Example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream

List of usage examples for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream.


public static <T> Stream<T> stream(Spliterator<T> spliterator, boolean parallel) 

Source Link


Creates a new sequential or parallel Stream from a Spliterator .


From source file:com.hotelbeds.distribution.hotel_api_sdk.HotelApiClient.java

private <T> Stream<T> getStreamOf(final String language, final boolean useSecondaryLanguage, ContentType type)
        throws HotelApiSDKException {
    try {/*from   ww w . j a  va  2  s.  co m*/
        return StreamSupport.stream(new ContentElementSpliterator<T>(this, type,
                generateDefaultFullRequest(language, useSecondaryLanguage, type)), false);
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new HotelApiSDKException(
                new HotelbedsError("SDK Configuration error", e.getCause().getMessage()));

From source file:org.hawkular.inventory.impl.tinkerpop.test.BasicTest.java

public void testResources() throws Exception {
    TetraFunction<String, String, String, String, Void> test = (tenantId, environmentId, resourceTypeId,
            id) -> {/*from   w  w  w .  ja  v a 2  s . c o m*/
        GremlinPipeline<Graph, Vertex> q = new GremlinPipeline<Graph, Vertex>(graph).V().has("__type", "tenant")
                .has("__eid", tenantId).out("contains").has("__type", "environment").has("__eid", environmentId)
                .out("contains").has("__type", "resource").has("__eid", id).as("resource").in("defines")
                .has("__type", "resourceType").has("__eid", resourceTypeId).back("resource").cast(Vertex.class);

        assert q.hasNext();

        Resource r = inventory.tenants().get(tenantId).environments().get(environmentId).feedlessResources()
                .getAll(Defined.by(new ResourceType(tenantId, resourceTypeId, "1.0")), With.id(id)).entities()
        assert r.getId().equals(id);

        return null;

    test.apply("com.acme.tenant", "production", "URL", "host1");
    test.apply("com.example.tenant", "test", "Playroom", "playroom1");
    test.apply("com.example.tenant", "test", "Playroom", "playroom2");

    GraphQuery query = graph.query().has("__type", "resource");
    Assert.assertEquals(6, StreamSupport.stream(query.vertices().spliterator(), false).count());

From source file:org.eclipse.hawkbit.repository.jpa.JpaRolloutManagement.java

private void deleteScheduledActions(final JpaRollout rollout, final Slice<JpaAction> scheduledActions) {
    final boolean hasScheduledActions = scheduledActions.getNumberOfElements() > 0;

    if (hasScheduledActions) {
        try {/*  w  w w  .j  a  v a2 s  .co m*/
            final Iterable<JpaAction> iterable = scheduledActions::iterator;
            final List<Long> actionIds = StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false).map(Action::getId)
            afterCommit.afterCommit(() -> eventPublisher.publishEvent(
                    new RolloutUpdatedEvent(rollout, EventPublisherHolder.getInstance().getApplicationId())));
        } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Exception during deletion of actions of rollout {}", rollout, e);

From source file:com.joyent.manta.client.MantaClient.java

 * Return a stream of the contents of a directory in Manta.
 * @param path The fully qualified path of the directory.
 * @return A {@link Stream} of {@link MantaObjectResponse} listing the contents of the directory.
 * @throws IOException thrown when there is a problem getting the listing over the network
 *//*from   www  .j  a va 2  s .  co  m*/
public Stream<MantaObject> listObjects(final String path) throws IOException {
    final MantaDirectoryListingIterator itr = streamingIterator(path);

    /* We preemptively check the iterator for a next value because that will
     * trigger an error if the path doesn't exist or is otherwise inaccessible.
     * This error typically takes the form of an UncheckedIOException, so we
     * unwind that exception if the cause is a MantaClientHttpResponseException
     * and rethrow another MantaClientHttpResponseException, so that the
     * stacktrace will point to this running method.
    try {
        if (!itr.hasNext()) {
            return Stream.empty();
    } catch (UncheckedIOException e) {
        if (e.getCause() instanceof MantaClientHttpResponseException) {
            throw e.getCause();
        } else {
            throw e;

    final int additionalCharacteristics = Spliterator.CONCURRENT | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL
            | Spliterator.DISTINCT;

    Stream<Map<String, Object>> backingStream = StreamSupport
            .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(itr, additionalCharacteristics), false);

    Stream<MantaObject> stream = backingStream.map(MantaObjectConversionFunction.INSTANCE).onClose(itr::close);


    return stream;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.mongodb.services.TestMongoDbCrudService.java

public void testJsonRepositoryCalls_common(final ICrudService<JsonNode> service,
        MongoDbCrudService<JsonNode, String> original) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

    // Single object get

    final Future<Optional<JsonNode>> obj1 = service.getObjectById("id1");

    assertEquals("{ \"_id\" : \"id1\" , \"test_string\" : \"test_string1\" , \"test_long\" : 1}",

    // Multi object get

    final QueryComponent<JsonNode> query_2 = CrudUtils.allOf().rangeAbove("_id", "id4", false)
            .withPresent("test_long").orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_long", 1)).limit(4);

    try (Cursor<JsonNode> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query_2, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {//  w ww . j  a  v a2 s . co  m

        assertEquals(6, cursor.count()); // (count ignores limit)

        final List<JsonNode> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(4, objs.size());

        final DBObject first_obj = original.convertToBson(objs.get(0));

        assertEquals("{ \"_id\" : \"id4\" , \"test_long\" : 4}", first_obj.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // Delete

    assertEquals(10L, (long) service.countObjects().get());

    final QueryComponent<JsonNode> query_5b = CrudUtils.allOf().rangeAbove("_id", "id4", false)
            .withPresent("test_long").orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_long", 1)).limit(4);

    assertEquals(4L, (long) service.deleteObjectsBySpec(query_5b).get());

    assertEquals(6L, (long) original._state.coll.count());

    //TODO: also need to do an update and a findAndModify

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.services.DataBucketCrudService.java

/** A utility routine to check whether the bucket is allowed to be in this location
 * @param bucket - the bucket to validate
 * @return a future containing validation errors based on the path
 *///from  ww w . j a v  a 2  s .  c o m
private CompletableFuture<Collection<BasicMessageBean>> validateOtherBucketsInPathChain(
        final DataBucketBean bucket) {
    final MethodNamingHelper<DataBucketBean> helper = BeanTemplateUtils.from(DataBucketBean.class);
    final String bucket_full_name = normalizeBucketPath(bucket.full_name(), true);

    return this._underlying_data_bucket_db.get().getObjectsBySpec(getPathQuery(bucket_full_name),
            Arrays.asList(helper.field(DataBucketBean::full_name)), true).thenApply(cursor -> {
                return StreamSupport.stream(cursor.spliterator(), false).filter(b -> (null == b.full_name()))
                        .<BasicMessageBean>map(b -> {
                            final String norm_name = normalizeBucketPath(b.full_name(), true);
                            if (norm_name.startsWith(bucket_full_name)) {
                                //TODO (ALEPH-19) call out other function, create BasicMessageBean error if not
                                return null;
                            } else if (norm_name.startsWith(bucket_full_name)) {
                                //TODO (ALEPH-19) call out other function, create BasicMessageBean error if not
                                return null;
                            } else { // we're good
                                return null;
                        }).filter(err -> err != null).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:org.xwiki.repository.internal.RepositoryManager.java

private boolean isGivenVersionOneOfExtensionVersions(ExtensionRepository repository, String extensionId,
        String extensionVersion) throws ResolveException {
    IterableResult<Version> versions = repository.resolveVersions(extensionId, 0, -1);
    return StreamSupport.stream(versions.spliterator(), false)
            .anyMatch(version -> version.getValue().equals(extensionVersion));

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.elasticsearch.services.TestElasticsearchCrudService.java

public void multiObjectRetrieve() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

    final ElasticsearchCrudService<TestBean> service = getTestService("multiObjectRetrieve", TestBean.class);

    final List<TestBean> l = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 9).boxed()
            .map(i -> BeanTemplateUtils.build(TestBean.class).with("_id", "id" + i)
                    .with("test_string", "test_string" + i).with("test_long", (Long) (long) i).done().get())

    service.storeObjects(l).get();/*from  ww w.  ja v  a 2  s .  c o  m*/

    assertEquals(10, service.countObjects().get().intValue());

    service.optimizeQuery(Arrays.asList("test_string")).get(); // (The get() waits for completion)

    // 1) Simple retrieve, no fields specified - sort

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class)
            .rangeAbove("test_string", "test_string4", true).withPresent("test_long")
            .orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_string", -1));

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query).get()) {

        assertEquals(5, cursor.count());

        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(5, objs.size());

        final JsonNode first_obj = BeanTemplateUtils.toJson(objs.get(0));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // 2) Simple retrieve, field specified (exclusive) - sort and limit

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query_2 = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class)
            .rangeAbove("test_string", "test_string4", false).withPresent("test_long")
            .orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_long", 1)).limit(4);

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query_2, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {

        assertEquals(6, cursor.count()); // (count ignores limit)

        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(4, objs.size());

        final JsonNode first_obj = BeanTemplateUtils.toJson(objs.get(0));

        assertEquals("{\"_id\":\"id4\",\"test_long\":4}", first_obj.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // 3) Simple retrieve, no docs returned

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query_3 = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class)
            .rangeAbove("test_string", "test_string9", true).withPresent("test_long").limit(4);

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query_3, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {
        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(0, objs.size());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // 4) Test on an index that doens't exists, check the same

    final ElasticsearchCrudService<TestBean> service2 = getTestService("multiObjectRetrieve_missing",
            TestBean.class, false, Optional.empty());

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query_4 = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class)
            .rangeAbove("test_string", "test_string9", true).withPresent("test_long").limit(4);

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service2.getObjectsBySpec(query_4, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {
        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(0, objs.size());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.services.TestElasticsearchIndexService.java

public void test_endToEnd_autoTime(boolean test_not_create_mode, Optional<String> primary_name)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    final Calendar time_setter = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
    time_setter.set(2015, 1, 1, 13, 0, 0);
    final String bucket_str = Resources.toString(
            Charsets.UTF_8);/*from   w w w  .j a v a  2s  . c o  m*/
    final DataBucketBean bucket = BeanTemplateUtils.build(bucket_str, DataBucketBean.class)
            .with("_id", "test_end_2_end")
            .with("full_name", "/test/end-end/auto-time" + primary_name.map(s -> "/" + s).orElse(""))
            .with("modified", time_setter.getTime()).done().get();

    final String template_name = ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getBaseIndexName(bucket, primary_name);

    // Check starting from clean

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } // (This is fine, just means it doesn't exist)      
        try {
            _crud_factory.getClient().admin().indices().prepareDelete(template_name + "*").execute()
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } // (This is fine, just means it doesn't exist)      

        final GetIndexTemplatesRequest gt = new GetIndexTemplatesRequest().names(template_name);
        final GetIndexTemplatesResponse gtr = _crud_factory.getClient().admin().indices().getTemplates(gt)
        assertTrue("No templates to start with", gtr.getIndexTemplates().isEmpty());

    // If the primary buffer is specified then create it and switch to it
    primary_name.ifPresent(primary -> {
                .flatMap(s -> s.getWritableDataService(JsonNode.class, bucket, Optional.empty(), primary_name))

        _index_service.getDataService().get().switchCrudServiceToPrimaryBuffer(bucket, primary_name,
                Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());

    // (note pass Optional.empty() in regardless of primary, since it should return the non-default primary regardless)
    final ICrudService<JsonNode> index_service_crud = _index_service.getDataService()
            .flatMap(s -> s.getWritableDataService(JsonNode.class, bucket, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()))

    // Check template added:

        final GetIndexTemplatesRequest gt2 = new GetIndexTemplatesRequest().names(template_name);
        final GetIndexTemplatesResponse gtr2 = _crud_factory.getClient().admin().indices().getTemplates(gt2)
                "Cache should contain the template: " + _index_service._bucket_template_cache.asMap().keySet(),
                        .containsKey(bucket._id() + primary_name.map(s -> ":" + s).orElse("") + ":true"));
        assertEquals(1, gtr2.getIndexTemplates().size());

    // Get batch sub-service

    final Optional<ICrudService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> batch_service = index_service_crud
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ICrudService.IBatchSubservice.class, Optional.empty())
            .map(t -> (IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>) t);

        assertTrue("Batch service must exist", batch_service.isPresent());

    // Get information about the crud service

    final ElasticsearchContext es_context = (ElasticsearchContext) index_service_crud
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ElasticsearchContext.class, Optional.empty()).get();

        assertTrue("Read write index", es_context instanceof ElasticsearchContext.ReadWriteContext);
        assertTrue("Temporal index", es_context
                .indexContext() instanceof ElasticsearchContext.IndexContext.ReadWriteIndexContext.TimedRwIndexContext);
        assertTrue("Auto type", es_context
                .typeContext() instanceof ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext);

        // Check the the context contains the invalid 

        final ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext context = (ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext) es_context


    // Write some docs out

    Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).stream().map(i -> {
        time_setter.set(2015, i, 1, 13, 0, 0);
        return time_setter.getTime();
    }).map(d -> (ObjectNode) _mapper.createObjectNode().put("@timestamp", d.getTime())).forEach(o -> {
        ObjectNode o1 = o.deepCopy();
        o1.set("val1", _mapper.createObjectNode().put("val2", "test"));
        ObjectNode o2 = o.deepCopy();
        o2.put("val1", "test");
        batch_service.get().storeObject(o1, false);
        batch_service.get().storeObject(o2, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
        if (index_service_crud.countObjects().get() >= 10) {
            System.out.println("Test end 2 end: (Got all the records)");
    Thread.sleep(2100L); // sleep another 2s+e for the aliases)

    // Check an alias per time slice gets created also
    Arrays.asList("_2015.02.01", "_2015.03.01", "_2015.04.01", "_2015.05.01", "_2015.06.01").stream()
            .forEach(time_suffix -> {
                final List<String> aliases = getAliasedBuffers(bucket, Optional.of(time_suffix));
                assertEquals(Arrays.asList(template_name + time_suffix), aliases);

    // Check the top level alias is created
    final List<String> aliases = this.getMainAliasedBuffers(bucket);
    assertEquals(Arrays.asList("_2015.02.01", "_2015.03.01", "_2015.04.01", "_2015.05.01", "_2015.06.01")
            .stream().map(x -> template_name + x).collect(Collectors.toList()), aliases);

    final GetMappingsResponse gmr = es_context.client().admin().indices()
            .prepareGetMappings(template_name + "*").execute().actionGet();

    // Should have 5 different indexes, each with 2 types + _default_

    assertEquals(5, gmr.getMappings().keys().size());
    final Set<String> expected_keys = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).stream()
            .map(i -> template_name + "_2015.0" + (i + 1) + ".01").collect(Collectors.toSet());
    final Set<String> expected_types = Arrays.asList("_default_", "type_1", "type_2").stream()

    if (test_not_create_mode)
        StreamSupport.stream(gmr.getMappings().spliterator(), false).forEach(x -> {
                    "Is one of the expected keys: " + x.key + " vs  "
                            + expected_keys.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(":")),
            //System.out.println(" ? " + x.key);
            StreamSupport.stream(x.value.spliterator(), false).forEach(Lambdas.wrap_consumer_u(y -> {
                //System.out.println("?? " + y.key + " --- " + y.value.sourceAsMap().toString());
                // Size 3: _default_, type1 and type2
                assertTrue("Is expected type: " + y.key, expected_types.contains(y.key));
            // Size 3: _default_, type_1, type_2 
            assertEquals("Should have 3 indexes: " + x.value.toString(), 3, x.value.size());

    if (test_not_create_mode)
        test_handleDeleteOrPurge(bucket, primary_name, true);