List of usage examples for java.util TreeMap put
public V put(K key, V value)
From source
@Test public void testTimelineMetricCacheProviderGets() throws Exception { Configuration configuration = createNiceMock(Configuration.class); expect(configuration.getMetricCacheTTLSeconds()).andReturn(3600); expect(configuration.getMetricCacheIdleSeconds()).andReturn(100); expect(configuration.getMetricsCacheManagerHeapPercent()).andReturn("10%").anyTimes(); replay(configuration);/*from w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); TimelineMetrics metrics = new TimelineMetrics(); TimelineMetric timelineMetric = new TimelineMetric(); timelineMetric.setMetricName("cpu_user"); timelineMetric.setAppId("app1"); TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues = new TreeMap<Long, Double>(); metricValues.put(now + 100, 1.0); metricValues.put(now + 200, 2.0); metricValues.put(now + 300, 3.0); timelineMetric.setMetricValues(metricValues); metrics.getMetrics().add(timelineMetric); TimelineMetricCacheEntryFactory cacheEntryFactory = createMock(TimelineMetricCacheEntryFactory.class); TimelineAppMetricCacheKey queryKey = new TimelineAppMetricCacheKey(Collections.singleton("cpu_user"), "app1", new TemporalInfoImpl(now, now + 1000, 1)); TimelineMetricsCacheValue value = new TimelineMetricsCacheValue(now, now + 1000, metrics, null); TimelineAppMetricCacheKey testKey = new TimelineAppMetricCacheKey(Collections.singleton("cpu_user"), "app1", new TemporalInfoImpl(now, now + 2000, 1)); expect(cacheEntryFactory.createEntry(anyObject())).andReturn(value); cacheEntryFactory.updateEntryValue(testKey, value); expectLastCall().once(); replay(cacheEntryFactory); TimelineMetricCacheProvider cacheProvider = createMockBuilder(TimelineMetricCacheProvider.class) .addMockedMethod("createCacheConfiguration").withConstructor(configuration, cacheEntryFactory) .createNiceMock(); expect(cacheProvider.createCacheConfiguration()).andReturn(createTestCacheConfiguration(configuration)) .anyTimes(); replay(cacheProvider); TimelineMetricCache cache = cacheProvider.getTimelineMetricsCache(); // call to get metrics = cache.getAppTimelineMetricsFromCache(queryKey); List<TimelineMetric> metricsList = metrics.getMetrics(); Assert.assertEquals(1, metricsList.size()); TimelineMetric metric = metricsList.iterator().next(); Assert.assertEquals("cpu_user", metric.getMetricName()); Assert.assertEquals("app1", metric.getAppId()); Assert.assertSame(metricValues, metric.getMetricValues()); // call to update with new key metrics = cache.getAppTimelineMetricsFromCache(testKey); metricsList = metrics.getMetrics(); Assert.assertEquals(1, metricsList.size()); Assert.assertEquals("cpu_user", metric.getMetricName()); Assert.assertEquals("app1", metric.getAppId()); Assert.assertSame(metricValues, metric.getMetricValues()); verify(configuration, cacheEntryFactory); }
From source
@Override public void exportData(OutputStream outputStream, String sModule, List<SampleId> sampleIDs, ProgressIndicator progress, DBCursor markerCursor, Map<Comparable, Comparable> markerSynonyms, int nMinimumGenotypeQuality, int nMinimumReadDepth, Map<String, InputStream> readyToExportFiles) throws Exception { MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = MongoTemplateManager.get(sModule); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream); if (readyToExportFiles != null) for (String readyToExportFile : readyToExportFiles.keySet()) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(readyToExportFile)); InputStream inputStream = readyToExportFiles.get(readyToExportFile); byte[] dataBlock = new byte[1024]; int count =, 0, 1024); while (count != -1) { zos.write(dataBlock, 0, count); count =, 0, 1024); }/*from www . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } File warningFile = File.createTempFile("export_warnings_", ""); FileWriter warningFileWriter = new FileWriter(warningFile); int markerCount = markerCursor.count(); List<Individual> individuals = getIndividualsFromSamples(sModule, sampleIDs); ArrayList<String> individualList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < sampleIDs.size(); i++) { Individual individual = individuals.get(i); if (!individualList.contains(individual.getId())) { individualList.add(individual.getId()); } } String exportName = sModule + "_" + markerCount + "variants_" + individualList.size() + "individuals"; zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + ".gff3")); String header = "##gff-version 3" + LINE_SEPARATOR; zos.write(header.getBytes()); TreeMap<String, String> typeToOntology = new TreeMap<String, String>(); typeToOntology.put(Type.SNP.toString(), "SO:0000694"); typeToOntology.put(Type.INDEL.toString(), "SO:1000032"); typeToOntology.put(Type.MIXED.toString(), "SO:0001059"); typeToOntology.put(Type.SYMBOLIC.toString(), "SO:0000109"); typeToOntology.put(Type.MNP.toString(), "SO:0001059"); int avgObjSize = (Integer) mongoTemplate .getCollection(mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(VariantRunData.class)).getStats().get("avgObjSize"); int nChunkSize = nMaxChunkSizeInMb * 1024 * 1024 / avgObjSize; short nProgress = 0, nPreviousProgress = 0; long nLoadedMarkerCount = 0; while (markerCursor.hasNext()) { int nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop = 0; Map<Comparable, String> markerChromosomalPositions = new LinkedHashMap<Comparable, String>(); boolean fStartingNewChunk = true; markerCursor.batchSize(nChunkSize); while (markerCursor.hasNext() && (fStartingNewChunk || nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop % nChunkSize != 0)) { DBObject exportVariant =; DBObject refPos = (DBObject) exportVariant.get(VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION); markerChromosomalPositions.put((Comparable) exportVariant.get("_id"), refPos.get(ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE) + ":" + refPos.get(ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE)); nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop++; fStartingNewChunk = false; } List<Comparable> currentMarkers = new ArrayList<Comparable>(markerChromosomalPositions.keySet()); LinkedHashMap<VariantData, Collection<VariantRunData>> variantsAndRuns = MgdbDao.getSampleGenotypes( mongoTemplate, sampleIDs, currentMarkers, true, null /*new Sort(VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ChromosomalPosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE).and(new Sort(VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ChromosomalPosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE))*/); // query mongo db for matching genotypes for (VariantData variant : variantsAndRuns.keySet()) // read data and write results into temporary files (one per sample) { Comparable variantId = variant.getId(); List<String> variantDataOrigin = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Integer> gqValueForSampleId = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Integer> dpValueForSampleId = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, List<String>> individualGenotypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> chromAndPos = Helper.split(markerChromosomalPositions.get(variantId), ":"); if (chromAndPos.size() == 0) LOG.warn("Chromosomal position not found for marker " + variantId); // LOG.debug(marker + "\t" + (chromAndPos.length == 0 ? "0" : chromAndPos[0]) + "\t" + 0 + "\t" + (chromAndPos.length == 0 ? 0l : Long.parseLong(chromAndPos[1])) + LINE_SEPARATOR); if (markerSynonyms != null) { Comparable syn = markerSynonyms.get(variantId); if (syn != null) variantId = syn; } Collection<VariantRunData> runs = variantsAndRuns.get(variant); if (runs != null) for (VariantRunData run : runs) for (Integer sampleIndex : run.getSampleGenotypes().keySet()) { SampleGenotype sampleGenotype = run.getSampleGenotypes().get(sampleIndex); String individualId = individuals .get(sampleIDs.indexOf(new SampleId(run.getId().getProjectId(), sampleIndex))) .getId(); Integer gq = null; try { gq = (Integer) sampleGenotype.getAdditionalInfo().get(VariantData.GT_FIELD_GQ); } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (gq != null && gq < nMinimumGenotypeQuality) continue; Integer dp = null; try { dp = (Integer) sampleGenotype.getAdditionalInfo().get(VariantData.GT_FIELD_DP); } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (dp != null && dp < nMinimumReadDepth) continue; String gtCode = sampleGenotype.getCode(); List<String> storedIndividualGenotypes = individualGenotypes.get(individualId); if (storedIndividualGenotypes == null) { storedIndividualGenotypes = new ArrayList<String>(); individualGenotypes.put(individualId, storedIndividualGenotypes); } storedIndividualGenotypes.add(gtCode); } zos.write((chromAndPos.get(0) + "\t" + StringUtils.join(variantDataOrigin, ";") /*source*/ + "\t" + typeToOntology.get(variant.getType()) + "\t" + Long.parseLong(chromAndPos.get(1)) + "\t" + Long.parseLong(chromAndPos.get(1)) + "\t" + "." + "\t" + "+" + "\t" + "." + "\t") .getBytes()); Comparable syn = markerSynonyms == null ? null : markerSynonyms.get(variant.getId()); zos.write(("ID=" + variant.getId() + ";" + (syn != null ? "Name=" + syn + ";" : "") + "alleles=" + StringUtils.join(variant.getKnownAlleleList(), "/") + ";" + "refallele=" + variant.getKnownAlleleList().get(0) + ";").getBytes()); for (int j = 0; j < individualList .size(); j++ /* we use this list because it has the proper ordering*/) { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); HashMap<String, Integer> compt1 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int highestGenotypeCount = 0; int sum = 0; String individualId = individualList.get(j); List<String> genotypes = individualGenotypes.get(individualId); HashMap<Object, Integer> genotypeCounts = new HashMap<Object, Integer>(); // will help us to keep track of missing genotypes String mostFrequentGenotype = null; if (genotypes != null) for (String genotype : genotypes) { if (genotype.length() == 0) continue; /* skip missing genotypes */ int count = 0; for (String t : variant.getAllelesFromGenotypeCode(genotype)) { for (String t1 : variant.getKnownAlleleList()) { if (t.equals(t1) && !(compt1.containsKey(t1))) { count++; compt1.put(t1, count); } else if (t.equals(t1) && compt1.containsKey(t1)) { if (compt1.get(t1) != 0) { count++; compt1.put(t1, count); } else compt1.put(t1, count); } else if (!(compt1.containsKey(t1))) { compt1.put(t1, 0); } } } for (int countValue : compt1.values()) { sum += countValue; } int gtCount = 1 + MgdbDao.getCountForKey(genotypeCounts, genotype); if (gtCount > highestGenotypeCount) { highestGenotypeCount = gtCount; mostFrequentGenotype = genotype; } genotypeCounts.put(genotype, gtCount); } List<String> alleles = mostFrequentGenotype == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : variant.getAllelesFromGenotypeCode(mostFrequentGenotype); if (alleles.size() != 0) { zos.write(("acounts=" + individualId + ":").getBytes()); for (String knowAllelesCompt : compt1.keySet()) { zos.write( (knowAllelesCompt + " " + nf.format(compt1.get(knowAllelesCompt) / (float) sum) + " " + compt1.get(knowAllelesCompt) + " ").getBytes()); } zos.write((alleles.size() + ";").getBytes()); } if (genotypeCounts.size() > 1) { Comparable sVariantId = markerSynonyms != null ? markerSynonyms.get(variant.getId()) : variant.getId(); warningFileWriter.write("- Dissimilar genotypes found for variant " + (sVariantId == null ? variant.getId() : sVariantId) + ", individual " + individualId + ". Exporting most frequent: " + StringUtils.join(alleles, ",") + "\n"); } } zos.write((LINE_SEPARATOR).getBytes()); } if (progress.hasAborted()) return; nLoadedMarkerCount += nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop; nProgress = (short) (nLoadedMarkerCount * 100 / markerCount); if (nProgress > nPreviousProgress) { // if (nProgress%5 == 0) //"========================= exportData: " + nProgress + "% =========================" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before)/1000 + "s"); progress.setCurrentStepProgress(nProgress); nPreviousProgress = nProgress; } } warningFileWriter.close(); if (warningFile.length() > 0) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + "-REMARKS.txt")); int nWarningCount = 0; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(warningFile)); String sLine; while ((sLine = in.readLine()) != null) { zos.write((sLine + "\n").getBytes()); in.readLine(); nWarningCount++; }"Number of Warnings for export (" + exportName + "): " + nWarningCount); in.close(); } warningFile.delete(); zos.close(); progress.setCurrentStepProgress((short) 100); }
From source
/** * Gets the closest nodes.// w ww .j a va 2 s .c om * * @param near * the near * @param limit * the limit * @param filter * the filter * @return the closest nodes */ public List<Node> getClosestNodes(final Key near, final int limit, final Collection<Key> filter) { synchronized (nodes) { final TreeMap<Key, Node> distMap = new TreeMap<Key, Node>(); final Iterator<Entry<Key, Node>> iter = nodes.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<Key, Node> entry =; if (filter != null && filter.contains(entry.getKey())) { continue; } distMap.put(near.dist(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } final Node[] values = distMap.values().toArray(new Node[0]); return Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(values, Math.min(limit, distMap.size()))); } }
From source
protected Map<Integer, String> readTopics(String file) throws IOException { final TreeMap<Integer, String> topics = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = br.readLine();/*www. j ava2s .c o m*/ while (line != null) { final String[] tok = line.split("\t"); try { topics.put(Integer.parseInt(tok[0]), tok[1].replaceAll("_", " ")); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { } line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); return topics; }
From source
/** * Read the user definitions out of the properties and put the into the map * {@link UserProvider#userMap}.// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m */ public void createUsers() { this.logger.trace("+createUsers"); /* Create an _sorted_ map containing all user definition properties. */ TreeMap<String, String> userDefinitionProperties = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : { if (entry.getKey() != null && entry.getKey().startsWith(BUS_PROPERTY_NAME_START)) { userDefinitionProperties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /* Create a map of UserDefinitions parsed out of the properties. */ HashMap<String, UserDefinition> parsedUserDefinitions = new HashMap<String, UserProvider.UserDefinition>(); UserDefinition userDefinition = null; String userKey = null; for (Map.Entry<String, String> userDefinitionProperty : userDefinitionProperties.entrySet()) { /* Get the user key out of the property name. */ userKey = extractUser(userDefinitionProperty.getKey()); if (userDefinition == null || !userDefinition.getKey().equals(userKey)) { /* New user key extracted out of the property name. */ if (userDefinition != null) { /* Previous UserDefinition finished. Put it into the map. */ parsedUserDefinitions.put(userDefinition.getName(), userDefinition); } /* Create the actual UserDefinition with the user key. */ userDefinition = new UserDefinition(userKey); } /* Setup the content of the property into the UserDefinition. */ if (userDefinitionProperty.getKey().endsWith("userName")) { userDefinition.setName(userDefinitionProperty.getValue()); } else if (userDefinitionProperty.getKey().endsWith("password")) { userDefinition.setPassword(userDefinitionProperty.getValue()); } else if (userDefinitionProperty.getKey().contains(".role.")) { if (userDefinitionProperty.getValue() != null && !userDefinitionProperty.getValue().equals(ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) { userDefinition.addRolename(userDefinitionProperty.getValue()); } } } /* Put the last UserDefinition to the map of parsedUserDefinitions. */ if (userDefinition != null && userDefinition.getName() != null) { parsedUserDefinitions.put(userDefinition.getName(), userDefinition); } /* * Update the userMap. If the userName of the userMap is not part of the * parsedUserDefinitions any more, the user is removed out of the * userMap. */ List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(this.userMap.size()); Collections.addAll(keyList, this.userMap.keySet().toArray(new String[this.userMap.keySet().size()])); for (String userName : keyList) { userDefinition = parsedUserDefinitions.get(userName); if (!parsedUserDefinitions.containsKey(userName)) { this.userMap.remove(userName); } } /* * All UserDefinitions out of the parsedUserDefinitions are mapped to a * User and put into the userMap. */ for (UserDefinition ud : parsedUserDefinitions.values()) { this.userMap.put(ud.getName(), this.getUser(ud)); } this.logger.trace("-createUsers"); }
From source
private void doAccessToken() { // ?TreeMapparameters?????url? TreeMap<String, String> parameters = new TreeMap<String, String>(); // 1.consumerkeyapp???keykey??app?key parameters.put(Constants.ConsumerKeyParameter, consumerKey); Log.d("test", "1.consumerKey:" + consumerKey); // 2.UUID??????? /*/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * ?GUID * * * ??GUID???????10GUID? * ??? FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF */ UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); // ????ws? String guid = uuid.toString(); // nonce parameters.put(Constants.NonceParameter, guid); Log.d("test", "2.guid:" + guid); // 3.?Hmacsha1 parameters.put(Constants.SignatureMethodParameter, HMACSHA1SignatureType); Log.d("test", "3.SignatureMethodParameter:" + HMACSHA1SignatureType); // 4. /* * * * * Unix???UTC??197011000??? ?2014/1/29 * 16:56:58UTC+8UTC2014/1/29 * 8:56:58?Unix160998565813909858181390985818 * ??60? */ parameters.put(Constants.TimestampParameter, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); Log.d("test", "4.TimestampParameter:" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); // 5.XAuth??1.0? parameters.put(Constants.VersionParameter, OAuthVersion); Log.d("test", "5.VersionParameter:" + OAuthVersion); // 6."client_auth" parameters.put(Constants.AuthModeParameter, XAuthMode); Log.d("test", "6.AuthModeParameter:" + XAuthMode); // 7.?8.?? parameters.put(Constants.AuthPasswordParameter, this.xauthPassword); parameters.put(Constants.AuthUsernameParameter, this.xauthUsername); Log.d("test", "7.AuthPasswordParameter:" + xauthPassword); Log.d("test", "8.AuthUsernameParameter:" + xauthUsername); // ???? // ??StringBuffer?String??result StringBuffer resultBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); // http?statusresult Boolean status = TryRequestRemote(BASE_URL + AUTH_URL, "", parameters, resultBuffer); // ?String /* * : oauth_token=88cd54bbf33a4ec79fe297cdd3ac5315 & * oauth_token_secret=a825b4ba2689a77b5cf5b3ee85b371141d3f77c2 & * user_id=111116 & user_type=2 & expires_in=604800 */ String result = resultBuffer.toString(); Log.d("test", "17.result:" + result); if (status) { // HashTable pairs = new HashTable(); Map<String, String> pairs = new HashMap<String, String>(); // resultarr String[] arr = result.split("&"); // ?,oauth_token=test_token_key?Map for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // parts String[] parts = arr[i].split("="); if (parts.length == 2) { pairs.put(parts[0], parts[1]); } } // MaptokenKeytokenSecret String tokenKey1 = pairs.get(Constants.TokenParameter); String tokenSecret1 = pairs.get(Constants.TokenSecretParameter); if ((tokenKey1 != null) && (tokenSecret1 != null)) { // tokenkeytokensecret? token = tokenKey1; tokenSecret = tokenSecret1; Log.d("test", "18.tokenKey:" + token); Log.d("test", "19.tokenSecret:" + tokenSecret); } } }
From source
private void performIndexing(String cur_file_name) throws IOException { int cur_docId; if (!docPaths_to_ids_map.containsKey(cur_file_name)) { cur_docId = num_of_docs_indexed; docPaths_to_ids_map.put(cur_file_name, num_of_docs_indexed); num_of_docs_indexed++;//ww w. j a v a2 s. c o m } else { cur_docId = docPaths_to_ids_map.get(cur_file_name); } if (cur_file_name.endsWith("pdf")) { System.out.println("reading: " + cur_file_name + " file"); String text = null; PDFdoc cur_doc = new PDFdoc(); try { text = cur_doc.extractPDF(installation_directory_path + "\\downloads\\" + cur_file_name); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("can not extract pdf"); System.err.println(); } String[] tokens_arr; if (text == null) { System.out.println("problem to read pdf"); return; } tokens_arr = text.toLowerCase().split("[^a-z]"); int total_words = tokens_arr.length; for (String tokens_arr1 : tokens_arr) { String term = tokens_arr1; if (inverted_index.containsKey(term)) // is this term present in Index? { TreeMap<Integer, Integer> Doc_hashtable; Doc_hashtable = inverted_index.get(term); if (Doc_hashtable.containsKey(cur_docId)) //is this file (value) present in Index ? { Integer TF_of_the_term_in_this_doc = (Integer) inverted_index.get(term).get(cur_docId); TF_of_the_term_in_this_doc++; Doc_hashtable.put(cur_docId, TF_of_the_term_in_this_doc); inverted_index.put(term, Doc_hashtable); } else // Index does not contain this term { Integer TF_of_this_term_in_this_doc = 1; Doc_hashtable.put(cur_docId, TF_of_this_term_in_this_doc); inverted_index.put(term, Doc_hashtable); } } else // Index does not contain this term { Integer TF = 1; TreeMap<Integer, Integer> doc_hashtable = new TreeMap<>(); doc_hashtable.put(cur_docId, TF); inverted_index.put(term, doc_hashtable); } } // System.out.println(inverted_index); documents_len_table.put(cur_docId, new Integer(total_words)); } }
From source
@Test public void testTimelineMetricCacheTimeseriesUpdates() throws Exception { Configuration configuration = createNiceMock(Configuration.class); expect(configuration.getMetricsRequestConnectTimeoutMillis()).andReturn(10000); expect(configuration.getMetricsRequestReadTimeoutMillis()).andReturn(10000); expect(configuration.getMetricsRequestIntervalReadTimeoutMillis()).andReturn(10000); // Disable buffer fudge factor expect(configuration.getMetricRequestBufferTimeCatchupInterval()).andReturn(0l); replay(configuration);/*from w ww. j a v a2s . c o m*/ TimelineMetricCacheEntryFactory factory = createMockBuilder(TimelineMetricCacheEntryFactory.class) .withConstructor(configuration).createMock(); replay(factory); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Existing values final TimelineMetric timelineMetric1 = new TimelineMetric(); timelineMetric1.setMetricName("cpu_user"); timelineMetric1.setAppId("app1"); TreeMap<Long, Double> metricValues = new TreeMap<Long, Double>(); metricValues.put(now - 100, 1.0); metricValues.put(now - 200, 2.0); metricValues.put(now - 300, 3.0); timelineMetric1.setMetricValues(metricValues); final TimelineMetric timelineMetric2 = new TimelineMetric(); timelineMetric2.setMetricName("cpu_nice"); timelineMetric2.setAppId("app1"); metricValues = new TreeMap<Long, Double>(); metricValues.put(now + 400, 1.0); metricValues.put(now + 500, 2.0); metricValues.put(now + 600, 3.0); timelineMetric2.setMetricValues(metricValues); TimelineMetrics existingMetrics = new TimelineMetrics(); existingMetrics.getMetrics().add(timelineMetric1); existingMetrics.getMetrics().add(timelineMetric2); TimelineMetricsCacheValue existingMetricValue = new TimelineMetricsCacheValue(now - 1000, now + 1000, existingMetrics, null); // New values TimelineMetrics newMetrics = new TimelineMetrics(); TimelineMetric timelineMetric3 = new TimelineMetric(); timelineMetric3.setMetricName("cpu_user"); timelineMetric3.setAppId("app1"); metricValues = new TreeMap<Long, Double>(); metricValues.put(now + 1400, 1.0); metricValues.put(now + 1500, 2.0); metricValues.put(now + 1600, 3.0); timelineMetric3.setMetricValues(metricValues); newMetrics.getMetrics().add(timelineMetric3); factory.updateTimelineMetricsInCache(newMetrics, existingMetricValue, now, now + 2000, false); Assert.assertEquals(2, existingMetricValue.getTimelineMetrics().getMetrics().size()); TimelineMetric newMetric1 = null; TimelineMetric newMetric2 = null; for (TimelineMetric metric : existingMetricValue.getTimelineMetrics().getMetrics()) { if (metric.getMetricName().equals("cpu_user")) { newMetric1 = metric; } if (metric.getMetricName().equals("cpu_nice")) { newMetric2 = metric; } } Assert.assertNotNull(newMetric1); Assert.assertNotNull(newMetric2); Assert.assertEquals(3, newMetric1.getMetricValues().size()); Assert.assertEquals(3, newMetric2.getMetricValues().size()); Map<Long, Double> newMetricsMap = newMetric1.getMetricValues(); Iterator<Long> metricKeyIterator = newMetricsMap.keySet().iterator(); Assert.assertEquals(now + 1400,; Assert.assertEquals(now + 1500,; Assert.assertEquals(now + 1600,; verify(configuration, factory); }
From source
@Test public void testDeckTransform_nullParamValue() throws SAXException, IOException, TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException { // Retrieve the control card data for Dutch English CAH (so can assume // all pre-processing complete). Document xml = this.getDocument("/data/control/cards/netherlands.xml"); Deck customDeck = new Deck(xml); customDeck.setErrorListener(new ProgressReporter()); // Create a container to hold the result of the transformation DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = Deck.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = documentBuilder.newDocument(); DOMResult result = new DOMResult(document); // Build the parameter list TreeMap<String, String> params = new TreeMap<String, String>(); params.put("path-to-dictionary", TestDeck.DICTIONARY_DATA_ENGLISH.getAbsolutePath()); params.put("output-language", null); customDeck.transform(new DOMSource(xml), Deck.getXsl(Deck.PATH_TO_TRANSLATION_XSL), result, params); // Retrieve the control card data for American CAH. Document expected = xml;//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m // Check that the result is the same cards, translated into American // English (which is the default output language). assertXMLEqual(expected, document); }
From source
@Test public void testTreeMap() { TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); map.put("a", "b"); TreeMap result =, TreeMap.class); assertNotNull(result);//from w ww. j a va 2 s.c o m assertEquals(1, result.size()); }