Java tutorial
/* * webtop-mail is a WebTop Service developed by Sonicle S.r.l. * Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SONICLE, SONICLE DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Sonicle S.r.l. at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Sonicle WebTop" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Sonicle WebTop". */ package com.sonicle.webtop.mail; import com.sonicle.commons.AlgoUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.EnumUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.InternetAddressUtils; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreLocaleKey; import com.sonicle.commons.LangUtils; import java.nio.*; import java.nio.channels.*; import com.sonicle.commons.MailUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.PathUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.RegexUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.URIUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.db.DbUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.http.HttpClientUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.time.DateTimeUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.web.Crud; import com.sonicle.commons.web.DispositionType; import com.sonicle.commons.web.ServletUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.CompositeId; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.JsonResult; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.MapItem; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.MapItemList; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.Payload; import com.sonicle.mail.imap.SonicleIMAPFolder; import com.sonicle.mail.imap.SonicleIMAPMessage; import com.sonicle.mail.sieve.SieveAction; import com.sonicle.mail.sieve.SieveActionMethod; import; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.calendar.model.GetEventScope; import com.sonicle.webtop.calendar.ICalendarManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.calendar.model.Event; import com.sonicle.webtop.contacts.IContactsManager; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.contacts.model.ContactPictureWithBytes; import com.sonicle.webtop.contacts.model.ContactQuery; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreManager; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreUserSettings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OUser; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsHiddenFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.js.JsSimple; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.Recipient; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.SharePermsElements; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.SharePermsFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.Sharing; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.*; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.interfaces.IServiceUploadStreamListener; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.ICalendarUtils; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.ONote; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.OScan; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.OUserMap; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsAttachment; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsContactData; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsFolder; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsInMailFilters; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsMailAutosave; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsPortletSearchResult; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsPreviewMessage; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsQuickPart; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsRecipient; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsSharing; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsSmartSearchTotals; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsSort; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.js.JsTag; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.model.Identity; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.dal.NoteDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.dal.ScanDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.dal.UserMapDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.AutoResponder; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.ExternalAccount; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.MailEditFormat; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.MailFilter; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.MailFiltersType; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.model.Tag; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.IVfsManager; // TODO: Fix imported classes //import com.sonicle.webtop.Mailcard; //import com.sonicle.webtop.EditingSession; //import com.sonicle.webtop.bol.OServiceSetting; //import com.sonicle.webtop.bol.OUser; //import com.sonicle.webtop.bol.OWorkgroup; //import com.sonicle.webtop.bol.WebTopSettings; //import com.sonicle.webtop.bol.js.JsSharingRight; //import com.sonicle.webtop.contacts.*; //import com.sonicle.webtop.dal.WebTopDb; //import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.JsMailcard; //import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.JsQuickPart; //import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.dal.InboxMailFiltersDb; //import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.dal.SentMailFiltersDb; //import com.sonicle.webtop.profiledata.ProfileDataProviderBase; //import com.sonicle.webtop.profiledata.ProfilePersonalInfo; //import com.sonicle.webtop.setting.SettingsManager; //import com.sonicle.webtop.util.*; //import com.sonicle.webtop.vfs.VFSService; import com.sun.mail.imap.*; import com.sun.mail.util.PropUtil; import*; import; import java.sql.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.activation.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.PartStat; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.conditions.Condition; import com.sonicle.commons.web.ParameterException; import com.sonicle.commons.web.json.bean.QueryObj; import com.sonicle.webtop.mail.bol.model.ImapQuery; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class Service extends BaseService { public final static Logger logger = WT.getLogger(Service.class); class WebtopFlag { String label; //String tbLabel; WebtopFlag(String label/*, String tbLabel*/) { this.label = label; //this.tbLabel=tbLabel; } } public WebtopFlag[] webtopFlags = { new WebtopFlag("red"/*,"$label1"*/), new WebtopFlag("blue"/*,"$label4"*/), new WebtopFlag("yellow"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("green"/*,"$label3"*/), new WebtopFlag("orange"/*,"$label2"*/), new WebtopFlag("purple"/*,"$label5"*/), new WebtopFlag("black"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("gray"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("white"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("brown"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("azure"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("pink"/*,null*/), new WebtopFlag("complete"/*,null*/) }; public String allFlagStrings[]; /*class ThunderbirdFlag { String label; int colorindex; ThunderbirdFlag(String label, int colorindex) { this.label=label; this.colorindex=colorindex; } }*/ /* public ThunderbirdFlag tbFlagStrings[]={ new ThunderbirdFlag("$label1",0), //red new ThunderbirdFlag("$label2",4), //orange new ThunderbirdFlag("$label3",3), //green new ThunderbirdFlag("$label4",1), //blue new ThunderbirdFlag("$label5",5) //purple };*/ public static Flags flagsAll = new Flags(); public static Flags oldFlagsAll = new Flags(); //public static Flags tbFlagsAll=new Flags(); public static HashMap<String, Flags> flagsHash = new HashMap<String, Flags>(); public static HashMap<String, Flags> oldFlagsHash = new HashMap<String, Flags>(); //public static HashMap<String,Flags> tbFlagsHash=new HashMap<String,Flags>(); private static String sflagNote = "mailnote"; private static String sflagDmsArchived = "$Archived"; public static Flags flagNote = new Flags(sflagNote); public static Flags flagDmsArchived = new Flags(sflagDmsArchived); public static Flags flagFlagged = new Flags(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED); protected List<Tag> atags = new ArrayList<>(); protected HashMap<String, Tag> htags = new HashMap<>(); private FetchProfile FP = new FetchProfile(); private FetchProfile draftsFP = new FetchProfile(); private FetchProfile pecFP = new FetchProfile(); public static final String HDR_PEC_PROTOCOLLO = "X-Protocollo"; public static final String HDR_PEC_RIFERIMENTO_MESSAGE_ID = "X-Riferimento-Message-ID"; public static final String HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO = "X-Trasporto"; public static final String HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA = "X-Ricevuta"; public static final String HDR_PEC_TIPORICEVUTA = "X-Tiporicevuta"; public static final String HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA_VALUE_ACCETTAZIONE = "accettazione"; public static final String HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA_VALUE_NON_ACCETTAZIONE = "non-accettazione"; public static final String HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA_VALUE_AVVENUTA_CONSEGNA = "avvenuta-consegna"; public static final String HDR_PEC_TIPORICEVUTA_VALUE_BREVE = "breve"; public static final String HDR_PEC_TIPORICEVUTA_VALUE_COMPLETA = "completa"; private boolean sortfolders = false; //private boolean hasDifferentDefaultFolder=false; public static final String HEADER_SONICLE_FROM_DRAFTER = "Sonicle-from-drafter"; public static final String HEADER_X_WEBTOP_MSGID = "X-WEBTOP-MSGID"; static String startpre = "<PRE>"; static String endpre = "</PRE>"; // private static String webtopTextMessage // = "This email has been sent through Sonicle WebMail system [ ]"; // private static String webtopHTMLMessage = "This email has been sent through Sonicle WebMail system [ <A HREF=''></A> ]"; // private static String unwantedTags[] = {"style"}; protected static final String MAIN_ACCOUNT_ID = "main"; protected static final String ARCHIVE_ACCOUNT_ID = "archive"; private MailManager mailManager; private MailAccount mainAccount = null; private MailAccount archiveAccount = null; private ArrayList<MailAccount> externalAccounts = new ArrayList<MailAccount>(); private HashMap<String, MailAccount> accounts = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap<String, ExternalAccount> externalAccountsMap = new HashMap<>(); //private Session session; //private Store store; //private String storeProtocol; //private boolean disconnecting = false; //private String sharedPrefixes[] = null; //private char folderSeparator = 0; //private String folderPrefix = null; private PrivateEnvironment environment = null; private MailUserProfile mprofile; private MailServiceSettings ss = null; private MailUserSettings us = null; private CoreUserSettings cus = null; //private boolean validated = false; private int newMessageID = 0; private MailFoldersThread mft; //private boolean hasAnnotations=false; //private HashMap<String, FolderCache> foldersCache = new HashMap<String, FolderCache>(); //private FolderCache fcRoot = null; //private FolderCache[] fcShared = null; private FolderCache fcProvided = null; //private String skipReplyFolders[] = null; //private String skipForwardFolders[] = null; private static ArrayList<String> inlineableMimes = new ArrayList<String>(); private HashMap<Long, ArrayList<CloudAttachment>> msgcloudattach = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<CloudAttachment>>(); private ArrayList<CloudAttachment> emptyAttachments = new ArrayList<CloudAttachment>(); private AdvancedSearchThread ast = null; private IVfsManager vfsmanager = null; private SmartSearchThread sst; private PortletSearchThread pst; private boolean previewBalanceTags = true; static { inlineableMimes.add("image/gif"); inlineableMimes.add("image/jpeg"); inlineableMimes.add("image/png"); // inlineableMimes.add("image/tiff"); // inlineableMimes.add("text/plain"); // inlineableMimes.add("message/rfc822"); } @Override public void initialize() { ArrayList<String> allFlagsArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for (WebtopFlag fs : webtopFlags) { allFlagsArray.add(fs.label); String oldfs = "flag" + fs.label; flagsAll.add(fs.label); //if (fs.tbLabel!=null) tbFlagsAll.add(fs.tbLabel); oldFlagsAll.add(oldfs); Flags flags = new Flags(); flags.add(fs.label); flagsHash.put(fs.label, flags); flags = new Flags(); flags.add(oldfs); oldFlagsHash.put(fs.label, flags); /*if (fs.tbLabel!=null) { Flags tbFlags=new Flags(); tbFlags.add(fs.tbLabel); tbFlagsHash.put(fs.label, tbFlags); }*/ } /*for(WebtopFlag fs: webtopFlags) { if (fs.tbLabel!=null) allFlagsArray.add(fs.tbLabel); }*/ for (WebtopFlag fs : webtopFlags) { allFlagsArray.add("flag" + fs.label); } allFlagStrings = new String[allFlagsArray.size()]; allFlagsArray.toArray(allFlagStrings); this.environment = getEnv(); mailManager = (MailManager) WT.getServiceManager(SERVICE_ID); cus = new CoreUserSettings(getEnv().getProfileId()); UserProfile profile = getEnv().getProfile(); ss = new MailServiceSettings(SERVICE_ID, getEnv().getProfile().getDomainId()); us = new MailUserSettings(profile.getId(), ss); //mprofile = new MailUserProfile(environment,this); mprofile = new MailUserProfile(mailManager, ss, us, profile); String mailUsername = mprofile.getMailUsername(); String mailPassword = mprofile.getMailPassword(); String authorizationId = mailUsername; boolean isImpersonated = profile.getPrincipal().isImpersonated(); String vmailSecret = ss.getNethTopVmailSecret(); if (isImpersonated) { //use sasl rfc impersonate if no vmailSecret if (vmailSecret == null) { //TODO: implement sasl rfc authorization id if possible //session.getProperties().setProperty("mail.imap.sasl.authorizationid", authorizationId); //mailUsername=ss.getAdminUser(); //mailPassword=ss.getAdminPassword(); } else { mailUsername += "*vmail"; mailPassword = vmailSecret; } } mailManager.setSieveConfiguration(mprofile.getMailHost(), ss.getSievePort(), mailUsername, mailPassword); fcProvided = new FolderCache(this, environment); previewBalanceTags = ss.isPreviewBalanceTags(); mainAccount = createAccount(MAIN_ACCOUNT_ID); mainAccount.setFolderPrefix(mprofile.getFolderPrefix()); mainAccount.setProtocol(mprofile.getMailProtocol()); FP.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); FP.add(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS); FP.add(FetchProfile.Item.CONTENT_INFO); FP.add(UIDFolder.FetchProfileItem.UID); FP.add("Message-ID"); FP.add("X-Priority"); draftsFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); draftsFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS); draftsFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.CONTENT_INFO); draftsFP.add(UIDFolder.FetchProfileItem.UID); draftsFP.add("Message-ID"); draftsFP.add("X-Priority"); draftsFP.add(HEADER_SONICLE_FROM_DRAFTER); if (hasDmsDocumentArchiving()) { FP.add("X-WT-Archived"); draftsFP.add("X-WT-Archived"); } pecFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); pecFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS); pecFP.add(FetchProfile.Item.CONTENT_INFO); pecFP.add(UIDFolder.FetchProfileItem.UID); pecFP.add("Message-ID"); pecFP.add("X-Priority"); pecFP.add(HDR_PEC_PROTOCOLLO); pecFP.add(HDR_PEC_RIFERIMENTO_MESSAGE_ID); pecFP.add(HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO); pecFP.add(HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA); pecFP.add(HDR_PEC_TIPORICEVUTA); sortfolders = ss.isSortFolder(); mainAccount.setDifferentDefaultFolder(us.getDefaultFolder()); mainAccount.setMailSession(environment.getSession().getMailSession()); mainAccount.setPort(mprofile.getMailPort()); mainAccount.setHost(mprofile.getMailHost()); mainAccount.setUsername(mprofile.getMailUsername()); mainAccount.setPassword(mprofile.getMailPassword()); mainAccount.setReplyTo(mprofile.getReplyTo()); if (isImpersonated) { if (vmailSecret == null) mainAccount.setSaslRFCImpersonate(mprofile.getMailUsername(), ss.getAdminUser(), ss.getAdminPassword()); else mainAccount.setNethImpersonate(mprofile.getMailUsername(), vmailSecret); } mainAccount.setFolderSent(mprofile.getFolderSent()); mainAccount.setFolderDrafts(mprofile.getFolderDrafts()); mainAccount.setFolderSpam(mprofile.getFolderSpam()); mainAccount.setFolderTrash(mprofile.getFolderTrash()); mainAccount.setFolderArchive(mprofile.getFolderArchive()); //TODO initialize user for first time use //SettingsManager sm = wta.getSettingsManager(); //boolean initUser = LangUtils.value(sm.getUserSetting(profile, "mail", com.sonicle.webtop.Settings.INITIALIZE), false); //if(initUser) initializeUser(profile); mft = new MailFoldersThread(this, environment, mainAccount); mft.setCheckAll(mprofile.isScanAll()); mft.setSleepInbox(mprofile.getScanSeconds()); mft.setSleepCycles(mprofile.getScanCycles()); try { loadTags(); mft.abort(); mainAccount.checkStoreConnected(); //prepare special folders if not existant if (ss.isAutocreateSpecialFolders()) { mainAccount.createSpecialFolders(); } mainAccount.setSkipReplyFolders(new String[] { mainAccount.getFolderDrafts(), mainAccount.getFolderSent(), mainAccount.getFolderSpam(), mainAccount.getFolderTrash(), mainAccount.getFolderArchive() }); mainAccount.setSkipForwardFolders( new String[] { mainAccount.getFolderSpam(), mainAccount.getFolderTrash(), }); mainAccount.loadFoldersCache(mft, false); //if (!mainAccount.getMailSession().getDebug()) mft.start(); vfsmanager = (IVfsManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.vfs"); //cloud uploads goes here registerUploadListener("UploadCloudFile", new OnUploadCloudFile()); if (!profile.getPrincipal().getAuthenticationDomain().getDirUri().getScheme() .equals(LdapNethDirectory.SCHEME)) setSharedSeen(mainAccount, us.isSharedSeen()); //if external archive, initialize account if (ss.isArchivingExternal()) { archiveAccount = createAccount(ARCHIVE_ACCOUNT_ID); //MailStore support dropped for poor imap implementation // //if (ss.getArchivingExternalType().equals("mailstore")) { // String defaultFolder=us.getArchiveExternalUserFolder(); // if (defaultFolder==null || defaultFolder.trim().length()==0) // defaultFolder=profile.getEmailAddress(); // //MailStore produces a strange tree with two times the same account name // archiveAccount.setDifferentDefaultFolder(defaultFolder+"/"+defaultFolder); //} //defaults to WebTop External Archive archiveAccount.setHasInboxFolder(true); //archive copy creates INBOX folder under user archive String defaultFolder = us.getArchiveExternalUserFolder(); if (defaultFolder == null || defaultFolder.trim().length() == 0) defaultFolder = profile.getUserId(); archiveAccount.setDifferentDefaultFolder(defaultFolder); archiveAccount.setFolderPrefix(ss.getArchivingExternalFolderPrefix()); archiveAccount.setProtocol(ss.getArchivingExternalProtocol()); archiveAccount.setMailSession(environment.getSession().getMailSession()); archiveAccount.setPort(ss.getArchivingExternalPort()); archiveAccount.setHost(ss.getArchivingExternalHost()); archiveAccount.setUsername(ss.getArchivingExternalUsername()); archiveAccount.setPassword(ss.getArchivingExternalPassword()); archiveAccount.setFolderSent(mprofile.getFolderSent()); archiveAccount.setFolderDrafts(mprofile.getFolderDrafts()); archiveAccount.setFolderSpam(mprofile.getFolderSpam()); archiveAccount.setFolderTrash(mprofile.getFolderTrash()); archiveAccount.setFolderArchive(mprofile.getFolderArchive()); } //add any configured external account for (ExternalAccount extacc : mailManager.listExternalAccounts()) { String id = extacc.getExternalAccountId().toString(); externalAccountsMap.put(id, extacc); MailAccount acct = createAccount(id); acct.setFolderPrefix(extacc.getFolderPrefix()); acct.setProtocol(extacc.getProtocol()); acct.setMailSession(environment.getSession().getMailSession()); acct.setPort(extacc.getPort()); acct.setHost(extacc.getHost()); acct.setUsername(extacc.getUserName()); acct.setPassword(extacc.getPassword()); acct.setFolderSent(extacc.getFolderSent()); acct.setFolderDrafts(extacc.getFolderDrafts()); acct.setFolderSpam(extacc.getFolderSpam()); acct.setFolderTrash(extacc.getFolderTrash()); acct.setFolderArchive(extacc.getFolderArchive()); acct.setReadOnly(extacc.isReadOnly()); externalAccounts.add(acct); MailFoldersThread xmft = new MailFoldersThread(this, environment, acct); xmft.setInboxOnly(true); acct.setFoldersThread(xmft); acct.checkStoreConnected(); acct.loadFoldersCache(xmft, false); //MFT start postponed to first processGetFavoritesTree } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } private MailAccount createAccount(String id) { MailAccount account = new MailAccount(id, this, environment); accounts.put(id, account); return account; } public MailAccount getMainAccount() { return mainAccount; } public MailAccount getArchiveAccount() { return archiveAccount; } private synchronized void loadTags() throws WTException { atags.clear(); htags.clear(); atags = mailManager.getTags(); for (Tag tag : atags) { htags.put(tag.getTagId(), tag); } } public MailServiceSettings getMailServiceSettings() { return; } public MailUserSettings getMailUserSettings() { return; } public CoreUserSettings getCoreUserSettings() { return this.cus; } /** * Logout * */ public boolean logout() { // Disconnect from email server cleanup(); return true; } public FetchProfile getMessageFetchProfile() { return FP; } public MailFoldersThread getMailFoldersThread() { return mft; } public void dmsArchiveMessages(FolderCache from, long nuids[], String idcategory, String idsubcategory, boolean fullthreads) throws MessagingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String archiveto = ss.getDmsArchivePath(); for (long nuid : nuids) { Message msg = from.getMessage(nuid); String id = getMessageID(msg); if (id.startsWith("<")) { id = id.substring(1, id.length() - 1); } id = id.replaceAll("\\\\", "_"); id = id.replaceAll("/", "_"); String filename = archiveto + "/" + id + ".eml"; String txtname = archiveto + "/" + id + ".txt"; File file = new File(filename); File txtfile = new File(txtname); //Only if spool file does not exists if (!file.exists()) { String emailfrom = ""; Address a[] = msg.getFrom(); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { InternetAddress sender = ((InternetAddress) a[0]); emailfrom = sender.getAddress(); } String emailto = ""; a = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { InternetAddress to = ((InternetAddress) a[0]); emailto = to.getAddress(); } String subject = msg.getSubject(); java.util.Date date = msg.getReceivedDate(); java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); int dd = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int mm = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int yyyy = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR); String sdd = dd < 10 ? "0" + dd : "" + dd; String smm = mm < 10 ? "0" + mm : "" + mm; String syyyy = "" + yyyy; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); msg.writeTo(fos); fos.close(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(txtfile); pw.println(emailfrom); pw.println(emailto); pw.println(subject); pw.println(sdd + "/" + smm + "/" + syyyy); pw.println(profile.getUserId()); pw.println(idcategory); pw.println(idsubcategory); pw.close(); } } from.markDmsArchivedMessages(nuids, fullthreads); } private void deleteAutosavedDraft(MailAccount account, long msgId) { int retry = 3; while (retry > 0) { try { account.deleteByHeaderValue(HEADER_X_WEBTOP_MSGID, "" + msgId); if (retry < 3) logger.error("Retry deleting automatic draft succeded"); break; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error deleting automatic draft", t); } if (--retry > 0) { logger.error("Retrying delete of automatic draft after exception"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException exc) { } } } if (retry == 0) logger.error("Delete of automatic draft failed"); } private MailAccount getAccount(Identity ident) { if (ident == null) return mainAccount; MailAccount account = ident.getAccount(); return account != null ? account : mainAccount; } protected InputStream getAttachmentInputStream(String accountId, String foldername, long uidmessage, int idattach) throws MessagingException, IOException { MailAccount account = getAccount(accountId); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message m = fc.getMessage(uidmessage); HTMLMailData mailData = fc.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); return mailData.getAttachmentPart(idattach).getInputStream(); } public void processManageAutosave(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { super.processManageAutosave(request, response, out); long msgId = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("key")); String value = request.getParameter("value"); JsMailAutosave jsmas = JsonResult.GSON_PLAIN_WONULLS.fromJson(value, JsMailAutosave.class); //save also in drafts try { Identity id = mailManager.findIdentity(jsmas.identityId); MailAccount account = getAccount(id); JsMessage jsmsg = new JsMessage(); jsmsg.content = jsmas.content; jsmsg.folder = jsmas.folder; jsmsg.format = jsmas.format; jsmsg.forwardedfolder = jsmas.forwardedfolder; jsmsg.forwardedfrom = jsmas.forwardedfrom; jsmsg.from = id.getDisplayName() + " <" + id.getEmail() + ">"; jsmsg.identityId = jsmas.identityId; jsmsg.inreplyto = jsmas.inreplyto; jsmsg.origuid = jsmas.origuid; jsmsg.priority = jsmas.priority; jsmsg.receipt = jsmas.receipt; jsmsg.recipients = new ArrayList<JsRecipient>(); for (int r = 0; r < jsmas.recipients.size(); ++r) { JsRecipient jsr = new JsRecipient(); = jsmas.recipients.get(r); jsr.rtype = jsmas.rtypes.get(r); jsmsg.recipients.add(jsr); } jsmsg.references = jsmas.references; jsmsg.replyfolder = jsmas.replyfolder; jsmsg.subject = jsmas.subject; SimpleMessage msg = prepareMessage(jsmsg, msgId, false, false); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(account.getFolderDrafts()); //find and delete old draft for this msgid account.deleteByHeaderValue(HEADER_X_WEBTOP_MSGID, "" + msgId); msg.addHeaderLine(HEADER_X_WEBTOP_MSGID + ": " + msgId); Exception exc = saveMessage(msg, null, fc); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Error on autosave in drafts!", exc); } } public void moveMessages(FolderCache from, FolderCache to, long uids[], boolean fullthreads) throws MessagingException { from.moveMessages(uids, to, fullthreads); } public void copyMessages(FolderCache from, FolderCache to, long uids[], boolean fullthreads) throws MessagingException, IOException { from.copyMessages(uids, to, fullthreads); } public void deleteMessages(FolderCache from, long uids[], boolean fullthreads) throws MessagingException { from.deleteMessages(uids, fullthreads); } public void archiveMessages(FolderCache from, String folderarchive, long uids[], boolean fullthreads) throws MessagingException { from.archiveMessages(uids, folderarchive, fullthreads); } public void flagMessages(FolderCache from, long uids[], String flag) throws MessagingException { from.flagMessages(uids, flag); } public void tagMessages(FolderCache from, long uids[], String tagId) throws MessagingException { from.tagMessages(uids, tagId); } public void untagMessages(FolderCache from, long uids[], String tagId) throws MessagingException { from.untagMessages(uids, tagId); } public void clearMessagesTags(FolderCache from, long uids[]) throws MessagingException { from.clearMessagesTags(uids); } public void clearMessagesFlag(FolderCache from, long uids[]) throws MessagingException { from.clearMessagesFlag(uids); } public void setMessagesSeen(FolderCache from, long uids[]) throws MessagingException { from.setMessagesSeen(uids); } public void setMessagesUnseen(FolderCache from, long uids[]) throws MessagingException { from.setMessagesUnseen(uids); } public void hideFolder(MailAccount account, String foldername) throws MessagingException { Folder folder = account.getFolder(foldername); try { folder.close(false); } catch (Throwable exc) { } account.destroyFolderCache(foldername); if (account == mainAccount) us.setFolderHidden(foldername, true); else us.setFolderHidden(mainAccount.getId() + "_" + foldername, true); } public boolean isFolderHidden(MailAccount account, String foldername) { if (account == mainAccount) return us.isFolderHidden(foldername); else return us.isFolderHidden(mainAccount.getId() + "_" + foldername); } private InternetAddress getInternetAddress(String email) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, AddressException { email = email.trim(); if (!email.startsWith("\"")) { int ix = email.indexOf("<"); if (ix >= 0) { String personal = email.substring(0, ix).trim(); String address = email.substring(ix).trim(); email = "\"" + personal + "\" " + address; } } InternetAddress ia[] = InternetAddress.parse(email, false); //build an InternetAddress with UTF8 personal, if present InternetAddress retia = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(ia[0].getAddress(), ia[0].getPersonal()); return retia; } public Identity findIdentity(InternetAddress fromAddr) { for (Identity ident : mprofile.getIdentities()) { if (fromAddr.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(ident.getEmail())) return ident; } return null; } public Exception sendReceipt(Identity ident, String from, String to, String subject, String body) { return sendTextMsg(ident, from, from, new String[] { to }, null, null, "Receipt: " + subject, body); } private Exception sendTextMsg(Identity ident, String fromAddr, String rplyAddr, String[] toAddr, String[] ccAddr, String[] bccAddr, String subject, String body) { return sendTextMsg(ident, fromAddr, rplyAddr, toAddr, ccAddr, bccAddr, subject, body, null); } private Exception sendTextMsg(Identity ident, String fromAddr, String rplyAddr, String[] toAddr, String[] ccAddr, String[] bccAddr, String subject, String body, List<JsAttachment> attachments) { SimpleMessage smsg = new SimpleMessage(0); //set the TO recipients smsg.addTo(toAddr); //set the CC recipients smsg.addCc(ccAddr); //set BCC recipients smsg.addBcc(bccAddr); if (ident != null) smsg.setFrom(ident); //set Reply To address if (rplyAddr != null && rplyAddr.length() > 0) { smsg.setReplyTo(rplyAddr); //set the subject } smsg.setSubject(subject); //set the content smsg.setContent(body); return sendMsg(fromAddr, smsg, attachments); } public boolean sendMsg(InternetAddress from, Collection<InternetAddress> to, Collection<InternetAddress> cc, Collection<InternetAddress> bcc, String subject, MimeMultipart part) { return sendMsg(null, from, to, cc, bcc, subject, part); } public boolean sendMsg(Identity ident, InternetAddress from, Collection<InternetAddress> to, Collection<InternetAddress> cc, Collection<InternetAddress> bcc, String subject, MimeMultipart part) { try { subject = MimeUtility.encodeText(subject); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { MailAccount account = getAccount(ident); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(account.getMailSession()); message.setSubject(subject); message.addFrom(new InternetAddress[] { from }); if (to != null) { for (InternetAddress ia : to) message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, ia); } if (cc != null) { for (InternetAddress ia : cc) message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ia); } if (bcc != null) { for (InternetAddress ia : bcc) message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, ia); } message.setContent(part); message.setSentDate(new java.util.Date()); return sendMsg(ident, message); } catch (MessagingException ex) { logger.warn("Unable to send message", ex); return false; } } public boolean sendMsg(Message msg) { return sendMsg(null, msg); } public boolean sendMsg(Identity ident, Message msg) { if (ident == null) { try { ident = findIdentity((InternetAddress) (msg.getFrom()[0])); } catch (Exception exc) { } } String sentfolder = getSentFolder(ident); MailAccount account = getAccount(ident); try { Transport.send(msg); saveSent(account, msg, sentfolder); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); return false; } } public String getSentFolder(Identity ident) { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String sentfolder = mainAccount.getFolderSent(); if (ident != null) { MailAccount account = getAccount(ident); String mainfolder = ident.getMainFolder(); if (mainfolder != null && mainfolder.trim().length() > 0) { String newsentfolder = mainfolder + account.getFolderSeparator() + account.getLastFolderName(sentfolder); try { Folder folder = account.getFolder(newsentfolder); if (folder.exists()) { sentfolder = newsentfolder; } } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error on identity {}/{} Sent Folder", profile.getUserId(), ident.getEmail(), exc); } } } return sentfolder; } public Exception sendMsg(String from, SimpleMessage smsg, List<JsAttachment> attachments) { //UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); //String sentfolder = mprofile.getFolderSent(); Identity ident = smsg.getFrom(); /*f (ident != null ) { String mainfolder=ident.getMainFolder(); if (mainfolder != null && mainfolder.trim().length() > 0) { String newsentfolder = mainfolder + folderSeparator + getLastFolderName(sentfolder); try { Folder folder = getFolder(newsentfolder); if (folder.exists()) { sentfolder = newsentfolder; } } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error on identity {}/{} Sent Folder", profile.getUserId(), ident.getEmail(), exc); } } }*/ String sentfolder = getSentFolder(ident); MailAccount account = getAccount(ident); Exception retexc = null; Message msg = null; try { msg = createMessage(from, smsg, attachments, false); Transport.send(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); retexc = ex; } //if sent succesful, save outgoing message if (retexc == null && msg != null) { retexc = saveSent(account, msg, sentfolder); } return retexc; } //end sendMsg, SimpleMessage version public Exception sendMessage(SimpleMessage msg, List<JsAttachment> attachments) { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String sender = profile.getEmailAddress(); String name = profile.getDisplayName(); Identity from = msg.getFrom(); String replyto = getAccount(from).getReplyTo(); boolean isOtherIdentity = false; if (from != null) { isOtherIdentity = !from.isMainIdentity(); sender = from.getEmail(); name = from.getDisplayName(); if (replyto == null || replyto.trim().length() == 0) replyto = sender; } if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { sender = name + " <" + sender + ">"; if (!isOtherIdentity && (replyto != null && replyto.trim().length() > 0 && !replyto.trim().endsWith(">"))) replyto = name + " <" + replyto + ">"; } if (!isOtherIdentity && (replyto != null && replyto.trim().length() > 0)) msg.setReplyTo(replyto); Exception retexc = null; if (attachments.size() == 0 && msg.getAttachments() == null) { retexc = sendMsg(sender, msg, null); } else { retexc = sendMsg(sender, msg, attachments); if (retexc == null) clearCloudAttachments(msg.getId()); } return retexc; } public Message createMessage(String from, SimpleMessage smsg, List<JsAttachment> attachments, boolean tosave) throws Exception { MimeMessage msg = null; boolean success = true; String[] to = SimpleMessage.breakAddr(smsg.getTo()); String[] cc = SimpleMessage.breakAddr(smsg.getCc()); String[] bcc = SimpleMessage.breakAddr(smsg.getBcc()); String replyTo = smsg.getReplyTo(); msg = new MimeMessage(mainAccount.getMailSession()); msg.setFrom(getInternetAddress(from)); InternetAddress ia = null; //set the TO recipient for (int q = 0; q < to.length; q++) { // Service.logger.debug("to["+q+"]="+to[q]); to[q] = to[q].replace(',', ' '); try { ia = getInternetAddress(to[q]); } catch (AddressException exc) { throw new AddressException(to[q]); } msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, ia); } //set the CC recipient for (int q = 0; q < cc.length; q++) { cc[q] = cc[q].replace(',', ' '); try { ia = getInternetAddress(cc[q]); } catch (AddressException exc) { throw new AddressException(cc[q]); } msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ia); } //set BCC recipients for (int q = 0; q < bcc.length; q++) { bcc[q] = bcc[q].replace(',', ' '); try { ia = getInternetAddress(bcc[q]); } catch (AddressException exc) { throw new AddressException(bcc[q]); } msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, ia); } //set reply to addr if (replyTo != null && replyTo.length() > 0) { Address[] replyaddr = new Address[1]; replyaddr[0] = getInternetAddress(replyTo); msg.setReplyTo(replyaddr); } //add any header String headerLines[] = smsg.getHeaderLines(); for (int i = 0; i < headerLines.length; ++i) { if (!headerLines[i].startsWith("Sonicle-reply-folder")) { msg.addHeaderLine(headerLines[i]); } } //add reply/references String inreplyto = smsg.getInReplyTo(); String references[] = smsg.getReferences(); String replyfolder = smsg.getReplyFolder(); if (inreplyto != null) { msg.setHeader("In-Reply-To", inreplyto); } if (references != null && references[0] != null) { msg.setHeader("References", references[0]); } if (tosave) { if (replyfolder != null) { msg.setHeader("Sonicle-reply-folder", replyfolder); } msg.setHeader("Sonicle-draft", "true"); } //add forward data String forwardedfrom = smsg.getForwardedFrom(); String forwardedfolder = smsg.getForwardedFolder(); if (forwardedfrom != null) { msg.setHeader("Forwarded-From", forwardedfrom); } if (tosave) { if (forwardedfolder != null) { msg.setHeader("Sonicle-forwarded-folder", forwardedfolder); } msg.setHeader("Sonicle-draft", "true"); } //set the subject String subject = smsg.getSubject(); try { //subject=MimeUtility.encodeText(smsg.getSubject(), "ISO-8859-1", null); subject = MimeUtility.encodeText(smsg.getSubject()); } catch (Exception exc) { } msg.setSubject(subject); //set priority int priority = smsg.getPriority(); if (priority != 3) { msg.setHeader("X-Priority", "" + priority); //set receipt } String receiptTo = from; try { receiptTo = MimeUtility.encodeText(from, "ISO-8859-1", null); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (smsg.getReceipt()) { msg.setHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", from); //see if there are any new attachments for the message } int noAttach; int newAttach; if (attachments == null) { newAttach = 0; } else { newAttach = attachments.size(); } //get the array of the old attachments Part[] oldParts = smsg.getAttachments(); //check if there are old attachments if (oldParts == null) { noAttach = 0; } else { //old attachments exist noAttach = oldParts.length; } if ((newAttach > 0) || (noAttach > 0) || !smsg.getMime().equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain")) { // create the main Multipart MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("mixed"); MimeMultipart unrelated = null; String textcontent = smsg.getTextContent(); //if is text, or no alternative text is available, add the content as one single body part //else create a multipart/alternative with both rich and text mime content if (textcontent == null || smsg.getMime().equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain")) { MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp1.setContent(smsg.getContent(), MailUtils.buildPartContentType(smsg.getMime(), "UTF-8")); mp.addBodyPart(mbp1); } else { MimeMultipart alternative = new MimeMultipart("alternative"); //the rich part MimeBodyPart mbp2 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp2.setContent(smsg.getContent(), MailUtils.buildPartContentType(smsg.getMime(), "UTF-8")); //the text part MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); /* ByteArrayOutputStream bos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(textcontent.length()); com.sun.mail.util.QPEncoderStream qpe=new com.sun.mail.util.QPEncoderStream(bos); for(int i=0;i<textcontent.length();++i) { try { qpe.write(textcontent.charAt(i)); } catch(IOException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception",exc); } } textcontent=new String(bos.toByteArray());*/ mbp1.setContent(textcontent, MailUtils.buildPartContentType("text/plain", "UTF-8")); // mbp1.setHeader("Content-transfer-encoding","quoted-printable"); alternative.addBodyPart(mbp1); alternative.addBodyPart(mbp2); MimeBodyPart altbody = new MimeBodyPart(); altbody.setContent(alternative); mp.addBodyPart(altbody); } if (noAttach > 0) { //if there are old attachments // create the parts with the attachments //MimeBodyPart[] mbps2 = new MimeBodyPart[noAttach]; //Part[] mbps2 = new Part[noAttach]; //for(int e = 0;e < noAttach;e++) { // mbps2[e] = (Part)oldParts[e]; //}//end for e //add the old attachment parts for (int r = 0; r < noAttach; r++) { Object content = null; String contentType = null; String contentFileName = null; if (oldParts[r] instanceof Message) { // Service.logger.debug("Attachment is a message"); Message msgpart = (Message) oldParts[r]; MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessage(mainAccount.getMailSession()); mm.addFrom(msgpart.getFrom()); mm.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, msgpart.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)); mm.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, msgpart.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC)); mm.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, msgpart.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC)); mm.setReplyTo(msgpart.getReplyTo()); mm.setSentDate(msgpart.getSentDate()); mm.setSubject(msgpart.getSubject()); mm.setContent(msgpart.getContent(), msgpart.getContentType()); content = mm; contentType = "message/rfc822"; } else { // Service.logger.debug("Attachment is not a message"); content = oldParts[r].getContent(); if (!(content instanceof MimeMultipart)) { contentType = oldParts[r].getContentType(); contentFileName = oldParts[r].getFileName(); } } MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart(); if (contentFileName != null) { mbp.setFileName(contentFileName); // Service.logger.debug("adding attachment mime "+contentType+" filename "+contentFileName); contentType += "; name=\"" + contentFileName + "\""; } if (content instanceof MimeMultipart) mbp.setContent((MimeMultipart) content); else mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(content, contentType)); mp.addBodyPart(mbp); } } //end if, adding old attachments if (newAttach > 0) { //if there are new attachments // create the parts with the attachments MimeBodyPart[] mbps = new MimeBodyPart[newAttach]; for (int e = 0; e < newAttach; e++) { mbps[e] = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message JsAttachment attach = (JsAttachment) attachments.get(e); UploadedFile upfile = getUploadedFile(attach.uploadId); FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(upfile.getFile()); mbps[e].setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); // filename starts has format: // "_" + userid + sessionId + "_" + filename // if (attach.inline) { mbps[e].setDisposition(Part.INLINE); } String contentFileName = attach.fileName.trim(); mbps[e].setFileName(contentFileName); String contentType = upfile.getMediaType() + "; name=\"" + contentFileName + "\""; mbps[e].setHeader("Content-type", contentType); if (attach.cid != null && attach.cid.trim().length() > 0) { mbps[e].setHeader("Content-ID", "<" + attach.cid + ">"); mbps[e].setHeader("X-Attachment-Id", attach.cid); mbps[e].setDisposition(Part.INLINE); if (unrelated == null) unrelated = new MimeMultipart("mixed"); } } //end for e //add the new attachment parts if (unrelated == null) { for (int r = 0; r < newAttach; r++) mp.addBodyPart(mbps[r]); } else { //mp becomes the related part with text parts and cids MimeMultipart related = mp; related.setSubType("related"); //nest the related part into the mixed part mp = unrelated; MimeBodyPart mbd = new MimeBodyPart(); mbd.setContent(related); mp.addBodyPart(mbd); for (int r = 0; r < newAttach; r++) { if (mbps[r].getHeader("Content-ID") != null) { related.addBodyPart(mbps[r]); } else { mp.addBodyPart(mbps[r]); } } } } //end if, adding new attachments // // msg.addHeaderLine("This is a multi-part message in MIME format."); // add the Multipart to the message msg.setContent(mp); } else { //end if newattach msg.setText(smsg.getContent()); } //singlepart message msg.setSentDate(new java.util.Date()); return msg; } private Exception saveSent(MailAccount account, Message msg, String sentfolder) { Exception retexc = null; try { account.checkCreateFolder(sentfolder); Folder outgoing = account.getFolder(sentfolder); msg.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); Message[] saveMsgs = new MimeMessage[1]; saveMsgs[0] = msg; outgoing.appendMessages(saveMsgs); } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } return retexc; } public Exception saveMessage(SimpleMessage msg, List<JsAttachment> attachments, FolderCache fc) { Exception retexc = null; try { _saveMessage(msg, attachments, fc); } catch (Exception exc) { retexc = exc; logger.error("Error during saveMessage in " + fc.getFolderName(), exc); } return retexc; } public Exception scheduleMessage(SimpleMessage msg, List<JsAttachment> attachments, FolderCache fc, String senddate, String sendtime, String sendnotify) { Exception retexc = null; try { msg.addHeaderLine("Sonicle-send-scheduled: true"); msg.addHeaderLine("Sonicle-send-date: " + senddate); msg.addHeaderLine("Sonicle-send-time: " + sendtime); msg.addHeaderLine("Sonicle-notify-delivery: " + sendnotify); Message m = _saveMessage(msg, attachments, fc); /* String mid=m.getHeader("Message-ID")[0]; MailServiceGeneral mservgen=(MailServiceGeneral)wta.getServiceGeneralByName("mail"); UserProfile profile=wts.getEnvironment().getUserProfile(); String port=profile.getMailPort()+""; String host=profile.getMailHost(); String protocol=profile.getMailProtocol(); String username=profile.getMailUsername(); String folderprefix=profile.getFolderPrefix(); String folderdrafts=profile.getFolderDrafts(); MailServiceGeneral.MailUser mu=mservgen.createMailUser(profile.getIDDomain(), host, protocol, port, username, folderprefix, folderdrafts); mservgen.scheduleSendTask(mu, mid, senddate, sendtime, sendnotify);*/ } catch (Exception exc) { retexc = exc; } return retexc; } private Message _saveMessage(SimpleMessage msg, List<JsAttachment> attachments, FolderCache fc) throws Exception { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String sender = profile.getEmailAddress(); String name = profile.getDisplayName(); Identity from = msg.getFrom(); String replyto = getAccount(from).getReplyTo(); if (from != null) { sender = from.getEmail(); name = from.getDisplayName(); if (replyto == null || replyto.trim().length() == 0) replyto = sender; } msg.setReplyTo(replyto); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { sender = name + " <" + sender + ">"; } /*ArrayList<Attachment> origattachments = getAttachments(msg.getId()); ArrayList<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); for (String attname : attnames) { for (Attachment att : origattachments) { if (att.getFile().getName().equals(attname)) { attachments.add(att); //Service.logger.debug("Adding attachment : "+attname+" -> "+att.getName()); break; } } }*/ Message newmsg = createMessage(sender, msg, attachments, true); newmsg.setHeader("Sonicle-draft", "true"); //FolderCache fc=getFolderCache(profile.getFolderDrafts()); //newmsg.writeTo(new FileOutputStream("C:/Users/gbulfon/Desktop/TEST.eml"));; clearCloudAttachments(msg.getId()); return newmsg; } private SimpleMessage getForwardMsg(long id, Message msg, boolean richContent, String fromtitle, String totitle, String cctitle, String datetitle, String subjecttitle, boolean attached) { Message forward = new MimeMessage(mainAccount.getMailSession()); if (!attached) { try { StringBuffer htmlsb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer textsb = new StringBuffer(); boolean isHtml = appendReplyParts(msg, htmlsb, textsb, null); // Service.logger.debug("isHtml="+isHtml); // Service.logger.debug("richContent="+richContent); String html = "<HTML><BODY>" + htmlsb.toString() + "</BODY></HTML>"; if (!richContent) { forward.setText(getForwardBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle)); } else if (!isHtml) { forward.setText(getForwardBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle)); } else { forward.setText(MailUtils.removeMSWordShit(getForwardBody(msg, html, SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML, true, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle))); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } try { String msgid = null; String vh[] = msg.getHeader("Message-ID"); if (vh != null) { msgid = vh[0]; } if (msgid != null) { forward.setHeader("Forwarded-From", msgid); } } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } SimpleMessage fwd = new SimpleMessage(id, forward); fwd.setTo(""); // Update appropriate subject // Fwd: subject try { String subject = msg.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } if (!subject.toLowerCase().startsWith("fwd: ")) { fwd.setSubject("Fwd: " + subject); } else { fwd.setSubject(msg.getSubject()); } } catch (MessagingException e) { Service.logger.error("Exception", e); // Service.logger.debug("*** SimpleMessage: " +e); } return fwd; } private String getForwardBody(Message msg, String body, int format, boolean isHtml, String fromtitle, String totitle, String cctitle, String datetitle, String subjecttitle) throws MessagingException { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Locale locale = profile.getLocale(); String msgSubject = msg.getSubject(); if (msgSubject == null) { msgSubject = ""; } msgSubject = MailUtils.htmlescape(msgSubject); Address ad[] = msg.getFrom(); String msgFrom = ""; if (ad != null) { msgFrom = isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[0]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[0]); } java.util.Date dt = msg.getSentDate(); String msgDate = ""; if (dt != null) { msgDate = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.LONG, java.text.DateFormat.LONG, locale) .format(dt); } ad = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); String msgTo = null; if (ad != null) { msgTo = ""; for (int j = 0; j < ad.length; ++j) { msgTo += isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[j]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[j]) + " "; } } ad = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC); String msgCc = null; if (ad != null) { msgCc = ""; for (int j = 0; j < ad.length; ++j) { msgCc += isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[j]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[j]) + " "; } } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String cr = "\n"; if (format != SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT) { cr = "<BR>"; } if (format != SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("<TT>"); } sb.append(cr + cr + cr + "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + cr + cr); sb.append(fromtitle + ": " + msgFrom + cr); if (msgTo != null) { sb.append(totitle + ": " + msgTo + cr); } if (msgCc != null) { sb.append(cctitle + ": " + msgCc + cr); } sb.append(datetitle + ": " + msgDate + cr); sb.append(subjecttitle + ": " + msgSubject + cr + cr); if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("</TT>"); } } else { sb.append(cr + "<HR>" + cr + cr); sb.append("<font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size=2>"); sb.append("<B>" + fromtitle + ":</B> " + msgFrom + "<BR>"); if (msgTo != null) { sb.append("<B>" + totitle + ":</B> " + msgTo + "<BR>"); } if (msgCc != null) { sb.append("<B>" + cctitle + ":</B> " + msgCc + "<BR>"); } sb.append("<B>" + datetitle + ":</B> " + msgDate + "<BR>"); sb.append("<B>" + subjecttitle + ":</B> " + msgSubject + "<BR>"); sb.append("</font><br>" + cr); } // Prepend "> " for each line in the body // if (body != null) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { // sb.append("<TABLE border=0 width='100%'><TR><td width=2 bgcolor=#000088></td><td width=2></td><td>"); // sb.append("<BLOCKQUOTE style='BORDER-LEFT: #000080 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px'>"); } if (!isHtml) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { // sb.append("<BLOCKQUOTE style='BORDER-LEFT: #000080 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px'>"); sb.append("<tt>"); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(body, "\n", true); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.equals("\n")) { sb.append(cr); } else { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT) { sb.append("> "); } //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(token)); sb.append(token); } } if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("</tt>"); // sb.append("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); } } else { //sb.append(getBodyInnerHtml(body)); sb.append(body); } if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { // sb.append("</td></tr></table>"); // sb.append("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); } } return sb.toString(); } private String getBodyInnerHtml(String body) { int ix1 = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(body, "<BODY"); if (ix1 >= 0) { int ix2 = body.indexOf(">", ix1 + 1); if (ix2 < 0) { ix2 = ix1 + 4; } int ix3 = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(body, "</BODY", ix2 + 1); if (ix3 > 0) { body = body.substring(ix2 + 1, ix3); } else { body = body.substring(ix2 + 1); } } return body; } //Clone of MimeMessage that was private and used by my custom reply private Address[] eliminateDuplicates(Vector v, Address[] addrs) { if (addrs == null) { return null; } int gone = 0; for (int i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) { boolean found = false; // search the vector for this address for (int j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) { if (((InternetAddress) v.elementAt(j)).equals(addrs[i])) { // found it; count it and remove it from the input array found = true; gone++; addrs[i] = null; break; } } if (!found) { v.addElement(addrs[i]); // add new address to vector } } // if we found any duplicates, squish the array if (gone != 0) { Address[] a; // new array should be same type as original array // XXX - there must be a better way, perhaps reflection? if (addrs instanceof InternetAddress[]) { a = new InternetAddress[addrs.length - gone]; } else { a = new Address[addrs.length - gone]; } for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) { if (addrs[i] != null) { a[j++] = addrs[i]; } } addrs = a; } return addrs; } //CLONE OF ImapMessage.reply() that does not set the ANSWERED Flag public Message reply(MailAccount account, MimeMessage orig, boolean replyToAll, boolean fromSent) throws MessagingException { MimeMessage reply = new MimeMessage(account.getMailSession()); /* * Have to manipulate the raw Subject header so that we don't lose * any encoding information. This is safe because "Re:" isn't * internationalized and (generally) isn't encoded. If the entire * Subject header is encoded, prefixing it with "Re: " still leaves * a valid and correct encoded header. */ String subject = orig.getHeader("Subject", null); if (subject != null) { if (!subject.regionMatches(true, 0, "Re: ", 0, 4)) { subject = "Re: " + subject; } reply.setHeader("Subject", subject); } Address a[] = null; if (!fromSent) a = orig.getReplyTo(); else { Address ax[] = orig.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); if (ax != null) { a = new Address[1]; a[0] = ax[0]; } } reply.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, a); if (replyToAll) { Vector v = new Vector(); Session session = account.getMailSession(); // add my own address to list InternetAddress me = InternetAddress.getLocalAddress(session); if (me != null) { v.addElement(me); } // add any alternate names I'm known by String alternates = null; if (session != null) { alternates = session.getProperty("mail.alternates"); } if (alternates != null) { eliminateDuplicates(v, InternetAddress.parse(alternates, false)); } // should we Cc all other original recipients? String replyallccStr = null; boolean replyallcc = false; if (session != null) { replyallcc = PropUtil.getBooleanSessionProperty(session, "mail.replyallcc", false); } // add the recipients from the To field so far eliminateDuplicates(v, a); a = orig.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); a = eliminateDuplicates(v, a); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { if (replyallcc) { reply.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, a); } else { reply.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, a); } } a = orig.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC); a = eliminateDuplicates(v, a); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { reply.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, a); } // don't eliminate duplicate newsgroups a = orig.getRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.NEWSGROUPS); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { reply.setRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.NEWSGROUPS, a); } } String msgId = orig.getHeader("Message-Id", null); if (msgId != null) { reply.setHeader("In-Reply-To", msgId); } /* * Set the References header as described in RFC 2822: * * The "References:" field will contain the contents of the parent's * "References:" field (if any) followed by the contents of the parent's * "Message-ID:" field (if any). If the parent message does not contain * a "References:" field but does have an "In-Reply-To:" field * containing a single message identifier, then the "References:" field * will contain the contents of the parent's "In-Reply-To:" field * followed by the contents of the parent's "Message-ID:" field (if * any). If the parent has none of the "References:", "In-Reply-To:", * or "Message-ID:" fields, then the new message will have no * "References:" field. */ String refs = orig.getHeader("References", " "); if (refs == null) { // XXX - should only use if it contains a single message identifier refs = orig.getHeader("In-Reply-To", " "); } if (msgId != null) { if (refs != null) { refs = MimeUtility.unfold(refs) + " " + msgId; } else { refs = msgId; } } if (refs != null) { reply.setHeader("References", MimeUtility.fold(12, refs)); } //try { // setFlags(answeredFlag, true); //} catch (MessagingException mex) { // // ignore it //} return reply; } // used above in reply() private static final Flags answeredFlag = new Flags(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED); private SimpleMessage getReplyMsg(int id, MailAccount account, Message msg, boolean replyAll, boolean fromSent, boolean richContent, String myemail, boolean includeOriginal, String fromtitle, String totitle, String cctitle, String datetitle, String subjecttitle) { try { Message reply = reply(account, (MimeMessage) msg, replyAll, fromSent); removeDestination(reply, myemail); if (ss.getMessageReplyAllStripMyIdentities()) { for (Identity ident : mprofile.getIdentities()) { removeDestination(reply, ident.getEmail()); } } // Setup the message body // StringBuffer htmlsb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer textsb = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList<String> attnames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (includeOriginal) { boolean isHtml = appendReplyParts(msg, htmlsb, textsb, attnames); String html = "<HTML><BODY>" + htmlsb.toString() + "</BODY></HTML>"; String text = null; if (!richContent) { text = getReplyBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle, attnames); } else if (!isHtml) { text = getReplyBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle, attnames); } else { text = getReplyBody(msg, html, SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML, true, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle, attnames); } reply.setText(MailUtils.removeMSWordShit(text)); } else { reply.setText(""); } return new SimpleMessage(id, reply); } catch (MessagingException e) { Service.logger.error("Exception", e); // Service.logger.debug("*** SimpleMessage: " + e); return null; } catch (IOException e) { Service.logger.error("Exception", e); // Service.logger.debug("*** SimpleMessage: " + e); return null; } } private String getReplyBody(Message msg, String body, int format, boolean isHtml, String fromtitle, String totitle, String cctitle, String datetitle, String subjecttitle, ArrayList<String> attnames) throws MessagingException { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Locale locale = profile.getLocale(); String msgSubject = msg.getSubject(); if (msgSubject == null) { msgSubject = ""; } msgSubject = MailUtils.htmlescape(msgSubject); Address ad[] = msg.getFrom(); String msgFrom = ""; if (ad != null) { msgFrom = isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[0]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[0]); } java.util.Date dt = msg.getSentDate(); String msgDate = ""; if (dt != null) { msgDate = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.LONG, java.text.DateFormat.LONG, locale) .format(dt); } ad = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); String msgTo = null; if (ad != null) { msgTo = ""; for (int j = 0; j < ad.length; ++j) { msgTo += isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[j]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[j]) + " "; } } ad = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC); String msgCc = null; if (ad != null) { msgCc = ""; for (int j = 0; j < ad.length; ++j) { msgCc += isHtml ? getHTMLDecodedAddress(ad[j]) : getDecodedAddress(ad[j]) + " "; } } // /*String sfrom = ""; try { if (msg.getFrom() != null) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) msg.getFrom()[0]; String personal = ia.getPersonal(); String mail = ia.getAddress(); if (personal == null || personal.equals(mail)) { sfrom = mail; } else { sfrom = personal + " <" + mail + ">"; } } } catch (Exception exc) { }*/ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String cr = "\n"; if (format != SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT) { cr = "<BR>"; } if (format != SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("<TT>"); } sb.append(cr + cr + cr + "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + cr + cr); sb.append(fromtitle + ": " + msgFrom + cr); if (msgTo != null) { sb.append(totitle + ": " + msgTo + cr); } if (msgCc != null) { sb.append(cctitle + ": " + msgCc + cr); } sb.append(datetitle + ": " + msgDate + cr); sb.append(subjecttitle + ": " + msgSubject + cr + cr); if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("</TT>"); } } else { sb.append(cr + "<HR>" + cr + cr); sb.append("<font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size=2>"); sb.append("<B>" + fromtitle + ":</B> " + msgFrom + "<BR>"); if (msgTo != null) { sb.append("<B>" + totitle + ":</B> " + msgTo + "<BR>"); } if (msgCc != null) { sb.append("<B>" + cctitle + ":</B> " + msgCc + "<BR>"); } sb.append("<B>" + datetitle + ":</B> " + msgDate + "<BR>"); sb.append("<B>" + subjecttitle + ":</B> " + msgSubject + "<BR>"); sb.append("</font><br>" + cr); } // Prepend "> " for each line in the body // if (body != null) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { // sb.append("<TABLE border=0 width='100%'><TR><td width=2 bgcolor=#000088></td><td width=2></td><td>"); sb.append( "<BLOCKQUOTE style='BORDER-LEFT: #000080 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px'>"); } if (!isHtml) { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append( "<BLOCKQUOTE style='BORDER-LEFT: #000080 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px'>"); sb.append("<tt>"); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(body, "\n", true); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.equals("\n")) { sb.append(cr); } else { if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT) { sb.append("> "); } //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(token)); sb.append(token); } } if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED) { sb.append("</tt>"); sb.append("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); } } else { /* //String ubody = body.toUpperCase(); while (true) { int ix1 = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(body,"<BODY"); if (ix1 < 0) { break; } int ix2 = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(body,">", ix1 + 1); if (ix2 < 0) { ix2 = ix1 + 4; } int ix3 = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(body,"</BODY", ix2 + 1); if (ix3 > 0) { body = body.substring(ix2 + 1, ix3); } else { body = body.substring(ix2 + 1); } } //body=removeStartEndTag(body,unwantedTags); */ sb.append(body); } htmlAppendAttachmentNames(sb, attnames); if (format == SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML) { // sb.append("</td></tr></table>"); sb.append("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); } } return sb.toString(); } private void removeDestination(Message msg, String email) throws MessagingException { Address a[] = null; try { a = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); } catch (AddressException exc) { } if (a != null) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, removeDestination(a, email)); } try { a = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC); } catch (AddressException exc) { } if (a != null) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, removeDestination(a, email)); } try { a = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC); } catch (AddressException exc) { } if (a != null) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, removeDestination(a, email)); } } private Address[] removeDestination(Address a[], String email) throws MessagingException { email = email.toLowerCase(); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) a[i]; if (!ia.getAddress().toLowerCase().equals(email)) { v.addElement(a[i]); } } Address na[] = new Address[v.size()]; v.copyInto(na); return na; } private void textAppendAttachmentNames(StringBuffer sb, ArrayList<String> attnames) { if (attnames.size() > 0) { sb.append("\n\n"); for (String name : attnames) { sb.append("<<" + name + ">>\n"); } } } private void htmlAppendAttachmentNames(StringBuffer sb, ArrayList<String> attnames) { if (attnames.size() > 0) { sb.append("<br><br>"); for (String name : attnames) { sb.append("<<" + name + ">><br>"); } } } private String getTextContentAsString(Part p) throws IOException, MessagingException { istream = null; String charset = MailUtils.getCharsetOrDefault(p.getContentType()); if (!java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(charset)) { charset = "ISO-8859-1"; } try { if (p instanceof javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) { javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage mm = (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) p; istream = mm.getInputStream(); } else if (p instanceof javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart) { javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart mm = (javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart) p; istream = mm.getInputStream(); } } catch (Exception exc) { //unhandled format, get Raw data if (p instanceof javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) { javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage mm = (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) p; istream = mm.getRawInputStream(); } else if (p instanceof javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart) { javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart mm = (javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart) p; istream = mm.getRawInputStream(); } } if (istream == null) { throw new IOException("Unknown message class " + p.getClass().getName()); } br = new, charset)); String line = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); sb.append("\n"); } br.close(); return sb.toString(); } private boolean appendReplyParts(Part p, StringBuffer htmlsb, StringBuffer textsb, ArrayList<String> attnames) throws MessagingException, IOException { boolean isHtml = false; String disp = p.getDisposition(); if (disp != null && disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT) && !p.isMimeType("message/*")) { if (attnames != null) { String id[] = p.getHeader("Content-ID"); if (id == null || id[0] == null) { String filename = p.getFileName(); if (filename != null) { if (filename.startsWith("<")) { filename = filename.substring(1); } if (filename.endsWith(">")) { filename = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 1); } } if (filename != null) { attnames.add(filename); } } } return false; } if (p.isMimeType("text/html")) { //String htmlcontent=(String)p.getContent(); String htmlcontent = getTextContentAsString(p); textsb.append(MailUtils.htmlToText(MailUtils.htmlunescapesource(htmlcontent))); htmlsb.append(MailUtils.htmlescapefixsource(/*getBodyInnerHtml(*/htmlcontent/*)*/)); isHtml = true; } else if (p.isMimeType("text/plain")) { String content = getTextContentAsString(p); textsb.append(content); htmlsb.append(startpre + MailUtils.htmlescape(content) + endpre); isHtml = false; } else if (p.isMimeType("message/delivery-status") || p.isMimeType("message/disposition-notification")) { InputStream is = (InputStream) p.getContent(); char cbuf[] = new char[8000]; byte bbuf[] = new byte[8000]; int n = 0; htmlsb.append(startpre); while ((n = >= 0) { if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cbuf[i] = (char) bbuf[i]; } textsb.append(cbuf); htmlsb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(new String(cbuf))); } } htmlsb.append(endpre); is.close(); isHtml = false; } else if (p.isMimeType("multipart/alternative")) { Multipart mp = (Multipart) p.getContent(); Part bestPart = null; for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); ++i) { Part part = mp.getBodyPart(i); if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { isHtml = appendReplyParts(part, htmlsb, textsb, attnames); if (isHtml) { bestPart = null; break; } } else if (part.isMimeType("text/html")) { bestPart = part; break; } else if (bestPart == null && part.isMimeType("text/plain")) { bestPart = part; } else if (bestPart == null && part.isMimeType("message/*")) { bestPart = part; } } if (bestPart != null) { isHtml = appendReplyParts(bestPart, htmlsb, textsb, attnames); } } else if (p.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { Multipart mp = (Multipart) p.getContent(); for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); ++i) { if (appendReplyParts(mp.getBodyPart(i), htmlsb, textsb, attnames)) { isHtml = true; } } } else if (p.isMimeType("message/*")) { Object content = p.getContent(); if (appendReplyParts((MimeMessage) content, htmlsb, textsb, attnames)) { isHtml = true; } } else { } textsb.append('\n'); textsb.append('\n'); return isHtml; } protected void finalize() { cleanup(); } public void cleanup() { if (mft != null) { mft.abort(); } if (ast != null && ast.isRunning()) { ast.cancel(); } for (MailAccount account : accounts.values()) { account.cleanup(); } logger.trace("exiting cleanup"); } protected void clearAllCloudAttachments() { msgcloudattach.clear(); } private String getMessageID(Message m) throws MessagingException { String ids[] = m.getHeader("Message-ID"); if (ids == null) { return null; } return ids[0]; } private int[] toInts(String values[]) { int ret[] = new int[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { ret[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[i]); } return ret; } private long[] toLongs(String values[]) { long ret[] = new long[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) ret[i] = Long.parseLong(values[i]); return ret; } public boolean hasDmsDocumentArchiving() { return RunContext.isPermitted(true, SERVICE_ID, "DMS_DOCUMENT_ARCHIVING"); } public String getDmsSimpleArchivingMailFolder() { return us.getSimpleDMSArchivingMailFolder(); } public boolean isDmsSimpleArchiving() { return us.getDMSMethod().equals(MailSettings.ARCHIVING_DMS_METHOD_SIMPLE); } public boolean isDmsStructuredArchiving() { return us.getDMSMethod().equals(MailSettings.ARCHIVING_DMS_METHOD_STRUCTURED); } public boolean isDmsWebtopArchiving() { return us.getDMSMethod().equals(MailSettings.ARCHIVING_DMS_METHOD_WEBTOP); } public boolean isDmsFolder(MailAccount account, String foldername) { if (!hasDmsDocumentArchiving()) { return false; } boolean b = false; String df = us.getSimpleDMSArchivingMailFolder(); if (df != null && df.trim().length() > 0) { String lfn = account.getLastFolderName(foldername); String dfn = account.getLastFolderName(df); if (lfn.equals(dfn)) { b = true; } } return b; } public String getDecodedAddress(Address a) { String ret = ""; try { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) a; String personal = ia.getPersonal(); String email = ia.getAddress(); if (personal == null || personal.equals(email)) { ret = email; } else { ret = personal + " <" + email + ">"; } } catch (RuntimeException exc) { ret = a.toString(); } return ret; } public String getHTMLDecodedAddress(Address a) { String s = getDecodedAddress(a); return MailUtils.htmlescape(s); } public String getInternationalFolderName(FolderCache fc) { Folder folder = fc.getFolder(); String desc = folder.getName(); String fullname = folder.getFullName(); //WebTopApp webtopapp=environment.getWebTopApp(); Locale locale = environment.getProfile().getLocale(); if (fc.isInbox()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_INBOX); } else if (fc.isSharedFolder()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_SHARED); } else if (fc.isDrafts()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_DRAFTS); } else if (fc.isTrash()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_TRASH); } else if (fc.isArchive()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_ARCHIVE); } else if (fc.isSent()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_SENT); } else if (fc.isSpam()) { desc = lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FOLDERS_SPAM); } return desc; } public String getInternationalFolderPath(FolderCache fc) throws MessagingException { String intpath = getInternationalFolderName(fc); char sep = fc.getAccount().getFolderSeparator(); FolderCache parent = fc.getParent(); while (parent != null && parent.isRoot()) { String intparent = getInternationalFolderName(parent); intpath = intparent + sep + intpath; parent = parent.getParent(); } return intpath; } public static int getPriority(Message m) throws MessagingException { String xprio = null; String h[] = m.getHeader("X-Priority"); if (h != null && h.length > 0) { xprio = h[0]; } int priority = 3; if (xprio != null) { int ixp = xprio.indexOf(' '); if (ixp > 0) { xprio = xprio.substring(0, ixp); } try { priority = Integer.parseInt(xprio); } catch (RuntimeException exc) { } } return priority; } public boolean isInlineableMime(String contenttype) { return inlineableMimes.contains(contenttype.toLowerCase()); } public synchronized int getNewMessageID() { return ++newMessageID; } public ArrayList<CloudAttachment> getCloudAttachments(long msgid) { ArrayList<CloudAttachment> attachments = msgcloudattach.get(new Long(msgid)); if (attachments != null) { return attachments; } return emptyAttachments; } public CloudAttachment getCloudAttachment(long msgid, String filename) { ArrayList<CloudAttachment> attachments = getCloudAttachments(msgid); for (CloudAttachment att : attachments) { if (att.getName().equals(filename)) { return att; } } return null; } public void clearCloudAttachments(long msgid) { msgcloudattach.remove(msgid); } public void deleteCloudAttachments(long msgid) { ArrayList<CloudAttachment> attachments = getCloudAttachments(msgid); for (CloudAttachment a : attachments) { try { vfsmanager.deleteStoreFile(a.getStoreId(), a.getPath()); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } clearCloudAttachments(msgid); } public void putCloudAttachments(long msgid, ArrayList<CloudAttachment> attachments) { msgcloudattach.put(new Long(msgid), attachments); } public CloudAttachment attachCloud(long msgid, int storeId, String path, String name) { CloudAttachment attachment = null; ArrayList<CloudAttachment> attachments = getCloudAttachments(msgid); if (attachments == null || attachments == emptyAttachments) { attachments = new ArrayList<CloudAttachment>(); putCloudAttachments(msgid, attachments); } attachment = new CloudAttachment(storeId, path, name); attachments.add(attachment); return attachment; } public String replaceCidUrls(String html, HTMLMailData maildata, String preurl) throws MessagingException { for (String cidname : maildata.getCidNames()) { //Part part=maildata.getCidPart(cidname); String surl = preurl + cidname; html = StringUtils.replace(html, "cid:" + cidname, surl); } return html; } public String removeWrongBase(String html) { String lhtml = html.toLowerCase(); int ix = lhtml.indexOf("<base"); if (ix >= 0) { int iy = lhtml.indexOf(">", ix); if (iy >= 0) { String base = lhtml.substring(ix, iy); if (base.indexOf("file:") >= 0) { String html1 = html.substring(0, ix); String html2 = html.substring(iy + 1); html = html1 + html2; } } } return html; } private ArrayList<FolderCache> opened = new ArrayList<FolderCache>(); protected void poolOpened(FolderCache fc) { if (opened.size() >= 5) { FolderCache rfc = opened.remove(0); rfc.cleanup(false); rfc.close(); rfc.setForceRefresh(); } opened.add(fc); } private MailAccount getAccount(HttpServletRequest request) { String account = request.getParameter("account"); if (account != null) return accounts.get(account); return mainAccount; } private MailAccount getAccount(String account) { return accounts.get(account); } //Client service requests public void processGetImapTree(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String pfoldername = request.getParameter("node"); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); Folder folder = null; try { boolean connected = account.checkStoreConnected(); if (!connected) throw new Exception("Mail account authentication error"); boolean isroot = pfoldername.equals("/"); if (isroot) folder = account.getDefaultFolder(); else folder = account.getFolder(pfoldername); Folder folders[] = folder.list(); String fprefix = account.getFolderPrefix(); boolean level1 = (fprefix != null /*&& fprefix.equals("INBOX.")*/ && fprefix.trim().length() > 0); ArrayList<JsFolder> jsFolders = new ArrayList<>(); //out.print("{ data:["); if (isroot && account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder()) { Folder fcs[] = new Folder[0]; //check for other shared folders to be added Folder rfolders[] = account.getRealDefaultFolder().list(); ArrayList<Folder> afcs = new ArrayList<Folder>(); for (String sharedPrefix : account.getSharedPrefixes()) { for (Folder rfolder : rfolders) { if (rfolder.getFullName().equals(sharedPrefix)) afcs.add(rfolder); } } //don't mind about just the Shared folder with no child (size=1) if (afcs.size() > 0) fcs = afcs.toArray(fcs); Folder xfolders[] = new Folder[1 + folders.length + fcs.length]; xfolders[0] = folder; System.arraycopy(folders, 0, xfolders, 1, folders.length); if (fcs.length > 0) System.arraycopy(fcs, 0, xfolders, 1 + folders.length, fcs.length); folders = xfolders; } outputFolders(account, folder, folders, level1, false, jsFolders); new JsonResult("data", jsFolders).printTo(out, false); //out.println("], message: '' }"); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } private void outputFolders(MailAccount account, Folder parent, Folder folders[], boolean level1, boolean favorites, ArrayList<JsFolder> jsFolders) throws Exception { boolean hasPrefix = !StringUtils.isBlank(account.getFolderPrefix()); String prefixMatch = StringUtils.stripEnd(account.getFolderPrefix(), account.getFolderSeparator() + ""); ArrayList<Folder> postPrefixList = new ArrayList<Folder>(); ArrayList<Folder> afolders; if (!favorites) afolders = sortFolders(account, folders); else { afolders = new ArrayList<Folder>(); for (Folder f : folders) { if (f != null) { afolders.add(f); } } } //If Shared Folders, sort on description if (parent != null && account.isSharedFolder(parent.getFullName())) { if (!account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder() || !account.isDefaultFolder(parent.getFullName())) { String ss = mprofile.getSharedSort(); if (ss.equals("D")) { Collections.sort(afolders, account.getDescriptionFolderComparator()); } else if (ss.equals("U")) { Collections.sort(afolders, account.getWebTopUserFolderComparator()); } } } //If at level 1, look for the prefix folder in the list Folder prefixFolder = null; if (level1) { for (Folder f : afolders) { if (f.getFullName().equals(prefixMatch)) { prefixFolder = f; break; } } //remove it and use it later if (prefixFolder != null) afolders.remove(prefixFolder); } //now scan and output folders for (Folder f : afolders) { String foldername = f.getFullName(); //in case of moved root, check not to duplicate root elsewhere if (account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder()) { if (account.isDovecot()) { if (account.isDefaultFolder(foldername)) continue; } else { //skip default folder under shared if (account.isDefaultFolder(foldername) && parent != null && !parent.getFullName().equals(foldername)) continue; } } //skip hidden if (us.isFolderHidden(foldername)) continue; FolderCache mc = account.getFolderCache(foldername); if (mc == null && parent != null) { //continue; //System.out.println("foldername="+foldername+" parentname="+parent.getFullName()); FolderCache fcparent = account.getFolderCache(parent.getFullName()); mc = account.addSingleFoldersCache(fcparent, f); } //String shortfoldername=getShortFolderName(foldername); IMAPFolder imapf = (IMAPFolder) f; String atts[] = imapf.getAttributes(); boolean leaf = true; boolean noinferiors = false; if (account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder() && account.isDefaultFolder(foldername)) { } else if (!favorites) { for (String att : atts) { if (att.equals("\\HasChildren")) { if (!level1 || !foldername.equals(account.getInboxFolderFullName())) leaf = false; } else if (att.equals("\\Noinferiors")) noinferiors = true; } if (noinferiors) leaf = true; } //boolean leaf=isLeaf((IMAPFolder)f); //logger.debug("folder {} isleaf={}, level1={}",f.getFullName(),leaf,level1); //if (leaf) { // if (!level1 || !foldername.equals("INBOX")) leaf=false; //} if (!favorites && prefixFolder != null && !foldername.equals("INBOX") && !foldername.startsWith(account.getFolderPrefix())) { postPrefixList.add(f); } else { /* String iconCls = "wtmail-icon-imap-folder-xs"; int unread = 0; boolean hasUnread = false; boolean nounread = false; if (mc.isSharedFolder()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-shared-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isInbox()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-inbox-folder-xs"; } else if (mc.isSent()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-sent-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isDrafts()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-drafts-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isTrash()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-trash-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isArchive()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-archive-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isSpam()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-spam-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (mc.isDms()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-dms-folder-xs"; } else if (mc.isSharedInbox()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-inbox-folder-xs"; } if (!nounread) { unread = mc.getUnreadMessagesCount(); hasUnread = mc.hasUnreadChildren(); } String text = mc.getDescription(); String group = us.getMessageListGroup(foldername); if (group == null) { group = ""; } String ss = "{id:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(foldername) + "',text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(description) + "',folder:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(text) + "',leaf:" + leaf + ",iconCls: '" + iconCls + "',unread:" + unread + ",hasUnread:" + hasUnread + ",group: '"+group+"'"; boolean isSharedToSomeone=false; try { isSharedToSomeone=mc.isSharedToSomeone(); } catch(Exception exc) { } if (isSharedToSomeone) ss+=",isSharedToSomeone: true"; if (mc.isSharedFolder()) ss+=",isSharedRoot: true"; if (account.isUnderSharedFolder(foldername)) ss+=",isUnderShared: true"; if (mc.isInbox()) { ss += ",isInbox: true"; } if (mc.isSent()) { ss += ",isSent: true"; } if (account.isUnderSentFolder(mc.getFolderName())) { ss += ",isUnderSent: true"; } if (mc.isDrafts()) { ss += ",isDrafts: true"; } if (mc.isTrash()) { ss += ",isTrash: true"; } if (mc.isArchive()) { ss += ",isArchive: true"; } if (mc.isSpam()) { ss += ",isSpam: true"; } if (mc.isScanForcedOff()) { ss += ", scanOff: true"; } else if (mc.isScanForcedOn()) { ss += ", scanOn: true"; } else if (mc.isScanEnabled()) { ss += ", scanEnabled: true"; } boolean canRename=true; if (mc.isInbox() || mc.isSpecial() || mc.isSharedFolder() || (mc.getParent()!=null && mc.getParent().isSharedFolder())) canRename=false; ss += ", canRename: "+canRename; ss += ", account: '"+account.getId()+"'"; ss += "},"; out.print(ss); */ jsFolders.add(createJsFolder(mc, leaf)); } } //if we have a prefix folder output remaining folders if (!favorites && prefixFolder != null) { for (Folder ff : prefixFolder.list()) postPrefixList.add(ff); ArrayList<Folder> sortedFolders = sortFolders(account, postPrefixList.toArray(new Folder[postPrefixList.size()])); outputFolders(account, prefixFolder, sortedFolders.toArray(new Folder[sortedFolders.size()]), false, false, jsFolders); } } private JsFolder createJsFolder(FolderCache fc, boolean leaf) { String foldername = fc.getFolderName(); MailAccount account = fc.getAccount(); String iconCls = "wtmail-icon-imap-folder-xs"; int unread = 0; boolean hasUnread = false; boolean nounread = false; if (fc.isSharedFolder()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-shared-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isInbox()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-inbox-folder-xs"; } else if (fc.isSent()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-sent-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isDrafts()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-drafts-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isTrash()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-trash-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isArchive()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-archive-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isSpam()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-spam-folder-xs"; nounread = true; } else if (fc.isDms()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-dms-folder-xs"; } else if (fc.isSharedInbox()) { iconCls = "wtmail-icon-inbox-folder-xs"; } if (!nounread) { unread = fc.getUnreadMessagesCount(); hasUnread = fc.hasUnreadChildren(); } String text = fc.getDescription(); String group = us.getMessageListGroup(foldername); if (group == null) { group = ""; } JsFolder jsFolder = new JsFolder(); = foldername; jsFolder.text = text; jsFolder.folder = text; jsFolder.leaf = leaf; jsFolder.iconCls = iconCls; jsFolder.unread = unread; jsFolder.hasUnread = hasUnread; = group; boolean isSharedToSomeone = false; try { isSharedToSomeone = fc.isSharedToSomeone(); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (isSharedToSomeone) jsFolder.isSharedToSomeone = true; if (fc.isSharedFolder()) jsFolder.isSharedRoot = true; if (account.isUnderSharedFolder(foldername)) jsFolder.isUnderShared = true; if (fc.isInbox()) jsFolder.isInbox = true; if (fc.isSent()) jsFolder.isSent = true; if (account.isUnderSentFolder(fc.getFolderName())) jsFolder.isUnderSent = true; if (fc.isDrafts()) jsFolder.isDrafts = true; if (fc.isTrash()) jsFolder.isTrash = true; if (fc.isArchive()) jsFolder.isArchive = true; if (fc.isSpam()) jsFolder.isSpam = true; if (fc.isScanForcedOff()) jsFolder.scanOff = true; else if (fc.isScanForcedOn()) jsFolder.scanOn = true; else if (fc.isScanEnabled()) jsFolder.scanEnabled = true; boolean canRename = true; if (fc.isInbox() || fc.isSpecial() || fc.isSharedFolder() || (fc.getParent() != null && fc.getParent().isSharedFolder())) canRename = false; jsFolder.canRename = canRename; jsFolder.account = account.getId(); return jsFolder; } protected ArrayList<Folder> sortFolders(MailAccount account, Folder folders[]) { ArrayList<Folder> afolders = new ArrayList<Folder>(); ArrayList<Folder> sfolders = new ArrayList<Folder>(); HashMap<String, Folder> mfolders = new HashMap<String, Folder>(); //add all non special fo the array and map special ones for later insert Folder inbox = null; Folder sent = null; Folder drafts = null; Folder trash = null; Folder archive = null; Folder spam = null; for (Folder f : folders) { String foldername = f.getFullName(); String shortfoldername = account.getShortFolderName(foldername); if (!mfolders.containsKey(shortfoldername)) { mfolders.put(shortfoldername, f); if (account.isInboxFolder(shortfoldername)) inbox = f; else if (account.isSentFolder(shortfoldername)) sent = f; else if (account.isDraftsFolder(shortfoldername)) drafts = f; else if (account.isTrashFolder(shortfoldername)) trash = f; else if (account.isSpamFolder(shortfoldername)) spam = f; else if (account.isArchiveFolder(shortfoldername)) archive = f; else if (account.isSharedFolder(foldername)) sfolders.add(f); else afolders.add(f); } } if (sortfolders) { Collections.sort(afolders, new Comparator<Folder>() { @Override public int compare(Folder f1, Folder f2) { return f1.getFullName().toLowerCase().compareTo(f2.getFullName().toLowerCase()); } }); Collections.sort(sfolders, new Comparator<Folder>() { @Override public int compare(Folder f1, Folder f2) { return f1.getFullName().toLowerCase().compareTo(f2.getFullName().toLowerCase()); } }); } //add any mapped special folder in order on top if (archive != null) { afolders.add(0, archive); } if (trash != null) { afolders.add(0, trash); } if (spam != null) { afolders.add(0, spam); } if (sent != null) { afolders.add(0, sent); } if (drafts != null) { afolders.add(0, drafts); } if (inbox != null) { afolders.add(0, inbox); } //add shared folders at the end afolders.addAll(sfolders); return afolders; } public void processShowArchive(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { boolean connected = archiveAccount.checkStoreConnected(); if (!connected) throw new Exception("Mail account authentication error"); if (!archiveAccount.hasFolderCache()) archiveAccount.loadFoldersCache(archiveAccount, false); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processHideArchive(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { archiveAccount.disconnect(); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } public void processGetArchiveTree(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String pfoldername = request.getParameter("node"); MailAccount account = archiveAccount; //getAccount(request); Folder folder = null; try { boolean connected = account.checkStoreConnected(); if (!connected) throw new Exception("Mail account authentication error"); if (!account.hasFolderCache()) account.loadFoldersCache(account, true); boolean isroot = pfoldername.equals("/"); if (isroot) folder = account.getDefaultFolder(); else folder = account.getFolder(pfoldername); Folder folders[] = folder.list(); String fprefix = account.getFolderPrefix(); boolean level1 = (fprefix != null && fprefix.equals("INBOX.")); ArrayList<JsFolder> jsFolders = new ArrayList<>(); //out.print("{ data:["); if (isroot && account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder()) { Folder fcs[] = new Folder[0]; //check for other shared folders to be added Folder rfolders[] = account.getRealDefaultFolder().list(); ArrayList<Folder> afcs = new ArrayList<Folder>(); for (String sharedPrefix : account.getSharedPrefixes()) { for (Folder rfolder : rfolders) { if (rfolder.getFullName().equals(sharedPrefix)) afcs.add(rfolder); } } if (afcs.size() > 0) fcs = afcs.toArray(fcs); Folder xfolders[] = new Folder[1 + folders.length + fcs.length]; xfolders[0] = folder; System.arraycopy(folders, 0, xfolders, 1, folders.length); if (fcs.length > 0) System.arraycopy(fcs, 0, xfolders, 1 + folders.length, fcs.length); folders = xfolders; } outputFolders(account, folder, folders, level1, false, jsFolders); new JsonResult("data", jsFolders).printTo(out, false); //out.println("], message: '' }"); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } class FavoriteFolderData { FolderCache folderCache; String description; FavoriteFolderData(FolderCache fc, String desc) { this.folderCache = fc; this.description = desc; } } private boolean getFavoritesTreeDone = false; public void processGetFavoritesTree(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { //first call runs external checks if (!getFavoritesTreeDone) { for (MailAccount extacc : externalAccounts) { extacc.getFoldersThread().start(); } getFavoritesTreeDone = true; } try { //synchronized(mft) { ArrayList<JsFolder> jsFolders = new ArrayList<>(); //out.print("{ data:["); MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders favorites; boolean removeOldSetting = false; //use new setting if exists if (us.hasFavoriteFolders()) favorites = us.getFavoriteFolders(); //convert old setting else { MailUserSettings.Favorites off = us.getFavorites(); favorites = new MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders(); for (String foldername : off) { favorites.add(new MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolder(MAIN_ACCOUNT_ID, foldername, foldername)); } removeOldSetting = true; } MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders newFavorites = new MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders(); ArrayList<FavoriteFolderData> ffds = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < favorites.size(); ++i) { MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolder ff = favorites.get(i); MailAccount account = getAccount(ff.accountId); if (account != null) { Folder folder = account.getFolder(ff.folderId); if (folder.exists()) { FolderCache fc = new FolderCache(account, folder, this, environment); newFavorites.add(ff); ffds.add(new FavoriteFolderData(fc, ff.description)); } } } us.setFavoriteFolders(newFavorites); //remove old setting if present if (removeOldSetting) { us.deleteOldFavoritesSetting(); } for (FavoriteFolderData ffd : ffds) { JsFolder jsFolder = createJsFolder(ffd.folderCache, true); jsFolder.folder = ffd.description; jsFolders.add(jsFolder); } //outputFolders(mainAccount, mainAccount.getDefaultFolder(), folders, false, true, jsFolders); new JsonResult("data", jsFolders).printTo(out, false); //out.println("], message: '' }"); //} } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); } } public void processAddToFavorites(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String account = request.getParameter("account"); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String description = request.getParameter("description"); MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders favorites = us.getFavoriteFolders(); favorites.add(account, folder, description); us.setFavoriteFolders(favorites); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } public void processRemoveFavorite(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String account = request.getParameter("account"); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders favorites = us.getFavoriteFolders(); favorites.remove(account, folder); us.setFavoriteFolders(favorites); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } public void processMoveMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount fromaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("fromaccount")); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); MailAccount toaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("toaccount")); String tofolder = request.getParameter("tofolder"); String allfiltered = request.getParameter("allfiltered"); String smultifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean multifolder = smultifolder != null && smultifolder.equals("true"); String sfullthreads = request.getParameter("fullthreads"); boolean fullthreads = sfullthreads != null && sfullthreads.equals("true"); String uids[] = null; String sout = null; boolean archiving = false; try { fromaccount.checkStoreConnected(); toaccount.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = fromaccount.getFolderCache(fromfolder); FolderCache tomcache = toaccount.getFolderCache(tofolder); String foldertrash = toaccount.getFolderTrash(); String folderspam = toaccount.getFolderSpam(); String folderarchive = toaccount.getFolderArchive(); //check if tofolder is my Spam, and there is spamadm, move there if (toaccount.isSpamFolder(tofolder)) { String spamadmSpam = ss.getSpamadmSpam(); if (spamadmSpam != null) { folderspam = spamadmSpam; FolderCache fc = toaccount.getFolderCache(spamadmSpam); if (fc != null) tomcache = fc; } else if (toaccount.isUnderSharedFolder(fromfolder)) { String mainfolder = toaccount.getMainSharedFolder(fromfolder); if (mainfolder != null) { folderspam = mainfolder + toaccount.getFolderSeparator() + toaccount.getLastFolderName(folderspam); FolderCache fc = toaccount.getFolderCache(folderspam); if (fc != null) tomcache = fc; } } tofolder = folderspam; } //if trashing, check for shared profile trash else if (toaccount.isTrashFolder(tofolder)) { if (toaccount.isUnderSharedFolder(fromfolder)) { String mainfolder = toaccount.getMainSharedFolder(fromfolder); if (mainfolder != null) { foldertrash = mainfolder + toaccount.getFolderSeparator() + toaccount.getLastFolderName(foldertrash); FolderCache fc = toaccount.getFolderCache(foldertrash); if (fc != null) tomcache = fc; } } tofolder = foldertrash; } //if archiving, determine destination folder based on settings and shared profile else if (toaccount.isArchiveFolder(tofolder)) { if (toaccount.isUnderSharedFolder(fromfolder)) { String mainfolder = toaccount.getMainSharedFolder(fromfolder); if (mainfolder != null) { folderarchive = mainfolder + toaccount.getFolderSeparator() + toaccount.getLastFolderName(folderarchive); } } tofolder = folderarchive; archiving = true; } if (allfiltered == null) { uids = request.getParameterValues("ids"); boolean norows = false; if (uids.length == 1 && uids[0].length() == 0) norows = true; if (!norows) { if (!multifolder) { if (archiving) archiveMessages(mcache, folderarchive, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); else moveMessages(mcache, tomcache, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = fromaccount.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); if (archiving) archiveMessages(mcache, folderarchive, iuids, fullthreads); else moveMessages(mcache, tomcache, iuids, fullthreads); } } } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, millis: " + millis + ", tofolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(tofolder) + "', archiving: " + archiving + "\n}"; } else { uids = getMessageUIDs(mcache, request); if (archiving) archiveMessages(mcache, folderarchive, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); else moveMessages(mcache, tomcache, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); tomcache.refreshUnreads(); mcache.setForceRefresh(); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, unread: " + tomcache.getUnreadMessagesCount() + ", millis: " + millis + ", tofolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(tofolder) + "', archiving: " + archiving + "\n}"; } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processCopyMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount fromaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("fromaccount")); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); MailAccount toaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("toaccount")); String tofolder = request.getParameter("tofolder"); String allfiltered = request.getParameter("allfiltered"); String smultifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean multifolder = smultifolder != null && smultifolder.equals("true"); String sfullthreads = request.getParameter("fullthreads"); boolean fullthreads = sfullthreads != null && sfullthreads.equals("true"); String sout = null; String uids[] = null; try { fromaccount.checkStoreConnected(); toaccount.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = fromaccount.getFolderCache(fromfolder); FolderCache tomcache = toaccount.getFolderCache(tofolder); if (allfiltered == null) { uids = request.getParameterValues("ids"); if (!multifolder) copyMessages(mcache, tomcache, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = fromaccount.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); copyMessages(mcache, tomcache, iuids, fullthreads); } } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } else { uids = getMessageUIDs(mcache, request); copyMessages(mcache, tomcache, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); tomcache.refreshUnreads(); mcache.setForceRefresh(); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, unread: " + tomcache.getUnreadMessagesCount() + ", millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processDmsArchiveMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String tofolder = request.getParameter("tofolder"); int ix = tofolder.indexOf("|"); String idcategory = tofolder.substring(0, ix); String idsubcategory = tofolder.substring(ix + 1); String smultifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean multifolder = smultifolder != null && smultifolder.equals("true"); String sfullthreads = request.getParameter("fullthreads"); boolean fullthreads = sfullthreads != null && sfullthreads.equals("true"); String uids[] = null; String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); uids = request.getParameterValues("ids"); if (!multifolder) dmsArchiveMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), idcategory, idsubcategory, fullthreads); else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Integer.parseInt(uid); dmsArchiveMessages(mcache, iuids, idcategory, idsubcategory, fullthreads); } } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } String[] getMessageUIDs(FolderCache mcache, HttpServletRequest request) throws MessagingException, IOException { String psortfield = request.getParameter("sort"); String psortdir = request.getParameter("dir"); String pthreaded = null; //request.getParameter("threaded"); if (psortfield == null) { psortfield = "date"; } if (psortdir == null) { psortdir = "DESC"; } boolean threaded = (pthreaded != null && pthreaded.equals("1")); int sortby = 0; if (psortfield.equals("messageid")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_MSGIDX; } else if (psortfield.equals("date")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_DATE; } else if (psortfield.equals("priority")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_PRIORITY; } else if (psortfield.equals("to")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_RCPT; } else if (psortfield.equals("from")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SENDER; } else if (psortfield.equals("size")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SIZE; } else if (psortfield.equals("subject")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SUBJECT; } else if (psortfield.equals("status") || psortfield.equals("unread")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_STATUS; } else if (psortfield.equals("flag")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_FLAG; } boolean ascending = psortdir.equals("ASC"); String group = us.getMessageListGroup(mcache.getFolderName()); if (group == null) { group = ""; } int sort_group = 0; boolean groupascending = true; if (group.equals("messageid")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_MSGIDX; } else if (group.equals("gdate")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_DATE; groupascending = false; } else if (group.equals("priority")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_PRIORITY; } else if (group.equals("to")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_RCPT; } else if (group.equals("from")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SENDER; } else if (group.equals("size")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SIZE; } else if (group.equals("subject")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SUBJECT; } else if (group.equals("status")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_STATUS; } else if (group.equals("flag")) { sort_group = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_FLAG; } Message msgs[] = mcache.getMessages(sortby, ascending, false, sort_group, groupascending, threaded, null, false); ArrayList<String> aids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Message m : msgs) { aids.add("" + mcache.getUID(m)); /* String xids[]; try { xids=m.getHeader("Message-ID"); } catch(MessagingException exc) { continue; } if (xids!=null && xids.length>0) aids.add(xids[0]);*/ } String uids[] = new String[aids.size()]; aids.toArray(uids); return uids; } public void processDeleteMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String allfiltered = request.getParameter("allfiltered"); String smultifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean multifolder = smultifolder != null && smultifolder.equals("true"); String sfullthreads = request.getParameter("fullthreads"); boolean fullthreads = sfullthreads != null && sfullthreads.equals("true"); String sout = null; String uids[]; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (allfiltered == null) { uids = request.getParameterValues("ids"); if (!multifolder) { deleteMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), fullthreads); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); deleteMessages(mcache, iuids, fullthreads); } } sout = "{\nresult: true\n}"; } else { uids = getMessageUIDs(mcache, request); deleteMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), true); sout = "{\nresult: true\n}"; } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processFlagMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String flag = request.getParameter("flag"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { if (flag.equals("clear")) { clearMessagesFlag(mcache, toLongs(uids)); } else { flagMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), flag); } } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); if (flag.equals("clear")) clearMessagesFlag(mcache, iuids); else flagMessages(mcache, iuids, flag); } } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.PERMISSION_DENIED)).printTo(out); } } public void processSeenMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { setMessagesSeen(mcache, toLongs(uids)); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); setMessagesSeen(mcache, iuids); } } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processUnseenMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { setMessagesUnseen(mcache, toLongs(uids)); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); setMessagesUnseen(mcache, iuids); } } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout = "{\nresult: true, millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processManageHiddenFolders(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true); if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { ArrayList<JsHiddenFolder> hfolders = new ArrayList<>(); for (String folderId : us.getHiddenFolders()) { hfolders.add(new JsHiddenFolder(folderId, folderId)); } new JsonResult(hfolders).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.DELETE)) { ServletUtils.StringArray ids = ServletUtils.getObjectParameter(request, "ids", ServletUtils.StringArray.class, true); for (String id : ids) { us.setFolderHidden(id, false); } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.debug("Cannot restore hidden folders", exc); new JsonResult("Cannot restore hidden folders", exc).printTo(out); } } public void processSetScanFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); boolean value = false; String svalue = request.getParameter("value"); if (svalue != null) { value = svalue.equals("1"); } boolean recursive = false; String srecursive = request.getParameter("recursive"); if (srecursive != null) { recursive = srecursive.equals("1"); } String sout = null; Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(folder); setScanFolder(con, fc, value, recursive); sout = "{\nresult: true\n}"; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException exc) { } } } out.println(sout); } private void setScanFolder(Connection con, FolderCache fc, boolean value, boolean recursive) throws SQLException { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String iddomain = profile.getDomainId(); String login = profile.getUserId(); String folder = fc.getFolderName(); if (value) { OScan oscan = new OScan(iddomain, login, folder); ScanDAO.getInstance().insert(con, oscan); fc.setScanEnabled(true); } else { ScanDAO.getInstance().deleteById(con, iddomain, login, folder); fc.setScanEnabled(false); } if (recursive) { ArrayList<FolderCache> children = fc.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (FolderCache child : children) { setScanFolder(con, child, value, recursive); } } } } public void processSeenFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); boolean recursive = false; String srecursive = request.getParameter("recursive"); if (srecursive != null) { recursive = srecursive.equals("1"); } String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); setMessagesSeen(mcache, true, recursive); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout += "result: " + result + ", millis: " + millis + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + folder + "', oldname: '" + (mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processUnseenFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); boolean recursive = false; String srecursive = request.getParameter("recursive"); if (srecursive != null) { recursive = srecursive.equals("1"); } String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); setMessagesSeen(mcache, false, recursive); sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + folder + "', oldname: '" + (mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } private void setMessagesSeen(FolderCache mcache, boolean seen, boolean recursive) throws MessagingException { if (seen) { mcache.setMessagesSeen(); } else { mcache.setMessagesUnseen(); } if (recursive) { ArrayList<FolderCache> children = mcache.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (FolderCache fc : children) { setMessagesSeen(fc, seen, recursive); } } } } public String getPartName(Part p) throws MessagingException { String pname = p.getFileName(); // TODO: Remove code below if already included in JavaMail impl. if (pname == null) { String hctypes[] = p.getHeader("Content-Type"); if (hctypes == null || hctypes.length == 0) { return null; } String hctype = hctypes[0]; int ix = hctype.indexOf("name="); if (ix >= 0) { int sx = ix + 5; int ex = hctype.indexOf(";", sx); if (ex >= 0) { pname = hctype.substring(sx, ex); } else { pname = hctype.substring(sx); } pname = pname.trim(); int xx = pname.length() - 1; if (pname.charAt(0) == '"' && pname.charAt(xx) == '"') { pname = pname.substring(1, xx); } } if (pname == null) { return null; } logger.warn("Code in getPartName is still used. Please review it!"); try { pname = MimeUtility.decodeText(pname); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); } } return pname; } public void processRequestCloudFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String subject = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "subject", true); String path = "/Uploads"; int sid = vfsmanager.getMyDocumentsStoreId(); FileObject fo = vfsmanager.getStoreFile(sid, path); if (!fo.exists()) fo.createFolder(); String dirname = PathUtils .sanitizeFolderName(DateTimeUtils.createYmdHmsFormatter(environment.getProfile().getTimeZone()) .print( + " - " + subject); FileObject dir = fo.resolveFile(dirname); if (!dir.exists()) dir.createFolder(); JsonResult jsres = new JsonResult(); jsres.put("storeId", sid); jsres.put("filePath", path + "/" + dirname + "/"); jsres.printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Request cloud file failure", ex); new JsonResult(ex).printTo(out); } } public void processSaveColumnSize(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String name = request.getParameter("name"); String size = request.getParameter("size"); us.setColumnSize(name, Integer.parseInt(size)); out.println("{ result: true }"); } public void processSaveColumnsOrder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String orderInfo = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "orderInfo", true); ColumnsOrderSetting cos = ColumnsOrderSetting.fromJson(orderInfo); if (cos == null) { us.clearColumnsOrderSetting(); } else { us.setColumnsOrderSetting(cos); } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error saving columns order.", ex); new JsonResult(false).printTo(out); } } public void processSaveColumnVisibility(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "folder", true); String name = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "name", true); Boolean visible = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "visible", false); ColumnVisibilitySetting cvs = us.getColumnVisibilitySetting(folder); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(folder); cvs.put(name, visible); // Handle default cases...avoid data waste! //if(ColumnVisibilitySetting.isDefault(fc.isSent(), name, cvs.get(name))) cvs.remove(name); if (ColumnVisibilitySetting.isDefault(account.isUnderSentFolder(fc.getFolderName()), name, cvs.get(name))) cvs.remove(name); if (cvs.isEmpty()) { us.clearColumnVisibilitySetting(folder); } else { us.setColumnVisibilitySetting(folder, cvs); } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error saving column visibility.", ex); new JsonResult(false).printTo(out); } } public void processNewFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String name = request.getParameter("name"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); Folder newfolder = null; boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; name = account.normalizeName(name); if (folder == null || (account.hasDifferentDefaultFolder() && folder.trim().length() == 0)) mcache = account.getRootFolderCache(); else mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); newfolder = mcache.createFolder(name); if (newfolder == null) { result = false; } else { if (!account.isRoot(mcache)) { sout += "parent: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache.getFolderName()) + "',\n"; } else { sout += "parent: null,\n"; } sout += "name: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newfolder.getName()) + "',\n"; sout += "fullname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newfolder.getFullName()) + "',\n"; } sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "', oldname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processRenameFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String name = request.getParameter("name"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; MailUserSettings.FavoriteFolders favorites = us.getFavoriteFolders(); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); name = account.normalizeName(name); String newid = account.renameFolder(folder, name); if (favorites.contains(account.getId(), folder)) { favorites.remove(account.getId(), folder); favorites.add(account.getId(), newid, name); us.setFavoriteFolders(favorites); } sout += "oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "',\n"; sout += "newid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newid) + "',\n"; sout += "newname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(name) + "',\n"; sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "', oldname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processHideFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; if (account.isSpecialFolder(folder)) { result = false; } else { hideFolder(account, folder); } sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processDeleteFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); if (!account.isUnderFolder(account.getFolderArchive(), folder) && account.isSpecialFolder(folder)) { result = false; } else { result = account.deleteFolder(folder); if (result) { sout += "oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "',\n"; } } sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "', oldname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processTrashFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); if (!account.isUnderFolder(account.getFolderArchive(), folder) && account.isSpecialFolder(folder)) { result = false; } else { FolderCache newfc = account.trashFolder(folder); if (newfc != null) { sout += "newid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newfc.getFolder().getFullName()) + "',\n"; sout += "trashid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newfc.getParent().getFolder().getFullName()) + "',\n"; } result = true; } sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processMoveFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String to = request.getParameter("to"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); boolean result = true; sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); if (account.isSpecialFolder(folder)) { result = false; } else { FolderCache newfc = account.moveFolder(folder, to); Folder newf = newfc.getFolder(); sout += "oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "',\n"; sout += "newid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newf.getFullName()) + "',\n"; sout += "newname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newf.getName()) + "',\n"; if (to != null) { sout += "parent: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(newf.getParent().getFullName()) + "',\n"; } result = true; } sout += "result: " + result + "\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "', oldname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processEmptyFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String sout = null; FolderCache mcache = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); sout = "{\n"; mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); account.emptyFolder(folder); sout += "oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "',\n"; sout += "result: true\n}"; } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, oldid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(folder) + "', oldname: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(mcache != null ? mcache.getFolder().getName() : "unknown") + "', text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processGetSource(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String foldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String uid = request.getParameter("id"); String sheaders = request.getParameter("headers"); boolean headers = sheaders.equals("true"); String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); //StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<pre>"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message msg = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(uid)); //Folder folder=msg.getFolder(); for (Enumeration e = msg.getAllHeaders(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Header header = (Header) e.nextElement(); //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(header.getName()) + ": " + MailUtils.htmlescape(header.getValue()) + "\n"); sb.append(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue() + "\n"); } if (!headers) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(msg.getInputStream())); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(line) + "\n"); sb.append(line + "\n"); } } //sb.append("</pre>"); sout = "{\nresult: true, source: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(sb.toString()) + "'\n}"; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); } public void processSaveMail(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String foldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String uid = request.getParameter("id"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message msg = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(uid)); String subject = msg.getSubject(); ServletUtils.setFileStreamHeadersForceDownload(response, subject + ".eml"); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); msg.writeTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processDownloadMails(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String foldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String sout = null; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message msgs[] = mcache.getAllMessages(); String zipname = "Webtop-mails-" + getInternationalFolderName(mcache); response.setContentType("application/x-zip-compressed"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + zipname + ".zip\""); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); JarOutputStream jos = new java.util.jar.JarOutputStream(out); outputJarMailFolder(null, msgs, jos); int cut = foldername.length() + 1; cycleMailFolder(account, mcache.getFolder(), cut, jos); jos.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } private void cycleMailFolder(MailAccount account, Folder folder, int cut, JarOutputStream jos) throws Exception { for (Folder child : folder.list()) { String fullname = child.getFullName(); String relname = fullname.substring(cut).replace(folder.getSeparator(), '/'); jos.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(relname + "/")); jos.closeEntry(); cycleMailFolder(account, child, cut, jos); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fullname); Message msgs[] = mcache.getAllMessages(); if (msgs.length > 0) outputJarMailFolder(relname, msgs, jos); } } private void outputJarMailFolder(String foldername, Message msgs[], JarOutputStream jos) throws Exception { int digits = (msgs.length > 0 ? (int) Math.log10(msgs.length) + 1 : 1); for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; ++i) { Message msg = msgs[i]; String subject = msg.getSubject(); if (subject != null) subject = subject.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_').replace(':', '-'); else subject = ""; java.util.Date date = msg.getReceivedDate(); if (date == null) date = new java.util.Date(); String fname = LangUtils.zerofill(i + 1, digits) + " - " + subject + ".eml"; String fullname = null; if (foldername != null && !foldername.isEmpty()) fullname = foldername + "/" + fname; else fullname = fname; JarEntry je = new JarEntry(fullname); je.setTime(date.getTime()); jos.putNextEntry(je); msg.writeTo(jos); jos.closeEntry(); } jos.flush(); } public void processGetReplyMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); //WebTopApp webtopapp=environment.getWebTopApp(); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String preplyall = request.getParameter("replyall"); boolean replyAll = false; if (preplyall != null && preplyall.equals("1")) { replyAll = true; } String sout = null; try { String format = us.getFormat(); boolean isHtml = format.equals("html"); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); Message m = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(puidmessage)); if (m.isExpunged()) { throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged"); } int newmsgid = getNewMessageID(); SimpleMessage smsg = getReplyMsg(getNewMessageID(), account, m, replyAll, account.isSentFolder(pfoldername), isHtml, profile.getEmailAddress(), mprofile.isIncludeMessageInReply(), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_FROMTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_TOTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_CCTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_DATETITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_SUBJECTTITLE)); sout = "{\n result: true,"; Identity ident = mprofile.getIdentity(pfoldername); String inreplyto = smsg.getInReplyTo(); String references[] = smsg.getReferences(); sout += " replyfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(pfoldername) + "',"; if (inreplyto != null) { sout += " inreplyto: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(inreplyto) + "',"; } if (references != null) { String refs = ""; for (String s : references) { refs += StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(s) + " "; } sout += " references: '" + refs.trim() + "',"; } String subject = smsg.getSubject(); sout += " subject: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(subject) + "',\n"; sout += " recipients: [\n"; String tos[] = smsg.getTo().split(";"); boolean first = true; for (String to : tos) { if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += " {rtype:'to',email:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(to) + "'}"; first = false; } String ccs[] = smsg.getCc().split(";"); for (String cc : ccs) { if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += " {rtype:'cc',email:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(cc) + "'}"; first = false; } sout += "\n ],\n"; sout += " identityId: " + ident.getIdentityId() + ",\n"; sout += " origuid:" + puidmessage + ",\n"; if (isHtml) { String html = smsg.getContent(); //cid inline attachments and relative html href substitution HTMLMailData maildata = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); first = true; sout += " attachments: [\n"; for (int i = 0; i < maildata.getAttachmentPartCount(); ++i) { try { Part part = maildata.getAttachmentPart(i); String filename = getPartName(part); String cids[] = part.getHeader("Content-ID"); if (cids != null && cids[0] != null) { String cid = cids[0]; if (cid.startsWith("<")) cid = cid.substring(1); if (cid.endsWith(">")) cid = cid.substring(0, cid.length() - 1); String mime = MailUtils.getMediaTypeFromHeader(part.getContentType()); UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile("" + newmsgid, filename, mime, part.getInputStream()); if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(cid) + "', " + " inline: true, " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + ", " + " editable: " + isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename) + " " + " }"; first = false; //TODO: change this weird matching of cids2urls! html = StringUtils.replace(html, "cid:" + cid, "service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId=" + upfile.getUploadId() + "&cid=" + cid); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } sout += "\n ],\n"; sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html) + "',\n"; } else { String text = smsg.getTextContent(); sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(text) + "',\n"; } sout += " format:'" + format + "'\n"; sout += "\n}"; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } if (sout != null) { out.println(sout); } } public void processGetForwardMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pnewmsgid = request.getParameter("newmsgid"); String pattached = request.getParameter("attached"); boolean attached = (pattached != null && pattached.equals("1")); long newmsgid = Long.parseLong(pnewmsgid); String sout = null; try { String format = us.getFormat(); boolean isHtml = format.equals("html"); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); Message m = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(puidmessage)); if (m.isExpunged()) { throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged"); } SimpleMessage smsg = getForwardMsg(newmsgid, m, isHtml, lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_FROMTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_TOTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_CCTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_DATETITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_SUBJECTTITLE), attached); sout = "{\n result: true,"; Identity ident = mprofile.getIdentity(pfoldername); String forwardedfrom = smsg.getForwardedFrom(); sout += " forwardedfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(pfoldername) + "',"; if (forwardedfrom != null) { sout += " forwardedfrom: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(forwardedfrom) + "',"; } String subject = smsg.getSubject(); sout += " subject: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(subject) + "',\n"; String html = smsg.getContent(); String text = smsg.getTextContent(); if (!attached) { HTMLMailData maildata = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); boolean first = true; sout += " attachments: [\n"; for (int i = 0; i < maildata.getAttachmentPartCount(); ++i) { try { Part part = maildata.getAttachmentPart(i); String filename = getPartName(part); if (!part.isMimeType("message/*")) { String cids[] = part.getHeader("Content-ID"); String cid = null; //String cid=filename; if (cids != null && cids[0] != null) { cid = cids[0]; if (cid.startsWith("<")) cid = cid.substring(1); if (cid.endsWith(">")) cid = cid.substring(0, cid.length() - 1); } if (filename == null) filename = cid; String mime = MailUtils.getMediaTypeFromHeader(part.getContentType()); UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile(pnewmsgid, filename, mime, part.getInputStream()); boolean inline = false; if (part.getDisposition() != null) { inline = part.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE); } if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: " + (cid == null ? null : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(cid) + "'") + ", " + " inline: " + inline + ", " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + ", " + " editable: " + isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename) + " " + " }"; first = false; //TODO: change this weird matching of cids2urls! html = StringUtils.replace(html, "cid:" + cid, "service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId=" + upfile.getUploadId() + "&cid=" + cid); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } sout += "\n ],\n"; //String surl = "service-request?service="+SERVICE_ID+"&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&newmsgid=" + newmsgid + "&cid="; //html = replaceCidUrls(html, maildata, surl); } else { String filename = m.getSubject() + ".eml"; UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile(pnewmsgid, filename, "message/rfc822", ((IMAPMessage) m).getMimeStream()); sout += " attachments: [\n"; sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: null, " + " inline: false, " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + ", " + " editable: " + isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename) + " " + " }"; sout += "\n ],\n"; } sout += " identityId: " + ident.getIdentityId() + ",\n"; sout += " origuid:" + puidmessage + ",\n"; if (isHtml) { sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html) + "',\n"; } else { sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(text) + "',\n"; } sout += " format:'" + format + "'\n"; sout += "\n}"; out.println(sout); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; out.println(sout); } } private boolean isPreviewBalanceTags(InternetAddress ia) { return previewBalanceTags; } public void processGetEditMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pnewmsgid = request.getParameter("newmsgid"); long newmsgid = Long.parseLong(pnewmsgid); String sout = null; try { MailEditFormat editFormat = ServletUtils.getEnumParameter(request, "format", null, MailEditFormat.class); if (editFormat == null) editFormat = EnumUtils.forSerializedName(us.getFormat(), MailEditFormat.HTML, MailEditFormat.class); boolean isPlainEdit = MailEditFormat.PLAIN_TEXT.equals(editFormat); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); IMAPMessage m = (IMAPMessage) mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(puidmessage)); m.setPeek(us.isManualSeen()); //boolean wasseen = m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); String vheader[] = m.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To"); boolean receipt = false; int priority = 3; boolean recipients = false; boolean toDelete = false; if (account.isDraftsFolder(pfoldername)) { if (vheader != null && vheader[0] != null) { receipt = true; } priority = getPriority(m); recipients = true; //if autosaved drafts, delete String values[] = m.getHeader(HEADER_X_WEBTOP_MSGID); if (values != null && values.length > 0) { try { long msgId = Long.parseLong(values[0]); if (msgId > 0) { toDelete = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { } } } sout = "{\n result: true,"; String subject = m.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } sout += " subject: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(subject) + "',\n"; String inreplyto = null; String references[] = null; String vs[] = m.getHeader("In-Reply-To"); if (vs != null && vs[0] != null) { inreplyto = vs[0]; } references = m.getHeader("References"); if (inreplyto != null) { vs = m.getHeader("Sonicle-reply-folder"); String replyfolder = null; if (vs != null && vs[0] != null) { replyfolder = vs[0]; } if (replyfolder != null) { sout += " replyfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(replyfolder) + "',"; } sout += " inreplyto: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(inreplyto) + "',"; } if (references != null) { String refs = ""; for (String s : references) { refs += StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(s) + " "; } sout += " references: '" + refs.trim() + "',"; } String forwardedfrom = null; vs = m.getHeader("Forwarded-From"); if (vs != null && vs[0] != null) { forwardedfrom = vs[0]; } if (forwardedfrom != null) { vs = m.getHeader("Sonicle-forwarded-folder"); String forwardedfolder = null; if (vs != null && vs[0] != null) { forwardedfolder = vs[0]; } if (forwardedfolder != null) { sout += " forwardedfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(forwardedfolder) + "',"; } sout += " forwardedfrom: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(forwardedfrom) + "',"; } sout += " receipt: " + receipt + ",\n"; sout += " priority: " + (priority >= 3 ? false : true) + ",\n"; Identity ident = null; Address from[] = m.getFrom(); InternetAddress iafrom = null; if (from != null && from.length > 0) { iafrom = (InternetAddress) from[0]; String email = iafrom.getAddress(); String displayname = iafrom.getPersonal(); if (displayname == null) displayname = email; //sout+=" from: { email: '"+StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(email)+"', displayname: '"+StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(displayname)+"' },\n"; ident = mprofile.getIdentity(displayname, email); } sout += " recipients: [\n"; if (recipients) { Address tos[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); String srec = ""; if (tos != null) { for (Address to : tos) { if (srec.length() > 0) { srec += ",\n"; } srec += " { " + "rtype: 'to', " + "email: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(getDecodedAddress(to)) + "'" + " }"; } } Address ccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC); if (ccs != null) { for (Address cc : ccs) { if (srec.length() > 0) { srec += ",\n"; } srec += " { " + "rtype: 'cc', " + "email: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(getDecodedAddress(cc)) + "'" + " }"; } } Address bccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC); if (bccs != null) { for (Address bcc : bccs) { if (srec.length() > 0) { srec += ",\n"; } srec += " { " + "rtype: 'bcc', " + "email: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(getDecodedAddress(bcc)) + "'" + " }"; } } sout += srec; } else { sout += " { " + "rtype: 'to', " + "email: ''" + " }"; } sout += " ],\n"; String html = ""; boolean balanceTags = isPreviewBalanceTags(iafrom); ArrayList<String> htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, newmsgid, true, balanceTags); for (String xhtml : htmlparts) { html += xhtml + "<BR><BR>"; } HTMLMailData maildata = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); //if(!wasseen){ // if (us.isManualSeen()) { // m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false); // } //} boolean first = true; sout += " attachments: [\n"; for (int i = 0; i < maildata.getAttachmentPartCount(); ++i) { Part part = maildata.getAttachmentPart(i); String filename = getPartName(part); String cids[] = part.getHeader("Content-ID"); String cid = null; //String cid=filename; if (cids != null && cids[0] != null) { cid = cids[0]; if (cid.startsWith("<")) cid = cid.substring(1); if (cid.endsWith(">")) cid = cid.substring(0, cid.length() - 1); } if (filename == null) { filename = cid; } String mime = part.getContentType(); UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile(pnewmsgid, filename, mime, part.getInputStream()); boolean inline = false; if (part.getDisposition() != null) { inline = part.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE); } if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: " + (cid == null ? null : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(cid) + "'") + ", " + " inline: " + inline + ", " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + " " + " }"; first = false; //TODO: change this weird matching of cids2urls! html = StringUtils.replace(html, "cid:" + cid, "service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId=" + upfile.getUploadId() + "&cid=" + cid); } sout += "\n ],\n"; if (ident != null) sout += " identityId: " + ident.getIdentityId() + ",\n"; sout += " origuid:" + puidmessage + ",\n"; sout += " deleted:" + toDelete + ",\n"; sout += " folder:'" + pfoldername + "',\n"; sout += " content:'" + (isPlainEdit ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlToText(MailUtils.htmlunescapesource(html))) : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html)) + "',\n"; sout += " format:'" + EnumUtils.toSerializedName(editFormat) + "'\n"; sout += "\n}"; m.setPeek(false); if (toDelete) { m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); m.getFolder().expunge(); } out.println(sout); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } } public void processManageMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String sendAction = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "sendAction", "save"); if (sendAction.equals("save")) { processSaveMessage(request, response, out); } else if (sendAction.equals("send")) { processSendMessage(request, response, out); } else if (sendAction.equals("schedule")) { processScheduleMessage(request, response, out); } else { throw new Exception("Invlid send action operation " + sendAction); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); String msg = cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : exc.getMessage(); JsonResult json = new JsonResult(false, msg); json.printTo(out); } } public void processSendMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { JsonResult json = null; CoreManager coreMgr = WT.getCoreManager(); IContactsManager contactsManager = (IContactsManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.contacts", true, environment.getProfileId()); // TODO: Cloud integration!!! /* VFSService vfs=(VFSService)wts.getServiceByName("vfs"); ArrayList<String> hashlinks=null; if (vfs!=null) { //look for links to cloud in the html String html=request.getParameter("content"); hashlinks=new ArrayList<String>(); int hlx=-1; String puburl=wtd.getSetting(""); char chars[]=new char[] { '\'', '"'}; for(char c: chars) { String pattern="<a href="+c+puburl+"/public/vfs/"; Service.logger.debug("Looking for pattern "+pattern); while((hlx=html.indexOf(pattern,hlx+1))>=0) { int xhash1=hlx+pattern.length(); int xhash2=html.indexOf(c,xhash1); if (xhash2>xhash1) { String hash=html.substring(xhash1,xhash2); Service.logger.debug("Found hash "+hash); hashlinks.add(hash); } } } }*/ try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); //String emails[]=request.getParameterValues("recipients"); Payload<MapItem, JsMessage> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsMessage.class); JsMessage jsmsg =; long msgId = ServletUtils.getLongParameter(request, "msgId", true); boolean isFax = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "isFax", false); boolean save = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "save", false); if (isFax) { int faxmaxtos = getEnv().getCoreServiceSettings().getFaxMaxRecipients(); //check for valid fax recipients String faxpattern = getEnv().getCoreServiceSettings().getFaxPattern(); String regex = "^" + faxpattern.replace("{number}", "(\\d+)").replace("{username}", "(\\w+)") + "$"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); int nemails = 0; for (JsRecipient jsr : jsmsg.recipients) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty( continue; ++nemails; if (StringUtils.isNumeric( continue; boolean matches = false; try { InternetAddress ia = new InternetAddress(; String email = ia.getAddress(); matches = pattern.matcher(email).matches(); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (!matches) { throw new Exception(lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FAX_ADDRESS_ERROR)); } } if (faxmaxtos > 0 && nemails > faxmaxtos) { throw new WTException(lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.FAX_MAXADDRESS_ERROR), faxmaxtos); } } account.checkStoreConnected(); //String attachments[] = request.getParameterValues("attachments"); //if (attachments == null) { // attachments = new String[0]; //} SimpleMessage msg = prepareMessage(jsmsg, msgId, save, isFax); Identity ifrom = msg.getFrom(); String from = environment.getProfile().getEmailAddress(); if (ifrom != null) { from = ifrom.getEmail(); } account.checkStoreConnected(); Exception exc = sendMessage(msg, jsmsg.attachments); if (exc == null) { //if is draft, check for deletion if (jsmsg.draftuid > 0 && jsmsg.draftfolder != null && ss.isDefaultFolderDraftsDeleteMsgOnSend()) { FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(jsmsg.draftfolder); fc.deleteMessages(new long[] { jsmsg.draftuid }, false); } //Save used recipients for (JsRecipient rcpt : { String email =; if (email != null && email.trim().length() > 0) coreMgr.autoLearnInternetRecipient(email); } //Save subject for suggestions if (jsmsg.subject != null && jsmsg.subject.trim().length() > 0) WT.getCoreManager().addServiceStoreEntry(SERVICE_ID, "subject", jsmsg.subject.toUpperCase(), jsmsg.subject); coreMgr.deleteMyAutosaveData(getEnv().getClientTrackingID(), SERVICE_ID, "newmail", "" + msgId); deleteAutosavedDraft(account, msgId); // TODO: Cloud integration!!! Destination emails added to share /* if (vfs!=null && hashlinks!=null && hashlinks.size()>0) { for(String hash: hashlinks) { Service.logger.debug("Adding emails to hash "+hash); vfs.setAuthEmails(hash, from, emails); } }*/ FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(account.getFolderSent()); fc.setForceRefresh(); //check for in-reply-to and set the answered flags //String inreplyto = request.getParameter("inreplyto"); //String replyfolder = request.getParameter("replyfolder"); //String forwardedfrom = request.getParameter("forwardedfrom"); //String forwardedfolder = request.getParameter("forwardedfolder"); //String soriguid=request.getParameter("origuid"); //long origuid=0; //try { origuid=Long.parseLong(soriguid); } catch(RuntimeException rexc) {} String foundfolder = null; if (jsmsg.forwardedfrom != null && jsmsg.forwardedfrom.trim().length() > 0) { try { foundfolder = foundfolder = flagForwardedMessage(account, jsmsg.forwardedfolder, jsmsg.forwardedfrom, jsmsg.origuid); } catch (Exception xexc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", xexc); } } else if ((jsmsg.inreplyto != null && jsmsg.inreplyto.trim().length() > 0) || (jsmsg.replyfolder != null && jsmsg.replyfolder.trim().length() > 0 && jsmsg.origuid > 0)) { try { String[] toRecipients = SimpleMessage.breakAddr(msg.getTo()); for (String toRecipient : toRecipients) { InternetAddress internetAddress = getInternetAddress(toRecipient); String contactEmail = internetAddress.getAddress(); String contactPersonal = internetAddress.getPersonal(); Condition<ContactQuery> predicate = new ContactQuery().email().eq(contactEmail); List<Integer> myCategories = contactsManager.listCategoryIds(); List<Integer> sharedCategories = contactsManager.listIncomingCategoryIds(); myCategories.addAll(sharedCategories); boolean existsContact = contactsManager.existContact(myCategories, predicate); if (!existsContact) { sendAddContactMessage(contactEmail, contactPersonal); break; } } foundfolder = flagAnsweredMessage(account, jsmsg.replyfolder, jsmsg.inreplyto, jsmsg.origuid); } catch (Exception xexc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", xexc); } } json = new JsonResult().set("foundfolder", foundfolder).set("saved", Boolean.FALSE); } else { Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); String msgstr = cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : exc.getMessage(); json = new JsonResult(false, msgstr); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); String msg = cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : exc.getMessage(); json = new JsonResult(false, msg); } json.printTo(out); } private void sendAddContactMessage(String email, String personal) { this.environment.notify(new AddContactMessage(email, personal)); } private String flagAnsweredMessage(MailAccount account, String replyfolder, String id, long origuid) throws MessagingException { String foundfolder = null; if (replyfolder != null) { if (_flagAnsweredMessage(account, replyfolder, origuid)) foundfolder = replyfolder; } if (foundfolder == null) { SonicleIMAPFolder.RecursiveSearchResult rsr = account.recursiveSearchByMessageID("", id); if (rsr != null) { _flagAnsweredMessage(account, rsr.foldername, rsr.uid); foundfolder = rsr.foldername; } } return foundfolder; } private boolean _flagAnsweredMessage(MailAccount account, String foldername, long uid) throws MessagingException { Message msg = null; SonicleIMAPFolder sifolder = (SonicleIMAPFolder) account.getFolder(foldername);; msg = sifolder.getMessageByUID(uid); boolean found = msg != null; if (found) { msg.setFlags(FolderCache.repliedFlags, true); } sifolder.close(true); return found; } private String flagForwardedMessage(MailAccount account, String forwardedfolder, String id, long origuid) throws MessagingException { String foundfolder = null; if (forwardedfolder != null) { if (_flagForwardedMessage(account, forwardedfolder, origuid)) foundfolder = forwardedfolder; } if (foundfolder == null) { SonicleIMAPFolder.RecursiveSearchResult rsr = account.recursiveSearchByMessageID("", id); if (rsr != null) { _flagForwardedMessage(account, rsr.foldername, rsr.uid); foundfolder = rsr.foldername; } } return foundfolder; } private boolean _flagForwardedMessage(MailAccount account, String foldername, long uid) throws MessagingException { Message msg = null; SonicleIMAPFolder sifolder = (SonicleIMAPFolder) account.getFolder(foldername);; msg = sifolder.getMessageByUID(uid); boolean found = msg != null; if (found) { msg.setFlags(FolderCache.forwardedFlags, true); } sifolder.close(true); return found; } public void processSaveMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); JsonResult json = null; CoreManager coreMgr = WT.getCoreManager(); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); Payload<MapItem, JsMessage> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsMessage.class); JsMessage jsmsg =; long msgId = ServletUtils.getLongParameter(request, "msgId", true); //String attachments[] = request.getParameterValues("attachments"); String savefolder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "savefolder", false); //if (attachments == null) { // attachments = new String[0]; //} SimpleMessage msg = prepareMessage(jsmsg, msgId, false, false); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache fc = null; if (savefolder == null) { fc = determineSentFolder(account, msg); } else { fc = account.getFolderCache(savefolder); } Exception exc = saveMessage(msg, jsmsg.attachments, fc); if (exc == null) { coreMgr.deleteMyAutosaveData(getEnv().getClientTrackingID(), SERVICE_ID, "newmail", "" + msgId); deleteAutosavedDraft(account, msgId); if ( > 0 && != null && fc.getFolder().getFullName().equals( { fc.deleteMessages(new long[] { }, false); } fc.setForceRefresh(); json = new JsonResult().set("saved", Boolean.TRUE); } else { json = new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); json = new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()); } json.printTo(out); } private FolderCache determineSentFolder(MailAccount account, SimpleMessage msg) throws MessagingException { String draftsfolder = account.getFolderDrafts(); Identity ident = msg.getFrom(); if (ident != null) { String mainfolder = ident.getMainFolder(); if (mainfolder != null && mainfolder.trim().length() > 0) { String newdraftsfolder = mainfolder + account.getFolderSeparator() + account.getLastFolderName(draftsfolder); try { Folder folder = account.getFolder(newdraftsfolder); if (folder.exists()) { draftsfolder = newdraftsfolder; } } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error on identity {}/{} Drafts Folder", environment.getProfile().getUserId(), ident.getEmail(), exc); } } } FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(draftsfolder); return fc; } public void processScheduleMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { JsonResult json = null; CoreManager coreMgr = WT.getCoreManager(); try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); Payload<MapItem, JsMessage> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsMessage.class); JsMessage jsmsg =; long msgId = ServletUtils.getLongParameter(request, "msgId", true); String savefolder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "savefolder", false); String scheddate = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "scheddate", true); String schedtime = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "schedtime", true); String schednotify = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "schednotify", true); /*if (attachments == null) { attachments = new String[0]; }*/ SimpleMessage msg = prepareMessage(jsmsg, msgId, false, false); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache fc = null; if (savefolder == null) { fc = account.getFolderCache(account.getFolderDrafts()); } else { fc = account.getFolderCache(savefolder); } Exception exc = scheduleMessage(msg, jsmsg.attachments, fc, scheddate, schedtime, schednotify); if (exc == null) { coreMgr.deleteMyAutosaveData(getEnv().getClientTrackingID(), SERVICE_ID, "newmail", "" + msgId); deleteAutosavedDraft(account, msgId); fc.setForceRefresh(); json = new JsonResult().set("saved", Boolean.TRUE); } else { json = new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); json = new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()); } json.printTo(out); } public void processDiscardMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { JsonResult json = null; CoreManager coreMgr = WT.getCoreManager(); try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); long msgId = ServletUtils.getLongParameter(request, "msgId", true); deleteCloudAttachments(msgId); coreMgr.deleteMyAutosaveData(getEnv().getClientTrackingID(), SERVICE_ID, "newmail", "" + msgId); deleteAutosavedDraft(account, msgId); json = new JsonResult(); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); json = new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()); } json.printTo(out); } private SimpleMessage prepareMessage(JsMessage jsmsg, long msgId, boolean save, boolean isFax) throws Exception { PrivateEnvironment env = environment; UserProfile profile = env.getProfile(); //expand multiple addresses ArrayList<String> aemails = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> artypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsRecipient jsrcpt : jsmsg.recipients) { String emails[] = StringUtils.split(, ';'); for (String email : emails) { aemails.add(email); artypes.add(jsrcpt.rtype); } } String emails[] = new String[aemails.size()]; emails = (String[]) aemails.toArray(emails); String rtypes[] = new String[artypes.size()]; rtypes = (String[]) artypes.toArray(rtypes); //String replyfolder = request.getParameter("replyfolder"); //String inreplyto = request.getParameter("inreplyto"); //String references = request.getParameter("references"); //String forwardedfolder = request.getParameter("forwardedfolder"); //String forwardedfrom = request.getParameter("forwardedfrom"); //String subject = request.getParameter("subject"); //String mime = request.getParameter("mime"); //String sident = request.getParameter("identity"); //String content = request.getParameter("content"); //String msgid = request.getParameter("newmsgid"); //String ssave = request.getParameter("save"); //boolean save = (ssave != null && ssave.equals("true")); //String sreceipt = request.getParameter("receipt"); //boolean receipt = (sreceipt != null && sreceipt.equals("true")); //String spriority = request.getParameter("priority"); //boolean priority = (spriority != null && spriority.equals("true")); //boolean isFax = request.getParameter("fax") != null; String to = null; String cc = null; String bcc = null; for (int i = 0; i < emails.length; ++i) { //String email=decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(emails[i].getBytes())).toString(); String email = emails[i]; if (email == null || email.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } //Check for list boolean checkemail = true; boolean listdone = false; if (email.indexOf('@') < 0) { if (isFax && StringUtils.isNumeric(email)) { String faxpattern = getEnv().getCoreServiceSettings().getFaxPattern(); String faxemail = faxpattern.replace("{number}", email).replace("{username}", profile.getUserId()); email = faxemail; } } else { //check for list if one email with domain equals one allowed service id InternetAddress ia = null; try { ia = new InternetAddress(email); } catch (AddressException exc) { } if (ia != null) { String iamail = ia.getAddress(); String dom = iamail.substring(iamail.indexOf("@") + 1); CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); if (environment.getSession().isServiceAllowed(dom)) { List<Recipient> rcpts = core.expandVirtualProviderRecipient(iamail); for (Recipient rcpt : rcpts) { String xemail = rcpt.getAddress(); String xpersonal = rcpt.getPersonal(); String xrtype = EnumUtils.toSerializedName(rcpt.getType()); if (xpersonal != null) xemail = xpersonal + " <" + xemail + ">"; try { checkEmail(xemail); InternetAddress.parse(xemail.replace(',', ' '), true); } catch (AddressException exc) { throw new AddressException( lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.ADDRESS_ERROR) + " : " + xemail); } if (rtypes[i].equals("to")) { if (xrtype.equals("to")) { if (to == null) to = xemail; else to += "; " + xemail; } else if (xrtype.equals("cc")) { if (cc == null) cc = xemail; else cc += "; " + xemail; } else if (xrtype.equals("bcc")) { if (bcc == null) bcc = xemail; else bcc += "; " + xemail; } } else if (rtypes[i].equals("cc")) { if (cc == null) cc = xemail; else cc += "; " + xemail; } else if (rtypes[i].equals("bcc")) { if (bcc == null) bcc = xemail; else bcc += "; " + xemail; } listdone = true; checkemail = false; } } } } if (listdone) { continue; } if (checkemail) { try { checkEmail(email); //InternetAddress.parse(email.replace(',', ' '), false); getInternetAddress(email); } catch (AddressException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); throw new AddressException(lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.ADDRESS_ERROR) + " : " + email); } } if (rtypes[i].equals("to")) { if (to == null) { to = email; } else { to += "; " + email; } } else if (rtypes[i].equals("cc")) { if (cc == null) { cc = email; } else { cc += "; " + email; } } else if (rtypes[i].equals("bcc")) { if (bcc == null) { bcc = email; } else { bcc += "; " + email; } } } //long id = Long.parseLong(msgid); SimpleMessage msg = new SimpleMessage(msgId); /*int idx = jsmsg.identity - 1; Identity from = null; if (idx >= 0) { from = mprofile.getIdentity(idx); }*/ Identity from = mprofile.getIdentity(jsmsg.identityId); msg.setFrom(from); msg.setTo(to); msg.setCc(cc); msg.setBcc(bcc); msg.setSubject(jsmsg.subject); //TODO: fax coverpage - dismissed /*if (isFax) { String coverpage = request.getParameter("faxcover"); if (coverpage != null) { if (coverpage.equals("none")) { msg.addHeaderLine("X-FAX-AutoCoverPage: No"); } else { msg.addHeaderLine("X-FAX-AutoCoverPage: Yes"); msg.addHeaderLine("X-FAX-Cover-Template: " + coverpage); } } }*/ //TODO: custom headers keys /*String[] headersKeys = request.getParameterValues("headersKeys"); String[] headersValues = request.getParameterValues("headersValues"); if (headersKeys != null && headersValues != null && headersKeys.length == headersValues.length) { for (int i = 0; i < headersKeys.length; i++) { if (!headersKeys[i].equals("")) { msg.addHeaderLine(headersKeys[i] + ": " + headersValues[i]); } } }*/ if (jsmsg.inreplyto != null) { msg.setInReplyTo(jsmsg.inreplyto); } if (jsmsg.references != null) { msg.setReferences(new String[] { jsmsg.references }); } if (jsmsg.replyfolder != null) { msg.setReplyFolder(jsmsg.replyfolder); } if (jsmsg.forwardedfolder != null) { msg.setForwardedFolder(jsmsg.forwardedfolder); } if (jsmsg.forwardedfrom != null) { msg.setForwardedFrom(jsmsg.forwardedfrom); } msg.setReceipt(jsmsg.receipt); msg.setPriority(jsmsg.priority ? 1 : 3); if (jsmsg.format == null || jsmsg.format.equals("plain")) { msg.setContent(jsmsg.content); } else { if (jsmsg.format.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) { //TODO: change this weird matching of cids2urls! //CIDs String content = jsmsg.content; String pattern1 = RegexUtils .escapeRegexSpecialChars("service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId="); String pattern2 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("&cid="); content = StringUtils.replacePattern(content, pattern1 + ".{39}" + pattern2, "cid:"); pattern1 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId="); pattern2 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("&cid="); content = StringUtils.replacePattern(content, pattern1 + ".{39}" + pattern2, "cid:"); //URLs pattern1 = RegexUtils .escapeRegexSpecialChars("service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId="); pattern2 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("&url="); content = StringUtils.replacePattern(content, pattern1 + ".{39}" + pattern2, ""); pattern1 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId="); pattern2 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars("&url="); content = StringUtils.replacePattern(content, pattern1 + ".{39}" + pattern2, ""); //My resources as cids? if (ss.isPublicResourceLinksAsInlineAttachments()) { ArrayList<JsAttachment> rescids = new ArrayList<>(); String match = "\"" + URIUtils.concat(getEnv().getCoreServiceSettings().getPublicBaseUrl(), ResourceRequest.URL); while (StringUtils.contains(content, match)) { pattern1 = RegexUtils.escapeRegexSpecialChars(match); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern1 + "\\S*"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); matcher.find(); String matched =; String url = matched.substring(1, matched.length() - 1); URI uri = new URI(url); // Retrieve macthed URL // and save it locally logger.debug("Downloading resource file as uploaded file from URL [{}]", url); HttpClient httpCli = null; try { httpCli = HttpClientUtils.createBasicHttpClient(HttpClientUtils.configureSSLAcceptAll(), uri); InputStream is = HttpClientUtils.getContent(httpCli, uri); String tag = "" + msgId; String filename = PathUtils.getFileName(uri.getPath()); UploadedFile ufile = addAsUploadedFile(tag, filename, ServletHelper.guessMediaType(filename), is); rescids.add(new JsAttachment(ufile.getUploadId(), filename, ufile.getUploadId(), true, ufile.getSize())); content = matcher.replaceFirst("\"cid:" + ufile.getUploadId() + "\""); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Unable to retrieve webcal [{0}]", uri); } finally { HttpClientUtils.closeQuietly(httpCli); } } //add new resource cids as attachments if (rescids.size() > 0) { if (jsmsg.attachments == null) jsmsg.attachments = new ArrayList<>(); jsmsg.attachments.addAll(rescids); } } String textcontent = MailUtils.HtmlToText_convert(MailUtils.htmlunescapesource(content)); String htmlcontent = MailUtils.htmlescapefixsource(content).trim(); if (htmlcontent.length() < 6 || !htmlcontent.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase().equals("<html>")) { htmlcontent = "<html><header></header><body>" + htmlcontent + "</body></html>"; } msg.setContent(htmlcontent, textcontent, "text/html"); } else { msg.setContent(jsmsg.content, null, "text/" + jsmsg.format); } } return msg; } private void checkEmail(String email) throws AddressException { int ix = email.indexOf('@'); if (ix < 1) { throw new AddressException(email); } int ix2 = email.indexOf('@', ix + 1); if (ix2 >= 0) { int ixx = email.indexOf('<'); if (ixx >= 0) { if (!(ix < ixx && ix2 > ixx)) { throw new AddressException(email); } } else { throw new AddressException(email); } } } public void processAttachFromMail(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); String tag = request.getParameter("tag"); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long uidmessage = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message m = mcache.getMessage(uidmessage); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); String ctype = part.getContentType(); int ix = ctype.indexOf(";"); if (ix > 0) { ctype = ctype.substring(0, ix); } String filename = part.getFileName(); if (filename == null) { filename = ""; } try { filename = MailUtils.decodeQString(filename); } catch (Exception exc) { } ctype = ServletHelper.guessMediaType(filename, ctype); File file = WT.createTempFile(); int filesize = IOUtils.copy(part.getInputStream(), new FileOutputStream(file)); WebTopSession.UploadedFile uploadedFile = new WebTopSession.UploadedFile(false, this.SERVICE_ID, file.getName(), tag, filename, filesize, ctype); environment.getSession().addUploadedFile(uploadedFile); MapItem data = new MapItem(); // Empty response data data.add("uploadId", uploadedFile.getUploadId()); data.add("name", uploadedFile.getFilename()); data.add("size", uploadedFile.getSize()); data.add("editable", isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename)); new JsonResult(data).printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processAttachFromMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); String tag = request.getParameter("tag"); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String suids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); String ctype = "message/rfc822"; ArrayList<WebTopSession.UploadedFile> ufiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (String suid : suids) { String foldername = pfoldername; if (mf) { int ix = suid.indexOf("|"); foldername = suid.substring(0, ix); suid = suid.substring(ix + 1); } long uid = Long.parseLong(suid); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message msg = mcache.getMessage(uid); File file = WT.createTempFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); msg.writeTo(fos); fos.close(); long filesize = file.length(); String filename = msg.getSubject() + ".eml"; WebTopSession.UploadedFile uploadedFile = new WebTopSession.UploadedFile(false, this.SERVICE_ID, file.getName(), tag, filename, filesize, ctype); environment.getSession().addUploadedFile(uploadedFile); ufiles.add(uploadedFile); } MapItemList data = new MapItemList(); for (WebTopSession.UploadedFile ufile : ufiles) { MapItem mi = new MapItem(); mi.add("uploadId", ufile.getUploadId()); mi.add("name", ufile.getFilename()); mi.add("size", ufile.getSize()); mi.add("editable", isFileEditableInDocEditor(ufile.getFilename())); data.add(mi); } new JsonResult(data).printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processAttachFromCloud(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { int storeId = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "storeId", true); String path = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "path", true); String tag = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "tag", true); WebTopSession.UploadedFile uploadedFile = null; FileObject fo = vfsmanager.getStoreFile(storeId, path); if (fo == null) throw new WTException("Unable to get file [{}, {}]", storeId, path); InputStream is = null; try { is = fo.getContent().getInputStream(); String name = fo.getName().getBaseName(); String mediaType = ServletHelper.guessMediaType(name, true); uploadedFile = addAsUploadedFile(tag, name, mediaType, is); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } if (uploadedFile == null) throw new WTException("Unable to prepare uploaded file"); MapItem data = new MapItem(); data.add("uploadId", uploadedFile.getUploadId()); data.add("name", uploadedFile.getFilename()); data.add("size", uploadedFile.getSize()); new JsonResult(data).printTo(out); } catch (FileSystemException | WTException ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); new JsonResult(false, ex.getMessage()).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); new JsonResult(false, ex.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processSaveFileToCloud(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String path = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "path", true); String fileId = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "fileId", true); int storeId = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "storeId", true); String folder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "folder", true); int idAttach = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "idAttach", true); int idMessage = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "idMessage", true); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); Message m = mcache.getMessage(idMessage); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(idAttach); String fileName = part.getFileName(); InputStream is = part.getInputStream(); vfsmanager.addStoreFileFromStream(storeId, path, fileName, is); MapItem data = new MapItem(); data.add("success", true); new JsonResult(data).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); new JsonResult(false, ex.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processCopyAttachment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount fromaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("fromaccount")); MailAccount toaccount = getAccount(request.getParameter("toaccount")); fromaccount.checkStoreConnected(); toaccount.checkStoreConnected(); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Locale locale = profile.getLocale(); String pfromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String ptofolder = request.getParameter("tofolder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); FolderCache frommcache = fromaccount.getFolderCache(pfromfolder); FolderCache tomcache = toaccount.getFolderCache(ptofolder); long uidmessage = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message m = frommcache.getMessage(uidmessage); HTMLMailData mailData = frommcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Object content = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)).getContent(); // We can copy attachments only if the content is an eml. If it is // explicit simply treat it as message, otherwise try to decode the // stream as a mime message. If an error is thrown during parse, it // means that the stream is reconducible to a valid mime-message. MimeMessage msgContent = null; if (content instanceof MimeMessage) { msgContent = new MimeMessage((MimeMessage) content); } else if (content instanceof IMAPInputStream) { try { msgContent = new MimeMessage(fromaccount.getMailSession(), (IMAPInputStream) content); } catch (MessagingException ex1) { logger.debug("Stream cannot be interpreted as MimeMessage", ex1); } } if (msgContent != null) { msgContent.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); tomcache.appendMessage(msgContent); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } else { new JsonResult(false, lookupResource(locale, MailLocaleKey.ERROR_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED)) .printTo(out); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processSendReceipt(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String subject = request.getParameter("subject"); //String from = request.getParameter("from"); int identityId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("identityId")); String to = request.getParameter("to"); //String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); //String sout = ""; Identity ident = mprofile.getIdentity(identityId); String from = ident.getDisplayName() + " <" + ident.getEmail() + ">"; String body = "Il messaggio inviato a " + from + " con soggetto [" + subject + "] stato letto.\n\n" + "Your message sent to " + from + " with subject [" + subject + "] has been read.\n\n"; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); Exception exc = sendReceipt(ident, from, to, subject, body); if (exc == null) { new JsonResult().printTo(out); } else { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); } } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); } } public void processPortletMail(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { ArrayList<JsPreviewMessage> items = new ArrayList<>(); try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String query = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "query", null); int visibleRows = 0; int maxVisibleRows = 20; if (query == null) { String folderId = account.getInboxFolderFullName(); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(folderId); Message msgs[] = fc.getMessages(FolderCache.SORT_BY_DATE, false, true, -1, true, false, null, false); if (msgs != null) fc.fetch(msgs, getMessageFetchProfile(), 0, 50); else msgs = new Message[0]; for (Message msg : msgs) { SonicleIMAPMessage simsg = (SonicleIMAPMessage) msg; InternetAddress iafrom = null; Address vfrom[] = msg.getFrom(); if (vfrom != null && vfrom.length > 0) { Address afrom = vfrom[0]; if (afrom instanceof InternetAddress) { iafrom = (InternetAddress) afrom; } } Address[] rcpts = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); ArrayList<InternetAddress> tos = new ArrayList<>(); if (rcpts != null) for (Address ato : rcpts) { if (ato instanceof InternetAddress) { InternetAddress iato = (InternetAddress) ato; tos.add(iato); } } String msgtext = ""; if (visibleRows < maxVisibleRows) { msgtext = MailUtils.peekText(simsg); if (msgtext == null) msgtext = ""; else { msgtext = msgtext.trim(); if (msgtext.length() > 100) msgtext = msgtext.substring(0, 100); } ++visibleRows; } String from = iafrom != null ? (iafrom.getPersonal() != null ? iafrom.getPersonal() : iafrom.getAddress()) : ""; String to = ""; if (tos.size() > 0) { boolean first = true; for (InternetAddress iato : tos) { if (!first) to += "; "; to += (iato.getPersonal() != null ? iato.getPersonal() : iato.getAddress()); first = false; } } JsPreviewMessage jsmsg = new JsPreviewMessage(simsg.getUID(), folderId, getInternationalFolderName(account.getFolderCache(folderId)), simsg.getSubject(), from, to, msg.getReceivedDate(), msgtext); items.add(jsmsg); } } else { } new JsonResult(items).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in PortletMail", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Error").printTo(out); } } public void processManageQuickParts(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String crud = null; HashMap<String, String> items; try { crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true); if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { items = us.getMessageQuickParts(); new JsonResult(JsQuickPart.asList(items)).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.CREATE)) { String id = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "id", true); String html = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "html", true); us.setMessageQuickPart(id, html); items = us.getMessageQuickParts(); new JsonResult(JsQuickPart.asList(items)).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.DELETE)) { Payload<MapItem, JsQuickPart> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsQuickPart.class); us.deleteMessageQuickPart(; new JsonResult().printTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error managing quickparts", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Error managing quickparts").printTo(out); } } public void processManageTags(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String crud = null; List<JsTag> items; try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true); if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { items = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tag t : atags) items.add(new JsTag(t.getTagId(), t.getDescription(), t.getColor())); new JsonResult(items).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.CREATE)) { Payload<MapItem, JsTag> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsTag.class); Tag tag = new Tag(,,; tag.setTagId(mailManager.sanitazeTagId(tag.getTagId())); mailManager.addTag(tag); loadTags(); items = new ArrayList<>(); items.add(new JsTag(tag.getTagId(), tag.getDescription(), tag.getColor())); new JsonResult(items).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.UPDATE)) { Payload<MapItem, JsTag> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsTag.class); Tag tag = new Tag(,,; String newTagId = tag.getDescription(); String oldTagId = tag.getTagId(); newTagId = mailManager.sanitazeTagId(newTagId); mailManager.updateTag(tag, newTagId); mailManager.updateFoldersTag(oldTagId, newTagId, account.getFolderCacheValues(), null, false); loadTags(); items = new ArrayList<>(); items.add(new JsTag(tag.getTagId(), tag.getDescription(), tag.getColor())); new JsonResult(items).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.DELETE)) { Payload<MapItem, JsTag> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsTag.class); mailManager.removeTag(; loadTags(); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error managing tags", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Error managing tags").printTo(out); } } public void processTagMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String tagId = request.getParameter("tagId"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { tagMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), tagId); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); tagMessages(mcache, iuids, tagId); } } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error managing tags", exc); new JsonResult(false, lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.PERMISSION_DENIED)).printTo(out); } } public void processUntagMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String tagId = request.getParameter("tagId"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { untagMessages(mcache, toLongs(uids), tagId); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); untagMessages(mcache, iuids, tagId); } } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error managing tags", exc); new JsonResult(false, "Error managing tags").printTo(out); } } public void processClearMessagesTags(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String fromfolder = request.getParameter("fromfolder"); String uids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String multifolder = request.getParameter("multifolder"); boolean mf = multifolder != null && multifolder.equals("true"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); if (!mf) { clearMessagesTags(mcache, toLongs(uids)); } else { long iuids[] = new long[1]; for (String uid : uids) { int ix = uid.indexOf("|"); fromfolder = uid.substring(0, ix); uid = uid.substring(ix + 1); mcache = account.getFolderCache(fromfolder); iuids[0] = Long.parseLong(uid); clearMessagesTags(mcache, iuids); } } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.error("Error managing tags", exc); new JsonResult(false, "Error managing tags").printTo(out); } } /* public void processListPublicImages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { SettingsManager sm = wta.getSettingsManager(); ArrayList<JsonHashMap> items = null; JsonHashMap item = null; try { items = new ArrayList<JsonHashMap>(); String publicArea = sm.getSetting("webtop.public"); File pubimgDir = new File(publicArea + "/main/images/"); if(pubimgDir.isDirectory() && pubimgDir.exists()) { File[] files = pubimgDir.listFiles(); for(File file : files) { String url = "webtop/public/images/"+file.getName(); item = new JsonHashMap(url, file.getName()); items.add(item); } } new JsonResult(items).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error ListPublicImages", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Error ListPublicImages").printTo(out); } } */ private String getSharedFolderName(MailAccount account, String mailUser, String folder) throws MessagingException { FolderCache folderCache = null; String sharedFolderName = null; String folderName = null; // Clear mailUser removing any domain info (ldap auth contains // domain suffix), we don't want it! String user = StringUtils.split(mailUser, "@")[0]; // INBOX is a fake name, it's equals to user's direct folder boolean isInbox = folder.equals("INBOX"); FolderCache[] sharedCache = account.getSharedFoldersCache(); for (FolderCache sharedFolder : sharedCache) { sharedFolderName = sharedFolder.getFolderName(); folderCache = account.getFolderCache(sharedFolderName); for (Folder fo : folderCache.getFolder().list()) { folderName = fo.getFullName(); char sep = fo.getSeparator(); //if is a shared mailbox, and it contains an @, match it with mail user (NS7) //or just user instead (XStream and NS6) String name = isInbox ? (fo.getName().indexOf('@') > 0 ? mailUser : user) : folder; if (folderName.equals(sharedFolderName + sep + name)) return folderName; } } return null; } HashMap<String, MessageListThread> mlThreads = new HashMap<String, MessageListThread>(); public void processGroupChanged(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String group = request.getParameter("group"); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); us.setMessageListGroup(folder, group); if (!group.equals("")) us.setMessageListSort(folder, "date|DESC"); new JsonResult(true).printTo(out); } public void processSavePageRows(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { String spagerows = request.getParameter("pagerows"); int pagerows = Integer.parseInt(spagerows); us.setPageRows(pagerows); mprofile.setNumMsgList(pagerows); new JsonResult(true, "").printTo(out); } public void processUploadToFolder(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String currentFolder = request.getParameter("folder"); String uploadId = request.getParameter("uploadId"); UploadedFile upfile = getUploadedFile(uploadId); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(upfile.getFile()); MimeMessage msgContent = new MimeMessage(account.getMailSession(), in); FolderCache tomcache = account.getFolderCache(currentFolder); msgContent.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); tomcache.appendMessage(msgContent); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.debug("Cannot upload to folder", exc); new JsonResult("Cannot upload to folder", exc).printTo(out); } } class MessagesInfo { Message messages[]; long millis; private MessageListThread mlt; MessagesInfo(Message msgs[], MessageListThread mlt) { this.messages = msgs; this.millis = mlt.millis; this.mlt = mlt; } public boolean isPEC() { return mlt.isPec; } /* public boolean checkSkipPEC(Message xm) throws MessagingException { return mlt.checkSkipPEC(xm); }*/ } private MessagesInfo listMessages(FolderCache mcache, String key, boolean refresh, SortGroupInfo sgi, long timestamp, SearchTerm searchTerm, boolean hasAttachment) throws MessagingException { MessageListThread mlt = null; synchronized (mlThreads) { mlt = mlThreads.get(key); if (mlt == null || (mlt.lastRequest != timestamp && refresh)) { //if (mlt!=null) // System.out.println(page+": same time stamp ="+(mlt.lastRequest!=timestamp)+" - refresh = "+refresh); //else // System.out.println(page+": mlt not found"); mlt = new MessageListThread(mcache, sgi.sortby, sgi.sortascending, refresh, sgi.sortgroup, sgi.groupascending, sgi.threaded, searchTerm, hasAttachment); mlt.lastRequest = timestamp; mlThreads.put(key, mlt); } //else System.out.println(page+": reusing list thread"); //remove old requests ArrayList<String> rkeys = null; for (String xkey : mlThreads.keySet()) { MessageListThread xmlt = mlThreads.get(xkey); //remove if older than one minute long age = timestamp - xmlt.lastRequest; if (xmlt != null && age > 60000) { if (rkeys == null) rkeys = new ArrayList<>(); rkeys.add(xkey); } } if (rkeys != null) { for (String xkey : rkeys) { //MessageListThread xmlt = mlThreads.get(xkey); //long age=timestamp - xmlt.lastRequest; //System.out.println("removing ["+xkey+"] - age: "+age); mlThreads.remove(xkey); } } //System.out.println("mlThreads size is now "+mlThreads.size()); } Message xmsgs[] = null; synchronized (mlt.lock) { if (!mlt.started) { //System.out.println(page+": starting list thread"); Thread t = new Thread(mlt); t.start(); } if (!mlt.finished) { //System.out.println(page+": waiting list thread to finish"); try { mlt.lock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } //mlThreads.remove(key); } //TODO: see if we can check first request from buffered store //if (mlt.lastRequest==timestamp) { //System.out.println(page+": got list thread result"); xmsgs = mlt.msgs; //} } return new MessagesInfo(xmsgs, mlt); } class SortGroupInfo { int sortby; boolean sortascending; int sortgroup; boolean groupascending; boolean threaded; SortGroupInfo(int sortby, boolean sortascending, int sortgroup, boolean groupascending, boolean threaded) { this.sortby = sortby; this.sortascending = sortascending; this.sortgroup = sortgroup; this.groupascending = groupascending; this.threaded = threaded; } } private SortGroupInfo getSortGroupInfo(String psortfield, String psortdir, String group) { int sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_NONE; if (psortfield.equals("messageid")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_MSGIDX; } else if (psortfield.equals("date")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_DATE; } else if (psortfield.equals("priority")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_PRIORITY; } else if (psortfield.equals("to")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_RCPT; } else if (psortfield.equals("from")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SENDER; } else if (psortfield.equals("size")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SIZE; } else if (psortfield.equals("subject")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SUBJECT; } else if (psortfield.equals("status") || psortfield.equals("unread")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_STATUS; } else if (psortfield.equals("flag")) { sortby = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_FLAG; } int sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_NONE; boolean groupascending = true; if (group.equals("messageid")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_MSGIDX; } else if (group.equals("gdate")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_DATE; groupascending = false; } else if (group.equals("priority")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_PRIORITY; } else if (group.equals("to")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_RCPT; } else if (group.equals("from")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SENDER; } else if (group.equals("size")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SIZE; } else if (group.equals("subject")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_SUBJECT; } else if (group.equals("status")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_STATUS; } else if (group.equals("flag")) { sortgroup = MessageComparator.SORT_BY_FLAG; } boolean threaded = group.equals("threadId"); if (threaded && (!psortfield.equals("date") || !psortdir.equals("DESC"))) threaded = false; return new SortGroupInfo(sortby, psortdir.equals("ASC"), sortgroup, groupascending, threaded); } public void processListMessages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Locale locale = profile.getLocale(); java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); //String psortfield = request.getParameter("sort"); //String psortdir = request.getParameter("dir"); String pstart = request.getParameter("start"); String plimit = request.getParameter("limit"); String ppage = request.getParameter("page"); String prefresh = request.getParameter("refresh"); String ptimestamp = request.getParameter("timestamp"); String pthreaded = request.getParameter("threaded"); String pthreadaction = request.getParameter("threadaction"); String pthreadactionuid = request.getParameter("threadactionuid"); QueryObj queryObj = null; SearchTerm searchTerm = null; try { queryObj = ServletUtils.getObjectParameter(request, "query", new QueryObj(), QueryObj.class); } catch (ParameterException parameterException) { logger.error("Exception getting query obejct parameter", parameterException); } boolean refresh = (prefresh != null && prefresh.equals("true")); //boolean threaded=(pthreaded!=null && pthreaded.equals("1")); //String threadedSetting="list-threaded-"+pfoldername; //if (pthreaded==null || pthreaded.equals("2")) { // threaded=us.isMessageListThreaded(pfoldername); //} else { // us.setMessageListThreaded(pfoldername, threaded); //} //System.out.println("timestamp="+ptimestamp); long timestamp = Long.parseLong(ptimestamp); if (account.isSpecialFolder(pfoldername) || account.isSharedFolder(pfoldername)) { logger.debug("folder is special or shared, refresh forced"); refresh = true; } String group = us.getMessageListGroup(pfoldername); if (group == null) { group = ""; } String psortfield = "date"; String psortdir = "DESC"; try { boolean nogroup = group.equals(""); JsSort.List sortList = ServletUtils.getObjectParameter(request, "sort", null, JsSort.List.class); if (sortList == null) { if (nogroup) { String s = us.getMessageListSort(pfoldername); int ix = s.indexOf("|"); psortfield = s.substring(0, ix); psortdir = s.substring(ix + 1); } else { psortfield = "date"; psortdir = "DESC"; } } else { JsSort jsSort = sortList.get(0); psortfield =; psortdir = jsSort.direction; if (!nogroup && !psortfield.equals("date")) { group = ""; } us.setMessageListGroup(pfoldername, group); us.setMessageListSort(pfoldername, psortfield, psortdir); } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Exception", exc); } SortGroupInfo sgi = getSortGroupInfo(psortfield, psortdir, group); //Save search requests int start = Integer.parseInt(pstart); int limit = Integer.parseInt(plimit); int page = 0; if (ppage != null) { page = Integer.parseInt(ppage); start = (page - 1) * limit; } /*int start = 0; int limit = mprofile.getNumMsgList(); if (ppage==null) { if (pstart != null) { start = Integer.parseInt(pstart); } if (plimit != null) { limit = Integer.parseInt(plimit); } } else { int page=Integer.parseInt(ppage); int nxpage=mprofile.getNumMsgList(); start=(page-1)*nxpage; limit=nxpage; }*/ String sout = "{\n"; Folder folder = null; boolean connected = false; try { connected = account.checkStoreConnected(); if (!connected) throw new Exception("Mail account authentication error"); int funread = 0; if (pfoldername == null) { folder = account.getDefaultFolder(); } else { folder = account.getFolder(pfoldername); } boolean issent = account.isSentFolder(folder.getFullName()); boolean isundersent = account.isUnderSentFolder(folder.getFullName()); boolean isdrafts = account.isDraftsFolder(folder.getFullName()); boolean isundershared = account.isUnderSharedFolder(pfoldername); if (!issent) { String names[] = folder.getFullName().split("\\" + account.getFolderSeparator()); for (String pname : names) { if (account.isSentFolder(pname)) { issent = true; break; } } } String ctn = Thread.currentThread().getName(); String key = folder.getFullName(); if (!pfoldername.equals("/")) { FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(key); if (mcache.toBeRefreshed()) refresh = true; //Message msgs[]=mcache.getMessages(ppattern,psearchfield,sortby,ascending,refresh); if (psortfield != null && psortdir != null) { key += "|" + psortdir + "|" + psortfield; } searchTerm = ImapQuery.toSearchTerm(this.allFlagStrings, this.atags, queryObj, profile.getTimeZone()); boolean hasAttachment = .anyMatch(condition -> condition.value.equals("attachment")); if (queryObj != null) refresh = true; MessagesInfo messagesInfo = listMessages(mcache, key, refresh, sgi, timestamp, searchTerm, hasAttachment); Message xmsgs[] = messagesInfo.messages; if (pthreadaction != null && pthreadaction.trim().length() > 0) { long actuid = Long.parseLong(pthreadactionuid); mcache.setThreadOpen(actuid, pthreadaction.equals("open")); } //if threaded, look for the start considering roots and opened children if (xmsgs != null && sgi.threaded && page > 1) { int i = 0, ni = 0, np = 1; long tId = 0; while (np < page && ni < xmsgs.length) { SonicleIMAPMessage xm = (SonicleIMAPMessage) xmsgs[ni]; ++ni; if (xm.isExpunged()) continue; long nuid = mcache.getUID(xm); int tIndent = xm.getThreadIndent(); if (tIndent == 0) tId = nuid; else { if (!mcache.isThreadOpen(tId)) continue; } ++i; if ((i % limit) == 0) ++np; } if (np == page) { start = ni; //System.out.println("page "+np+" start is "+start); } } int max = start + limit; if (xmsgs != null && max > xmsgs.length) max = xmsgs.length; ArrayList<Long> autoeditList = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (xmsgs != null) { int total = 0; int expunged = 0; //calculate expunged //for(Message xmsg: xmsgs) { // if (xmsg.isExpunged()) ++expunged; //} sout += "messages: [\n"; /* if (ppattern==null && !isSpecialFolder(mcache.getFolderName())) { //mcache.fetch(msgs,FolderCache.flagsFP,0,start); for(int i=0;i<start;++i) { try { if (!msgs[i].isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) funread++; } catch(Exception exc) { } } }*/ total = sgi.threaded ? mcache.getThreadedCount() : xmsgs.length; if (start < max) { Folder fsent = account.getFolder(account.getFolderSent()); boolean openedsent = false; //Fetch others for these messages mcache.fetch(xmsgs, (isdrafts ? draftsFP : messagesInfo.isPEC() ? pecFP : FP), start, max); long tId = 0; for (int i = 0, ni = 0; i < limit; ++ni, ++i) { int ix = start + i; int nx = start + ni; if (nx >= xmsgs.length) break; if (ix >= max) break; SonicleIMAPMessage xm = (SonicleIMAPMessage) xmsgs[nx]; if (xm.isExpunged()) { --i; continue; } /*if (messagesInfo.checkSkipPEC(xm)) { --i; --total; continue; }*/ /*String ids[]=null; try { ids=xm.getHeader("Message-ID"); } catch(MessagingException exc) { --i; continue; } if (ids==null || ids.length==0) { --i; continue; } String idmessage=ids[0];*/ long nuid = mcache.getUID(xm); int tIndent = xm.getThreadIndent(); if (tIndent == 0) tId = nuid; else if (sgi.threaded) { if (!mcache.isThreadOpen(tId)) { --i; continue; } } boolean tChildren = false; int tUnseenChildren = 0; if (sgi.threaded) { int cnx = nx + 1; while (cnx < xmsgs.length) { SonicleIMAPMessage cxm = (SonicleIMAPMessage) xmsgs[cnx]; if (cxm.isExpunged()) { cnx++; continue; } while (cxm.getThreadIndent() > 0) { tChildren = true; if (!cxm.isExpunged() && !cxm.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) ++tUnseenChildren; ++cnx; if (cnx >= xmsgs.length) break; cxm = (SonicleIMAPMessage) xmsgs[cnx]; } break; } } Flags flags = xm.getFlags(); //Date java.util.Date d = xm.getSentDate(); if (d == null) d = xm.getReceivedDate(); if (d == null) d = new java.util.Date(0); cal.setTime(d); int yyyy = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR); int mm = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH); int dd = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int hhh = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int mmm = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE); int sss = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.SECOND); //From String from = ""; String fromemail = ""; Address ia[] = xm.getFrom(); if (ia != null) { InternetAddress iafrom = (InternetAddress) ia[0]; from = iafrom.getPersonal(); if (from == null) from = iafrom.getAddress(); fromemail = iafrom.getAddress(); } from = (from == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(from))); fromemail = (fromemail == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(fromemail))); //To String to = ""; String toemail = ""; ia = xm.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); //if not sent and not shared, show me first if in TO if (ia != null) { InternetAddress iato = (InternetAddress) ia[0]; if (!issent && !isundershared) { for (Address ax : ia) { InternetAddress iax = (InternetAddress) ax; if (iax.getAddress().equals(profile.getEmailAddress())) { iato = iax; break; } } } to = iato.getPersonal(); if (to == null) to = iato.getAddress(); toemail = iato.getAddress(); } to = (to == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(to))); toemail = (toemail == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(toemail))); //Subject String subject = xm.getSubject(); if (subject != null) { try { subject = MailUtils.decodeQString(subject); } catch (Exception exc) { } } else subject = ""; /* if (threaded) { if (tIndent>0) { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); for(int w=0;w<tIndent;++w) sb.append(" "); subject=sb+subject; } }*/ boolean hasAttachments = mcache.hasAttachements(xm); subject = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(subject)); //Unread boolean unread = !xm.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); if (queryObj != null && unread) ++funread; //Priority int priority = getPriority(xm); //Status java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Calendar cal1 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); java.util.Calendar cal2 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); boolean isToday = false; String gdate = ""; String sdate = ""; String xdate = ""; if (d != null) { java.util.Date gd = sgi.threaded ? xm.getMostRecentThreadDate() : d; cal1.setTime(today); cal2.setTime(gd); gdate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale).format(gd); sdate = cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) + "/" + String.format("%02d", (cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) + 1)) + "/" + String.format("%02d", cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.DATE)); //boolean isGdate=group.equals("gdate"); if (cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) == cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) && cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR)) { int dx = cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (dx == 0) { isToday = true; //if (isGdate) { // gdate=WT.lookupCoreResource(locale, CoreLocaleKey.WORD_DATE_TODAY)+" "+gdate; //} xdate = WT.lookupCoreResource(locale, CoreLocaleKey.WORD_DATE_TODAY); } else if (dx == 1 /*&& isGdate*/) { xdate = WT.lookupCoreResource(locale, CoreLocaleKey.WORD_DATE_YESTERDAY); } } } String status = "read"; if (flags != null) { if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED)) { if (flags.contains("$Forwarded")) status = "repfwd"; else status = "replied"; } else if (flags.contains("$Forwarded")) { status = "forwarded"; } else if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) { status = "read"; } else if (isToday) { status = "new"; } else { status = "unread"; } // if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.USER)) flagImage=webtopapp.getUri()+"/images/themes/"+profile.getTheme()+"/mail/flag.gif"; } //Size int msgsize = 0; msgsize = (xm.getSize() * 3) / 4;// /1024 + 1; //User flags String cflag = ""; for (WebtopFlag webtopFlag : webtopFlags) { String flagstring = webtopFlag.label; //String tbflagstring=webtopFlag.tbLabel; if (!flagstring.equals("complete")) { String oldflagstring = "flag" + flagstring; if (flags.contains(flagstring) || flags.contains(oldflagstring) /*|| (tbflagstring!=null && flags.contains(tbflagstring))*/ ) { cflag = flagstring; } } } boolean flagComplete = flags.contains("complete"); if (flagComplete) { if (cflag.length() > 0) cflag += "-complete"; else cflag = "complete"; } if (cflag.length() == 0 && flags.contains(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED)) cflag = "special"; boolean hasNote = flags.contains(sflagNote); String svtags = getJSTagsArray(flags); boolean autoedit = false; boolean issched = false; int syyyy = 0; int smm = 0; int sdd = 0; int shhh = 0; int smmm = 0; int ssss = 0; if (isdrafts) { String h = getSingleHeaderValue(xm, "Sonicle-send-scheduled"); if (h != null && h.equals("true")) { java.util.Calendar scal = parseScheduleHeader( getSingleHeaderValue(xm, "Sonicle-send-date"), getSingleHeaderValue(xm, "Sonicle-send-time")); if (scal != null) { syyyy = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR); smm = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH); sdd = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); shhh = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); smmm = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE); ssss = scal.get(java.util.Calendar.SECOND); issched = true; status = "scheduled"; } } h = getSingleHeaderValue(xm, HEADER_SONICLE_FROM_DRAFTER); if (h != null && h.equals("true")) { autoedit = true; } } String xmfoldername = xm.getFolder().getFullName(); //idmessage=idmessage.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\"); //idmessage=Utils.jsEscape(idmessage); if (i > 0) sout += ",\n"; boolean archived = false; if (hasDmsDocumentArchiving()) { archived = xm.getHeader("X-WT-Archived") != null; if (!archived) { archived = flags.contains(sflagDmsArchived); } } String msgtext = null; if (us.getShowMessagePreviewOnRow() && isToday && unread) { try { msgtext = MailUtils.peekText(xm); if (msgtext != null) { msgtext = msgtext.trim(); if (msgtext.length() > 100) msgtext = msgtext.substring(0, 100); } } catch (MessagingException | IOException ex1) { msgtext = ex1.getMessage(); } } String pecstatus = null; if (messagesInfo.isPEC()) { String hdrs[] = xm.getHeader(HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO); if (hdrs != null && hdrs.length > 0 && (hdrs[0].equals("errore") || hdrs[0].equals("posta-certificata"))) pecstatus = hdrs[0]; else { hdrs = xm.getHeader(HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA); if (hdrs != null && hdrs.length > 0) pecstatus = hdrs[0]; } } sout += "{idmessage:'" + nuid + "'," + "priority:" + priority + "," + "status:'" + status + "'," + "to:'" + to + "'," + "toemail:'" + toemail + "'," + "from:'" + from + "'," + "fromemail:'" + fromemail + "'," + "subject:'" + subject + "'," + (msgtext != null ? "msgtext: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(msgtext) + "'," : "") + (sgi.threaded ? "threadId: " + tId + "," : "") + (sgi.threaded ? "threadIndent:" + tIndent + "," : "") + "date: new Date(" + yyyy + "," + mm + "," + dd + "," + hhh + "," + mmm + "," + sss + ")," + "gdate: '" + gdate + "'," + "sdate: '" + sdate + "'," + "xdate: '" + xdate + "'," + "unread: " + unread + "," + "size:" + msgsize + "," + (svtags != null ? "tags: " + svtags + "," : "") + (pecstatus != null ? "pecstatus: '" + pecstatus + "'," : "") + "flag:'" + cflag + "'" + (hasNote ? ",note:true" : "") + (archived ? ",arch:true" : "") + (isToday ? ",istoday:true" : "") + (hasAttachments ? ",atts:true" : "") + (issched ? ",scheddate: new Date(" + syyyy + "," + smm + "," + sdd + "," + shhh + "," + smmm + "," + ssss + ")" : "") + (sgi.threaded && tIndent == 0 ? ",threadOpen: " + mcache.isThreadOpen(nuid) : "") + (sgi.threaded && tIndent == 0 ? ",threadHasChildren: " + tChildren : "") + (sgi.threaded && tIndent == 0 ? ",threadUnseenChildren: " + tUnseenChildren : "") + (sgi.threaded && xm.hasThreads() && !xm.isMostRecentInThread() ? ",fmtd: true" : "") + (sgi.threaded && !xmfoldername.equals(folder.getFullName()) ? ",fromfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(xmfoldername) + "'" : "") + "}"; if (autoedit) { autoeditList.add(nuid); } // sout+="{messageid:'"+m.getMessageID()+"',from:'"+from+"',subject:'"+subject+"',date: new Date("+yyyy+","+mm+","+dd+"),unread: "+unread+"},\n"; } if (openedsent) fsent.close(false); } /* if (ppattern==null && !isSpecialFolder(mcache.getFolderName())) { //if (max<msgs.length) mcache.fetch(msgs,FolderCache.flagsFP,max,msgs.length); for(int i=max;i<msgs.length;++i) { try { if (!msgs[i].isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) funread++; } catch(Exception exc) { } } } else { funread=mcache.getUnreadMessagesCount(); }*/ if (mcache.isScanForcedOrEnabled()) { //Send message only if first page if (start == 0) mcache.refreshUnreads(); funread = mcache.getUnreadMessagesCount(); } else funread = 0; long qlimit = -1; long qusage = -1; try { Quota quotas[] = account.getQuota("INBOX"); if (quotas != null) for (Quota q : quotas) { if ((q.quotaRoot.equals("INBOX") || q.quotaRoot.equals("Quota")) && q.resources != null) { for (Quota.Resource r : q.resources) { if ("STORAGE")) { qlimit = r.limit; qusage = r.usage; } } } } } catch (MessagingException exc) { logger.debug("Error on QUOTA", exc); } sout += "\n],\n"; sout += "total: " + (total - expunged) + ",\n"; if (qlimit >= 0 && qusage >= 0) sout += "quotaLimit: " + qlimit + ", quotaUsage: " + qusage + ",\n"; if (messagesInfo.isPEC()) sout += "isPEC: true,\n"; sout += "realTotal: " + (xmsgs.length - expunged) + ",\n"; sout += "expunged: " + (expunged) + ",\n"; } else { sout += "messages: [],\n" + "total: 0,\n" + "realTotal: 0,\n" + "expunged:0,\n"; } sout += "metaData: {\n" + " root: 'messages', total: 'total', idProperty: 'idmessage',\n" + " fields: ['idmessage','priority','status','to','from','subject','date','gdate','unread','size','flag','note','arch','istoday','atts','scheddate','fmtd','fromfolder'],\n" + " sortInfo: { field: '" + psortfield + "', direction: '" + psortdir + "' },\n" + " threaded: " + sgi.threaded + ",\n" + " groupField: '" + (sgi.threaded ? "threadId" : group) + "',\n"; /* ColumnVisibilitySetting cvs = us.getColumnVisibilitySetting(pfoldername); ColumnsOrderSetting cos = us.getColumnsOrderSetting(); // Apply grid defaults //ColumnVisibilitySetting.applyDefaults(mcache.isSent(), cvs); ColumnVisibilitySetting.applyDefaults(issent||isundersent, cvs); if (autoeditList.size()>0) { sout+="autoedit: ["; for(long muid: autoeditList) { sout+=muid+","; } if(StringUtils.right(sout, 1).equals(",")) sout = StringUtils.left(sout, sout.length()-1); sout+="],\n"; } // Fills columnsInfo object for client rendering sout += "colsInfo2: ["; for (String dataIndex : cvs.keySet()) { sout += "{dataIndex:'" + dataIndex + "',hidden:" + String.valueOf(!cvs.get(dataIndex)) + ",index:"+cos.indexOf(dataIndex)+"},"; } if (StringUtils.right(sout, 1).equals(",")) { sout = StringUtils.left(sout, sout.length() - 1); } sout += "]\n";*/ sout += "},\n"; sout += "threaded: " + (sgi.threaded ? "1" : "0") + ",\n"; sout += "unread: " + funread + ", issent: " + issent + ", millis: " + messagesInfo.millis + " }\n"; } else { sout += "total:0,\nstart:0,\nlimit:0,\nmessages: [\n"; sout += "\n], unread: 0, issent: false }\n"; } out.println(sout); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processGetMessagePage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puid = request.getParameter("uid"); String prowsperpage = request.getParameter("rowsperpage"); //String psearchfield = request.getParameter("searchfield"); //String ppattern = request.getParameter("pattern"); //String pquickfilter=request.getParameter("quickfilter"); //String prefresh = request.getParameter("refresh"); //String ptimestamp = request.getParameter("timestamp"); //if (psearchfield != null && psearchfield.trim().length() == 0) { // psearchfield = null; //} //if (ppattern != null && ppattern.trim().length() == 0) { // ppattern = null; //} //if (pquickfilter!=null && pquickfilter.trim().length()==0) pquickfilter=null; //boolean refresh = (prefresh != null && prefresh.equals("true")); //long timestamp=Long.parseLong(ptimestamp); boolean refresh = true; long uid = Long.parseLong(puid); long rowsperpage = Long.parseLong(prowsperpage); String group = us.getMessageListGroup(pfoldername); if (group == null) { group = ""; } String psortfield = "date"; String psortdir = "DESC"; try { boolean nogroup = group.equals(""); if (nogroup) { String s = us.getMessageListSort(pfoldername); int ix = s.indexOf("|"); psortfield = s.substring(0, ix); psortdir = s.substring(ix + 1); } else { psortfield = "date"; psortdir = "DESC"; } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Exception", exc); } SortGroupInfo sgi = getSortGroupInfo(psortfield, psortdir, group); Folder folder = null; boolean connected = false; try { connected = account.checkStoreConnected(); if (!connected) throw new Exception("Mail account authentication error"); if (pfoldername == null) { folder = account.getDefaultFolder(); } else { folder = account.getFolder(pfoldername); } String key = folder.getFullName(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(key); if (mcache.toBeRefreshed()) refresh = true; // if (ppattern != null && psearchfield != null) { // key += "|" + ppattern + "|" + psearchfield; // } if (psortfield != null && psortdir != null) { key += "|" + psortdir + "|" + psortfield; } // if (pquickfilter !=null) { // key +="|" + pquickfilter; // } MessagesInfo messagesInfo = listMessages(mcache, key, refresh, sgi, 0, null, false); Message xmsgs[] = messagesInfo.messages; if (xmsgs != null) { boolean found = false; int start = 0; int startx = 0; long tId = 0; for (int i = 0, ni = 0; i < xmsgs.length; ++ni, ++i) { int ix = start + i; int nx = start + ni; if (nx >= xmsgs.length) break; SonicleIMAPMessage xm = (SonicleIMAPMessage) xmsgs[nx]; if (xm.isExpunged()) { --i; continue; } long nuid = mcache.getUID(xm); int tIndent = xm.getThreadIndent(); if (nuid == uid) { found = true; if (tIndent == 0) tId = 0; //else tId contains the last thread root id break; } if (tIndent == 0) tId = nuid; else if (sgi.threaded) { if (!mcache.isThreadOpen(tId)) { --i; continue; } } ++startx; } if (found) { JsonResult jsr = new JsonResult(); jsr.set("page", ((int) (startx / rowsperpage) + 1)); jsr.set("row", startx); if (tId > 0) jsr.set("threadid", tId); jsr.printTo(out); } else new JsonResult(false, "Message not found"); } else new JsonResult(false, "No messages"); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); } } private String getSingleHeaderValue(Message m, String headerName) throws MessagingException { String s[] = m.getHeader(headerName); String sv = null; if (s != null && s.length > 0) { sv = s[0]; } return sv; } private java.util.Calendar parseScheduleHeader(String senddate, String sendtime) { String sdp[] = senddate.split("/"); String sdt[] = sendtime.split(":"); if (sdp.length < 3 || sdt.length < 2) return null; String sschedday = sdp[0]; String sschedmonth = sdp[1]; String sschedyear = sdp[2]; String sschedhour = sdt[0]; String sschedmins = sdt[1]; int schedday = Integer.parseInt(sschedday); int schedmonth = Integer.parseInt(sschedmonth); int schedyear = Integer.parseInt(sschedyear); int schedhour = Integer.parseInt(sschedhour); int schedmins = Integer.parseInt(sschedmins); java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(java.util.Calendar.YEAR, schedyear); cal.set(java.util.Calendar.MONTH, schedmonth - 1); cal.set(java.util.Calendar.DATE, schedday); cal.set(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, schedhour); cal.set(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, schedmins); return cal; } class MessageListThread implements Runnable { FolderCache fc; String pattern; String searchfield; int sortby; boolean ascending; int sort_group; boolean groupascending; boolean refresh; long millis; SearchTerm searchTerm; boolean hasAttachment; boolean isPec = false; HashMap<String, Message> hpecsent = null; boolean threaded = false; Message msgs[] = null; boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; final Object lock = new Object(); long lastRequest = 0; MessageListThread(FolderCache fc, int sortby, boolean ascending, boolean refresh, int sort_group, boolean groupascending, boolean threaded, SearchTerm searchTerm, boolean hasAttachment) { this.fc = fc; this.sortby = sortby; this.ascending = ascending; this.refresh = refresh; this.sort_group = sort_group; this.groupascending = groupascending; this.threaded = threaded; this.searchTerm = searchTerm; this.hasAttachment = hasAttachment; } public void run() { started = true; finished = false; synchronized (lock) { try { this.millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); msgs = fc.getMessages(sortby, ascending, refresh, sort_group, groupascending, threaded, searchTerm, hasAttachment); /* UserProfileId profileId=getEnv().getProfileId(); String domainId=profileId.getDomainId(); if (fc.isUnderSharedFolder()) { SharedPrincipal sp=fc.getSharedInboxPrincipal(); if (sp!=null) profileId=new UserProfileId(domainId, sp.getUserId()); else profileId=null; } if (profileId!=null) isPec=RunContext.hasRole(profileId, WT.getGroupUidForPecAccounts(profileId.getDomainId())); */ isPec = fc.isPEC(); /* if (isPec) { Message pmsgs[]=fc.searchMessagesByXHeader(HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA,HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA_VALUE_AVVENUTA_CONSEGNA); fc.fetch(pmsgs, pecFP); hpecsent=new HashMap<>(); for(Message pmsg: pmsgs) { String hdrs[]=pmsg.getHeader(HDR_PEC_RIFERIMENTO_MESSAGE_ID); if (hdrs!=null && hdrs.length>0) hpecsent.put(hdrs[0], pmsg); } System.out.println("loaded PEC hash"); }*/ } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } finally { finished = true; lock.notifyAll(); } } } /* public boolean checkSkipPEC(Message xm) throws MessagingException { if (isPec) { String hdrs[]=xm.getHeader(HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA); if (hdrs!=null && hdrs.length>0 && hdrs[0].equals(HDR_PEC_RICEVUTA_VALUE_ACCETTAZIONE)) { hdrs=xm.getHeader(HDR_PEC_RIFERIMENTO_MESSAGE_ID); if (hdrs!=null && hdrs.length>0) { return hpecsent.containsKey(hdrs[0]); } } } return false; }*/ } private String getJSTagsArray(Flags flags) { ArrayList<Tag> tags = null; String svtags = null; if (flags != null) { for (Tag tag : atags) { if (flags.contains(tag.getTagId())) { if (tags == null) tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.add(tag); } } if (tags != null) { for (Tag tag : tags) { if (svtags == null) svtags = "[ "; else svtags += ","; svtags += "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(tag.getTagId()) + "'"; } if (svtags != null) svtags += " ]"; } } return svtags; } DateFormat df = null; public void processGetMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); String providername = request.getParameter("provider"); String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid"); String nopec = request.getParameter("nopec"); int idattach = 0; boolean isEditor = request.getParameter("editor") != null; boolean setSeen = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "setseen", true); if (df == null) { df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.MEDIUM, environment.getProfile().getLocale()); } try { FolderCache mcache = null; Message m = null; IMAPMessage im = null; int recs = 0; long msguid = -1; String vheader[] = null; boolean wasseen = false; boolean isPECView = false; String sout = "{\nmessage: [\n"; if (providername == null) { account.checkStoreConnected(); mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); msguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); m = mcache.getMessage(msguid); im = (IMAPMessage) m; im.setPeek(us.isManualSeen()); if (m.isExpunged()) throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged"); vheader = m.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To"); wasseen = m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); if (pidattach != null) { HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); m = (Message) part.getContent(); idattach = Integer.parseInt(pidattach) + 1; } else if (nopec == null && mcache.isPEC()) { String hdrs[] = m.getHeader(HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO); if (hdrs != null && hdrs.length > 0 && hdrs[0].equals("posta-certificata")) { HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); int parts = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount(); for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i) { Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i); if (p.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) { m = (Message) p.getContent(); idattach = i + 1; isPECView = true; break; } } } } } else { // TODO: provider get message!!!! /* WebTopService provider=wts.getServiceByName(providername); MessageContentProvider mcp=provider.getMessageContentProvider(providerid); m=new MimeMessage(session,mcp.getSource()); mcache=fcProvided; mcache.addProvidedMessage(providername, providerid, m);*/ } String messageid = getMessageID(m); String subject = m.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } else { try { subject = MailUtils.decodeQString(subject); } catch (Exception exc) { } } java.util.Date d = m.getSentDate(); if (d == null) { d = m.getReceivedDate(); } if (d == null) { d = new java.util.Date(0); } String date = df.format(d).replaceAll("\\.", ":"); String fromName = ""; String fromEmail = ""; Address as[] = m.getFrom(); InternetAddress iafrom = null; if (as != null && as.length > 0) { iafrom = (InternetAddress) as[0]; fromName = iafrom.getPersonal(); fromEmail = adjustEmail(iafrom.getAddress()); if (fromName == null) { fromName = fromEmail; } } sout += "{iddata:'from',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(fromName)) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(fromEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; recs += 2; Address tos[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); if (tos != null) { for (Address to : tos) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) to; String toName = ia.getPersonal(); String toEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (toName == null) { toName = toEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'to',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(toName)) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(toEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } Address ccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC); if (ccs != null) { for (Address cc : ccs) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) cc; String ccName = ia.getPersonal(); String ccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (ccName == null) { ccName = ccEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'cc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccName) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } Address bccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC); if (bccs != null) for (Address bcc : bccs) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) bcc; String bccName = ia.getPersonal(); String bccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (bccName == null) { bccName = bccEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'bcc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccName) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } ArrayList<String> htmlparts = null; boolean balanceTags = isPreviewBalanceTags(iafrom); if (providername == null) { htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, msguid, false, balanceTags); } else { htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, providername, providerid, balanceTags); } HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); ICalendarRequest ir = mailData.getICalRequest(); if (ir != null) { if (htmlparts.size() > 0) sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(htmlparts.get(0)) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; } else { for (String html : htmlparts) { //sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + OldUtils.jsEscape(html) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } /*if (!wasseen) { //if (us.isManualSeen()) { if (!setSeen) { m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false); } else { //if no html part, flag seen is not set if (htmlparts.size()==0) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } }*/ if (!us.isManualSeen()) { if (htmlparts.size() == 0) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } else { if (setSeen) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } int acount = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount(); for (int i = 0; i < acount; ++i) { Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i); String ctype = p.getContentType(); Service.logger.debug("attachment " + i + " is " + ctype); int ix = ctype.indexOf(';'); if (ix > 0) { ctype = ctype.substring(0, ix); } String cidnames[] = p.getHeader("Content-ID"); String cidname = null; if (cidnames != null && cidnames.length > 0) cidname = mcache.normalizeCidFileName(cidnames[0]); boolean isInlineable = isInlineableMime(ctype); boolean inline = ((p.getHeader("Content-Location") != null) || (cidname != null)) && isInlineable; if (inline && cidname != null) inline = mailData.isReferencedCid(cidname); if (p.getDisposition() != null && p.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE) && inline) { continue; } String imgname = null; boolean isCalendar = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/calendar") || ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/icalendar"); if (isCalendar) { imgname = "resources/" + getManifest().getId() + "/laf/" + cus.getLookAndFeel() + "/ical_16.png"; } String pname = getPartName(p); try { pname = MailUtils.decodeQString(pname); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (pname == null) { ix = ctype.indexOf("/"); String fname = ctype; if (ix > 0) { fname = ctype.substring(ix + 1); } //String ext = WT.getMediaTypeExtension(ctype); //if (ext == null) { pname = fname; //} else { // pname = fname + "." + ext; //} if (isCalendar) pname += ".ics"; } else { if (isCalendar && !StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pname, ".ics")) pname += ".ics"; } int size = p.getSize(); int lines = (size / 76); int rsize = size - (lines * 2);//(p.getSize()/4)*3; String iddata = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("message/rfc822") ? "eml" : (inline ? "inlineattach" : "attach"); boolean editable = isFileEditableInDocEditor(pname); sout += "{iddata:'" + iddata + "',value1:'" + (i + idattach) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(pname)) + "',value3:" + rsize + ",value4:" + (imgname == null ? "null" : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(imgname) + "'") + ", editable: " + editable + " },\n"; } if (!mcache.isDrafts() && !mcache.isSent() && !mcache.isSpam() && !mcache.isTrash() && !mcache.isArchive()) { if (vheader != null && vheader[0] != null && !wasseen) { sout += "{iddata:'receipt',value1:'" + us.getReadReceiptConfirmation() + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(vheader[0]) + "',value3:0},\n"; } } String h = getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-scheduled"); if (h != null && h.equals("true")) { java.util.Calendar scal = parseScheduleHeader(getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-date"), getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-time")); if (scal != null) { java.util.Date sd = scal.getTime(); String sdate = df.format(sd).replaceAll("\\.", ":"); sout += "{iddata:'scheddate',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(sdate) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; } } if (ir != null) { /* ICalendarManager calMgr = (ICalendarManager)WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar",environment.getProfileId()); if (calMgr != null) { if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) { calMgr.updateEventFromICalReply(ir.getCalendar()); //TODO: gestire lato client una notifica di avvenuto aggiornamento } else { Event evt = calMgr..getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, false, ir.getUID()) if (evt != null) { UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId(); UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid); boolean iAmOrganizer = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(evt.getOrganizerAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress()); boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(calMgr.getCalendarOwner(evt.getCalendarId())); if (!iAmOrganizer && !iAmOwner) { //TODO: gestire lato client l'aggiornamento: Accetta/Rifiuta, Aggiorna e20 dopo update/request } } } } */ ICalendarManager cm = (ICalendarManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar", true, environment.getProfileId()); if (cm != null) { int eid = -1; //Event ev=cm.getEventByScope(EventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); Event ev = null; if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) { // Previous impl. forced (forceOriginal == true) ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); } else { ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); } UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId(); UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid); if (ev != null) { InternetAddress organizer = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(ev.getOrganizer()); boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(cm.getCalendarOwner(ev.getCalendarId())); boolean iAmOrganizer = (organizer != null) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(organizer.getAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress()); //TODO: in reply controllo se mail combacia con quella dell'attendee che risponde... //TODO: rimuovere controllo su data? dovrebbe sempre aggiornare? if (iAmOwner || iAmOrganizer) { eid = 0; //TODO: troviamo un modo per capire se la risposta si riverisce all'ultima versione dell'evento? Nuovo campo timestamp? /* DateTime dtEvt = ev.getRevisionTimestamp().withMillisOfSecond(0).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime dtICal = ICal4jUtils.fromICal4jDate(ir.getLastModified(), ICal4jUtils.getTimeZone(DateTimeZone.UTC)); if (dtICal.isAfter(dtEvt)) { eid = 0; } else { eid = ev.getEventId(); } */ } } sout += "{iddata:'ical',value1:'" + ir.getMethod() + "',value2:'" + ir.getUID() + "',value3:'" + eid + "'},\n"; } } sout += "{iddata:'date',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(date) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'subject',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(subject)) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'messageid',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(messageid) + "',value2:'',value3:0}\n"; if (providername == null && !mcache.isSpecial()) { mcache.refreshUnreads(); } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout += "\n],\n"; String svtags = getJSTagsArray(m.getFlags()); if (svtags != null) sout += "tags: " + svtags + ",\n"; if (isPECView) { sout += "pec: true,\n"; } sout += "total:" + recs + ",\nmillis:" + millis + "\n}\n"; out.println(sout); if (im != null) im.setPeek(false); // if (!wasopen) folder.close(false); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processGetContactFromVCard(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String folder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "folder", true); int messageId = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "messageId", true); int attachId = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "attachId", true); String uploadTag = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "uploadTag", true); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(folder); Message m = mcache.getMessage(messageId); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(attachId); String filename = MailUtils.getPartFilename(part); InputStream is = part.getInputStream(); try { List<ContactInput> results = new VCardInput().fromVCardFile(is, null); ContactInput ci = results.get(0); JsContactData js = new JsContactData(; if ( { ContactPictureWithBytes picture = (ContactPictureWithBytes); WebTopSession.UploadedFile upl = null; ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; try { bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(picture.getBytes()); upl = addAsUploadedFile("com.sonicle.webtop.contacts", uploadTag, StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(filename, "idAttach"), "text/vcard", bais); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bais); } if (upl != null) js.picture = upl.getUploadId(); } new JsonResult(js).printTo(out); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } catch (Exception ex) { Service.logger.error("Exception", ex); new JsonResult(ex).printTo(out); } } public void processGetMessageNote(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Connection con = null; boolean result = false; String text = ""; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long msguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); String id = getMessageID(mcache.getMessage(msguid)); con = getConnection(); ONote onote = NoteDAO.getInstance().selectById(con, profile.getDomainId(), id); if (onote != null) { text = onote.getText(); } result = true; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); text = exc.getMessage(); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } new JsonResult(result, text).printTo(out); } public void processSaveMessageNote(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String text = request.getParameter("text").trim(); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Connection con = null; boolean result = false; String message = ""; try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long msguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message msg = mcache.getMessage(msguid); String id = getMessageID(msg); con = getConnection(); NoteDAO.getInstance().deleteById(con, profile.getDomainId(), id); if (text.length() > 0) { ONote onote = new ONote(profile.getDomainId(), id, text); NoteDAO.getInstance().insert(con, onote); msg.setFlags(flagNote, true); } else { msg.setFlags(flagNote, false); } result = true; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); message = exc.getMessage(); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } new JsonResult(result, message).printTo(out); } protected String adjustEmail(String email) { if (email != null) { email = email.trim(); if (email.startsWith("'")) { email = email.substring(1); } if (email.endsWith("'")) { email = email.substring(0, email.length() - 1); } email = email.trim(); } return email; } class ContactElement { String email; String source; ContactElement(String email, String source) { = email; this.source = source; } public boolean equals(Object o) { ContactElement contact = (ContactElement) o; return email.equals(; } } public void processGetAttachment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); String providername = request.getParameter("provider"); String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid"); String pcid = request.getParameter("cid"); String purl = request.getParameter("url"); String punknown = request.getParameter("unknown"); String psaveas = request.getParameter("saveas"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = null; Message m = null; if (providername == null) { mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); } else { mcache = fcProvided; m = mcache.getProvidedMessage(providername, providerid); } IMAPMessage im = (IMAPMessage) m; im.setPeek(us.isManualSeen()); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = null; if (pcid != null) { part = mailData.getCidPart(pcid); } else if (purl != null) { part = mailData.getUrlPart(purl); } else if (pidattach != null) { part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); } else if (punknown != null) { part = mailData.getUnknownPart(Integer.parseInt(punknown)); } //boolean wasseen = m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); if (part != null) { String ctype = "binary/octet-stream"; if (psaveas == null) { ctype = part.getContentType(); int ix = ctype.indexOf(";"); if (ix > 0) ctype = ctype.substring(0, ix); } String name = part.getFileName(); if (name == null) name = ""; try { name = MailUtils.decodeQString(name); } catch (Exception exc) { } name = name.trim(); if (psaveas == null) { int ix = name.lastIndexOf("."); if (ix > 0) { //String ext=name.substring(ix+1); String xctype = ServletHelper.guessMediaType(name); if (xctype != null) ctype = xctype; } } ServletUtils.setFileStreamHeaders(response, ctype, DispositionType.INLINE, name); if (providername == null) { Folder folder = mailData.getFolder(); if (!folder.isOpen()); } InputStream is = part.getInputStream(); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); fastStreamCopy(is, out); is.close(); out.close(); //if(!wasseen){ // if (us.isManualSeen()) { // m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false); // } //} } im.setPeek(false); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processGetAttachments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pids[] = request.getParameterValues("ids"); String providername = request.getParameter("provider"); String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = null; Message m = null; if (providername == null) { mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); } else { mcache = fcProvided; m = mcache.getProvidedMessage(providername, providerid); } HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); String name = m.getSubject(); if (name == null) { name = "attachments"; } try { name = MailUtils.decodeQString(name); } catch (Exception exc) { } name += ".zip"; //prepare hashmap to hold already used pnames HashMap<String, String> pnames = new HashMap<String, String>(); ServletUtils.setFileStreamHeaders(response, "application/x-zip-compressed", DispositionType.INLINE, name); JarOutputStream jos = new java.util.jar.JarOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()); byte[] b = new byte[64 * 1024]; for (String pid : pids) { Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pid)); String pname = part.getFileName(); if (pname == null) { pname = "unknown"; } /* try { pname = MailUtils.decodeQString(pname, "iso-8859-1"); } catch (Exception exc) { } */ //keep name and extension String bpname = pname; String extpname = null; int ix = pname.lastIndexOf("."); if (ix > 0) { bpname = pname.substring(0, ix); extpname = pname.substring(ix + 1); } //check for existing pname and find an unused name int xid = 0; String rpname = pname; while (pnames.containsKey(rpname)) { rpname = bpname + " (" + (++xid) + ")"; if (extpname != null) rpname += "." + extpname; } JarEntry je = new JarEntry(rpname); jos.putNextEntry(je); if (providername == null) { Folder folder = mailData.getFolder(); if (!folder.isOpen()) {; } } InputStream is = part.getInputStream(); int len = 0; while ((len = != -1) { jos.write(b, 0, len); } is.close(); //remember used pname pnames.put(rpname, rpname); } jos.closeEntry(); jos.flush(); jos.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processPreviewAttachment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); String uploadId = request.getParameter("uploadId"); /*String cid = request.getParameter("cid"); Attachment att = null; if (tempname != null) { att = getAttachment(msgid, tempname); } else if (cid != null) { att = getAttachmentByCid(msgid, cid); }*/ if (uploadId != null && hasUploadedFile(uploadId)) { WebTopSession.UploadedFile upl = getUploadedFile(uploadId); String ctype = ServletHelper.guessMediaType(upl.getFilename(), upl.getMediaType()); ServletUtils.setFileStreamHeaders(response, ctype, DispositionType.INLINE, upl.getFilename()); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(upl.getFile()); OutputStream oout = response.getOutputStream(); fastStreamCopy(is, oout); } else { Service.logger.debug("uploadId was not valid!"); } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Error in PreviewAttachment", exc); } } public void processDocPreviewAttachment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); account.checkStoreConnected(); String uploadId = request.getParameter("uploadId"); /*String cid = request.getParameter("cid"); Attachment att = null; if (tempname != null) { att = getAttachment(msgid, tempname); } else if (cid != null) { att = getAttachmentByCid(msgid, cid); }*/ if (uploadId != null && hasUploadedFile(uploadId)) { WebTopSession.UploadedFile upl = getUploadedFile(uploadId); String fileHash = AlgoUtils.md5Hex(new CompositeId("previewattach", uploadId).toString()); AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler docHandler = new AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler(false, getEnv().getProfileId(), fileHash, upl.getFile()); DocEditorManager.DocumentConfig config = getWts().prepareDocumentEditing(docHandler, upl.getFilename(), upl.getFile().lastModified()); new JsonResult(config).printTo(out); } else { Service.logger.debug("uploadId was not valid!"); } } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Error in PreviewAttachment", exc); } } //view through onlyoffice doc viewer public void processViewAttachment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); String providername = request.getParameter("provider"); String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid"); String pcid = request.getParameter("cid"); String purl = request.getParameter("url"); String punknown = request.getParameter("unknown"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = null; Message m = null; if (providername == null) { mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); } else { mcache = fcProvided; m = mcache.getProvidedMessage(providername, providerid); } HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = null; if (pcid != null) { part = mailData.getCidPart(pcid); } else if (purl != null) { part = mailData.getUrlPart(purl); } else if (pidattach != null) { part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); } else if (punknown != null) { part = mailData.getUnknownPart(Integer.parseInt(punknown)); } if (part != null) { String name = part.getFileName(); if (name == null) name = ""; try { name = MailUtils.decodeQString(name); } catch (Exception exc) { } name = name.trim(); if (providername == null) { Folder folder = mailData.getFolder(); if (!folder.isOpen()); } String fileHash = AlgoUtils.md5Hex(new CompositeId(pfoldername, puidmessage, pidattach).toString()); long lastModified = m.getReceivedDate().getTime(); AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler docHandler = new AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler(false, getEnv().getProfileId(), fileHash, part, lastModified); DocEditorManager.DocumentConfig config = getWts().prepareDocumentEditing(docHandler, name, lastModified); new JsonResult(config).printTo(out); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public java.util.Calendar convertTimeZone(String year, String month, String day, String hour, String min, String timezonefrom, String timezoneto) { java.util.TimeZone timeZone1 = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezonefrom); java.util.TimeZone timeZone2 = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneto); java.util.Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTimeZone(timeZone1); calendar.set(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(month), Integer.parseInt(day), Integer.parseInt(hour), Integer.parseInt(min)); java.util.Calendar calendarout = new GregorianCalendar(); calendarout.setTimeZone(timeZone2); calendarout.setTimeInMillis(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); return calendarout; } public void processCalendarRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pcalaction = request.getParameter("calaction"); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); ICalendarRequest ir = new ICalendarRequest(part.getInputStream()); ICalendarManager cm = (ICalendarManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar", true, environment.getProfileId()); if (pcalaction.equals("accept")) { Event ev = cm.addEventFromICal(cm.getBuiltInCalendar().getCalendarId(), ir.getCalendar()); String ekey = cm.getEventInstanceKey(ev.getEventId()); sendICalendarReply(account, ir, ((InternetAddress) m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO)[0]), PartStat.ACCEPTED); new JsonResult(ekey).printTo(out); } else if (pcalaction.equals("import")) { Event ev = cm.addEventFromICal(cm.getBuiltInCalendar().getCalendarId(), ir.getCalendar()); String ekey = cm.getEventInstanceKey(ev.getEventId()); new JsonResult(ekey).printTo(out); } else if (pcalaction.equals("cancel") || pcalaction.equals("update")) { cm.updateEventFromICal(ir.getCalendar()); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported calendar request action : " + pcalaction); } } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(exc).printTo(out); logger.error("Error sending " + pcalaction, exc); } } public void processDeclineInvitation(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); ICalendarRequest ir = new ICalendarRequest(part.getInputStream()); sendICalendarReply(account, ir, ((InternetAddress) m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO)[0]), PartStat.DECLINED); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); logger.error("Error sending decline", exc); } } /* private void sendICalendarReply(InternetAddress forAddress, PartStat response, net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar cal, String summary, String organizerAddress) throws Exception { UserProfile profile=environment.getProfile(); Locale locale=profile.getLocale(); String action_string=response.equals(PartStat.ACCEPTED)? lookupResource(locale, MailLocaleKey.ICAL_REPLY_ACCEPTED): lookupResource(locale, MailLocaleKey.ICAL_REPLY_DECLINED); net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar reply=ICalendarUtils.buildInvitationReply(cal, ICalendarUtils.buildProdId(WT.getPlatformName()+" Mail"),forAddress, response); //If forAddress is not on any of the intended iCal attendee, don't send a reply (e.g. forwarded ics) if (reply!=null) { //String icalContent=reply.toString(); String icalContent=ICalendarUtils.calendarToString(reply); String icalContentType="text/calendar; charset=UTF-8; method=REPLY"; SimpleMessage smsg = new SimpleMessage(999999); String subject = action_string + " " + summary; smsg.setSubject(subject); InternetAddress to[]=new InternetAddress[1]; to[0]=new InternetAddress(organizerAddress); smsg.setTo(to); //smsg.setContent(icalContent,"this is a meeting invitation",icalContentType); smsg.setContent(""); javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart part2 = new javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); part2.setContent(icalContent, MailUtils.buildPartContentType(icalContentType, "UTF-8")); part2.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "8BIT"); //part2.setFileName("webtop-reply.ics"); //javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart part1 = new javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); //part1.setText(content, "UTF8", "application/ics"); //part1.setHeader("Content-type", "application/ics"); //part1.setFileName("webtop-reply.ics"); MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("mixed"); mp.addBodyPart(part2); MimeBodyPart mbp=new MimeBodyPart(); mbp.setHeader("Content-type", "multipart/mixed"); mbp.setContent(mp); smsg.setAttachments(new javax.mail.Part[]{mbp}); Exception exc=sendMsg(profile.getFullEmailAddress(), smsg, null); if (exc!=null) throw exc; } }*/ private void sendICalendarReply(MailAccount account, ICalendarRequest request, InternetAddress forAddress, PartStat response) throws Exception { InternetAddress organizerAddress = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(request.getOrganizerAddress()); sendICalendarReply(account, request.getCalendar(), organizerAddress, forAddress, response, request.getSummary()); } private void sendICalendarReply(MailAccount account, net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar ical, InternetAddress organizerAddress, InternetAddress forAddress, PartStat response, String eventSummary) throws Exception { String prodId = ICalendarUtils.buildProdId(WT.getPlatformName() + " Mail"); net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar icalReply = ICalendarUtils.buildInvitationReply(ical, prodId, forAddress, response); if (icalReply == null) throw new WTException("Unable to build ICalendar reply or maybe you are not into attendee list"); // Creates base message parts icalMethod =; String icalText = ICalendarUtils.calendarToString(icalReply); MimeBodyPart calPart = ICalendarUtils.createInvitationCalendarPart(icalMethod, icalText); String filename = ICalendarUtils.buildICalendarAttachmentFilename(WT.getPlatformName()); MimeBodyPart attPart = ICalendarUtils.createInvitationAttachmentPart(icalText, filename); MimeMultipart mmp = ICalendarUtils.createInvitationPart(null, calPart, attPart); UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(getEnv().getProfileId()); InternetAddress from = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(ud.getFullEmailAddress()); Message message = createMessage(account, from, TplHelper.buildEventInvitationReplyEmailSubject(ud.getLocale(), response, eventSummary)); message.addRecipient(RecipientType.TO, organizerAddress); message.setContent(mmp); sendMsg(message); } private MimeMessage createMessage(MailAccount account, InternetAddress from, String subject) throws MessagingException { try { subject = MimeUtility.encodeText(subject); } catch (Exception ex) { } MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(account.getMailSession()); message.setSubject(subject); message.addFrom(new InternetAddress[] { from }); message.setSentDate(new java.util.Date()); return message; } public void processUpdateCalendarReply(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); //UserProfile profile=environment.getUserProfile(); try { account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); long newmsguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); Message m = mcache.getMessage(newmsguid); HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); ICalendarRequest ir = new ICalendarRequest(part.getInputStream()); String event_id = null; //TODO: String event_id=((CalendarService)wts.getServiceByName("calendar")).updateFromReply(ir); if (event_id != null) { new JsonResult(event_id).printTo(out); } else { throw new Exception("Event not found"); } } catch (Exception exc) { //sout="{\nresult: false, text:'"+Utils.jsEscape(exc.getMessage())+"'\n}"; new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); logger.error("Error getting calendar events", exc); } } boolean checkFileRules(String foldername) { try { List<MailFilter> filters = mailManager.getMailFilters(MailFiltersType.INCOMING, true); for (MailFilter filter : filters) { for (SieveAction action : filter.getSieveActions()) { if (action.getMethod() == SieveActionMethod.FILE_INTO) { if (StringUtils.equals(action.getArgument(), foldername)) return true; } } } } catch (WTException ex) { logger.error("Error checking file action [{}]", ex, foldername); } return false; } boolean checkScanRules(String foldername) { boolean b = false; Connection con = null; try { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); con = getConnection(); b = ScanDAO.getInstance().isScanFolder(con, profile.getDomainId(), profile.getUserId(), foldername); } catch (SQLException exc) { logger.error("Error checking Scan rules on folder {}", foldername, exc); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return b; } public void processRunAdvancedSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { if (ast != null && ast.isRunning()) { throw new Exception("Advanced search is still running!"); } MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String folder = request.getParameter("folder"); String strashspam = request.getParameter("trashspam"); String ssubfolders = request.getParameter("subfolders"); String sandor = request.getParameter("andor"); String sentries[] = request.getParameterValues("entries"); boolean subfolders = ssubfolders.equals("true"); boolean trashspam = strashspam.equals("true"); boolean and = sandor.equals("and"); AdvancedSearchEntry entries[] = new AdvancedSearchEntry[sentries.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sentries.length; ++i) { entries[i] = new AdvancedSearchEntry(sentries[i]); } if (folder.startsWith("folder:")) { folder = folder.substring(7); ast = new AdvancedSearchThread(this, account, folder, trashspam, subfolders, and, entries); } else { int folderType = folder.equals("personal") ? AdvancedSearchThread.FOLDERTYPE_PERSONAL : folder.equals("shared") ? AdvancedSearchThread.FOLDERTYPE_SHARED : AdvancedSearchThread.FOLDERTYPE_ALL; ast = new AdvancedSearchThread(this, account, folderType, trashspam, subfolders, and, entries); } ast.start(); out.println("{\nresult: true\n}"); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); out.println("{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"); } } public void processPollAdvancedSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); try { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String sstart = request.getParameter("start"); int start = 0; if (sstart != null) { start = Integer.parseInt(sstart); } String sout = "{\n"; if (ast != null) { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); Locale locale = profile.getLocale(); java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); ArrayList<Message> msgs = ast.getResult(); int totalrows = msgs.size(); int newrows = totalrows - start; sout += "total:" + totalrows + ",\nstart:" + start + ",\nlimit:" + newrows + ",\nmessages: [\n"; boolean first = true; for (int i = start; i < msgs.size(); ++i) { Message xm = msgs.get(i); if (xm.isExpunged()) { continue; } IMAPFolder xmfolder = (IMAPFolder) xm.getFolder(); boolean wasopen = xmfolder.isOpen(); if (!wasopen); long nuid = xmfolder.getUID(xm); if (!wasopen) xmfolder.close(false); IMAPMessage m = (IMAPMessage) xm; //Date java.util.Date d = m.getSentDate(); if (d == null) { d = m.getReceivedDate(); } if (d == null) { d = new java.util.Date(0); } cal.setTime(d); int yyyy = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR); int mm = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH); int dd = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int hhh = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int mmm = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE); int sss = cal.get(java.util.Calendar.SECOND); String xfolder = xm.getFolder().getFullName(); FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(xfolder); String folder = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(xfolder); String foldername = StringEscapeUtils .escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(getInternationalFolderName(fc))); //From String from = ""; Address ia[] = m.getFrom(); if (ia != null) { InternetAddress iafrom = (InternetAddress) ia[0]; from = iafrom.getPersonal(); if (from == null) { from = iafrom.getAddress(); } } from = (from == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(from))); //To String to = ""; ia = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); if (ia != null) { InternetAddress iato = (InternetAddress) ia[0]; to = iato.getPersonal(); if (to == null) { to = iato.getAddress(); } } to = (to == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(to))); //Subject String subject = m.getSubject(); if (subject != null) { try { subject = MailUtils.decodeQString(subject); } catch (Exception exc) { } } subject = (subject == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(subject))); //Unread boolean unread = !m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); //if (ppattern==null && unread) ++funread; //Priority int priority = getPriority(m); //Status java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Calendar cal1 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); java.util.Calendar cal2 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(locale); boolean isToday = false; if (d != null) { cal1.setTime(today); cal2.setTime(d); if (cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) && cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) == cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) && cal1.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR)) { isToday = true; } } Flags flags = m.getFlags(); String status = "read"; if (flags != null) { if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED)) { if (flags.contains("$Forwarded")) { status = "repfwd"; } else { status = "replied"; } } else if (flags.contains("$Forwarded")) { status = "forwarded"; } else if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) { status = "read"; } else if (isToday) { status = "new"; } else { status = "unread"; } // if (flags.contains(Flags.Flag.USER)) flagImage=webtopapp.getUri()+"/images/themes/"+profile.getTheme()+"/mail/flag.gif"; } //Size int msgsize = 0; msgsize = (m.getSize() * 3) / 4;// /1024 + 1; //User flags String cflag = ""; for (WebtopFlag webtopFlag : webtopFlags) { String flagstring = webtopFlag.label; //String tbflagstring=webtopFlag.tbLabel; if (!flagstring.equals("complete")) { String oldflagstring = "flag" + flagstring; if (flags.contains(flagstring) || flags.contains(oldflagstring) /*|| (tbflagstring!=null && flags.contains(tbflagstring))*/ ) { cflag = flagstring; } } } boolean flagComplete = flags.contains("complete"); if (flagComplete) { cflag += "-complete"; } //idmessage=idmessage.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\"); //idmessage=OldUtils.jsEscape(idmessage); if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } boolean archived = false; if (hasDmsDocumentArchiving()) { archived = m.getHeader("X-WT-Archived") != null; if (!archived) { archived = flags.contains(sflagDmsArchived); } } boolean hasNote = flags.contains(sflagNote); sout += "{folder:'" + folder + "', folderdesc:'" + foldername + "',idmandfolder:'" + folder + "|" + nuid + "',idmessage:'" + nuid + "',priority:" + priority + ",status:'" + status + "',to:'" + to + "',from:'" + from + "',subject:'" + subject + "',date: new Date(" + yyyy + "," + mm + "," + dd + "," + hhh + "," + mmm + "," + sss + "),unread: " + unread + ",size:" + msgsize + ",flag:'" + cflag + "'" + (archived ? ",arch:true" : "") + (isToday ? ",istoday:true" : "") + (hasNote ? ",note:true" : "") + "}"; first = false; } sout += "\n]\n, progress: " + ast.getProgress() + ", curfoldername: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(getInternationalFolderName(ast.getCurrentFolder())) + "', " + "max: " + ast.isMoreThanMax() + ", finished: " + (ast.isFinished() || ast.isCanceled() || !ast.isRunning()) + " }\n"; } else { sout += "total:0,\nstart:0,\nlimit:0,\nmessages: [\n"; sout += "\n] }\n"; } out.println(sout); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } public void processCancelAdvancedSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { if (ast != null && ast.isRunning()) { ast.cancel(); } out.println("{\nresult: true\n}"); } public void processRunSmartSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { if (sst != null && sst.isRunning()) sst.cancel(); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pattern = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "pattern", true); String folder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "folder", false); boolean trashspam = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "trashspam", false); boolean fromme = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "fromme", false); boolean tome = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "tome", false); boolean attachments = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "attachments", false); int year = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "year", 0); int month = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "month", 0); int day = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "day", 0); ArrayList<String> ispersonfilters = ServletUtils.getStringParameters(request, "ispersonfilters"); ArrayList<String> isnotpersonfilters = ServletUtils.getStringParameters(request, "isnotpersonfilters"); ArrayList<String> isfolderfilters = ServletUtils.getStringParameters(request, "isfolderfilters"); ArrayList<String> isnotfolderfilters = ServletUtils.getStringParameters(request, "isnotfolderfilters"); Set<String> _folderIds = account.getFolderCacheKeys(); ArrayList<SearchTerm> terms = new ArrayList<>(); SearchTerm searchTerm = null; //sort folders, placing first interesting ones ArrayList<String> folderIds = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.sort(folderIds); String firstFolders[] = { account.getInboxFolderFullName(), account.getFolderSent() }; for (String folderId : firstFolders) folderIds.add(folderId); for (String folderId : _folderIds) { //if folder selected, look only under that folder if (folder != null && folder.trim().length() > 0) { if (!folder.equals(folderId) && !account.isUnderFolder(folder, folderId)) continue; } else { //else skip shared if (account.isUnderSharedFolder(folderId)) continue; } //skip trash & spam unless selected if (!trashspam && (account.isTrashFolder(folderId) || account.isSpamFolder(folderId))) continue; boolean skip = false; for (String skipfolder : firstFolders) { if (skipfolder.equals(folderId)) { skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) folderIds.add(folderId); } terms.add(new OrTerm(ImapQuery.toAnySearchTerm(pattern))); int n = terms.size(); if (n == 1) searchTerm = terms.get(0); else if (n > 1) { SearchTerm vterms[] = new SearchTerm[n]; terms.toArray(vterms); searchTerm = new AndTerm(vterms); } sst = new SmartSearchThread(this, account, folderIds, fromme, tome, attachments, ispersonfilters, isnotpersonfilters, isfolderfilters, isnotfolderfilters, year, month, day, searchTerm, false); sst.start(); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processPollSmartSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { if (sst != null) { JsSmartSearchTotals jssst = sst.getSmartSearchTotals(); synchronized (jssst.lock) { JsonResult jsr = new JsonResult(jssst); jsr.printTo(out); } } else new JsonResult(false, "Smart search is not available").printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processPortletRunSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); boolean trash = false; boolean spam = false; ArrayList<SearchTerm> terms = new ArrayList<SearchTerm>(); SearchTerm searchTerm = null; if (pst != null && pst.isRunning()) pst.cancel(); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pattern = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "pattern", true); Set<String> _folderIds = account.getFolderCacheKeys(); //sort folders, placing first interesting ones ArrayList<String> folderIds = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.sort(folderIds); String firstFolders[] = { account.getInboxFolderFullName(), account.getFolderSent() }; for (String folderId : firstFolders) folderIds.add(folderId); for (String folderId : _folderIds) { if (account.isUnderSharedFolder(folderId)) continue; //skip trash & spam unless selected if (!trash && account.isTrashFolder(folderId)) continue; if (!spam && account.isSpamFolder(folderId)) continue; folderIds.add(folderId); } terms.add(new OrTerm(ImapQuery.toAnySearchTerm(pattern))); int n = terms.size(); if (n == 1) searchTerm = terms.get(0); else if (n > 1) { SearchTerm vterms[] = new SearchTerm[n]; terms.toArray(vterms); searchTerm = new AndTerm(vterms); } pst = new PortletSearchThread(this, account, folderIds, searchTerm, false); pst.start(); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processPortletPollSearch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { if (pst != null) { JsPortletSearchResult jspsr = pst.getPortletSearchResult(); synchronized (jspsr.lock) { JsonResult jsr = new JsonResult(jspsr); jsr.printTo(out); } } else new JsonResult(false, "Portlet search is not available").printTo(out); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); new JsonResult(false, exc.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processSetMessageView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String region = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "region", true); Integer width = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "width", true); Integer height = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "height", true); Boolean collapsed = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "collapsed", false); us.setMessageViewRegion(region); us.setMessageViewWidth(width); us.setMessageViewHeight(height); us.setMessageViewCollapsed(collapsed); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error executing action SetToolComponentWidth", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Unable to save with").printTo(out); } } public boolean isSharedSeen(MailAccount account) throws MessagingException { if (!account.hasAnnotations()) return false; SonicleIMAPFolder xfolder = (SonicleIMAPFolder) account.getFolder("INBOX"); String annot = xfolder.getAnnotation("/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/sharedseen", true); return annot.equals("true"); } public void setSharedSeen(MailAccount account, boolean b) throws MessagingException { if (!account.hasAnnotations()) return; SonicleIMAPFolder xfolder = (SonicleIMAPFolder) account.getFolder("INBOX"); xfolder.setAnnotation("/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/sharedseen", true, b ? "true" : "false"); } protected boolean schemeWantsUserWithDomain(AuthenticationDomain ad) { String scheme = ad.getDirUri().getScheme(); //return scheme.equals("ldapneth")?false:scheme.equals("ad")?true:scheme.startsWith("ldap"); return scheme.equals("ad") || scheme.startsWith("ldap"); } UserProfileId aclUserIdToUserId(String aclUserId) { String userId = aclUserId; //imap user includes domain only if ldap or AD, not including nethserver 6 //strip domain if needed Principal principal = (Principal) RunContext.getSubject().getPrincipal(); AuthenticationDomain ad = principal.getAuthenticationDomain(); if (schemeWantsUserWithDomain(ad)) { int ix = aclUserId.indexOf("@"); if (ix > 0) { String domain = aclUserId.substring(ix + 1).toLowerCase(); if (ad.getInternetName().toLowerCase().equals(domain)) userId = aclUserId.substring(0, ix); else { //skip if non domain users not permitted if (!RunContext.isPermitted(true, SERVICE_ID, "SHARING_UNKNOWN_ROLES", "SHOW")) userId = null; } } else { if (!RunContext.isPermitted(true, SERVICE_ID, "SHARING_UNKNOWN_ROLES", "SHOW")) userId = null; } } if (principal.getUserId().equals(userId)) userId = null; UserProfileId pid = null; if (userId != null) pid = new UserProfileId(environment.getProfile().getDomainId(), userId); return pid; } public void processManageSharing(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true); String id = null; Payload<MapItem, JsSharing> pl = null; if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { id = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "id", true); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.UPDATE)) { pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsSharing.class); id =; } FolderCache fc = account.getFolderCache(id); SonicleIMAPFolder folder = (SonicleIMAPFolder) fc.getFolder(); CoreManager core = WT.getCoreManager(); Sharing wtsharing = core.getSharing(SERVICE_ID, MailManager.IDENTITY_SHARING_GROUPNAME, MailManager.IDENTITY_SHARING_ID); String description = folder.getName(); ArrayList<JsSharing.SharingRights> rights = new ArrayList<>(); for (ACL acl : folder.getACL()) { String aclUserId = acl.getName(); UserProfileId pid = aclUserIdToUserId(aclUserId); if (pid == null) continue; String roleUid = core.getUserUid(pid); String roleDescription = null; boolean shareIdentity = false; boolean forceMailcard = false; if (roleUid == null) { if (!RunContext.isPermitted(true, SERVICE_ID, "SHARING_UNKNOWN_ROLES", "SHOW")) continue; roleUid = aclUserId; roleDescription = roleUid; } else { Sharing.RoleRights wtrr = wtsharing.getRoleRights(roleUid); if (wtrr != null) { shareIdentity = wtrr.folderRead; forceMailcard = wtrr.folderUpdate; } String dn; try { OUser ouser = core.getUser(pid); dn = ouser.getDisplayName(); } catch (WTException exc) { dn = "no description available"; } roleDescription = pid.getUserId() + " [" + dn + "]"; } Rights ar = acl.getRights(); rights.add(new JsSharing.SharingRights(id, roleUid, roleDescription, aclUserId, shareIdentity, forceMailcard, ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('l')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('r')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('s')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('w')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('i')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('p')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('k')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('a')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('x')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('t')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('n')), ar.contains(Rights.Right.getInstance('e')))); } JsSharing sharing = new JsSharing(id, description, "this", rights); if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { new JsonResult(sharing).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.UPDATE)) { for (JsSharing.SharingRights sr : { //try to fill in the imapId where empty if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sr.imapId)) { UserProfileId pid = core.userUidToProfileId(sr.roleUid); String imapId = null; //look for any custom mail user OUserMap userMap = UserMapDAO.getInstance().selectById(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (userMap != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(userMap.getMailUser())) { if (userMap.getMailHost().equals(account.getHost()) && userMap.getMailPort().equals(account.getPort()) && userMap.getMailProtocol().equals(account.getProtocol())) { imapId = userMap.getMailUser(); } } else { imapId = pid.getUserId(); Principal principal = (Principal) RunContext.getSubject().getPrincipal(); AuthenticationDomain ad = principal.getAuthenticationDomain(); if (schemeWantsUserWithDomain(ad)) { imapId += "@" + ad.getInternetName(); } } sr.imapId = imapId; } } String foldername ="all") ? "" : id; boolean recursive ="all") ||"branch"); // //Prepare new sharing structure // Sharing newwtsharing = new Sharing(); newwtsharing.setId(MailManager.IDENTITY_SHARING_ID); ArrayList<Sharing.RoleRights> newwtrights = new ArrayList<>(); //first delete all removed roles for (JsSharing.SharingRights sr : sharing.rights) { String imapId = ss.isImapAclLowercase() ? sr.imapId.toLowerCase() : sr.imapId; if (! { logger.debug("Folder [" + foldername + "] - remove acl for " + imapId + " recursive=" + recursive); account.removeFolderSharing(foldername, imapId, recursive); updateIdentitySharingRights(newwtrights, sr.roleUid, false, false); } } //now apply new acls for (JsSharing.SharingRights sr : { String imapId = ss.isImapAclLowercase() ? sr.imapId.toLowerCase() : sr.imapId; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sr.imapId)) { String srights = sr.toString(); logger.debug("Folder [" + foldername + "] - add acl " + srights + " for " + imapId + " recursive=" + recursive); account.setFolderSharing(foldername, imapId, srights, recursive); updateIdentitySharingRights(newwtrights, sr.roleUid, sr.shareIdentity, sr.forceMailcard); } } newwtsharing.setRights(newwtrights); WT.getCoreManager().updateSharing(SERVICE_ID, MailManager.IDENTITY_SHARING_GROUPNAME, newwtsharing); new JsonResult().printTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in action ManageSharing", ex); new JsonResult(false, "Error").printTo(out); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void updateIdentitySharingRights(ArrayList<Sharing.RoleRights> wtrights, String roleUid, boolean shareIdentity, boolean forceMailcard) throws WTException { //update sharing settings SharePermsFolder spf = new SharePermsFolder(); if (shareIdentity || forceMailcard) { if (shareIdentity) spf.add(SharePermsFolder.READ); if (forceMailcard) spf.add(SharePermsFolder.UPDATE); wtrights.add(new Sharing.RoleRights(roleUid, null, spf, new SharePermsElements())); } } public SharedPrincipal getSharedPrincipal(String domainId, String mailUserId) { SharedPrincipal p = null; Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); logger.debug("looking for shared folder map on {}@{}", mailUserId, domainId); OUserMap omap = UserMapDAO.getInstance().selectFirstByMailUser(con, domainId, mailUserId); OUser ouser; if (omap != null) { logger.debug("found mapping : {}", omap.getUserId()); //get mapped webtop user ouser = UserDAO.getInstance().selectByDomainUser(con, domainId, omap.getUserId()); } else { //remove @domain if present mailUserId = StringUtils.substringBefore(mailUserId, "@"); logger.debug("mapping not found, looking for a webtop user with id = {}", mailUserId); //try looking for a webtop user with userId=mailUserId ouser = UserDAO.getInstance().selectByDomainUser(con, domainId, mailUserId); } String desc = null; if (ouser != null) { desc = LangUtils.value(ouser.getDisplayName(), ""); } else { String email = mailUserId; if (email.indexOf("@") < 0) email += "@" + WT.getDomainInternetName(domainId); UserProfile.Data udata = WT.guessUserData(email); if (udata != null) desc = LangUtils.value(udata.getDisplayName(), ""); } if (desc != null) { logger.debug("webtop user found, desc={}", desc); p = new SharedPrincipal(mailUserId, desc.trim()); } else { logger.debug("webtop user not found, creating unmapped principal"); p = new SharedPrincipal(mailUserId, mailUserId); } } catch (SQLException exc) { logger.error("Error finding principal for {}@{}", mailUserId, domainId, exc); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return p; } private void createFile(InputStream in, File outfile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outfile); byte buffer[] = new byte[8192]; int n = 0; while ((n = >= 0) { if (n > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, n); } } out.close(); } private void fastStreamCopy(final InputStream src, final OutputStream dest) throws IOException { final ReadableByteChannel in = Channels.newChannel(src); final WritableByteChannel out = Channels.newChannel(dest); fastChannelCopy(in, out); in.close(); out.close(); } public static void fastChannelCopy(final ReadableByteChannel src, final WritableByteChannel dest) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16 * 1024); while ( != -1) { // prepare the buffer to be drained buffer.flip(); // write to the channel, may block dest.write(buffer); // If partial transfer, shift remainder down // If buffer is empty, same as doing clear() buffer.compact(); } // EOF will leave buffer in fill state buffer.flip(); // make sure the buffer is fully drained. while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { dest.write(buffer); } } @Override public ServiceVars returnServiceVars() { ServiceVars co = new ServiceVars(); Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); List<Identity> identities = mailManager.listIdentities(); List<Identity> jsidents = new ArrayList(); jsidents.addAll(identities); for (Identity jsid : jsidents) { //if (jsid.isType(Identity.TYPE_AUTO)) { // jsid.setMainFolder(getSharedFolderName(jsid.getOriginPid().getUserId(), "INBOX")); //} if (jsid.isMainIdentity()) loadMainIdentityMailcard(jsid); else loadIdentityMailcard(jsid); } if (mainAccount.hasDifferentDefaultFolder()) co.put("inboxFolder", mainAccount.getInboxFolderFullName()); co.put("attachmentMaxFileSize", ss.getAttachmentMaxFileSize(true)); co.put("folderDrafts", us.getFolderDrafts()); co.put("folderSent", us.getFolderSent()); co.put("folderSpam", us.getFolderSpam()); co.put("folderTrash", us.getFolderTrash()); co.put("folderArchive", us.getFolderArchive()); co.put("folderSeparator", mainAccount.getFolderSeparator()); co.put("format", us.getFormat()); co.put("fontName", us.getFontName()); co.put("fontSize", us.getFontSize()); co.put("fontColor", us.getFontColor()); co.put("receipt", us.isReceipt()); co.put("autoAddContact", us.isAutoAddContact()); co.put("priority", us.isPriority()); co.put("viewMode", us.getViewMode()); co.put("noMailcardOnReplyForward", us.isNoMailcardOnReplyForward()); co.put("pageRows", us.getPageRows()); co.put("schedDisabled", ss.isScheduledEmailsDisabled()); co.put("identities", jsidents); co.put("manualSeen", us.isManualSeen()); co.put("seenOnOpen", us.isSeenOnOpen()); co.put("messageViewRegion", us.getMessageViewRegion()); co.put("messageViewWidth", us.getMessageViewWidth()); co.put("messageViewHeight", us.getMessageViewHeight()); co.put("messageViewCollapsed", us.getMessageViewCollapsed()); co.put("messageViewMaxTos", ss.getMessageViewMaxTos()); co.put("messageViewMaxCcs", ss.getMessageViewMaxCcs()); co.put("messageEditSubject", ss.isMessageEditSubject()); co.put("columnSizes", JsonResult.gson.toJson(us.getColumnSizes())); co.put("autoResponderActive", mailManager.isAutoResponderActive()); co.put("showUpcomingEvents", us.getShowUpcomingEvents()); co.put("showUpcomingTasks", us.getShowUpcomingTasks()); co.put("isArchivingExternal", ss.isArchivingExternal()); co.put("todayRowColor", us.getTodayRowColor()); if (RunContext.isPermitted(true, SERVICE_ID, "FAX", "ACCESS")) { co.put("faxSubject", getEnv().getCoreServiceSettings().getFaxSubject()); } List<MailSettings.ExternalProvider> providers = ss.getExternalProviders(); HashMap<String, String> providerIcons = new HashMap<>(); for (MailSettings.ExternalProvider provider : providers) providerIcons.put(, provider.iconUrl); String extids = ""; for (MailAccount acct : externalAccounts) { String id = acct.getId(); if (extids.length() > 0) extids += ","; extids += id; co.put("externalAccountDescription." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).getAccountDescription()); co.put("externalAccountDrafts." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).getFolderDrafts()); co.put("externalAccountSent." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).getFolderSent()); co.put("externalAccountTrash." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).getFolderTrash()); co.put("externalAccountSpam." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).getFolderSpam()); co.put("externalAccountReadOnly." + id, externalAccountsMap.get(id).isReadOnly()); co.put("externalAccountIcon." + id, providerIcons.get(externalAccountsMap.get(id).getProviderId())); } co.put("externalAccounts", extids); if (ss.isToolbarCompact()) co.put("toolbarCompact", true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error getting client options", ex); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return co; } private void loadMainIdentityMailcard(Identity id) { Mailcard mc = mailManager.getMailcard(); try { UserProfile.PersonalInfo upi = WT.getCoreManager() .getUserPersonalInfo(mailManager.getTargetProfileId()); mc.substitutePlaceholders(upi); } catch (WTException exc) { logger.error("cannot load user personal info", exc); } //mc.html=LangUtils.stripLineBreaks(mc.html); id.setMailcard(mc); } private void loadIdentityMailcard(Identity id) { Mailcard mc = mailManager.getMailcard(id); if (mc != null) { if (id.isType(Identity.TYPE_AUTO)) { UserProfileId opid = id.getOriginPid(); // In case of auto identities we need to build real mainfolder try { String mailUser = getMailUsername(opid); String mainfolder = getSharedFolderName(getAccount(id), mailUser, "INBOX" /*id.getMainFolder()*/); id.setMainFolder(mainfolder); if (mainfolder == null) throw new Exception(MessageFormat.format("Shared folderName is null [{0}, {1}]", mailUser, id.getMainFolder())); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Unable to get auto identity foldername [{}]", id.getEmail(), ex); } /* // Avoids default mailcard display for automatic identities if(mc.source.equals(Mailcard.TYPE_DEFAULT) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(id.getMainFolder())) { mc = getMailcard(); }*/ if (!id.isForceMailcard()) mc = mailManager.getMailcard(); try { UserProfile.PersonalInfo upi = WT.getCoreManager().getUserPersonalInfo(opid); mc.substitutePlaceholders(upi); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Unable to get auto identity personal info [{}]", id.getEmail(), ex); } } } //mc.html=LangUtils.stripLineBreaks(mc.html); id.setMailcard(mc); } private String getMailUsername(UserProfileId userProfileId) { Connection con = null; String username = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(SERVICE_ID); OUserMap omap = UserMapDAO.getInstance().selectById(con, userProfileId.getDomainId(), userProfileId.getUserId()); if (omap != null) username = omap.getMailUser(); if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) username = userProfileId.getUserId(); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Error mapping mail user", exc); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return username + "@" + WT.getDomainInternetName(userProfileId.getDomainId()); } public void processLookupSieveScripts(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { ArrayList<JsSimple> items = new ArrayList<>(); try { items.add(new JsSimple(MailManager.SIEVE_WEBTOP_SCRIPT, MailManager.SIEVE_WEBTOP_SCRIPT)); try { List<com.fluffypeople.managesieve.SieveScript> scripts = mailManager.listSieveScripts(); for (com.fluffypeople.managesieve.SieveScript script : scripts) { // Skip new webtop script name, we want it as first element if (!StringUtils.equals(script.getName(), MailManager.SIEVE_WEBTOP_SCRIPT)) { items.add(new JsSimple(script.getName(), script.getName())); } } } catch (WTException ex1) { logger.warn("Unable to read scripts", ex1); } new JsonResult(items, items.size()).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in LookupSieveScripts", ex); new JsonResult(false, ex.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processManageMailFilters(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String crud = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "crud", true); DateTimeZone profileTz = getEnv().getProfile().getTimeZone(); if (crud.equals(Crud.READ)) { String id = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "id", true); int scriptCount = -1; String activeScript = null; try { List<com.fluffypeople.managesieve.SieveScript> scripts = mailManager.listSieveScripts(); scriptCount = scripts.size(); activeScript = findActiveScriptName(scripts); } catch (WTException ex1) { logger.warn("Error reading active script", ex1); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(activeScript)) activeScript = MailManager.SIEVE_WEBTOP_SCRIPT; AutoResponder autoResp = mailManager.getAutoResponder(); MailFiltersType type = EnumUtils.forSerializedName(id, MailFiltersType.class); List<MailFilter> filters = mailManager.getMailFilters(type); JsInMailFilters js = new JsInMailFilters(scriptCount, activeScript, autoResp, filters, profileTz); new JsonResult(js).printTo(out); } else if (crud.equals(Crud.UPDATE)) { Payload<MapItem, JsInMailFilters> pl = ServletUtils.getPayload(request, JsInMailFilters.class); if (EnumUtils.equals(, MailFiltersType.INCOMING)) { List<MailFilter> filters = JsInMailFilters.createMailFilterList(; mailManager.updateAutoResponder(JsInMailFilters.createAutoResponder(, profileTz)); mailManager.updateMailFilters(, filters); boolean isWTScript = StringUtils.equals(, MailManager.SIEVE_WEBTOP_SCRIPT); if (!isWTScript && !StringUtils.isBlank( { try { mailManager.activateSieveScript(; } catch (WTException ex1) { logger.warn("Error activating chosen script", ex1); } } // Always generate a WT script but activate it // automatically only if has been selected our script mailManager.applySieveScript(isWTScript); } new JsonResult().printTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in ManageFilters", ex); new JsonResult(false, ex.getMessage()).printTo(out); } } public void processEditEmailSubject(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { try { String newSubject = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "subject", true); int messageId = ServletUtils.getIntParameter(request, "messageId", true); String currentFolder = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "currentFolder", true); MailAccount account = getAccount(request); FolderCache folderCache = account.getFolderCache(currentFolder); Message currentMessage = folderCache.getMessage(messageId); MimeMessage newMessage = new MimeMessage((MimeMessage) currentMessage); newMessage.setSubject(newSubject); folderCache.appendMessage(newMessage); folderCache.deleteMessages(new long[] { messageId }, true); new JsonResult(true).printTo(out); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in EditEmailSubject", ex); new JsonResult(ex).printTo(out); } } private String findActiveScriptName(List<com.fluffypeople.managesieve.SieveScript> scripts) { for (com.fluffypeople.managesieve.SieveScript script : scripts) { if (script.isActive()) return script.getName(); } return null; } private class OnUploadCloudFile implements IServiceUploadStreamListener { @Override public void onUpload(String context, HttpServletRequest request, HashMap<String, String> multipartParams, WebTopSession.UploadedFile file, InputStream is, MapItem responseData) throws UploadException { try { long msgid = Long.parseLong(file.getTag()); String path = "/Emails"; int sid = vfsmanager.getMyDocumentsStoreId(); FileObject fo = vfsmanager.getStoreFile(sid, path); if (!fo.exists()) fo.createFolder(); String filename = file.getFilename(); String newFullName = vfsmanager.addStoreFileFromStream(sid, path, filename, is, false); filename = FilenameUtils.getName(newFullName); responseData.add("storeId", sid); responseData.add("filePath", newFullName); attachCloud(msgid, sid, newFullName, filename); } catch (UploadException ex) { logger.trace("Upload failure", ex); throw ex; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Upload failure", t); throw new UploadException("Upload failure"); } } } private static class AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler extends BaseDocEditorDocumentHandler { private final File file; private final Part part; private final long lastModified; public AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler(boolean writeCapability, UserProfileId targetProfileId, String documentUniqueId, Part part, long lastModified) { super(writeCapability, targetProfileId, documentUniqueId); this.part = part; this.lastModified = lastModified; this.file = null; } public AttachmentViewerDocumentHandler(boolean writeCapability, UserProfileId targetProfileId, String documentUniqueId, File file) { super(writeCapability, targetProfileId, documentUniqueId); this.file = file; this.lastModified = file.lastModified(); this.part = null; } @Override public long getLastModifiedTime() throws IOException { return lastModified; } @Override public InputStream readDocument() throws IOException { try { if (part != null) return part.getInputStream(); if (file != null) return new FileInputStream(file); throw new IOException("Unable to find part or file"); } catch (MessagingException ex) { throw new IOException("Unable to read document", ex); } } @Override public void writeDocument(InputStream is) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Write not supported"); } } private WebTopSession getWts() { return getEnv().getWebTopSession(); } }