Example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream

List of usage examples for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream StreamSupport stream.


public static <T> Stream<T> stream(Spliterator<T> spliterator, boolean parallel) 

Source Link


Creates a new sequential or parallel Stream from a Spliterator .


From source file:fr.landel.utils.assertor.utils.AssertorIterable.java

private static <I extends Iterable<T>, T> boolean hasInOrder(final I iterable1, final Iterable<T> iterable2,
        final boolean not, final EnumAnalysisMode analysisMode) {

    long found = 0;
    final int size1 = IterableUtils.size(iterable1);
    final int size2 = IterableUtils.size(iterable2);

    if (size1 < size2) {
        return not;
    } else if (size1 == size2) {
        return not ^ iterable1.equals(iterable2);
    }//from  ww w. j a  v  a  2s  .com

    if (EnumAnalysisMode.STANDARD.equals(analysisMode)) {
        final Iterator<T> iterator1 = iterable1.iterator();
        Iterator<T> iterator2 = iterable2.iterator();

        // not empty pre-check, so we call next directly
        T value2 = iterator2.next();
        while (iterator1.hasNext() && found < size2) {
            if (Objects.equals(iterator1.next(), value2)) {
                if (iterator2.hasNext()) {
                    value2 = iterator2.next();
            } else if (found > 0) {
                found = 0;
                iterator2 = iterable2.iterator();
                value2 = iterator2.next();
    } else {
        final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);

        final List<T> list2 = IterableUtils.toList(iterable2);

        StreamSupport.stream(iterable1.spliterator(), EnumAnalysisMode.PARALLEL.equals(analysisMode))
                .forEachOrdered(o -> {
                    int inc = count.get();
                    if (inc < size2) {
                        if (Objects.equals(o, list2.get(inc))) {
                        } else if (inc > 0) {

        found = count.get();

    return not ^ (found == size2);

From source file:org.obiba.agate.service.UserService.java

 * Update user profile from a JSON representation.
 * @param user/*  ww  w.  j  a  v  a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param profile
 * @throws JSONException
public void updateUserProfile(User user, JSONObject profile) throws JSONException {
    Iterable<String> iterable = profile::keys;
    StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false).forEach(k -> {
        String value;
        try {
            value = profile.get(k) == null ? null : profile.get(k).toString();
            if ("firstname".equals(k)) {
            } else if ("lastname".equals(k)) {
            } else if ("email".equals(k)) {
            } else if ("locale".equals(k)) {
            } else {
                user.getAttributes().put(k, value);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to read profile value '{}'", k, e);


From source file:io.apiman.manager.api.rest.impl.OrganizationResourceImpl.java

public void deleteClient(@PathParam("organizationId") String organizationId,
        @PathParam("clientId") String clientId)
        throws OrganizationNotFoundException, NotAuthorizedException, EntityStillActiveException {
    try {//from   w  ww. j  a  v  a 2s. c  om
        if (!securityContext.hasPermission(PermissionType.clientAdmin, organizationId))
            throw ExceptionFactory.notAuthorizedException();

        ClientBean client = storage.getClient(organizationId, clientId);
        if (client == null) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.clientNotFoundException(clientId);
        Iterator<ClientVersionBean> clientVersions = storage.getAllClientVersions(organizationId, clientId);
        Iterable<ClientVersionBean> iterable = () -> clientVersions;

        List<ClientVersionBean> registeredElems = StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false)
                .filter(clientVersion -> clientVersion.getStatus() == ClientStatus.Registered).limit(5)

        if (!registeredElems.isEmpty()) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.entityStillActiveExceptionClientVersions(registeredElems);

        log.debug("Deleted ClientApp: " + client.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (AbstractRestException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SystemErrorException(e);

From source file:enumj.Enumerator.java

 * Returns a sequential {@code Stream} streaming over the current
 * enumerator.//from   w  w w .  ja v a 2 s  .c  om
 * @return the new {@link Stream}.
 * @see #asSpliterator()
 * @see #asSupplier()
public default Stream<E> asStream() {
    return StreamSupport.stream(asSpliterator(), false);

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.mongodb.services.TestMongoDbCrudService.java

public void multiObjectRetrieve() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

    final MongoDbCrudService<TestBean, String> service = getTestService("multiObjectRetrieve", TestBean.class,

    final List<TestBean> l = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 9).boxed()
            .map(i -> BeanTemplateUtils.build(TestBean.class).with("_id", "id" + i)
                    .with("test_string", "test_string" + i).with("test_long", (Long) (long) i).done().get())

    service.storeObjects(l);// w w w. ja  v a 2  s .c  om

    assertEquals(10, service._state.orig_coll.count());

    service.optimizeQuery(Arrays.asList("test_string")).get(); // (The get() waits for completion)

    // For asserting vs strings where possible:
    final JacksonDBCollection<TestBean, String> mapper = service._state.coll;

    // 1) Simple retrieve, no fields specified - sort

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class).rangeAbove("_id", "id4", true)
            .withPresent("test_long").orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_string", -1));

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query).get()) {

        assertEquals(5, cursor.count());

        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(5, objs.size());

        final DBObject first_obj = mapper.convertToDbObject(objs.get(0));

        assertEquals("{ \"_id\" : \"id9\" , \"test_string\" : \"test_string9\" , \"test_long\" : 9}",
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // 2) Simple retrieve, field specified (exclusive) - sort and limit

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query_2 = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class).rangeAbove("_id", "id4", false)
            .withPresent("test_long").orderBy(Tuples._2T("test_long", 1)).limit(4);

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query_2, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {

        assertEquals(6, cursor.count()); // (count ignores limit)

        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(4, objs.size());

        final DBObject first_obj = mapper.convertToDbObject(objs.get(0));

        assertEquals("{ \"_id\" : \"id4\" , \"test_long\" : 4}", first_obj.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

    // 3) Simple retrieve, no docs returned

    final QueryComponent<TestBean> query_3 = CrudUtils.allOf(TestBean.class).rangeAbove("_id", "id9", true)

    try (Cursor<TestBean> cursor = service.getObjectsBySpec(query_3, Arrays.asList("test_string"), false)
            .get()) {
        final List<TestBean> objs = StreamSupport.stream(Optionals.ofNullable(cursor).spliterator(), false)

        assertEquals(0, objs.size());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //(fail on close, normally carry on - but here error out)
        fail("getObjectsBySpec errored on close");

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Tensor.java

 * Coord stream stream.// www .ja  v  a2  s  .c o m
 * @param parallel the safe
 * @return the stream
public Stream<Coordinate> coordStream(boolean parallel) {
    //ConcurrentHashSet<Object> distinctBuffer = new ConcurrentHashSet<>();
    //assert distinctBuffer.add(coordinate.copy()) : String.format("Duplicate: %s in %s", coordinate, distinctBuffer);
    return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliterator(new Iterator<Coordinate>() {

        int cnt = 0;
        Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate();
        int[] val = new int[dimensions.length];
        int[] safeCopy = new int[dimensions.length];

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return cnt < length();

        public synchronized Coordinate next() {
            if (0 < cnt) {
                for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
                    if (++val[i] >= dimensions[i]) {
                        val[i] = 0;
                    } else {
            System.arraycopy(val, 0, safeCopy, 0, val.length);
            return parallel ? coordinate.copy() : coordinate;
    }, length(), Spliterator.ORDERED), parallel);

From source file:org.opennms.netmgt.config.DiscoveryConfigFactory.java

 * <p>getExcludingInterator</p>
 * @param it a {@link java.util.Iterator} object.
 * @return a {@link java.util.Iterator} object.
 *///from  www.ja  v  a 2 s.c o m
public Iterator<IPPollAddress> getExcludingInterator(final Iterator<IPPollAddress> it) {
    return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(it, ORDERED | IMMUTABLE), false)
            // Filter out excluded addresses
            .filter(item -> !isExcluded(item.getAddress())).iterator();

From source file:org.onosproject.p4runtime.ctl.P4RuntimeClientImpl.java

private Collection<PiCounterCellData> doReadCounterEntities(Collection<Entity> counterEntities,
        PiPipeconf pipeconf) {//from  w w  w  .ja  v a 2s  . c o m

    if (counterEntities.size() == 0) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    final ReadRequest request = ReadRequest.newBuilder().setDeviceId(p4DeviceId).addAllEntities(counterEntities)

    final Iterable<ReadResponse> responses;
    try {
        responses = () -> blockingStub.read(request);
    } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
        log.warn("Unable to read counter cells from {}: {}", deviceId, e.getMessage());
        return Collections.emptyList();

    List<Entity> entities = StreamSupport.stream(responses.spliterator(), false)

    return CounterEntryCodec.decodeCounterEntities(entities, pipeconf);

From source file:io.apiman.manager.api.rest.impl.OrganizationResourceImpl.java

public void deleteApi(@PathParam("organizationId") String organizationId, @PathParam("apiId") String apiId)
        throws OrganizationNotFoundException, NotAuthorizedException, EntityStillActiveException {
    try {//  w w w.  j  a v a2  s.  c om
        if (!securityContext.hasPermission(PermissionType.apiAdmin, organizationId))
            throw ExceptionFactory.notAuthorizedException();

        ApiBean api = storage.getApi(organizationId, apiId);
        if (api == null) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.apiNotFoundException(apiId);

        Iterator<ApiVersionBean> apiVersions = storage.getAllApiVersions(organizationId, apiId);
        Iterable<ApiVersionBean> iterable = () -> apiVersions;

        List<ApiVersionBean> registeredElems = StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false)
                .filter(clientVersion -> clientVersion.getStatus() == ApiStatus.Published).limit(5)

        if (!registeredElems.isEmpty()) {
            throw ExceptionFactory.entityStillActiveExceptionApiVersions(registeredElems);
        log.debug("Deleted API: " + api.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (AbstractRestException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SystemErrorException(e);

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.core.project.impl.UpdateProjectHandler.java

 * Validate candidates for unassign from projects, and update default
 * project if it required//from   w w  w  . j ava  2 s  .co m
 * @param users
 * @param projectName
private void processCandidateForUnaassign(Iterable<User> users, String projectName) {
    List<User> updated = StreamSupport.stream(users.spliterator(), false)
            .filter(it -> it.getDefaultProject().equals(projectName)).map(it -> {
                return it;