List of usage examples for javax.mail Message getSubject
public abstract String getSubject() throws MessagingException;
From source
private SimpleMessage getForwardMsg(long id, Message msg, boolean richContent, String fromtitle, String totitle, String cctitle, String datetitle, String subjecttitle, boolean attached) { Message forward = new MimeMessage(mainAccount.getMailSession()); if (!attached) { try {/* ww w .ja v a 2s. c om*/ StringBuffer htmlsb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer textsb = new StringBuffer(); boolean isHtml = appendReplyParts(msg, htmlsb, textsb, null); // Service.logger.debug("isHtml="+isHtml); // Service.logger.debug("richContent="+richContent); String html = "<HTML><BODY>" + htmlsb.toString() + "</BODY></HTML>"; if (!richContent) { forward.setText(getForwardBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_TEXT, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle)); } else if (!isHtml) { forward.setText(getForwardBody(msg, textsb.toString(), SimpleMessage.FORMAT_PREFORMATTED, false, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle)); } else { forward.setText(MailUtils.removeMSWordShit(getForwardBody(msg, html, SimpleMessage.FORMAT_HTML, true, fromtitle, totitle, cctitle, datetitle, subjecttitle))); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } try { String msgid = null; String vh[] = msg.getHeader("Message-ID"); if (vh != null) { msgid = vh[0]; } if (msgid != null) { forward.setHeader("Forwarded-From", msgid); } } catch (MessagingException exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } SimpleMessage fwd = new SimpleMessage(id, forward); fwd.setTo(""); // Update appropriate subject // Fwd: subject try { String subject = msg.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } if (!subject.toLowerCase().startsWith("fwd: ")) { fwd.setSubject("Fwd: " + subject); } else { fwd.setSubject(msg.getSubject()); } } catch (MessagingException e) { Service.logger.error("Exception", e); // Service.logger.debug("*** SimpleMessage: " +e); } return fwd; }
From source
public void processGetMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pidattach = request.getParameter("idattach"); String providername = request.getParameter("provider"); String providerid = request.getParameter("providerid"); String nopec = request.getParameter("nopec"); int idattach = 0; boolean isEditor = request.getParameter("editor") != null; boolean setSeen = ServletUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "setseen", true); if (df == null) { df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.MEDIUM, environment.getProfile().getLocale()); }// w w w. java2s. c o m try { FolderCache mcache = null; Message m = null; IMAPMessage im = null; int recs = 0; long msguid = -1; String vheader[] = null; boolean wasseen = false; boolean isPECView = false; String sout = "{\nmessage: [\n"; if (providername == null) { account.checkStoreConnected(); mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); msguid = Long.parseLong(puidmessage); m = mcache.getMessage(msguid); im = (IMAPMessage) m; im.setPeek(us.isManualSeen()); if (m.isExpunged()) throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged"); vheader = m.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To"); wasseen = m.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); if (pidattach != null) { HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); Part part = mailData.getAttachmentPart(Integer.parseInt(pidattach)); m = (Message) part.getContent(); idattach = Integer.parseInt(pidattach) + 1; } else if (nopec == null && mcache.isPEC()) { String hdrs[] = m.getHeader(HDR_PEC_TRASPORTO); if (hdrs != null && hdrs.length > 0 && hdrs[0].equals("posta-certificata")) { HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); int parts = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount(); for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i) { Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i); if (p.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) { m = (Message) p.getContent(); idattach = i + 1; isPECView = true; break; } } } } } else { // TODO: provider get message!!!! /* WebTopService provider=wts.getServiceByName(providername); MessageContentProvider mcp=provider.getMessageContentProvider(providerid); m=new MimeMessage(session,mcp.getSource()); mcache=fcProvided; mcache.addProvidedMessage(providername, providerid, m);*/ } String messageid = getMessageID(m); String subject = m.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } else { try { subject = MailUtils.decodeQString(subject); } catch (Exception exc) { } } java.util.Date d = m.getSentDate(); if (d == null) { d = m.getReceivedDate(); } if (d == null) { d = new java.util.Date(0); } String date = df.format(d).replaceAll("\\.", ":"); String fromName = ""; String fromEmail = ""; Address as[] = m.getFrom(); InternetAddress iafrom = null; if (as != null && as.length > 0) { iafrom = (InternetAddress) as[0]; fromName = iafrom.getPersonal(); fromEmail = adjustEmail(iafrom.getAddress()); if (fromName == null) { fromName = fromEmail; } } sout += "{iddata:'from',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(fromName)) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(fromEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; recs += 2; Address tos[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); if (tos != null) { for (Address to : tos) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) to; String toName = ia.getPersonal(); String toEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (toName == null) { toName = toEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'to',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(toName)) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(toEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } Address ccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC); if (ccs != null) { for (Address cc : ccs) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) cc; String ccName = ia.getPersonal(); String ccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (ccName == null) { ccName = ccEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'cc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccName) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(ccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } Address bccs[] = m.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC); if (bccs != null) for (Address bcc : bccs) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) bcc; String bccName = ia.getPersonal(); String bccEmail = adjustEmail(ia.getAddress()); if (bccName == null) { bccName = bccEmail; } sout += "{iddata:'bcc',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccName) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(bccEmail) + "',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } ArrayList<String> htmlparts = null; boolean balanceTags = isPreviewBalanceTags(iafrom); if (providername == null) { htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, msguid, false, balanceTags); } else { htmlparts = mcache.getHTMLParts((MimeMessage) m, providername, providerid, balanceTags); } HTMLMailData mailData = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); ICalendarRequest ir = mailData.getICalRequest(); if (ir != null) { if (htmlparts.size() > 0) sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(htmlparts.get(0)) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; } else { for (String html : htmlparts) { //sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + OldUtils.jsEscape(html) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'html',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; ++recs; } } /*if (!wasseen) { //if (us.isManualSeen()) { if (!setSeen) { m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, false); } else { //if no html part, flag seen is not set if (htmlparts.size()==0) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } }*/ if (!us.isManualSeen()) { if (htmlparts.size() == 0) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } else { if (setSeen) m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, true); } int acount = mailData.getAttachmentPartCount(); for (int i = 0; i < acount; ++i) { Part p = mailData.getAttachmentPart(i); String ctype = p.getContentType(); Service.logger.debug("attachment " + i + " is " + ctype); int ix = ctype.indexOf(';'); if (ix > 0) { ctype = ctype.substring(0, ix); } String cidnames[] = p.getHeader("Content-ID"); String cidname = null; if (cidnames != null && cidnames.length > 0) cidname = mcache.normalizeCidFileName(cidnames[0]); boolean isInlineable = isInlineableMime(ctype); boolean inline = ((p.getHeader("Content-Location") != null) || (cidname != null)) && isInlineable; if (inline && cidname != null) inline = mailData.isReferencedCid(cidname); if (p.getDisposition() != null && p.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE) && inline) { continue; } String imgname = null; boolean isCalendar = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/calendar") || ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("text/icalendar"); if (isCalendar) { imgname = "resources/" + getManifest().getId() + "/laf/" + cus.getLookAndFeel() + "/ical_16.png"; } String pname = getPartName(p); try { pname = MailUtils.decodeQString(pname); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (pname == null) { ix = ctype.indexOf("/"); String fname = ctype; if (ix > 0) { fname = ctype.substring(ix + 1); } //String ext = WT.getMediaTypeExtension(ctype); //if (ext == null) { pname = fname; //} else { // pname = fname + "." + ext; //} if (isCalendar) pname += ".ics"; } else { if (isCalendar && !StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pname, ".ics")) pname += ".ics"; } int size = p.getSize(); int lines = (size / 76); int rsize = size - (lines * 2);//(p.getSize()/4)*3; String iddata = ctype.equalsIgnoreCase("message/rfc822") ? "eml" : (inline ? "inlineattach" : "attach"); boolean editable = isFileEditableInDocEditor(pname); sout += "{iddata:'" + iddata + "',value1:'" + (i + idattach) + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(pname)) + "',value3:" + rsize + ",value4:" + (imgname == null ? "null" : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(imgname) + "'") + ", editable: " + editable + " },\n"; } if (!mcache.isDrafts() && !mcache.isSent() && !mcache.isSpam() && !mcache.isTrash() && !mcache.isArchive()) { if (vheader != null && vheader[0] != null && !wasseen) { sout += "{iddata:'receipt',value1:'" + us.getReadReceiptConfirmation() + "',value2:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(vheader[0]) + "',value3:0},\n"; } } String h = getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-scheduled"); if (h != null && h.equals("true")) { java.util.Calendar scal = parseScheduleHeader(getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-date"), getSingleHeaderValue(m, "Sonicle-send-time")); if (scal != null) { java.util.Date sd = scal.getTime(); String sdate = df.format(sd).replaceAll("\\.", ":"); sout += "{iddata:'scheddate',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(sdate) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; } } if (ir != null) { /* ICalendarManager calMgr = (ICalendarManager)WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar",environment.getProfileId()); if (calMgr != null) { if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) { calMgr.updateEventFromICalReply(ir.getCalendar()); //TODO: gestire lato client una notifica di avvenuto aggiornamento } else { Event evt = calMgr..getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, false, ir.getUID()) if (evt != null) { UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId(); UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid); boolean iAmOrganizer = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(evt.getOrganizerAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress()); boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(calMgr.getCalendarOwner(evt.getCalendarId())); if (!iAmOrganizer && !iAmOwner) { //TODO: gestire lato client l'aggiornamento: Accetta/Rifiuta, Aggiorna e20 dopo update/request } } } } */ ICalendarManager cm = (ICalendarManager) WT.getServiceManager("com.sonicle.webtop.calendar", true, environment.getProfileId()); if (cm != null) { int eid = -1; //Event ev=cm.getEventByScope(EventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); Event ev = null; if (ir.getMethod().equals("REPLY")) { // Previous impl. forced (forceOriginal == true) ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); } else { ev = cm.getEvent(GetEventScope.PERSONAL_AND_INCOMING, ir.getUID()); } UserProfileId pid = getEnv().getProfileId(); UserProfile.Data ud = WT.getUserData(pid); if (ev != null) { InternetAddress organizer = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(ev.getOrganizer()); boolean iAmOwner = pid.equals(cm.getCalendarOwner(ev.getCalendarId())); boolean iAmOrganizer = (organizer != null) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(organizer.getAddress(), ud.getEmailAddress()); //TODO: in reply controllo se mail combacia con quella dell'attendee che risponde... //TODO: rimuovere controllo su data? dovrebbe sempre aggiornare? if (iAmOwner || iAmOrganizer) { eid = 0; //TODO: troviamo un modo per capire se la risposta si riverisce all'ultima versione dell'evento? Nuovo campo timestamp? /* DateTime dtEvt = ev.getRevisionTimestamp().withMillisOfSecond(0).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime dtICal = ICal4jUtils.fromICal4jDate(ir.getLastModified(), ICal4jUtils.getTimeZone(DateTimeZone.UTC)); if (dtICal.isAfter(dtEvt)) { eid = 0; } else { eid = ev.getEventId(); } */ } } sout += "{iddata:'ical',value1:'" + ir.getMethod() + "',value2:'" + ir.getUID() + "',value3:'" + eid + "'},\n"; } } sout += "{iddata:'date',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(date) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'subject',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(MailUtils.htmlescape(subject)) + "',value2:'',value3:0},\n"; sout += "{iddata:'messageid',value1:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(messageid) + "',value2:'',value3:0}\n"; if (providername == null && !mcache.isSpecial()) { mcache.refreshUnreads(); } long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); sout += "\n],\n"; String svtags = getJSTagsArray(m.getFlags()); if (svtags != null) sout += "tags: " + svtags + ",\n"; if (isPECView) { sout += "pec: true,\n"; } sout += "total:" + recs + ",\nmillis:" + millis + "\n}\n"; out.println(sout); if (im != null) im.setPeek(false); // if (!wasopen) folder.close(false); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } }
From source
public void processGetForwardMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) {//from ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m MailAccount account = getAccount(request); UserProfile profile = environment.getProfile(); String pfoldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String puidmessage = request.getParameter("idmessage"); String pnewmsgid = request.getParameter("newmsgid"); String pattached = request.getParameter("attached"); boolean attached = (pattached != null && pattached.equals("1")); long newmsgid = Long.parseLong(pnewmsgid); String sout = null; try { String format = us.getFormat(); boolean isHtml = format.equals("html"); account.checkStoreConnected(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(pfoldername); Message m = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(puidmessage)); if (m.isExpunged()) { throw new MessagingException("Message " + puidmessage + " expunged"); } SimpleMessage smsg = getForwardMsg(newmsgid, m, isHtml, lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_FROMTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_TOTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_CCTITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_DATETITLE), lookupResource(MailLocaleKey.MSG_SUBJECTTITLE), attached); sout = "{\n result: true,"; Identity ident = mprofile.getIdentity(pfoldername); String forwardedfrom = smsg.getForwardedFrom(); sout += " forwardedfolder: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(pfoldername) + "',"; if (forwardedfrom != null) { sout += " forwardedfrom: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(forwardedfrom) + "',"; } String subject = smsg.getSubject(); sout += " subject: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(subject) + "',\n"; String html = smsg.getContent(); String text = smsg.getTextContent(); if (!attached) { HTMLMailData maildata = mcache.getMailData((MimeMessage) m); boolean first = true; sout += " attachments: [\n"; for (int i = 0; i < maildata.getAttachmentPartCount(); ++i) { try { Part part = maildata.getAttachmentPart(i); String filename = getPartName(part); if (!part.isMimeType("message/*")) { String cids[] = part.getHeader("Content-ID"); String cid = null; //String cid=filename; if (cids != null && cids[0] != null) { cid = cids[0]; if (cid.startsWith("<")) cid = cid.substring(1); if (cid.endsWith(">")) cid = cid.substring(0, cid.length() - 1); } if (filename == null) filename = cid; String mime = MailUtils.getMediaTypeFromHeader(part.getContentType()); UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile(pnewmsgid, filename, mime, part.getInputStream()); boolean inline = false; if (part.getDisposition() != null) { inline = part.getDisposition().equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE); } if (!first) { sout += ",\n"; } sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: " + (cid == null ? null : "'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(cid) + "'") + ", " + " inline: " + inline + ", " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + ", " + " editable: " + isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename) + " " + " }"; first = false; //TODO: change this weird matching of cids2urls! html = StringUtils.replace(html, "cid:" + cid, "service-request?csrf=" + getEnv().getCSRFToken() + "&service=" + SERVICE_ID + "&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&uploadId=" + upfile.getUploadId() + "&cid=" + cid); } } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); } } sout += "\n ],\n"; //String surl = "service-request?service="+SERVICE_ID+"&action=PreviewAttachment&nowriter=true&newmsgid=" + newmsgid + "&cid="; //html = replaceCidUrls(html, maildata, surl); } else { String filename = m.getSubject() + ".eml"; UploadedFile upfile = addAsUploadedFile(pnewmsgid, filename, "message/rfc822", ((IMAPMessage) m).getMimeStream()); sout += " attachments: [\n"; sout += "{ " + " uploadId: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(upfile.getUploadId()) + "', " + " fileName: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(filename) + "', " + " cid: null, " + " inline: false, " + " fileSize: " + upfile.getSize() + ", " + " editable: " + isFileEditableInDocEditor(filename) + " " + " }"; sout += "\n ],\n"; } sout += " identityId: " + ident.getIdentityId() + ",\n"; sout += " origuid:" + puidmessage + ",\n"; if (isHtml) { sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(html) + "',\n"; } else { sout += " content:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(text) + "',\n"; } sout += " format:'" + format + "'\n"; sout += "\n}"; out.println(sout); } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; out.println(sout); } }