Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern quote

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern quote


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern quote.


public static String quote(String s) 

Source Link


Returns a literal pattern String for the specified String .


From source file:unalcol.termites.boxplots.SucessfulRatesHybrid.java

private static CategoryDataset createDataset(ArrayList<Double> Pf) {
    DefaultCategoryDataset defaultcategorydataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    String sDirectorio = ".\\experiments\\2015-10-14-Maze\\results";
    File f = new File(sDirectorio);
    String extension;/*from   ww w .  j av  a  2s  .c  o m*/
    File[] files = f.listFiles();
    Hashtable<String, String> Pop = new Hashtable<>();
    PrintWriter escribir;
    Scanner sc = null;
    double sucessfulExp = 0.0;
    for (File file : files) {
        extension = "";
        int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
        int p = Math.max(file.getName().lastIndexOf('/'), file.getName().lastIndexOf('\\'));
        if (i > p) {
            extension = file.getName().substring(i + 1);

        // System.out.println(file.getName() + "extension" + extension);
        if (file.isFile() && extension.equals("csv") && file.getName().startsWith("experiment")) {
            System.out.println("get: " + file.getName());
            String[] filenamep = file.getName().split(Pattern.quote("+"));

            System.out.println("file" + filenamep[8]);

            int popsize = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[2]);
            double pf = Double.valueOf(filenamep[4]);
            String mode = filenamep[6];

            int maxIter = -1;
            //if (!filenamep[8].isEmpty()) {
            maxIter = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[8]);
            int n = 0;
            int rho = 0;
            double evapRate = 0.0;
            //14, 16, 16
            if (mode.equals("hybrid")) {
                n = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[14]);
                rho = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[16]);
                String[] tmp = filenamep[18].split(Pattern.quote("."));

                System.out.println("history size:" + n);
                System.out.println("rho:" + rho);
                String sEvap = tmp[0] + "." + tmp[1];
                evapRate = Double.valueOf(sEvap);

            System.out.println("psize:" + popsize);
            System.out.println("pf:" + pf);
            System.out.println("mode:" + mode);
            System.out.println("maxIter:" + maxIter);

            //String[] aMode = {"random", "levywalk", "sandc", "sandclw"};
            //String[] aMode = {"lwphclwevap", "lwsandc2", "lwsandc", "lwphevap2", "lwphevap"};
            String[] aMode = { "hybrid", "lwphevap" };

            if (isInMode(aMode, mode)) {
                final List list = new ArrayList();
                try {
                    sc = new Scanner(file);

                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                            .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                int agentsCorrect = 0;
                int worldSize = 0;
                double averageExplored = 0.0;
                int bestRoundNumber = 0;
                double avgSend = 0;
                double avgRecv = 0;
                double avgdataExplInd = 0;
                ArrayList<Double> acSt = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avgExp = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> bestR = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avSnd = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avRecv = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avIndExpl = new ArrayList<>();

                String[] data = null;
                while (sc.hasNext()) {
                    String line = sc.nextLine();
                    //System.out.println("line:" + line);
                    data = line.split(",");
                    agentsCorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[0]);
                    //agentsIncorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[1]); // not used
                    worldSize = Integer.valueOf(data[3]);
                    averageExplored = Double.valueOf(data[4]);
                    // data[3] stdavgExplored - not used
                    bestRoundNumber = Integer.valueOf(data[6]);
                    avgSend = Double.valueOf(data[7]);
                    avgRecv = Double.valueOf(data[8]);
                    avgdataExplInd = Double.valueOf(data[11]);

                    //Add Data and generate statistics 
                    acSt.add((double) agentsCorrect);


                    sucessfulExp = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < acSt.size(); j++) {
                        if (acSt.get(j) > 0) {

                if (Pf.contains(pf)) {
                    if (mode.equals("hybrid")) {
                        String nameSeries = n + "-" + rho + "-" + evapRate;
                        defaultcategorydataset.addValue(((double) sucessfulExp) / acSt.size() * 100.0,
                                "" + popsize, nameSeries);
                    } else {
                        defaultcategorydataset.addValue(((double) sucessfulExp) / acSt.size() * 100.0,
                                "" + popsize, getTechniqueName(mode) + "\nPf:" + pf);
                    /*pf == 1.0E-4 || pf == 3.0E-4*/

    return defaultcategorydataset;

From source file:com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.SuggestListCommand.java

String getSeparatedInput(String input, String sep, Boolean isMultiSelect) {
    if (isMultiSelect && (sep != null) && !"".equals(sep)) {
        String[] inputWords = input.split(Pattern.quote(sep));
        input = inputWords[inputWords.length - 1].trim();
    }/*w  w w.ja  va2 s. com*/
    return input;

From source file:com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.dbupdate.ScriptScanner.java

public List<String> getModuleDirs() {
    try {/*from  ww w. j  a va 2 s  .c o m*/
        Resource[] resources = createAppropriateResourceResolver()
                .getResources(dbScriptsDirectoryForSearch() + "/**/*.*");
        String dbDirPath = dbScriptDirectoryPath();
        log.trace("DB scripts directory: {}", dbDirPath);
        List<String> modules = Arrays.stream(resources).map(resource -> {
            try {
                String decodedUrl = URLEncodeUtils.decodeUtf8(resource.getURL().toString());
                String resourcePath = decodedUrl.replaceFirst(".+?:", "");
                Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(".*" + Pattern.quote(dbDirPath) + "/?(.+?)/.*")
                return matcher.find() ? matcher.group(1) : null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while detecting modules", e);
        }).filter(element -> element != null).collect(Collectors.toSet()).stream().sorted()

        if (modules.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                    "No existing modules found. " + "Please check if [%s] contains DB scripts.", dbDirPath));

        log.trace("Found modules: {}", modules);
        return modules;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while detecting modules", e);

From source file:de.unidue.inf.is.ezdl.gframedl.utils.HighlightingUtils.java

 * Returns {@link Matcher} for highlighting.
 * /*from w w w  .j a  v a  2  s.  c o m*/
 * @param highlightStrings
 * @param escapeHighlightStrings
 * @param stringToHighlight
 * @param highlightOnlyWords
 *            true, if only words should be highlighted
 * @return
public static Matcher matcher(List<String> highlightStrings, boolean escapeHighlightStrings,
        String stringToHighlight, boolean highlightOnlyWords) {
    if (stringToHighlight == null || highlightStrings.isEmpty()
            || highlightStrings.size() == 1 && highlightStrings.get(0).isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    String p = highlightOnlyWords ? "\\b(" : "(";
    for (int i = 0; i < highlightStrings.size(); i++) {
        String queryTerm = highlightStrings.get(i);
        if (escapeHighlightStrings) {
            p += Pattern.quote(queryTerm);
        } else {
            p += queryTerm;

        if (i < highlightStrings.size() - 1) {
            p += "|";
    p += highlightOnlyWords ? ")\\b" : ")";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stringToHighlight);
    return matcher;

From source file:de.micromata.genome.util.text.TextSplitterUtils.java

 * Parses the string tokens./*from  www . java2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param text the text
 * @param tokens used as RegExp
 * @param escapeChar the escape char
 * @param returnDelimiter the return delimiter
 * @param returnUnescaped the return unescaped
 * @return the list
public static List<String> parseStringTokens(String text, String[] tokens, char escapeChar,
        boolean returnDelimiter, boolean returnUnescaped) {
    Token[] tks = new Token[tokens.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
        String p = tokens[i];
        p = Pattern.quote(p);
        p = "^(" + p + ")(.*)";
        tks[i] = new RegExpToken(i + 1, p);
    List<TokenResult> tksr = parseStringTokens(text, tks, escapeChar, returnDelimiter, returnUnescaped);
    List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (TokenResult tkr : tksr) {
    return ret;

From source file:edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.console.ConsoleBasedTest.java

 * Test GUID creation and deletion//from w w w. ja v a 2 s .  c  om
public void testField() {
    String inCommands;
    String expectedOutput;

    inCommands = "field_create " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_write " + FIELD1 + " " + VALUE1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_delete " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_create " + FIELD1 + " zero\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_append " + FIELD1 + " one\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_set 1 " + FIELD1 + " two\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_clear " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_delete " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_write " + FIELD1 + " " + VALUE1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_write " + FIELD1 + " " + VALUE2 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_read " + FIELD1 + "\n";
    inCommands += "field_delete " + FIELD1 + "\n";

    expectedOutput = "New field " + FIELD1 + " created with value ''.*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Value '" + VALUE1 + "' written to field " + FIELD1 + " for GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"" + VALUE1 + "\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Field " + FIELD1 + " removed from GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += "New field " + FIELD1 + " created with value 'zero'.*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"zero\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Value 'one' appended to field " + FIELD1 + " for GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"zero\",\"one\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Value 'two' written at index 1 of field " + FIELD1 + " for GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"zero\",\"two\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Field " + FIELD1 + " cleared.*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Field " + FIELD1 + " removed from GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote(
            "Failed to access GNS ( edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.exceptions.GnsException: General command failure: +GENERICEERROR+)")
            + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Value '" + VALUE1 + "' written to field " + FIELD1 + " for GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"" + VALUE1 + "\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Value '" + VALUE2 + "' written to field " + FIELD1 + " for GUID .*\n";
    expectedOutput += Pattern.quote("[\"" + VALUE2 + "\"]") + ".*\n";
    expectedOutput += "Field " + FIELD1 + " removed from GUID .*\n";

    runCommandsInConsole(inCommands, expectedOutput, true, true);

From source file:com.genentech.chemistry.openEye.apps.SDFTopologicalIndexer.java

private void run(String inFile) {
    oemolithread ifs = new oemolithread(inFile);
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int iCounter = 0; //Structures in the SD file.

    OEMolBase mol = new OEGraphMol();
    while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)) {
        iCounter++;/*from  www  . ja v  a 2  s . c  o  m*/

        try {
            //System.err.println(OETools.molToCanSmi(mol, true));
            if (doJ)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "J", DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doJStar)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "JStar", DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJStarIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doJX)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "JX", DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJXIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doJXStar)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "JXStar",
                        DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJXStarIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doJY)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "JY", DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJYIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doJYStar)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "JYStar",
                        DataFormat.formatNumber(indexer.getBalabanJYStarIndex(), "r3"));
            if (doWiener)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "Wiener", Long.toString(indexer.getWienerIndex()));
            if (doZagreb)
                oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "Zagreb", Integer.toString(indexer.getZagrebIndex()));

        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                    .println("Conmputing topological Index timeed out for: " + OETools.molToCanSmi(mol, true));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            System.err.println("Conmputing topological Index caused NumberFormatException for: "
                    + OETools.molToCanSmi(mol, true));
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
            System.err.println("Conmputing topological Index caused OutOfMemoryError for: "
                    + OETools.molToCanSmi(mol, true));
            throw e;
        oechem.OEWriteMolecule(outputOEThread, mol);

        //Output "." to show that the program is running.
        if (iCounter % 100 == 0)
        if (iCounter % 4000 == 0) {
            System.err.printf(" %d %dsec\n", iCounter, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000);

    inFile = inFile.replaceAll(".*" + Pattern.quote(File.separator), "");
    System.err.printf("%s: Read %d structures from %s. in %d sec\n", MY_NAME, iCounter, inFile,
            (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000);

From source file:unalcol.termites.boxplots.ECALinfoCollected.java

 * Creates a sample dataset.//  w w  w .  j ava2  s  . c om
 * @return A sample dataset.
private BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset createSampleDataset(ArrayList<Double> Pf) {

    final int seriesCount = 5;
    final int categoryCount = 4;
    final int entityCount = 22;
    String sDirectorio = ".\\experiments\\ECAL CR";
    File f = new File(sDirectorio);
    String extension;
    File[] files = f.listFiles();
    Hashtable<String, String> Pop = new Hashtable<>();
    PrintWriter escribir;
    Scanner sc = null;
    ArrayList<Integer> aPops = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Double> aPf = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> aTech = new ArrayList<>();

    final DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset();

    for (File file : files) {
        extension = "";
        int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
        int p = Math.max(file.getName().lastIndexOf('/'), file.getName().lastIndexOf('\\'));
        if (i > p) {
            extension = file.getName().substring(i + 1);

        // System.out.println(file.getName() + "extension" + extension);
        if (file.isFile() && extension.equals("csv") && file.getName().startsWith("experiment")) {
            System.out.println("get: " + file.getName());
            String[] filenamep = file.getName().split(Pattern.quote("+"));

            System.out.println("file" + filenamep[8]);

            int popsize = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[2]);
            double pf = Double.valueOf(filenamep[4]);
            String mode = filenamep[6];

            int maxIter = -1;
            //if (!filenamep[8].isEmpty()) {
            maxIter = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[8]);

            System.out.println("psize:" + popsize);
            System.out.println("pf:" + pf);
            System.out.println("mode:" + mode);
            System.out.println("maxIter:" + maxIter);

            String[] aMode = { "random", "levywalk", "sandc" };

            if (/*Pf == pf && */isInMode(aMode, mode)) {
                final List list = new ArrayList();
                try {
                    sc = new Scanner(file);

                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                            .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                int agentsCorrect = 0;
                int worldSize = 0;
                double averageExplored = 0.0;
                int bestRoundNumber = 0;
                double avgSend = 0;
                double avgRecv = 0;
                double avgdataExplInd = 0;
                ArrayList<Double> acSt = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avgExp = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> bestR = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avSnd = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avRecv = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avIndExpl = new ArrayList<>();

                String[] data = null;
                while (sc.hasNext()) {
                    String line = sc.nextLine();
                    //System.out.println("line:" + line);
                    data = line.split(",");
                    agentsCorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[0]);
                    //agentsIncorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[1]); // not used
                    worldSize = Integer.valueOf(data[3]);
                    averageExplored = Double.valueOf(data[4]);
                    // data[3] stdavgExplored - not used
                    bestRoundNumber = Integer.valueOf(data[6]);
                    avgSend = Double.valueOf(data[7]);
                    avgRecv = Double.valueOf(data[8]);
                    avgdataExplInd = Double.valueOf(data[11]);

                    //Add Data and generate statistics 
                    acSt.add((double) agentsCorrect);


                    list.add(new Double(averageExplored / (double) worldSize * 100));
                LOGGER.debug("Adding series " + i);
                if (Pf.contains(pf)) {
                    /*pf == 1.0E-4 || pf == 3.0E-4*/
                    if (Pf.size() == 1) {
                        dataset.add(list, popsize, getTechniqueName(mode));
                    } else {
                        dataset.add(list, String.valueOf(popsize) + "-" + pf, getTechniqueName(mode));


    /*for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
     final List list = new ArrayList();
     // add some values...
     for (int k = 0; k < entityCount; k++) {
     final double value1 = 10.0 + Math.random() * 3;
     list.add(new Double(value1));
     final double value2 = 11.25 + Math.random(); // concentrate values in the middle
     list.add(new Double(value2));
     LOGGER.debug("Adding series " + i);
     dataset.add(list, "Series " + i, " Type " + j);
    return dataset;

From source file:unalcol.termites.boxplots.HybridRoundNumberReport.java

 * Creates a sample dataset./*from   w ww.ja va  2  s.  c  o  m*/
 * @return A sample dataset.
private BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset createSampleDataset(ArrayList<Double> Pf) {

    final int seriesCount = 5;
    final int categoryCount = 4;
    final int entityCount = 22;
    String sDirectorio = ".\\experiments\\2015-10-07-Hybrid\\hybridres";

    File f = new File(sDirectorio);
    String extension;
    File[] files = f.listFiles();
    Hashtable<String, String> Pop = new Hashtable<>();
    PrintWriter escribir;
    Scanner sc = null;
    ArrayList<Integer> aPops = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Double> aPf = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> aTech = new ArrayList<>();

    final DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset();

    for (File file : files) {
        extension = "";
        int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
        int p = Math.max(file.getName().lastIndexOf('/'), file.getName().lastIndexOf('\\'));
        if (i > p) {
            extension = file.getName().substring(i + 1);

        // System.out.println(file.getName() + "extension" + extension);
        if (file.isFile() && extension.equals("csv") && file.getName().startsWith("experiment")) {
            System.out.println("get: " + file.getName());
            String[] filenamep = file.getName().split(Pattern.quote("+"));

            System.out.println("file" + filenamep[8]);

            int popsize = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[2]);
            double pf = Double.valueOf(filenamep[4]);
            String mode = filenamep[6];

            int maxIter = -1;
            //if (!filenamep[8].isEmpty()) {
            maxIter = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[8]);
            int n = 0;
            int rho = 0;
            double evapRate = 0.0;
            //14, 16, 16
            if (mode.equals("hybrid")) {
                n = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[14]);
                rho = Integer.valueOf(filenamep[16]);
                String[] tmp = filenamep[18].split(Pattern.quote("."));

                System.out.println("history size:" + n);
                System.out.println("rho:" + rho);
                String sEvap = tmp[0] + "." + tmp[1];
                evapRate = Double.valueOf(sEvap);

            System.out.println("psize:" + popsize);
            System.out.println("pf:" + pf);
            System.out.println("mode:" + mode);
            System.out.println("maxIter:" + maxIter);
            System.out.println("evap:" + evapRate);
            String[] aMode = { "hybrid", "lwphevap" };

            if (isInMode(aMode, mode)) {
                final List list = new ArrayList();
                try {
                    sc = new Scanner(file);

                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                            .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                int agentsCorrect = 0;
                int worldSize = 0;
                double averageExplored = 0.0;
                int bestRoundNumber = 0;
                double avgSend = 0;
                double avgRecv = 0;
                double avgdataExplInd = 0;
                ArrayList<Double> acSt = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avgExp = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> bestR = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avSnd = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avRecv = new ArrayList<>();
                ArrayList<Double> avIndExpl = new ArrayList<>();

                String[] data = null;
                while (sc.hasNext()) {
                    String line = sc.nextLine();
                    //System.out.println("line:" + line);
                    data = line.split(",");
                    agentsCorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[0]);
                    //agentsIncorrect = Integer.valueOf(data[1]); // not used
                    worldSize = Integer.valueOf(data[3]);
                    averageExplored = Double.valueOf(data[4]);
                    // data[3] stdavgExplored - not used
                    bestRoundNumber = Integer.valueOf(data[6]);
                    avgSend = Double.valueOf(data[7]);
                    avgRecv = Double.valueOf(data[8]);
                    avgdataExplInd = Double.valueOf(data[11]);

                    //Add Data and generate statistics 
                    acSt.add((double) agentsCorrect);

                    if (bestRoundNumber != 0 && bestRoundNumber != -1) {
                        list.add(new Double(bestRoundNumber));
                LOGGER.debug("Adding series " + i);
                if (Pf.contains(pf)) {
                    /*pf == 1.0E-4 || pf == 3.0E-4*/
                    if (Pf.size() == 1) {
                        if (mode.equals("hybrid")) {
                            dataset.add(list, popsize,
                                    /*getTechniqueName(mode) + */ rho + "-" + evapRate + "-" + n);
                        } else {
                            dataset.add(list, popsize, getTechniqueName(mode));
                    } else {
                        if (mode.equals("hybrid")) {
                            dataset.add(list, String.valueOf(popsize) + "-" + pf,
                                    /*getTechniqueName(mode) +*/ rho + "-" + evapRate + "-" + n);
                        } else {
                            dataset.add(list, String.valueOf(popsize) + "-" + pf, getTechniqueName(mode));


    /*for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) {
     final List list = new ArrayList();
     // add some values...
     for (int k = 0; k < entityCount; k++) {
     final double value1 = 10.0 + Math.random() * 3;
     list.add(new Double(value1));
     final double value2 = 11.25 + Math.random(); // concentrate values in the middle
     list.add(new Double(value2));
     LOGGER.debug("Adding series " + i);
     dataset.add(list, "Series " + i, " Type " + j);
    return dataset;