Example usage for Java javafx.scene.paint Color fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Color | TRANSPARENT A fully transparent color with an ARGB value of #00000000. |
Color | ALICEBLUE The color alice blue with an RGB value of #F0F8FF |
Color | AZURE The color azure with an RGB value of #F0FFFF |
Color | BEIGE The color beige with an RGB value of #F5F5DC |
Color | BLACK The color black with an RGB value of #000000 |
Color | BLUE The color blue with an RGB value of #0000FF |
Color | BLUEVIOLET The color blue violet with an RGB value of #8A2BE2 |
Color | CHOCOLATE The color chocolate with an RGB value of #D2691E |
Color | CORNFLOWERBLUE The color cornflower blue with an RGB value of #6495ED |
Color | CYAN The color cyan with an RGB value of #00FFFF |
Color | DARKBLUE The color dark blue with an RGB value of #00008B |
Color | DARKGREEN The color dark green with an RGB value of #006400 |
Color | DARKORANGE The color dark orange with an RGB value of #FF8C00 |
Color | DARKRED The color dark red with an RGB value of #8B0000 |
Color | FIREBRICK The color firebrick with an RGB value of #B22222 |
Color | FORESTGREEN The color forest green with an RGB value of #228B22 |
Color | GAINSBORO The color gainsboro with an RGB value of #DCDCDC |
Color | GHOSTWHITE The color ghost white with an RGB value of #F8F8FF |
Color | GOLD The color gold with an RGB value of #FFD700 |
Color | GOLDENROD The color goldenrod with an RGB value of #DAA520 |
Color | GRAY The color gray with an RGB value of #808080 |
Color | GREEN The color green with an RGB value of #008000 |
Color | GREENYELLOW The color green yellow with an RGB value of #ADFF2F |
Color | GREY The color grey with an RGB value of #808080 |
Color | LIGHTBLUE The color light blue with an RGB value of #ADD8E6 |
Color | LIGHTGRAY The color light gray with an RGB value of #D3D3D3 |
Color | LIGHTGREEN The color light green with an RGB value of #90EE90 |
Color | LIGHTGREY The color light grey with an RGB value of #D3D3D3 |
Color | LIGHTSTEELBLUE The color light steel blue with an RGB value of #B0C4DE |
Color | LIME The color lime with an RGB value of #00FF00 |
Color | MAGENTA The color magenta with an RGB value of #FF00FF |
Color | MEDIUMAQUAMARINE The color medium aquamarine with an RGB value of #66CDAA |
Color | OLDLACE The color old lace with an RGB value of #FDF5E6 |
Color | ORANGE The color orange with an RGB value of #FFA500 |
Color | PURPLE The color purple with an RGB value of #800080 |
Color | RED The color red with an RGB value of #FF0000 |
Color | SALMON The color salmon with an RGB value of #FA8072 |
Color | SILVER The color silver with an RGB value of #C0C0C0 |
Color | TURQUOISE The color turquoise with an RGB value of #40E0D0 |
Color | VIOLET The color violet with an RGB value of #EE82EE |
Color | WHITE The color white with an RGB value of #FFFFFF |
Color | WHITESMOKE The color white smoke with an RGB value of #F5F5F5 |
Color | YELLOW The color yellow with an RGB value of #FFFF00 |
Color | YELLOWGREEN The color yellow green with an RGB value of #9ACD32 |
Color(float red, float green, float blue) Creates a new instance of color. | |
Color(@NamedArg("red") double red, @NamedArg("green") double green, @NamedArg("blue") double blue, @NamedArg(value = "opacity", defaultValue = "1") double opacity) Creates a new instance of color |
Color | deriveColor(double hueShift, double saturationFactor, double brightnessFactor, double opacityFactor) Creates a new Color based on this Color with hue, saturation, brightness and opacity values altered. |
boolean | equals(Object obj) Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. |
double | getBlue() The blue component of the Color , in the range 0.0-1.0 . |
double | getBrightness() Gets the brightness component of this Color . |
double | getGreen() The green component of the Color , in the range 0.0-1.0 . |
double | getHue() Gets the hue component of this Color . |
double | getOpacity() The opacity of the Color , in the range 0.0-1.0 . |
double | getRed() The red component of the Color , in the range 0.0-1.0 . |
double | getSaturation() Gets the saturation component of this Color . |
Color | hsb(double hue, double saturation, double brightness, double opacity) Creates a Color based on the specified values in the HSB color model, and a given opacity. |
Color | hsb(double hue, double saturation, double brightness) Creates an opaque Color based on the specified values in the HSB color model. |
boolean | isOpaque() |
Color | rgb(int red, int green, int blue) Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255 . |
Color | rgb(int red, int green, int blue, double opacity) Creates an sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255 , and a given opacity. |
String | toString() Returns a string representation of this Color . |
Color | valueOf(String value) Creates a color value from a string representation. |
Color | web(String colorString) Creates an RGB color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string. |
Color | web(String colorString, double opacity) Creates an RGB color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string. |