Example usage for java.util.zip ZipFile OPEN_READ

List of usage examples for java.util.zip ZipFile OPEN_READ


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.zip ZipFile OPEN_READ.



To view the source code for java.util.zip ZipFile OPEN_READ.

Click Source Link


Mode flag to open a zip file for reading.


From source file:com.aurel.track.lucene.util.FileUtil.java

public static void unzipFile(File uploadZip, File unzipDestinationDirectory) throws IOException {
    if (!unzipDestinationDirectory.exists()) {
    }//ww w .j a  v  a2 s .co m
    final int BUFFER = 2048;
    // Open Zip file for reading
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(uploadZip, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);

    // Create an enumeration of the entries in the zip file
    Enumeration zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries();

    // Process each entry
    while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
        // grab a zip file entry
        ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement();
        String currentEntry = entry.getName();
        File destFile = new File(unzipDestinationDirectory, currentEntry);
        // grab file's parent directory structure
        File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile();

        // create the parent directory structure if needed

        // extract file if not a directory
        if (!entry.isDirectory()) {
            BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry));
            int currentByte;
            // establish buffer for writing file
            byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER];

            // write the current file to disk
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
            BufferedOutputStream dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER);

            // read and write until last byte is encountered
            while ((currentByte = is.read(data, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) {
                dest.write(data, 0, currentByte);

From source file:org.esa.s1tbx.sentinel1.gpf.EAPPhaseCorrectionOp.java

private void readAuxCalFile() throws Exception {

    try {//from w ww .j  av  a 2  s  .com
        final DocumentBuilderFactory documentFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        final DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

        final Document doc;
        if (auxCalFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
            final ZipFile productZip = new ZipFile(auxCalFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
            final Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = productZip.entries();
            final ZipEntry folderEntry = entries.nextElement();
            final ZipEntry zipEntry = productZip.getEntry(folderEntry.getName() + "data/s1a-aux-cal.xml");

            InputStream is = productZip.getInputStream(zipEntry);
            doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);
        } else {
            doc = documentBuilder.parse(auxCalFile);

        if (doc == null) {
            System.out.println("EAPPhaseCorrection: failed to create Document for AUX_CAL file");


        final org.w3c.dom.Node calibrationParamsListNode = doc.getElementsByTagName("auxiliaryCalibration")

        org.w3c.dom.Node childNode = calibrationParamsListNode.getFirstChild();
        while (childNode != null) {
            if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("calibrationParams")) {
                final String swath = getNodeTextContent(childNode, "swath");
                if (swath != null && swath.contains(acquisitionMode)) {
                    final String pol = getNodeTextContent(childNode, "polarisation");
                    readOneEAPVector(childNode, swath, pol.toUpperCase());
            childNode = childNode.getNextSibling();

    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("EAPPhaseCorrection: IOException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        System.out.println("EAPPhaseCorrection: ParserConfigurationException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        System.out.println("EAPPhaseCorrection: SAXException " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("EAPPhaseCorrection: Exception " + e.getMessage());

From source file:com.aurel.track.admin.server.dbbackup.DatabaseBackupBL.java

public static Properties getBackupInfo(File backupFile) throws DatabaseBackupBLException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    ZipFile zipFile = null;//  w  w w  .j ava2  s.c o m

    try {
        zipFile = new ZipFile(backupFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new DatabaseBackupBLException(e.getMessage(), e);

    ZipEntry zipEntryInfo = zipFile.getEntry(DataReader.FILE_NAME_INFO);
    if (zipEntryInfo == null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DatabaseBackupBLException(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new DatabaseBackupBLException("Invalid backup. No file info");

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new DatabaseBackupBLException(e.getMessage(), e);

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new DatabaseBackupBLException(e.getMessage(), e);
    return prop;

From source file:com.hichinaschool.flashcards.libanki.Media.java

 * Extract zip data./*from ww  w .  j  a v a2s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param zipData An input stream that represents a zipped file.
 * @return True if finished.
public boolean syncAdd(File zipData) {
    boolean finished = false;
    ZipFile z = null;
    ArrayList<Object[]> media = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
    long sizecnt = 0;
    JSONObject meta = null;
    int nextUsn = 0;
    try {
        z = new ZipFile(zipData, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
        // get meta info first
        ZipEntry metaEntry = z.getEntry("_meta");
        // if (metaEntry.getSize() >= 100000) {
        // Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Size for _meta entry found too big (" + z.getEntry("_meta").getSize() + ")");
        // return false;
        // }
        meta = new JSONObject(Utils.convertStreamToString(z.getInputStream(metaEntry)));
        ZipEntry usnEntry = z.getEntry("_usn");
        String usnstr = Utils.convertStreamToString(z.getInputStream(usnEntry));
        nextUsn = Integer.parseInt(usnstr);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (ZipException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // Then loop through all files
    for (ZipEntry zentry : Collections.list(z.entries())) {
        // Check for zip bombs
        sizecnt += zentry.getSize();
        if (sizecnt > 100 * 1024 * 1024) {
            Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Media zip file exceeds 100MB uncompressed, aborting unzipping");
            return false;
        if (zentry.getName().compareTo("_meta") == 0 || zentry.getName().compareTo("_usn") == 0) {
            // Ignore previously retrieved meta
        } else if (zentry.getName().compareTo("_finished") == 0) {
            finished = true;
        } else {
            String name = meta.optString(zentry.getName());
            if (illegal(name)) {
            String path = getDir().concat(File.separator).concat(name);
            try {
                Utils.writeToFile(z.getInputStream(zentry), path);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            String csum = Utils.fileChecksum(path);
            // append db
            media.add(new Object[] { name, csum, _mtime(name) });
            mMediaDb.execute("delete from log where fname = ?", new String[] { name });

    // update media db and note new starting usn
    if (!media.isEmpty()) {
        mMediaDb.executeMany("insert or replace into media values (?,?,?)", media);
    setUsn(nextUsn); // commits
    // if we have finished adding, we need to record the new folder mtime
    // so that we don't trigger a needless scan
    if (finished) {
    return finished;

From source file:com.blazemeter.bamboo.plugin.ServiceManager.java

public static void unzip(String srcZipFileName, String destDirectoryName, BuildLogger logger) {
    try {//from w w w  .  java  2  s. c  o m
        BufferedInputStream bufIS = null;
        // create the destination directory structure (if needed)
        File destDirectory = new File(destDirectoryName);

        // open archive for reading
        File file = new File(srcZipFileName);
        ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);

        //for every zip archive entry do
        Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries();
        while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
            ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement();
            logger.addBuildLogEntry("\tExtracting jtl report: " + entry);

            //create destination file
            File destFile = new File(destDirectory, entry.getName());

            //create parent directories if needed
            File parentDestFile = destFile.getParentFile();

            bufIS = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry));
            int currentByte;

            // buffer for writing file
            byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

            // write the current file to disk
            FileOutputStream fOS = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
            BufferedOutputStream bufOS = new BufferedOutputStream(fOS, BUFFER_SIZE);

            while ((currentByte = bufIS.read(data, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) {
                bufOS.write(data, 0, currentByte);

            // close BufferedOutputStream
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.addErrorLogEntry("Failed to unzip report: check that it is downloaded");

From source file:org.opendatakit.survey.android.tasks.DownloadFormsTask.java

private String explodeZips(FormDetails fd, File tempMediaPath, int count, int total) {
    String message = "";

    File[] zips = tempMediaPath.listFiles(new FileFilter() {

        @Override//from  w ww  . j  a  va  2 s .  c o  m
        public boolean accept(File pathname) {
            String name = pathname.getName();
            return pathname.isFile() && name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).equals("zip");

    int zipCount = 0;
    for (File zipfile : zips) {
        ZipFile f = null;

        try {
            f = new ZipFile(zipfile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
            Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = f.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                File tempFile = new File(tempMediaPath, entry.getName());
                String formattedString = appContext.getString(R.string.form_download_unzipping, fd.formID,
                        zipfile.getName(), Integer.valueOf(zipCount).toString(),
                        Integer.valueOf(zips.length).toString(), entry.getName());
                publishProgress(formattedString, Integer.valueOf(count).toString(),
                if (entry.isDirectory()) {
                } else {
                    int bufferSize = 8192;
                    InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(f.getInputStream(entry), bufferSize);
                    OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile, false),

                    // this is slow in the debugger....
                    int value;
                    while ((value = in.read()) != -1) {
                WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Extracted ZipEntry: " + entry.getName());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (e.getCause() != null) {
                message += e.getCause().getMessage();
            } else {
                message += e.getMessage();
        } finally {
            if (f != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, "Closing of ZipFile failed: " + e.toString());

    return (message.equals("") ? null : message);

From source file:org.python.pydev.core.REF.java

 * @param f the zip file that should be opened
 * @param pathInZip the path within the zip file that should be gotten
 * @param returnType the class that specifies the return type of this method. 
 * If null, it'll return in the fastest possible way available.
 * Valid options are://from w w  w.  j av a  2 s .  co m
 *      String.class
 *      IDocument.class
 *      FastStringBuffer.class
 * @return an object with the contents from a path within a zip file, having the return type
 * of the object specified by the parameter returnType.
public static Object getCustomReturnFromZip(File f, String pathInZip, Class<? extends Object> returnType)
        throws Exception {

    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(f, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
    try {
        InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(zipFile.getEntry(pathInZip));
        try {
            return REF.getStreamContents(inputStream, null, null, returnType);
        } finally {
    } finally {

From source file:org.zilverline.service.CollectionManagerImpl.java

 * unZips a given zip file into cache directory with derived name. e.g. c:\temp\file.zip wil be unziiped into
 * [cacheDir]\file_zip\./*from w  ww . j  a  v a 2 s. com*/
 * @param sourceZipFile the ZIP file to be unzipped
 * @param thisCollection the collection whose cache and contenDir is used
 * @return File (new) directory containing zip file
public static File unZip(final File sourceZipFile, final FileSystemCollection thisCollection) {
    // specify buffer size for extraction
    final int aBUFFER = 2048;
    File unzipDestinationDirectory = null;
    ZipFile zipFile = null;
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    BufferedOutputStream dest = null;
    BufferedInputStream bis = null;

    try {
        // Specify destination where file will be unzipped
        unzipDestinationDirectory = file2CacheDir(sourceZipFile, thisCollection);
        log.info("unzipping " + sourceZipFile + " into " + unzipDestinationDirectory);
        // Open Zip file for reading
        zipFile = new ZipFile(sourceZipFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
        // Create an enumeration of the entries in the zip file
        Enumeration zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries();
        while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
            // grab a zip file entry
            ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement();
            String currentEntry = entry.getName();
            log.debug("Extracting: " + entry);
            File destFile = new File(unzipDestinationDirectory, currentEntry);
            // grab file's parent directory structure
            File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile();
            // create the parent directory structure if needed
            // extract file if not a directory
            if (!entry.isDirectory()) {
                bis = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry));
                int currentByte;
                // establish buffer for writing file
                byte[] data = new byte[aBUFFER];
                // write the current file to disk
                fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
                dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, aBUFFER);
                // read and write until last byte is encountered
                while ((currentByte = bis.read(data, 0, aBUFFER)) != -1) {
                    dest.write(data, 0, currentByte);
        // delete the zip file if it is in the cache, we don't need to store
        // it, since we've extracted the contents
        if (FileUtils.isIn(sourceZipFile, thisCollection.getCacheDirWithManagerDefaults())) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Can't unzip: " + sourceZipFile, e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (fos != null) {
            if (dest != null) {
            if (bis != null) {
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            log.error("Error closing files", e1);

    return unzipDestinationDirectory;

From source file:com.ichi2.async.DeckTask.java

private TaskData doInBackgroundImportReplace(TaskData... params) {
    Collection col = CollectionHelper.getInstance().getCol(mContext);
    String path = params[0].getString();
    Resources res = AnkiDroidApp.getInstance().getBaseContext().getResources();

    // extract the deck from the zip file
    String colPath = col.getPath();
    File dir = new File(new File(colPath).getParentFile(), "tmpzip");
    if (dir.exists()) {
        BackupManager.removeDir(dir);// www . j  a  va2  s  . co m

    publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.import_unpacking)));
    // from anki2.py
    String colFile = new File(dir, "collection.anki2").getAbsolutePath();
    ZipFile zip;
    try {
        zip = new ZipFile(new File(path), ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - Error while unzipping");
        AnkiDroidApp.sendExceptionReport(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace0");
        return new TaskData(false);
    if (!Utils.unzipFiles(zip, dir.getAbsolutePath(), new String[] { "collection.anki2", "media" }, null)
            || !(new File(colFile)).exists()) {
        return new TaskData(-2, null, false);

    Collection tmpCol = null;
    try {
        tmpCol = Storage.Collection(colFile);
        if (!tmpCol.validCollection()) {
            return new TaskData(-2, null, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Timber.e("Error opening new collection file... probably it's invalid");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            // do nothing
        return new TaskData(-2, null, false);
    } finally {
        if (tmpCol != null) {

    publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.importing_collection)));
    if (col != null) {
        // unload collection and trigger a backup
        BackupManager.performBackupInBackground(colPath, true);
    // overwrite collection
    File f = new File(colFile);
    if (!f.renameTo(new File(colPath))) {
        // Exit early if this didn't work
        return new TaskData(-2, null, false);
    int addedCount = -1;
    try {
        col = CollectionHelper.getInstance().reopenCollection();

        // because users don't have a backup of media, it's safer to import new
        // data and rely on them running a media db check to get rid of any
        // unwanted media. in the future we might also want to duplicate this step
        // import media
        HashMap<String, String> nameToNum = new HashMap<String, String>();
        HashMap<String, String> numToName = new HashMap<String, String>();
        File mediaMapFile = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath(), "media");
        if (mediaMapFile.exists()) {
            JsonReader jr = new JsonReader(new FileReader(mediaMapFile));
            String name;
            String num;
            while (jr.hasNext()) {
                num = jr.nextName();
                name = jr.nextString();
                nameToNum.put(name, num);
                numToName.put(num, name);
        String mediaDir = col.getMedia().dir();
        int total = nameToNum.size();
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nameToNum.entrySet()) {
            String file = entry.getKey();
            String c = entry.getValue();
            File of = new File(mediaDir, file);
            if (!of.exists()) {
                Utils.unzipFiles(zip, mediaDir, new String[] { c }, numToName);
            publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.import_media_count, (i + 1) * 100 / total)));
        // delete tmp dir
        return new TaskData(true);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - RuntimeException");
        AnkiDroidApp.sendExceptionReport(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace1");
        return new TaskData(false);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - FileNotFoundException");
        AnkiDroidApp.sendExceptionReport(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace2");
        return new TaskData(false);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - IOException");
        AnkiDroidApp.sendExceptionReport(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace3");
        return new TaskData(false);

From source file:com.hichinaschool.flashcards.async.DeckTask.java

private TaskData doInBackgroundImportReplace(TaskData... params) {
    // Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "doInBackgroundImportReplace");
    Collection col = params[0].getCollection();
    String path = params[0].getString();
    Resources res = AnkiDroidApp.getInstance().getBaseContext().getResources();

    // extract the deck from the zip file
    String fileDir = AnkiDroidApp.getCurrentAnkiDroidDirectory() + "/tmpzip";
    File dir = new File(fileDir);
    if (dir.exists()) {
        BackupManager.removeDir(dir);/*from   w  w w  .java 2  s  . co m*/

    publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.import_unpacking)));
    // from anki2.py
    String colFile = fileDir + "/collection.anki2";
    ZipFile zip;
    try {
        zip = new ZipFile(new File(path), ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - Error while unzipping: ", e);
        AnkiDroidApp.saveExceptionReportFile(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace0");
        return new TaskData(false);
    if (!Utils.unzipFiles(zip, fileDir, new String[] { "collection.anki2", "media" }, null)
            || !(new File(colFile)).exists()) {
        return new TaskData(-2, null, false);

    Collection tmpCol = null;
    try {
        tmpCol = Storage.Collection(colFile);
        if (!tmpCol.validCollection()) {
            return new TaskData(-2, null, false);
    } finally {
        if (tmpCol != null) {

    publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.importing_collection)));
    String colPath;
    if (col != null) {
        // unload collection and trigger a backup
        colPath = col.getPath();
        BackupManager.performBackup(colPath, true);
    // overwrite collection
    colPath = AnkiDroidApp.getCollectionPath();
    File f = new File(colFile);
    f.renameTo(new File(colPath));
    int addedCount = -1;
    try {
        col = AnkiDroidApp.openCollection(colPath);

        // because users don't have a backup of media, it's safer to import new
        // data and rely on them running a media db check to get rid of any
        // unwanted media. in the future we might also want to duplicate this step
        // import media
        HashMap<String, String> nameToNum = new HashMap<String, String>();
        HashMap<String, String> numToName = new HashMap<String, String>();
        File mediaMapFile = new File(fileDir, "media");
        if (mediaMapFile.exists()) {
            JsonReader jr = new JsonReader(new FileReader(mediaMapFile));
            String name;
            String num;
            while (jr.hasNext()) {
                num = jr.nextName();
                name = jr.nextString();
                nameToNum.put(name, num);
                numToName.put(num, name);
        String mediaDir = col.getMedia().getDir();
        int total = nameToNum.size();
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nameToNum.entrySet()) {
            String file = entry.getKey();
            String c = entry.getValue();
            File of = new File(mediaDir, file);
            if (!of.exists()) {
                Utils.unzipFiles(zip, mediaDir, new String[] { c }, numToName);
            publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.import_media_count, (i + 1) * 100 / total)));
        // delete tmp dir

        publishProgress(new TaskData(res.getString(R.string.import_update_counts)));
        // Update the counts
        DeckTask.TaskData result = doInBackgroundLoadDeckCounts(new TaskData(col));
        if (result == null) {
            return null;
        return new TaskData(addedCount, result.getObjArray(), true);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - RuntimeException: ", e);
        AnkiDroidApp.saveExceptionReportFile(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace1");
        return new TaskData(false);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - FileNotFoundException: ", e);
        AnkiDroidApp.saveExceptionReportFile(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace2");
        return new TaskData(false);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "doInBackgroundImportReplace - IOException: ", e);
        AnkiDroidApp.saveExceptionReportFile(e, "doInBackgroundImportReplace3");
        return new TaskData(false);