError(toString(), " " + validSent[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } } if (ex instanceof MessagingException) { ex = ((MessagingException) ex).getNextException(); } else { ex = null; } } while (ex != null); } finally { if (masterZipfile != null && masterZipfile.exists()) { masterZipfile.delete(); } } if (result.getNrErrors() > 0) { result.setResult(false); } else { result.setResult(true); } return result; }
From source
public Result execute(Result result, int nr) { File masterZipfile = null;/* w w w .ja v a2 s. c om*/ // Send an e-mail... // create some properties and get the default Session Properties props = new Properties(); if (Const.isEmpty(server)) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Error.HostNotSpecified")); result.setNrErrors(1L); result.setResult(false); return result; } String protocol = "smtp"; if (usingSecureAuthentication) { if (secureConnectionType.equals("TLS")) { // Allow TLS authentication props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); } else { protocol = "smtps"; // required to get rid of a SSL exception : // nested exception is: // Unsupported record version Unknown props.put("mail.smtps.quitwait", "false"); } } props.put("mail." + protocol + ".host", environmentSubstitute(server)); if (!Const.isEmpty(port)) { props.put("mail." + protocol + ".port", environmentSubstitute(port)); } if (log.isDebug()) { props.put("mail.debug", "true"); } if (usingAuthentication) { props.put("mail." + protocol + ".auth", "true"); /* * authenticator = new Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new * PasswordAuthentication( StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, "")), * StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationPassword, "")) ); } }; */ } Session session = Session.getInstance(props); session.setDebug(log.isDebug()); try { // create a message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); // set message priority if (usePriority) { String priority_int = "1"; if (priority.equals("low")) { priority_int = "3"; } if (priority.equals("normal")) { priority_int = "2"; } msg.setHeader("X-Priority", priority_int); // (String)int between 1= high and 3 = low. msg.setHeader("Importance", importance); // seems to be needed for MS Outlook. // where it returns a string of high /normal /low. msg.setHeader("Sensitivity", sensitivity); // Possible values are normal, personal, private, company-confidential } // Set Mail sender (From) String sender_address = environmentSubstitute(replyAddress); if (!Const.isEmpty(sender_address)) { String sender_name = environmentSubstitute(replyName); if (!Const.isEmpty(sender_name)) { sender_address = sender_name + '<' + sender_address + '>'; } msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sender_address)); } else { throw new MessagingException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Error.ReplyEmailNotFilled")); } // set Reply to addresses String reply_to_address = environmentSubstitute(replyToAddresses); if (!Const.isEmpty(reply_to_address)) { // Split the mail-address: space separated String[] reply_Address_List = environmentSubstitute(reply_to_address).split(" "); InternetAddress[] address = new InternetAddress[reply_Address_List.length]; for (int i = 0; i < reply_Address_List.length; i++) { address[i] = new InternetAddress(reply_Address_List[i]); } msg.setReplyTo(address); } // Split the mail-address: space separated String[] destinations = environmentSubstitute(destination).split(" "); InternetAddress[] address = new InternetAddress[destinations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++) { address[i] = new InternetAddress(destinations[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address); String realCC = environmentSubstitute(getDestinationCc()); if (!Const.isEmpty(realCC)) { // Split the mail-address Cc: space separated String[] destinationsCc = realCC.split(" "); InternetAddress[] addressCc = new InternetAddress[destinationsCc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinationsCc.length; i++) { addressCc[i] = new InternetAddress(destinationsCc[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, addressCc); } String realBCc = environmentSubstitute(getDestinationBCc()); if (!Const.isEmpty(realBCc)) { // Split the mail-address BCc: space separated String[] destinationsBCc = realBCc.split(" "); InternetAddress[] addressBCc = new InternetAddress[destinationsBCc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinationsBCc.length; i++) { addressBCc[i] = new InternetAddress(destinationsBCc[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, addressBCc); } String realSubject = environmentSubstitute(subject); if (!Const.isEmpty(realSubject)) { msg.setSubject(realSubject); } msg.setSentDate(new Date()); StringBuffer messageText = new StringBuffer(); String endRow = isUseHTML() ? "<br>" : Const.CR; String realComment = environmentSubstitute(comment); if (!Const.isEmpty(realComment)) { messageText.append(realComment).append(Const.CR).append(Const.CR); } if (!onlySendComment) { messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.Job")).append(endRow); messageText.append("-----").append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.JobName") + " : ") .append(parentJob.getJobMeta().getName()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.JobDirectory") + " : ") .append(parentJob.getJobMeta().getRepositoryDirectory()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.JobEntry") + " : ") .append(getName()).append(endRow); messageText.append(Const.CR); } if (includeDate) { messageText.append(endRow).append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.MsgDate") + ": ") .append(XMLHandler.date2string(new Date())).append(endRow).append(endRow); } if (!onlySendComment && result != null) { messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.PreviousResult") + ":") .append(endRow); messageText.append("-----------------").append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.JobEntryNr") + " : ") .append(result.getEntryNr()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.Errors") + " : ") .append(result.getNrErrors()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesRead") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesRead()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesWritten") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesWritten()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesInput") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesInput()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesOutput") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesOutput()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesUpdated") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesUpdated()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.LinesRejected") + " : ") .append(result.getNrLinesRejected()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.Status") + " : ") .append(result.getExitStatus()).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.Result") + " : ") .append(result.getResult()).append(endRow); messageText.append(endRow); } if (!onlySendComment && (!Const.isEmpty(environmentSubstitute(contactPerson)) || !Const.isEmpty(environmentSubstitute(contactPhone)))) { messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.ContactInfo") + " :") .append(endRow); messageText.append("---------------------").append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.PersonToContact") + " : ") .append(environmentSubstitute(contactPerson)).append(endRow); messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.Tel") + " : ") .append(environmentSubstitute(contactPhone)).append(endRow); messageText.append(endRow); } // Include the path to this job entry... if (!onlySendComment) { JobTracker jobTracker = parentJob.getJobTracker(); if (jobTracker != null) { messageText.append(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMail.Log.Comment.PathToJobentry") + ":") .append(endRow); messageText.append("------------------------").append(endRow); addBacktracking(jobTracker, messageText); if (isUseHTML()) { messageText.replace(0, messageText.length(), messageText.toString().replace(Const.CR, endRow)); } } } MimeMultipart parts = new MimeMultipart(); MimeBodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart(); // put the text in the // Attached files counter int nrattachedFiles = 0; // 1st part if (useHTML) { if (!Const.isEmpty(getEncoding())) { part1.setContent(messageText.toString(), "text/html; " + "charset=" + getEncoding()); } else { part1.setContent(messageText.toString(), "text/html; " + "charset=ISO-8859-1"); } } else { part1.setText(messageText.toString()); } parts.addBodyPart(part1); if (includingFiles && result != null) { List<ResultFile> resultFiles = result.getResultFilesList(); if (resultFiles != null && !resultFiles.isEmpty()) { if (!zipFiles) { // Add all files to the message... // for (ResultFile resultFile : resultFiles) { FileObject file = resultFile.getFile(); if (file != null && file.exists()) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileType.length; i++) { if (fileType[i] == resultFile.getType()) { found = true; } } if (found) { // create a data source MimeBodyPart files = new MimeBodyPart(); URLDataSource fds = new URLDataSource(file.getURL()); // get a data Handler to manipulate this file type; files.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // include the file in the data source files.setFileName(file.getName().getBaseName()); // insist on base64 to preserve line endings files.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"); // add the part with the file in the BodyPart(); parts.addBodyPart(files); nrattachedFiles++; logBasic("Added file '" + fds.getName() + "' to the mail message."); } } } } else { // create a single ZIP archive of all files masterZipfile = new File(System.getProperty("") + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + environmentSubstitute(zipFilename)); ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = null; try { zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(masterZipfile)); for (ResultFile resultFile : resultFiles) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileType.length; i++) { if (fileType[i] == resultFile.getType()) { found = true; } } if (found) { FileObject file = resultFile.getFile(); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(file.getName().getBaseName()); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); // Now put the content of this file into this archive... BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream( KettleVFS.getInputStream(file)); try { int c; while ((c = >= 0) { zipOutputStream.write(c); } } finally { inputStream.close(); } zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); nrattachedFiles++; logBasic("Added file '" + file.getName().getURI() + "' to the mail message in a zip archive."); } } } catch (Exception e) { logError("Error zipping attachement files into file [" + masterZipfile.getPath() + "] : " + e.toString()); logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); } finally { if (zipOutputStream != null) { try { zipOutputStream.finish(); zipOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logError("Unable to close attachement zip file archive : " + e.toString()); logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); } } } // Now attach the master zip file to the message. if (result.getNrErrors() == 0) { // create a data source MimeBodyPart files = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(masterZipfile); // get a data Handler to manipulate this file type; files.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // include the file in the data source files.setFileName(fds.getName()); // add the part with the file in the BodyPart(); parts.addBodyPart(files); } } } } int nrEmbeddedImages = 0; if (embeddedimages != null && embeddedimages.length > 0) { FileObject imageFile = null; for (int i = 0; i < embeddedimages.length; i++) { String realImageFile = environmentSubstitute(embeddedimages[i]); String realcontenID = environmentSubstitute(contentids[i]); if (messageText.indexOf("cid:" + realcontenID) < 0) { if (log.isDebug()) { log.logDebug("Image [" + realImageFile + "] is not used in message body!"); } } else { try { boolean found = false; imageFile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(realImageFile, this); if (imageFile.exists() && imageFile.getType() == FileType.FILE) { found = true; } else { log.logError("We can not find [" + realImageFile + "] or it is not a file"); } if (found) { // Create part for the image MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); // Load the image URLDataSource fds = new URLDataSource(imageFile.getURL()); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // Setting the header messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-ID", "<" + realcontenID + ">"); // Add part to multi-part parts.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); nrEmbeddedImages++; log.logBasic("Image '" + fds.getName() + "' was embedded in message."); } } catch (Exception e) { log.logError( "Error embedding image [" + realImageFile + "] in message : " + e.toString()); log.logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); } finally { if (imageFile != null) { try { imageFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore */ } } } } } } if (nrEmbeddedImages > 0 && nrattachedFiles == 0) { // If we need to embedd images... // We need to create a "multipart/related" message. // otherwise image will appear as attached file parts.setSubType("related"); } // put all parts together msg.setContent(parts); Transport transport = null; try { transport = session.getTransport(protocol); String authPass = getPassword(authenticationPassword); if (usingAuthentication) { if (!Const.isEmpty(port)) { transport.connect(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(server, "")), Integer.parseInt(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(port, ""))), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, "")), authPass); } else { transport.connect(environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(server, "")), environmentSubstitute(Const.NVL(authenticationUser, "")), authPass); } } else { transport.connect(); } transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients()); } finally { if (transport != null) { transport.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { logError("Problem while sending message: " + e.toString()); result.setNrErrors(1); } catch (MessagingException mex) { logError("Problem while sending message: " + mex.toString()); result.setNrErrors(1); Exception ex = mex; do { if (ex instanceof SendFailedException) { SendFailedException sfex = (SendFailedException) ex; Address[] invalid = sfex.getInvalidAddresses(); if (invalid != null) { logError(" ** Invalid Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++) { logError(" " + invalid[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } Address[] validUnsent = sfex.getValidUnsentAddresses(); if (validUnsent != null) { logError(" ** ValidUnsent Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < validUnsent.length; i++) { logError(" " + validUnsent[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } Address[] validSent = sfex.getValidSentAddresses(); if (validSent != null) { // System.out.println(" ** ValidSent Addresses"); for (int i = 0; i < validSent.length; i++) { logError(" " + validSent[i]); result.setNrErrors(1); } } } if (ex instanceof MessagingException) { ex = ((MessagingException) ex).getNextException(); } else { ex = null; } } while (ex != null); } finally { if (masterZipfile != null && masterZipfile.exists()) { masterZipfile.delete(); } } if (result.getNrErrors() > 0) { result.setResult(false); } else { result.setResult(true); } return result; }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w w w . j av a2s . c om*/ */ public void sendToUsers(Collection<User> users, Collection<String> headers, String message) { if (headers == null) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers: null headers"); return; } if (m_testMode) {"sendToUsers: users: " + usersToStr(users) + " headers: " + listToStr(headers) + " message:\n" + message); return; } if (m_smtp == null) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers: smtp not set"); return; } if (users == null) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers: null users"); return; } if (message == null) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers: null message"); return; } // form the list of to: addresses from the users users collection ArrayList<InternetAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<InternetAddress>(); for (User user : users) { String email = user.getEmail(); if ((email != null) && (email.length() > 0)) { try { addresses.add(new InternetAddress(email)); } catch (AddressException e) { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("sendToUsers: " + e); } } } // if we have none if (addresses.isEmpty()) return; // how many separate messages do we need to send to keep each one at or under m_maxRecipients? int numMessageSets = ((addresses.size() - 1) / m_maxRecipients) + 1; // make an array for each and store them all in the collection ArrayList<Address[]> messageSets = new ArrayList<Address[]>(); int posInAddresses = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numMessageSets; i++) { // all but the last one are max size int thisSize = m_maxRecipients; if (i == numMessageSets - 1) { thisSize = addresses.size() - ((numMessageSets - 1) * m_maxRecipients); } // size an array Address[] toAddresses = new Address[thisSize]; messageSets.add(toAddresses); // fill the array int posInToAddresses = 0; while (posInToAddresses < thisSize) { toAddresses[posInToAddresses] = (Address) addresses.get(posInAddresses); posInToAddresses++; posInAddresses++; } } // get a session for our smtp setup, include host, port, reverse-path, and set partial delivery Properties props = createMailSessionProperties(); Session session = Session.getInstance(props); // form our Message MimeMessage msg = new MyMessage(session, headers, message); // fix From and ReplyTo if necessary checkFrom(msg); // transport the message long time1 = 0; long time2 = 0; long time3 = 0; long time4 = 0; long time5 = 0; long time6 = 0; long timeExtraConnect = 0; long timeExtraClose = 0; long timeTmp = 0; int numConnects = 1; try { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Transport transport = session.getTransport(protocol); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); msg.saveChanges(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (m_smtpUser != null && m_smtpPassword != null) transport.connect(m_smtp, m_smtpUser, m_smtpPassword); else transport.connect(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // loop the send for each message set for (Iterator<Address[]> i = messageSets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Address[] toAddresses =; try { transport.sendMessage(msg, toAddresses); // if we need to use the connection for just one send, and we have more, close and re-open if ((m_oneMessagePerConnection) && (i.hasNext())) { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) timeTmp = System.currentTimeMillis(); transport.close(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) timeExtraClose += (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeTmp); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) timeTmp = System.currentTimeMillis(); transport.connect(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { timeExtraConnect += (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeTmp); numConnects++; } } } catch (SendFailedException e) { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("sendToUsers: " + e); } catch (MessagingException e) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers: " + e); } } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time5 = System.currentTimeMillis(); transport.close(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) time6 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (MessagingException e) { M_log.warn("sendToUsers:" + e); } // log if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("sendToUsers: headers["); for (String header : headers) { buf.append(" "); buf.append(cleanUp(header)); } buf.append("]"); for (Address[] toAddresses : messageSets) { buf.append(" to[ "); for (int a = 0; a < toAddresses.length; a++) { buf.append(" "); buf.append(toAddresses[a]); } buf.append("]"); } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { buf.append(" times[ "); buf.append(" getransport:" + (time2 - time1) + " savechanges:" + (time3 - time2) + " connect(#" + numConnects + "):" + ((time4 - time3) + timeExtraConnect) + " send:" + (((time5 - time4) - timeExtraConnect) - timeExtraClose) + " close:" + ((time6 - time5) + timeExtraClose) + " total: " + (time6 - time1) + " ]"); }; } }
From source
/** * Retrieve mail for user.//from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c om * * @param userType = "P" if logged in user is a provider * "T" if logged in user is a patient * @param userId = unique id of logged in user. * @param login = email server user name of logged in user. * @param pswd = password of logged in user. * @param folderName = * @param displayName = full name * @param onlyNew = * * @return * @throws java.lang.Exception */ //private //DBG ONLY - REMOVE COMMENT MARKS public List<SummaryData> retrieveMail(String userType, String userId, String patientId, String login, String pswd, String folderName, String patientName, boolean onlyNew, String mailHost, String mailUrl) throws Exception, DatatypeConfigurationException { List<SummaryData> dataList = new LinkedList<SummaryData>(); IMAPSSLStore sslStore = null; IMAPFolder currentFolder = null; String folderToOpen = folderName; System.out.println("===> retrieveMail Incoming params:"); System.out.println("===> mailHost=" + mailHost); System.out.println("===> mailUrl=" + mailUrl); System.out.println("===> maillogin=" + login); System.out.println("===> folderName=" + folderName); try { //Get session Session session = Session.getInstance(new Properties()); URLName urlName = new URLName(mailUrl); //Get the sslStore sslStore = new IMAPSSLStore(session, urlName); sslStore.connect(mailHost, login, pswd); folderToOpen = this.mapKmrLocationToImapFolder(folderName,; currentFolder = (IMAPFolder) sslStore.getFolder(folderToOpen);; Message[] allMessages = currentFolder.getMessages(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); System.out.println("====> FILTER PARAMS for Emails:"); System.out.println("====> folder = " + folderToOpen); System.out.println("====> User = " + login); // System.out.println("====> from = "+ patientName +"/"+ patientEmail); // System.out.println("====> ptid = "+ patientId); System.out.println("====> Total Emails found = " + allMessages.length); System.out.println(); // TMN - CHECK SLOW PERFORMANCE ISSUE HERE: //Loop through each email and find ONLY the ones required for return. for (Message msg : allMessages) { if (msg == null) { continue; } // Keep this in case we want to search entire message // // OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // msg.writeTo(os); // String msgContent = os.toString(); SummaryData summaryData = new SummaryData(); summaryData.setDataSource(DATA_SOURCE); String from = ""; Address[] fromAddr = msg.getFrom(); if (fromAddr != null && fromAddr.length > 0) { String fromFull = fromAddr[0].toString(); from = getContactIdFromEmail(extractEmailAddressFromSender(fromFull)); //System.out.println("retrieveMail: FROM=" + fromFull + "" + from); } //------------------------------------------------------ //FILTERING: Check to exclude email if // 0) patientId is passed in as a param // AND 1) email does NOT contain PATIENTID=<patientId> // AND 2) email FROM field <> patientName // AND 3) email FROM field <> patientEmail. // // because must becoming from EMR inbox and looking for emails // addressed to userId BUT only ABOUT or FROM patientId. //------------------------------------------------------ summaryData.setFrom(from); summaryData.setAuthor(summaryData.getFrom()); cal.setTime(msg.getReceivedDate()); summaryData.setDateCreated(DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal)); summaryData.setDescription(msg.getSubject()); summaryData.setItemId(userType + userId + ITEM_ID_SEPARATER + msg.getFolder().getName() + ITEM_ID_SEPARATER + msg.getHeader("Message-ID")[0]); //this.printMsgIdSubject(msg); //DBG printout boolean msgRead = msg.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); addNameValue(summaryData.getItemValues(), ITEM_READ, String.valueOf(msgRead)); boolean msgStar = msg.isSet(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED); if (msgStar) { addNameValue(summaryData.getItemValues(), ITEM_STARRED, "Starred"); } addNameValue(summaryData.getItemValues(), ITEM_REPLIED, String.valueOf(msg.isSet(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED))); addNameValue(summaryData.getItemValues(), "MESSAGE_TYPE", msg.getFolder().getName()); if (onlyNew) { if (!msg.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) { dataList.add(summaryData); } } else { dataList.add(summaryData); } } } catch (MessagingException me) { log.error("Error in processing email"); me.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Close connections if (currentFolder != null) { try { currentFolder.close(false); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (sslStore != null) { try { sslStore.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return dataList; }
From source
/** * IN USE//from w ww. j av a 2 s . c om * * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public GetMessageDetailResponseType getMessageDetail(GetMessageDetailRequestType request) throws Exception { System.out.println("===> DMD.getMessageDetail: Looking for msgId=" + request.getMessageId()); System.out.println("===> DMD.getMessageDetail: request patientId=" + request.getPatientId()); System.out.println("===> DMD.getMessageDetail: request userId=" + request.getUserId()); GetMessageDetailResponseType response = new GetMessageDetailResponseType(); IMAPFolder msgFolder = null; IMAPSSLStore sslStore = null; Properties prop = initializeMailProperties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // When patientId is given, access must be from EMR Inbox. // Get email msgs from Patient's email account. // Else // Get email msgs from logged in user's email account. //------------------------------------------------------------------ ContactDTO contact = null; String userType = ""; String[] access = new String[2]; if (!CommonUtil.strNullorEmpty(request.getPatientId())) { contact = contactDAO.findContact("uid=" + request.getPatientId()).get(0); userType = ITEM_ID_PATIENT; } else { contact = contactDAO.findContact("uid=" + request.getUserId()).get(0); userType = ITEM_ID_PROVIDER; } access = retrieveMailAccess(contact.getCommonName(), contact.getUid()); try { session = Session.getInstance(new Properties()); URLName urlName = new URLName(mailUrl); //-------------------------------------------- //Get the sslStore and connect //-------------------------------------------- sslStore = new IMAPSSLStore(session, urlName); sslStore.connect(host, access[0], access[1]); //-------------------------------------------- // Set the originating folder. // Default to INBOX if not given. // Get and open the IMAP folder //-------------------------------------------- String folderName = null; if (CommonUtil.strNullorEmpty(request.getLocation())) { folderName = "INBOX"; } else { folderName = mapKmrLocationToImapFolder(request.getLocation(),; } msgFolder = (IMAPFolder) sslStore.getFolder(folderName);; //-------------------------------------------- // Find the message by the given Message-ID //-------------------------------------------- Message msg = this.findMsgByMessageId(msgFolder, request.getMessageId()); if (msg == null) { String errmsg = "Msg NOT FOUND for Message-ID=" + request.getMessageId(); System.out.println("===> getMessageDetail: " + errmsg); response.setSuccessStatus(false); response.setStatusMessage(errmsg); } else { //this.printMsgIdSubject(msg); //DBG printout System.out.println("===> getMessageDetail: Msg FOUND for Message-ID=" + request.getMessageId()); //--------------------------------------------------- // Extract "PATIENTID=" from body if present, so that // user does not see it. //--------------------------------------------------- String content = fetchMsgContent(msg); if (content.startsWith("PATIENTID=")) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(content); boolean first = true; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { if (first) { String[] parts = scanner.nextLine().split("="); response.setPatientId(parts[1]); first = false; } else { sb.append(scanner.nextLine()); } } response.getMessageDetail().add(sb.toString()); } else { response.getMessageDetail().add(content); } // Adding patientId coming from the message header. // if (msg.getHeader("X-PATIENTID") != null && // msg.getHeader("X-PATIENTID").length > 0) { // // response.setPatientId(msg.getHeader("X-PATIENT_ID")[0]); // } if (msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO) != null) { for (Address a : msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)) { String contactId = getContactIdFromEmail(a.toString()); response.getSentTo().add(contactId); //System.out.println("DisplayMailDataHandler: TO="+ a.toString() +""+ contactId); } } if (msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC) != null) { for (Address a : msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC)) { String contactId = getContactIdFromEmail(a.toString()); response.getCCTo().add(contactId); //System.out.println("DisplayMailDataHandler: CC="+ a.toString() +""+ contactId); } } if (msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC) != null) { for (Address a : msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC)) { String contactId = getContactIdFromEmail(a.toString()); response.getBCCTo().add(contactId); //System.out.println("DisplayMailDataHandler: BCC="+ a.toString() +""+ contactId); } } response.setSuccessStatus(true); response.setStatusMessage(""); } } catch (Exception e) { response.setSuccessStatus(false); response.setStatusMessage( "Error getting message detail for user: " + access[0] + "\n[EXCEPTION] " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (msgFolder != null) { try { msgFolder.close(false); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (sslStore != null) { try { sslStore.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return response; }