List of usage examples for javafx.collections ObservableList add
boolean add(E e);
From source
public ObservableList<String> getAvailableStopwords(AppVariables appVariables) { ObservableList<String> stopwordsList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); File dir = new File(appVariables.configuration.getWorkspace() + "/stopwords/"); boolean error = false; if (!dir.exists()) { try {/*from w w w. ja va2s. c o m*/ dir.mkdirs(); InputStream twitterInputStream = DataManipulation.class .getResource("/resources/stopwords/twitter(en)").openStream(); InputStream commonInputStream = DataManipulation.class .getResource("/resources/stopwords/common(en)").openStream(); OutputStream twitterOutStream = new FileOutputStream( new File(appVariables.configuration.getWorkspace() + "/stopwords/twitter(en)")); OutputStream commonOutStream = new FileOutputStream( new File(appVariables.configuration.getWorkspace() + "/stopwords/common(en)")); IOUtils.copy(twitterInputStream, twitterOutStream); IOUtils.copy(commonInputStream, commonOutStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(twitterInputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(twitterOutStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(commonInputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(commonOutStream); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DataManipulation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); error = true; appVariables.addLogEntry("[global] can't access workspace"); } } if (!error) { List<File> files = (List<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(dir, HiddenFileFilter.VISIBLE, null); for (File file : files) { stopwordsList.add("stopwords: " + file.getName()); } } return stopwordsList; }
From source
private ObservableList<ItemModel> collectServiceTypes(boolean isWfs2) { ReferencedEnvelope extendWFS = null; List<WFSMeta.Feature> features = dataBean.getWFSService().getFeatures(); ObservableList<ItemModel> types = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); if (!dataBean.getWFSService().isSimple()) { for (WFSMeta.Feature f : features) { if (isWfs2) { types.add(new FeatureModel(f, FILTER)); types.add(new FeatureModel(f, BBOX)); } else { types.add(new FeatureModel(f)); }//from w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m if (f.getBBox() != null) { if (extendWFS == null) { extendWFS = f.getBBox(); } else { extendWFS.expandToInclude(f.getBBox()); } } } types.add(new OverallFeatureTypeModel(features)); } if (extendWFS != null) { wmsWfsMapHandler.setExtend(extendWFS); } return types; }
From source
/** * Handle search and filter the service list. * * @param event the event/* ww w . j a v a2 s. com*/ */ @FXML protected void handleSearch(KeyEvent event) { if (!catalogReachable) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.catalog-not-available")); } String currentText = this.searchField.getText(); this.serviceList.getItems().clear(); dataBean.resetCatalogLists(); if (currentText == null || currentText.isEmpty()) { this.serviceList.setItems(this.dataBean.getServicesAsList()); } String searchValue = currentText == null ? "" : currentText.toUpperCase(); ObservableList<ServiceModel> subentries = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); ObservableList<ServiceModel> all = this.dataBean.getServicesAsList(); for (ServiceModel entry : all) { boolean match = entry.getName().toUpperCase().contains(searchValue); if (match) { subentries.add(entry); } } if (currentText != null && currentText.length() > 2) { Task task = new Task() { @Override protected Integer call() throws Exception { Platform.runLater(() -> { searchButton.setVisible(false); searchButton.setManaged(false); progressSearch.setVisible(true); progressSearch.setManaged(true); }); if (catalogReachable) { List<Service> catalog = dataBean.getCatalogService().getServicesByFilter(currentText); for (Service entry : catalog) { dataBean.addCatalogServiceToList(entry); } Platform.runLater(() -> { for (Service entry : catalog) { subentries.add(new ServiceModel(entry)); } }); } Platform.runLater(() -> { progressSearch.setVisible(false); progressSearch.setManaged(false); searchButton.setManaged(true); searchButton.setVisible(true); }); return 0; } }; Thread th = new Thread(task); if (catalogReachable) { setStatusTextUI(I18n.getMsg("status.calling-service")); } th.setDaemon(true); th.start(); } this.serviceList.setItems(subentries); }
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private void showConversations() { //show conversations in the conversaation list view try {/*from w w w.j ava 2 s .c o m*/ ObservableList<HostedRoom> convs = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); Collection<HostedRoom> c = MultiUserChat.getHostedRooms(connectionManager.getXMPPConnection(), "conference.".concat(connectionManager.getXMPPConnection().getServiceName())); if (c == null) { } else if (c.isEmpty()) { } else { Iterator<HostedRoom> i = c.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { convs.add(; } conversations.setItems(convs); conversations.setCellFactory(new GroupCellRenderer()); } } catch (XMPPException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MainViewController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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private void updateProjectTabs(ProjectSettings projectSettings) { if (selectedIndexListener != null) { projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().removeListener(selectedIndexListener); }// w w w.j av a2s. co m menuTabBindingSourceCode.setSettings(projectSettings, true); menuTabBindingHelp.setSettings(projectSettings, false); if (projectSettings != null) { selectedIndexListener = (obs, oldValue, newValue) -> projectSettings .setProperty(PROP_SELECTED_TAB_INDEX, newValue); projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(selectedIndexListener); selectedItemListener = (obs, oldTab, newTab) -> { butSaveFile.disableProperty().unbind(); mnuSaveFile.disableProperty().unbind(); butSaveFile.setDisable(true); mnuSaveFile.setDisable(true); if (newTab != null) { CodeTabData tabData = getData(newTab); Platform.runLater(() -> { BooleanBinding scriptChangedBinding = Bindings.createBooleanBinding( () -> !tabData.isDirty(), tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty()); butSaveFile.disableProperty().bind(scriptChangedBinding); mnuSaveFile.disableProperty().bind(scriptChangedBinding); StringBinding tabTextBinding = Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> { String text = tabData.getTabText(); if (tabData.isDirty()) { text = "*" + text; } return text; }, tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty()); newTab.textProperty().bind(tabTextBinding); }); } Platform.runLater(() -> { menuTabBindingSourceCode.setSettings(projectSettings, true); menuTabBindingHelp.setSettings(projectSettings, false); butSaveAll.disableProperty().unbind(); mnuSaveAll.disableProperty().unbind(); butSaveAll.setDisable(true); mnuSaveAll.setDisable(true); List<BooleanBinding> saveBindings = new ArrayList<>(); projectTabPane.getTabs().forEach(tab -> { CodeTabData tabData = getData(tab); saveBindings.add(Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() -> !tabData.isDirty(), tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty())); }); if (!saveBindings.isEmpty()) { BooleanBinding binding = saveBindings.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < saveBindings.size(); i++) { binding = Bindings.and(binding, saveBindings.get(i)); } mnuSaveAll.disableProperty().bind(binding); butSaveAll.disableProperty().bind(binding); } }); }; projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(selectedItemListener); } int selectedTabIndex = (projectSettings == null) ? 0 : projectSettings.getProperty(PROP_SELECTED_TAB_INDEX, 0, false); ObservableList<Tab> tabs = projectTabPane.getTabs(); tabs.clear(); Tab selectedTab = null; List<String> openFiles = getOpenFiles(projectSettings); for (int i = 0; i < openFiles.size(); i++) { String filePath = openFiles.get(i); Tab addedTab = null; if (filePath.equals(FILE_ALIAS_SOURCE_CODE)) { addedTab = tabSourceCode; String projectPath = projectPathProperty.get(); String tabText = (projectPath == null) ? "Code" : new File(projectPath).getName(); tabSourceCode.setUserData(new CodeTabData(tabText)); } else if (filePath.equals(FILE_ALIAS_HELP)) { addedTab = tabHelp; } else { try { File file = new File(filePath); addedTab = CodeAreaTab.fromFile(file); final Tab tab = addedTab; tab.setOnCloseRequest(ev -> { if (!tryClose(tab)) ev.consume(); }); } catch (Exception e) { addedTab = null; } } if (addedTab != null) { tabs.add(addedTab); getData(addedTab).setFilePath(filePath); if (i == selectedTabIndex) { selectedTab = addedTab; } } } if (!tabs.isEmpty()) { if (selectedTab == null) { selectedTab = tabs.get(0); } projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(null); projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(selectedTab); } }
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public void renderRows() { guiAnimationQueue.submit(() -> {/*from www . ja v a 2s. c om*/ ObservableList<Row> generatedRows = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (int r = 0; r < board.getRowCount(); r++) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (int c = 0; c < board.getColumnCount(); c++) { if (board.getPlayerAt(r, c) == null) { values.add(""); } else if (board.getPlayerAt(r, c) == board.getPlayer1()) { values.add(player1Letter); } else if (board.getPlayerAt(r, c) == board.getPlayer2()) { values.add(player2Letter); } } generatedRows.add(new Row(values)); } gameTable.setItems(generatedRows); double effectiveHeight = gameTable.getHeight() - 5; long fontSize = Math.round((effectiveHeight - 250) / board.getRowCount()); // get letter widths; if (rowFont != null) { Font font = new Font(rowFont.getName(), fontSize); double player1SymbolWidth = Toolkit.getToolkit().getFontLoader().computeStringWidth(player1Letter, font); double player2SymbolWidth = Toolkit.getToolkit().getFontLoader().computeStringWidth(player2Letter, font); // make the font smaller so that it fits the cell even if the width is very small while (player1SymbolWidth > (gameTable.getWidth() / board.getColumnCount()) || player2SymbolWidth + 10 > (gameTable.getWidth() / board.getColumnCount())) { fontSize = fontSize - 1; font = new Font(rowFont.getName(), fontSize); player1SymbolWidth = Toolkit.getToolkit().getFontLoader().computeStringWidth(player1Letter, font); player2SymbolWidth = Toolkit.getToolkit().getFontLoader().computeStringWidth(player2Letter, font); } style.set("-fx-font-size:" + fontSize + "px; -fx-padding: 0;"); } gameTable.setFixedCellSize(effectiveHeight / board.getRowCount()); gameTable.refresh(); }); }
From source
/** * Sets the Service Types.//from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m */ public void setServiceTypes() { if (dataBean.isWebServiceSet()) { switch (dataBean.getServiceType()) { case WFS_ONE: case WFS_TWO: boolean isWfs2 = WFS_TWO.equals(dataBean.getServiceType()); ObservableList<ItemModel> types = collectServiceTypes(isWfs2); addStoredQueries(types); serviceTypeChooser.getItems().retainAll(); serviceTypeChooser.setItems(types); serviceTypeChooser.setValue(types.get(0)); chooseType(serviceTypeChooser.getValue()); break; case ATOM: List<Atom.Item> items = dataBean.getAtomService().getItems(); ObservableList<ItemModel> opts = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); List<FeaturePolygon> polygonList = new ArrayList<>(); //Polygons are always epsg:4326 // ( try { ReferencedEnvelope extendATOM = null; CoordinateReferenceSystem atomCRS = CRS.decode(ATOM_CRS_STRING); Geometry all = null; for (Atom.Item i : items) { opts.add(new AtomItemModel(i)); FeaturePolygon polygon = new FeaturePolygon(i.getPolygon(), i.getTitle(), i.getID(), atomCRS); polygonList.add(polygon); all = all == null ? i.getPolygon() : all.union(i.getPolygon()); } if (wmsAtomMapHandler != null) { if (all != null) { extendATOM = new ReferencedEnvelope(all.getEnvelopeInternal(), atomCRS); wmsAtomMapHandler.setExtend(extendATOM); } wmsAtomMapHandler.drawPolygons(polygonList); } } catch (FactoryException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } serviceTypeChooser.getItems().retainAll(); serviceTypeChooser.setItems(opts); if (!opts.isEmpty()) { serviceTypeChooser.setValue(opts.get(0)); chooseType(serviceTypeChooser.getValue()); } break; default: } } }