Example usage for javax.mail Message setFlag

List of usage examples for javax.mail Message setFlag


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.mail Message setFlag.


public void setFlag(Flags.Flag flag, boolean set) throws MessagingException 

Source Link


Set the specified flag on this message to the specified value.


From source file:com.cisco.iwe.services.util.EmailMonitor.java

 * This method returns the corresponding JSON response.'Success = true' in case the Mail contents get stored in the database successfully. 'Success = false' in case of any errors 
 **/// w w  w  .java2  s. c  o  m

public String monitorEmailAndLoadDB() {
    License license = new License();
    Store emailStore = null;
    Folder folder = null;
    Properties props = new Properties();
    logger.info("EmailMonitor monitorEmailAndLoadDB Enter (+)");
    // Setting session and Store information
    // MailServerConnectivity - get the email credentials based on the environment
    String[] mailCredens = getEmailCredens();
    final String username = mailCredens[0];
    final String password = mailCredens[1];
    logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : Email ID : " + username);

    try {
        logger.info("EmailMonitor.monitorEmailAndLoadDB get the mail server properties");
        props.put(EmailParseConstants.emailAuthKey, "true");
        props.put(EmailParseConstants.emailHostKey, prop.getProperty(EmailParseConstants.emailHost));
        props.put(EmailParseConstants.emailPortKey, prop.getProperty(EmailParseConstants.emailPort));
        props.put(EmailParseConstants.emailTlsKey, "true");

        logger.info("EmailMonitor.monitorEmailAndLoadDB create the session object with mail server properties");
        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
        // Prod-MailServerConnectivity - create the POP3 store object and
        // connect with the pop server
        logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : create the POP3 store object");
        emailStore = (Store) session.getStore(prop.getProperty(EmailParseConstants.emailType));
        logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : Connecting to Store :" + emailStore.toString());
                Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(EmailParseConstants.emailPort)), username, password);
        logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : Connection Status:" + emailStore.isConnected());

        // create the folder object
        folder = emailStore.getFolder(prop.getProperty(EmailParseConstants.emailFolder));
        // Check if Inbox exists
        if (!folder.exists()) {
            logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : No INBOX exists...");
        // Open inbox and read messages
        logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : Connected to Folder");

        // retrieve the messages from the folder in an array and process it
        Message[] msgArr = folder.getMessages();
        // Read each message and delete the same once data is stored in DB
        logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : Message length::::" + msgArr.length);

        SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat(EmailParseConstants.dateFormat);

        Date sent = null;
        String emailContent = null;
        String contentType = null;
        // for (int i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
        for (int i = msgArr.length - 1; i > msgArr.length - 2; i--) {
            Message message = msgArr[i];
            if (!message.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) {
                try {
                    sent = msgArr[i].getSentDate();
                    contentType = message.getContentType();
                    String fileType = null;
                    byte[] byteArr = null;
                    String validAttachments = EmailParseConstants.validAttachmentTypes;
                    if (contentType.contains("multipart")) {
                        Multipart multiPart = (Multipart) message.getContent();
                        int numberOfParts = multiPart.getCount();
                        for (int partCount = 0; partCount < numberOfParts; partCount++) {
                            MimeBodyPart part = (MimeBodyPart) multiPart.getBodyPart(partCount);
                            InputStream inStream = (InputStream) part.getInputStream();
                            ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            int nRead;
                            byte[] data = new byte[16384];
                            while ((nRead = inStream.read(data, 0, data.length)) != -1) {
                                buffer.write(data, 0, nRead);
                            byteArr = buffer.toByteArray();
                            if (Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(part.getDisposition())) {
                                fileType = part.getFileName().substring(part.getFileName().lastIndexOf("."),
                                String fileDir = part.getFileName();
                                if (validAttachments.contains(fileType)) {
                                    saveAttachmentAndText(message.getFrom()[0].toString(), message.getSubject(),
                                            byteArr, emailContent.getBytes(), fileType, sent,
                                            fileType.equalsIgnoreCase(".PDF") ? scanPDF(fileDir)
                                                    : scanImage(fileDir).toString());
                                } else {

                            } else {
                                // this part may be the message content
                                emailContent = part.getContent().toString();
                    } else if (contentType.contains("text/plain") || contentType.contains("text/html")) {
                        Object content = message.getContent();
                        if (content != null) {
                            emailContent = content.toString();
                    message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, false);
                            "monitorEmailAndLoadDB : loadSuccess : Mail Parsed for : " + message.getSubject());
                    logger.info("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : loadSuccess : Created at : " + sdf2.format(sent));
                    logger.info("Message deleted");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("IO Exception in email monitoring: " + e);
                            "IO Exception in email monitoring message: " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
                } catch (SQLException sexp) {
                    logger.error("SQLException Occurred GetSpogDetails-db2 :", sexp);
                    buildErrorJson(ExceptionConstants.sqlErrCode, ExceptionConstants.sqlErrMsg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Unknown Exception in email monitoring: " + e);
                    logger.error("Unknown Exception in email monitoring message: "
                            + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));

        // Close folder and store

    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
        logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : NoSuchProviderException in email monitoring: " + e);
        logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : NoSuchProviderException in email monitoring message: "
                + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : MessagingException in email monitoring: " + e);
        logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : MessagingException in email monitoring message: "
                + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
    } finally {
        if (folder != null && folder.isOpen()) {
            // Close folder and store
            try {
            } catch (MessagingException e) {
                logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : MessagingException in email monitoring: " + e);
                logger.error("monitorEmailAndLoadDB : MessagingException in email monitoring: "
                        + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()));
    logger.info("EmailMonitor monitorEmailAndLoadDB Exit (-)");
    return buildSuccessJson().toString();

From source file:com.panet.imeta.job.entries.getpop.JobEntryGetPOP.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public Result execute(Result previousResult, int nr, Repository rep, Job parentJob) {
    LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance();
    Result result = previousResult;
    result.setResult(false);/*w w  w .  ja  v  a 2 s  .c om*/

    //Get system properties
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3s.rsetbeforequit", "true"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.rsetbeforequit", "true"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    //Create session object
    Session sess = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, null);

    FileObject fileObject = null;
    Store st = null;
    Folder f = null;
    try {
        int nbrmailtoretrieve = Const.toInt(firstmails, 0);
        String realOutputFolder = getRealOutputDirectory();
        fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(realOutputFolder);

        // Check if output folder exists
        if (!fileObject.exists()) {
                    Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.FolderNotExists.Label", realOutputFolder)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            if (fileObject.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) {
                String host = getRealServername();
                String user = getRealUsername();
                String pwd = getRealPassword();

                if (!getUseSSL()) {
                    //Create POP3 object
                    st = sess.getStore("pop3"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                    // Try to connect to the server
                    st.connect(host, user, pwd);
                } else {
                    // Ssupports POP3 connection with SSL, the connection is established via SSL.

                    String SSL_FACTORY = "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.port", getRealSSLPort()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.port", getRealSSLPort()); //$NON-NLS-1$

                    URLName url = new URLName("pop3", host, Const.toInt(getRealSSLPort(), 995), "", user, pwd); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    st = new POP3SSLStore(sess, url);
                if (log.isDetailed())
                            Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.LoggedWithUser.Label") + user); //$NON-NLS-1$

                //Open the INBOX FOLDER
                // For POP3, the only folder available is the INBOX.
                f = st.getFolder("INBOX"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                if (f == null) {
                    log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.InvalidFolder.Label")); //$NON-NLS-1$

                } else {
                    // Open folder
                    if (delete)

                    Message messageList[] = f.getMessages();
                    if (log.isDetailed()) {
                                Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.TotalMessagesFolder.Label", f.getName(), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.TotalUnreadMessagesFolder.Label", //$NON-NLS-1$
                                        f.getName(), String.valueOf(f.getUnreadMessageCount())));
                    // Get emails
                    Message msg_list[] = getPOPMessages(f, retrievemails);

                    if (msg_list.length > 0) {
                        List<File> current_file_POP = new ArrayList<File>();
                        List<String> current_filepath_POP = new ArrayList<String>();
                        int nb_email_POP = 1;

                        String startpattern = "name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                        if (!Const.isEmpty(getRealFilenamePattern())) {
                            startpattern = getRealFilenamePattern();

                        for (int i = 0; i < msg_list.length; i++) {
                            if ((nb_email_POP <= nbrmailtoretrieve && retrievemails == 2)
                                    || (retrievemails != 2)) {
                                Message msg_POP = msg_list[i];
                                if (log.isDetailed()) {
                                            Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.EmailFrom.Label", //$NON-NLS-1$
                                    log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString(
                                            "JobGetMailsFromPOP.EmailSubject.Label", msg_list[i].getSubject())); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                String localfilename_message = startpattern + "_" //$NON-NLS-1$
                                        + StringUtil.getFormattedDateTimeNow(true) + "_" + (i + 1) + ".mail"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                if (log.isDetailed())
                                    log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString(
                                            "JobGetMailsFromPOP.LocalFilename.Label", localfilename_message)); //$NON-NLS-1$

                                File filename_message = new File(realOutputFolder, localfilename_message);
                                OutputStream os_filename = new FileOutputStream(filename_message);
                                Enumeration<Header> enums_POP = msg_POP.getAllHeaders();
                                while (enums_POP.hasMoreElements())

                                    Header header_POP = enums_POP.nextElement();
                                    os_filename.write(new StringBuffer(header_POP.getName()).append(": ") //$NON-NLS-1$
                                            .append(header_POP.getValue()).append("\r\n").toString().getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                os_filename.write("\r\n".getBytes()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                InputStream in_POP = msg_POP.getInputStream();
                                byte[] buffer_POP = new byte[1024];
                                int length_POP = 0;
                                while ((length_POP = in_POP.read(buffer_POP, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
                                    os_filename.write(buffer_POP, 0, length_POP);


                                // Check attachments
                                Object content = msg_POP.getContent();
                                if (content instanceof Multipart) {
                                    handleMultipart(realOutputFolder, (Multipart) content);

                                // Check if mail has to be deleted
                                if (delete) {
                                    if (log.isDetailed())
                                                Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.DeleteEmail.Label")); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                    msg_POP.setFlag(javax.mail.Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);


            } else {
                        Messages.getString("JobGetMailsFromPOP.Error.NotAFolder", realOutputFolder));
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
        log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobEntryGetPOP.ProviderException", e.getMessage())); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobEntryGetPOP.MessagingException", e.getMessage())); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobEntryGetPOP.GeneralException", e.getMessage())); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } finally {
        if (fileObject != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
        //close the folder, passing in a true value to expunge the deleted message
        try {
            if (f != null)
            if (st != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.logError(toString(), e.getMessage());
        // free memory
        f = null;
        st = null;
        sess = null;

    return result;

From source file:org.campware.cream.modules.scheduledjobs.Pop3Job.java

private void doReceiveMessages() throws Exception {

    log.debug("Checking mail ");

    String host = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString("mail.pop3.host");
    String username = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString("mail.pop3.user");
    String password = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString("mail.pop3.password");

    // Create empty properties
    Properties props = new Properties();

    // Get session
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);

    // Get the store
    Store store = session.getStore("pop3");

    // Connect to store
    store.connect(host, username, password);

    // Get folder
    Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");

    // Open read-only
    folder.open(Folder.READ_WRITE);//from w ww .  j a va  2 s . c o m

    // Get attributes & flags for all messages
    Message[] messages = folder.getMessages();
    FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
    folder.fetch(messages, fp);

    for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {

        log.debug("Retrieving message " + i);

        // Process each message
        InboxEvent entry = new InboxEvent();
        Address fromAddress = new InternetAddress();
        String from = new String();
        String name = new String();
        String email = new String();
        String replyTo = new String();
        String subject = new String();
        String content = new String();
        Date sentDate = new Date();
        int emailformat = 10;

        Message m = messages[i];

        // and now, handle the content
        Object o = m.getContent();

        // find content type
        if (m.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
            content = "<PRE style=\"font-size: 12px;\">" + (String) o + "</PRE>";
            emailformat = 10;
        } else if (m.isMimeType("text/html")) {
            content = (String) o;
            emailformat = 20;
        } else if (m.isMimeType("text/*")) {
            content = (String) o;
            emailformat = 30;
        } else if (m.isMimeType("multipart/alternative")) {
            try {
                content = handleAlternative(o, content);
                emailformat = 20;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server.";
                emailformat = 50;
                log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } else if (m.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
            try {
                content = handleMulitipart(o, content, entry);
                emailformat = 40;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server.";
                emailformat = 50;
                log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } else {
            content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server.";
            emailformat = 50;
            log.debug("Could not handle properly");

        email = ((InternetAddress) m.getFrom()[0]).getAddress();
        name = ((InternetAddress) m.getFrom()[0]).getPersonal();
        replyTo = ((InternetAddress) m.getReplyTo()[0]).getAddress();
        sentDate = m.getSentDate();
        subject = m.getSubject();

        log.debug("Got message " + email + " " + name + " " + subject + " " + content);

        Criteria contcrit = new Criteria();
        contcrit.add(ContactPeer.EMAIL, (Object) email, Criteria.EQUAL);
        if (ContactPeer.doSelect(contcrit).size() > 0) {
            log.debug("From known contact");
            Contact myContact = (Contact) ContactPeer.doSelect(contcrit).get(0);
        } else {

            // find if customer exists
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
            criteria.add(CustomerPeer.EMAIL, (Object) email, Criteria.EQUAL);
            if (CustomerPeer.doSelect(criteria).size() > 0) {
                log.debug("From known customer");
                Customer myDistrib = (Customer) CustomerPeer.doSelect(criteria).get(0);


        entry.setIssuedDate(new Date());
        entry.setCreated(new Date());
        entry.setModified(new Date());

        Connection conn = Transaction.begin(InboxEventPeer.DATABASE_NAME);
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            entry.setInboxEventCode(getRowCode("IE", entry.getInboxEventId()));
            success = true;
        } finally {
            log.debug("Succcessfully stored in db: " + success);
            if (!success)

        if (emailformat != 50) {
            m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);

    // Close pop3 connection


From source file:org.nuclos.server.ruleengine.RuleInterface.java

 * @param pop3Host/*from ww w .ja v  a2s. c o m*/
 * @param pop3Port
 * @param pop3User
 * @param pop3Password
 * @param remove
 * @return
 * @throws NuclosFatalRuleException
public List<NuclosMail> getMails(String pop3Host, String pop3Port, final String pop3User,
        final String pop3Password, boolean remove) throws NuclosFatalRuleException {
    try {
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.setProperty("mail.pop3.host", pop3Host);
        properties.setProperty("mail.pop3.port", pop3Port);
        properties.setProperty("mail.pop3.auth", "true");
        properties.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.class", "javax.net.DefaultSocketFactory");

        Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(pop3User, pop3Password);

        Store store = session.getStore("pop3");

        Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");
        if (remove) {
        } else {

        List<NuclosMail> result = new ArrayList<NuclosMail>();

        Message message[] = folder.getMessages();
        for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
            Message m = message[i];
            NuclosMail mail = new NuclosMail();
            logger.debug("Received mail: From: " + Arrays.toString(m.getFrom()) + "; To: "
                    + Arrays.toString(m.getAllRecipients()) + "; ContentType: " + m.getContentType()
                    + "; Subject: " + m.getSubject() + "; Sent: " + m.getSentDate());

            Address[] senders = m.getFrom();
            if (senders.length == 1 && senders[0] instanceof InternetAddress) {
                mail.setFrom(((InternetAddress) senders[0]).getAddress());
            } else {

            if (m.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
                mail.setMessage((String) m.getContent());
            } else {
                Multipart mp = (Multipart) m.getContent();
                for (int j = 0; j < mp.getCount(); j++) {
                    Part part = mp.getBodyPart(j);
                    String disposition = part.getDisposition();
                    MimeBodyPart mimePart = (MimeBodyPart) part;
                            "Disposition: " + disposition + "; Part ContentType: " + mimePart.getContentType());

                    if (disposition == null
                            && (mimePart.isMimeType("text/plain") || mimePart.isMimeType("text/html"))) {
                        mail.setMessage((String) mimePart.getDataHandler().getContent());
                getAttachments(mp, mail);


            if (remove) {
                m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);

        if (remove) {
        } else {


        return result;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new NuclosFatalRuleException(e);

From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.hioos.storx.StorXDispatcher.java

 * A method that executes the reading of data from the email account to the
 * RBNB server after all configuration of settings, connections to hosts,
 * and thread initiatizing occurs. This method contains the detailed code
 * for reading the data and interpreting the data files.
 *//*from  w  ww  .  ja va  2 s . com*/
protected boolean execute() {
    logger.debug("StorXDispatcher.execute() called.");
    boolean failed = true; // indicates overall success of execute()
    boolean messageProcessed = false; // indicates per message success

    // declare the account properties that will be pulled from the
    // email.account.properties.xml file
    String accountName = "";
    String server = "";
    String username = "";
    String password = "";
    String protocol = "";
    String dataMailbox = "";
    String processedMailbox = "";
    String prefetch = "";

    // fetch data from each sensor in the account list
    List accountList = this.xmlConfiguration.getList("account.accountName");

    for (Iterator aIterator = accountList.iterator(); aIterator.hasNext();) {

        int aIndex = accountList.indexOf(aIterator.next());

        // populate the email connection variables from the xml properties
        // file
        accountName = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").accountName");
        server = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").server");
        username = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").username");
        password = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").password");
        protocol = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").protocol");
        dataMailbox = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").dataMailbox");
        processedMailbox = (String) this.xmlConfiguration
                .getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").processedMailbox");
        prefetch = (String) this.xmlConfiguration.getProperty("account(" + aIndex + ").prefetch");

        logger.debug("\n\nACCOUNT DETAILS: \n" + "accountName     : " + accountName + "\n"
                + "server          : " + server + "\n" + "username        : " + username + "\n"
                + "password        : " + password + "\n" + "protocol        : " + protocol + "\n"
                + "dataMailbox     : " + dataMailbox + "\n" + "processedMailbox: " + processedMailbox + "\n"
                + "prefetch        : " + prefetch + "\n");

        // get a connection to the mail server
        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        props.setProperty("mail.store.protocol", protocol);
        props.setProperty("mail.imaps.partialfetch", prefetch);

        try {

            // create the imaps mail session
            this.mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
            this.mailStore = mailSession.getStore(protocol);

        } catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe) {

            try {
                // pause for 10 seconds
                        "There was a problem connecting to the IMAP server. " + "Waiting 10 seconds to retry.");
                this.mailStore = mailSession.getStore(protocol);

            } catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe2) {

                logger.debug("There was an error connecting to the mail server. The " + "message was: "
                        + nspe2.getMessage());
                failed = true;
                return !failed;

            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

                logger.debug("The thread was interrupted: " + ie.getMessage());
                failed = true;
                return !failed;



        try {

            this.mailStore.connect(server, username, password);

            // get folder references for the inbox and processed data box
            Folder inbox = mailStore.getFolder(dataMailbox);

            Folder processed = this.mailStore.getFolder(processedMailbox);

            Message[] msgs;
            while (!inbox.isOpen()) {

            msgs = inbox.getMessages();

            List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
            Collections.addAll(messages, msgs);

            // sort the messages found in the inbox by date sent
            Collections.sort(messages, new Comparator<Message>() {

                public int compare(Message message1, Message message2) {
                    int value = 0;
                    try {
                        value = message1.getSentDate().compareTo(message2.getSentDate());
                    } catch (MessagingException e) {
                    return value;



            logger.debug("Number of messages: " + messages.size());
            for (Message message : messages) {

                // Copy the message to ensure we have the full attachment
                MimeMessage mimeMessage = (MimeMessage) message;
                MimeMessage copiedMessage = new MimeMessage(mimeMessage);

                // determine the sensor serial number for this message
                String messageSubject = copiedMessage.getSubject();
                Date sentDate = copiedMessage.getSentDate();
                SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");

                // The subfolder of the processed mail folder (e.g. 2016-12);
                String destinationFolder = formatter.format(sentDate);
                logger.debug("Message date: " + sentDate + "\tNumber: " + copiedMessage.getMessageNumber());
                String[] subjectParts = messageSubject.split("\\s");
                String loggerSerialNumber = "SerialNumber";
                if (subjectParts.length > 1) {
                    loggerSerialNumber = subjectParts[2];


                // Do we have a data attachment? If not, there's no data to
                // process
                if (copiedMessage.isMimeType("multipart/mixed")) {

                    logger.debug("Message size: " + copiedMessage.getSize());

                    MimeMessageParser parser = new MimeMessageParser(copiedMessage);
                    try {

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        logger.error("Failed to parse the MIME message: " + e.getMessage());
                    ByteBuffer messageAttachment = ByteBuffer.allocate(256); // init only

                    logger.debug("Has attachments: " + parser.hasAttachments());
                    for (DataSource dataSource : parser.getAttachmentList()) {
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataSource.getName())) {
                                    "Attachment: " + dataSource.getName() + ", " + dataSource.getContentType());

                            ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            IOUtils.copy(dataSource.getInputStream(), outputStream);
                            messageAttachment = ByteBuffer.wrap(outputStream.toByteArray());


                    // We now have the attachment and serial number. Parse the attachment 
                    // for the data components, look up the storXSource based on the serial 
                    // number, and push the data to the DataTurbine

                    // parse the binary attachment
                    StorXParser storXParser = new StorXParser(messageAttachment);

                    // iterate through the parsed framesMap and handle each
                    // frame
                    // based on its instrument type
                    BasicHierarchicalMap framesMap = (BasicHierarchicalMap) storXParser.getFramesMap();

                    Collection frameCollection = framesMap.getAll("/frames/frame");
                    Iterator framesIterator = frameCollection.iterator();

                    while (framesIterator.hasNext()) {

                        BasicHierarchicalMap frameMap = (BasicHierarchicalMap) framesIterator.next();

                        // logger.debug(frameMap.toXMLString(1000));

                        String frameType = (String) frameMap.get("type");
                        String sensorSerialNumber = (String) frameMap.get("serialNumber");

                        // handle each instrument type
                        if (frameType.equals("HDR")) {
                            logger.debug("This is a header frame. Skipping it.");

                        } else if (frameType.equals("STX")) {

                            try {

                                // handle StorXSource
                                StorXSource source = (StorXSource) sourceMap.get(sensorSerialNumber);
                                // process the data using the StorXSource
                                // driver
                                messageProcessed = source.process(this.xmlConfiguration, frameMap);

                            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {


                        } else if (frameType.equals("SBE")) {

                            try {

                                // handle CTDSource
                                CTDSource source = (CTDSource) sourceMap.get(sensorSerialNumber);

                                // process the data using the CTDSource
                                // driver
                                messageProcessed = source.process(this.xmlConfiguration, frameMap);

                            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {


                        } else if (frameType.equals("NLB")) {

                            try {

                                // handle ISUSSource
                                ISUSSource source = (ISUSSource) sourceMap.get(sensorSerialNumber);
                                // process the data using the ISUSSource
                                // driver
                                messageProcessed = source.process(this.xmlConfiguration, frameMap);

                            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {


                        } else if (frameType.equals("NDB")) {

                            try {

                                // handle ISUSSource
                                ISUSSource source = (ISUSSource) sourceMap.get(sensorSerialNumber);
                                // process the data using the ISUSSource
                                // driver
                                messageProcessed = source.process(this.xmlConfiguration, frameMap);

                            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {


                        } else {

                            logger.debug("The frame type " + frameType + " is not recognized. Skipping it.");

                    } // end while()

                    if (this.sourceMap.get(loggerSerialNumber) != null) {

                        // Note: Use message (not copiedMessage) when setting flags 

                        if (!messageProcessed) {
                            logger.info("Failed to process message: " + "Message Number: "
                                    + message.getMessageNumber() + "  " + "Logger Serial:"
                                    + loggerSerialNumber);
                            // leave it in the inbox, flagged as seen (read)
                            message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);
                            logger.debug("Saw message " + message.getMessageNumber());

                        } else {

                            // message processed successfully. Create a by-month sub folder if it doesn't exist
                            // Copy the message and flag it deleted
                            Folder destination = processed.getFolder(destinationFolder);
                            boolean created = destination.create(Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES);
                            inbox.copyMessages(new Message[] { message }, destination);
                            message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
                            logger.debug("Deleted message " + message.getMessageNumber());
                        } // end if()

                    } else {
                        logger.debug("There is no configuration information for " + "the logger serial number "
                                + loggerSerialNumber + ". Please add the configuration to the "
                                + "email.account.properties.xml configuration file.");

                    } // end if()

                } else {
                    logger.debug("This is not a data email since there is no "
                            + "attachment. Skipping it. Subject: " + messageSubject);

                } // end if()

            } // end for()

            // expunge messages and close the mail server store once we're
            // done

        } catch (MessagingException me) {
            try {

            } catch (MessagingException me2) {
                failed = true;
                return !failed;

                    "There was an error reading the mail message. The " + "message was: " + me.getMessage());
            failed = true;
            return !failed;

        } catch (IOException me) {
            try {

            } catch (MessagingException me3) {
                failed = true;
                return !failed;

            logger.info("There was an I/O error reading the message part. The " + "message was: "
                    + me.getMessage());
            failed = true;
            return !failed;

        } catch (IllegalStateException ese) {
            try {

            } catch (MessagingException me4) {
                failed = true;
                return !failed;

            logger.info("There was an error reading messages from the folder. The " + "message was: "
                    + ese.getMessage());
            failed = true;
            return !failed;

        } finally {

            try {

            } catch (MessagingException me2) {
                logger.debug("Couldn't close the mail store: " + me2.getMessage());




    return !failed;

From source file:com.sonicle.webtop.mail.Service.java

private Exception saveSent(MailAccount account, Message msg, String sentfolder) {
    Exception retexc = null;/*from   w ww.j ava 2s . c om*/
    try {
        Folder outgoing = account.getFolder(sentfolder);
        msg.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);

        Message[] saveMsgs = new MimeMessage[1];
        saveMsgs[0] = msg;

    } catch (MessagingException exc) {
        Service.logger.error("Exception", exc);

    return retexc;


From source file:com.sonicle.webtop.mail.Service.java

public void processGetMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) {
    MailAccount account = getAccount(request);
    String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder");
    String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage");
    String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach");
    String providername = request.getParameter("provider");
    String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid");
    String nopec = request.getParameter("nopec");
    int idattach = 0;
    boolean isEditor = request.getParameter("editor") != null;
    boolean setSeen = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "setseen", true);

    if (df == null) {
        df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.MEDIUM,
    }//from   w w  w. ja  v a 2  s .  c o m
    try {
        FolderCache mcache = null;
        Message m = null;
        IMAPMessage im = null;
        int recs = 0;
        long msguid = -1;
        String vheader[] = null;
        boolean wasseen = false;
        boolean isPECView = false;
        String sout = "{\nmessage: [\n";
        if (providername == null) {
            mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername);
            msguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage);
            m = mcache.getMessage(msguid);
            im = (IMAPMessage) m;
            if (m.isExpunged())
                throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged");
            vheader = m.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To");
            wasseen = m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN);
            if (pidattach != null) {

                HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m);
                Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach));
                m = (Message) part.getContent();
                idattach = Integer.parseInt(pidattach) + 1;
            } else if (nopec == null && mcache.isPEC()) {
                String hdrs[] = m.getHeader(HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO);
                if (hdrs != null && hdrs.length > 0 && hdrs[0].equals("posta-certificata")) {
                    HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m);
                    int parts = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i) {
                        Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i);
                        if (p.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {
                            m = (Message) p.getContent();
                            idattach = i + 1;
                            isPECView = true;
        } else {
            // TODO: provider get message!!!!
            /*                WebTopService provider=wts.getServiceByName(providername);
                         MessageContentProvider mcp=provider.getMessageContentProvider(providerid);
                         m=new MimeMessage(session,mcp.getSource());
                         mcache.addProvidedMessage(providername, providerid, m);*/
        String messageid = getMessageID(m);
        String subject = m.getSubject();
        if (subject == null) {
            subject = "";
        } else {
            try {
                subject = MailUtils.decodeQString(subject);
            } catch (Exception exc) {

        java.util.Date d = m.getSentDate();
        if (d == null) {
            d = m.getReceivedDate();
        if (d == null) {
            d = new java.util.Date(0);
        String date = df.format(d).replaceAll("\\.", ":");
        String fromName = "";
        String fromEmail = "";
        Address as[] = m.getFrom();
        InternetAddress iafrom = null;
        if (as != null && as.length > 0) {
            iafrom = (InternetAddress) as[0];
            fromName = iafrom.getPersonal();
            fromEmail = adjustEmail(iafrom.getAddress());
            if (fromName == null) {
                fromName = fromEmail;
        sout += "{iddata:'from',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(fromName))
                + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(fromEmail) + "',value3:0},\n";
        recs += 2;
        Address tos[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO);
        if (tos != null) {
            for (Address to : tos) {
                InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) to;
                String toName = ia.getPersonal();
                String toEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress());
                if (toName == null) {
                    toName = toEmail;
                sout += "{iddata:'to',value1:'"
                        + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(toName)) + "',value2:'"
                        + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(toEmail) + "',value3:0},\n";
        Address ccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC);
        if (ccs != null) {
            for (Address cc : ccs) {
                InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) cc;
                String ccName = ia.getPersonal();
                String ccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress());
                if (ccName == null) {
                    ccName = ccEmail;
                sout += "{iddata:'cc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccName) + "',value2:'"
                        + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n";
        Address bccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC);
        if (bccs != null)
            for (Address bcc : bccs) {
                InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) bcc;
                String bccName = ia.getPersonal();
                String bccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress());
                if (bccName == null) {
                    bccName = bccEmail;
                sout += "{iddata:'bcc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccName) + "',value2:'"
                        + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n";
        ArrayList<String> htmlparts = null;
        boolean balanceTags = isPreviewBalanceTags(iafrom);
        if (providername == null) {
            htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, msguid, false, balanceTags);
        } else {
            htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, providername, providerid, balanceTags);
        HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m);
        ICalendarRequest ir = mailData.getICalRequest();
        if (ir != null) {
            if (htmlparts.size() > 0)
                sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(htmlparts.get(0))
                        + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";
        } else {
            for (String html : htmlparts) {
                //sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + OldUtils.jsEscape(html) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";
                sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html)
                        + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";

        /*if (!wasseen) {
           //if (us.isManualSeen()) {
           if (!setSeen) {
              m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false);
           } else {
              //if no html part, flag seen is not set
              if (htmlparts.size()==0) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);
        if (!us.isManualSeen()) {
            if (htmlparts.size() == 0)
                m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);
        } else {
            if (setSeen)
                m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true);

        int acount = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < acount; ++i) {
            Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i);
            String ctype = p.getContentType();
            Service.logger.debug("attachment " + i + " is " + ctype);
            int ix = ctype.indexOf(';');
            if (ix > 0) {
                ctype = ctype.substring(0, ix);
            String cidnames[] = p.getHeader("Content-ID");
            String cidname = null;
            if (cidnames != null && cidnames.length > 0)
                cidname = mcache.normalizeCidFileName(cidnames[0]);
            boolean isInlineable = isInlineableMime(ctype);
            boolean inline = ((p.getHeader("Content-Location") != null) || (cidname != null)) && isInlineable;
            if (inline && cidname != null)
                inline = mailData.isReferencedCid(cidname);
            if (p.getDisposition() != null && p.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE) && inline) {

            String imgname = null;
            boolean isCalendar = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/calendar")
                    || ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/icalendar");
            if (isCalendar) {
                imgname = "resources/" + getManifest().getId() + "/laf/" + cus.getLookAndFeel()
                        + "/ical_16.png";

            String pname = getPartName(p);
            try {
                pname = MailUtils.decodeQString(pname);
            } catch (Exception exc) {
            if (pname == null) {
                ix = ctype.indexOf("/");
                String fname = ctype;
                if (ix > 0) {
                    fname = ctype.substring(ix + 1);
                //String ext = WT.getMediaTypeExtension(ctype);
                //if (ext == null) {
                pname = fname;
                //} else {
                //   pname = fname + "." + ext;
                if (isCalendar)
                    pname += ".ics";
            } else {
                if (isCalendar && !StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pname, ".ics"))
                    pname += ".ics";
            int size = p.getSize();
            int lines = (size / 76);
            int rsize = size - (lines * 2);//(p.getSize()/4)*3;
            String iddata = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("message/rfc822") ? "eml"
                    : (inline ? "inlineattach" : "attach");
            boolean editable = isFileEditableInDocEditor(pname);

            sout += "{iddata:'" + iddata + "',value1:'" + (i + idattach) + "',value2:'"
                    + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(pname)) + "',value3:" + rsize
                    + ",value4:"
                    + (imgname == null ? "null" : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(imgname) + "'")
                    + ", editable: " + editable + " },\n";
        if (!mcache.isDrafts() && !mcache.isSent() && !mcache.isSpam() && !mcache.isTrash()
                && !mcache.isArchive()) {
            if (vheader != null && vheader[0] != null && !wasseen) {
                sout += "{iddata:'receipt',value1:'" + us.getReadReceiptConfirmation() + "',value2:'"
                        + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(vheader[0]) + "',value3:0},\n";

        String h = getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-scheduled");
        if (h != null && h.equals("true")) {
            java.util.Calendar scal = parseScheduleHeader(getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-date"),
                    getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-time"));
            if (scal != null) {
                java.util.Date sd = scal.getTime();
                String sdate = df.format(sd).replaceAll("\\.", ":");
                sout += "{iddata:'scheddate',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(sdate)
                        + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";

        if (ir != null) {

            ICalendarManager calMgr = (ICalendarManager)WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar",environment.getProfileId());
            if (calMgr != null) {
               if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) {
                  //TODO: gestire lato client una notifica di avvenuto aggiornamento
               } else {
                  Event evt = calMgr..getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, false, ir.getUID())
                  if (evt != null) {
             UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId();
             UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid);
             boolean iAmOrganizer = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(evt.getOrganizerAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress());
             boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(calMgr.getCalendarOwner(evt.getCalendarId()));
             if (!iAmOrganizer && !iAmOwner) {
                //TODO: gestire lato client l'aggiornamento: Accetta/Rifiuta, Aggiorna e20 dopo update/request

            ICalendarManager cm = (ICalendarManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar", true,
            if (cm != null) {
                int eid = -1;
                //Event ev=cm.getEventByScope(EventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID());
                Event ev = null;
                if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) {
                    // Previous impl. forced (forceOriginal == true)
                    ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID());
                } else {
                    ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID());

                UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId();
                UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid);

                if (ev != null) {
                    InternetAddress organizer = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(ev.getOrganizer());
                    boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(cm.getCalendarOwner(ev.getCalendarId()));
                    boolean iAmOrganizer = (organizer != null)
                            && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(organizer.getAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress());

                    //TODO: in reply controllo se mail combacia con quella dell'attendee che risponde...
                    //TODO: rimuovere controllo su data? dovrebbe sempre aggiornare?

                    if (iAmOwner || iAmOrganizer) {
                        eid = 0;
                        //TODO: troviamo un modo per capire se la risposta si riverisce all'ultima versione dell'evento? Nuovo campo timestamp?
                        DateTime dtEvt = ev.getRevisionTimestamp().withMillisOfSecond(0).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC);
                        DateTime dtICal = ICal4jUtils.fromICal4jDate(ir.getLastModified(), ICal4jUtils.getTimeZone(DateTimeZone.UTC));
                        if (dtICal.isAfter(dtEvt)) {
                           eid = 0;
                        } else {
                           eid = ev.getEventId();
                sout += "{iddata:'ical',value1:'" + ir.getMethod() + "',value2:'" + ir.getUID() + "',value3:'"
                        + eid + "'},\n";

        sout += "{iddata:'date',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(date)
                + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";
        sout += "{iddata:'subject',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(subject))
                + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n";
        sout += "{iddata:'messageid',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(messageid)
                + "',value2:'',value3:0}\n";

        if (providername == null && !mcache.isSpecial()) {
        long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        sout += "\n],\n";

        String svtags = getJSTagsArray(m.getFlags());
        if (svtags != null)
            sout += "tags: " + svtags + ",\n";

        if (isPECView) {
            sout += "pec: true,\n";

        sout += "total:" + recs + ",\nmillis:" + millis + "\n}\n";

        if (im != null)

        //            if (!wasopen) folder.close(false);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        Service.logger.error("Exception", exc);