List of usage examples for java.util Scanner useDelimiter
public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern)
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protected static String readDMLScript(String argname, String script) throws IOException, LanguageException { boolean fromFile = argname.equals("-f"); String dmlScriptStr;//w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m if (fromFile) { //read DML script from file if (script == null) throw new LanguageException("DML script path was not specified!"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader in = null; try { //read from hdfs or gpfs file system if (script.startsWith("hdfs:") || script.startsWith("gpfs:")) { if (!LocalFileUtils.validateExternalFilename(script, true)) throw new LanguageException("Invalid (non-trustworthy) hdfs filename."); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf()); Path scriptPath = new Path(script); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } // from local file system else { if (!LocalFileUtils.validateExternalFilename(script, false)) throw new LanguageException("Invalid (non-trustworthy) local filename."); in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(script)); } //core script reading String tmp = null; while ((tmp = in.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(tmp); sb.append("\n"); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to read the script from the file system", ex); throw ex; } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } dmlScriptStr = sb.toString(); } else { //parse given script string if (script == null) throw new LanguageException("DML script was not specified!"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(script.getBytes()); Scanner scan = new Scanner(is); dmlScriptStr = scan.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); scan.close(); } return dmlScriptStr; }
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public static GM_Position readCoordinateShiftValues(final FileObject pFile) { GM_Position lPosRes = null;// w w w. j av a 2s. c o m Scanner scannerFile = null; Scanner scannerLine = null; try { FileObject swanShiftCoordFileObject = pFile.getParent() .getChild(ISimulation1D2DConstants.SIM_SWAN_COORD_SHIFT_FILE); if (swanShiftCoordFileObject == null) { return lPosRes; } File lFile = new File(swanShiftCoordFileObject.getURL().toURI()); scannerFile = new Scanner(lFile); Double lDoubleShiftY = null; Double lDoubleShiftX = null; while (scannerFile.hasNextLine()) { String lStrNextLine = scannerFile.nextLine(); if (lStrNextLine.contains("=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ scannerLine = new Scanner(lStrNextLine); scannerLine.useDelimiter("="); //$NON-NLS-1$ String lStrValueName =; String lStrValue =; if (ISimulation1D2DConstants.SIM_SWAN_COORD_SHIFT_X.equalsIgnoreCase(lStrValueName)) { lDoubleShiftX = Double.parseDouble(lStrValue); } else if (ISimulation1D2DConstants.SIM_SWAN_COORD_SHIFT_Y.equalsIgnoreCase(lStrValueName)) { lDoubleShiftY = Double.parseDouble(lStrValue); } scannerLine.close(); } else { // System.out.println("Empty or invalid line. Unable to process. Processing the results without shift!"); } } if (lDoubleShiftX != null && lDoubleShiftY != null) lPosRes = GeometryFactory.createGM_Position(lDoubleShiftX, lDoubleShiftY); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (scannerFile != null) scannerFile.close(); if (scannerLine != null) scannerLine.close(); } return lPosRes; }
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/** * Creates a link for the OpenCms workplace that will reload the whole workplace, switch to the explorer view, the * site of the given explorerRootPath and show the folder given in the explorerRootPath. * <p>/*from w w w. ja v a 2s.c om*/ * * @param cms * the cms object * * @param explorerRootPath * a root relative folder link (has to end with '/'). * * @return a link for the OpenCms workplace that will reload the whole workplace, switch to the explorer view, the * site of the given explorerRootPath and show the folder given in the explorerRootPath. */ public static String getWorkplaceExplorerLink(final CmsObject cms, final String explorerRootPath) { // split the root site: StringBuffer siteRoot = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer('/'); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(explorerRootPath); scanner.useDelimiter("/"); int count = 0; while (scanner.hasNext()) { if (count < 2) { siteRoot.append('/').append(; } else { if (count == 2) { path.append('/'); } path.append(; path.append('/'); } count++; } String targetSiteRoot = siteRoot.toString(); String targetVfsFolder = path.toString(); // build the link StringBuilder link2Source = new StringBuilder(); link2Source.append("/system/workplace/views/workplace.jsp?"); link2Source.append(CmsWorkplace.PARAM_WP_EXPLORER_RESOURCE); link2Source.append("="); link2Source.append(targetVfsFolder); link2Source.append("&"); link2Source.append(CmsFrameset.PARAM_WP_VIEW); link2Source.append("="); link2Source.append(OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLinkForUnknownTarget(cms, "/system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_fs.jsp")); link2Source.append("&"); link2Source.append(CmsWorkplace.PARAM_WP_SITE); link2Source.append("="); link2Source.append(targetSiteRoot); String result = link2Source.toString(); result = OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLinkForUnknownTarget(cms, result); return result; }
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/** * /*w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param argname * @param arg * @return * @throws IOException * @throws LanguageException */ protected static String readDMLScript(String argname, String script) throws IOException, LanguageException { boolean fromFile = argname.equals("-f") ? true : false; String dmlScriptStr = null; if (fromFile) { //read DML script from file if (script == null) throw new LanguageException("DML script path was not specified!"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader in = null; try { //read from hdfs or gpfs file system if (script.startsWith("hdfs:") || script.startsWith("gpfs:")) { if (!LocalFileUtils.validateExternalFilename(script, true)) throw new LanguageException("Invalid (non-trustworthy) hdfs filename."); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf()); Path scriptPath = new Path(script); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } // from local file system else { if (!LocalFileUtils.validateExternalFilename(script, false)) throw new LanguageException("Invalid (non-trustworthy) local filename."); in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(script)); } //core script reading String tmp = null; while ((tmp = in.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(tmp); sb.append("\n"); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to read the script from the file system", ex); throw ex; } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } dmlScriptStr = sb.toString(); } else { //parse given script string if (script == null) throw new LanguageException("DML script was not specified!"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(script.getBytes()); Scanner scan = new Scanner(is); dmlScriptStr = scan.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); scan.close(); } return dmlScriptStr; }
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public KnowledgeBooksNlpGenerateRdfPropertiesFromWebPages(String config_file_path, PrintWriter out) throws IOException { this.out = out; extractNames = new ExtractNames(); autoTagger = new AutoTagger(); List<String> lines = (List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(config_file_path)); for (String line : lines) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(" "); try {//from w ww. j a v a 2 s .co m String starting_url =; int spider_depth = Integer.parseInt(; spider(starting_url, spider_depth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } this.out.close(); }
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public List<String> getMostFrequentWordsInText(String input) { int maxRes = 4; Scanner in = new Scanner(input); in.useDelimiter("\\s+"); Map<String, Integer> words = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); while (in.hasNext()) { String word =;// w w w .java 2s . c o m if (!StringUtils.isAlpha(word) || word.length() < 4) continue; if (!words.containsKey(word)) { words.put(word, 1); } else { words.put(word, words.get(word) + 1); } } words = ValueSortMap.sortMapByValue(words, false); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(words.keySet()); if (results.size() > maxRes) results = results.subList(0, maxRes); // get maxRes elements return results; }
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@Test public void main() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory()); URL resource = GenerateRegressionDocsTest.class.getResource("/regression/all.yaml"); DataModel data = mapper.readValue(Paths.get(resource.toURI()).toFile(), DataModel.class); //System.out.println(ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(data, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)); for (String collection : data.getCollections().keySet()) { Map<String, String> valuesMap = new HashMap<>(); valuesMap.put("index_cmds", data.generateIndexingCommand(collection)); valuesMap.put("ranking_cmds", data.generateRankingCommand(collection)); valuesMap.put("eval_cmds", data.generateEvalCommand(collection)); valuesMap.put("effectiveness", data.generateEffectiveness(collection)); StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(valuesMap); URL template = GenerateRegressionDocsTest.class .getResource(String.format("/docgen/templates/%s.template", collection)); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(Paths.get(template.toURI()).toFile(), "UTF-8"); String text = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); scanner.close();/*from ww w . jav a 2 s .c o m*/ String resolvedString = sub.replace(text); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(String.format("docs/", collection)), resolvedString, "UTF-8"); } }
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public OpenCalaisGenerateRdfPropertiesFromWebPages(String config_file_path, PrintWriter out) throws IOException { this.out = out; List<String> lines = (List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(config_file_path)); for (String line : lines) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(" "); try {//from w w w .j av a 2 s . c o m String starting_url =; int spider_depth = Integer.parseInt(; spider(starting_url, spider_depth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } this.out.close(); }
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@Bean public String stateChartModel() throws IOException { ClassPathResource model = new ClassPathResource("statechartmodel.txt"); InputStream inputStream = model.getInputStream(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(inputStream); String content = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); scanner.close();//from w w w . j a va2 s. c om return content; }
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/** * Adds all parameters within the Scanner to the list of * <code>parameters</code>, as encoded by <code>encoding</code>. For * example, a scanner containing the string <code>a=1&b=2&c=3</code> would * add the {@link NameValuePair NameValuePairs} a=1, b=2, and c=3 to the * list of parameters.//from w w w . j ava2s . c o m * * @param parameters * List to add parameters to. * @param scanner * Input that contains the parameters to parse. * @param charset * Encoding to use when decoding the parameters. */ public static void parse2(final Map<String, String> parameters, final Scanner scanner, final String charset) { scanner.useDelimiter(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); while (scanner.hasNext()) { String key = null; String value = null; String token =; int i = token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (i != -1) { key = decodeFormFields(token.substring(0, i).trim(), charset); value = decodeFormFields(token.substring(i + 1).trim(), charset); } else { key = decodeFormFields(token.trim(), charset); } parameters.put(key, value); } }