Example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toSet

List of usage examples for java.util.stream Collectors toSet


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toSet.


public static <T> Collector<T, ?, Set<T>> toSet() 

Source Link


Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Set .


From source file:com.vmware.admiral.compute.container.volume.VolumeUtil.java

 * Creates additional affinity rules between container descriptions which share
 * local volumes. Each container group should be deployed on a single host.
 *//* w w  w .  j a v  a  2 s. c  om*/
public static void applyLocalNamedVolumeConstraints(Collection<ComponentDescription> componentDescriptions) {

    Map<String, ContainerVolumeDescription> volumes = filterDescriptions(ContainerVolumeDescription.class,

    List<String> localVolumes = volumes.values().stream().filter(v -> DEFAULT_VOLUME_DRIVER.equals(v.driver))
            .map(v -> v.name).collect(Collectors.toList());

    if (localVolumes.isEmpty()) {

    Map<String, ContainerDescription> containers = filterDescriptions(ContainerDescription.class,

    // sort containers by local volume: each set is a group of container names
    // that share a particular local volume
    List<Set<String>> localVolumeContainers = localVolumes.stream()
            .map(v -> filterByVolume(v, containers.values())).filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())

    if (localVolumeContainers.isEmpty()) {

    /** Merge sets of containers sharing local volumes
     *  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6
     *   \  /\  /   |    \  /
     *    L1  L2    L3    L4
     *    Input: [C1, C2], [C2, C3], [C4], [C5, C6]
     *    Output: [C1, C2, C3], [C4], [C5, C6]
    localVolumeContainers = mergeSets(localVolumeContainers);

    Map<String, List<ContainerVolumeDescription>> containerToVolumes = containers.values().stream()
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(cd -> cd.name, cd -> filterVolumes(cd, volumes.values())));

    Map<String, Integer> containerToDriverCount = containerToVolumes.entrySet().stream()
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(),
                    e -> e.getValue().stream().map(vd -> vd.driver).collect(Collectors.toSet()).size()));

    for (Set<String> s : localVolumeContainers) {
        if (s.size() > 1) {
            // find the container with highest number of required drivers
            int max = s.stream().map(cn -> containerToDriverCount.get(cn))
                    .max((vc1, vc2) -> Integer.compare(vc1, vc2)).get();
            Set<String> maxDrivers = s.stream().filter(cn -> containerToDriverCount.get(cn) == max)

            String maxCont = maxDrivers.iterator().next();
            s.stream().forEach(cn -> addAffinity(maxCont, containers.get(cn)));

From source file:com.yahoo.elide.graphql.ModelBuilder.java

 * Builds a GraphQL schema.//from  w  ww.  j a va  2s .  c  o  m
 * @return The built schema.
public GraphQLSchema build() {
    Set<Class<?>> allClasses = dictionary.getBindings();

    if (allClasses.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("None of the provided classes are exported by Elide");

    Set<Class<?>> rootClasses = allClasses.stream().filter(dictionary::isRoot).collect(Collectors.toSet());

     * Walk the object graph (avoiding cycles) and construct the GraphQL input object types.
    dictionary.walkEntityGraph(rootClasses, this::buildInputObjectStub);

    /* Construct root object */
    GraphQLObjectType.Builder root = newObject().name("__root");
    for (Class<?> clazz : rootClasses) {
        String entityName = dictionary.getJsonAliasFor(clazz);
                .argument(buildInputObjectArgument(clazz, true)).type(buildConnectionObject(clazz)));

    GraphQLObjectType queryRoot = root.build();
    GraphQLObjectType mutationRoot = root.name("__mutation_root").build();

     * Walk the object graph (avoiding cycles) and construct the GraphQL output object types.
    dictionary.walkEntityGraph(rootClasses, this::buildConnectionObject);

    /* Construct the schema */
    GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(queryRoot).mutation(mutationRoot)
            .build(new HashSet<>(
                    CollectionUtils.union(connectionObjectRegistry.values(), inputObjectRegistry.values())));

    return schema;

From source file:software.uncharted.service.ImageService.java

public Set<Image> searchByHistogram(String histogram) {
    // Create a set of all the lsh clusters
    final Set<Image> lshUnions = Sets.newHashSet();
    imageHashers.stream().map(hasher -> hasher.calcLSHstring(histogram))
            .forEach(lsh -> lshUnions.addAll(searchByHash(lsh)));

    // filter to once that have close histograms
    return lshUnions.stream().filter(i -> i.hasSimilarHistogram(histogram)).collect(Collectors.toSet());

From source file:io.gravitee.repository.jdbc.JdbcApiRepository.java

public Set<Api> findByApplication(String application) throws TechnicalException {
    final List<ApiApplicationJpa> apiApplications = internalJpaApiApplicationRepository

    return apiApplications.stream().map(apiApplication -> apiJpaConverter.convertTo(apiApplication.getApi()))

From source file:com.codenvy.api.audit.server.AuditManager.java

private void printAllUsers(Path auditReport) throws ServerException {
    Page<UserImpl> currentPage = userManager.getAll(30, 0);
    do {//from   w  w w  . j  a  v  a2s . c  o  m
        //Print users with their workspaces from current page
        for (UserImpl user : currentPage.getItems()) {
            List<WorkspaceImpl> workspaces;
            try {
                workspaces = workspaceManager.getWorkspaces(user.getId());
                Set<String> workspaceIds = workspaces.stream().map(WorkspaceImpl::getId)
                //add workspaces witch are belong to user, but user doesn't have permissions for them.
                        .filter(workspace -> !workspaceIds.contains(workspace.getId()))
            } catch (ServerException exception) {
                        "Failed to receive list of related workspaces for user " + user.getId(), auditReport);
            Map<String, AbstractPermissions> wsPermissions = new HashMap<>();
            for (WorkspaceImpl workspace : workspaces) {
                try {
                            permissionsManager.get(user.getId(), DOMAIN_ID, workspace.getId()));
                } catch (NotFoundException | ConflictException ignored) {
                    //User doesn't have permissions for workspace
            reportPrinter.printUserInfoWithHisWorkspacesInfo(auditReport, user, workspaces, wsPermissions);

    } while ((currentPage = getNextPage(currentPage)) != null);

From source file:com.devicehive.dao.riak.UserDaoRiakImpl.java

public long hasAccessToDevice(UserVO user, String deviceGuid) {
    Set<Long> networkIds = userNetworkDao.findNetworksForUser(user.getId());
    for (Long networkId : networkIds) {
        Set<DeviceVO> devices = networkDeviceDao.findDevicesForNetwork(networkId).stream()
        if (devices != null) {
            long guidCount = devices.stream().map(DeviceVO::getGuid).filter(g -> g.equals(deviceGuid)).count();
            if (guidCount > 0) {
                return guidCount;
            }//  www.j a  v  a 2 s.  c  om
    return 0L;

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.modeshape.user.JcrUserGroup.java

@Override//from w w  w  . j  a  va  2 s.  c o  m
public Set<UserGroup> getContainingGroups() {
    return streamContainingGroupNodes(this.node)
            .map(node -> (UserGroup) JcrUtil.toJcrObject(node, JcrUserGroup.NODE_TYPE, JcrUserGroup.class))

From source file:com.github.aptd.simulation.TestCLanguageLabels.java

 * check package translation configuration versus property items
 */// ww w.j a va  2 s.  c o m
public void testTranslation() {
    assumeTrue("no languages are defined for checking", !LANGUAGEPROPERY.isEmpty());

    // --- read language definitions from the configuration
    final Set<String> l_translation = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
                    .map(i -> i.trim().toLowerCase()).collect(Collectors.toSet()));

    // --- check if a test (language resource) exists for each definied language
    final Set<String> l_translationtesting = new HashSet<>(l_translation);
            "configuration defines {1,choice,1#translation|1<translations} {0} that {1,choice,1#is|1<are} not tested",
            l_translationtesting, l_translationtesting.size()), !l_translationtesting.isEmpty());

    // --- check unused language resource files
    final Set<String> l_translationusing = new HashSet<>(LANGUAGEPROPERY.keySet());
            "{1,choice,1#translation|1<translations} {0} {1,choice,1#is|1<are} checked, which will not be used within the package configuration",
            l_translationusing, l_translationusing.size()), !l_translationusing.isEmpty());

From source file:eu.tripledframework.eventstore.infrastructure.ReflectionObjectConstructor.java

private Constructor getEventHandlerConstructor(DomainEvent event) {
    Set<Constructor> constructors = Arrays.stream(targetClass.getConstructors())
            .filter(contructor -> contructor.isAnnotationPresent(ConstructionHandler.class))
    for (Constructor constructor : constructors) {
        ConstructionHandler constructionHandlerAnnotation = (ConstructionHandler) constructor
        if (constructionHandlerAnnotation.value().equals(event.getClass())) {
            return constructor;
        }//from w  w w .j  av  a  2  s.  c  o  m
    return null;

From source file:alfio.controller.api.support.TicketHelper.java

public List<TicketFieldConfigurationDescriptionAndValue> findTicketFieldConfigurationAndValue(int eventId,
        Ticket ticket, Locale locale) {

    List<Ticket> ticketsInReservation = ticketRepository
    //WORKAROUND: we only add the additionalServiceItems related fields only if it's the _first_ ticket of the reservation
    boolean isFirstTicket = ticketsInReservation.get(0).getId() == ticket.getId();

    Map<Integer, TicketFieldDescription> descriptions = ticketFieldRepository.findTranslationsFor(locale,
            eventId);/*from  w w w  . j  a va2s. c  o m*/
    Map<String, TicketFieldValue> values = ticketFieldRepository.findAllByTicketIdGroupedByName(ticket.getId());
    Function<TicketFieldConfiguration, String> extractor = (f) -> Optional.ofNullable(values.get(f.getName()))
    List<AdditionalServiceItem> additionalServiceItems = isFirstTicket
            ? additionalServiceItemRepository.findByReservationUuid(ticket.getTicketsReservationId())
            : Collections.emptyList();
    Set<Integer> additionalServiceIds = additionalServiceItems.stream()
    return ticketFieldRepository
            .findAdditionalFieldsForEvent(eventId).stream().filter(f -> f.getContext() == ATTENDEE || Optional
            .map(f -> {
                int count = Math
                        .max(1, Optional
                                .ofNullable(f.getAdditionalServiceId()).map(id -> (int) additionalServiceItems
                                        .stream().filter(i -> i.getAdditionalServiceId() == id).count())
                return new TicketFieldConfigurationDescriptionAndValue(f,
                        descriptions.getOrDefault(f.getId(), TicketFieldDescription.MISSING_FIELD), count,