List of usage examples for javax.mail Message getInputStream
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException, MessagingException;
From source
public void processGetSource(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) { MailAccount account = getAccount(request); String foldername = request.getParameter("folder"); String uid = request.getParameter("id"); String sheaders = request.getParameter("headers"); boolean headers = sheaders.equals("true"); String sout = null;//from w ww .j av a2s .c o m try { account.checkStoreConnected(); //StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<pre>"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); FolderCache mcache = account.getFolderCache(foldername); Message msg = mcache.getMessage(Long.parseLong(uid)); //Folder folder=msg.getFolder(); for (Enumeration e = msg.getAllHeaders(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Header header = (Header) e.nextElement(); //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(header.getName()) + ": " + MailUtils.htmlescape(header.getValue()) + "\n"); sb.append(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue() + "\n"); } if (!headers) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(msg.getInputStream())); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { //sb.append(MailUtils.htmlescape(line) + "\n"); sb.append(line + "\n"); } } //sb.append("</pre>"); sout = "{\nresult: true, source: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(sb.toString()) + "'\n}"; } catch (Exception exc) { Service.logger.error("Exception", exc); sout = "{\nresult: false, text:'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(exc.getMessage()) + "'\n}"; } out.println(sout); }
From source
public void handle(Message message) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MessagingException, JAXBException { if (message.getFrom()[0].toString().matches(fromAddressRegEx) && message.getSubject().matches(subjectRegEx)) { String content = IOUtils.toString(message.getInputStream()); String url = getURL(content); if (url != null) { File mutatiesFile = httpClient.downloadFile(url); mutatiesFileLoader.execute(mutatiesFile); //mutatiesFile.delete(); } else// www . j av a 2 s.c o m logger.warn("Could not retreive url from message '" + message.getSubject() + "' [" + message.getSentDate() + "]"); } else logger.debug("Skipping message '" + message.getSubject() + "' [" + message.getSentDate() + "]"); }
From source
/** Process a set of documents. * This is the method that should cause each document to be fetched, processed, and the results either added * to the queue of documents for the current job, and/or entered into the incremental ingestion manager. * The document specification allows this class to filter what is done based on the job. * The connector will be connected before this method can be called. *@param documentIdentifiers is the set of document identifiers to process. *@param statuses are the currently-stored document versions for each document in the set of document identifiers * passed in above./*www .j a v a 2s . co m*/ *@param activities is the interface this method should use to queue up new document references * and ingest documents. *@param jobMode is an integer describing how the job is being run, whether continuous or once-only. *@param usesDefaultAuthority will be true only if the authority in use for these documents is the default one. */ @Override public void processDocuments(String[] documentIdentifiers, IExistingVersions statuses, Specification spec, IProcessActivity activities, int jobMode, boolean usesDefaultAuthority) throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption { List<String> requiredMetadata = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < spec.getChildCount(); i++) { SpecificationNode sn = spec.getChild(i); if (sn.getType().equals(EmailConfig.NODE_METADATA)) { String metadataAttribute = sn.getAttributeValue(EmailConfig.ATTRIBUTE_NAME); requiredMetadata.add(metadataAttribute); } } // Keep a cached set of open folders Map<String, Folder> openFolders = new HashMap<String, Folder>(); try { for (String documentIdentifier : documentIdentifiers) { String versionString = "_" + urlTemplate; // NOT empty; we need to make ManifoldCF understand that this is a document that never will change. // Check if we need to index if (!activities.checkDocumentNeedsReindexing(documentIdentifier, versionString)) continue; String compositeID = documentIdentifier; String version = versionString; String folderName = extractFolderNameFromDocumentIdentifier(compositeID); String id = extractEmailIDFromDocumentIdentifier(compositeID); String errorCode = null; String errorDesc = null; Long fileLengthLong = null; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { try { Folder folder = openFolders.get(folderName); if (folder == null) { getSession(); OpenFolderThread oft = new OpenFolderThread(session, folderName); oft.start(); folder = oft.finishUp(); openFolders.put(folderName, folder); } if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled()) Logging.connectors.debug("Email: Processing document identifier '" + compositeID + "'"); SearchTerm messageIDTerm = new MessageIDTerm(id); getSession(); SearchMessagesThread smt = new SearchMessagesThread(session, folder, messageIDTerm); smt.start(); Message[] message = smt.finishUp(); String msgURL = makeDocumentURI(urlTemplate, folderName, id); Message msg = null; for (Message msg2 : message) { msg = msg2; } if (msg == null) { // email was not found activities.deleteDocument(id); continue; } if (!activities.checkURLIndexable(msgURL)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_URL; errorDesc = "Excluded because of URL ('" + msgURL + "')"; activities.noDocument(id, version); continue; } long fileLength = msg.getSize(); if (!activities.checkLengthIndexable(fileLength)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_LENGTH; errorDesc = "Excluded because of length (" + fileLength + ")"; activities.noDocument(id, version); continue; } Date sentDate = msg.getSentDate(); if (!activities.checkDateIndexable(sentDate)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_DATE; errorDesc = "Excluded because of date (" + sentDate + ")"; activities.noDocument(id, version); continue; } String mimeType = "text/plain"; if (!activities.checkMimeTypeIndexable(mimeType)) { errorCode = activities.EXCLUDED_DATE; errorDesc = "Excluded because of mime type ('" + mimeType + "')"; activities.noDocument(id, version); continue; } RepositoryDocument rd = new RepositoryDocument(); rd.setFileName(msg.getFileName()); rd.setMimeType(mimeType); rd.setCreatedDate(sentDate); rd.setModifiedDate(sentDate); String subject = StringUtils.EMPTY; for (String metadata : requiredMetadata) { if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_TO)) { Address[] to = msg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO); String[] toStr = new String[to.length]; int j = 0; for (Address address : to) { toStr[j] = address.toString(); } rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_TO, toStr); } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_FROM)) { Address[] from = msg.getFrom(); String[] fromStr = new String[from.length]; int j = 0; for (Address address : from) { fromStr[j] = address.toString(); } rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_TO, fromStr); } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_SUBJECT)) { subject = msg.getSubject(); rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_SUBJECT, subject); } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_BODY)) { Multipart mp = (Multipart) msg.getContent(); for (int k = 0, n = mp.getCount(); k < n; k++) { Part part = mp.getBodyPart(k); String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if ((disposition == null)) { MimeBodyPart mbp = (MimeBodyPart) part; if (mbp.isMimeType(EmailConfig.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN)) { rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_BODY, mbp.getContent().toString()); } else if (mbp.isMimeType(EmailConfig.MIMETYPE_HTML)) { rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_BODY, mbp.getContent().toString()); //handle html accordingly. Returns content with html tags } } } } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_DATE)) { rd.addField(EmailConfig.EMAIL_DATE, sentDate.toString()); } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_ENCODING)) { Multipart mp = (Multipart) msg.getContent(); if (mp != null) { String[] encoding = new String[mp.getCount()]; for (int k = 0, n = mp.getCount(); k < n; k++) { Part part = mp.getBodyPart(k); String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if ((disposition != null) && ((disposition.equals(Part.ATTACHMENT) || (disposition.equals(Part.INLINE))))) { encoding[k] = part.getFileName().split("\\?")[1]; } } rd.addField(EmailConfig.ENCODING_FIELD, encoding); } } else if (metadata.toLowerCase().equals(EmailConfig.EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_MIMETYPE)) { Multipart mp = (Multipart) msg.getContent(); String[] MIMEType = new String[mp.getCount()]; for (int k = 0, n = mp.getCount(); k < n; k++) { Part part = mp.getBodyPart(k); String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if ((disposition != null) && ((disposition.equals(Part.ATTACHMENT) || (disposition.equals(Part.INLINE))))) { MIMEType[k] = part.getContentType(); } } rd.addField(EmailConfig.MIMETYPE_FIELD, MIMEType); } } InputStream is = msg.getInputStream(); try { rd.setBinary(is, fileLength); activities.ingestDocumentWithException(id, version, msgURL, rd); errorCode = "OK"; fileLengthLong = new Long(fileLength); } finally { is.close(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(), ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (MessagingException e) { errorCode = e.getClass().getSimpleName().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); errorDesc = e.getMessage(); handleMessagingException(e, "processing email"); } catch (IOException e) { errorCode = e.getClass().getSimpleName().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); errorDesc = e.getMessage(); handleIOException(e, "processing email"); throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(), e); } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED) errorCode = null; throw e; } finally { if (errorCode != null) activities.recordActivity(new Long(startTime), EmailConfig.ACTIVITY_FETCH, fileLengthLong, documentIdentifier, errorCode, errorDesc, null); } } } finally { for (Folder f : openFolders.values()) { try { CloseFolderThread cft = new CloseFolderThread(session, f); cft.start(); cft.finishUp(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(), ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED); } catch (MessagingException e) { handleMessagingException(e, "closing folders"); } } } }
From source
@Test public void testConvertEmailItemToMessage() throws MessagingException, IOException { EmailQueueManager emailQueueManager = new EmailQueueManager(); Configuration config = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class); Mockito.when(config.readAppProperty(AppProperty.SMTP_SUBJECT_ENCODING_CHARSET)).thenReturn("UTF8"); EmailItemBean emailItemBean = new EmailItemBean(",", "", "Test Subject", "bodyPlain", "bodyHtml"); List<Message> messages = emailQueueManager.convertEmailItemToMessages(emailItemBean, config); Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size()); Message message = messages.get(0); Assert.assertEquals(new InternetAddress(""), message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)[0]); Assert.assertEquals(new InternetAddress(""), message.getFrom()[0]); Assert.assertEquals("Test Subject", message.getSubject()); String content = IOUtils.toString(message.getInputStream()); Assert.assertTrue(content.contains("bodyPlain")); Assert.assertTrue(content.contains("bodyHtml")); message = messages.get(1);//w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m Assert.assertEquals(new InternetAddress(""), message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)[0]); Assert.assertEquals(new InternetAddress(""), message.getFrom()[0]); Assert.assertEquals("Test Subject", message.getSubject()); content = IOUtils.toString(message.getInputStream()); Assert.assertTrue(content.contains("bodyPlain")); Assert.assertTrue(content.contains("bodyHtml")); }