List of usage examples for javafx.scene.control Tooltip install
public static void install(Node node, Tooltip t)
From source
@Override public void start(Stage stage) { Scene scene = new Scene(new Group()); stage.setTitle("Tooltip Sample"); stage.setWidth(300);//ww w . java 2 s . c o m stage.setHeight(150); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); Tooltip t = new Tooltip("A Square"); Tooltip.install(rect, t); ((Group) scene.getRoot()).getChildren().add(rect); stage.setScene(scene);; }
From source
/** * Setup an 'EXCLAMATION' error marker on the component. Automatically displays anytime that the reasonWhyControlInvalid value * is false. Hides when the isControlCurrentlyValid is true. * @param stackPane - optional - created if necessary *//*from w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ public static StackPane setupErrorMarker(Node initialNode, StackPane stackPane, ValidBooleanBinding isNodeCurrentlyValid) { ImageView exclamation = Images.EXCLAMATION.createImageView(); if (stackPane == null) { stackPane = new StackPane(); } exclamation.visibleProperty().bind(isNodeCurrentlyValid.not()); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(isNodeCurrentlyValid.getReasonWhyInvalid()); Tooltip.install(exclamation, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); exclamation.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) {, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY()); } }); stackPane.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); stackPane.getChildren().add(initialNode); StackPane.setAlignment(initialNode, Pos.CENTER_LEFT); stackPane.getChildren().add(exclamation); StackPane.setAlignment(exclamation, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); double insetFromRight; if (initialNode instanceof ComboBox) { insetFromRight = 30.0; } else if (initialNode instanceof ChoiceBox) { insetFromRight = 25.0; } else { insetFromRight = 5.0; } StackPane.setMargin(exclamation, new Insets(0.0, insetFromRight, 0.0, 0.0)); return stackPane; }
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/** * Setup an 'INFORMATION' info marker on the component. Automatically displays anytime that the initialControl is disabled. * Put the initial control in the provided stack pane *///from w ww . jav a2 s . c o m public static Node setupDisabledInfoMarker(Control initialControl, StackPane stackPane, ObservableStringValue reasonWhyControlDisabled) { ImageView information = Images.INFORMATION.createImageView(); information.visibleProperty().bind(initialControl.disabledProperty()); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(reasonWhyControlDisabled); Tooltip.install(information, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); information.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) {, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY()); } }); stackPane.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); stackPane.getChildren().add(initialControl); StackPane.setAlignment(initialControl, Pos.CENTER_LEFT); stackPane.getChildren().add(information); if (initialControl instanceof Button) { StackPane.setAlignment(information, Pos.CENTER); } else if (initialControl instanceof CheckBox) { StackPane.setAlignment(information, Pos.CENTER_LEFT); StackPane.setMargin(information, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 1)); } else { StackPane.setAlignment(information, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); double insetFromRight = (initialControl instanceof ComboBox ? 30.0 : 5.0); StackPane.setMargin(information, new Insets(0.0, insetFromRight, 0.0, 0.0)); } return stackPane; }
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/** * descriptionReader is optional/* w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ */ public ConceptNode(ConceptVersionBI initialConcept, boolean flagAsInvalidWhenBlank, ObservableList<SimpleDisplayConcept> dropDownOptions, Function<ConceptVersionBI, String> descriptionReader) { c_ = initialConcept; //We can't simply use the ObservableList from the CommonlyUsedConcepts, because it infinite loops - there doesn't seem to be a way //to change the items in the drop down without changing the selection. So, we have this hack instead. listChangeListener_ = new ListChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public void onChanged(Change<? extends SimpleDisplayConcept> c) { //TODO I still have an infinite loop here. Find and fix. logger.debug("updating concept dropdown"); disableChangeListener_ = true; SimpleDisplayConcept temp = cb_.getValue(); cb_.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(dropDownOptions_)); cb_.setValue(temp); cb_.getSelectionModel().select(temp); disableChangeListener_ = false; } }; descriptionReader_ = (descriptionReader == null ? (conceptVersion) -> { return conceptVersion == null ? "" : OTFUtility.getDescription(conceptVersion); } : descriptionReader); dropDownOptions_ = dropDownOptions == null ? AppContext.getService(CommonlyUsedConcepts.class).getObservableConcepts() : dropDownOptions; dropDownOptions_.addListener(new WeakListChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>(listChangeListener_)); conceptBinding_ = new ObjectBinding<ConceptVersionBI>() { @Override protected ConceptVersionBI computeValue() { return c_; } }; flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_ = flagAsInvalidWhenBlank; cb_ = new ComboBox<>(); cb_.setConverter(new StringConverter<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public String toString(SimpleDisplayConcept object) { return object == null ? "" : object.getDescription(); } @Override public SimpleDisplayConcept fromString(String string) { return new SimpleDisplayConcept(string, 0); } }); cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); cb_.setEditable(true); cb_.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); cb_.setPrefWidth(ComboBox.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE); cb_.setMinWidth(200.0); cb_.setPromptText("Type, drop or select a concept"); cb_.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(dropDownOptions_)); cb_.setVisibleRowCount(11); cm_ = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem copyText = new MenuItem("Copy Description"); copyText.setGraphic(Images.COPY.createImageView()); copyText.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { CustomClipboard.set(cb_.getEditor().getText()); } }); cm_.getItems().add(copyText); CommonMenusNIdProvider nidProvider = new CommonMenusNIdProvider() { @Override public Set<Integer> getNIds() { Set<Integer> nids = new HashSet<>(); if (c_ != null) { nids.add(c_.getNid()); } return nids; } }; CommonMenuBuilderI menuBuilder = CommonMenus.CommonMenuBuilder.newInstance(); menuBuilder.setInvisibleWhenFalse(isValid); CommonMenus.addCommonMenus(cm_, menuBuilder, nidProvider); cb_.getEditor().setContextMenu(cm_); updateGUI(); new LookAheadConceptPopup(cb_); if (cb_.getValue().getNid() == 0) { if (flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_) { isValid.setInvalid("Concept Required"); } } else { isValid.setValid(); } cb_.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends SimpleDisplayConcept> observable, SimpleDisplayConcept oldValue, SimpleDisplayConcept newValue) { if (newValue == null) { logger.debug("Combo Value Changed - null entry"); } else { logger.debug("Combo Value Changed: {} {}", newValue.getDescription(), newValue.getNid()); } if (disableChangeListener_) { logger.debug("change listener disabled"); return; } if (newValue == null) { //This can happen if someone calls clearSelection() - it passes in a null. cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); return; } else { if (newValue.shouldIgnoreChange()) { logger.debug("One time change ignore"); return; } //Whenever the focus leaves the combo box editor, a new combo box is generated. But, the new box will have 0 for an id. detect and ignore if (oldValue != null && oldValue.getDescription().equals(newValue.getDescription()) && newValue.getNid() == 0) { logger.debug("Not a real change, ignore"); newValue.setNid(oldValue.getNid()); return; } lookup(); } } }); AppContext.getService(DragRegistry.class).setupDragAndDrop(cb_, new SingleConceptIdProvider() { @Override public String getConceptId() { return cb_.getValue().getNid() + ""; } }, true); pi_ = new ProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator.INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); pi_.visibleProperty().bind(isLookupInProgress_); pi_.setPrefHeight(16.0); pi_.setPrefWidth(16.0); pi_.setMaxWidth(16.0); pi_.setMaxHeight(16.0); lookupFailImage_ = Images.EXCLAMATION.createImageView(); lookupFailImage_.visibleProperty().bind(isValid.not().and(isLookupInProgress_.not())); Tooltip t = new Tooltip(); t.textProperty().bind(isValid.getReasonWhyInvalid()); Tooltip.install(lookupFailImage_, t); StackPane sp = new StackPane(); sp.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); sp.getChildren().add(cb_); sp.getChildren().add(lookupFailImage_); sp.getChildren().add(pi_); StackPane.setAlignment(cb_, Pos.CENTER_LEFT); StackPane.setAlignment(lookupFailImage_, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); StackPane.setMargin(lookupFailImage_, new Insets(0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0)); StackPane.setAlignment(pi_, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); StackPane.setMargin(pi_, new Insets(0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0)); hbox_ = new HBox(); hbox_.setSpacing(5.0); hbox_.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); hbox_.getChildren().add(sp); HBox.setHgrow(sp, Priority.SOMETIMES); }
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/** * Sets the tooltip text, with the (x, y) location being used for the * anchor. If the text is {@code null}, no tooltip will be displayed. * This method is intended for calling by the {@link TooltipHandlerFX} * class, you won't normally call it directly. * //w w w . j a v a 2s .c om * @param text the text ({@code null} permitted). * @param x the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer. * @param y the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. */ public void setTooltip(String text, double x, double y) { if (text != null) { if (this.tooltip == null) { this.tooltip = new Tooltip(text); Tooltip.install(this, this.tooltip); } else { this.tooltip.setText(text); this.tooltip.setAnchorX(x); this.tooltip.setAnchorY(y); } } else { Tooltip.uninstall(this, this.tooltip); this.tooltip = null; } }
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private static void changeNodeTitleLabelVisual(Node node, String explain) { Parent parent = node.getParent();//from w w w .j ava2s .c o m Label nodeTitleLabel = (Label) parent.lookup(".validationMessage"); if (explain.isEmpty()) { if (default_colors_map.containsKey(nodeTitleLabel)) {// This order of 'if' statements is correct! nodeTitleLabel.setTextFill(default_colors_map.get(nodeTitleLabel)); default_colors_map.remove(nodeTitleLabel); Tooltip.uninstall(nodeTitleLabel, toolTip); } } else { node.requestFocus(); toolTip.setText(GeneralConfig.getInstance().getTitleFor(explain)); toolTip.setStyle("-fx-background-color: gray; -fx-font-size: 8pt;"); Tooltip.install(nodeTitleLabel, toolTip); default_colors_map.putIfAbsent(nodeTitleLabel, nodeTitleLabel.getTextFill()); nodeTitleLabel.setTextFill(Color.RED); } }
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private void buildDataFields(boolean assemblageValid, DynamicSememeDataBI[] currentValues) { if (assemblageValid) { for (ReadOnlyStringProperty ssp : currentDataFieldWarnings_) { allValid_.removeBinding(ssp); }/*from www. j a v a2 s. c om*/ currentDataFieldWarnings_.clear(); for (SememeGUIDataTypeNodeDetails nd : currentDataFields_) { nd.cleanupListener(); } currentDataFields_.clear(); GridPane gp = new GridPane(); gp.setHgap(10.0); gp.setVgap(10.0); gp.setStyle("-fx-padding: 5;"); int row = 0; boolean extraInfoColumnIsRequired = false; for (DynamicSememeColumnInfo ci : assemblageInfo_.getColumnInfo()) { SimpleStringProperty valueIsRequired = (ci.isColumnRequired() ? new SimpleStringProperty("") : null); SimpleStringProperty defaultValueTooltip = ((ci.getDefaultColumnValue() == null && ci.getValidator() == null) ? null : new SimpleStringProperty()); ComboBox<DynamicSememeDataType> polymorphicType = null; Label l = new Label(ci.getColumnName()); l.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); l.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfBoldLabel(l)); Tooltip.install(l, new Tooltip(ci.getColumnDescription())); int col = 0; gp.add(l, col++, row); if (ci.getColumnDataType() == DynamicSememeDataType.POLYMORPHIC) { polymorphicType = new ComboBox<>(); polymorphicType.setEditable(false); polymorphicType.setConverter(new StringConverter<DynamicSememeDataType>() { @Override public String toString(DynamicSememeDataType object) { return object.getDisplayName(); } @Override public DynamicSememeDataType fromString(String string) { throw new RuntimeException("unecessary"); } }); for (DynamicSememeDataType type : DynamicSememeDataType.values()) { if (type == DynamicSememeDataType.POLYMORPHIC || type == DynamicSememeDataType.UNKNOWN) { continue; } else { polymorphicType.getItems().add(type); } } polymorphicType.getSelectionModel() .select((currentValues == null ? DynamicSememeDataType.STRING : (currentValues[row] == null ? DynamicSememeDataType.STRING : currentValues[row].getDynamicSememeDataType()))); } SememeGUIDataTypeNodeDetails nd = SememeGUIDataTypeFXNodeBuilder.buildNodeForType( ci.getColumnDataType(), ci.getDefaultColumnValue(), (currentValues == null ? null : currentValues[row]), valueIsRequired, defaultValueTooltip, (polymorphicType == null ? null : polymorphicType.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()), allValid_, ci.getValidator(), ci.getValidatorData()); currentDataFieldWarnings_.addAll(nd.getBoundToAllValid()); if (ci.getColumnDataType() == DynamicSememeDataType.POLYMORPHIC) { nd.addUpdateParentListListener(currentDataFieldWarnings_); } currentDataFields_.add(nd); gp.add(nd.getNodeForDisplay(), col++, row); Label colType = new Label(ci.getColumnDataType().getDisplayName()); colType.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfLabel(colType)); gp.add((polymorphicType == null ? colType : polymorphicType), col++, row); if (ci.isColumnRequired() || ci.getDefaultColumnValue() != null || ci.getValidator() != null) { extraInfoColumnIsRequired = true; StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(); stackPane.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); if (ci.getDefaultColumnValue() != null || ci.getValidator() != null) { ImageView information = Images.INFORMATION.createImageView(); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(defaultValueTooltip); Tooltip.install(information, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); information.setOnMouseClicked( event ->, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY())); stackPane.getChildren().add(information); } if (ci.isColumnRequired()) { ImageView exclamation = Images.EXCLAMATION.createImageView(); final BooleanProperty showExclamation = new SimpleBooleanProperty( StringUtils.isNotBlank(valueIsRequired.get())); valueIsRequired.addListener((ChangeListener<String>) (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> showExclamation.set(StringUtils.isNotBlank(newValue))); exclamation.visibleProperty().bind(showExclamation); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(valueIsRequired); Tooltip.install(exclamation, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); exclamation.setOnMouseClicked( event ->, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY())); stackPane.getChildren().add(exclamation); } gp.add(stackPane, col++, row); } row++; } ColumnConstraints cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); if (extraInfoColumnIsRequired) { cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); } if (row == 0) { sp_.setContent(new Label("This assemblage does not allow data fields")); } else { sp_.setContent(gp); } allValid_.invalidate(); } else { sp_.setContent(null); } }
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private void buildDataFields(boolean assemblageValid, RefexDynamicDataBI[] currentValues) { if (assemblageValid) { for (ReadOnlyStringProperty ssp : currentDataFieldWarnings_) { allValid_.removeBinding(ssp); }/*from w ww.j av a2s.c om*/ currentDataFieldWarnings_.clear(); for (RefexDataTypeNodeDetails nd : currentDataFields_) { nd.cleanupListener(); } currentDataFields_.clear(); GridPane gp = new GridPane(); gp.setHgap(10.0); gp.setVgap(10.0); gp.setStyle("-fx-padding: 5;"); int row = 0; boolean extraInfoColumnIsRequired = false; for (RefexDynamicColumnInfo ci : assemblageInfo_.getColumnInfo()) { SimpleStringProperty valueIsRequired = (ci.isColumnRequired() ? new SimpleStringProperty("") : null); SimpleStringProperty defaultValueTooltip = ((ci.getDefaultColumnValue() == null && ci.getValidator() == null) ? null : new SimpleStringProperty()); ComboBox<RefexDynamicDataType> polymorphicType = null; Label l = new Label(ci.getColumnName()); l.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); l.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfBoldLabel(l)); Tooltip.install(l, new Tooltip(ci.getColumnDescription())); int col = 0; gp.add(l, col++, row); if (ci.getColumnDataType() == RefexDynamicDataType.POLYMORPHIC) { polymorphicType = new ComboBox<>(); polymorphicType.setEditable(false); polymorphicType.setConverter(new StringConverter<RefexDynamicDataType>() { @Override public String toString(RefexDynamicDataType object) { return object.getDisplayName(); } @Override public RefexDynamicDataType fromString(String string) { throw new RuntimeException("unecessary"); } }); for (RefexDynamicDataType type : RefexDynamicDataType.values()) { if (type == RefexDynamicDataType.POLYMORPHIC || type == RefexDynamicDataType.UNKNOWN) { continue; } else { polymorphicType.getItems().add(type); } } polymorphicType.getSelectionModel() .select((currentValues == null ? RefexDynamicDataType.STRING : (currentValues[row] == null ? RefexDynamicDataType.STRING : currentValues[row].getRefexDataType()))); } RefexDataTypeNodeDetails nd = RefexDataTypeFXNodeBuilder.buildNodeForType(ci.getColumnDataType(), ci.getDefaultColumnValue(), (currentValues == null ? null : currentValues[row]), valueIsRequired, defaultValueTooltip, (polymorphicType == null ? null : polymorphicType.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()), allValid_, new SimpleObjectProperty<>(ci.getValidator()), new SimpleObjectProperty<>(ci.getValidatorData())); currentDataFieldWarnings_.addAll(nd.getBoundToAllValid()); if (ci.getColumnDataType() == RefexDynamicDataType.POLYMORPHIC) { nd.addUpdateParentListListener(currentDataFieldWarnings_); } currentDataFields_.add(nd); gp.add(nd.getNodeForDisplay(), col++, row); Label colType = new Label(ci.getColumnDataType().getDisplayName()); colType.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfLabel(colType)); gp.add((polymorphicType == null ? colType : polymorphicType), col++, row); if (ci.isColumnRequired() || ci.getDefaultColumnValue() != null || ci.getValidator() != null) { extraInfoColumnIsRequired = true; StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(); stackPane.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); if (ci.getDefaultColumnValue() != null || ci.getValidator() != null) { ImageView information = Images.INFORMATION.createImageView(); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(defaultValueTooltip); Tooltip.install(information, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); information.setOnMouseClicked( event ->, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY())); stackPane.getChildren().add(information); } if (ci.isColumnRequired()) { ImageView exclamation = Images.EXCLAMATION.createImageView(); final BooleanProperty showExclamation = new SimpleBooleanProperty( StringUtils.isNotBlank(valueIsRequired.get())); valueIsRequired.addListener((ChangeListener<String>) (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> showExclamation.set(StringUtils.isNotBlank(newValue))); exclamation.visibleProperty().bind(showExclamation); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.textProperty().bind(valueIsRequired); Tooltip.install(exclamation, tooltip); tooltip.setAutoHide(true); exclamation.setOnMouseClicked( event ->, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY())); stackPane.getChildren().add(exclamation); } gp.add(stackPane, col++, row); } row++; } ColumnConstraints cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); if (extraInfoColumnIsRequired) { cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); gp.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); } if (row == 0) { sp_.setContent(new Label("This assemblage does not allow data fields")); } else { sp_.setContent(gp); } allValid_.invalidate(); } else { sp_.setContent(null); } }
From source
private AnchorPane afficherListePanosVignettes(int numHS) { AnchorPane aplistePano = new AnchorPane(); aplistePano.setOpacity(1);/*w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ Pane fond = new Pane(); fond.setStyle("-fx-background-color : #bbb;"); fond.setPrefWidth(540); fond.setPrefHeight(((nombrePanoramiques - 2) / 4 + 1) * 65 + 10); fond.setMinWidth(540); fond.setMinHeight(70); aplistePano.getChildren().add(fond); aplistePano.setStyle("-fx-backgroung-color : #bbb;"); int j = 0; ImageView[] IVPano; IVPano = new ImageView[nombrePanoramiques]; double xPos; double yPos; int row = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nombrePanoramiques; i++) { int numeroPano = i; IVPano[j] = new ImageView(panoramiquesProjet[i].getVignettePanoramique()); IVPano[j].setFitWidth(120); IVPano[j].setFitHeight(60); IVPano[j].setSmooth(true); String nomPano = panoramiquesProjet[i].getNomFichier(); int col = j % 4; row = j / 4; xPos = col * 130 + 25; yPos = row * 65 + 5; IVPano[j].setLayoutX(xPos); IVPano[j].setLayoutY(yPos); IVPano[j].setCursor(Cursor.HAND); IVPano[j].setStyle("-fx-background-color : #ccc;"); Tooltip t = new Tooltip( nomPano.substring(nomPano.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, nomPano.lastIndexOf("."))); t.setStyle(tooltipStyle); Tooltip.install(IVPano[j], t); IVPano[j].setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me) -> { pano.setCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR); pano.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { gereSourisPanoramique(me1); }); panoListeVignette = nomPano; if (panoramiquesProjet[numeroPano].getTitrePanoramique() != null) { String texteHS = panoramiquesProjet[numeroPano].getTitrePanoramique(); TextArea txtHS = (TextArea) outils.lookup("#txtHS" + numHS); txtHS.setText(texteHS); } panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numHS).setNumeroPano(numeroPano); ComboBox cbx = (ComboBox) outils.lookup("#cbpano" + numHS); cbx.setValue(nomPano.substring(nomPano.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, nomPano.lastIndexOf("."))); aplistePano.setVisible(false); me.consume(); }); aplistePano.getChildren().add(IVPano[j]); j++; } int taille = (row + 1) * 65 + 5; aplistePano.setPrefWidth(540); aplistePano.setPrefHeight(taille); aplistePano.setMinWidth(540); aplistePano.setMinHeight(taille); ImageView IVClose = new ImageView( new Image("file:" + repertAppli + File.separator + "images/ferme.png", 20, 20, true, true)); IVClose.setLayoutX(2); IVClose.setLayoutY(5); IVClose.setCursor(Cursor.HAND); aplistePano.getChildren().add(IVClose); IVClose.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me) -> { pano.setCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR); pano.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { gereSourisPanoramique(me1); }); panoListeVignette = ""; aplistePano.setVisible(false); me.consume(); }); aplistePano.setTranslateZ(2); return aplistePano; }
From source
/** * * @param i/*from w ww. j a va2s . c o m*/ * @param longitude * @param latitude */ private void afficheHS(int i, double longitude, double latitude) { double largeur = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); double X = (longitude + 180.0d) * largeur / 360.0d + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); double Y = (90.0d - latitude) * largeur / 360.0d; Circle point = new Circle(X, Y, 5); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); point.setId("point" + i); point.setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); pano.getChildren().add(point); Tooltip t = new Tooltip("point n " + (i + 1)); t.setStyle(tooltipStyle); Tooltip.install(point, t); point.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent me1) -> { point.setFill(Color.RED); point.setStroke(Color.YELLOW); dragDrop = true; me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent me1) -> { double XX = me1.getX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (XX < 0) { XX = 0; } if (XX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { XX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } point.setCenterX(XX + imagePanoramique.getLayoutX()); double YY = me1.getY(); if (YY < 0) { YY = 0; } if (YY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { YY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } point.setCenterY(YY); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseReleased((MouseEvent me1) -> { String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); double X1 = me1.getSceneX(); double Y1 = me1.getSceneY(); double mouseX = X1 - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; } if (mouseX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY = Y1 - pano.getLayoutY() - 109; if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; } if (mouseY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } double longit, lat; double larg = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); String chLong, chLat; longit = 360.0f * mouseX / larg - 180; lat = 90.0d - 2.0f * mouseY / larg * 180.0f; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLatitude(lat); panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].getHotspot(numeroPoint).setLongitude(longit); point.setFill(Color.YELLOW); point.setStroke(Color.RED); me1.consume(); }); point.setOnMouseClicked((MouseEvent me1) -> { double mouseX = me1.getSceneX() - imagePanoramique.getLayoutX(); if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; } if (mouseX > imagePanoramique.getFitWidth()) { mouseX = imagePanoramique.getFitWidth(); } double mouseY = me1.getSceneY() - pano.getLayoutY() - 115; if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; } if (mouseY > imagePanoramique.getFitHeight()) { mouseY = imagePanoramique.getFitHeight(); } String chPoint = point.getId(); chPoint = chPoint.substring(5, chPoint.length()); int numeroPoint = Integer.parseInt(chPoint); Node pt; pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + chPoint); if (me1.isControlDown()) { dejaSauve = false; stPrincipal.setTitle(stPrincipal.getTitle().replace(" *", "") + " *"); pano.getChildren().remove(pt); for (int o = numeroPoint + 1; o < numPoints; o++) { pt = (Node) pano.lookup("#point" + Integer.toString(o)); pt.setId("point" + Integer.toString(o - 1)); } /** * on retire les anciennes indication de HS */ retireAffichageHotSpots(); numPoints--; panoramiquesProjet[panoActuel].removeHotspot(numeroPoint); /** * On les cre les nouvelles */ ajouteAffichageHotspots(); me1.consume(); valideHS(); } else { if (!dragDrop) { if (nombrePanoramiques > 1) { AnchorPane listePanoVig = afficherListePanosVignettes(numeroPoint); int largeurVignettes = 4; if (nombrePanoramiques < 4) { largeurVignettes = nombrePanoramiques; } if (mouseX + largeurVignettes * 130 > pano.getWidth()) { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(pano.getWidth() - largeurVignettes * 130); } else { listePanoVig.setLayoutX(mouseX); } listePanoVig.setLayoutY(mouseY); pano.getChildren().add(listePanoVig); } } else { dragDrop = false; } valideHS(); me1.consume(); } }); }