Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * * Copyright (c) 2016 Pixida GmbH */ package de.pixida.logtest.designer; import; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import de.pixida.logtest.designer.automaton.AutomatonEditor; import de.pixida.logtest.designer.logreader.LogReaderEditor; import de.pixida.logtest.designer.testrun.TestRunEditor; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import javafx.beans.binding.StringExpression; import; import; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; public abstract class Editor extends BorderPane { public enum Type { AUTOMATON("Automaton", parentWindow -> new AutomatonEditor(parentWindow), "palette", "*.json", "Automaton Definition"), LOG_READER_CONFIG("Log Reader", parentWindow -> new LogReaderEditor(parentWindow), "script", "*.json", "Log Reader Configuration"), TEST_RUN("Test Run", parentWindow -> new TestRunEditor(parentWindow), "lightning"); private String name; private String iconName; private Function<IMainWindow, Editor> factory; private final SimpleBooleanProperty supportsFiles = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); private String fileMask; private String fileDescription; private Type(final String aName, final Function<IMainWindow, Editor> aFactory, final String aIconName, final String aFileMask, final String aFileDescription) { this(aName, aFactory, aIconName); Validate.notNull(aFileMask); Validate.notNull(aFileDescription); this.fileMask = aFileMask; this.fileDescription = aFileDescription + " (" + this.fileMask + ")"; this.supportsFiles.set(true); } private Type(final String aName, final Function<IMainWindow, Editor> aFactory, final String aIconName) { = aName; this.factory = aFactory; this.iconName = aIconName; this.supportsFiles.set(false); } public String getName() { return; } public String getIconName() { return this.iconName; } SimpleBooleanProperty supportsFilesProperty() { return this.supportsFiles; } public Editor createEditor(final IMainWindow value) { return this.factory.apply(value); } public String getFileMask() { return this.fileMask; } public String getFileDescription() { return this.fileDescription; } } private static int newDocumentRunningIndex = 1; private final Type type; private final IMainWindow mainWindow; private final StringExpression documentTitleLong; private final StringExpression documentTitleShort; private final SimpleStringProperty documentNameLong = new SimpleStringProperty(); private final SimpleStringProperty documentNameShort = new SimpleStringProperty(); private final SimpleStringProperty changedMarkerText = new SimpleStringProperty(""); private boolean changed; private File file; public Editor(final Type aType, final IMainWindow aMainWindow) { Validate.notNull(aType); Validate.notNull(aMainWindow); this.type = aType; this.mainWindow = aMainWindow; this.documentTitleLong = Bindings.concat(this.documentNameLong, this.changedMarkerText); this.documentTitleShort = Bindings.concat(this.documentNameShort, this.changedMarkerText); this.setChanged(false); this.updateDocumentName(); } StringExpression getTitleLong() { return this.documentTitleLong; } StringExpression getTitleShort() { return this.documentTitleShort; } SimpleBooleanProperty supportsFilesProperty() { return this.type.supportsFilesProperty(); } boolean hasUnsavedChanges() { return this.changed; } File getDirectoryOfAssignedFile() { Validate.notNull(this.file); return this.file.getParentFile(); } boolean isDocumentAssignedToFile() { return this.file != null; } boolean isDocumentAssignedToFile(final File value) { Validate.notNull(value); if (!this.isDocumentAssignedToFile()) { return false; } Validate.notNull(this.file); return this.file.equals(value); } protected void setDocumentName(final String longName, final String shortName) { this.documentNameLong.set(longName); this.documentNameShort.set(shortName); } public String getIconName() { return this.type.getIconName(); } protected IMainWindow getMainWindow() { return this.mainWindow; } protected void setChanged(final boolean value) { // TODO: After loading an automaton, this is always called with "true" argument // new RuntimeException().printStackTrace(); if (value != this.changed) // Method might been called very often { this.changed = value; this.changedMarkerText.set(this.changed ? "*" : ""); } } protected void assignDocumentToFile(final File value) { Validate.notNull(value); this.file = value; this.updateDocumentName(); } protected File getFile() { return this.file; } protected abstract void init(); protected abstract void createNewDocument(); protected abstract void loadDocumentFromFileAndAssignToFile(File srcFile); protected abstract void saveDocument(); private void updateDocumentName() { final String nameForUnassingedDocument = String.format("New %s [%d]", this.type.getName(), newDocumentRunningIndex++); this.setDocumentName(this.file != null ? this.file.getPath() : nameForUnassingedDocument, this.file != null ? FilenameUtils.removeExtension(FilenameUtils.getName(this.file.getName())) : nameForUnassingedDocument); } public String getTypeName() { return this.type.getName(); } public Type getType() { return this.type; } }