Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package com.flexive.faces.beans; import com.flexive.faces.FxJsf1Utils; import com.flexive.faces.FxJsfUtils; import com.flexive.faces.messages.FxFacesMsgErr; import com.flexive.faces.messages.FxFacesMsgInfo; import com.flexive.shared.CacheAdmin; import com.flexive.shared.EJBLookup; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxInvalidQueryNodeException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxRuntimeException; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.SearchEngine; import; import; import; import*; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxAssignment; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxType; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeMode; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNode; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxLargeNumber; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxString; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import static; /** * Search query editor beans. * * @author Daniel Lichtenberger (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @version $Rev$ */ public class QueryEditorBean implements Serializable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(QueryEditorBean.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -7734399826904382438L; private static final String SESSION_QUERY = "query"; private static final String SESSION_TIMEOUT = "timeout"; private static final String SESSION_MAXRESULTS = "maxResults"; /** * JSF root component containing the query editor */ private static final String RESET_COMPONENT_ID = "frm:queryEditor"; private List<FxAssignment> properties = null; private QueryRootNode rootNode = null; private long addAssignmentId; private int addAssignmentNodeId = -1; private boolean addNodeLive = false; private boolean addNodeOnlyDirect = false; private int removeNodeId = -1; private String nodeSelection = null; private boolean reloadSearchPanel = false; private int queryTimeout = SearchEngine.DEFAULT_QUERY_TIMEOUT; private int maxResults = 2000; private SqlQueryBuilder queryBuilder; private ResultLocation location = AdminResultLocations.ADMIN; private String filterTypeName; public QueryEditorBean() { parseRequestParameters(); } /** * Parse the request parameters and perform actions as requested. * Works only if the QueryEditorBean remains request-scoped! */ private void parseRequestParameters() { try { String action = FxJsfUtils.getParameter("action"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(action)) { // no action requested return; } if ("nodeSearch".equals(action)) { // create a new query with the node set as "nodeId" setRootNode(new QueryRootNode(QueryRootNode.Type.CONTENTSEARCH, location)); addAssignmentId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("nodeId", FxTreeNode.ROOT_NODE); addNodeLive = FxJsfUtils.getBooleanParameter("liveMode", false); addNodeOnlyDirect = FxJsfUtils.getBooleanParameter("onlyDirect", false); addTreeNode(); } else if ("typeSearch".equals(action)) { setRootNode(new QueryRootNode(QueryRootNode.Type.CONTENTSEARCH, location)); addAssignmentId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("typeId", -1); if (addAssignmentId != -1) { addTypeQuery(); } } else if ("assignmentSearch".equals(action)) { setRootNode(new QueryRootNode(QueryRootNode.Type.CONTENTSEARCH, location)); addAssignmentId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("assignmentId", -1); if (addAssignmentId != -1) { addAssignment(); } } else if ("propertySearch".equals(action)) { setRootNode(new QueryRootNode(QueryRootNode.Type.CONTENTSEARCH, location)); addAssignmentId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("propertyId", -1); if (addAssignmentId != -1) { addProperty(); } } else if ("new".equals(action)) { // create a new search query getRootNode().getChildren().clear(); getRootNode().setName(null); } else if ("load".equals(action)) { setRootNode(EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().load(AdminResultLocations.ADMIN, FxJsfUtils.getParameter("name"))); } else if ("loadSystemDefault".equals(action)) { setRootNode(EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().loadSystemDefault(AdminResultLocations.ADMIN)); } updateQueryStore(); FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(RESET_COMPONENT_ID); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to parse request parameters: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Show the query editor, restore last query (TODO). * * @return the final page */ public String show() { return "contentQuery"; } /** * Execute the current search query. * * @return the outcome */ public String executeSearch() { final SearchResultBean resultBean = (SearchResultBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxSearchResultBean"); final SqlQueryBuilder builder = getQueryBuilder(); if (!buildQuery(builder)) { return null; } resultBean.setQueryBuilder(builder); resultBean.resetFilters(); updateQueryStore(); return; } private boolean buildQuery(SqlQueryBuilder builder) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filterTypeName)) { builder.filterType(filterTypeName); } if (rootNode == null || rootNode.getChildren().size() == 0) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.emptyQuery").addToContext(); return false; } try { rootNode.buildSqlQuery(builder); } catch (FxRuntimeException e) { if (e.getConverted() instanceof FxInvalidQueryNodeException) { final FxInvalidQueryNodeException queryNodeException = (FxInvalidQueryNodeException) e .getConverted(); // add error message for node component final FxFacesMsgErr msg = new FxFacesMsgErr(queryNodeException); msg.setId(String.valueOf(queryNodeException.getTreeNodeId())); msg.addToContext(); } else { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.buildQuery", e).addToContext(); } return false; } catch (Exception e) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.buildQuery", e).addToContext(); return false; } builder.timeout(queryTimeout); builder.maxRows(maxResults); return true; } /** * Sets the current user's default query for the current location. */ public void saveDefault() { /*if (!buildQuery(new SqlQueryBuilder())) { return; }*/ try { EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().saveDefault(rootNode); new FxFacesMsgInfo("QueryEditor.nfo.saveDefault").addToContext(); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.saveSystemDefault", e).addToContext(); } } /** * Saves the current query. */ public void saveQuery() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(rootNode.getName())) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.saveQuery.empty").addToContext("queryName"); return; } /*if (!buildQuery(new SqlQueryBuilder())) { return; }*/ try { getRootNode().setName(rootNode.getName()); EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().save(getRootNode()); reloadSearchPanel = true; new FxFacesMsgInfo("QueryEditor.nfo.saveQuery", rootNode.getName()).addToContext(); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); } } /** * Save the system default query (only global supervisors may call this). */ public void saveSystemDefault() { if (!buildQuery(new SqlQueryBuilder())) { return; } try { EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().saveSystemDefault(rootNode); new FxFacesMsgInfo("QueryEditor.nfo.saveSystemDefault").addToContext(); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.saveSystemDefault", e).addToContext(); } } /** * Loads the system-wide default query. */ public void loadSystemDefault() { try { setRootNode(EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().loadSystemDefault(location)); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr("QueryEditor.err.loadSystemDefault", e).addToContext(); } } /** * Add the (property) assignment stored in addAssignmentId * to the node identified by addAssignmentNodeId. */ public void addAssignment() { addQueryNode(new AssignmentValueNode(getRootNode().getNewId(), addAssignmentId)); } /** * Add the property stored in addAssignmentId to the node identified * by addAssignmentNodeId. */ public void addProperty() { addQueryNode(new PropertyValueNode(getRootNode().getNewId(), addAssignmentId)); } /** * Add the tree node stored in addAssignmentId to the node identified by * addAssignmentNodeId. * * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ public void addTreeNode() throws FxApplicationException { final FxTreeNode treeNode = EJBLookup.getTreeEngine().getNode(FxTreeMode.Edit, addAssignmentId); final TreeValueNode newNode = new TreeValueNode(getRootNode().getNewId(), treeNode.getId(), addNodeLive ? FxTreeMode.Live : FxTreeMode.Edit, treeNode.getLabel() != null && !treeNode.getLabel().isEmpty() ? treeNode.getLabel() : new FxString(false, treeNode.getName())); newNode.setComparator(addNodeOnlyDirect ? TreeValueNode.TreeValueComparator.DIRECTCHILD : TreeValueNode.TreeValueComparator.CHILD); addQueryNode(newNode); } /** * Add a query node that searches only for types of the given type ID. */ public void addTypeQuery() { final FxType type = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(addAssignmentId); final AssignmentValueNode node = new AssignmentValueNode(getRootNode().getNewId(), CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getAssignment("ROOT/TYPEDEF").getId()); node.setValue(new FxLargeNumber(false, type.getId())); addQueryNode(node); } public void addQueryNode(QueryNode newNode) { QueryRootNode root = getRootNode(); QueryNode targetNode; QueryNode addAssignmentNode = null; try { targetNode = addAssignmentNodeId != -1 ? root.findChild(addAssignmentNodeId).getParent() : root; addAssignmentNode = addAssignmentNodeId != -1 && addAssignmentNodeId != root.getId() ? root.findChild(addAssignmentNodeId) : null; } catch (FxRuntimeException e) { // node not found targetNode = root; } if (addAssignmentNode != null) { targetNode.addChildAfter(addAssignmentNode, newNode); } else { targetNode.addChild(newNode); } //} addAssignmentNodeId = newNode.getId(); FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(RESET_COMPONENT_ID); updateQueryStore(); } /** * Remove the node identified by removeNodeId from the current query. */ public void removeNode() { QueryNode removeNode = getRootNode().findChild(removeNodeId); if (removeNode != null && removeNode.getParent() != null) { removeNode.getParent().removeChild(removeNode); FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(RESET_COMPONENT_ID); updateQueryStore(); } } /** * Join the selected nodes with 'and'. */ public void createAndSubquery() { joinSelectedNodes(QueryOperatorNode.Operator.AND); } /** * Join the selected nodes with 'or'. */ public void createOrSubquery() { joinSelectedNodes(QueryOperatorNode.Operator.OR); } private void joinSelectedNodes(QueryOperatorNode.Operator operator) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(nodeSelection).useDelimiter(","); List<Integer> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (scanner.hasNextInt()) { nodeIds.add(scanner.nextInt()); } if (nodeIds.size() > 1) { getRootNode().joinNodes(nodeIds, operator); } FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(RESET_COMPONENT_ID); updateQueryStore(); } public List<FxAssignment> getProperties() { if (properties == null) { properties = new ArrayList<FxAssignment>(); } return properties; } public void setProperties(List<FxAssignment> properties) { = properties; } public long getAddAssignmentId() { return addAssignmentId; } public void setAddAssignmentId(long addPropertyId) { this.addAssignmentId = addPropertyId; } public QueryRootNode getRootNode() { if (rootNode == null) { rootNode = (QueryRootNode) sessionGet(SESSION_QUERY); } if (rootNode == null) { try { rootNode = EJBLookup.getSearchEngine().loadDefault(location); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { rootNode = new QueryRootNode(CONTENTSEARCH, location); } } return rootNode; } public void setRootNode(QueryRootNode rootNode) { this.rootNode = rootNode; updateQueryStore(); } public int getAddAssignmentNodeId() { return addAssignmentNodeId; } public void setAddAssignmentNodeId(int addAssignmentNodeId) { this.addAssignmentNodeId = addAssignmentNodeId; } public int getRemoveNodeId() { return removeNodeId; } public void setRemoveNodeId(int removeNodeId) { this.removeNodeId = removeNodeId; } public String getNodeSelection() { return nodeSelection; } public void setNodeSelection(String nodeSelection) { this.nodeSelection = nodeSelection; } /** * Stores the current query in the user session. */ private void updateQueryStore() { if (rootNode != null) { sessionPut(SESSION_QUERY, rootNode); } } public ResultLocation getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(ResultLocation location) { this.location = location; } public String getFilterTypeName() { return filterTypeName; } public void setFilterTypeName(String filterTypeName) { this.filterTypeName = filterTypeName; } public SqlQueryBuilder getQueryBuilder() { if (queryBuilder == null) { queryBuilder = new SqlQueryBuilder(location, ResultViewType.LIST); } return queryBuilder; } public void setQueryBuilder(SqlQueryBuilder queryBuilder) { this.queryBuilder = queryBuilder; } public boolean isAddNodeLive() { return addNodeLive; } public void setAddNodeLive(boolean addNodeLive) { this.addNodeLive = addNodeLive; } public int getQueryTimeout() { final Object sessionTimeout = sessionGet(SESSION_TIMEOUT); if (sessionTimeout != null) { queryTimeout = (Integer) sessionTimeout; } return queryTimeout; } public void setQueryTimeout(int queryTimeout) { this.queryTimeout = queryTimeout; sessionPut(SESSION_TIMEOUT, queryTimeout); } public int getMaxResults() { final Object sessionMaxResults = sessionGet(SESSION_MAXRESULTS); if (sessionMaxResults != null) { maxResults = (Integer) sessionMaxResults; } return maxResults; } public void setMaxResults(int maxResults) { this.maxResults = maxResults; sessionPut(SESSION_MAXRESULTS, maxResults); } /** * Return the current tab title of the query tab. * * @return the current tab title of the query tab. */ public String getTabTitle() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(getRootNode().getName())) { return MessageBean.getInstance().getMessage("QueryEditor.tabtitle.query"); } return MessageBean.getInstance().getMessage("QueryEditor.tabtitle.loadedQuery", getRootNode().getName()); } /** * Returns the session attribute key for storing the current query * * @return the session attribute key for storing the current query */ private String getQueryTreeStore(String key) { return "FlexiveSearchQueryTree/" + location + "/" + QueryRootNode.Type.CONTENTSEARCH + "/" + key; } private Object sessionGet(String key) { return FxJsfUtils.getSessionAttribute(getQueryTreeStore(key)); } private void sessionPut(String key, Object value) { FxJsfUtils.setSessionAttribute(getQueryTreeStore(key), value); } public boolean isReloadSearchPanel() { return reloadSearchPanel; } }