List of usage examples for javax.ejb TransactionAttributeType REQUIRES_NEW
TransactionAttributeType REQUIRES_NEW
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with a new transaction context. From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public boolean bulkNativeQueryDeleteInNewTransaction(Subject subject, String nativeQueryString, List<Integer> resourceIds) { if (!authorizationManager.isOverlord(subject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only the overlord can execute arbitrary native query strings"); }/*from ww w.j av a 2s . co m*/ try { Query nativeQuery = entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQueryString); nativeQuery.setParameter("resourceIds", resourceIds); nativeQuery.executeUpdate(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.error("Bulk native query delete error for '" + nativeQueryString + "' for " + resourceIds, t); } else { log.error("Bulk native query delete error for '" + nativeQueryString + "' for " + resourceIds + ": " + t.getMessage()); } return true; // had errors } return false; }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public boolean bulkNamedQueryDeleteInNewTransaction(Subject subject, String namedQuery, List<Integer> resourceIds) { if (!authorizationManager.isOverlord(subject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only the overlord can execute arbitrary named query strings"); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ try { Query nativeQuery = entityManager.createNamedQuery(namedQuery); nativeQuery.setParameter("resourceIds", resourceIds); nativeQuery.executeUpdate(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.error("Bulk named query delete error for '" + namedQuery + "' for " + resourceIds, t); } else { log.error("Bulk named query delete error for '" + namedQuery + "' for " + resourceIds + ": " + t.getMessage()); } return true; // had errors } return false; }
From source
@RequiredPermission(Permission.MANAGE_INVENTORY) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void removeAllResourcesFromGroup(Subject subject, int groupId) throws ResourceGroupDeleteException { Connection conn = null;/* w ww . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ PreparedStatement explicitStatement = null; PreparedStatement implicitStatement = null; try { conn = rhqDs.getConnection(); explicitStatement = conn .prepareStatement("delete from rhq_resource_group_res_exp_map where resource_group_id = ?"); implicitStatement = conn .prepareStatement("delete from rhq_resource_group_res_imp_map where resource_group_id = ?"); explicitStatement.setInt(1, groupId); implicitStatement.setInt(1, groupId); explicitStatement.executeUpdate(); implicitStatement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.error("Error removing group resources", sqle); throw new ResourceGroupDeleteException("Error removing group resources: " + sqle.getMessage()); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(explicitStatement); JDBCUtil.safeClose(implicitStatement); JDBCUtil.safeClose(conn); } }
From source
/** * This is the core of the alert sending process. For each AlertNotification that is hanging * on the alerts definition, the sender is instantiated and its send() method called. If a sender * returns a list of email addresses, those will be collected and sent at the end. * @param alert the fired alert/*from w ww. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void sendAlertNotifications(Alert alert) { /* * make this method public in case we show the notification failure to the user in the UI in the future and want * to give them some way to explicitly try to re-send the notification for some client-side auditing purposes */ try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Sending alert notifications for " + alert.toSimpleString() + "..."); } List<AlertNotification> alertNotifications = alert.getAlertDefinition().getAlertNotifications(); if (alertNotifications != null && alertNotifications.size() > 0) { AlertSenderPluginManager alertSenderPluginManager = getAlertPluginManager(); for (AlertNotification alertNotification : alertNotifications) { AlertNotificationLog notificationLog = null; String senderName = alertNotification.getSenderName(); if (senderName == null) { notificationLog = new AlertNotificationLog(alert, senderName, ResultState.FAILURE, "Sender '" + senderName + "' is not defined"); } else { AlertSender<?> notificationSender = alertSenderPluginManager .getAlertSenderForNotification(alertNotification); if (notificationSender == null) { notificationLog = new AlertNotificationLog(alert, senderName, ResultState.FAILURE, "Failed to obtain a sender with given name"); } else { try { SenderResult result = notificationSender.send(alert); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(result); } if (result == null) { notificationLog = new AlertNotificationLog(alert, senderName, ResultState.UNKNOWN, "Sender did not return any result"); } else { notificationLog = new AlertNotificationLog(alert, senderName, result); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Notification processing terminated abruptly" + t.getMessage()); notificationLog = new AlertNotificationLog(alert, senderName, ResultState.FAILURE, "Notification processing terminated abruptly, cause: " + t.getMessage()); } } } entityManager.persist(notificationLog); alert.addAlertNotificatinLog(notificationLog); } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Failed to send all notifications for " + alert.toSimpleString(), t); } }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void purgeInternals(int alertDefinitionId) { try {/* w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ Query alertDampeningEventPurgeQuery = entityManager .createNamedQuery(AlertDampeningEvent.QUERY_DELETE_BY_ALERT_DEFINITION_ID); Query unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeQuery = entityManager .createNamedQuery(AlertConditionLog.QUERY_DELETE_UNMATCHED_BY_ALERT_DEFINITION_ID); alertDampeningEventPurgeQuery.setParameter("alertDefinitionId", alertDefinitionId); unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeQuery.setParameter("alertDefinitionId", alertDefinitionId); int alertDampeningEventPurgeCount = alertDampeningEventPurgeQuery.executeUpdate(); int unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeCount = unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeQuery.executeUpdate(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Update to AlertDefinition[id=" + alertDefinitionId + " caused a purge of internal, dampening constructs."); if (alertDampeningEventPurgeCount > 0) { LOG.debug("Removed " + alertDampeningEventPurgeCount + " AlertDampeningEvent" + (alertDampeningEventPurgeCount == 1 ? "" : "s")); } if (unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeCount > 0) { LOG.debug("Removed " + unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeCount + " unmatched AlertConditionLog" + (unmatchedAlertConditionLogPurgeCount == 1 ? "" : "s")); } } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.debug("Could not purge internal alerting constructs for: " + alertDefinitionId, t); } }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateLastAvailabilityReport(int agentId) { // should we catch exceptions here, or allow them to bubble up and be caught? /*/*from w ww.j av a 2 s . co m*/ * since we already know we have to update the agent row with the last avail report time, might as well * set the backfilled to false here (as opposed to called agentManager.setBackfilled(agentId, false) */ String updateStatement = "" // + "UPDATE Agent " // + " SET lastAvailabilityReport = :reportTime, backFilled = FALSE " // + " WHERE id = :agentId "; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(updateStatement); query.setParameter("reportTime", System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setParameter("agentId", agentId); query.executeUpdate(); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateAgentResourceAvailabilities(int agentId, AvailabilityType platformAvailType, AvailabilityType childAvailType) { platformAvailType = (null == platformAvailType) ? AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN : platformAvailType; childAvailType = (null == childAvailType) ? AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN : childAvailType; // get the platform resource as well as all child resources not already at childAvailType (since these are the // ones we need to change) Query query = entityManager/*from ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ .createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_PLATFORM_COMPOSITE_BY_AGENT_AND_NONMATCHING_TYPE); query.setParameter("agentId", agentId); query.setParameter("availabilityType", platformAvailType); // should be 0 or 1 entry List<ResourceIdWithAvailabilityComposite> platformResourcesWithStatus = query.getResultList(); // get the platform resource as well as all child resources not disabled and not already at childAvailType // (since these are the ones we need to change) query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_CHILD_COMPOSITE_BY_AGENT_AND_NONMATCHING_TYPE); query.setParameter("agentId", agentId); query.setParameter("availabilityType", childAvailType); query.setParameter("disabled", AvailabilityType.DISABLED); List<ResourceIdWithAvailabilityComposite> resourcesWithStatus = query.getResultList(); // The above queries only return resources if they have at least one row in Availability. // This may be a problem in the future, and may need to be fixed. // If a resource has 0 rows of availability, then it is by definition "unknown". If, // availabilityType is null, we don't have to do anything since the unknown state hasn't changed. // If this method is told to set all agent resources to something of other than unknown (null) // availability, then we may need to completely rethink the query we do above so it returns composite // objects for all resources, even those that have 0 rows of availability. Remember though, that once // we get an availability report from an agent, a resource will have at least 1 availability row. So, // a resource should rarely have 0 avail rows; if it does, it normally gets one within a minute // (since the agent sends avail reports every 60 seconds or so by default). So this problem might not // be as bad as first thought. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Agent #[" + agentId + "] is going to have [" + resourcesWithStatus.size() + "] resources backfilled with [" + childAvailType.getName() + "]"); } Date now = new Date(); int newAvailsSize = platformResourcesWithStatus.size() + resourcesWithStatus.size(); List<Availability> newAvailabilities = new ArrayList<Availability>(newAvailsSize); // if the platform is being set to a new status handle it now if (!platformResourcesWithStatus.isEmpty()) { Availability newAvailabilityInterval = getNewInterval(platformResourcesWithStatus.get(0), now, platformAvailType); if (newAvailabilityInterval != null) { newAvailabilities.add(newAvailabilityInterval); } resourceAvailabilityManager.updateAgentResourcesLatestAvailability(agentId, platformAvailType, true); } // for those resources that have a current availability status that is different, change them for (ResourceIdWithAvailabilityComposite record : resourcesWithStatus) { Availability newAvailabilityInterval = getNewInterval(record, now, childAvailType); if (newAvailabilityInterval != null) { newAvailabilities.add(newAvailabilityInterval); } } resourceAvailabilityManager.updateAgentResourcesLatestAvailability(agentId, childAvailType, false); // To handle backfilling process, which will mark them unknown notifyAlertConditionCacheManager("setAllAgentResourceAvailabilities", newAvailabilities.toArray(new Availability[newAvailabilities.size()])); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Resources for agent #[" + agentId + "] have been fully backfilled."); } return; }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public ContentServiceRequest createRemoveRequest(int resourceId, String username, int[] installedPackageIds, String requestNotes) {// w w w. j a va 2s . c o m Resource resource = entityManager.find(Resource.class, resourceId); ContentServiceRequest persistedRequest = new ContentServiceRequest(resource, username, ContentRequestType.DELETE); persistedRequest.setStatus(ContentRequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS); persistedRequest.setNotes(requestNotes); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int installedPackageId : installedPackageIds) { // Load the InstalledPackage to get its package version for the relationship InstalledPackage ip = entityManager.find(InstalledPackage.class, installedPackageId); PackageVersion packageVersion = ip.getPackageVersion(); // Create the history entity InstalledPackageHistory history = new InstalledPackageHistory(); history.setContentServiceRequest(persistedRequest); history.setPackageVersion(packageVersion); history.setResource(resource); history.setStatus(InstalledPackageHistoryStatus.BEING_DELETED); history.setTimestamp(timestamp); persistedRequest.addInstalledPackageHistory(history); } entityManager.persist(persistedRequest); return persistedRequest; }
From source
@RequiredPermission(Permission.MANAGE_REPOSITORIES) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) @TransactionTimeout(45 * 60)/*w ww.ja va 2 s .co m*/ public void downloadDistributionBits(Subject subject, ContentSource contentSource) { try { log.debug("downloadDistributionBits invoked"); DistributionManagerLocal distManager = LookupUtil.getDistributionManagerLocal(); ContentServerPluginContainer pc = ContentManagerHelper.getPluginContainer(); int contentSourceId = contentSource.getId(); ContentProviderManager cpMgr = pc.getAdapterManager(); ContentProvider provider = cpMgr.getIsolatedContentProvider(contentSource.getId()); if (!(provider instanceof DistributionSource)) { return; } DistributionSource distSource = (DistributionSource) provider; // // Following same sort of workaround done in ContentProviderManager for synchronizeContentProvider // Assume this will need to be updated when we place syncing in repo layer // RepoCriteria reposForContentSource = new RepoCriteria(); reposForContentSource.addFilterContentSourceIds(contentSourceId); reposForContentSource.addFilterCandidate(false); // Don't sync distributions for candidates Subject overlord = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager().getOverlord(); List<Repo> repos = repoManager.findReposByCriteria(overlord, reposForContentSource); log.debug("downloadDistributionBits found " + repos.size() + " repos associated with this contentSourceId " + contentSourceId); for (Repo repo : repos) { log.debug( "downloadDistributionBits operating on repo: " + repo.getName() + " id = " + repo.getId()); // Look up Distributions associated with this ContentSource. PageControl pageControl = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); log.debug("Looking up existing distributions for repoId: " + repo.getId()); List<Distribution> dists = repoManager.findAssociatedDistributions(overlord, repo.getId(), pageControl); log.debug("Found " + dists.size() + " Distributions for repoId " + repo.getId()); for (Distribution dist : dists) { log.debug("Looking up DistributionFiles for dist: " + dist); List<DistributionFile> distFiles = distManager.getDistributionFilesByDistId(dist.getId()); log.debug("Found " + distFiles.size() + " DistributionFiles"); for (DistributionFile dFile : distFiles) { String relPath = dist.getBasePath() + "/" + dFile.getRelativeFilename(); File outputFile = getDistLocalFileAndCreateParentDir(dist.getLabel(), relPath); log.debug("Checking if file exists at: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (outputFile.exists()) { log.debug("File " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + " exists, checking md5sum"); String expectedMD5 = (dFile.getMd5sum() != null) ? dFile.getMd5sum() : "<unspecified MD5>"; String actualMD5 = MessageDigestGenerator.getDigestString(outputFile); if (!expectedMD5.trim().toLowerCase().equals(actualMD5.toLowerCase())) { log.error("Expected [" + expectedMD5 + "] versus actual [" + actualMD5 + "] md5sums for file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + " do not match."); log.error("Need to re-fetch file. Will download from DistributionSource" + " and overwrite local file."); } else { + " exists and md5sum matches [" + actualMD5 + "] no need to re-download"); continue; // skip the download from bitsStream } } log.debug("Attempting download of " + dFile.getRelativeFilename() + " from contentSourceId " + contentSourceId); String remoteFetchLoc = distSource.getDistFileRemoteLocation(repo.getName(), dist.getLabel(), dFile.getRelativeFilename()); InputStream bitsStream = pc.getAdapterManager().loadDistributionFileBits(contentSourceId, remoteFetchLoc); StreamUtil.copy(bitsStream, new FileOutputStream(outputFile), true); bitsStream = null; log.debug("DistributionFile has been downloaded to: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t); throw new RuntimeException(t); } }
From source
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) @Override/*from ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ public Map<Integer, Long> getNewServiceTimeouts(HashSet<Serializable> existingTimers) { Map<Integer, Long> ret = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); HashMap<Integer, String> idToNameMap = getServiceIdToNameMap(); Collection<Integer> allServices = idToNameMap.keySet(); Iterator<Integer> iter2 = allServices.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Integer id =; ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findById(id); if (htp != null) { if (!existingTimers.contains(id)) { ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = htp.getServiceConfiguration(); IWorker worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, idToNameMap.get(id), htp.getRunTimeStamp(), htp.getNextRunTimeStamp()); if (worker != null && serviceConfiguration.isActive() && worker.getNextInterval() != IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE) { ret.put(id, Long.valueOf((worker.getNextInterval()) * 1000)); } } } else { // Service does not exist, strange, but no panic. log.debug("Can not find service with id " + id); } } return ret; }