Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern CASE_INSENSITIVE

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern CASE_INSENSITIVE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern CASE_INSENSITIVE.



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Enables case-insensitive matching.


From source file:com.duroty.controller.actions.GoogieSpellAction.java

protected Vector getMatches(String text) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
            "<c o=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\" l=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\" s=\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\">([^<]*)<\\/c>",
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);

    Vector vector = new Vector();

    while (matcher.find()) {
        int groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
            DLog.log(DLog.WARN, this.getClass(), "GROUP: " + i + " >> " + matcher.group(i));
        }/*from   ww w .ja  va2s  . com*/

    return vector;

From source file:com.redhat.rhn.domain.channel.NewChannelHelper.java

 * Verifies a potential GPG ID for a channel
 * @param gpgId the gpg id of the channel
 * @return true if it is correct, false otherwise
 *//*from  w  ww .  j av a 2s .c  o m*/
public static boolean verifyGpgId(String gpgId) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9A-F]{8}$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher match = pattern.matcher(gpgId);
    return match.matches();

From source file:dk.dma.msinm.web.rest.LocationRestService.java

 * Annoyingly, different versions of KML use different default namespaces.
 * Hence, attempt to extract the default namespace
 * @param kml the xml//from  ww  w.java2  s  .c  o  m
 * @return the default KML namespace
private String extractDefaultNamespace(String kml) {
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*<kml xmlns=\"([^\"]*)\".*",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(kml);
    if (m.matches()) {
        return m.group(1);
    return "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2";

From source file:fr.dudie.acrachilisync.utils.IssueDescriptionReader.java

 * Extracts the list of bug occurrences from the description.
 * /*from   w  ww  .  ja v  a  2 s . c  o m*/
 * @param pDescription
 *            the issue description
 * @param pStacktraceMD5
 *            the stacktrace MD5 hash the issue is related to
 * @return the ACRA bug occurrences listed in the description
 * @throws IssueParseException
 *             malformed issue description
private List<ErrorOccurrence> parseAcraOccurrencesTable(final String pDescription, final String pStacktraceMD5)
        throws IssueParseException {

    final List<ErrorOccurrence> occur = new ArrayList<ErrorOccurrence>();

    // escape braces { and } to use strings in regexp
    final String header = IssueDescriptionUtils.getOccurrencesTableHeader();
    final String escHeader = Pattern.quote(header);

    // regexp to find occurrences tables
    final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(escHeader + IssueDescriptionUtils.EOL + "(?:" + OCCURR_LINE_PATTERN
            + IssueDescriptionUtils.EOL + "+)+", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    final Matcher m = p.matcher(pDescription);

    if (m.find()) {
        // regexp to find occurrences lines
        final Pattern pLine = Pattern.compile(OCCURR_LINE_PATTERN);
        final Matcher mLine = pLine.matcher(m.group());
        while (mLine.find()) {
            try {
                final StringTokenizer line = new StringTokenizer(mLine.group(), "|");
                final String acraReportId = line.nextToken();
                final String acraUserCrashDate = line.nextToken();
                final String acraRunFor = line.nextToken();
                final String acraAndroidVersion = line.nextToken();
                final String acraVersionCode = line.nextToken();
                final String acraVersionName = line.nextToken();
                final String acraDevice = line.nextToken();
                final ErrorOccurrence error = new ErrorOccurrence();
                try {
                } catch (final ParseException e) {
                    throw new IssueParseException(
                            "Unable to parse user crash date of ACRA report " + acraReportId, e);
            } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) {
                throw new IssueParseException("Unable to parse ACRA report line: " + mLine.group(), e);
    } else {
        throw new IssueParseException("No crash occurrence table found in the description");

    if (m.find()) {
        throw new IssueParseException("More than 1 occurrence table found in the description");

    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(occur)) {
        throw new IssueParseException("0 user crash occurrence found in the description");

    return occur;

From source file:AIR.Common.Web.Session.CaseInsensitiveFileNameFilter.java

private void setupExtensionsPattern(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
    String extensions = filterConfig.getInitParameter("extensionsToFilter");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(extensions)) {
        _logger.warn(/*  w w w .j  a v  a2  s  .c  om*/
                "No extensions provided to filter on. No filtering will be done. Please fill out the extensionsToFilter init-param for CaseInsensitiveFileNameFilter. Extensions are pipe (|) seperated.");
    } else {
        _pattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(".*\\.(?:%s)$", extensions), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

From source file:com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.StringUtil.java

public static boolean seleniumEquals(String expectedPattern, String actual) {

    if ((expectedPattern == null) || (actual == null)) {
        return expectedPattern == actual;
    }/* w  w w.j ava  2s .  c om*/
    if (actual.startsWith("regexp:") || actual.startsWith("regex:") || actual.startsWith("regexpi:")
            || actual.startsWith("regexi:") || actual.startsWith("start:") || actual.startsWith("end:")
            || actual.startsWith("in:")) {
        // swap 'em
        String tmp = actual;
        actual = expectedPattern;
        expectedPattern = tmp;
    if (expectedPattern.startsWith("start:")) {
        return actual.startsWith(expectedPattern.replaceFirst("start:", ""));
    if (expectedPattern.startsWith("end:")) {
        return actual.endsWith(expectedPattern.replaceFirst("end:", ""));
    if (expectedPattern.startsWith("in:")) {
        return actual.contains(expectedPattern.replaceFirst("in:", ""));
    Boolean b;
    b = handleRegex("regexp:", expectedPattern, actual, 0);
    if (b != null) {
        return b.booleanValue();
    b = handleRegex("regex:", expectedPattern, actual, 0);
    if (b != null) {
        return b.booleanValue();
    b = handleRegex("regexpi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    if (b != null) {
        return b.booleanValue();
    b = handleRegex("regexi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    if (b != null) {
        return b.booleanValue();

    if (expectedPattern.startsWith("exact:")) {
        String expectedExact = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("exact:", "");
        if (!expectedExact.equals(actual)) {
            System.out.println("expected " + actual + " to match " + expectedPattern);
            return false;
        return true;

    String expectedGlob = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("glob:", "");
    expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("([\\]\\[\\\\{\\}$\\(\\)\\|\\^\\+.])", "\\\\$1");

    expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\*", ".*");
    expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\?", ".");
    if (!Pattern.compile(expectedGlob, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(actual).matches()) {
        System.out.println("expected \"" + actual + "\" to match glob \"" + expectedPattern
                + "\" (had transformed the glob into regexp \"" + expectedGlob + "\"");
        return false;
    return true;

From source file:cz.zcu.pia.social.network.frontend.components.login.ComponentRegister.java

 * Tells if the form is valid//  www  .j  a v  a2s . co  m
 * @return is valid
protected boolean isValid() {
    if (!bean.getValidation().equals(TURRING_TEST)) {
        Notification.show(msgs.getMessage(ERROR_VALIDATION), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return false;
    if (!bean.getPassword().equals(bean.getPasswordRepeat())) {
        Notification.show(msgs.getMessage(ERROR_PASSWORDS_DOESNT_MATCH), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return false;
    if (usersService.getUserByUsername(bean.getUsername()) != null) {
        Notification.show(msgs.getMessage(ERROR_USERNAME_USED), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return false;
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^a-z0-9]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(bean.getUsername());
    boolean b = m.find();
    if (b) {
        Notification.show(msgs.getMessage("username") + " " + msgs.getMessage("error.special-char") + "\n",
                msgs.getMessage("error.special-char.correct"), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return false;
    return true;

From source file:fr.dudie.acrachilisync.tools.upgrade.IssueDescriptionReaderV1.java

 * Extracts the bug stacktrace from the description.
 * /*from  w w w.j a v a2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @param pDescription
 *            the issue description
 * @param pStacktraceMD5
 *            the stacktrace MD5 hash the issue is related to
 * @return the stacktrace
 * @throws IssueParseException
 *             malformed issue description
private String parseStacktrace(final String pDescription, final String pStacktraceMD5)
        throws IssueParseException {

    String stacktrace = null;

    // escape braces { and } to use strings in regexp
    final String start = "<pre class=\"javastacktrace\">";
    final String qStart = Pattern.quote(start);
    final String end = "</pre>";
    final String qEnd = Pattern.quote(end);

    final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(qStart + "(.*)" + qEnd, Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    final Matcher m = p.matcher(pDescription);

    if (m.find()) {
        stacktrace = m.group(1);
        // if a start tag or an end tag is found in the stacktrace, then there is a problem
        if (StringUtils.contains(stacktrace, start) || StringUtils.contains(stacktrace, end)) {
            throw new IssueParseException("Invalid stacktrace block");
    } else {
        throw new IssueParseException("0 stacktrace block found in the description");

    return stacktrace;

From source file:caarray.client.examples.java.CASRemoteEJBClient.java

private String getTicketValue(HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
    String result = "";
    Header[] headers = response.getHeaders("Location");
    String serviceTicketURL = headers[0].getValue();
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*ticket=(.*)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(serviceTicketURL);
    m.find();//from  w ww  .jav  a  2  s .  c  om
    result = m.group(1);
    return result;

From source file:com.g3net.tool.StringUtils.java

 * ???//from ww  w  .  java  2 s  .  c om
 * @param src
 * @param regexp
 * @param ignoreCase
 * @param startPos
 *            ??
 * @return
public static boolean endsWith(String src, String regexp, boolean ignoreCase, TInteger startPos) {

    Pattern p = null;
    if (ignoreCase) {
        p = Pattern.compile(regexp + "$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    } else {
        p = Pattern.compile(regexp + "$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(src);
    while (m.find()) {
        // log.info(m.group()+":"+m.start()+":"+m.end());
        return true;
    return false;