List of usage examples for java.util Scanner hasNextInt
public boolean hasNextInt()
From source
/** * Returns an integer value read from the input. * <p>//w w w . ja va2s. com * This will try to parse an integer until one is found, rejecting all the * invalid lines. * * @param scanner * scanner for the input * @return an integer read from the input */ private static final Integer getInteger(final Scanner scanner) { Integer integer; // Parsed integer Boolean valid; // Status flag for the loop valid = false; integer = null; while (!valid) { // Runs until an integer is found valid = scanner.hasNextInt(); if (valid) { // Found an integer integer = scanner.nextInt(); } else { // The line is not an integer // It is rejected scanner.nextLine(); } } return integer; }
From source
private void checkLicence() { try {//from ww w .jav a2s . co m String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); File holoColorsFolder = new File(userHome + File.separator + ".holocolors"); File licenceFile = new File(holoColorsFolder, ".licence"); File noDonationFile = new File(holoColorsFolder, ".nodonation"); if (noDonationFile.exists()) { return; } int usage = 1; boolean showPopup = false; if (!holoColorsFolder.exists()) { holoColorsFolder.mkdir(); showPopup = true; licenceFile.createNewFile(); } else { Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader(licenceFile)); if (in.hasNextInt()) { usage = in.nextInt() + 1; } in.close(); } if (usage > 10) { usage = 1; showPopup = true; } Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(licenceFile)); out.write(String.valueOf(usage)); out.close(); if (showPopup) { Object[] donationOption = { "Make a donation", "Maybe later", "No Never" }; int option = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(ahcPanel, "Thanks for using Android Holo Colors!\n\nAndroid Holo Colors (website and plugin) is free to use.\nIf you save time and money with it, please make a donation.", "Support Android Holo Colors", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/H64.png")), donationOption, donationOption[0]); if (option == 0) { openWebpage( ""); } if (option == 2) { noDonationFile.createNewFile(); } } } catch (Exception e) { // no matter, nothing to do e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private void joinSelectedNodes(QueryOperatorNode.Operator operator) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(nodeSelection).useDelimiter(","); List<Integer> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (scanner.hasNextInt()) { nodeIds.add(scanner.nextInt());//from w ww . ja va 2s .co m } if (nodeIds.size() > 1) { getRootNode().joinNodes(nodeIds, operator); } FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(RESET_COMPONENT_ID); updateQueryStore(); }
From source
private double versionCompare(String version1, String version2) { Scanner v1Scanner = new Scanner(version1); Scanner v2Scanner = new Scanner(version2); v1Scanner.useDelimiter("\\."); v2Scanner.useDelimiter("\\."); while (v1Scanner.hasNextInt() && v2Scanner.hasNextInt()) { int v1 = v1Scanner.nextInt(); int v2 = v2Scanner.nextInt(); if (v1 < v2) { return -1; } else if (v1 > v2) { return 1; }/* w ww . ja v a 2s. c om*/ } if (v1Scanner.hasNextInt()) { return 1; } else if (v2Scanner.hasNextInt()) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }
From source
public void run(File runnersFile, File jobsFile) { try {/*from ww w .j av a2 s . co m*/ if (runnersFile != null) { mng.loadRunners(runnersFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { if (jobsFile != null) { mng.loadJobs(jobsFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } final Scanner lineSC = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.print("> "); String option =; Scanner sc = new Scanner(lineSC.nextLine()); try { switch (option) { case "addrunner": mng.addRunner(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadrunners": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadRunners(new File(; } break; case "addjobs": mng.addJob(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadjobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadJobs(new File(; } break; case "remove": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.removeFromWaiting(; } break; case "killrunner": while (sc.hasNextInt()) { mng.killRunner(sc.nextInt()); } break; case "kill": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "killall": mng.failed.addAll(mng.waitingList); mng.waitingList.clear(); List<Job> running = new ArrayList<>(mng.running.values()); for (Job j : running) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "output": int id = sc.nextInt(); int l = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println(mng.getOutput(id, l)); break; case "jobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { String jobid =; List<Job> found = mng.findJobs(jobid); for (Job j : found) { System.out.println(j.detailedToString() + "\n-----------------"); } } break; case "status": int ls = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println("Completed: " + mng.completed.size() + "\tWaiting: " + mng.waitingList.size() + "\tFailed: " + mng.failed.size() + "\tRunning: " + mng.running.size() + "/" + mng.runners.size() + " " + (mng.runningStatus() ? "(ACTIVE)" : "(PAUSED)")); for (Entry<JobRunner, Job> e : mng.running.entrySet()) { System.out.println("== " + e.getValue() + " @ " + e.getKey() + " ========"); System.out.println(mng.getOutput(e.getKey().id, ls)); } break; case "list": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { for (int i = mng.failed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.failed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("completed")) { for (int i = mng.completed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.completed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { for (int i = mng.waitingList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.waitingList.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("runners")) { for (JobRunner r : mng.runners.values()) { if (mng.running.containsKey(r)) { Job runningJob = mng.running.get(r); System.out .println(df.format(runningJob.started) + " " + r + " @ " + runningJob); } else { System.out.println("Idle " + r); } } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "retry": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.retryJob(; } break; case "retryfailed": mng.retryFailed(); break; case "clear": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { mng.failed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("completed")) { mng.completed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { mng.waitingList.clear(); } else if (t.equals("runners")) { List<Integer> runners = new ArrayList<>(mng.runners.keySet()); for (Integer r : runners) { mng.killRunner(r); } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "priority": String type =; while (sc.hasNext()) { String i =; if (type.equals("top")) { mng.topPriority(i); } else if (type.equals("bottom")) { mng.lowestPriority(i); } } break; case "sort": String sort =; if (sort.equals("job")) { mng.sortJobFirst(); } else if (sort.equals("date")) { mng.sortSubmissionDate(); } else { error("Unknown sorting method: " + sort); } break; case "pause": mng.pause(sc.hasNext() &&"force")); break; case "start": mng.resume(); break; case "exit": System.exit(0); break; case "set": String par =; switch (par) { case "lines": lines = sc.nextInt(); break; case "maxtries": mng.setMaxTries(sc.nextInt()); break; } break; case "mute": this.mute = true; break; case "unmute": this.mute = false; break; case "help": System.out.println("Available commands:\n" + "-- addrunner runner_type [config]\n" + "-- loadrunners [file]...\n" + "-- addjobs job_params\n" + "-- loadjobs [file]...\n" + "-- killrunner [runner_id]...\n" + "-- remove [job_id]...\n" + "-- kill [job_id]...\n" + "-- killall \n" + "-- output runner_id [lines]\n" + "-- jobs [job_id]...\n" + "-- status [lines]\n" + "-- list [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- retry [job_id]...\n" + "-- retryfailed \n" + "-- priority top|bottom [job_id]...\n" + "-- sort batch|job|date\n" + "-- clear [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- pause [force]\n" + "-- start \n" + "-- mute|unmute \n" + "-- exit \n" + "-- set lines|tries value"); break; default: System.out.println("Unknown command. Try help."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
From source
public void readRequest() throws IOException, ACIDException { int i = 0;//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m LockRequest lockRequest = null; TransactionContext txnContext = null; HashMap<Integer, TransactionContext> jobMap = new HashMap<Integer, TransactionContext>(); int threadId; String requestType; int jobId; int datasetId; int PKHashVal; int waitTime; ArrayList<Integer> list = null; String lockMode; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(requestFileName)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { try { threadId = Integer.parseInt(; requestType =; if (requestType.equals("CSQ") || requestType.equals("CST") || requestType.equals("END")) { log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType)); if (requestType.equals("CSQ") || requestType.equals("CST")) { list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (scanner.hasNextInt()) { threadId = scanner.nextInt(); if (threadId < 0) { break; } list.add(threadId); } expectedResultList.add(list); } } else if (requestType.equals("DW")) { defaultWaitTime = scanner.nextInt(); log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType + "," + defaultWaitTime); continue; } else if (requestType.equals("W")) { waitTime = scanner.nextInt(); log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType), waitTime); } else { jobId = Integer.parseInt(; datasetId = Integer.parseInt(; PKHashVal = Integer.parseInt(; lockMode =; txnContext = jobMap.get(jobId); if (txnContext == null) { txnContext = new TransactionContext(new JobId(jobId), txnProvider); jobMap.put(jobId, txnContext); } log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType + ",J" + jobId + ",D" + datasetId + ",E" + PKHashVal + "," + lockMode); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType), new DatasetId(datasetId), PKHashVal, getLockMode(lockMode), txnContext); } requestList.add(lockRequest); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { scanner.close(); break; } } }
From source
private Iterator<ViewPanel> sortPanels(List<ViewPanel> viewPanelList) { Collections.sort(viewPanelList, new Comparator<ViewPanel>() { @Override/* ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ public int compare(ViewPanel panel1, ViewPanel panel2) { Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(panel1.getPanelLevel()); Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(panel2.getPanelLevel()); scan1.useDelimiter("\\."); scan2.useDelimiter("\\."); try { while (scan1.hasNextInt() && scan2.hasNextInt()) { int v1 = scan1.nextInt(); int v2 = scan2.nextInt(); if (v1 < v2) { return -1; } else if (v1 > v2) { return 1; } } if (scan2.hasNextInt()) { return -1; } if (scan1.hasNextInt()) { return 1; } return 0; } finally { scan1.close(); scan2.close(); } } }); return viewPanelList.iterator(); }
From source
public String doOneTestCommand(Scanner lineScanner) { final Scanner tokenScanner = new Scanner(lineScanner.nextLine()); if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { return ""; }/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ final String token =; if (token.equals("exit")) { alive = false; } else if (token.equals("help")) { help(); } else if (token.equals("sign-in")) { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No user name supplied."); } else { signInUser(tokenScanner.nextLine().trim()); // Automatically create the bot user and the conversation with the bot once a user signs in if (clientContext.user.lookup(BOT_NAME) == null) // Check whether the bot and convo already exist { addUser(BOT_NAME); clientContext.conversation.startConversation(BOT_CONVO, clientContext.user.getCurrent().id); } } } else if (token.equals("sign-out")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { signOutUser(); } } else if (token.equals("current")) { showCurrent(); } else if (token.equals("u-add")) { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Username not supplied."); } else { addUser(tokenScanner.nextLine().trim()); } } else if (token.equals("u-list-all")) { showAllUsers(); } else if (token.equals("c-add")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Conversation title not supplied."); } else { final String title = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.conversation.startConversation(title, clientContext.user.getCurrent().id); } } } else if (token.equals("c-list-all")) { clientContext.conversation.showAllConversations(); } else if (token.equals("c-select")) { selectConversation(lineScanner); } else if (token.equals("m-add")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Message body not supplied."); } else { final String body = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.message.addMessage(clientContext.user.getCurrent().id, clientContext.conversation.getCurrentId(), body); respondAsBot(body, false); } } } else if (token.equals("m-list-all")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { clientContext.message.showAllMessages(); } } else if (token.equals("m-next")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else if (!tokenScanner.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("Command requires an integer message index."); } else { clientContext.message.selectMessage(tokenScanner.nextInt()); } } else if (token.equals("m-show")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { final int count = (tokenScanner.hasNextInt()) ? tokenScanner.nextInt() : 1; clientContext.message.showMessages(count); } } else { System.out.format("Command not recognized: %s\n", token); System.out.format("Command line rejected: %s%s\n", token, (tokenScanner.hasNext()) ? tokenScanner.nextLine() : ""); System.out.println("Type \"help\" for help."); } tokenScanner.close(); return response; }
From source
private void doOneCommand(Scanner lineScanner) { final Scanner tokenScanner = new Scanner(lineScanner.nextLine()); if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { return;//from w w w . j ava2 s . com } final String token =; if (token.equals("exit")) { alive = false; } else if (token.equals("help")) { help(); } else if (token.equals("sign-in")) { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No user name supplied."); } else { signInUser(tokenScanner.nextLine().trim()); // Check whether the bot/convo already exist if (clientContext.user.lookup(BOT_NAME) == null) { addUser(BOT_NAME); clientContext.conversation.startConversation(BOT_CONVO, clientContext.user.getCurrent().id); } } } else if (token.equals("sign-out")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { signOutUser(); } } else if (token.equals("current")) { showCurrent(); } else if (token.equals("u-add")) { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Username not supplied."); } else { addUser(tokenScanner.nextLine().trim()); } } else if (token.equals("u-list-all")) { showAllUsers(); } else if (token.equals("c-add")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Conversation title not supplied."); } else { final String title = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.conversation.startConversation(title, clientContext.user.getCurrent().id); } } } else if (token.equals("c-list-all")) { clientContext.conversation.showAllConversations(); } else if (token.equals("c-select")) { selectConversation(lineScanner); } else if (token.equals("c-search-title")) { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Conversation title not supplied."); } else { final String title = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.conversation.searchTitle(title); } } else if (token.equals("m-add")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Message body not supplied."); } else { final String body = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.message.addMessage(clientContext.user.getCurrent().id, clientContext.conversation.getCurrentId(), body); respondAsBot(body, true); } } } else if (token.equals("m-list-all")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { clientContext.message.showAllMessages(); } } else if (token.equals("m-next")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else if (!tokenScanner.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("Command requires an integer message index."); } else { clientContext.message.selectMessage(tokenScanner.nextInt()); } } else if (token.equals("m-show")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else { final int count = (tokenScanner.hasNextInt()) ? tokenScanner.nextInt() : 1; clientContext.message.showMessages(count); } } else if (token.equals("m-search-string")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: String not supplied."); } else { final String keyword = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.message.searchString(keyword); } } else if (token.equals("m-search-author")) { if (!clientContext.conversation.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: No conversation selected."); } else if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: author body not supplied."); } else { final String author = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.message.searchAuthor(author); } } else if (token.equals("t-add")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: tag name not supplied."); } else { final String name = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.tag.addTag(clientContext.user.getCurrent().id, name); } } } else if (token.equals("t-list")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { if (!tokenScanner.hasNext()) { System.out.println("ERROR: tag name not supplied."); } else { final String name = tokenScanner.nextLine().trim(); clientContext.tag.listTag(clientContext.user.getCurrent().id, name); } } } else if (token.equals("t-list-all")) { showAllTags(); } else if (token.equals("t-list-user")) { if (!clientContext.user.hasCurrent()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Not signed in."); } else { clientContext.tag.showUserTags(clientContext.user.getCurrent().id); } } else { System.out.format("Command not recognized: %s\n", token); System.out.format("Command line rejected: %s%s\n", token, (tokenScanner.hasNext()) ? tokenScanner.nextLine() : ""); System.out.println("Type \"help\" for help."); } tokenScanner.close(); }
From source
private int readIntFromFile(File targetFile) throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(targetFile); try {//from www .j av a 2 s. c o m return scanner.hasNextInt() ? scanner.nextInt() : -1; } finally { scanner.close(); } }