List of usage examples for Inflater Inflater
public Inflater(boolean nowrap)
From source
/** * Executes the {@link HttpMethod} passed in and sends the proxy response * back to the client via the given {@link HttpServletResponse} * //from ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m * @param httpMethodProxyRequest * An object representing the proxy request to be made * @param httpServletResponse * An object by which we can send the proxied response back to * the client * @throws IOException * Can be thrown by the {@link HttpClient}.executeMethod * @throws ServletException * Can be thrown to indicate that another error has occurred * @throws EngineException */ private void doRequest(HttpMethodType httpMethodType, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { try { Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Starting request handling"); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(EnginePropertiesManager.getProperty(PropertyName.SSL_DEBUG))) { System.setProperty("", "all"); Engine.logEngine.trace("(ReverseProxyServlet) Enabling SSL debug mode"); } else { System.setProperty("", ""); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Disabling SSL debug mode"); } String baseUrl; String projectName; String connectorName; String contextName; String extraPath; { String requestURI = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI(); Engine.logEngine.trace("(ReverseProxyServlet) Requested URI : " + requestURI); Matcher m = reg_fields.matcher(requestURI); if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() >= 5) { baseUrl =; projectName =; connectorName =; contextName =; extraPath =; } else { throw new MalformedURLException( "The request doesn't contains needed fields : projectName, connectorName and contextName"); } } String sessionID = httpServletRequest.getSession().getId(); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) baseUrl : " + baseUrl + " ; projectName : " + projectName + " ; connectorName : " + connectorName + " ; contextName : " + contextName + " ; extraPath : " + extraPath + " ; sessionID : " + sessionID); Context context = Engine.theApp.contextManager.get(null, contextName, sessionID, null, projectName, connectorName, null); Project project = Engine.theApp.databaseObjectsManager.getProjectByName(projectName); context.projectName = projectName; context.project = project; ProxyHttpConnector proxyHttpConnector = (ProxyHttpConnector) project.getConnectorByName(connectorName); context.connector = proxyHttpConnector; context.connectorName = proxyHttpConnector.getName(); HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = proxyHttpConnector.hostConfiguration; // Proxy configuration String proxyServer = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyServer(); String proxyUser = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyUser(); String proxyPassword = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPassword(); int proxyPort = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPort(); if (!proxyServer.equals("")) { hostConfiguration.setProxy(proxyServer, proxyPort); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using proxy: " + proxyServer + ":" + proxyPort); } else { // Remove old proxy configuration hostConfiguration.setProxyHost(null); } String targetHost = proxyHttpConnector.getServer(); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target host: " + targetHost); int targetPort = proxyHttpConnector.getPort(); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target port: " + targetPort); // Configuration SSL Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Https: " + proxyHttpConnector.isHttps()); CertificateManager certificateManager = proxyHttpConnector.certificateManager; boolean trustAllServerCertificates = proxyHttpConnector.isTrustAllServerCertificates(); if (proxyHttpConnector.isHttps()) { Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Setting up SSL properties"); certificateManager.collectStoreInformation(context); Engine.logEngine.debug( "(ReverseProxyServlet) CertificateManager has changed: " + certificateManager.hasChanged); if (certificateManager.hasChanged || (!targetHost.equalsIgnoreCase(hostConfiguration.getHost())) || (hostConfiguration.getPort() != targetPort)) { Engine.logEngine .debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using MySSLSocketFactory for creating the SSL socket"); Protocol myhttps = new Protocol("https", MySSLSocketFactory.getSSLSocketFactory(certificateManager.keyStore, certificateManager.keyStorePassword, certificateManager.trustStore, certificateManager.trustStorePassword, trustAllServerCertificates), targetPort); hostConfiguration.setHost(targetHost, targetPort, myhttps); } Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Updated host configuration for SSL purposes"); } else { hostConfiguration.setHost(targetHost, targetPort); } HttpMethod httpMethodProxyRequest; String targetPath = proxyHttpConnector.getBaseDir() + extraPath; // Handle the query string if (httpServletRequest.getQueryString() != null) { targetPath += "?" + httpServletRequest.getQueryString(); } Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target path: " + targetPath); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Requested method: " + httpMethodType); if (httpMethodType == HttpMethodType.GET) { // Create a GET request httpMethodProxyRequest = new GetMethod(); } else if (httpMethodType == HttpMethodType.POST) { // Create a standard POST request httpMethodProxyRequest = new PostMethod(); ((PostMethod) httpMethodProxyRequest) .setRequestEntity(new InputStreamRequestEntity(httpServletRequest.getInputStream())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown HTTP method: " + httpMethodType); } String charset = httpMethodProxyRequest.getParams().getUriCharset(); URI targetURI; try { targetURI = new URI(targetPath, true, charset); } catch (URIException e) { // Bugfix #1484 String newTargetPath = ""; for (String part : targetPath.split("&")) { if (!newTargetPath.equals("")) { newTargetPath += "&"; } String[] pair = part.split("="); try { newTargetPath += URLDecoder.decode(pair[0], "UTF-8") + "=" + (pair.length > 1 ? URLEncoder.encode(URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], "UTF-8"), "UTF-8") : ""); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ee) { newTargetPath = targetPath; } } targetURI = new URI(newTargetPath, true, charset); } httpMethodProxyRequest.setURI(targetURI); // Tells the method to automatically handle authentication. httpMethodProxyRequest.setDoAuthentication(true); HttpState httpState = getHttpState(proxyHttpConnector, context); String basicUser = proxyHttpConnector.getAuthUser(); String basicPassword = proxyHttpConnector.getAuthPassword(); String givenBasicUser = proxyHttpConnector.getGivenAuthUser(); String givenBasicPassword = proxyHttpConnector.getGivenAuthPassword(); // Basic authentication configuration String realm = null; if (!basicUser.equals("") || (basicUser.equals("") && (givenBasicUser != null))) { String userName = ((givenBasicUser == null) ? basicUser : givenBasicUser); String userPassword = ((givenBasicPassword == null) ? basicPassword : givenBasicPassword); httpState.setCredentials(new AuthScope(targetHost, targetPort, realm), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, userPassword)); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Credentials: " + userName + ":******"); } // Setting basic authentication for proxy if (!proxyServer.equals("") && !proxyUser.equals("")) { httpState.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyServer, proxyPort), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUser, proxyPassword)); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Proxy credentials: " + proxyUser + ":******"); } // Forward the request headers setProxyRequestHeaders(httpServletRequest, httpMethodProxyRequest, proxyHttpConnector); // Use the CEMS HttpClient HttpClient httpClient = Engine.theApp.httpClient; httpMethodProxyRequest.setFollowRedirects(false); // Execute the request int intProxyResponseCode = httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, httpMethodProxyRequest, httpState); // Check if the proxy response is a redirect // The following code is adapted from // org.tigris.noodle.filters.CheckForRedirect // Hooray for open source software if (intProxyResponseCode >= HttpServletResponse.SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES /* 300 */ && intProxyResponseCode < HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED /* 304 */) { String stringStatusCode = Integer.toString(intProxyResponseCode); String stringLocation = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader(STRING_LOCATION_HEADER).getValue(); if (stringLocation == null) { throw new ServletException("Received status code: " + stringStatusCode + " but no " + STRING_LOCATION_HEADER + " header was found in the response"); } // Modify the redirect to go to this proxy servlet rather that // the // proxied host String redirect = handleRedirect(stringLocation, baseUrl, proxyHttpConnector); httpServletResponse.sendRedirect(redirect); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Send redirect (" + redirect + ")"); return; } else if (intProxyResponseCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { // 304 needs special handling. See: // // We get a 304 whenever passed an 'If-Modified-Since' // header and the data on disk has not changed; server // responds w/ a 304 saying I'm not going to send the // body because the file has not changed. httpServletResponse.setIntHeader(STRING_CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER_NAME, 0); httpServletResponse.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) NOT MODIFIED (304)"); return; } // Pass the response code back to the client httpServletResponse.setStatus(intProxyResponseCode); // Pass response headers back to the client Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Response headers back to the client:"); Header[] headerArrayResponse = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders(); for (Header header : headerArrayResponse) { String headerName = header.getName(); String headerValue = header.getValue(); if (!headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Transfer-Encoding") && !headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) { httpServletResponse.setHeader(headerName, headerValue); Engine.logEngine.debug(" " + headerName + "=" + headerValue); } } String contentType = null; Header[] contentTypeHeaders = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders("Content-Type"); for (Header contentTypeHeader : contentTypeHeaders) { contentType = contentTypeHeader.getValue(); break; } String pageCharset = "UTF-8"; if (contentType != null) { int iCharset = contentType.indexOf("charset="); if (iCharset != -1) { pageCharset = contentType.substring(iCharset + "charset=".length()).trim(); } Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using charset: " + pageCharset); } InputStream siteIn = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseBodyAsStream(); // Handle gzipped content Header[] contentEncodingHeaders = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders("Content-Encoding"); boolean bGZip = false, bDeflate = false; for (Header contentEncodingHeader : contentEncodingHeaders) { HeaderElement[] els = contentEncodingHeader.getElements(); for (int j = 0; j < els.length; j++) { if ("gzip".equals(els[j].getName())) { Engine.logBeans.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Decode GZip stream"); siteIn = new GZIPInputStream(siteIn); bGZip = true; } else if ("deflate".equals(els[j].getName())) { Engine.logBeans.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Decode Deflate stream"); siteIn = new InflaterInputStream(siteIn, new Inflater(true)); bDeflate = true; } } } byte[] bytesDataResult; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2048); // String resourceUrl = projectName + targetPath; String t = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.APPLY_USER_REQUEST); try { // Read either from the cache, either from the remote server // InputStream is = proxyCacheManager.getResource(resourceUrl); // if (is != null) { // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Getting data from cache"); // siteIn = is; // } int c =; while (c > -1) { baos.write(c); c =; } // if (is != null) is.close(); } finally { context.statistics.stop(t, true); } bytesDataResult = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Data retrieved!"); // if (isDynamicContent(httpServletRequest.getPathInfo(), // proxyHttpConnector.getDynamicContentFiles())) { Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Dynamic content"); bytesDataResult = handleStringReplacements(baseUrl, contentType, pageCharset, proxyHttpConnector, bytesDataResult); String billingClassName = context.getConnector().getBillingClassName(); if (billingClassName != null) { try { Engine.logContext.debug("Billing class name required: " + billingClassName); AbstractBiller biller = (AbstractBiller) Class.forName(billingClassName).newInstance(); Engine.logContext.debug("Executing the biller"); biller.insertBilling(context); } catch (Throwable e) { Engine.logContext.warn("Unable to execute the biller (the billing is thus ignored): [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] " + e.getMessage()); } } // } // else { // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Static content: " + // contentType); // // // Determine if the resource has already been cached or not // CacheEntry cacheEntry = // proxyCacheManager.getCacheEntry(resourceUrl); // if (cacheEntry instanceof FileCacheEntry) { // FileCacheEntry fileCacheEntry = (FileCacheEntry) cacheEntry; // File file = new File(fileCacheEntry.fileName); // if (!file.exists()) // proxyCacheManager.removeCacheEntry(cacheEntry); // cacheEntry = null; // } // if (cacheEntry == null) { // bytesDataResult = handleStringReplacements(contentType, // proxyHttpConnector, bytesDataResult); // // if (intProxyResponseCode == 200) { // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Resource stored: " // + resourceUrl); // cacheEntry = proxyCacheManager.storeResponse(resourceUrl, // bytesDataResult); // cacheEntry.contentLength = bytesDataResult.length; // cacheEntry.contentType = contentType; // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Cache entry: " + // cacheEntry); // } // } // } // Send the content to the client if (Engine.logEngine.isDebugEnabled() && { Engine.logEngine.debug("Data proxied:\n" + new String(bytesDataResult, pageCharset)); } if (bGZip || bDeflate) { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream compressedOutputStream = bGZip ? new GZIPOutputStream(baos) : new DeflaterOutputStream(baos, new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION | Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY, true)); compressedOutputStream.write(bytesDataResult); compressedOutputStream.close(); bytesDataResult = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); } httpServletResponse.setContentLength(bytesDataResult.length); OutputStream outputStreamClientResponse = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream(); outputStreamClientResponse.write(bytesDataResult); Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) End of document retransmission"); } catch (Exception e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error while trying to proxy page", e); throw new ServletException("Error while trying to proxy page", e); } }
From source
/** * Save the content of the Url to the given path * @param urlStr//from w w w. j av a2 * @param outPath * @return */ public boolean saveUrl(String urlStr, String outPath) { InputStream is = null; try { //System.out.println( "Getting: " + urlStr ); URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(true); // allow both GZip and Deflate (ZLib) encodings conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT); conn.setRequestProperty("Referer", DEFAULT_REFERER); String encoding = conn.getContentEncoding(); InputStream inStr; // create the appropriate stream wrapper based on // the encoding type if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) { inStr = new GZIPInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); } else if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) { inStr = new InflaterInputStream(conn.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true)); } else { inStr = conn.getInputStream(); } //System.out.println( filePath ); File file = new File(outPath); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(inStr); fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); fos.close(); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString()); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString()); } } } return false; }
From source
/** * Open the {@link InputStream} of an Http response. This method supports * GZIP and DEFLATE responses.//from w w w. j a va 2 s . co m */ private static InputStream getInputStream(HttpURLConnection conn) throws IOException { final List<String> contentEncodingValues = conn.getHeaderFields().get("Content-Encoding"); if (contentEncodingValues != null) { for (final String contentEncoding : contentEncodingValues) { if (contentEncoding != null) { if (contentEncoding.contains("gzip")) { return new GZIPInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); } if (contentEncoding.contains("deflate")) { return new InflaterInputStream(conn.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true)); } } } } return conn.getInputStream(); }
From source
/** * Read a potentially compressed string from the data input. * * @param in//www .j a va 2 s . co m * @return * @throws IOException */ private static String readContent(DataInput in) throws IOException { int mode = in.readByte(); if (mode == MODE_COMPRESSED) { try { int strlen = in.readInt(); int buflen = in.readInt(); byte[] buffer = new byte[buflen]; in.readFully(buffer); Inflater decompressor = new Inflater(true); decompressor.setInput(buffer); byte[] data = new byte[strlen]; decompressor.inflate(data); decompressor.end(); return new String(data, "UTF-8"); } catch (DataFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("input data is not valid", ex); } } else { return DataIO.readString(in); } }
From source
/** * Open the error {@link InputStream} of an Http response. This method * supports GZIP and DEFLATE responses./*from w w w .j a v a2s .com*/ */ private static InputStream getErrorStream(HttpURLConnection conn) throws IOException { final List<String> contentEncodingValues = conn.getHeaderFields().get("Content-Encoding"); if (contentEncodingValues != null) { for (final String contentEncoding : contentEncodingValues) { if (contentEncoding != null) { if (contentEncoding.contains("gzip")) { return new GZIPInputStream(conn.getErrorStream()); } if (contentEncoding.contains("deflate")) { return new InflaterInputStream(conn.getErrorStream(), new Inflater(true)); } } } } return conn.getErrorStream(); }
From source
private Response performRequest(String url, Map<String, String> reqParams) { Response rsp = null;//w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m ArrayList<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("api_key", API_KEY)); for (String key : reqParams.keySet()) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, reqParams.get(key))); } HttpEntity entity = null; try { entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, "UTF-8"); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // this should never happen. throw new AssertionError(e); } HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.addHeader(entity.getContentType()); post.addHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"); post.setEntity(entity); try { HttpResponse resp = httpClient.execute(post); rsp = new Response(); rsp.statusCode = resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); HttpEntity respEntity = resp.getEntity(); InputStream is = null; if (respEntity.getContentEncoding() != null) { String contentEncoding = respEntity.getContentEncoding().getValue(); if ("gzip".equals(contentEncoding)) { is = new GZIPInputStream(respEntity.getContent()); } else if ("deflate".equals(contentEncoding)) { is = new InflaterInputStream(respEntity.getContent(), new Inflater(true)); } else { is = respEntity.getContent(); } } else { is = respEntity.getContent(); } rsp.responseText = getResponseText(is); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Network access error!", e); } finally { connMgr.shutdown(); } return rsp; }
From source
private String inflate(String saml) throws Exception { byte[] compressedData = org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64.decode(saml); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressedData); InflaterInputStream decompressor = new InflaterInputStream(bin, new Inflater(true)); //decompressor.setInput(compressedData); // Create an expandable byte array to hold the decompressed data ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(compressedData.length); // Decompress the data byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len;//from w ww.j a v a2s . c o m while ((len = > 0) { bos.write(buf, 0, len); } try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } // Get the decompressed data byte[] decompressedData = bos.toByteArray(); String decoded = new String(decompressedData); return decoded; }
From source
/** * Reads the source code of the web page at the specified * URL./*from w w w . ja v a m*/ * * @param url * Address of the web page to be read. * @return * String containing the read HTML source code. * * @throws IOException * Problem while accessing the specified URL. */ private String manuallyReadUrl(URL url) throws IOException { boolean trad = false; BufferedReader br = null; // open page the traditional way if (trad) { InputStream is = url.openStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); br = new BufferedReader(isr); } // open with more options else { // setup connection HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setReadTimeout(2000); connection.setChunkedStreamingMode(0); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "0"); // connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36"); connection.connect(); // setup input stream // part retrieved from // original author: Marco Beggio InputStream is = null; String encoding = connection.getContentEncoding(); if (connection.getContentEncoding() != null && encoding.equals("gzip")) { is = new GZIPInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); } else if (encoding != null && encoding.equals("deflate")) { is = new InflaterInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true)); } else { is = connection.getInputStream(); } // alternative to spot error details // InputStream is; // if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) // is = connection.getErrorStream(); // else // is = connection.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); br = new BufferedReader(isr); } // read page StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer(); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { sourceCode.append(line + "\n"); line = br.readLine(); } String result = sourceCode.toString(); br.close(); return result; }
From source
public static void postTweet(cgeoapplication app, cgSettings settings, String status, final Geopoint coords) { if (app == null) { return;/*from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ } if (settings == null || StringUtils.isBlank(settings.tokenPublic) || StringUtils.isBlank(settings.tokenSecret)) { return; } try { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("status", status); if (coords != null) { parameters.put("lat", String.format("%.6f", coords.getLatitude())); parameters.put("long", String.format("%.6f", coords.getLongitude())); parameters.put("display_coordinates", "true"); } final String paramsDone = cgOAuth.signOAuth("", "/1/statuses/update.json", "POST", false, parameters, settings.tokenPublic, settings.tokenSecret); HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); final URL u = new URL(""); final URLConnection uc = u.openConnection(); uc.setRequestProperty("Host", ""); connection = (HttpURLConnection) uc; connection.setReadTimeout(30000); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(true); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(true); final OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream(); final OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(out); wr.write(paramsDone); wr.flush(); wr.close(); Log.i(cgSettings.tag, " " + connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage()); InputStream ins; final String encoding = connection.getContentEncoding(); if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) { ins = new GZIPInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); } else if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) { ins = new InflaterInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true)); } else { ins = connection.getInputStream(); } final InputStreamReader inr = new InputStreamReader(ins); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(inr); readIntoBuffer(br, buffer); br.close(); ins.close(); inr.close(); connection.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgBase.postTweet.IO: " + connection.getResponseCode() + ": " + connection.getResponseMessage() + " ~ " + e.toString()); final InputStream ins = connection.getErrorStream(); final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); final InputStreamReader inr = new InputStreamReader(ins); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(inr); readIntoBuffer(br, buffer); br.close(); ins.close(); inr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgBase.postTweet.inner: " + e.toString()); } connection.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgBase.postTweet: " + e.toString()); } }
From source
private static InputStream getInputstreamFromConnection(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException { final String encoding = connection.getContentEncoding(); InputStream ins;/*from www. j a v a 2 s. com*/ if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) { ins = new GZIPInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); } else if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) { ins = new InflaterInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true)); } else { ins = connection.getInputStream(); } return ins; }