Example usage for java.util Scanner useDelimiter

List of usage examples for java.util Scanner useDelimiter


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Scanner useDelimiter.


public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) 

Source Link


Sets this scanner's delimiting pattern to a pattern constructed from the specified String .


From source file:com.rockhoppertech.music.DurationParser.java

public static List<Double> getDurationsAsList(String durations) {
    String token = null;/*w  ww  .  ja v a 2s  .com*/
    List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>();
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(durations);

    if (durations.indexOf(',') != -1) {

    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
        if (scanner.hasNext(dpattern)) {
            token = scanner.next(dpattern);
            double d = getDottedValue(token);
            logger.debug("'{}' is dotted value is {}", token, d);

        } else if (scanner.hasNext(pattern)) {
            token = scanner.next(pattern);
            double d = durKeyMap.get(token);
            logger.debug("'{}' is not dotted value is {}", token, d);
            // } else if (scanner.hasNext(tripletPattern)) {
            // token = scanner.next(tripletPattern);
            // double d = durKeyMap.get(token);
            // ts.add(d);
            // System.out.println(String
            // .format("'%s' is not dotted value is %f",
            // token,
            // d));
        } else if (scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
            double d = scanner.nextDouble();
            logger.debug("{} is a double", d);
        } else {
            // just ignore it. or throw exception?
            String skipped = scanner.next();
            logger.debug("skipped '{}'", skipped);
    return list;

From source file:de.ingrid.interfaces.csw.tools.FileUtils.java

 * Convert stream to string./*  ww w  .  j a  v a  2s. co  m*/
 * @param is
 * @return
public static String convertStreamToString(java.io.InputStream is) {
    Scanner scanner = null;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(is);
        String content = scanner.next();
        return content;
    } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
        return "";
    } finally {
        if (scanner != null) {

From source file:org.apache.felix.http.itest.BaseIntegrationTest.java

protected static String slurpAsString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    // See <weblogs.java.net/blog/pat/archive/2004/10/stupid_scanner_1.html>
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is, "UTF-8");
    try {/*from ww w.j a  v a 2  s .  co  m*/

        return scanner.hasNext() ? scanner.next() : null;
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore...

From source file:com.android.idtt.http.client.util.URLEncodedUtils.java

 * Adds all parameters within the Scanner to the list of
 * <code>parameters</code>, as encoded by <code>encoding</code>. For
 * example, a scanner containing the string <code>a=1&b=2&c=3</code> would
 * add the {@link org.apache.http.NameValuePair NameValuePairs} a=1, b=2, and c=3 to the
 * list of parameters./*from  w  w  w  .  j  ava  2s  .c  om*/
 * @param parameters List to add parameters to.
 * @param scanner    Input that contains the parameters to parse.
 * @param charset    Encoding to use when decoding the parameters.
public static void parse(final List<NameValuePair> parameters, final Scanner scanner, final String charset) {
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
        String name = null;
        String value = null;
        String token = scanner.next();
        int i = token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
        if (i != -1) {
            name = decodeFormFields(token.substring(0, i).trim(), charset);
            value = decodeFormFields(token.substring(i + 1).trim(), charset);
        } else {
            name = decodeFormFields(token.trim(), charset);
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));

From source file:com.hybris.mobile.model.product.Product.java

 * This method parses the messages sent from OCC to create HTML with links recognised by the app. Note this code is
 * brittle and relies on very specific formatting in OCC. This method is specifoc to product promotions.
 * /*from w ww  . ja  v a 2s . c  o  m*/
 * @param p
 *           The product
 * @return the HTML string to place as the promotions text
public static String generatePromotionString(ProductPromotion productPromotion) {
    String promotionsString = productPromotion.getDescription();

     * firedMessages trumps description
    if (productPromotion.getFiredMessages() != null && !productPromotion.getFiredMessages().isEmpty()) {
        promotionsString = productPromotion.getFiredMessages().get(0);
        promotionsString.replaceAll("<br>", "\n");
     * couldFireMessage trumps firedMessage
    if (productPromotion.getCouldFireMessages() != null && !productPromotion.getCouldFireMessages().isEmpty()) {
        promotionsString = productPromotion.getCouldFireMessages().get(0);
        promotionsString.replaceAll("<br>", "\n");
     * Builds links in the form http://m.hybris.com/123456 N.B. iOS builds links in the form appName://product/123456
     * with the title as the product name
    ArrayList<String> links = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> productNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    Pattern codePattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{6,7}");
    Scanner s1 = new Scanner(promotionsString);
    s1.useDelimiter("<a href=");
    while (s1.hasNext()) {
        String str = s1.next();
        if (str.startsWith("$config")) {
            Scanner s2 = new Scanner(str);
            String link = s2.next();
    for (String link : links) {
        Scanner s3 = new Scanner(link);
        while (s3.hasNext()) {
            String str = s3.next();
            if (!str.startsWith("$")) {
                Scanner s4 = new Scanner(str);
                String name = s4.next();
        // Find the codes
        Matcher m = codePattern.matcher(link);
        while (m.find()) {
            String s = m.group();
    // Build the new links
    int position = 0;
    for (String link : links) {
        promotionsString = promotionsString.replace(link, String.format("\"http://m.hybris.com/%s\">%s",
                codes.get(position), productNames.get(position)));

    return promotionsString;

From source file:com.gistlabs.mechanize.util.apache.URLEncodedUtils.java

 * Adds all parameters within the Scanner to the list of
 * <code>parameters</code>, as encoded by <code>encoding</code>. For
 * example, a scanner containing the string <code>a=1&b=2&c=3</code> would
 * add the {@link NameValuePair NameValuePairs} a=1, b=2, and c=3 to the
 * list of parameters./*from   w  w  w. ja va 2 s .  c o  m*/
 * @param parameters
 *            List to add parameters to.
 * @param scanner
 *            Input that contains the parameters to parse.
 * @param charset
 *            Encoding to use when decoding the parameters.
public static void parse(final List<NameValuePair> parameters, final Scanner scanner, final String charset) {
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
        String name = null;
        String value = null;
        String token = scanner.next();
        int i = token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
        if (i != -1) {
            name = decodeFormFields(token.substring(0, i).trim(), charset);
            value = decodeFormFields(token.substring(i + 1).trim(), charset);
        } else
            name = decodeFormFields(token.trim(), charset);
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));

From source file:org.apache.james.sieverepository.file.SieveFileRepository.java

 * Read a file with the specified encoding into a String
 * @param file// www  . j av  a  2s  . c  o m
 * @param encoding
 * @return
 * @throws FileNotFoundException
static protected String toString(File file, String encoding) throws FileNotFoundException {
    String script = null;
    Scanner scanner = null;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(file, encoding);
        script = scanner.next();
    } finally {
        if (scanner != null) {
    return script;

From source file:com.mcxiaoke.next.http.util.URLUtils.java

 * Adds all parameters within the Scanner to the list of
 * <code>parameters</code>, as encoded by <code>encoding</code>. For
 * example, a scanner containing the string <code>a=1&b=2&c=3</code> would
 * add the {@link org.apache.http.NameValuePair NameValuePairs} a=1, b=2, and c=3 to the
 * list of parameters.// w  w  w.jav  a2  s  . co m
 * @param parameters               List to add parameters to.
 * @param scanner                  Input that contains the parameters to parse.
 * @param parameterSepartorPattern The Pattern string for parameter separators, by convention {@code "[&;]"}
 * @param charset                  Encoding to use when decoding the parameters.
public static void parse(final List<NameValuePair> parameters, final Scanner scanner,
        final String parameterSepartorPattern, final String charset) {
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
        String name = null;
        String value = null;
        final String token = scanner.next();
        final int i = token.indexOf(NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
        if (i != -1) {
            name = decodeFormFields(token.substring(0, i).trim(), charset);
            value = decodeFormFields(token.substring(i + 1).trim(), charset);
        } else {
            name = decodeFormFields(token.trim(), charset);
        parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));

From source file:com.qmetry.qaf.automation.testng.report.ReporterUtil.java

public static String execHostName(String execCommand) {
    InputStream stream;/*from  www .  ja  va 2s .  co m*/
    Scanner s;
    try {
        Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCommand);
        stream = proc.getInputStream();
        if (stream != null) {
            s = new Scanner(stream);
            String val = s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";
            return val;
    } catch (IOException ioException) {
    return "";

From source file:ar.edu.taco.TacoMain.java

public static String editTestFileToCompile(String junitFile, String sourceClassName, String classPackage,
        String methodName) {//from w w w .jav  a 2s .  c  om
    String tmpDir = junitFile.substring(0, junitFile.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP));
    tmpDir = tmpDir.replaceAll("generated", "output");
    File destFile = new File(tmpDir, obtainClassNameFromFileName(junitFile) + /*"_temp" +*/ ".java");
    String packageSentence = "package " + classPackage + ";\n";
    int posLastUnderscore = methodName.lastIndexOf("_");
    methodName = methodName.substring(0, posLastUnderscore);
    try {
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
        boolean packageAlreadyWritten = false;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File(junitFile));
        boolean nextToTest = false;
        String str = null;
        while (scan.hasNext()) {
            str = scan.next();
            if (nextToTest) {
                str = str.replace("()",
                        "(String fileClasspath, String className, String methodName) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, MalformedURLException");
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                nextToTest = false;
                //            } else if (str.contains("public class")){
                //               int posOpeningBrace = str.indexOf("{");
                //               str = str.substring(0, posOpeningBrace-1);
                //               str = str + "_temp {";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.contains("package") && !packageAlreadyWritten) {
                str = "           import java.net.URL;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           import java.net.URLClassLoader;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           import java.net.MalformedURLException;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           import java.io.File;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                packageAlreadyWritten = true;
            } else if (str.contains("import") && !packageAlreadyWritten) {
                fos.write((scan.next() + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                packageAlreadyWritten = true;
            } else if (str.contains("new " + sourceClassName + "(")) {
                //               str = "        try {";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           ClassLoader cl2 = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{new File(fileClasspath).toURI().toURL()}, cl);";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //               str = "           ClassLoaderTools.addFile(fileClasspath);";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           Class<?> clazz = cl2.loadClass(className);";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           Object instance = clazz.newInstance();";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           cl2 = null;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));

            } else if (str.contains("Class<?> clazz;")) {
            } else if (str.contains("} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {")) {
                str = str.replace("ClassNotFoundException", "Exception");
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.matches(".*(?i)[\\.a-z0-9\\_]*" + sourceClassName + "(?=[^a-z0-9\\_\\.]).*")) {
                str = str.replaceAll("(?i)[\\.a-z0-9\\_]*" + sourceClassName + "(?=[^a-z0-9\\_\\.])",
                str = str.replace("\"" + methodName + "\"", "methodName");
                str = str.replace("\"" + sourceClassName + "\"", "clazz");
                //               str = str.replace("(", "(fileClasspath, ");
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.contains("e.printStackTrace();")) {
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                fos.write(("           throw(new java.lang.RuntimeException(e));" + "\n")
                //               fos.write(("throw e;" + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.contains("private Method getAccessibleMethod")) {
                str = str.replace("(String className, ", "(Class<?> clazz, ");
                //               str = str.replace(") {", ") throws MalformedURLException {");
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.contains("method.invoke(instance,")) {
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           instance = null;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                str = "           method = null;";
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));

            } else if (str.contains("methodToCheck = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);")) {
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else if (str.contains("clazz = Class.forName(className);")) {
                //               str = "           ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //               str = "           final ClassLoader cl2 = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{new File(fileClasspath).toURI().toURL()}, cl);";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //               str = "           clazz = cl2.loadClass(className);";               
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //               str = "           System.out.println(\"actual class inside method: \"+clazz.getName());";
                //               fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
            } else {
                if (str.contains("@Test")) {
                    nextToTest = true;
                //               if (!scan.hasNext()){
                //                  String s = "        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){";
                //                  fos.write((s + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //                  s = "        } catch (InstantiationException e){}";
                //                  fos.write((s + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
                //               }
                fos.write((str + "\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return destFile.toString();
