Example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toSet

List of usage examples for java.util.stream Collectors toSet


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toSet.


public static <T> Collector<T, ?, Set<T>> toSet() 

Source Link


Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Set .


From source file:demo.enumj.EnumeratorDemo.java

private static void demoCollect(String pre) {
    final Enumerator<Integer> en = Enumerator.of(_123);
    final Set<Integer> s = en.collect(Collectors.toSet());
    System.out.println(pre + "Elements of collected set:");
    for (Integer i : s) {
        System.out.println(pre + pre + i);
    }//from   www  . j a  v a2 s  .co m

From source file:arxiv.xml.XMLParser.java

 * Parse a single record of article metadata.
 * @throws ParseException if there is a parsing error
 *//*from ww w  . j  av  a  2  s. c o m*/
private ArticleMetadata parseRecord(RecordType xmlRecord, ZonedDateTime retrievalDateTime) {
    ArticleMetadata.ArticleMetadataBuilder articleBuilder = ArticleMetadata.builder();

    HeaderType header = xmlRecord.getHeader();
            .deleted(header.getStatus() != null && header.getStatus() == StatusType.DELETED);

    JAXBElement<ArXivRawType> jaxbElement = (JAXBElement<ArXivRawType>) xmlRecord.getMetadata().getAny();

    ArXivRawType metadata = jaxbElement.getValue();
                    .map(versionType -> ArticleVersion.builder()

    return articleBuilder.build();

From source file:com.netflix.conductor.dao.dynomite.RedisExecutionDAOTest.java

public void testTaskCreateDups() throws Exception {
    List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<>();
    String workflowId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        Task task = new Task();
        task.setScheduledTime(1L);//w ww.ja  va2s  .  c o m
        task.setTaskId(workflowId + "_t" + i);
        task.setReferenceTaskName("t" + i);
        task.setTaskDefName("task" + i);

    //Let's insert a retried task
    Task task = new Task();
    task.setTaskId(workflowId + "_t" + 2);
    task.setReferenceTaskName("t" + 2);
    task.setTaskDefName("task" + 2);

    //Duplicate task!
    task = new Task();
    task.setTaskId(workflowId + "_t" + 1);
    task.setReferenceTaskName("t" + 1);
    task.setTaskDefName("task" + 1);

    List<Task> created = dao.createTasks(tasks);
    assertEquals(tasks.size() - 1, created.size()); //1 less

    Set<String> srcIds = tasks.stream().map(t -> t.getReferenceTaskName() + "." + t.getRetryCount())
    Set<String> createdIds = created.stream().map(t -> t.getReferenceTaskName() + "." + t.getRetryCount())

    assertEquals(srcIds, createdIds);

    List<Task> pending = dao.getPendingTasksByWorkflow("task0", workflowId);
    assertEquals(1, pending.size());
    assertTrue(EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(tasks.get(0), pending.get(0)));

    List<Task> found = dao.getTasks(tasks.get(0).getTaskDefName(), null, 1);
    assertEquals(1, found.size());
    assertTrue(EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(tasks.get(0), found.get(0)));

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.services.MultiDataService.java

/** User c'tor - standard case
 * @param bucket/*from w ww  .j  a  v a  2 s .co m*/
 * @param context
 * @param maybe_get_buffer_name
protected MultiDataService(final DataBucketBean bucket, final IServiceContext context,
        final Optional<Function<IGenericDataService, Optional<String>>> maybe_get_storage_type,
        final Optional<Function<IGenericDataService, Optional<String>>> maybe_get_buffer_name) {
    // Insert or overwrite mode:
    _doc_write_mode = getWriteMode(bucket);

    _services = DataServiceUtils.selectDataServices(bucket.data_schema(), context);

    _services.asMap().entrySet().stream().forEach(kv -> {
        final Set<String> vals = kv.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet());
        // (the order doesn't really matter here, so just to "look" sensible:)
        if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.SearchIndexSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_index_service = t2._1();
            _batch_index_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        } else if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.DocumentSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_doc_service = t2._1();
            _batch_doc_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        } else if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_data_warehouse_service = t2._1();
            _batch_data_warehouse_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        } else if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.GraphSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_graph_service = t2._1();
            _batch_graph_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        } else if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_columnar_service = t2._1();
            _batch_columnar_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        } else if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.TemporalSchemaBean.name)) {
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type, maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_temporal_service = t2._1();
            _batch_temporal_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);
        if (vals.contains(DataSchemaBean.StorageSchemaBean.name)) { // (note storage is a bit different, fix the "processed mode")
            Tuple2<IDataWriteService<JsonNode>, IDataWriteService.IBatchSubservice<JsonNode>> t2 = getWriters(
                    bucket, kv.getKey(), maybe_get_storage_type.map(Optional::of).orElseGet(() -> {
                        return Optional
                                .of(__ -> Optional.of(IStorageService.StorageStage.processed.toString()));
                    }), maybe_get_buffer_name);
            _crud_storage_service = t2._1();
            _batch_storage_service = t2._2();
            storeWriters(t2, vals);

From source file:io.gravitee.repository.mongodb.management.MongoApiRepository.java

private Set<Api> mapApis(Collection<ApiMongo> apis) {
    return apis.stream().map(this::mapApi).collect(Collectors.toSet());

From source file:ddf.catalog.metacard.duplication.DuplicationValidator.java

private ValidationViolation reportDuplicates(final Metacard metacard, String[] attributeNames,
        ValidationViolation.Severity severity) {

    Set<String> duplicates = new HashSet<>();
    ValidationViolation violation = null;

    final Set<String> uniqueAttributeNames = Stream.of(attributeNames)
            .filter(attribute -> metacard.getAttribute(attribute) != null).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    final Set<Attribute> uniqueAttributes = uniqueAttributeNames.stream()
            .map(attribute -> metacard.getAttribute(attribute)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    if (!uniqueAttributes.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Checking for duplicates for id {} against attributes [{}]", metacard.getId(),

        SourceResponse response = query(uniqueAttributes);
        if (response != null) {
            response.getResults().forEach(result -> duplicates.add(result.getMetacard().getId()));
        }//from w  w w  .  j av  a 2s  .  com
        if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {

            violation = createViolation(uniqueAttributeNames, duplicates, severity);
    return violation;

From source file:com.devicehive.websockets.handlers.NotificationHandlers.java

 * Implementation of the <a href="http://www.devicehive.com/restful#WsReference/Client/notificationunsubscribe">
 * WebSocket API: Client: notification/unsubscribe</a> Unsubscribes from device notifications.
 * @param session Current session/* w  ww .j  ava2s  .  co m*/
 * @return Json object with the following structure <code> { "action": {string}, "status": {string}, "requestId":
 * {object} } </code>
@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated() and hasPermission(null, 'GET_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION')")
public WebSocketResponse processNotificationUnsubscribe(JsonObject request, WebSocketSession session) {
    HivePrincipal principal = (HivePrincipal) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
    Optional<String> subId = Optional.ofNullable(request.get(SUBSCRIPTION_ID)).map(s -> {
        try {
            return s.getAsString();
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
            logger.error("Subscription Id is null");
            return StringUtils.EMPTY;
    Set<String> deviceGuids = gson.fromJson(request.get(DEVICE_GUIDS), JsonTypes.STRING_SET_TYPE);
    logger.debug("notification/unsubscribe action. Session {} ", session.getId());
    if (!subId.isPresent() && deviceGuids == null) {
        List<DeviceVO> actualDevices = deviceService
                .list(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, principal).join();
        deviceGuids = actualDevices.stream().map(DeviceVO::getGuid).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        notificationService.unsubscribe(null, deviceGuids);
    } else if (subId.isPresent()) {
        notificationService.unsubscribe(subId.get(), deviceGuids);
    } else {
        notificationService.unsubscribe(null, deviceGuids);
    logger.debug("notification/unsubscribe completed for session {}", session.getId());

    ((CopyOnWriteArraySet) session.getAttributes().get(SUBSCSRIPTION_SET_NAME)).remove(subId);
    return new WebSocketResponse();

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.EvaluationOrderImpl.java

public Collection<QName> getExtraRelations() {
    return orderMap.entrySet().stream()
            .filter(e -> !ObjectTypeUtil.isMembershipRelation(e.getKey())
                    && !ObjectTypeUtil.isDelegationRelation(e.getKey()) && e.getValue() > 0)
            .map(e -> e.getKey()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

From source file:com.epam.dlab.backendapi.service.impl.LibraryServiceImpl.java

private Document getLibsOfActiveComputationalResources(Document document) {
    Document computationalLibs = (Document) document.get(ExploratoryLibDAO.COMPUTATIONAL_LIBS);

    if (document.get(ExploratoryDAO.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES) != null) {
        List<Document> computationalResources = (List<Document>) document

        Set<String> terminated = computationalResources.stream().filter(
                doc -> doc.getString(BaseDAO.STATUS).equalsIgnoreCase(UserInstanceStatus.TERMINATED.toString()))
                .map(doc -> doc.getString("computational_name")).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    }// w  w  w  . j  a va 2s  . co m

    return computationalLibs;

From source file:net.dv8tion.jda.core.managers.GuildController.java

 * Creates a new {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Emote Emote} in this Guild.
 * <br>If one or more Roles are specified the new Emote will only be available to Members with any of the specified Roles (see {@link Member#canInteract(Emote)})
 * <br>For this to be successful, the logged in account has to have the {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission#MANAGE_EMOTES MANAGE_EMOTES} Permission.
 * <p><b><u>Unicode emojis are not included as {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Emote Emote}!</u></b>
 * <br>Roles may only be available for whitelisted accounts.
 * <p>Possible {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.ErrorResponse ErrorResponses} caused by
 * the returned {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.RestAction RestAction} include the following:
 * <ul>/*from   w  w w . j a v a2  s . c  om*/
 *     <li>{@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.ErrorResponse#MISSING_PERMISSIONS MISSING_PERMISSIONS}
 *     <br>The emote could not be created due to a permission discrepancy</li>
 *     <li>{@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.ErrorResponse#MISSING_ACCESS MISSING_ACCESS}
 *     <br>We were removed from the Guild before finishing the task</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param  name
 *         The name for the new Emote
 * @param  icon
 *         The {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Icon} for the new Emote
 * @param  roles
 *         The {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Role Roles} the new Emote should be restricted to
 *         <br>If no roles are provided the Emote will be available to all Members of this Guild
 * @throws net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.PermissionException
 *         If the logged in account does not have the {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.Permission#MANAGE_EMOTES MANAGE_EMOTES} Permission
 * @throws net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.GuildUnavailableException
 *         If the guild is temporarily not {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild#isAvailable() available}
 * @throws net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.AccountTypeException
 *         If the logged in account is not from {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.AccountType#CLIENT AccountType.CLIENT}
 * @return {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.restaction.AuditableRestAction AuditableRestAction} - Type: {@link net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Emote Emote}
 *         <br>The newly created Emote
public AuditableRestAction<Emote> createEmote(String name, Icon icon, Role... roles) {
    Checks.notNull(name, "emote name");
    Checks.notNull(icon, "emote icon");

    if (getJDA().getAccountType() != AccountType.CLIENT)
        throw new AccountTypeException(AccountType.CLIENT);

    JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
    body.put("name", name);
    body.put("image", icon.getEncoding());
    if (roles.length > 0) // making sure none of the provided roles are null before mapping them to the snowflake id

    Route.CompiledRoute route = Route.Emotes.CREATE_EMOTE.compile(guild.getId());
    return new AuditableRestAction<Emote>(getJDA(), route, body) {
        protected void handleResponse(Response response, Request<Emote> request) {
            if (response.isOk()) {
                JSONObject obj = response.getObject();
                final long id = obj.getLong("id");
                String name = obj.getString("name");
                EmoteImpl emote = new EmoteImpl(id, guild).setName(name);
                // managed is false by default, should always be false for emotes created by client accounts.

                JSONArray rolesArr = obj.getJSONArray("roles");
                Set<Role> roleSet = emote.getRoleSet();
                for (int i = 0; i < rolesArr.length(); i++) {

                // put emote into cache
                ((GuildImpl) guild).getEmoteMap().put(id, emote);

            } else