Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



 * Nerwip - Named Entity Extraction in Wikipedia Pages
 * Copyright 2011 Yasa Akbulut, Burcu Kpeliolu & Vincent Labatut
 * Copyright 2012 Burcu Kpeliolu, Samet Atda & Vincent Labatut
 * Copyright 2013 Samet Atda & Vincent Labatut
 * Copyright 2014-15 Vincent Labatut
 * This file is part of Nerwip - Named Entity Extraction in Wikipedia Pages.
 * Nerwip - Named Entity Extraction in Wikipedia Pages is free software: you can 
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Nerwip - Named Entity Extraction in Wikipedia Pages is distributed in the hope 
 * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty 
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Nerwip - Named Entity Extraction in Wikipedia Pages.  
 * If not, see <>.

import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.text.Normalizer.Form;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.http.ParseException;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode;


 * From a specified URL, this class retrieves a Wikipedia page,
 * and gives access to the raw and linked texts.
 * @author Vincent Labatut
public class WikipediaReader extends ArticleReader {
    // MISC            /////////////////////////////////////////////
    public String getName(URL url) {
        String address = url.toString();

        // get the last part of the URL as the page name
        String temp[] = address.split("/");
        String result = temp[temp.length - 1];

        // remove diacritics
        result = Normalizer.normalize(result, Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");

        return result;

    // CATEGORY      /////////////////////////////////////////////////
     * Returns the list of categories associated
     * to the article being retrieved.
     * First, we use the first line of text in the
     * article, of the form "Firstname Lastname (19xx-19xx) was a politician...".
     * If this leads to nothing, we use Freebase to retreive all
     * the FB types associated to this Wikipedia page.
     * @param article
     *       Article to be processed.
     * @return
     *       List of categories (should be empty)
     * @throws ClientProtocolException
     *       Problem while using Freebase.
     * @throws ParseException
     *       Problem while using Freebase.
     * @throws IOException
     *       Problem while using Freebase.
     * @throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException
     *       Problem while using Freebase.
    public List<ArticleCategory> getArticleCategories(Article article)
            throws IOException, org.json.simple.parser.ParseException {
        logger.log("Retrieving the article categories");

        // first we try with the first line of text in the article
        logger.log("Trying first with the first sentence of the article");
        List<ArticleCategory> result = getArticleCategoriesFromContent(article);

        // if we get nothing, we try with Freebase
        if (result.isEmpty()) {
            logger.log("Trying now by using Freebase (generally less efficient)");
            result = getArticleCategoriesFromFb(article);

        if (result.isEmpty()) {
            logger.log("Could not find any category >> putting it into " + ArticleCategory.OTHER + ")");

        logger.log("Categories retrieved: " + result.toString());
        return result;

    // FREEBASE CATEGORY   /////////////////////////////////////////
    /** File containing the FB category map */
    private final static String FB_CONVERSION_FILE = "catmap.fb.xml";
    /** Map used to convert Freebase types to article categories */
    private final static CategoryMap FB_CONVERSION_MAP = new CategoryMap(FB_CONVERSION_FILE);

     * Uses FreeBase to retrieve the category of
     * this article, i.e. the activity domain
     * of the concerned person.
     * @param article
     *       Article to be processed.
     * @return
     *       Domain of activity of this person: military, sciences, etc.
     * @throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException 
     *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
     * @throws IOException 
     *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
     * @throws ParseException 
     *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
     * @throws ClientProtocolException 
     *       Problem while accessing Freebase.
    public List<ArticleCategory> getArticleCategoriesFromFb(Article article)
            throws ClientProtocolException, ParseException, IOException, org.json.simple.parser.ParseException {
        logger.log("Using Freebase to retrieve the article categories");
        String name = article.getName();

        // get all categories
        logger.log("Getting all available Freebase types");
        Set<ArticleCategory> categories = new TreeSet<ArticleCategory>();
        List<String> fbTypes = FbTypeTools.getAllTypes(name);

        logger.log("Processing them one by one");
        for (String fbType : fbTypes) {
            logger.log("Processing type '" + fbType + "'");

            if (FB_CONVERSION_MAP.isIgnored(fbType)) {
                logger.log("Type rejected by the text/category map");

            else {
                logger.log("Type not rejected by the text/category map");
                String domain = fbType.substring(0, fbType.indexOf('/', 1));
                ArticleCategory cat = FB_CONVERSION_MAP.get(domain);
                if (cat == null) {
                    logger.log("No category could be detected for this FB type");
                } else {
                    logger.log("Category identified for this FB type: " + cat);

        // we used to select a single category: this doesn't work well >> now we keep them all
        //      System.out.println("detected categories: " + categories.toString());
        //      // count categories
        //      Map<ArticleCategory,Integer> counts = new HashMap<ArticleCategory, Integer>();
        //      for(ArticleCategory cat: categories)
        //      {   Integer count = counts.get(cat);
        //         if(count==null)
        //            count = 0;
        //         count++;
        //         counts.put(cat,count);
        //      }
        //      // select most frequent category
        //      ArticleCategory result = ArticleCategory.OTHER;
        //      Collection<Integer> c = counts.values();
        //      if(!c.isEmpty())
        //      {   int max = Collections.max(c);
        //         for(Entry<ArticleCategory,Integer> entry: counts.entrySet())
        //         {   int count = entry.getValue();
        //            if(count==max)
        //               result = entry.getKey();
        //         }
        //      }
        //      System.out.println("Selected category: " + result);
        //      System.out.println("\t"+name+"\t"+result);

        List<ArticleCategory> result = new ArrayList<ArticleCategory>(categories);
        logger.log("detected categories: " + result.toString());
        return result;

    // CONTENT CATEGORY      /////////////////////////////////////////
    /** File containing the FB category map */
    private final static String CONTENT_CONVERSION_FILE = "catmap.content.xml";
    /** Map of persons activities to article categories */
    private final static CategoryMap CONTENT_CONVERSION_MAP = new CategoryMap(CONTENT_CONVERSION_FILE);
    /** Verbs used to identify the part of the first sentence concerning the person's activity */
    private final static List<String> STATE_VERBS = Arrays.asList("is", "was", "may be", "might be", "should be",
            "can be", "must be", "could be");

     * Retrieces the category of the article
     * from its content, and more particularly
     * from its first sentence, which generally
     * takes the following form in biographies:
     * "Firstname Lastname (19xx-19xx) was/is a politician/artist/etc."
     * @param article
     *       Article to be processed.
     * @return
     *       The identified categories, possibly an empty list if none
     *       could be identified.
    public List<ArticleCategory> getArticleCategoriesFromContent(Article article) {
        logger.log("Using the article content to retrieve its categories");
        Set<ArticleCategory> categories = new TreeSet<ArticleCategory>();

        // get first sentence
        String text = article.getRawText();
        String firstSentence = null;
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}\\. ");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
        if (!matcher.find())
            logger.log("Could not find the first sentence of the article");
        else {
            int i = matcher.end();
            firstSentence = text.substring(0, i);
            logger.log("First sentence of the article: \"" + firstSentence + "\"");

            // identify state verb (to be)
            int index = firstSentence.length();
            String verb = null;
            for (String v : STATE_VERBS) {
                pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]" + v + "[^a-zA-Z0-9]");
                matcher = pattern.matcher(firstSentence);
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    i = matcher.start();
                    if (i > -1 && i < index) {
                        index = i;
                        verb = v;
            if (verb == null)
                logger.log("WARNING: could not find any state verb in the first sentence");
            else {
                logger.log("State verb detected in the sentence: '" + verb + "'");

                // look for key words located in the second part of the sentence (after the verb)
                firstSentence = firstSentence.substring(index + verb.length());
                logger.log("Focusing on the end of the sentence: \"" + firstSentence + "\"");
                String temp[] = firstSentence.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]");
                for (String key : temp) {
                    if (!key.isEmpty()) {
                        ArticleCategory cat = CONTENT_CONVERSION_MAP.get(key);
                        if (cat == null) {
                            logger.log(key + ": no associated category");
                        } else {
                            logger.log(key + ": category " + cat);

        List<ArticleCategory> result = new ArrayList<ArticleCategory>(categories);
        logger.log("detected categories: " + result.toString());
        return result;

    // RETREIVE         /////////////////////////////////////////////
    /** Id of the element containing the article content in the Wikipedia page */
    private final static String ID_CONTENT = "mw-content-text";
    /** Id of the element containing the article title in the Wikipedia page */
    private final static String ID_TITLE = "firstHeading";

    /** Class of phonetic transcriptions */
    private final static String CLASS_IPA = "IPA";
    /** Class of WP messages */
    private final static String CLASS_DABLINK = "dablink";
    /** Class of WP edit buttons */
    private final static String CLASS_EDIT = "editsection";
    /** Class of external hyperlinks of the Wikipedia page */
    private final static String CLASS_EXTERNAL = "external";
    /** Class of image hyperlinks */
    private final static String CLASS_IMAGE = "image";
    /** Class of the element containing the infobox of the Wikipedia page */
    private final static String CLASS_INFORMATIONBOX = "infobox";
    /** Class of the element containing some language-related information */
    private final static String CLASS_LANGUAGEICON = "languageicon";
    /** Class of zoom-in buttons */
    private final static String CLASS_MAGNIFY = "magnify";
    /** Class of the element containing some media material (audio, video...) */
    private final static String CLASS_MEDIA = "mediaContainer";
    /** Class of the element containing some metadata (e.g. wikimedia link) */
    private final static String CLASS_METADATA = "metadata";
    /** Class of the element containing navigation boxes */
    private final static String CLASS_NAVIGATIONBOX = "navbox";
    /** Class of the element containing personal data box (?) */
    private final static String CLASS_PERSONDATA = "persondata";
    /** Class of the element containing the list of references */
    private final static String CLASS_REFERENCES = "reflist";
    /** Class of the element containing a related link */
    private final static String CLASS_RELATEDLINK = "rellink";
    /** Class of the element containing the table of content */
    private final static String CLASS_TABLEOFCONTENT = "toc";
    /** Class used for certain pictures */
    private final static String CLASS_THUMB = "thumb";
    /** Class of icones located at the begining of pages */
    private final static String CLASS_TOPICON = "topicon";
    /** Class of the element containing some kind of generated table */
    private final static String CLASS_WIKITABLE = "wikitable";

    /** Title of audio links  */
    private final static String TITLE_LISTEN = "Listen";
    /** Disambiguation link */
    private final static String PARAGRAPH_FORTHE = "For the";

    /** List of sections to be ignored */
    private final static List<String> IGNORED_SECTIONS = Arrays.asList("audio books",
            "audio recordings", /*"awards", "awards and honors",*/
            "bibliography", "books", "collections", "collections (selection)", "directed", "external links",
            "film adaptations", "film and television adaptations", "filmography", "footnotes", "further reading",
            //      "honours",
            "main writings", "notes", "nudes", "patents", "publications", "quotes", "references",
            "secondary bibliography", "see also", "selected bibliography", "selected filmography",
            "selected list of works", "selected works", "self-portraits", "sources", "stage adaptations",
            "texts of songs", "theme exhibitions", "theme exhibitions (selection)", "works");

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a paragraph (P) HTML element.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
    private void processParagraphElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) { // possibly add a new line character first
        if (rawStr.length() > 0 && rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) != '\n') {

        // recursive processing
        processTextElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

        // possibly add a new line character
        if (rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) != '\n') {

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a quote (BLOCKQUOTE) HTML element.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @return
     *       {@code true} iff the element was processed.
    private boolean processQuoteElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) {
        boolean result = true;

        // possibly modify the previous characters 
        if (rawStr.length() > 0 && rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) == '\n') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // insert quotes
        rawStr.append(" \"");
        linkedStr.append(" \"");

        // recursive processing
        int rawIdx = rawStr.length();
        int linkedIdx = linkedStr.length();
        processTextElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

        // possibly remove characters added after quote marks
        while (rawStr.length() > rawIdx && (rawStr.charAt(rawIdx) == '\n' || rawStr.charAt(rawIdx) == ' ')) {

        // possibly modify the ending characters 
        if (rawStr.length() > 0 && rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) == '\n') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // insert quotes

        return result;

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a span (SPAN) HTML element.
     * <br/>
     * We process everything but
     * the phonetic transcriptions.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @return
     *       {@code true} iff the element was processed.
    private boolean processSpanElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) {
        boolean result;
        String eltClass = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_CLASS);

        if (eltClass == null ||
        // we don't need phonetic transcriptions, and they can mess up NER tools
                        // we also ignore WP buttons such as the "edit" links placed in certain section headers
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_EDIT)
                        // language indications
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_LANGUAGEICON)))

            result = true;
            // otherwise, we process what's inside the span tag
            processTextElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

            result = false;

        return result;

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a hyperlink (A) HTML element.
     * <br/>
     * We ignore all external links,
     * as well as linked images.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @return
     *       {@code true} iff the element was processed.
    private boolean processHyperlinkElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) {
        boolean result;
        String eltClass = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_CLASS);

        //      if(eltClass==null)
            result = true;

            // simple text
            String str = element.text();
            if (!str.isEmpty()) {

                //if(str.contains("Philadelphia, Pa."))   //debug stuff
                //   System.out.print("");

                // hyperlink
                String eltTitle = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_TITLE);
                if ((eltClass == null || (!eltClass.contains(CLASS_IMAGE) && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_EXTERNAL)))
                        && (eltTitle == null || (!eltTitle.contains(TITLE_LISTEN)))) {
                    String href = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_HREF);
                    String code = "<" + XmlNames.ELT_A + " " + XmlNames.ATT_HREF + "=\"" + href + "\">" + str + "</"
                            + XmlNames.ELT_A + ">";
                } else

        //      else
        //         result = false;

        return result;

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a list (UL or OL) HTML element.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @param ordered
     *       Whether the list is numbered or not.
    private void processListElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr,
            boolean ordered) { // possibly remove the last new line character
        char c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == '\n') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // possibly remove preceeding space
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == ' ') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // possibly add a column
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c != '.' && c != ':' && c != ';') {

        // process each list element
        int count = 1;
        for (Element listElt : element.getElementsByTag(XmlNames.ELT_LI)) { // add leading space
            rawStr.append(" ");
            linkedStr.append(" ");

            // possibly add number
            if (ordered) {
                rawStr.append(count + ") ");
                linkedStr.append(count + ") ");

            // get text and links
            processTextElement(listElt, rawStr, linkedStr);

            // possibly remove the last new line character
            c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            if (c == '\n') {
                rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

            // add final separator

        // possibly remove last separator
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == ';') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);
            c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            if (c != '.') {

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a description list (DL) HTML element.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
    private void processDescriptionListElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) { // possibly remove the last new line character
        char c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == '\n') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // possibly remove preceeding space
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == ' ') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

        // possibly add a column
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c != '.' && c != ':' && c != ';') {

        // process each list element
        Elements elements = element.children();
        Iterator<Element> it = elements.iterator();
        Element tempElt = null;
        if (it.hasNext())
            tempElt =;
        while (tempElt != null) { // add leading space
            rawStr.append(" ");
            linkedStr.append(" ");

            // get term
            String tempName = tempElt.tagName();
            if (tempName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DT)) { // process term
                processTextElement(tempElt, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // possibly remove the last new line character
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c == '\n') {
                    rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                    linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

                // possibly remove preceeding space
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c == ' ') {
                    rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                    linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

                // possibly add a column and space
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c != '.' && c != ':' && c != ';') {
                    rawStr.append(": ");
                    linkedStr.append(": ");

                // go to next element
                if (it.hasNext())
                    tempElt =;
                    tempElt = null;

            // get definition
            //         if(tempName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DD))
            if (tempElt != null) { // process term
                processTextElement(tempElt, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // possibly remove the last new line character
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c == '\n') {
                    rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                    linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

                // possibly remove preceeding space
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c == ' ') {
                    rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                    linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);

                // possibly add a semi-column
                c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
                if (c != '.' && c != ':' && c != ';') {

                // go to next element
                if (it.hasNext())
                    tempElt =;
                    tempElt = null;

        // possibly remove last separator
        c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
        if (c == ';') {
            rawStr.deleteCharAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            linkedStr.deleteCharAt(linkedStr.length() - 1);
            c = rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1);
            if (c != '.') {

     * Retrieve the text located in 
     * a division (DIV) HTML element.
     * <br/>
     * We ignore some of them: table
     * of content, reference list, related links, etc.
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @return
     *       {@code true} iff the element was processed.
    private boolean processDivisionElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) {
        boolean result;
        String eltClass = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_CLASS);

        //   System.out.print("");

        if (eltClass == null ||
        // we ignore infoboxes
                        // list of bibiliographic references located at the end of the page
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_REFERENCES)
                        // WP warning links (disambiguation and such)
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_DABLINK)
                        // related links
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_RELATEDLINK)
                        // audio or video clip
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_MEDIA)
                        // button used to magnify images
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_MAGNIFY)
                        // icons located at the top of the page
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_TOPICON))) {
            result = true;
            processTextElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

            result = false;

        return result;

     * Retrieve the text located in a table (TABLE) HTML element.
     * <br/>
     * We process each cell in the table as a text element. 
     * Some tables are ignored: infoboxes, wikitables, navboxes,
     * metadata, persondata, etc. 
     * @param element
     *       Element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       Current raw text string.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       Current text with hyperlinks.
     * @return
     *       {@code true} iff the element was processed.
    private boolean processTableElement(Element element, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) {
        boolean result;
        String eltClass = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_CLASS);

        if (eltClass == null ||
        // we ignore infoboxes
                        // and wikitables
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_WIKITABLE)
                        // navigation boxes
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_NAVIGATIONBOX)
                        // navigation boxes, WP warnings (incompleteness, etc.)
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_METADATA)
                        // personal data box (?)
                        && !eltClass.contains(CLASS_PERSONDATA)))

            result = true;
            Element tbodyElt = element.children().get(0);

            for (Element rowElt : tbodyElt.children()) {
                for (Element colElt : rowElt.children()) { // process cell content
                    processTextElement(colElt, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // possibly add final dot and space. 
                    if (rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) != ' ') {
                        if (rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) == '.') {
                            rawStr.append(" ");
                            linkedStr.append(" ");
                        } else {
                            rawStr.append(". ");
                            linkedStr.append(". ");

            result = false;

        return result;

     * Extract text and hyperlinks from an element
     * supposingly containing only text.
     * @param textElement
     *       The element to be processed.
     * @param rawStr
     *       The StringBuffer to contain the raw text.
     * @param linkedStr
     *       The StringBuffer to contain the text with hyperlinks.
    private void processTextElement(Element textElement, StringBuilder rawStr, StringBuilder linkedStr) { // we process each element contained in the specified text element
        for (Node node : textElement.childNodes()) { // element node
            if (node instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) node;
                String eltName = element.tag().getName();

                // section headers: same thing
                if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H2) || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H3)
                        || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H4) || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H5)
                        || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H6)) {
                    processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // paragraphs inside paragraphs are processed recursively
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_P)) {
                    processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // superscripts are to be avoided
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_SUP)) { // they are either external references or WP inline notes
                                                             // cf.

                // small caps are placed before phonetic transcriptions of names, which we avoid
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_SMALL)) { // we don't need them, and they can mess up NER tools

                // we ignore certain types of span (phonetic trancription, WP buttons...) 
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_SPAN)) {
                    processSpanElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // hyperlinks must be included in the linked string, provided they are not external
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_A)) {
                    processHyperlinkElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // lists
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_UL)) {
                    processListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr, false);
                } else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_OL)) {
                    processListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr, true);
                } else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DL)) {
                    processDescriptionListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // list item
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_LI)) {
                    processTextElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // divisions are just processed recursively
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DIV)) {
                    processDivisionElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // quotes are just processed recursively
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_BLOCKQUOTE)) {
                    processQuoteElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);
                // citation
                else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_CITE)) {
                    processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                // other elements are considered as simple text
                else {
                    String text = element.text();

            // text node
            else if (node instanceof TextNode) { // get the text
                TextNode textNode = (TextNode) node;
                String text = textNode.text();
                // if at the begining of a new line, or already preceeded by a space, remove leading spaces
                while (rawStr.length() > 0
                        && (rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) == '\n' || rawStr.charAt(rawStr.length() - 1) == ' ')
                        && text.startsWith(" "))
                    text = text.substring(1);
                // complete string buffers

     * Pulls a text from a Wikipedia URL without images, tags, etc.
     * @param url
     *       Address of the targetted text.
     * @return
     *       An Article object representing the retrieved object.
     * @throws ReaderException
     *       Problem while retrieving the text.
    public Article read(URL url) throws ReaderException {
        Article result = null;
        String name = getName(url);

        try { // get the page
            String address = url.toString();
            logger.log("Retrieving page " + address);
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Document document = retrieveSourceCode(name, url);

            // get its title
            Element firstHeadingElt = document.getElementsByAttributeValue(XmlNames.ATT_ID, ID_TITLE).get(0);
            String title = firstHeadingElt.text();
            logger.log("Get title: " + title);

            // get raw and linked texts
            logger.log("Get raw and linked texts.");
            StringBuilder rawStr = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder linkedStr = new StringBuilder();
            Element bodyContentElt = document.getElementsByAttributeValue(XmlNames.ATT_ID, ID_CONTENT).get(0);
            // processing each element in the content part
            boolean ignoringSection = false;
            boolean first = true;
            for (Element element : bodyContentElt.children()) {
                String eltName = element.tag().getName();
                String eltClass = element.attr(XmlNames.ATT_CLASS);

                // section headers
                if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H2)) {
                    first = false;
                    // get section name
                    StringBuilder fakeRaw = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder fakeLinked = new StringBuilder();
                    processParagraphElement(element, fakeRaw, fakeLinked);
                    String str = fakeRaw.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                    // check section name
                    if (IGNORED_SECTIONS.contains(str))
                        ignoringSection = true;
                    else {
                        ignoringSection = false;
                        processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                else if (!ignoringSection) { // lower sections
                    if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H3) || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H4)
                            || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H5) || eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_H6)) {
                        first = false;
                        processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // paragraph
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_P)) {
                        String str = element.text();
                        // ignore possible initial disambiguation link
                        if (!first || !str.startsWith(PARAGRAPH_FORTHE)) {
                            first = false;
                            processParagraphElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // list
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_UL)) {
                        first = false;
                        processListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr, false);
                    } else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_OL)) {
                        first = false;
                        processListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr, true);
                    } else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DL)) {
                        first = false;
                        processDescriptionListElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // tables
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_TABLE)) {
                        first = !processTableElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // divisions
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_DIV)) { // ignore possible initial picture 
                        if (!first || eltClass == null || !eltClass.contains(CLASS_THUMB))
                            first = !processDivisionElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // we ignore certain types of span (phonetic trancription, WP buttons...) 
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_SPAN)) {
                        first = !processSpanElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // hyperlinks must be included in the linked string, provided they are not external
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_A)) {
                        first = !processHyperlinkElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // quotes are just processed recursively
                    else if (eltName.equals(XmlNames.ELT_BLOCKQUOTE)) {
                        first = !processQuoteElement(element, rawStr, linkedStr);

                    // other tags are ignored

            // create article object
            result = new Article(name);

            // clean text
            String rawText = rawStr.toString();
            rawText = cleanText(rawText);
            //         rawText = ArticleCleaning.replaceChars(rawText);
            logger.log("Length of the raw text: " + rawText.length() + " chars.");
            String linkedText = linkedStr.toString();
            linkedText = cleanText(linkedText);
            //         linkedText = ArticleCleaning.replaceChars(linkedText);
            logger.log("Length of the linked text: " + linkedText.length() + " chars.");

            // get original html source code
            logger.log("Get original HTML source code.");
            String originalPage = document.toString();
            logger.log("Length of the original page: " + originalPage.length() + " chars.");

            // get the categories of the article 
            List<ArticleCategory> categories = getArticleCategories(result);

            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            logger.log("Total duration: " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException e) {

        return result;

     * Loads the html source code from the cached file,
     * or fetches it from the web server if needed.
     * @param name
     *       Name of the concerned article.
     * @param url
     *       URL of the concerned article.
     * @return
     *       The DOM representation of the original page.
     * @throws IOException
     *       Problem while accessing the cache or web page.
    private Document retrieveSourceCode(String name, URL url) throws IOException {
        Document result = null;
        logger.log("Retrieve HTML source code");

        // check if the cache can/must be used
        String folderPath = FileNames.FO_OUTPUT + File.separator + name;
        File originalFile = new File(folderPath + File.separator + FileNames.FI_ORIGINAL_PAGE);
        if (cache && originalFile.exists()) {
            logger.log("Cache enabled and HTML already retrieved >> we use the cached file ("
                    + originalFile.getName() + ")");
            String sourceCode = FileTools.readTextFile(originalFile);
            result = Jsoup.parse(sourceCode);

        // otherwise, load and cache the html file
        else {
            logger.log("Cache disabled or HTML never retrieved before>> we get it from the web server");

            // use custom page loader
            //         String sourceCode = manuallyReadUrl(url);
            //         System.out.println(sourceCode.toString());
            //         result = new Source(sourceCode);

            // use jericho page loader
            int timeOut = 5000;
            result = Jsoup.parse(url, timeOut);
            String sourceCode = result.toString();

            // cache html source code
            FileTools.writeTextFile(originalFile, sourceCode);

        return result;

     * Reads the source code of the web page at the specified
     * URL.
     * @param url
     *       Address of the web page to be read.
     * @return
     *       String containing the read HTML source code.
     * @throws IOException
     *       Problem while accessing the specified URL.
    private String manuallyReadUrl(URL url) throws IOException {
        boolean trad = false;

        BufferedReader br = null;

        // open page the traditional way
        if (trad) {
            InputStream is = url.openStream();
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
            br = new BufferedReader(isr);

        // open with more options
        else { // setup connection
            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "0");
            //         connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2");
                    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36");

            // setup input stream
            // part retrieved from
            // original author: Marco Beggio
            InputStream is = null;
            String encoding = connection.getContentEncoding();
            if (connection.getContentEncoding() != null && encoding.equals("gzip")) {
                is = new GZIPInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
            } else if (encoding != null && encoding.equals("deflate")) {
                is = new InflaterInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true));
            } else {
                is = connection.getInputStream();

            // alternative to spot error details            
            //         InputStream is;
            //         if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) 
            //            is = connection.getErrorStream();
            //         else 
            //            is = connection.getInputStream();

            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
            br = new BufferedReader(isr);

        // read page
        StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer();
        String line = br.readLine();
        while (line != null) {
            sourceCode.append(line + "\n");
            line = br.readLine();

        String result = sourceCode.toString();
        return result;

    // CLEANING         /////////////////////////////////////////////
     * Cleans the specified string, in order to remove characters
     * causing problems when detecting named entities.
     * @param input
     *       The string to process?
     * @return
     *       Cleaned string.
    protected String cleanText(String input) {
        String output = input.trim();

        String previous = output;
        do {
            previous = output;

            // move punctuation out of hyperlinks
            String punctuation = "[ \\n\\.,;]";
            output = output.replaceAll("<a ([^>]*?)>(" + punctuation + "*)([^<]*?)(" + punctuation + "*)</a>",
                    "$2<a $1>$3</a>$4");
            output = output.replaceAll("<a ([^>]*?)>(\\()([^<]*?)(\\))</a>", "$2<a $1>$3</a>$4");
            output = output.replaceAll("<a ([^>]*?)>(\\[)([^<]*?)(\\])</a>", "$2<a $1>$3</a>$4");

            // replace multiple consecutive spaces by a single one 
            output = output.replaceAll("( )+", " ");

            // replace multiple consecutive newlines by a single one 
            output = output.replaceAll("(\\n)+", "\n");

            // replace multiple space-separated punctuations by single ones 
            //         output = output.replaceAll("; ;", ";");
            //         output = output.replaceAll(", ,", ",");
            //         output = output.replaceAll(": :", ":");
            //         output = output.replaceAll("\\. \\.", "\\.");

            // replace multiple consecutive punctuation marks by a single one 
            output = output.replaceAll("([\\.,;:] )[\\.,;:]", "$1");

            // remove spaces before dots 
            output = output.replaceAll(" \\.", ".");

            // remove space after opening parenthesis
            output = output.replaceAll("\\( +", "(");
            // remove space before closing parenthesis
            output = output.replaceAll(" +\\)", ")");

            // remove various combinations of punctuation marks
            output = output.replaceAll("\\(;", "(");

            // remove empty square brackets and parentheses
            output = output.replaceAll("\\[\\]", "");
            output = output.replaceAll("\\(\\)", "");

            // adds final dot when it is missing at the end of a sentence (itself detected thanks to the new line)
            output = output.replaceAll("([^(\\.|\\-)])\\n", "$1.\n");

            // insert a space after coma, when missing
            output = output.replaceAll(",([^ _])", ", $1");

            // insert a space after semi-column, when missing
            output = output.replaceAll(";([^ _])", "; $1");

            // replace 2 single quotes by double quotes
            output = output.replaceAll("''+", "\"");
        } while (!output.equals(previous));

        return output;