Example usage for javafx.scene.layout BorderPane subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javafx.scene.layout BorderPane subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javafx.scene.layout BorderPane subclass-usage.


From source file de.pixida.logtest.designer.Editor.java

public abstract class Editor extends BorderPane {
    public enum Type {
        AUTOMATON("Automaton", parentWindow -> new AutomatonEditor(parentWindow), "palette", "*.json",
                "Automaton Definition"), LOG_READER_CONFIG("Log Reader",
                        parentWindow -> new LogReaderEditor(parentWindow), "script", "*.json",
                        "Log Reader Configuration"), TEST_RUN("Test Run",

From source file org.pdfsam.ui.selection.multiple.MultipleSelectionPane.java

 * Panel holding the selection table and its toolbar. It is constructed specifying the columns for the selection table and it participates to the {@link TaskParameters} build
 * process
 * @author Andrea Vacondio
 * @param <T>

From source file org.beryx.vbundle.chart.html.HtmlChartContentPane.java

 * A pane providing controls for configuring the content of an HTML chart.
 * This pane will be embedded in the dialog displayed by the {@link org.beryx.viewreka.bundle.api.CodeTemplate} of  {@link HtmlChartBundle}.
public class HtmlChartContentPane extends BorderPane implements FXMLNode {

From source file org.geopoke.WorldMap.java

     * @author Michael
    public class WorldMap extends BorderPane {

From source file com.bdb.weather.display.summary.TemperatureBinSummaryPlot.java

public class TemperatureBinSummaryPlot extends BorderPane {
    private final CombinedDomainCategoryPlot plot;
    private final ChartViewer chartViewer;
    private final DefaultCategoryDataset countDataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    private final CategoryPlot countPlot = new CategoryPlot();
    private final DefaultCategoryDataset durationDataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

From source file com.bdb.weather.display.current.Thermometer.java

 * A thermometer class.
 * @author Bruce

From source file ijfx.ui.main.PerformanceActivity.java

 * @author cyril
@Plugin(type = Activity.class, label = "performance-activity")
public class PerformanceActivity extends BorderPane implements Activity {

From source file com.bdb.weather.display.current.Hygrometer.java

 * Gauge for displaying humidity.
 * @author Bruce

From source file com.bdb.weather.display.stripchart.StripChart.java

 * Display a strip chart with up to two separate Y axes.
 * @author Bruce
public class StripChart extends BorderPane {

From source file ijfx.ui.activity.PerformanceActivity.java

 * @author Cyril MONGIS, 2016
@Plugin(type = Activity.class, label = "performance-activity")
public class PerformanceActivity extends BorderPane implements Activity {