Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package yadrone; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.TimerTask; import; /** * * @author Vegard */ public class Regulator extends TimerTask { private float[] droneInputs = new float[4]; private float yawAct; private float zAct; private boolean autoMode; private final float TIME_SHIFT; private NavDataListener navData; private DroneControl dc; private DataHandler dh; private PIDController yawPID; private PIDController zPID; private PIDController pitchPID; private boolean isReset; private boolean scanning; private long lastRun; private long lastTime; public Regulator(DroneControl dc, DataHandler dh, int CYCLE_TIME) { TIME_SHIFT = (float) CYCLE_TIME / 1000f; navData = new NavDataListener(dc.getDrone()); this.dh = dh; setupControllers(); autoMode = false; this.dc = dc; lastTime = 0; // autoMode = true; // for testing purposes, remove before flight! } public synchronized boolean isAutoMode() { return autoMode; } public synchronized void setAutoMode(boolean autoMode) { this.autoMode = autoMode; } /* Drone dynamics are unknown, these methods are for tuning the gain parameters in order to achieve acceptable performance @param: Kp = proportional gain, Ki = integral gain, Kd = derivative gain */ public synchronized void setKpYaw(float kpYaw) { yawPID.setKp(kpYaw); } public synchronized void setKiYaw(float kiYaw) { yawPID.setKi(kiYaw); } public synchronized void setKdYaw(float kdYaw) { yawPID.setKd(kdYaw); } public synchronized void setKpZ(float kpZ) { zPID.setKp(kpZ); } public synchronized void setKiZ(float kiZ) { zPID.setKi(kiZ); } public synchronized void setKdZ(float kdZ) { zPID.setKd(kdZ); } public synchronized void setKpPitch(float kpPitch) { pitchPID.setKp(kpPitch); } public synchronized void setKiPitch(float kiPitch) { pitchPID.setKi(kiPitch); } public synchronized void setKdPitch(float kdPitch) { pitchPID.setKd(kdPitch); } public synchronized float getKpYaw() { return yawPID.getKp(); } public synchronized float getKiYaw() { return yawPID.getKi(); } public synchronized float getKdYaw() { return yawPID.getKd(); } public synchronized float getKpZ() { return zPID.getKp(); } public synchronized float getKiZ() { return zPID.getKi(); } public synchronized float getKdZ() { return zPID.getKd(); } public synchronized float getKpPitch() { return pitchPID.getKp(); } public synchronized float getKiPitch() { return pitchPID.getKi(); } public synchronized float getKdPitch() { return pitchPID.getKd(); } @Override public void run() { // Only run while drone is in autonomous mode, and the drone has found a hulahoop if (autoMode && dh.HasCircle()) { float[] diff = new float[4]; float dist_err = 0; // Get values from the datahandler class try { diff = dh.GetDiff(); dist_err = dh.getDistanceDiff(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Automode: " + e); } // Get navdata from the navDataListener yawAct = navData.getYaw() / 1000f; // angles from the drone is in 1/1000 degrees zAct = navData.getExtAltitude().getRaw() / 1000f; // altitude from the drone is in mm // Run the yaw axis calculations float yaw = diff[0]; float yawDes = yawAct + yaw; // convert desired angular movement to global yaw coordinates if (yawDes >= 180f) { yawDes = (yawAct - 360f) + yaw; // Compensate for illegal desired angles (-180<yaw<180) } else if (yawDes <= -180f) { yawDes = (yawAct + 360f) + yaw; } yawPID.setSetpoint(mapAngles(yawDes)); // map the desired yaw angle to values in [-1,1] yawPID.setReference(mapAngles(yawAct)); // map the actual yaw angle to values in [-1,1] droneInputs[3] = yawPID.runPID(); // Run the z-axis (altitude) calculations float z = diff[1] / 100f; float zDes = zAct + z; // Convert desired upward movement to altitude referenced from ground zPID.setSetpoint(zDes); zPID.setReference(zAct); droneInputs[2] = zPID.runPID(); // Get a (rough) estimate of the distance error to the ring float dist = 0; float dist_input = dist - dist_err; // negative pich angle means forward movement, this compensates for that pitchPID.setSetpoint(dist); pitchPID.setReference(dist_input); droneInputs[1] = pitchPID.runPID(); // droneInputs[1]=0; // DEBUG // System.out.println("YAW D/A/I: " + String.format("%.3f", yawDes) + "/" // + String.format("%.3f", yawAct) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", droneInputs[3]) // + " ALTITUDE D/A/I: " + String.format("%.3f", zDes) + "/" // + String.format("%.3f", zAct) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", droneInputs[2]) // + " DISTANCE D/A/I: " + String.format("%.3f", dist) + "/" // + String.format("%.3f", dist_input) + "/" + String.format("%.3f", droneInputs[1])); droneInputs[0] = 0f; // Roll angle = 0; dc.move(droneInputs); scanning = false; isReset = false; lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // If the drone is in automode and has not found a circle, scan the surroundings if (autoMode && !dh.HasCircle() && !scanning) { // Reset the PIDs pitchPID.reset(); yawPID.reset(); zPID.reset(); droneInputs[0] = droneInputs[1] = droneInputs[2] = droneInputs[3] = 0f; dc.move(droneInputs); // Scan the surroundings for rings if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime > 1000) { droneInputs[3] = 0.05f; // Set a yaw speed for scanning droneInputs[0] = droneInputs[1] = droneInputs[2] = 0f; dc.move(droneInputs); scanning = true; isReset = true; } } // If not in automode, reset the controllers (once) if (!autoMode && !isReset) { // if the drone is not in autoMode, we reset the controllers droneInputs[0] = droneInputs[1] = droneInputs[2] = droneInputs[3] = 0f; pitchPID.reset(); zPID.reset(); yawPID.reset(); isReset = true; scanning = false; } // Print out the time between regulator cycles // System.out.println("Time since last run regulator: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRun)); lastRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /* convert angles between -180 to 180 into values between -1 and 1 (float) */ private float mapAngles(float angle) { return angle / 180f; } private void setupControllers() { // set up the PD-controller for the yaw axis yawPID = new PIDController(0, 0, 0, TIME_SHIFT); yawPID.setContinuous(); yawPID.setInputRange(-1f, 1f); yawPID.setOutputRange(-0.5f, 0.5f); // set up the P-controller for the z axis zPID = new PIDController(0, 0, 0, TIME_SHIFT); zPID.setContinuous(false); zPID.setOutputRange(-0.5f, 0.5f); // set up the PD-controller for the pitch axis pitchPID = new PIDController(0, 0, 0, TIME_SHIFT); pitchPID.setContinuous(false); // Limit the pitch angle, aggressive manouvers are not desirable pitchPID.setOutputRange(-0.2f, 0.2f); // Load and set PID gains loadAndSetGainParameters(); } private void loadAndSetGainParameters() { String s; try { s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\PIDparameters.txt")); String[] paramStrs = s.split(" "); float[] params = new float[Array.getLength(paramStrs)]; for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(paramStrs); i++) { params[i] = Float.valueOf(paramStrs[i]); } yawPID.setKp(params[0]); yawPID.setKi(params[1]); yawPID.setKd(params[2]); zPID.setKp(params[3]); zPID.setKi(params[4]); zPID.setKd(params[5]); pitchPID.setKp(params[6]); pitchPID.setKi(params[7]); pitchPID.setKd(params[8]); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Parameter Loading Failed: " + ex); } } }