Java tutorial
/* * DownloadClient Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern * * (c) 2016 GSt. GDI-BY ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.sothawo.mapjfx.MapView; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType; import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.ListCell; import javafx.scene.control.ListView; import javafx.scene.control.Menu; import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator; import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane; import javafx.scene.control.SplitPane; import javafx.scene.control.Tab; import javafx.scene.control.TabPane; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane; import javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.concurrent.Task; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.Event; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.Cursor; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar.ButtonData; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.stage.DirectoryChooser; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.stage.WindowEvent; import javafx.util.Callback; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.geotools.geometry.Envelope2D; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import static; import static; import static; /** * @author Jochen Saalfeld ( */ public class Controller { private static final String USER_DIR = "user.dir"; private static final String STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN = "status.service.broken"; private static final String STATUS_READY = "status.ready"; private static final String OUTPUTFORMAT = "outputformat"; private static final String FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL = "-fx-border-color: null;"; private static final String FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED = "-fx-border-color: red;"; private static final String GUI_PROCESS_NO_FORMAT = ""; private static final String GUI_PROCESS_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND = "gui.process.format.not.found"; private static final String GUI_PROCESS_NOT_COMPATIBLE = "gui.process.not.compatible"; private static final String GUI_FORMAT_NOT_SELECTED = ""; private static final int BGCOLOR = 244; private static final String EPSG4326 = "EPSG:4326"; private static final String INITIAL_CRS_DISPLAY = EPSG4326; private static final String ATOM_CRS_STRING = EPSG4326; private static final int BBOX_X1_INDEX = 0; private static final int BBOX_Y1_INDEX = 1; private static final int BBOX_X2_INDEX = 2; private static final int BBOX_Y2_INDEX = 3; private static final int MAX_APP_LOG_BYTES = 8096; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Controller.class.getName()); //Application log private static final Logger APP_LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Application_Log"); // DataBean private DataBean dataBean; private Stage primaryStage; private UIFactory factory; private boolean catalogReachable; private DownloadConfig downloadConfig; @FXML private Button buttonClose; @FXML private MenuBar mainMenu; @FXML private ListView serviceList; @FXML private TextField searchField; @FXML private Button searchButton; @FXML private TextField serviceURL; @FXML private CheckBox serviceAuthenticationCbx; @FXML private CheckBox chkChain; @FXML private TextField serviceUser; @FXML private TextField servicePW; @FXML private Label logHistory; @FXML private TitledPane logHistoryParent; @FXML private ScrollPane logHistoryPanel; @FXML private ComboBox<ItemModel> serviceTypeChooser; @FXML private ComboBox<ItemModel> atomVariationChooser; @FXML private ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> dataFormatChooser; @FXML private ComboBox<CRSModel> referenceSystemChooser; @FXML private SplitPane mapSplitPane; @FXML private VBox simpleWFSContainer; @FXML private VBox basicWFSContainer; @FXML private VBox atomContainer; @FXML private VBox chainContainer; @FXML private VBox mapNodeWFS; @FXML private VBox mapNodeAtom; @FXML private TextField basicX1; @FXML private TextField basicY1; @FXML private TextField basicX2; @FXML private TextField basicY2; @FXML private Label lablbasicx1; @FXML private Label lablbasicy1; @FXML private Label lablbasicx2; @FXML private Label lablbasicy2; @FXML private TextField atomX1; @FXML private TextField atomY1; @FXML private TextField atomX2; @FXML private TextField atomY2; @FXML private Label lablatomx1; @FXML private Label lablatomy1; @FXML private Label lablatomx2; @FXML private Label lablatomy2; @FXML private Label labelURL; @FXML private Label labelUser; @FXML private Label labelPassword; @FXML private Label labelSelectType; @FXML private Label labelPostProcess; @FXML private WebView valueAtomDescr; @FXML private Label valueAtomFormat; @FXML private Label valueAtomRefsys; @FXML private Button serviceSelection; @FXML private Button buttonDownload; @FXML private Button buttonSaveConfig; @FXML private Button addChainItem; @FXML private ProgressIndicator progressSearch; @FXML private HBox processStepContainter; @FXML private VBox basicWFSX1Y1; @FXML private VBox basicWFSX2Y2; @FXML private Label referenceSystemChooserLabel; @FXML private MenuItem menuHelp; @FXML private MenuItem menuAbout; @FXML private MenuBar menuBar; @FXML private TextArea sqlTextarea; @FXML private VBox sqlWFSArea; @FXML private HBox basicWFSFirstRows; @FXML private Menu menuFile; @FXML private MenuItem menuLoadConfig; @FXML private MenuItem menuQuit; @FXML private Text searchHeadlineText; @FXML private Label labelAtomVariation; @FXML private VBox containerChain; @FXML private Tab tabMap; @FXML private Tab tabFilter; @FXML private TabPane tabPane; @FXML private MapView wfsMapView; @FXML private Label wfsMapWmsSource; @FXML private ToggleButton wfsMapBboxButton; @FXML private ToggleButton wfsMapInfoButton; @FXML private Button wfsMapResizeButton; @FXML private MapView atomMapView; @FXML private Label atomMapWmsSource; @FXML private ToggleButton atomMapSelectButton; @FXML private ToggleButton atomMapInfoButton; @FXML private Button atomMapResizeButton; private MapHandler wmsWfsMapHandler; private MapHandler wmsAtomMapHandler; /** * Creates the Controller. */ public Controller() { this.factory = new UIFactory(); Processor.getInstance().addListener(new DownloadListener()); } /** * Initializes gui elements. */ @FXML protected void initialize() { logHistoryParent.expandedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue o, Object oldVal, Object newVal) { boolean val = (boolean) newVal; if (val) { logHistoryParent.getTooltip().setText(I18n.format("tooltip.log_history_expanded")); } else { logHistoryParent.getTooltip().setText(I18n.format("tooltip.log_history_hidden")); } } }); } /** * Logs a message to the application log. * * @param msg Message to log */ public static void logToAppLog(String msg) {; } /** * Handle action related to "About" menu item. * * @param event Event on "About" menu item. */ @FXML private void handleAboutAction(final ActionEvent event) { try { String path = "about/about_" + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + ".html"; displayHTMLFileAsPopup(I18n.getMsg("menu.about"), path); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void displayHTMLFileAsPopup(String popuptitle, String pathToFile) throws IOException { WebView web = new WebView(); InputStream htmlPage = Misc.getResource(pathToFile); String content = IOUtils.toString(htmlPage, "UTF-8"); web.getEngine().loadContent(content); WebViewWindow wvw = new WebViewWindow(web, popuptitle); wvw.popup(); } /** * Handle action related to "Help" menu item. * * @param event Event on "Help" menu item. */ @FXML private void handleHelpAction(final ActionEvent event) { String pathToFile = "help/help_" + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + ".txt"; try { openLinkFromFile(pathToFile); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void openLinkFromFile(String pathToFile) throws IOException { InputStream is = Misc.getResource(pathToFile); String contents = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8"); if (contents == null || contents.isEmpty() || contents.equals("null")) { throw new MalformedURLException("URL is Empty"); } URL helpURL = new URL(contents); Misc.startExternalBrowser(helpURL.toString()); } /** * Handler to close the application. * * @param event The event. */ @FXML protected void handleCloseApp(ActionEvent event) { Alert closeDialog = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); closeDialog.setTitle(I18n.getMsg("gui.confirm-exit")); closeDialog.setContentText(I18n.getMsg("gui.want-to-quit")); ButtonType confirm = new ButtonType(I18n.getMsg("gui.exit")); ButtonType cancel = new ButtonType(I18n.getMsg("gui.cancel"), ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); closeDialog.getButtonTypes().setAll(confirm, cancel); Optional<ButtonType> res = closeDialog.showAndWait(); if (res.isPresent() && res.get() == confirm) { logToAppLog(I18n.format("dlc.stop")); Stage stage = (Stage) buttonClose.getScene().getWindow(); stage.fireEvent(new WindowEvent(stage, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSE_REQUEST)); } } /** * Opens up a file dialog to choose a config file to load. * * @return The chosen file */ protected File openConfigFileOpenDialog() { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); File initialDir = new File( Config.getInstance().getServices().getBaseDirectory().isEmpty() ? System.getProperty(USER_DIR) : Config.getInstance().getServices().getBaseDirectory()); fileChooser.setInitialDirectory(initialDir); fileChooser.setTitle(I18n.getMsg("menu.load_config")); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll(new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("XML Files", "*.xml"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("All Files", "*.*")); return fileChooser.showOpenDialog(primaryStage); } /** * Loads config from a given file object. * @param configFile File object holding the config file. */ public void loadConfigFromFile(File configFile) { if (configFile == null) { return; } resetGui(); try { this.downloadConfig = new DownloadConfig(configFile); serviceURL.setText(this.downloadConfig.getServiceURL()); doSelectService(downloadConfig); } catch (IOException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.config.invalid-xml")); return; } catch (DownloadConfig.NoServiceURLException urlEx) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("")); } } /** * Handle click at load config menu items. * Opens a file chooser dialog and loads a download config from a XML file. * * @param event The Event. */ @FXML protected void handleLoadConfig(ActionEvent event) { File configFile = null; try { configFile = openConfigFileOpenDialog(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return; } loadConfigFromFile(configFile); } private void loadDownloadConfig(DownloadConfig conf) { String dataset = conf.getDataset(); if (dataset != null) { boolean datasetAvailable = false; List<ItemModel> datasets = serviceTypeChooser.getItems(); for (ItemModel iItem : datasets) { if (isFeatureTypeToSelect(iItem, conf)) { serviceTypeChooser.getSelectionModel().select(iItem); datasetAvailable = true; } } if (!datasetAvailable) { MiscItemModel errorItem = new MiscItemModel(); errorItem.setDataset(dataset); errorItem.setItem(conf.getDataset()); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("gui.dataset-not-available")); serviceTypeChooser.getItems().add(errorItem); serviceTypeChooser.getSelectionModel().select(errorItem); } } serviceTypeChooser.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<ItemModel>, ListCell<ItemModel>>() { @Override public ListCell<ItemModel> call(ListView<ItemModel> list) { return new CellTypes.ItemCell(); } }); atomVariationChooser.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<ItemModel>, ListCell<ItemModel>>() { @Override public ListCell<ItemModel> call(ListView<ItemModel> list) { return new CellTypes.ItemCell(); } }); referenceSystemChooser.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<CRSModel>, ListCell<CRSModel>>() { @Override public ListCell<CRSModel> call(ListView<CRSModel> list) { return new CellTypes.CRSCell() { }; } }); dataFormatChooser.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<OutputFormatModel>, ListCell<OutputFormatModel>>() { @Override public ListCell<OutputFormatModel> call(ListView<OutputFormatModel> list) { return new CellTypes.StringCell(); } }); loadGUIComponents(); } private boolean isFeatureTypeToSelect(ItemModel iItem, DownloadConfig config) { boolean isSameFeatureTypeName = iItem.getDataset().equals(config.getDataset()); if (!isSameFeatureTypeName) { return false; } if (iItem instanceof FeatureModel && config.getCql() != null) { return FILTER.equals(((FeatureModel) iItem).getFilterType()); } return true; } private void loadGUIComponents() { switch (downloadConfig.getServiceType()) { case "ATOM": loadAtom(); break; case "WFS2_BASIC": initialiseCrsChooser(); initializeBoundingBox(); initializeDataFormatChooser(); break; case "WFS2_SIMPLE": loadWfsSimple(); break; case "WFS2_SQL": initialiseCrsChooser(); initializeDataFormatChooser(); initializeCqlTextArea(); break; default: setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.config.invalid-xml")); break; } List<DownloadConfig.ProcessingStep> steps = downloadConfig.getProcessingSteps(); factory.removeAllChainAttributes(chainContainer); if (steps != null) { chkChain.setSelected(true); handleChainCheckbox(new ActionEvent()); for (DownloadConfig.ProcessingStep iStep : steps) { factory.addChainAttribute(chainContainer, iStep.getName(), iStep.getParams()); } } else { chkChain.setSelected(false); handleChainCheckbox(new ActionEvent()); } } private void initializeBoundingBox() { if (downloadConfig.getBoundingBox() != null) { String[] bBox = downloadConfig.getBoundingBox().split(","); basicX1.setText(bBox[BBOX_X1_INDEX]); basicY1.setText(bBox[BBOX_Y1_INDEX]); basicX2.setText(bBox[BBOX_X2_INDEX]); basicY2.setText(bBox[BBOX_Y2_INDEX]); } } private void initializeDataFormatChooser() { boolean outputFormatAvailable = false; for (OutputFormatModel i : dataFormatChooser.getItems()) { if (i.getItem().equals(downloadConfig.getOutputFormat())) { dataFormatChooser.getSelectionModel().select(i); outputFormatAvailable = true; } } if (!outputFormatAvailable) { OutputFormatModel output = new OutputFormatModel(); output.setAvailable(false); output.setItem(downloadConfig.getOutputFormat()); dataFormatChooser.getItems().add(output); dataFormatChooser.getSelectionModel().select(output); } } private void initialiseCrsChooser() { try { CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode(downloadConfig.getSRSName()); boolean crsAvailable = false; for (CRSModel crsModel : referenceSystemChooser.getItems()) { if (CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(targetCRS, crsModel.getCRS())) { crsAvailable = true; referenceSystemChooser.getSelectionModel().select(crsModel); } } if (!crsAvailable) { CRSModel crsErrorModel = new CRSModel(targetCRS); crsErrorModel.setAvailable(false); referenceSystemChooser.getItems().add(crsErrorModel); referenceSystemChooser.getSelectionModel().select(crsErrorModel); } } catch (NoSuchAuthorityCodeException nsace) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.config.invalid-epsg")); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void initializeCqlTextArea() { if (downloadConfig != null) { String cql = downloadConfig.getCql(); sqlTextarea.setText(cql); } } private void loadAtom() { boolean variantAvailable = false; for (ItemModel i : atomVariationChooser.getItems()) { Atom.Field field = (Atom.Field) i.getItem(); if (field.getType().equals(downloadConfig.getAtomVariation())) { variantAvailable = true; atomVariationChooser.getSelectionModel().select(i); } } if (!variantAvailable) { MiscItemModel errorVariant = new MiscItemModel(); errorVariant.setItem(downloadConfig.getAtomVariation()); atomVariationChooser.getItems().add(errorVariant); atomVariationChooser.getSelectionModel().select(errorVariant); } } private void loadWfsSimple() { ObservableList<Node> children = simpleWFSContainer.getChildren(); Map<String, String> parameters = downloadConfig.getParams(); for (Node node : children) { if (node instanceof HBox) { HBox hb = (HBox) node; Node n1 = hb.getChildren().get(0); Node n2 = hb.getChildren().get(1); if (n1 instanceof Label && n2 instanceof TextField) { Label paramLabel = (Label) n1; TextField paramBox = (TextField) n2; String targetValue = parameters.get(paramLabel.getText()); if (targetValue != null) { paramBox.setText(targetValue); } } if (n2 instanceof ComboBox) { ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> cb = (ComboBox<OutputFormatModel>) n2; cb.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<OutputFormatModel>, ListCell<OutputFormatModel>>() { @Override public ListCell<OutputFormatModel> call(ListView<OutputFormatModel> list) { return new CellTypes.StringCell(); } }); cb.setOnAction(event -> { if (cb.getValue().isAvailable()) { cb.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); } else { cb.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); } }); boolean formatAvailable = false; for (OutputFormatModel i : cb.getItems()) { if (i.getItem().equals(downloadConfig.getOutputFormat())) { cb.getSelectionModel().select(i); formatAvailable = true; } } if (!formatAvailable) { String format = downloadConfig.getOutputFormat(); OutputFormatModel m = new OutputFormatModel(); m.setItem(format); m.setAvailable(false); cb.getItems().add(m); cb.getSelectionModel().select(m); } if (cb.getValue().isAvailable()) { cb.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); } else { cb.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); } } } } } /** * Handle the service selection button event. * * @param event The mouse click event. */ @FXML protected void handleServiceSelectButton(MouseEvent event) { if (event.getButton().equals(MouseButton.PRIMARY)) { this.downloadConfig = null; doSelectService(); } } /** * Select a service according to service url textfield. */ protected void doSelectService() { doSelectService(null); } /** * Select a service according to service url textfield. * * @param downloadConf Loaded download config, null if a service is chosen * from an URL or the service List */ protected void doSelectService(DownloadConfig downloadConf) {"Using download config: " + downloadConf); dataBean.resetSelectedService(); serviceSelection.setDisable(true); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.WAIT); serviceURL.setDisable(true); resetGui(); new Thread(() -> { try { ServiceModel serviceModel = (ServiceModel) serviceList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems() .get(0); Service service = null; if (serviceModel != null && serviceModel.getUrl().toString().equals(serviceURL.getText())) { if (ServiceChecker.isReachable(serviceModel.getItem().getServiceURL())) { service = serviceModel.getItem(); service.setPassword(servicePW.getText()); service.setUsername(serviceUser.getText()); } } else { URL sURL = new URL(serviceURL.getText()); if (ServiceChecker.isReachable(sURL)) { service = new Service(sURL, "", true, serviceUser.getText(), servicePW.getText()); } } if (service == null) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.service-timeout")); dataBean.setSelectedService(null); serviceSelection.setDisable(false); serviceURL.setDisable(false); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); return; } serviceSelection.setDisable(true); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.WAIT); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.checking-auth")); serviceURL.setDisable(true); Service finalService = service; Task task = new Task() { protected Integer call() { try { boolean serviceSelected = selectService(finalService); if (serviceSelected) { chooseSelectedService(downloadConf); } return 0; } finally { serviceSelection.setDisable(false); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); serviceURL.setDisable(false); validateChainContainerItems(); } } }; Thread th = new Thread(task); th.setDaemon(true); th.start(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("")); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); serviceSelection.setDisable(false); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); serviceURL.setDisable(false); } }).start(); } /** * Handle search button clicks. * Hide search button and start search * * @param event the event */ @FXML protected void handleSearchButtonClick(MouseEvent event) { handleSearch(null); } /** * Handle search and filter the service list. * * @param event the event */ @FXML protected void handleSearch(KeyEvent event) { if (!catalogReachable) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.catalog-not-available")); } String currentText = this.searchField.getText(); this.serviceList.getItems().clear(); dataBean.resetCatalogLists(); if (currentText == null || currentText.isEmpty()) { this.serviceList.setItems(this.dataBean.getServicesAsList()); } String searchValue = currentText == null ? "" : currentText.toUpperCase(); ObservableList<ServiceModel> subentries = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); ObservableList<ServiceModel> all = this.dataBean.getServicesAsList(); for (ServiceModel entry : all) { boolean match = entry.getName().toUpperCase().contains(searchValue); if (match) { subentries.add(entry); } } if (currentText != null && currentText.length() > 2) { Task task = new Task() { @Override protected Integer call() throws Exception { Platform.runLater(() -> { searchButton.setVisible(false); searchButton.setManaged(false); progressSearch.setVisible(true); progressSearch.setManaged(true); }); if (catalogReachable) { List<Service> catalog = dataBean.getCatalogService().getServicesByFilter(currentText); for (Service entry : catalog) { dataBean.addCatalogServiceToList(entry); } Platform.runLater(() -> { for (Service entry : catalog) { subentries.add(new ServiceModel(entry)); } }); } Platform.runLater(() -> { progressSearch.setVisible(false); progressSearch.setManaged(false); searchButton.setManaged(true); searchButton.setVisible(true); }); return 0; } }; Thread th = new Thread(task); if (catalogReachable) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.calling-service")); } th.setDaemon(true); th.start(); } this.serviceList.setItems(subentries); } private void clearUserNamePassword() { this.serviceUser.setText(""); this.servicePW.setText(""); } private boolean selectService(Service service) {"User selected: " + service.toString()); if (ServiceChecker.isReachable(service.getServiceURL())) { try { service.load(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN))); return false; } } else { Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.service-not-available"))); return false; } if (dataBean.getSelectedService() != null && dataBean.getSelectedService().equals(service)) { Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_READY))); return true; } dataBean.setSelectedService(service); Platform.runLater(() -> { resetGui(); this.serviceURL.setText(dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceURL().toString()); }); //Check if Username and Password are given if (((dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername() != null && dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword() != null) || (dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername().isEmpty() && dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword().isEmpty())) && dataBean.getSelectedService().isRestricted()) { Platform.runLater(() -> { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.service-needs-auth")); this.serviceAuthenticationCbx.setSelected(true); this.serviceUser.setDisable(false); this.servicePW.setDisable(false); }); return false; } else { Platform.runLater(() -> { this.serviceAuthenticationCbx.setSelected(false); this.serviceUser.setDisable(true); this.servicePW.setDisable(true); clearUserNamePassword(); }); } //Check if this thing could be loaded if (dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceType() == null) { Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN))); return false; } Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_READY))); return true; } /** * Handle the service selection. * * @param event The mouse click event. */ @FXML protected void handleServiceSelect(MouseEvent event) { if (event.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED)) { if (event.getClickCount() == 1) { clearUserNamePassword(); ServiceModel serviceModel = (ServiceModel) this.serviceList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems() .get(0); if (serviceModel != null) { serviceSelection.setDisable(true); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.WAIT); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.checking-auth")); Task task = new Task() { protected Integer call() { try { selectService(serviceModel.getItem()); return 0; } finally { serviceSelection.setDisable(false); serviceURL.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); } } }; Thread th = new Thread(task); th.setDaemon(true); th.start(); } } else if (event.getClickCount() > 1) { clearUserNamePassword(); resetGui(); } } } /** * Handle authentication required selection. * * @param event the event */ @FXML protected void handleAuthenticationRequired(ActionEvent event) { boolean flag = !this.serviceAuthenticationCbx.isSelected(); this.serviceUser.setDisable(flag); this.servicePW.setDisable(flag); } /** * Handle the service type selection. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleServiceTypeSelect(ActionEvent event) { ItemModel item = this.serviceTypeChooser.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (item != null) { dataBean.setDataType(item); dataBean.setAttributes(new ArrayList<DataBean.Attribute>()); chooseType(item); } } /** * Handle the dataformat selection. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleDataformatSelect(ActionEvent event) { ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> cb = (ComboBox<OutputFormatModel>) event.getSource(); handleDataformatSelect(cb); } /** * Handle the dataformat selection. * * @param cb The ComboBox */ protected void handleDataformatSelect(ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> cb) { if (cb.getValue() != null) { cb.setStyle(cb.getValue().isAvailable() ? FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL : FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); } dataBean.addAttribute(OUTPUTFORMAT, cb.getValue() != null ? cb.getValue().toString() : "", ""); validateChainContainerItems(); } /** * Handle the dataformat selection. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleAddChainItem(ActionEvent event) { factory.addChainAttribute(chainContainer, this::validateChainContainerItems); validateChainContainerItems(); } /** * Handle the reference system selection. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleReferenceSystemSelect(ActionEvent event) { if (referenceSystemChooser.getValue() != null) { if (referenceSystemChooser.getValue().isAvailable()) { referenceSystemChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); } else { referenceSystemChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); } } this.dataBean.addAttribute("srsName", referenceSystemChooser.getValue() != null ? referenceSystemChooser.getValue().getOldName() : EPSG4326, ""); if (wmsWfsMapHandler != null && referenceSystemChooser.getValue() != null) { this.wmsWfsMapHandler.setDisplayCRS(referenceSystemChooser.getValue().getCRS()); } else if (wmsWfsMapHandler != null) { try { this.wmsWfsMapHandler.setDisplayCRS(this.dataBean.getAttributeValue("srsName")); } catch (FactoryException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Handle the variation selection. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleVariationSelect(ActionEvent event) { ItemModel selim = (ItemModel) this.atomVariationChooser.getValue(); boolean variationAvailable = false; if (selim instanceof MiscItemModel) { atomVariationChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); } else { atomVariationChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); variationAvailable = true; } if (selim != null) { Atom.Field selaf; if (variationAvailable) { selaf = (Atom.Field) selim.getItem(); } else { selaf = new Atom.Field("", ""); } this.dataBean.addAttribute("VARIATION", selaf.getType(), ""); if (selaf.getFormat().isEmpty()) { this.valueAtomFormat.setVisible(false); } else { this.valueAtomFormat.setText(selaf.getFormat()); this.valueAtomFormat.setVisible(true); } if (selaf.getCRS().isEmpty()) { this.valueAtomRefsys.setVisible(false); } else { this.valueAtomRefsys.setVisible(true); this.valueAtomRefsys.setText(selaf.getCRS()); } this.dataBean.addAttribute(OUTPUTFORMAT, selaf.getFormat(), ""); } else { this.dataBean.addAttribute("VARIATION", "", ""); this.dataBean.addAttribute(OUTPUTFORMAT, "", ""); } validateChainContainerItems(); } private List<ProcessingStep> extractProcessingSteps() { List<ProcessingStep> steps = new ArrayList<>(); if (!this.chkChain.isSelected()) { return steps; } Set<Node> parameter = this.chainContainer.lookupAll("#process_parameter"); if (parameter.isEmpty()) { return steps; } String format = this.dataBean.getAttributeValue(OUTPUTFORMAT); if (format == null || format.isEmpty()) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(GUI_PROCESS_NO_FORMAT)); logToAppLog(I18n.getMsg(GUI_PROCESS_NO_FORMAT)); return steps; } MIMETypes mtypes = Config.getInstance().getMimeTypes(); MIMEType mtype = mtypes.findByName(format); if (mtype == null) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(GUI_PROCESS_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND)); logToAppLog(I18n.getMsg(GUI_PROCESS_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND)); return steps; } for (Node n : parameter) { Set<Node> vars = n.lookupAll("#process_var"); Node nameNode = n.lookup("#process_name"); ComboBox namebox = (ComboBox) nameNode; ProcessingStepConfiguration psc = (ProcessingStepConfiguration) namebox.getValue(); String name = psc.getName(); if (!psc.isCompatibleWithFormat(mtype.getType())) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(GUI_PROCESS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, name)); logToAppLog(I18n.format(GUI_PROCESS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, name)); continue; } ProcessingStep step = new ProcessingStep(); steps.add(step); step.setName(name); ArrayList<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); step.setParameters(parameters); for (Node v : vars) { String varName = null; String varValue = null; if (v instanceof TextField) { TextField input = (TextField) v; varName = input.getUserData().toString(); varValue = input.getText(); } else if (v instanceof ComboBox) { ComboBox input = (ComboBox) v; varName = input.getUserData().toString(); varValue = input.getValue() != null ? ((Option) input.getValue()).getValue() : null; } if (varName != null && varValue != null) { Parameter p = new Parameter(varName, varValue); parameters.add(p); } } } return steps; } private void extractStoredQuery() { ItemModel data = this.dataBean.getDatatype(); if (data instanceof StoredQueryModel) { this.dataBean.setAttributes(new ArrayList<DataBean.Attribute>()); ObservableList<Node> children = this.simpleWFSContainer.getChildren(); for (Node n : children) { if (n.getClass() == HBox.class) { HBox hbox = (HBox) n; ObservableList<Node> hboxChildren = hbox.getChildren(); String value = ""; String name = ""; String type = ""; Label l1 = null; Label l2 = null; TextField tf = null; ComboBox cb = null; for (Node hn : hboxChildren) { if (hn.getClass() == ComboBox.class) { cb = (ComboBox) hn; } if (hn.getClass() == TextField.class) { tf = (TextField) hn; } if (hn.getClass() == Label.class) { if (l1 == null) { l1 = (Label) hn; } if (l1 != (Label) hn) { l2 = (Label) hn; } } if (tf != null && (l1 != null || l2 != null)) { name = tf.getUserData().toString(); value = tf.getText(); if (l2 != null && l1.getText().equals(name)) { type = l2.getText(); } else { type = l1.getText(); } } if (cb != null && (l1 != null || l2 != null) && cb.getId().equals(UIFactory.getDataFormatID())) { name = OUTPUTFORMAT; if (cb.getSelectionModel() != null && cb.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null) { value = cb.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(); type = ""; } else { Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(GUI_FORMAT_NOT_SELECTED))); } } if (!name.isEmpty() && !value.isEmpty()) { this.dataBean.addAttribute(name, value, type); } } } } } } private void extractBoundingBox() { Envelope2D envelope = null; switch (this.dataBean.getServiceType()) { case ATOM: //in Atom the bboxes are given by the extend of every dataset break; case WFS_ONE: case WFS_TWO: if (wmsWfsMapHandler != null) { envelope = this.wmsWfsMapHandler .getBounds(referenceSystemChooser.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getCRS()); } break; default: break; } if (envelope == null) { // Raise an error? return; } StringBuilder bbox = new StringBuilder(); bbox.append(envelope.getX()).append(',').append(envelope.getY()).append(',') .append(envelope.getX() + envelope.getWidth()).append(',') .append(envelope.getY() + envelope.getHeight()); CRSModel model = referenceSystemChooser.getValue(); if (model != null) { bbox.append(',').append(model.getOldName()); } this.dataBean.addAttribute("bbox", bbox.toString(), ""); } private void extractCql() { String sqlInput = sqlTextarea.getText(); if (dataBean.isFilterType() && sqlInput != null && !sqlInput.isEmpty()) { this.dataBean.addAttribute("CQL", sqlInput, ""); } } private boolean validateInput() { final StringBuilder failed = new StringBuilder(); Consumer<String> fail = s -> { if (failed.length() != 0) { failed.append(", "); } failed.append(s); }; for (DataBean.Attribute attr : this.dataBean.getAttributes()) { if (!attr.getType().isEmpty() && !Validator.isValid(attr.getType(), attr.getValue())) { fail.accept(attr.getName()); } } if (downloadConfig != null) { if (serviceTypeChooser.isVisible() && serviceTypeChooser.getValue() instanceof MiscItemModel) { fail.accept(I18n.format("gui.dataset")); } if (atomContainer.isVisible() && atomVariationChooser.getValue() instanceof MiscItemModel) { fail.accept(I18n.format("gui.variants")); } if (referenceSystemChooser.isVisible() && !referenceSystemChooser.getValue().isAvailable()) { fail.accept(I18n.format("gui.reference-system")); } if (basicWFSContainer.isVisible() && dataFormatChooser.isVisible() && !dataFormatChooser.getValue().isAvailable()) { fail.accept(I18n.format("")); } if (simpleWFSContainer.isVisible()) { ObservableList<Node> children = simpleWFSContainer.getChildren(); for (Node node : children) { if (node instanceof HBox) { HBox hb = (HBox) node; Node n2 = hb.getChildren().get(1); if (n2 instanceof ComboBox) { ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> cb = (ComboBox<OutputFormatModel>) n2; if (!cb.getValue().isAvailable()) { fail.accept(I18n.format("")); break; } } } } } } if (failed.length() == 0) { return true; } setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.validation-fail", failed.toString())); return false; } /** * Validates the input in the SQL-Textbox for ECQL pattern. * * @param userInput the ECQL to validate * @param overallQueries if the query is over all feature types * @return <code>true</code> if the ECQL is valid, * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean validateEcqlUserInput(String userInput, boolean overallQueries) { if (overallQueries) { String[] userInputLines = userInput.split("\n"); for (String userInputLine : userInputLines) { boolean lineContainsNoWhere = !userInputLine.toLowerCase().contains("where"); if (lineContainsNoWhere) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.validation.error.overall.where")); return false; } boolean lineContainsSupportedFeatureType = featureTypeWithNameExists(userInputLine); if (!lineContainsSupportedFeatureType) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.validation.error.overall.featureTypes")); return false; } } } else { boolean filterContainsWhere = userInput.toLowerCase().contains("where"); if (filterContainsWhere) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.validation.error.simple.where")); return false; } boolean filterContiansLineBreak = userInput.toLowerCase().contains("\n"); if (filterContiansLineBreak) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.validation.error.simple.lineBreak")); return false; } } return true; } private boolean featureTypeWithNameExists(String userInputLine) { List<WFSMeta.Feature> featureTypes = dataBean.getWFSService().getFeatures(); for (WFSMeta.Feature feature : featureTypes) { if (userInputLine.contains(feature.getName())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Start the download. * * @param event The event */ @FXML protected void handleDownload(ActionEvent event) { extractStoredQuery(); extractBoundingBox(); extractCql(); if (validateInput() && validateCqlInput()) { DirectoryChooser dirChooser = new DirectoryChooser(); dirChooser.setTitle(I18n.getMsg("")); if (downloadConfig != null && downloadConfig.getDownloadPath() != null) { try { File dir = new File(downloadConfig.getDownloadPath()); if (dir.exists()) { dirChooser.setInitialDirectory(dir); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } File selectedDir = dirChooser.showDialog(getPrimaryStage()); if (selectedDir == null) { return; } setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("")); this.dataBean.setProcessingSteps(extractProcessingSteps()); String savePath = selectedDir.getPath(); Runnable convertTask = () -> { DownloadStep ds = dataBean.convertToDownloadStep(savePath); try { this.buttonDownload.setDisable(true); DownloadStepConverter dsc = new DownloadStepConverter( dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword()); JobList jl = dsc.convert(ds); Processor p = Processor.getInstance(); p.addJob(jl); } catch (ConverterException ce) { setStatusTextUI(ce.getMessage()); logToAppLog(ce.getMessage()); } finally { this.buttonDownload.setDisable(false); } }; new Thread(convertTask).start(); } } private boolean validateCqlInput() { if (dataBean.isFilterType()) { String sqlInput = sqlTextarea.getText(); logHistoryParent.setStyle(null); if (sqlInput == null || sqlInput.isEmpty()) { logHistoryParent.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #FF0000"); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.input.empty")); return false; } boolean multipleQuery = dataBean.isMultipleQuery(); boolean isValidCql = validateEcqlUserInput(sqlInput, multipleQuery); if (!isValidCql) { return false; } try { FilterEncoder filterEncoder = new FilterEncoder(); filterEncoder.validateCql(sqlInput); } catch (CQLException e) { logHistoryParent.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #FF0000"); setStatusTextUI(e.getSyntaxError()); return false; } catch (ConverterException e) { logHistoryParent.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: #FF0000"); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.sql.validation.failed", e.getMessage())); return false; } } setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.ready")); return true; } private void resetGui() { Platform.runLater(() -> this.serviceTypeChooser.getItems().retainAll()); this.serviceTypeChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); this.dataBean.reset(); if (wmsWfsMapHandler != null) { this.wmsWfsMapHandler.reset(); } if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null) { this.wmsAtomMapHandler.reset(); } this.simpleWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.basicWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.mapNodeWFS.setVisible(false); this.atomContainer.setVisible(false); this.sqlWFSArea.setVisible(false); this.referenceSystemChooser.setVisible(false); this.referenceSystemChooserLabel.setVisible(false); resetProcessingChainContainer(); } /** * Handle events on the process Chain Checkbox. * * @param event the event */ @FXML protected void handleChainCheckbox(ActionEvent event) { if (chkChain.isSelected()) { processStepContainter.setVisible(true); } else { factory.removeAllChainAttributes(chainContainer); processStepContainter.setVisible(false); } } /** * Handle config saving. * * @param event The event. */ @FXML protected void handleSaveConfig(ActionEvent event) { extractStoredQuery(); extractBoundingBox(); extractCql(); if (validateInput() && validateCqlInput()) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); DirectoryChooser dirChooser = new DirectoryChooser(); File downloadDir; File initDir; dirChooser.setTitle(I18n.getMsg("")); if (downloadConfig == null) { downloadDir = dirChooser.showDialog(getPrimaryStage()); String basedir = Config.getInstance().getServices().getBaseDirectory(); initDir = new File(basedir.isEmpty() ? System.getProperty(USER_DIR) : basedir); File uniqueName = Misc.uniqueFile(downloadDir, "config", "xml", null); fileChooser.setInitialFileName(uniqueName.getName()); } else { File downloadInitDir = new File(downloadConfig.getDownloadPath()); if (!downloadInitDir.exists()) { downloadInitDir = new File(System.getProperty(USER_DIR)); } dirChooser.setInitialDirectory(downloadInitDir); downloadDir = dirChooser.showDialog(getPrimaryStage()); String path = downloadConfig.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); initDir = new File(path); fileChooser.setInitialFileName(downloadConfig.getFile().getName()); } fileChooser.setInitialDirectory(initDir); FileChooser.ExtensionFilter xmlFilter = new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("xml files (*.xml)", "*.xml"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add(xmlFilter); fileChooser.setSelectedExtensionFilter(xmlFilter); fileChooser.setTitle(I18n.getMsg("")); File configFile = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(getPrimaryStage()); if (configFile == null) { return; } if (!configFile.toString().endsWith(".xml")) { configFile = new File(configFile.toString() + ".xml"); } this.dataBean.setProcessingSteps(extractProcessingSteps()); String savePath = downloadDir.getPath(); DownloadStep ds = dataBean.convertToDownloadStep(savePath); try { ds.write(configFile); } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** * Use selection to request the service data and fill the UI. * * @param downloadConf Loaded download config, null if service * was chosen from an URL or the service list */ private void chooseSelectedService(DownloadConfig downloadConf) { switch (dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceType()) { case ATOM: Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.type.atom"))); Atom atom = null; try { atom = new Atom(dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceURL().toString(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | URISyntaxException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN))); resetGui(); return; } finally { dataBean.setAtomService(atom); } break; case WFS_ONE: Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.type.wfsone"))); WFSMetaExtractor wfsOne = new WFSMetaExtractor(dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceURL().toString(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword()); WFSMeta metaOne = null; try { metaOne = wfsOne.parse(); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN))); } finally { dataBean.setWFSService(metaOne); } break; case WFS_TWO: Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.type.wfstwo"))); WFSMetaExtractor extractor = new WFSMetaExtractor( dataBean.getSelectedService().getServiceURL().toString(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getUsername(), dataBean.getSelectedService().getPassword()); WFSMeta meta = null; try { meta = extractor.parse(); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(STATUS_SERVICE_BROKEN))); } finally { dataBean.setWFSService(meta); } break; default: log.warn("Could not determine URL", dataBean.getSelectedService()); Platform.runLater(() -> setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(""))); break; } if (dataBean.isWebServiceSet()) { Platform.runLater(this::setServiceTypes); } else { return; } Platform.runLater(() -> { serviceTypeChooser.getSelectionModel().select(0); if (downloadConf != null) { loadDownloadConfig(downloadConf); } setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg(STATUS_READY)); }); return; } /** * Sets the Service Types. */ public void setServiceTypes() { if (dataBean.isWebServiceSet()) { switch (dataBean.getServiceType()) { case WFS_ONE: case WFS_TWO: boolean isWfs2 = WFS_TWO.equals(dataBean.getServiceType()); ObservableList<ItemModel> types = collectServiceTypes(isWfs2); addStoredQueries(types); serviceTypeChooser.getItems().retainAll(); serviceTypeChooser.setItems(types); serviceTypeChooser.setValue(types.get(0)); chooseType(serviceTypeChooser.getValue()); break; case ATOM: List<Atom.Item> items = dataBean.getAtomService().getItems(); ObservableList<ItemModel> opts = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); List<FeaturePolygon> polygonList = new ArrayList<>(); //Polygons are always epsg:4326 // ( try { ReferencedEnvelope extendATOM = null; CoordinateReferenceSystem atomCRS = CRS.decode(ATOM_CRS_STRING); Geometry all = null; for (Atom.Item i : items) { opts.add(new AtomItemModel(i)); FeaturePolygon polygon = new FeaturePolygon(i.getPolygon(), i.getTitle(), i.getID(), atomCRS); polygonList.add(polygon); all = all == null ? i.getPolygon() : all.union(i.getPolygon()); } if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null) { if (all != null) { extendATOM = new ReferencedEnvelope(all.getEnvelopeInternal(), atomCRS); wmsAtomMapHandler.setExtend(extendATOM); } wmsAtomMapHandler.drawPolygons(polygonList); } } catch (FactoryException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } serviceTypeChooser.getItems().retainAll(); serviceTypeChooser.setItems(opts); if (!opts.isEmpty()) { serviceTypeChooser.setValue(opts.get(0)); chooseType(serviceTypeChooser.getValue()); } break; default: } } } private ObservableList<ItemModel> collectServiceTypes(boolean isWfs2) { ReferencedEnvelope extendWFS = null; List<WFSMeta.Feature> features = dataBean.getWFSService().getFeatures(); ObservableList<ItemModel> types = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); if (!dataBean.getWFSService().isSimple()) { for (WFSMeta.Feature f : features) { if (isWfs2) { types.add(new FeatureModel(f, FILTER)); types.add(new FeatureModel(f, BBOX)); } else { types.add(new FeatureModel(f)); } if (f.getBBox() != null) { if (extendWFS == null) { extendWFS = f.getBBox(); } else { extendWFS.expandToInclude(f.getBBox()); } } } types.add(new OverallFeatureTypeModel(features)); } if (extendWFS != null) { wmsWfsMapHandler.setExtend(extendWFS); } return types; } private void addStoredQueries(ObservableList<ItemModel> types) { List<WFSMeta.StoredQuery> queries = dataBean.getWFSService().getStoredQueries(); for (WFSMeta.StoredQuery s : queries) { types.add(new StoredQueryModel(s)); } } private void chooseAtomType(ItemModel data, boolean datasetAvailable) { Atom.Item item; if (datasetAvailable) { item = (Atom.Item) data.getItem(); try { item.load(); } catch (URISyntaxException | SAXException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException e) { log.error("Could not Load Item\n" + e.getMessage(), item); return; } } else { try { item = new Atom.Item(new URL(this.downloadConfig.getServiceURL()), ""); } catch (Exception e) { return; } } if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null) { wmsAtomMapHandler.highlightSelectedPolygon(item.getID()); } List<Atom.Field> fields = item.getFields(); ObservableList<ItemModel> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (Atom.Field f : fields) { AtomFieldModel afm = new AtomFieldModel(f); list.add(afm); } this.atomVariationChooser.setItems(list); this.atomVariationChooser.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); WebEngine engine = this.valueAtomDescr.getEngine(); java.lang.reflect.Field f; try { f = engine.getClass().getDeclaredField("page"); f.setAccessible(true); com.sun.webkit.WebPage page = (com.sun.webkit.WebPage) f.get(engine); page.setBackgroundColor((new java.awt.Color(BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR)).getRGB()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { // Displays the webview with white background... } engine.loadContent("<head> <style>" + ".description-content" + "{" + "font-family: Sans-Serif" + "}" + "</style> </head>" + "<div class=\"description-content\">" + item.getDescription() + "</div>"); this.simpleWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.basicWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.atomContainer.setVisible(true); } private void chooseWFSType(ItemModel data, boolean datasetAvailable) { if (data instanceof FeatureModel || data instanceof OverallFeatureTypeModel || (!datasetAvailable && downloadConfig.getServiceType() == "WFS2_BASIC")) { boolean isSqlFilterType = false; if (data instanceof OverallFeatureTypeModel) { isSqlFilterType = true; } if (data instanceof FeatureModel) { FeatureModel.FilterType filterType = ((FeatureModel) data).getFilterType(); isSqlFilterType = FILTER.equals(filterType); } this.simpleWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.atomContainer.setVisible(false); this.referenceSystemChooser.setVisible(true); this.referenceSystemChooserLabel.setVisible(true); this.basicWFSContainer.setVisible(true); if (isSqlFilterType) { this.sqlWFSArea.setVisible(true); this.sqlWFSArea.setManaged(true); this.mapNodeWFS.setVisible(false); this.mapNodeWFS.setManaged(false); } else { this.sqlWFSArea.setVisible(false); this.sqlWFSArea.setManaged(false); this.mapNodeWFS.setVisible(true); this.mapNodeWFS.setManaged(true); } if (data.getItem() instanceof WFSMeta.Feature) { setCrsAndExtent((WFSMeta.Feature) data.getItem()); } else if (data.getItem() instanceof List && !((List) data.getItem()).isEmpty()) { List items = (List) data.getItem(); setCrsAndExtent((WFSMeta.Feature) items.get(items.size() - 1)); } List<String> outputFormats = this.dataBean.getWFSService().findOperation("GetFeature") .getOutputFormats(); if (outputFormats.isEmpty()) { outputFormats = this.dataBean.getWFSService().getOutputFormats(); } List<OutputFormatModel> formatModels = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : outputFormats) { OutputFormatModel m = new OutputFormatModel(); m.setItem(s); m.setAvailable(true); formatModels.add(m); } ObservableList<OutputFormatModel> formats = FXCollections.observableArrayList(formatModels); this.dataFormatChooser.setItems(formats); this.dataFormatChooser.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); } else if (data instanceof StoredQueryModel || (!datasetAvailable && downloadConfig.getServiceType().equals("WFS2_SIMPLE"))) { List<String> outputFormats = this.dataBean.getWFSService().findOperation("GetFeature") .getOutputFormats(); if (outputFormats.isEmpty()) { outputFormats = this.dataBean.getWFSService().getOutputFormats(); } List<OutputFormatModel> formatModels = new ArrayList<>(); for (String i : outputFormats) { OutputFormatModel m = new OutputFormatModel(); m.setItem(i); m.setAvailable(true); formatModels.add(m); } WFSMeta.StoredQuery storedQuery; if (datasetAvailable) { storedQuery = (WFSMeta.StoredQuery) data.getItem(); } else { storedQuery = new WFSMeta.StoredQuery(); } factory.fillSimpleWFS(this.simpleWFSContainer, storedQuery, formatModels); // XXX: This is a bit ugly. We need real MVC. Node df = this.simpleWFSContainer.lookup("#" + UIFactory.getDataFormatID()); if (df instanceof ComboBox) { ((ComboBox) df).setOnAction(evt -> { ComboBox<OutputFormatModel> cb = (ComboBox<OutputFormatModel>) evt.getSource(); handleDataformatSelect(cb); }); } } } private void setCrsAndExtent(WFSMeta.Feature feature) { wmsWfsMapHandler.setExtend(feature.getBBox()); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(feature.getDefaultCRS()); list.addAll(feature.getOtherCRSs()); ObservableList<CRSModel> crsList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (String crsStr : list) { try { String newcrsStr = crsStr; String seperator = null; if (newcrsStr.contains("::")) { seperator = "::"; } else if (newcrsStr.contains("/")) { seperator = "/"; } if (seperator != null) { newcrsStr = "EPSG:" + newcrsStr.substring(newcrsStr.lastIndexOf(seperator) + seperator.length(), newcrsStr.length()); } CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode(newcrsStr); CRSModel crsm = new CRSModel(crs); crsm.setOldName(crsStr); crsList.add(crsm); } catch (FactoryException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (!crsList.isEmpty()) { this.referenceSystemChooser.setItems(crsList); CRSModel crsm = crsList.get(0); try { CoordinateReferenceSystem initCRS = CRS.decode(INITIAL_CRS_DISPLAY); CRSModel initCRSM = new CRSModel(initCRS); for (int i = 0; i < crsList.size(); i++) { if (crsList.get(i).equals(initCRSM)) { crsm = crsList.get(i); break; } } } catch (FactoryException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } this.referenceSystemChooser.setValue(crsm); } } private void chooseType(ItemModel data) { ServiceType type = this.dataBean.getServiceType(); boolean datasetAvailable = false; if (data instanceof MiscItemModel) { serviceTypeChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("gui.dataset-not-available")); } else { serviceTypeChooser.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); datasetAvailable = true; setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_READY)); } if (type == ServiceType.ATOM) { chooseAtomType(data, datasetAvailable); } else if (type == WFS_TWO) { chooseWFSType(data, datasetAvailable); } } /** * Set the DataBean and fill the UI with initial data objects. * * @param dataBean The DataBean object. */ public void setDataBean(DataBean dataBean) { this.dataBean = dataBean; this.serviceList.setItems(this.dataBean.getServicesAsList()); ServiceSettings serviceSetting = Config.getInstance().getServices(); catalogReachable = dataBean.getCatalogService() != null && ServiceChecker.isReachable(dataBean.getCatalogService().getUrl()); URL url = null; try { url = new URL(serviceSetting.getWMSUrl()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (url != null && ServiceChecker.isReachable(wmsWfsMapHandler.getCapabiltiesURL(url))) { this.wmsWfsMapHandler = MapHandlerBuilder.newBuilder(serviceSetting).withEventTarget(mapNodeWFS) .withMapView(wfsMapView).withWmsSourceLabel(wfsMapWmsSource).withBboxButton(wfsMapBboxButton) .withInfoButton(wfsMapInfoButton).withResizeButtton(wfsMapResizeButton) .withCoordinateDisplay(basicX1, basicX2, basicY1, basicY2) .withCoordinateLabel(lablbasicx1, lablbasicx2, lablbasicy1, lablbasicy2).build(); this.wmsAtomMapHandler = MapHandlerBuilder.newBuilder(serviceSetting).withEventTarget(mapNodeAtom) .withMapView(atomMapView).withWmsSourceLabel(atomMapWmsSource) .withSelectButton(atomMapSelectButton).withInfoButton(atomMapInfoButton) .withResizeButtton(atomMapResizeButton).build(); mapNodeAtom.addEventHandler(PolygonClickedEvent.ANY, new SelectedAtomPolygon()); } else { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.wms-not-available")); } this.atomContainer.setVisible(false); this.progressSearch.setVisible(false); this.simpleWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.basicWFSContainer.setVisible(false); this.serviceUser.setDisable(true); this.servicePW.setDisable(true); this.processStepContainter.setVisible(false); } /** * @return the primaryStage */ public Stage getPrimaryStage() { return primaryStage; } /** * @param primaryStage the primaryStage to set */ public void setPrimaryStage(Stage primaryStage) { this.primaryStage = primaryStage; } /** * Set the text of the status bar in UI thread. * Adds current message to log history. * * @param msg the text to set. */ public void setStatusTextUI(String msg) { String logText; String regexAtom = I18n.format("atom.bytes.downloaded", "[\\d|\\.|\\,]+"); String regexWfs = I18n.format("", "[\\d|\\.|\\,]+"); //Filter atom/wfs download messages if (!logHistoryParent.getText().matches(regexAtom) && !logHistoryParent.getText().matches(regexWfs)) { logText = logHistoryParent.getText() + "\n" + logHistory.getText(); } else { logText = logHistory.getText(); } logToAppLog(msg); Platform.runLater(() -> { logHistoryParent.setText(msg); logHistory.setText(logText); }); } /** * Resets all marks at the processing chain container, items are kept. */ private void resetProcessingChainContainer() { for (Node o : chainContainer.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof VBox) { VBox v = (VBox) o; HBox hbox = (HBox) v.getChildren().get(0); Node cBox = hbox.getChildren().get(0); if (cBox instanceof ComboBox) { cBox.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); ComboBox box = (ComboBox) cBox; ObservableList<ProcessingStepConfiguration> confs = (ObservableList<ProcessingStepConfiguration>) box .getItems(); for (ProcessingStepConfiguration cfgI : confs) { cfgI.setCompatible(true); confs.set(confs.indexOf(cfgI), cfgI); } } } } } /** * Validates the chain items of a ComboBox * and marks the box according to the chosen item. * * @param box Item to validate * @return True if chosen item is valid, else false */ private boolean validateChainContainer(ComboBox box) { String format = this.dataBean.getAttributeValue(OUTPUTFORMAT); if (format == null) { box.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(GUI_PROCESS_NO_FORMAT)); } MIMETypes mtypes = Config.getInstance().getMimeTypes(); MIMEType mtype = mtypes.findByName(format); ProcessingStepConfiguration cfg = (ProcessingStepConfiguration) box.getValue(); ObservableList<ProcessingStepConfiguration> items = (ObservableList<ProcessingStepConfiguration>) box .getItems(); if (format != null && mtype == null) { box.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); for (ProcessingStepConfiguration cfgI : items) { cfgI.setCompatible(false); //Workaround to force cell update items.set(items.indexOf(cfgI), cfgI); } setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(GUI_PROCESS_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND)); return false; } //Mark items that are incompatible for (ProcessingStepConfiguration cfgI : items) { if (format != null) { cfgI.setCompatible(cfgI.isCompatibleWithFormat(mtype.getType())); } else { cfgI.setCompatible(false); } items.set(items.indexOf(cfgI), cfgI); } if (format == null) { return false; } if (cfg == null) { box.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); return true; } if (cfg.isCompatible()) { box.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_NULL); } else { box.setStyle(FX_BORDER_COLOR_RED); setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(GUI_PROCESS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, box.getValue())); } return cfg.isCompatible(); } /** * Validates all items in processing chain container. */ private void validateChainContainerItems() { boolean allValid = true; for (Node o : chainContainer.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof VBox) { VBox v = (VBox) o; HBox hbox = (HBox) v.getChildren().get(0); Node cBox = hbox.getChildren().get(0); if (cBox instanceof ComboBox && !validateChainContainer((ComboBox) cBox)) { allValid = false; } } } //If all chain items were ready, set status to ready if (allValid) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format(STATUS_READY)); } } /** * Handels the Action, when a polygon is selected. */ public class SelectedAtomPolygon implements EventHandler<Event> { @Override public void handle(Event event) { if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null && event instanceof PolygonClickedEvent) { PolygonClickedEvent pce = (PolygonClickedEvent) event; PolygonInfos polygonInfos = pce.getPolygonInfos(); String polygonName = polygonInfos.getName(); String polygonID = polygonInfos.getID(); if (polygonName != null && polygonID != null) { if (polygonName.equals("#@#")) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.format("status.polygon-intersect", polygonID)); return; } ObservableList<ItemModel> items = serviceTypeChooser.getItems(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { AtomItemModel item = (AtomItemModel) items.get(i); Atom.Item aitem = (Atom.Item) item.getItem(); if (aitem.getID().equals(polygonID)) { break; } } Atom.Item oldItem = (Atom.Item) serviceTypeChooser.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() .getItem(); if (i < items.size() && !oldItem.getID().equals(polygonID)) { serviceTypeChooser.setValue(items.get(i)); chooseType(serviceTypeChooser.getValue()); } } } } } /** * Keeps track of download progression and errors. */ private class DownloadListener implements ProcessorListener, Runnable { private String message; private synchronized String getMessage() { return this.message; } private synchronized void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } @Override public void run() { setStatusTextUI(getMessage()); } @Override public void receivedException(ProcessorEvent pe) { setMessage(I18n.format("status.error", pe.getException().getMessage())); Platform.runLater(this); } @Override public void receivedMessage(ProcessorEvent pe) { setMessage(pe.getMessage()); Platform.runLater(this); } } }