List of usage examples for javafx.scene.paint Color YELLOW
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private void connectToUser(String user_to_search) { if (user_to_search.equals("")) user_to_search = this.to_user; try {//ww w . java 2 s .c om System.out.println("Searching for: " + user_to_search); if (jc.findUser(user_to_search)) { String to_user_status = "offline"; this.to_user = user_to_search; for (UserStatus us : this.users_available) { if (us.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(user_to_search)) to_user_status = us.getStatus(); } if (to_user_status.equals("online")) { this.connection_circle.setFill(Color.LIGHTGREEN); search_user_result.setText("Connected to @" + user_to_search); this.selected_user.setText("Connected to @" + user_to_search); try { this.spin_earth_image.setImage(new Image( getClass().getResource("resources/spin_earth_bright.gif").toURI().toString())); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { this.alert("resources/app_error.mp3"); } } else { this.connection_circle.setFill(Color.YELLOW); search_user_result.setText("Offline messaging @" + user_to_search); this.selected_user.setText("Sending offline messages @" + user_to_search); } this.btn_send.setDisable(false); this.alert("resources/app_user_connected.mp3"); main_tab_pane.getSelectionModel().select(2); } else { this.connection_circle.setFill(Color.RED); search_user_result.setText("No user found for @" + user_to_search); this.btn_send.setDisable(true); this.alert("resources/app_no_such_user.mp3"); } } catch (IOException ex) { this.connection_circle.setFill(Color.RED); search_user_result.setText(ex.getMessage()); this.btn_send.setDisable(true); this.alert("resources/app_error.mp3"); } }
From source
static Node displacementMap() { int w = 220;//ww w .ja v a 2s .c o m int h = 100; FloatMap map = new FloatMap(); map.setWidth(w); map.setHeight(h); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { double v = (Math.sin(i / 50.0 * Math.PI) - 0.5) / 40.0; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { map.setSamples(i, j, 0.0f, (float) v); } } Group g = new Group(); DisplacementMap dm = new DisplacementMap(); dm.setMapData(map); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.setX(20.0f); r.setY(20.0f); r.setWidth(w); r.setHeight(h); r.setFill(Color.BLUE); g.getChildren().add(r); Text t = new Text(); t.setX(40.0f); t.setY(80.0f); t.setText("Wavy Text"); t.setFill(Color.YELLOW); t.setFont(Font.font("null", FontWeight.BOLD, 36)); g.getChildren().add(t); g.setEffect(dm); g.setCache(true); g.setTranslateX(400); g.setTranslateY(200); return g; }
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static Node bloom() { Group g = new Group(); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.setX(10);/* w ww. java2 s . c o m*/ r.setY(10); r.setWidth(160); r.setHeight(80); r.setFill(Color.DARKBLUE); Text t = new Text(); t.setText("Bloom!"); t.setFill(Color.YELLOW); t.setFont(Font.font("null", FontWeight.BOLD, 36)); t.setX(25); t.setY(65); g.setCache(true); //g.setEffect(new Bloom()); Bloom bloom = new Bloom(); bloom.setThreshold(1.0); g.setEffect(bloom); g.getChildren().add(r); g.getChildren().add(t); g.setTranslateX(350); return g; }
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AutomatonEdge(final Graph graph) { super(graph, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGE_NODES); this.regExpPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "RegExp", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.checkExpPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "Check Expression", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.triggerOnEofPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "EOF", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.onWalkPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "On Walk", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.channelPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "Channel", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.descriptionPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, PropertyNode.WITHOUT_TITLE, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); this.descriptionPropertyNode .setColor(Color.YELLOW.desaturate().desaturate().desaturate().brighter().brighter()); this.timingConditionsPropertyNode = new PropertyNode(graph, this, "Timing Conditions", Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_PROPERTIES, Z_INDEX_AUTOMATON_EDGES_CONNECTORS_TO_PROPERTIES); }
From source
private void showWinnerWithTwoHumanPlayers(Board.WinnerInfo winnerInfo) { guiAnimationQueue.submitWaitForUnlock(() -> addWinLineOnWin(winnerInfo, Color.YELLOW, () -> { twoHumansWinnerText.setText(winnerInfo.winningPlayer.getName() + " won :)"); double endX = twoHumansWinnerImage.getX(); double endY = twoHumansWinnerImage.getY(); AnchorPane.clearConstraints(twoHumansWinnerImage); twoHumansWinnerImage.setX(endX); twoHumansWinnerImage.setY(twoHumansWinnerImage.getY() + 300); // blurGamePane(); blurGamePane(10.0);//ww w .j a v a 2 s .com twoHumansWinMessage.setOpacity(0); twoHumansWinnerImage.setOpacity(0); twoHumansWinnerPane.setOpacity(1); twoHumansWinnerPane.setVisible(true); twoHumansWinnerImage.setVisible(true); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); double S4 = 1.45; double x0 = 0.33; KeyValue twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1x = new KeyValue(twoHumansWinnerImage.xProperty(), endX, new CustomEaseOutInterpolator(S4, x0)); KeyValue twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1y = new KeyValue(twoHumansWinnerImage.yProperty(), endY, new CustomEaseOutInterpolator(S4, x0)); KeyValue twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1Opacity = new KeyValue(twoHumansWinnerImage.opacityProperty(), 1); KeyFrame twoHumansWinnerImageKeyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(600), twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1x, twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1y, twoHumansWinnerImageKeyValue1Opacity); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(twoHumansWinnerImageKeyFrame1); timeline.setOnFinished((event) -> fadeNode(twoHumansWinMessage, 1, () -> { AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(twoHumansWinnerImage, 0.0); AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(twoHumansWinnerImage, 0.0); }));; })); }
From source
private ScrollPane afficheLegende() { double positionX = 0; double positionY = 0; AnchorPane apLegende = new AnchorPane(); ScrollPane spLegende = new ScrollPane(apLegende); spLegende.getStyleClass().add("legendePane"); apLegende.setMinWidth(1000);/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c om*/ apLegende.setMinHeight(150); apLegende.setPrefWidth(1000); apLegende.setPrefHeight(150); apLegende.setMaxWidth(1000); apLegende.setMaxHeight(150); positionY = (pano.getLayoutY() + pano.getPrefHeight() + 10); Circle point = new Circle(30, 20, 5); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); point.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); Circle point2 = new Circle(30, 60, 5); point2.setFill(Color.BLUE); point2.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); point2.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); Circle point3 = new Circle(30, 100, 5); point3.setFill(Color.GREEN); point3.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); point3.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.getPoints().addAll(new Double[] { 15.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 15.0, -2.0, 15.0, -2.0, 2.0, -15.0, 2.0, -15.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -15.0, 2.0, -15.0, 2.0, -2.0, 15.0, -2.0 }); polygon.setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin.MITER); polygon.setFill(Color.BLUEVIOLET); polygon.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); polygon.setId("PoV"); polygon.setLayoutX(500); polygon.setLayoutY(20); Label lblHS = new Label(rb.getString("main.legendeHS")); Label lblHSImage = new Label(rb.getString("main.legendeHSImage")); //Label lblHSHTML = new Label(rb.getString("main.legendeHSHTML")); Label lblPoV = new Label(rb.getString("main.legendePoV")); Label lblNord = new Label(rb.getString("main.legendeNord")); Line ligneNord = new Line(500, 45, 500, 65); ligneNord.setStroke(Color.RED); ligneNord.setStrokeWidth(3); lblHS.setLayoutX(50); lblHS.setLayoutY(10); lblHSImage.setLayoutX(50); lblHSImage.setLayoutY(50); //lblHSHTML.setLayoutX(50); //lblHSHTML.setLayoutY(90); lblPoV.setLayoutX(520); lblPoV.setLayoutY(10); lblNord.setLayoutX(520); lblNord.setLayoutY(50); // apLegende.getChildren().addAll(lblHS, point, lblHSImage, point2, lblHSHTML, point3, lblPoV, polygon, lblNord, ligneNord); apLegende.getChildren().addAll(lblHS, point, lblHSImage, point2, lblPoV, polygon, lblNord, ligneNord); apLegende.setId("legende"); apLegende.setVisible(true); if (largeurMax - 50 < 1004) { spLegende.setPrefWidth(largeurMax - 50); spLegende.setMaxWidth(largeurMax - 50); positionX = 25; } else { spLegende.setPrefWidth(1004); spLegende.setMaxWidth(1004); positionX = (largeurMax - 1004) / 2.d; } spLegende.setLayoutX(positionX); spLegende.setLayoutY(positionY); spLegende.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); spLegende.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); return spLegende; }
From source
/** * * @param i/*from w w w .java 2s .c o m*/ * @param longitude * @param latitude */ private void afficheHS(int i, double longitude, double latitude) { double largeur = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); double X = (longitude + 180.0d) * largeur / 360.0d + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); double Y = (90.0d - latitude) * largeur / 360.0d; Circle point = new Circle(X, Y, 5); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); point.setId("point" + i); point.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); pano.getChildren().add(point); Tooltip t = new Tooltip("point n " + (i + 1)); t.setStyle(tooltipStyle); Tooltip.install(point, t); point.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent me1) -> { point.setFill(Color.RED); point.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); dragDrop = true; me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent me1) -> { double XX = me1.getX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (XX < 0) { XX = 0; } if (XX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { XX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } point.setCenterX(XX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX()); double YY = me1.getY(); if (YY < 0) { YY = 0; } if (YY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { YY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } point.setCenterY(YY); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseReleased((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); double X1 = me1.getSceneX(); double Y1 = me1.getSceneY(); double mouseX = X1 - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; } if (mouseX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY = Y1 - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; } if (mouseY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } double longit, lat; double larg = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); String chLong, chLat; longit = 360.0f * mouseX / larg - 180; lat = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY / larg * 180.0f; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLatitude(lat); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLongitude(longit); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { double mouseX = me1.getSceneX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; } if (mouseX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY = me1.getSceneY() - pano.getLayoutY() - 115; if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; } if (mouseY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); Node pt; pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + chPoint); if (me1.isControlDown()) { dejaSauve = false; stPrincipal.setTitle(stPrincipal.getTitle().replace(" *", "") + " *"); pano.getChildren().remove(pt); for (int o = numeroPoint + 1; o < numPoints; o++) { pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + Integer.toString(o)); pt.setId("point" + Integer.toString(o - 1)); } /** * on retire les anciennes indication de HS */ retireAffichageHotSpots(); numPoints--; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].removeHotspot(numeroPoint); /** * On les cre les nouvelles */ ajouteAffichageHotspots(); me1.consume(); valideHS(); } else { if (!dragDrop) { if (nombrePanoramiques > 1) { AnchorPane listePanoVig = afficherListePanosVignettes(numeroPoint); int largeurVignettes = 4; if (nombrePanoramiques < 4) { largeurVignettes = nombrePanoramiques; } if (mouseX + largeurVignettes * 130 > pano.getWidth()) { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(pano.getWidth() - largeurVignettes * 130); } else { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(mouseX); } listePanoVig.setLayoutY(mouseY); pano.getChildren().add(listePanoVig); } } else { dragDrop = false; } valideHS(); me1.consume(); } }); }
From source
/** * * @param i//w w w . j a v a 2s. c om * @param longitude * @param latitude */ private void afficheHSImage(int i, double longitude, double latitude) { double largeur = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); double X = (longitude + 180.0d) * largeur / 360.0d + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); double Y = (90.0d - latitude) * largeur / 360.0d; Circle point = new Circle(X, Y, 5); point.setFill(Color.BLUE); point.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); point.setId("img" + i); point.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); pano.getChildren().add(point); Tooltip t = new Tooltip("image n " + (i + 1)); t.setStyle(tooltipStyle); Tooltip.install(point, t); point.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent me1) -> { point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.BLUE); dragDrop = true; me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent me1) -> { double XX = me1.getX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (XX < 0) { XX = 0; } if (XX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { XX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } point.setCenterX(XX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX()); double YY = me1.getY(); if (YY < 0) { YY = 0; } if (YY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { YY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } point.setCenterY(YY); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseReleased((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(3, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); double X1 = me1.getSceneX(); double Y1 = me1.getSceneY(); double mouseX = X1 - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; } if (mouseX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY = Y1 - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; } if (mouseY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } double longit, lat; double larg = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); String chLong, chLat; longit = 360.0f * mouseX / larg - 180; lat = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY / larg * 180.0f; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspotImage(numeroPoint).setLatitude(lat); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspotImage(numeroPoint).setLongitude(longit); point.setFill(Color.BLUE); point.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(3, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); Node pt; pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#img" + chPoint); if (me1.isControlDown()) { valideHS(); dejaSauve = false; stPrincipal.setTitle(stPrincipal.getTitle().replace(" *", "") + " *"); pano.getChildren().remove(pt); for (int o = numeroPoint + 1; o < numImages; o++) { pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#img" + Integer.toString(o)); pt.setId("img" + Integer.toString(o - 1)); } /** * on retire les anciennes indication de HS */ retireAffichageHotSpots(); numImages--; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].removeHotspotImage(numeroPoint); /** * On les cre les nouvelles */ ajouteAffichageHotspots(); me1.consume(); } else { me1.consume(); } }); }
From source
private void affichePoV(double longitude, double latitude) { double largeur = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); double X = (longitude + 180.0d) * largeur / 360.0d + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); double Y = (90.0d - latitude) * largeur / 360.0d; Node ancPoV = (Node) pano.lookup("#PoV"); if (ancPoV != null) { pano.getChildren().remove(ancPoV); }// w w w . j av a Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.getPoints().addAll(new Double[] { 20.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 20.0, -2.0, 20.0, -2.0, 2.0, -20.0, 2.0, -20.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -20.0, 2.0, -20.0, 2.0, -2.0, 20.0, -2.0 }); polygon.setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin.MITER); polygon.setFill(Color.BLUEVIOLET); polygon.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); polygon.setId("PoV"); polygon.setLayoutX(X); polygon.setLayoutY(Y); polygon.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); polygon.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent me1) -> { polygon.setFill(Color.YELLOW); polygon.setStroke(Color.BLUEVIOLET); dragDrop = true; me1.consume(); }); polygon.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent me1) -> { double XX = me1.getSceneX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (XX < 0) { XX = 0; } if (XX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { XX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } polygon.setLayoutX(XX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX()); double YY = me1.getSceneY() - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (YY < 0) { YY = 0; } if (YY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { YY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } polygon.setLayoutY(YY); me1.consume(); }); polygon.setOnMouseReleased((MouseEvent me1) -> { double X1 = me1.getSceneX(); double Y1 = me1.getSceneY(); double mouseX1 = X1 - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX1 < 0) { mouseX1 = 0; } if (mouseX1 > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX1 = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY1 = Y1 - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (mouseY1 < 0) { mouseY1 = 0; } if (mouseY1 > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY1 = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } double regardX = 360.0f * mouseX1 / largeur - 180; double regardY = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY1 / largeur * 180.0f; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].setLookAtX(regardX); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].setLookAtY(regardY); polygon.setFill(Color.BLUEVIOLET); polygon.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); me1.consume(); }); pano.getChildren().add(polygon); }
From source
private void panoMouseClic(double X, double Y) { if (nombrePanoramiques > 1) { valideHS();/*from www. j a va2 s. c o m*/ dejaSauve = false; stPrincipal.setTitle(stPrincipal.getTitle().replace(" *", "") + " *"); double mouseX = X; double mouseY = Y - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (X > 0 && X < imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { double longitude, latitude; double largeur = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); String chLong, chLat; longitude = 360.0f * mouseX / largeur - 180; latitude = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY / largeur * 180.0f; Circle point = new Circle(mouseX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(), mouseY, 5); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); point.setId("point" + numPoints); point.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); pano.getChildren().add(point); Tooltip t = new Tooltip("point n" + (numPoints + 1)); t.setStyle(tooltipStyle); Tooltip.install(point, t); HotSpot HS = new HotSpot(); HS.setLongitude(longitude); HS.setLatitude(latitude); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].addHotspot(HS); retireAffichageHotSpots(); Pane affHS1 = affichageHS(listePano(panoActuel), panoActuel); affHS1.setId("labels"); outils.getChildren().add(affHS1); numPoints++; if (nombrePanoramiques > 1) { AnchorPane listePanoVig = afficherListePanosVignettes( panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getNombreHotspots() - 1); int largeurVignettes = 4; if (nombrePanoramiques < 4) { largeurVignettes = nombrePanoramiques; } if (mouseX + largeurVignettes * 130 > pano.getWidth()) { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(pano.getWidth() - largeurVignettes * 130); } else { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(mouseX); } listePanoVig.setLayoutY(mouseY); pano.getChildren().add(listePanoVig); valideHS(); } point.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); Node pt; pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + chPoint); point.setFill(Color.RED); point.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); dragDrop = true; me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent me1) -> { double XX = me1.getX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (XX < 0) { XX = 0; } if (XX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { XX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } point.setCenterX(XX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX()); double YY = me1.getY(); if (YY < 0) { YY = 0; } if (YY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { YY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } point.setCenterY(YY); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseReleased((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); double X1 = me1.getSceneX(); double Y1 = me1.getSceneY(); double mouseX1 = X1 - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX1 < 0) { mouseX1 = 0; } if (mouseX1 > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX1 = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY1 = Y1 - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (mouseY1 < 0) { mouseY1 = 0; } if (mouseY1 > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY1 = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } double longit, lat; double larg = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); longit = 360.0f * mouseX1 / larg - 180; lat = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY1 / larg * 180.0f; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLatitude(lat); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLongitude(longit); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { if (me1.isControlDown()) { dejaSauve = false; stPrincipal.setTitle(stPrincipal.getTitle().replace(" *", "") + " *"); String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); Node pt; pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + chPoint); pano.getChildren().remove(pt); for (int o = numeroPoint + 1; o < numPoints; o++) { pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + Integer.toString(o)); pt.setId("point" + Integer.toString(o - 1)); } /** * on retire les anciennes indication de HS */ retireAffichageHotSpots(); numPoints--; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].removeHotspot(numeroPoint); /** * On les cre les nouvelles */ ajouteAffichageHotspots(); valideHS(); me1.consume(); } else { if (!dragDrop) { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); if (nombrePanoramiques > 1) { AnchorPane listePanoVig = afficherListePanosVignettes(numeroPoint); int largeurVignettes = 4; if (nombrePanoramiques < 4) { largeurVignettes = nombrePanoramiques; } if (mouseX + largeurVignettes * 130 > pano.getWidth()) { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(pano.getWidth() - largeurVignettes * 130); } else { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(mouseX); } listePanoVig.setLayoutY(mouseY); pano.getChildren().add(listePanoVig); } } else { dragDrop = false; } valideHS(); me1.consume(); } }); } } }