Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.kxml2.kdom.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opendatakit.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponse; import org.opendatakit.httpclientandroidlib.client.HttpClient; import org.opendatakit.httpclientandroidlib.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.opendatakit.httpclientandroidlib.protocol.HttpContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; /** * Background task for downloading a given list of forms. In ODK 2.0, the forms * are actually tableids, and the media attachment contains the forms * associated with the tableid. So the manifest is the critical element. * * @author */ public class DownloadFormsTask extends AsyncTask<FormDetails, String, HashMap<String, String>> { private static final String t = "DownloadFormsTask"; private Application appContext; private FormDownloaderListener mStateListener; private String appName; private HashMap<String, String> mResult; private static final String NAMESPACE_OPENROSA_ORG_XFORMS_XFORMS_MANIFEST = ""; private String mAuth = ""; private void setAuth(String auth) { this.mAuth = auth; } private boolean isXformsManifestNamespacedElement(Element e) { return e.getNamespace().equalsIgnoreCase(NAMESPACE_OPENROSA_ORG_XFORMS_XFORMS_MANIFEST); } /** used only within doInBackground */ static enum DirType { FORMS, FRAMEWORK, OTHER }; @Override protected HashMap<String, String> doInBackground(FormDetails... values) { String auth = PropertiesSingleton.getProperty(appName, PreferencesActivity.KEY_AUTH); setAuth(auth); int total = values.length; int count = 1; HashMap<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { FormDetails fd = values[i]; if (isCancelled()) { result.put(fd.formID, "cancelled"); return result; } publishProgress(fd.formID, Integer.valueOf(count).toString(), Integer.valueOf(total).toString()); String message = ""; /* * Downloaded forms are placed in a staging directory * (STALE_FORMS_PATH). Once they are deemed complete, they are * atomically moved into the FORMS_PATH. For atomicity, the Form * definition file will be stored WITHIN the media folder. */ /* download to here... under STALE_FORMS_PATH */ File tempFormPath = null; /* download to here.. under STALE_FORMS_PATH */ File tempMediaPath = null; /* existing with exactly the same formVersion is here... */ File existingMediaPath = null; /* existing to be moved here... under STALE_FORMS_PATH */ File staleMediaPath = null; /* after downloaded and unpacked, move it here... */ // File formPath = null; // don't know tableId yet... /* after downloaded and unpacked, move it here... */ // File mediaPath = null; // don't know tableId yet... try { /* * path to the directory containing the newly downloaded or stale data */ String baseStaleMediaPath; boolean isFramework; if (fd.formID.equals(FormsColumns.COMMON_BASE_FORM_ID)) { /* * the Common Javascript Framework is stored in the Framework * directories */ baseStaleMediaPath = ODKFileUtils.getStaleFrameworkFolder(getAppName()) + File.separator; isFramework = true; } else { baseStaleMediaPath = ODKFileUtils.getStaleFormsFolder(getAppName()) + File.separator; isFramework = false; } try { // clean up friendly form name... String rootName = fd.formID; if (!rootName.matches("^\\p{L}\\p{M}*(\\p{L}\\p{M}*|\\p{Nd}|_)*$")) { // error! message += appContext.getString(R.string.invalid_form_id, fd.formID, fd.formName); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, "Invalid form_id: " + fd.formID + " for: " + fd.formName); } else { // figure out what to name this when we move it // out of /odk/appname/tables/tableId/forms/formId... int rev = 2; { // proposed name of form 'media' directory and form // file... String tempMediaPathName = baseStaleMediaPath + rootName; tempMediaPath = new File(tempMediaPathName); tempFormPath = new File(tempMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.FILENAME_XFORMS_XML); while (tempMediaPath.exists()) { try { if (tempMediaPath.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempMediaPath); } WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Successful delete of stale directory: " + tempMediaPathName); } catch (IOException ex) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(ex); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Unable to delete stale directory: " + tempMediaPathName); } tempMediaPathName = baseStaleMediaPath + rootName + "_" + rev; tempMediaPath = new File(tempMediaPathName); tempFormPath = new File(tempMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.FILENAME_XFORMS_XML); rev++; } } // and find a name that any existing directory could be // renamed to... (continuing rev counter) String staleMediaPathName = baseStaleMediaPath + rootName + "_" + rev; staleMediaPath = new File(staleMediaPathName); while (staleMediaPath.exists()) { try { if (staleMediaPath.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(staleMediaPath); } WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Successful delete of stale directory: " + staleMediaPathName); } catch (IOException ex) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(ex); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Unable to delete stale directory: " + staleMediaPathName); } staleMediaPathName = baseStaleMediaPath + rootName + "_" + rev; staleMediaPath = new File(staleMediaPathName); rev++; } // we have a candidate mediaPath and formPath. // The existing tableId directory is where we // will eventually be placing this data, with // the tableId == the formId from the legacy // pathway. if (isFramework) { existingMediaPath = new File(ODKFileUtils.getAssetsFolder(getAppName())); } else { existingMediaPath = new File(ODKFileUtils.getTablesFolder(getAppName(), fd.formID)); } ODKFileUtils.createFolder(existingMediaPath.getAbsolutePath()); if (fd.manifestUrl == null) { message += appContext.getString(R.string.no_manifest, fd.formID); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, "No Manifest for: " + fd.formID); } else { // download the media files -- it is an error if there // are none... String error = downloadManifestAndMediaFiles(tempMediaPath, existingMediaPath, fd, count, total); if (error != null) { message += error; } else { error = explodeZips(fd, tempMediaPath, count, total); if (error != null) { message += error; } else if (tempFormPath.exists()) { message += appContext.getString(R.string.xforms_file_exists, ODKFileUtils.FILENAME_XFORMS_XML, fd.formID); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, ODKFileUtils.FILENAME_XFORMS_XML + " was present in exploded download of " + fd.formID); } else { // OK so far -- download the form definition // file // note that this is the reverse order from ODK1 downloadXform(fd, tempFormPath, new File(existingMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.FILENAME_XFORMS_XML)); } } } } } catch (SocketTimeoutException se) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(se); message += se.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); if (e.getCause() != null) { message += e.getCause().getMessage(); } else { message += e.getMessage(); } } if (message.equals("")) { // OK. Everything is downloaded, unzipped, and present in the // tempMediaPath // directory... assume everything is OK and just move it... // TODO: with the restructuring of the directory structure, step (3) // won't be necessary // (0) ensure there is no instances folder coming from the server // (affects recovery) // (1) move the existingMediaPath to the staleMediaPath // (2) move the tempMediaPath to the existingMediaPath // (3) move the staleMediaPath/instances folder to the // existingMediaPath/instances. File existingInstances = new File(existingMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.INSTANCES_FOLDER_NAME); File staleInstances = new File(staleMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.INSTANCES_FOLDER_NAME); File tempInstances = new File(tempMediaPath, ODKFileUtils.INSTANCES_FOLDER_NAME); try { // (0) ensure there is no instances folder coming from the server if (tempInstances.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempInstances); } // (1) move any current directory to the stale tree. if (existingMediaPath.exists()) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(existingMediaPath, staleMediaPath); } // (2) move the temp directory to the current location. FileUtils.moveDirectory(tempMediaPath, existingMediaPath); // (3) move any instances back to the current location. if (staleInstances.exists()) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(staleInstances, existingInstances); } } catch (IOException ex) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(ex); message += ex.toString(); if (staleMediaPath.exists()) { // try to move this back, since we failed somehow... try { if (existingInstances.exists()) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(existingInstances, staleInstances); } if (existingMediaPath.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(existingMediaPath); } FileUtils.moveDirectory(staleMediaPath, existingMediaPath); } catch (IOException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); } } } } } finally { if (!message.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { // failure... // we should always delete the temp file / directory. // it is always a new file / directory, so there is no harm // doing this. if (tempMediaPath.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempMediaPath); } catch (IOException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); } } } else { message = appContext.getString(R.string.success); } } count++; result.put(fd.formID, message); } } finally { Survey.getInstance().setRunInitializationTask(getAppName()); } return result; } private String explodeZips(FormDetails fd, File tempMediaPath, int count, int total) { String message = ""; File[] zips = tempMediaPath.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { String name = pathname.getName(); return pathname.isFile() && name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).equals("zip"); } }); int zipCount = 0; for (File zipfile : zips) { ZipFile f = null; zipCount++; try { f = new ZipFile(zipfile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = f.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); File tempFile = new File(tempMediaPath, entry.getName()); String formattedString = appContext.getString(R.string.form_download_unzipping, fd.formID, zipfile.getName(), Integer.valueOf(zipCount).toString(), Integer.valueOf(zips.length).toString(), entry.getName()); publishProgress(formattedString, Integer.valueOf(count).toString(), Integer.valueOf(total).toString()); if (entry.isDirectory()) { tempFile.mkdirs(); } else { tempFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); int bufferSize = 8192; InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(f.getInputStream(entry), bufferSize); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile, false), bufferSize); // this is slow in the debugger.... int value; while ((value = != -1) { out.write(value); } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close(); } WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Extracted ZipEntry: " + entry.getName()); } } catch (IOException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); if (e.getCause() != null) { message += e.getCause().getMessage(); } else { message += e.getMessage(); } } finally { if (f != null) { try { f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, "Closing of ZipFile failed: " + e.toString()); } } } } return (message.equals("") ? null : message); } /** * Takes the FormDetails, the temp file and any existing file, and downloads * the file from the server if it is different from the local copy. Otherwise, * it simply does a local copy of the existing file into the temp file. * * @param fd * @param tempFormPath * -- file to be created * @param formPath * -- existing file, if it exists * @throws Exception */ private void downloadXform(FormDetails fd, File tempFormPath, File formPath) throws Exception { String currentHash = "-"; if (formPath != null && formPath.exists()) { currentHash = ODKFileUtils.getMd5Hash(appName, formPath); } if (currentHash.equals(fd.hash)) { // no need for the network retrieval -- use local copy FileUtils.copyFile(formPath, tempFormPath); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Skipping form file fetch -- file hashes identical: " + tempFormPath.getAbsolutePath()); } else { downloadFile(tempFormPath, fd.downloadUrl); } } /** * Common routine to download a document from the downloadUrl and save the * contents in the file 'f'. Shared by media file download and form file * download. * * @param f * @param downloadUrl * @throws Exception */ private void downloadFile(File f, String downloadUrl) throws Exception { URI uri = null; try { // assume the downloadUrl is escaped properly URL url = new URL(downloadUrl); uri = url.toURI(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); throw e; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); throw e; } // WiFi network connections can be renegotiated during a large form // download sequence. // This will cause intermittent download failures. Silently retry once // after each // failure. Only if there are two consecutive failures, do we abort. boolean success = false; int attemptCount = 1; while (!success && attemptCount++ <= 2) { if (isCancelled()) { throw new Exception("cancelled"); } // get shared HttpContext so that authentication and cookies are // retained. HttpContext localContext = ClientConnectionManagerFactory.get(appName).getHttpContext(); HttpClient httpclient = ClientConnectionManagerFactory.get(appName) .createHttpClient(WebUtils.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // set up request... HttpGet req = WebUtils.get().createOpenRosaHttpGet(uri, mAuth); HttpResponse response = null; try { response = httpclient.execute(req, localContext); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != 200) { WebUtils.get().discardEntityBytes(response); String errMsg = appContext.getString(R.string.file_fetch_failed, downloadUrl, response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), statusCode); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } // write connection to file InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { is = response.getEntity().getContent(); os = new FileOutputStream(f); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { os.write(buf, 0, len); } os.flush(); success = true; } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (is != null) { try { // ensure stream is consumed... final long count = 1024L; while (is.skip(count) == count) ; } catch (Exception e) { // no-op } try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientConnectionManagerFactory.get(appName).clearHttpConnectionManager(); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, e.toString()); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).printStackTrace(e); if (attemptCount != 1) { throw e; } } } } private static class MediaFile { final String filename; final String hash; final String downloadUrl; MediaFile(String filename, String hash, String downloadUrl) { this.filename = filename; this.hash = hash; this.downloadUrl = downloadUrl; } } private String downloadManifestAndMediaFiles(File tempMediaPath, File mediaPath, FormDetails fd, int count, int total) { if (fd.manifestUrl == null) return null; publishProgress(appContext.getString(R.string.fetching_manifest, fd.formID), Integer.valueOf(count).toString(), Integer.valueOf(total).toString()); List<MediaFile> files = new ArrayList<MediaFile>(); // get shared HttpContext so that authentication and cookies are // retained. HttpContext localContext = ClientConnectionManagerFactory.get(appName).getHttpContext(); HttpClient httpclient = ClientConnectionManagerFactory.get(appName) .createHttpClient(WebUtils.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); DocumentFetchResult result = WebUtils.get().getXmlDocument(appName, fd.manifestUrl, localContext, httpclient, mAuth); if (result.errorMessage != null) { return result.errorMessage; } String errMessage = appContext.getString(R.string.access_error, fd.manifestUrl); if (!result.isOpenRosaResponse) { errMessage += appContext.getString(R.string.manifest_server_error); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, errMessage); return errMessage; } // Attempt OpenRosa 1.0 parsing Element manifestElement = result.doc.getRootElement(); if (!manifestElement.getName().equals("manifest")) { errMessage += appContext.getString(R.string.root_element_error, manifestElement.getName()); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, errMessage); return errMessage; } String namespace = manifestElement.getNamespace(); if (!isXformsManifestNamespacedElement(manifestElement)) { errMessage += appContext.getString(R.string.root_namespace_error, namespace); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, errMessage); return errMessage; } int nElements = manifestElement.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) { if (manifestElement.getType(i) != Element.ELEMENT) { // e.g., whitespace (text) continue; } Element mediaFileElement = (Element) manifestElement.getElement(i); if (!isXformsManifestNamespacedElement(mediaFileElement)) { // someone else's extension? continue; } String name = mediaFileElement.getName(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("mediaFile")) { String filename = null; String hash = null; String downloadUrl = null; // don't process descriptionUrl int childCount = mediaFileElement.getChildCount(); for (int j = 0; j < childCount; ++j) { if (mediaFileElement.getType(j) != Element.ELEMENT) { // e.g., whitespace (text) continue; } Element child = mediaFileElement.getElement(j); if (!isXformsManifestNamespacedElement(child)) { // someone else's extension? continue; } String tag = child.getName(); if (tag.equals("filename")) { filename = ODKFileUtils.getXMLText(child, true); if (filename != null && filename.length() == 0) { filename = null; } } else if (tag.equals("hash")) { hash = ODKFileUtils.getXMLText(child, true); if (hash != null && hash.length() == 0) { hash = null; } } else if (tag.equals("downloadUrl")) { downloadUrl = ODKFileUtils.getXMLText(child, true); if (downloadUrl != null && downloadUrl.length() == 0) { downloadUrl = null; } } } if (filename == null || downloadUrl == null || hash == null) { errMessage += appContext.getString(R.string.manifest_tag_error, Integer.toString(i)); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, errMessage); return errMessage; } files.add(new MediaFile(filename, hash, downloadUrl)); } } // OK we now have the full set of files to download... WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Downloading " + files.size() + " media files."); int mediaCount = 0; if (files.size() > 0) { tempMediaPath.mkdirs(); for (MediaFile toDownload : files) { if (isCancelled()) { return "cancelled"; } ++mediaCount; publishProgress( appContext.getString(R.string.form_download_progress, fd.formID, toDownload.filename, Integer.valueOf(mediaCount).toString(), Integer.valueOf(files.size()).toString()), Integer.valueOf(count).toString(), Integer.valueOf(total).toString()); try { File existingMediaFile = new File(mediaPath, toDownload.filename); File mediaFile = new File(tempMediaPath, toDownload.filename); String currentHash = "-"; if (existingMediaFile != null && existingMediaFile.exists()) { currentHash = ODKFileUtils.getMd5Hash(appName, existingMediaFile); } if (currentHash.equals(toDownload.hash)) { // no need for the network retrieval -- use local copy FileUtils.copyFile(existingMediaFile, mediaFile); WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(t, "Skipping media file fetch -- file hashes identical: " + mediaFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { downloadFile(mediaFile, toDownload.downloadUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { return e.getLocalizedMessage(); } } } else { return appContext.getString(R.string.no_manifest, fd.formID); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(HashMap<String, String> value) { synchronized (this) { mResult = value; if (mStateListener != null) { mStateListener.formsDownloadingComplete(value); } } } @Override protected void onCancelled(HashMap<String, String> result) { synchronized (this) { if (result == null) { mResult = new HashMap<String, String>(); mResult.put("unknown", "cancelled"); } else { mResult = result; } if (mStateListener != null) { mStateListener.formsDownloadingComplete(mResult); } } } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) { synchronized (this) { if (mStateListener != null) { // update progress and total mStateListener.formDownloadProgressUpdate(values[0], Integer.valueOf(values[1]), Integer.valueOf(values[2])); } } } public HashMap<String, String> getResult() { return mResult; } public void setDownloaderListener(FormDownloaderListener sl) { synchronized (this) { mStateListener = sl; } } public void setAppName(String appName) { synchronized (this) { this.appName = appName; } } public String getAppName() { return appName; } public void setApplication(Application appContext) { synchronized (this) { this.appContext = appContext; } } public Application getApplication() { return appContext; } }