Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern quote

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern quote


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern quote.


public static String quote(String s) 

Source Link


Returns a literal pattern String for the specified String .


From source file:com.jaspersoft.studio.statistics.UsageManager.java

 * Send the statistics to the defined server. They are read from the properties filed and converted into a JSON
 * string. Then this string is sent to the server as a post parameter named data
 *//*ww  w . ja  va 2 s.c  o  m*/
protected void sendStatistics() {
    BufferedReader responseReader = null;
    DataOutputStream postWriter = null;
    try {
        if (!STATISTICS_SERVER_URL.trim().isEmpty()) {
            URL obj = new URL(STATISTICS_SERVER_URL);
            HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

            // add request header
            con.setRequestMethod("POST"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

            // Read and convert the statistics into a JSON string
            UsagesContainer container = new UsagesContainer(getAppDataFolder().getName());
            boolean fileChanged = false;
            synchronized (UsageManager.this) {
                Properties prop = getStatisticsContainer();
                for (Object key : new ArrayList<Object>(prop.keySet())) {
                    try {
                        String[] id_category = key.toString().split(Pattern.quote(ID_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR));
                        String value = prop.getProperty(key.toString(), "0");
                        int usageNumber = Integer.parseInt(value); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        String version = getVersion();
                        //Check if the id contains the version
                        if (id_category.length == 3) {
                            version = id_category[2];
                        } else {
                            //Old structure, remove the old entry and insert the new fixed one
                            //this is a really limit case and should almost never happen
                            String fixed_key = id_category[0] + ID_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR + id_category[1]
                                    + ID_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR + version;
                            prop.setProperty(fixed_key, value);
                            fileChanged = true;
                                new UsageStatistic(id_category[0], id_category[1], version, usageNumber));
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        //if a key is invalid remove it
                        fileChanged = true;
            if (fileChanged) {
                //The statistics file was changed, maybe a fix or an invalid property removed
                //write it corrected on the disk

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            String serializedData = mapper.writeValueAsString(container);

            // Send post request with the JSON string as the data parameter
            String urlParameters = "data=" + serializedData; //$NON-NLS-1$
            postWriter = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream());
            int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();

            responseReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
            String inputLine;
            StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

            while ((inputLine = responseReader.readLine()) != null) {

            // Update the upload time
            if (responseCode == 200 && ModelUtils.safeEquals(response.toString(), "ok")) {
                setInstallationInfo(TIMESTAMP_INFO, String.valueOf(getCurrentTime()));
            } else {
                //print result
                System.out.println("Response error: " + response.toString());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        JaspersoftStudioPlugin.getInstance().logError(Messages.UsageManager_errorStatUpload, ex);
    } finally {

From source file:display.containers.FileManager.java

public boolean isPatient(File fi) {
    String[] parts = fi.getAbsolutePath().split(Pattern.quote(File.separator));
    int serverdirlen = (SystemSettings.SERVER_INFO.getServerDir().toString()
            .split(Pattern.quote(File.separator))).length + 1;// +1 pour NRI-ANALYSE et NRI-DICOM
    if (parts.length == (serverdirlen))
        return false;
    if (!fi.getName().contains("..")) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = serverdirlen; i < parts.length; i++) {
            if (!parts[i].isEmpty()) {
                count++;//  www . j  av a 2 s .c om
        return count == 2;
    return false;

From source file:adalid.commons.util.StrUtils.java

public static String getFileName(String string, String separator) {
    if (string == null) {
        return null;
    }//from   w w w .j av a2  s.com
    final String defaultSeparator = "-";
    final String escapedSeparator = "\\_\\-\\.";
    final String invalidSeparator = "[^" + escapedSeparator + "]";
    final String prefixSeparators = "^[" + escapedSeparator + "]+";
    final String suffixSeparators = "[" + escapedSeparator + "]+$";
    String sep = separator == null ? defaultSeparator
            : separator.replaceAll(invalidSeparator, defaultSeparator);
    String invalidCharactersRegex = "[^\\w\\-\\.]";
    String severalSeparatorsRegex = Pattern.quote(sep) + "+";
    String dhxless = dhxless(string, sep, invalidCharactersRegex, severalSeparatorsRegex);
    String trimmed = dhxless.replaceAll(prefixSeparators, "").replaceAll(suffixSeparators, "");
    return trimmed;

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.jdbcapi.RegressionInputFileJdbcDAOImpl.java

 * Generates pubtest input file for a given CIS instance and other input parameters, such as domain, user, published datasource and others. 
 * /*from  w  w  w. ja v a  2 s  . co  m*/
 * @param cisServerConfig         composite server object used for connections
 * @param regressionConfig         regression config object
 * @param regressionQueries       regression query object
 * @return String representation of the input file
 * @throws CompositeException
public String generateInputFile(CompositeServer cisServerConfig, RegressionTestType regressionConfig,
        RegressionQueriesType regressionQueries) // String serverId, String dsList, String pathToRegressionXML, String pathToServersXML)
        throws CompositeException {
    // First check the input parameter values:
    if (cisServerConfig == null || regressionConfig == null) {
        throw new CompositeException("XML Configuration objects are not initialized "
                + "when trying to generate Regression input file.");

    // Set the command and action name
    String command = "generateInputFile";
    String actionName = "CREATE_FILE";

    // Initialize start time and format
    Date startDate = new Date();

    // Initialize all variables
    String prefix = "generateInputFile";
    String outString = null; // Output String the above buffer is converted to.   

    String queriesStr = "";
    String proceduresStr = "";
    String wsStr = "";
    boolean getActualLinkType = false;

    // Get the DEBUG3 value from the property file

    populateConfigValues(regressionConfig, regressionQueries);

    totalQueriesGenerated = 0;
    totalProceduresGenerated = 0;
    totalWebServicesGenerated = 0;

    // Begin the input file generation
    if (this.needQueries) {
         * [QUERY]
        * database=MYTEST
        * SELECT count(1) cnt FROM CAT1.SCH1.customers
        RegressionItem[] items = buildQueriesString(cisServerConfig, regressionConfig);

        // Output the query to the input file
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            RegressionItem item = new RegressionItem();
            item = items[i];
            buf.append("database=" + item.database + "\n"); // datasource
            if (item.outputFilename != null)
                buf.append("outputFilename=" + item.outputFilename + "\n"); // outputFilename
            buf.append(item.input + "\n\n"); // patterns: table | schema.table | cat.schema.table
            queriesStr = queriesStr + buf.toString();

            // Add debug statement to log output when debug3=true
                    "Added query to query list:           resource path=" + item.resourcePath + "  type="
                            + item.resourceType + "  query=" + item.input,
                    prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
    if (this.needProcs) {
        if (this.useSelectForProcs) {
             * [PROCEDURE]
            * database=MYTEST
            * SELECT * FROM CAT1.SCH1.LookupProduct(1)
            RegressionItem[] items = buildProcsStringSelectSyntax(cisServerConfig, regressionConfig);

            // Output the query to the input file
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                RegressionItem item = new RegressionItem();
                item = items[i];
                buf.append("database=" + item.database + "\n"); // datasource
                if (item.outTypes != null && item.outTypes.length > 0) {
                    String outTypes = null;
                    for (int j = 0; j < item.outTypes.length; j++) {
                        if (outTypes == null) {
                            outTypes = "";
                        } else {
                            outTypes = outTypes + ", ";
                        outTypes = outTypes + item.outTypes[j];
                    buf.append("outTypes=" + outTypes + "\n");
                if (item.outputFilename != null)
                    buf.append("outputFilename=" + item.outputFilename + "\n"); // outputFilename
                buf.append(item.input + "\n\n"); // patterns: table | schema.table | cat.schema.table
                proceduresStr = proceduresStr + buf.toString();

                // Add debug statement to log output when debug3=true
                        "Added procedure to query list:       resource path=" + item.resourcePath + "  type="
                                + item.resourceType + "  query=" + item.input,
                        prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
        } else {
             * [PROCEDURE]
            * database=MYTEST
            * CALL CAT1.SCH1.LookupProduct(1)
            RegressionItem[] items = buildProcsStringCallSyntax(cisServerConfig, regressionConfig);

            // Output the query to the input file
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                RegressionItem item = new RegressionItem();
                item = items[i];
                buf.append("database=" + item.database + "\n"); // datasource
                if (item.outTypes != null && item.outTypes.length > 0) {
                    String outTypes = null;
                    for (int j = 0; j < item.outTypes.length; j++) {
                        if (outTypes == null) {
                            outTypes = "";
                        } else {
                            outTypes = outTypes + ", ";
                        outTypes = outTypes + item.outTypes[j];
                    buf.append("outTypes=" + outTypes + "\n");
                if (item.outputFilename != null)
                    buf.append("outputFilename=" + item.outputFilename + "\n"); // outputFilename
                buf.append(item.input + "\n\n"); // patterns: table | schema.table | cat.schema.table
                proceduresStr = proceduresStr + buf.toString();

                // Add debug statement to log output when debug3=true
                        "Added call procedure to query list:  resource path=" + item.resourcePath + "  type="
                                + item.resourceType + "  query=" + item.input,
                        prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
    if (this.needWs) {
         * [WEB_SERVICE]
        *   database=testWebService00_NoParams_wrapped
        *   path=/soap11/testWebService00_NoParams_wrapped
        *   action=ViewSales
        *   encrypt=false
        *   contentType=text/xml;charset=UTF-8
        *   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://tempuri.org/">
        *      <soapenv:Header/>
        *       <soapenv:Body>
        *           <ns1:ViewSales>
        *               <ns1:ViewSalesInput></ns1:ViewSalesInput>
        *           </ns1:ViewSales>
        *       </soapenv:Body>
        *   </soapenv:Envelope>
        RegressionItem[] items = buildWsString(cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, getActualLinkType);

        // Output the query to the input file
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            RegressionItem item = new RegressionItem();
            item = items[i];
            buf.append("database=" + item.database + "\n");
            buf.append("path=" + item.path + "\n"); // name of the web service port with path is the path in the input file 
            buf.append("action=" + item.action + "\n");
            buf.append("encrypt=" + item.encrypt + "\n");
            buf.append("contentType=" + item.contentType + "\n");
            if (item.outputFilename != null)
                buf.append("outputFilename=" + item.outputFilename + "\n"); // outputFilename
            buf.append(item.input + "\n\n");
            wsStr = wsStr + buf.toString();

            // Add debug statement to log output when debug3=true
            String queryNoLines = item.input.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\n"), Matcher.quoteReplacement(""));
                    "Added web service to query list:     resource path=" + item.resourcePath + "  type="
                            + item.resourceType + "  query=" + queryNoLines,
                    prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);

    // Write the pubtest input file to the file system.
    outString = new String(fileDescription + queriesStr + proceduresStr + wsStr); // Built String
    String filePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getInputFilePath(), propertyFile,

    // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
    if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(filePath, outString);
    } else {
                "NO_OPERATION SET: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.");

    // Print out timings
    String duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(startDate);

    int len = 56;
    logger.info("------------ Regression Generation Summary -------------");
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("            Total Queries Generated: " + totalQueriesGenerated, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("         Total Procedures Generated: " + totalProceduresGenerated, len, " "));
            CommonUtils.rpad("       Total Web Services Generated: " + totalWebServicesGenerated, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                     ---------          ");
            "Total Combined ---------> Generated: "
                    + (totalQueriesGenerated + totalProceduresGenerated + totalWebServicesGenerated),
            len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("     Input file generation duration: " + duration, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info("Review input file: " + filePath);

    String moduleActionMessage = "MODULE_INFO: Generate Summary: Queries=" + totalQueriesGenerated
            + " Procedures=" + totalProceduresGenerated + " WebServices=" + totalWebServicesGenerated;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", moduleActionMessage);

    return outString;

From source file:io.fabric8.tooling.archetype.builder.ArchetypeBuilder.java

 * Copies single file from <code>src</code> to <code>dest</code>.
 * If the file is source file, variable references will be escaped, so they'll survive Velocity template merging.
 * @param src/*from   w w  w  .  j a va  2 s . c o m*/
 * @param dest
 * @param replaceFn
 * @throws IOException
private void copyFile(File src, File dest, Replacement replaceFn) throws IOException {
    if (replaceFn != null && isSourceFile(src)) {
        String original = FileUtils.readFileToString(src);
        String escapeDollarSquiggly = original;
        if (original.contains("${")) {
            String replaced = original.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${"), "\\${D}{");
            // add Velocity expression at the beginning of the result file.
            // Velocity is used by mvn archetype:generate
            escapeDollarSquiggly = "#set( $D = '$' )\n" + replaced;
        // do additional replacement
        String text = replaceFn.replace(escapeDollarSquiggly);
        FileUtils.write(dest, text);
    } else {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.warn("Not a source dir as the extension is {}", FilenameUtils.getExtension(src.getName()));
        FileUtils.copyFile(src, dest);

From source file:display.containers.FileManager.java

public boolean isProject(File fi) {
    String[] parts = fi.getAbsolutePath().split(Pattern.quote(File.separator));
    int serverdirlen = (SystemSettings.SERVER_INFO.getServerDir().toString()
            .split(Pattern.quote(File.separator))).length + 1;// +1 pour NRI-ANALYSE et NRI-DICOM
    if (parts.length == (serverdirlen))
        return false;
    if (!fi.getName().contains("..")) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = serverdirlen; i < parts.length; i++) {
            if (!parts[i].isEmpty()) {
                count++;//  ww  w .  j av  a2 s. com
        return count == 1;
    return false;

From source file:com.hichinaschool.flashcards.libanki.Finder.java

public static int findReplace(Collection col, List<Long> nids, String src, String dst, boolean isRegex,
        String field, boolean fold) {
    Map<Long, Integer> mmap = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
    if (field != null) {
        try {/*from ww w .  ja v  a 2  s .  co  m*/
            for (JSONObject m : col.getModels().all()) {
                JSONArray flds = m.getJSONArray("flds");
                for (int fi = 0; fi < flds.length(); ++fi) {
                    JSONObject f = flds.getJSONObject(fi);
                    if (f.getString("name").equals(field)) {
                        mmap.put(m.getLong("id"), f.getInt("ord"));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        if (mmap.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
    // find and gather replacements
    if (!isRegex) {
        src = Pattern.quote(src);
    if (fold) {
        src = "(?i)" + src;
    Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(src);

    ArrayList<Object[]> d = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
    String sql = "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in " + Utils.ids2str(nids.toArray(new Long[] {}));
    nids = new ArrayList<Long>();

    Cursor cur = null;
    try {
        cur = col.getDb().getDatabase().rawQuery(sql, null);
        while (cur.moveToNext()) {
            String flds = cur.getString(2);
            String origFlds = flds;
            // does it match?
            String[] sflds = Utils.splitFields(flds);
            if (field != null) {
                long mid = cur.getLong(1);
                if (!mmap.containsKey(mid)) {
                int ord = mmap.get(mid);
                sflds[ord] = regex.matcher(sflds[ord]).replaceAll(dst);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < sflds.length; ++i) {
                    sflds[i] = regex.matcher(sflds[i]).replaceAll(dst);
            flds = Utils.joinFields(sflds);
            if (!flds.equals(origFlds)) {
                long nid = cur.getLong(0);
                d.add(new Object[] { flds, Utils.intNow(), col.usn(), nid });

    } finally {
        if (cur != null) {
    if (d.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;
    // replace
    col.getDb().executeMany("update notes set flds=?,mod=?,usn=? where id=?", d);
    long[] pnids = Utils.toPrimitive(nids);
    return d.size();

From source file:de.dfki.km.leech.parser.wikipedia.WikipediaDumpParser.java

protected void parseInfoBox(String strText, Metadata metadata, ContentHandler handler) throws SAXException {

    // att-value paare mit | getrennt. Innerhalb eines values gibt es auch Zeilenumbrche (mit '<br />') - dies gilt als Aufzhlung
    // |Single1 |Datum1 , Besetzung1a Besetzung1b, Sonstiges1Titel |Sonstiges1Inhalt , Coverversion3 |Jahr3
    // | 1Option = 3
    // | 1Option Name = Demos
    // | 1Option Link = Demos
    // | 1Option Color =

    // als erstes schneiden wir mal die Infobox raus. (?m) ist multiline und (?s) ist dotall ('.' matcht auch line breaks)
    int iStartInfoBox = -1;
    int iEndInfoBox = -1;
    MatchResult infoMatch = StringUtils.findFirst("\\{\\{\\s*Infobox", strText);
    if (infoMatch != null) {
        iStartInfoBox = infoMatch.start();
        iEndInfoBox = StringUtils.findMatchingBracket(iStartInfoBox, strText) + 1;
    } else/*  w  w  w  .  ja v a  2  s. c  om*/

    if (strText.length() < 3 || strText.length() < iEndInfoBox || iEndInfoBox <= 0
            || (iStartInfoBox + 2) > iEndInfoBox)

    String strInfoBox = "";

    strInfoBox = strText.substring(iStartInfoBox + 2, iEndInfoBox);
    if (strInfoBox.length() < 5)

    String strCleanedInfoBox = m_wikiModel.render(new PlainTextConverter(),
            strInfoBox.replaceAll("<br />", "&lt;br /&gt;"));

    // da wir hier eigentlich relationierte Datenstze haben, machen wir auch einzelne, separierte Dokumente draus

    // System.out.println(strCleanedInfoBox);
    // System.out.println(strCleanedInfoBox.substring(0, strCleanedInfoBox.indexOf("\n")).trim());

    // erste Zeile bezeichnet die InfoBox
    int iIndex = strCleanedInfoBox.indexOf("|");
    if (iIndex == -1)
        iIndex = strCleanedInfoBox.indexOf("\n");
    if (iIndex == -1)
    String strInfoBoxName = strCleanedInfoBox.substring(7, iIndex).trim();
    metadata.add(infobox, strInfoBoxName);

    String[] straCleanedInfoBoxSplit = strCleanedInfoBox.split("\\s*\\|\\s*");

    HashMap<String, MultiValueHashMap<String, String>> hsSubDocId2AttValuePairsOfSubDoc = new HashMap<String, MultiValueHashMap<String, String>>();

    for (String strAttValuePair : straCleanedInfoBoxSplit) {

        // System.out.println("\nattValPair unsplittet " + strAttValuePair);
        // die Dinger sind mit einem '=' getrennt
        String[] straAtt2Value = strAttValuePair.split("=");

        if (straAtt2Value.length == 0 || straAtt2Value[0] == null)
        if (straAtt2Value.length < 2 || straAtt2Value[1] == null)

        String strAttName = straAtt2Value[0].trim();
        String strAttValues = straAtt2Value[1];
        if (StringUtils.nullOrWhitespace(strAttValues))
        // Innerhalb eines values gibt es auch Zeilenumbrche (mit '<br />' bzw. '&lt;br /&gt;') - dies gilt als Aufzhlung
        String[] straAttValues = strAttValues.split(Pattern.quote("&lt;br /&gt;"));
        // XXX wir werfen zusatzangaben in Klammern erst mal weg - man knnte sie auch als attnameAddInfo in einem extra Attribut speichern -
        // allerdings mu man dann wieder aufpassen, ob nicht ein subDocument entstehen mu (Bsp. mehrere Genre-entries mit jeweiliger
        // Jahreszahl)

        // der Attributname entscheidet nun, ob ein Dokument ausgelagert werden soll oder nicht. Ist darin eine Zahl enthalten, dann entfernen
        // wir diese und gruppieren alle att-value-paare mit dieser Zahl in einen extra Datensatz (MultiValueHashMap)
        Matcher numberMatcher = Pattern.compile("([\\D]*)(\\d+)([\\D]*)").matcher(strAttName);

        if (!numberMatcher.find()) {
            // wir haben keine Zahl im AttNamen - wir tragen diesen Wert einfach in die Metadaten ein.
            for (String strAttValue : straAttValues) {
                String strCleanedAttValue = cleanAttValue(strAttName, strAttValue);
                if (strCleanedAttValue != null)
                    metadata.add(strAttName, strCleanedAttValue);
        } else {
            // wir haben eine Zahl im Namen - wir tragen den Wert in einem SubDocument unter der Id <zahl> ein
            String strPrefix = numberMatcher.group(1);
            String strNumber = numberMatcher.group(2);
            String strSuffix = numberMatcher.group(3);

            String strDataSetId = strPrefix + strNumber;
            String strFinalAttName = strPrefix + strSuffix;

            // wenn wir noch mehr Zahlen haben, dann haben wir geloost - und tragen es einfach ein
            if (numberMatcher.find()) {
                for (String strAttValue : straAttValues) {
                    String strCleanedAttValue = cleanAttValue(strFinalAttName, strAttValue);
                    if (strCleanedAttValue != null)
                        metadata.add(strFinalAttName, strCleanedAttValue);

            // System.out.println("prefix " + strPrefix);
            // System.out.println("num " + strDataSetId);
            // System.out.println("suffix " + strSuffix);
            MultiValueHashMap<String, String> hsAttname2ValueOfSubDoc = hsSubDocId2AttValuePairsOfSubDoc
            if (hsAttname2ValueOfSubDoc == null) {
                hsAttname2ValueOfSubDoc = new MultiValueHashMap<String, String>();
                hsSubDocId2AttValuePairsOfSubDoc.put(strDataSetId, hsAttname2ValueOfSubDoc);

            for (String strAttValue : straAttValues)
                hsAttname2ValueOfSubDoc.add(strFinalAttName, strAttValue.replaceAll("\\(.*?\\)", "").trim());


    String strPageId = new UID().toString();
    metadata.add(LeechMetadata.id, strPageId);

    // we have to use the same metadata Object
    Metadata metadataBackup4ParentPage = TikaUtils.copyMetadata(metadata);

    for (MultiValueHashMap<String, String> hsAttValuePairsOfSubDoc : hsSubDocId2AttValuePairsOfSubDoc
            .values()) {


        // die Referenz zu meinem parent
        metadata.add(LeechMetadata.parentId, strPageId);
        metadata.add(infobox, strInfoBoxName);
        String strChildId = new UID().toString();
        metadata.add(LeechMetadata.id, strChildId);
        // zum rckreferenzieren geben wir dem parent auch noch unsere id
        metadataBackup4ParentPage.add(LeechMetadata.childId, strChildId);

        for (Entry<String, String> attName2Value4SubDoc : hsAttValuePairsOfSubDoc.entryList()) {
            String strAttName = attName2Value4SubDoc.getKey();
            String strAttValue = attName2Value4SubDoc.getValue();

            String strCleanedAttValue = cleanAttValue(strAttName, strAttValue);
            if (strCleanedAttValue != null)
                metadata.add(strAttName, strCleanedAttValue);

        metadata.add(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/wikipedia-meta+xml");

        // so erreichen wir, da im bergeordneten ContentHandler mehrere Docs ankommen :)
        XHTMLContentHandler xhtml = new XHTMLContentHandler(handler, metadata);


    TikaUtils.copyMetadataFromTo(metadataBackup4ParentPage, metadata);


From source file:com.microfocus.application.automation.tools.octane.configuration.JobConfigurationProxy.java

public JSONObject searchReleases(String term, String instanceId, long workspaceId) {
    int defaultSize = 5;
    JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
    OctaneClient octaneClient = OctaneSDK.getClientByInstanceId(instanceId);

    try {//from w  w w .  j  av a 2  s  . c om

        ResponseEntityList releasePagedList = queryReleasesByName(octaneClient, term, workspaceId, defaultSize);
        List<Entity> releases = releasePagedList.getData();
        boolean moreResults = releasePagedList.getTotalCount() > releases.size();

        JSONArray retArray = new JSONArray();
        if (moreResults) {

        String quotedTerm = Pattern.quote(term.toLowerCase());
        if (Pattern.matches(".*" + quotedTerm + ".*", NOT_SPECIFIED.toLowerCase())) {
            JSONObject notSpecifiedItemJson = new JSONObject();
            notSpecifiedItemJson.put("id", -1);
            notSpecifiedItemJson.put("text", NOT_SPECIFIED);

        for (Entity release : releases) {
            JSONObject relJson = new JSONObject();
            relJson.put("id", release.getId());
            relJson.put("text", release.getName());
        ret.put("results", retArray);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Failed to retrieve releases", e);
        return error("Unable to retrieve releases");

    return ret;

From source file:com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.authorization.RuleEvaluator.java

private Pattern patternForRegex(final String regex) {
    if (!patternCache.containsKey(regex)) {
        Pattern compile = null;//from   ww  w  .  j  a  v  a2  s .c  o  m
        try {
            compile = Pattern.compile(regex);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //invalid regex
        if (null == compile) {
            //create equality match regex
            compile = Pattern.compile("^" + Pattern.quote(regex) + "$");
        patternCache.putIfAbsent(regex, compile);
    return patternCache.get(regex);