Example usage for java.util TimerTask subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.util TimerTask subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util TimerTask subclass-usage.


From source file com.taobao.common.tfs.impl.CacheMetric.java

class CacheMetric extends TimerTask {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CacheMetric.class);

    // consider efficiency and current use,
    // no (need) atomic guarantee. user should be responsible.
    private int hitCount = 0;

From source file edu.vt.middleware.ldap.pool.ValidatePoolTask.java

 * <code>ValidatePoolTask</code> is a periodic task that checks that every ldap
 * object in the pool is valid. Objects that don't pass validation are removed.
 * @param  <T>  type of ldap object

From source file edu.vt.middleware.ldap.pool.PrunePoolTask.java

 * <code>PrunePoolTask</code> is a periodic task that removes available ldap
 * objects from the pool if the objects have been in the pool longer than a
 * configured expiration time and the pool size is above it's configured
 * minimum. Task will skip execution if the pool has any active objects.

From source file gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.fileaccess.FileCleanupThread.java

 * Performs file cleanup operations. Files must be added to the FileCleanupThread
 * Collection in order to be removed when this threads run method is executed.
 * @author Jevon Gill
public final class FileCleanupThread extends TimerTask {

From source file fr.aliasource.index.solr.impl.IndexOptimizer.java

public class IndexOptimizer extends TimerTask {

    private SolrClient sc;
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(IndexOptimizer.class);

    public IndexOptimizer(SolrClient sc) {

From source file com.wsl.marketconsolescraper.logic.ScrapeTimerTask.java

 * Runs the scraper when called by a Timer.
 * @author lance
public class ScrapeTimerTask extends TimerTask {

From source file yadrone.Regulator.java

 * @author Vegard
public class Regulator extends TimerTask {

From source file br.com.colmeiatecnologia.EmailMarketing.model.ThreadEnviaEmail.java

 * @author Rogrio Eduardo Pereira <rogerio@groupsofter.com.br>
 * @version 1.0
public class ThreadEnviaEmail extends TimerTask {

From source file com.yobidrive.diskmap.PackThread.java

 * pack thread, will purge overflow and deleted block, and move current active data to different channel
 * the trigger conditions could be reached by the overflow size > trigger size
 * or user could issue pack command
 * only user call pack() to activate it

From source file org.openmrs.module.emrmonitor.task.EmrMonitorTask.java

 * Generic superclass for an EmrMonitor task
public abstract class EmrMonitorTask extends TimerTask {

    Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());