List of usage examples for javafx.scene.web WebEngine getClass
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public final native Class<?> getClass();
From source
private void chooseAtomType(ItemModel data, boolean datasetAvailable) { Atom.Item item;/*from ww w. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ if (datasetAvailable) { item = (Atom.Item) data.getItem(); try { item.load(); } catch (URISyntaxException | SAXException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException e) { log.error("Could not Load Item\n" + e.getMessage(), item); return; } } else { try { item = new Atom.Item(new URL(this.downloadConfig.getServiceURL()), ""); } catch (Exception e) { return; } } if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null) { wmsAtomMapHandler.highlightSelectedPolygon(item.getID()); } List<Atom.Field> fields = item.getFields(); ObservableList<ItemModel> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (Atom.Field f : fields) { AtomFieldModel afm = new AtomFieldModel(f); list.add(afm); } this.atomVariationChooser.setItems(list); this.atomVariationChooser.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); WebEngine engine = this.valueAtomDescr.getEngine(); java.lang.reflect.Field f; try { f = engine.getClass().getDeclaredField("page"); f.setAccessible(true); com.sun.webkit.WebPage page = (com.sun.webkit.WebPage) f.get(engine); page.setBackgroundColor((new java.awt.Color(BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR)).getRGB()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { // Displays the webview with white background... } engine.loadContent("<head> <style>" + ".description-content" + "{" + "font-family: Sans-Serif" + "}" + "</style> </head>" + "<div class=\"description-content\">" + item.getDescription() + "</div>"); this.simpleWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.basicWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.atomContainer.setVisible(true); }