List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern CASE_INSENSITIVE
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/** * jpqlorder By??// www. ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @param jpql * @return */ private static String removeOrders(String jpql) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("order\\s*by[\\w|\\W|\\s|\\S]*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(jpql); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { m.appendReplacement(sb, ""); } m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); }
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/** * <code>Regexp</code> is a utility class providing the functionality * present within the EXSLT Regular Expressions definition (<a * href=""//from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c o m * target="_top"></a>). <br> * <br> * This is a contribution from Terence Jacyno. <p/> Todo: Move to * 'ExsltRegExpExtensionFunctions, rename to 'test', add 'replace' and * 'match' */ public static boolean match(String input, String regex, String flags) { String regexKey = ((flags == null) || (flags.indexOf('i') == -1)) ? "s " + regex : "i " + regex; Pattern pattern = (Pattern) m_regexPatterns.get(regexKey); if (pattern == null) { pattern = (regexKey.charAt(0) == 'i') ? Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) : Pattern.compile(regex); m_regexPatterns.put(regexKey, pattern); } Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); return matcher.matches(); }
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/** * ???????/*w ww . java 2 s. c o m*/ * @param line * @param generationDate ? * @param monitorInfo */ public static void patternMatch(String line, MonitorInfo monitorInfo, RunInstructionInfo runInstructionInfo, Date generationDate, String filename) { if (runInstructionInfo == null && monitorInfo.getCalendar() != null && !CalendarWSUtil.isRun(monitorInfo.getCalendar())) { m_log.debug("patternMatch is skipped because of calendar"); return; } boolean processed = false; if (runInstructionInfo != null || monitorInfo.isMonitorFlg()) { int order_no = 0; for (MonitorStringValueInfo stringInfo : monitorInfo.getStringValueInfo()) { ++order_no; if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("patternMatch() line = " + line + ", monitorId = " + stringInfo.getMonitorId() + ", orderNo = " + order_no + ", pattern = " + stringInfo.getPattern()); } if (!stringInfo.isValidFlg()) { continue; } String patternText = stringInfo.getPattern(); String message = line; m_log.trace("patternMatch check " + message); Pattern pattern = null; // ????? if (stringInfo.isCaseSensitivityFlg()) { pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } // ??? else { pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL); } Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { m_log.debug("patternMatch match " + message); // ??? if (stringInfo.isProcessType()) { MessageInfo logmsg = new MessageInfo(); logmsg.setMessage(line); if (generationDate != null) { m_log.debug("patternMatch set generation date : " + generationDate); logmsg.setGenerationDate(generationDate.getTime()); } else { logmsg.setGenerationDate(HinemosTime.getDateInstance().getTime()); } logmsg.setHostName(Agent.getAgentInfo().getHostname()); MonitorInfo monitorInfo2 = new MonitorInfo(); if (filename != null) { monitorInfo2.setApplication(monitorInfo.getApplication()); monitorInfo2.setCalendar(monitorInfo.getCalendar()); monitorInfo2.setCalendarId(monitorInfo.getCalendarId()); monitorInfo2.setCollectorFlg(monitorInfo.isCollectorFlg()); monitorInfo2.setCustomCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getCustomCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setCustomTrapCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getCustomTrapCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setDelayTime(monitorInfo.getDelayTime()); monitorInfo2.setDescription(monitorInfo.getDescription()); monitorInfo2.setFacilityId(monitorInfo.getFacilityId()); monitorInfo2.setFailurePriority(monitorInfo.getFailurePriority()); monitorInfo2.setHttpCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getHttpCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setHttpScenarioCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getHttpScenarioCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setItemName(monitorInfo.getItemName()); monitorInfo2.setJmxCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getJmxCheckInfo()); // ???????LogfileCheckInfo??????? LogfileCheckInfo logFileCheckInfo = new LogfileCheckInfo(); logFileCheckInfo.setDirectory(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getDirectory()); logFileCheckInfo.setFileEncoding(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getFileEncoding()); logFileCheckInfo.setFileName(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getFileName()); logFileCheckInfo .setFileReturnCode(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getFileReturnCode()); logFileCheckInfo.setLogfile(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getLogfile()); logFileCheckInfo.setMaxBytes(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getMaxBytes()); logFileCheckInfo.setMonitorId(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getMonitorId()); logFileCheckInfo.setMonitorTypeId(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getMonitorTypeId()); logFileCheckInfo.setPatternHead(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getPatternHead()); logFileCheckInfo.setPatternTail(monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().getPatternTail()); monitorInfo2.setLogfileCheckInfo(logFileCheckInfo);// monitorInfo2.setLogFormatId(monitorInfo.getLogFormatId()); monitorInfo2.setMeasure(monitorInfo.getMeasure()); monitorInfo2.setMonitorFlg(monitorInfo.isMonitorFlg()); monitorInfo2.setMonitorId(monitorInfo.getMonitorId()); monitorInfo2.setMonitorType(monitorInfo.getMonitorType()); monitorInfo2.setMonitorTypeId(monitorInfo.getMonitorTypeId()); monitorInfo2.setNotifyGroupId(monitorInfo.getNotifyGroupId()); monitorInfo2.setOwnerRoleId(monitorInfo.getOwnerRoleId()); monitorInfo2.setPerfCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getPerfCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setPingCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getPingCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setPluginCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getPluginCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setPortCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getPortCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setProcessCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getProcessCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setRegDate(monitorInfo.getRegDate()); monitorInfo2.setRegUser(monitorInfo.getRegUser()); monitorInfo2.setRunInterval(monitorInfo.getRunInterval()); monitorInfo2.setScope(monitorInfo.getScope()); monitorInfo2.setSnmpCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getSnmpCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setSqlCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getSqlCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setTrapCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getTrapCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setTriggerType(monitorInfo.getTriggerType()); monitorInfo2.setUpdateDate(monitorInfo.getUpdateDate()); monitorInfo2.setUpdateUser(monitorInfo.getUpdateUser()); monitorInfo2.setWinEventCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getWinEventCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.setWinServiceCheckInfo(monitorInfo.getWinServiceCheckInfo()); monitorInfo2.getLogfileCheckInfo().setLogfile(filename); } if (HinemosModuleConstant.MONITOR_LOGFILE.equals(monitorInfo.getMonitorTypeId())) { if (filename != null) { LogfileResultForwarder.getInstance().add(message, logmsg, monitorInfo2, stringInfo, runInstructionInfo); } else { LogfileResultForwarder.getInstance().add(message, logmsg, monitorInfo, stringInfo, runInstructionInfo); } } else if (HinemosModuleConstant.MONITOR_WINEVENT.equals(monitorInfo.getMonitorTypeId())) { WinEventResultForwarder.getInstance().add(message, logmsg, monitorInfo, stringInfo, runInstructionInfo); } processed = true; m_log.debug("patternMatch send message : " + message); m_log.debug("patternMatch send logmsg message : " + logmsg.getMessage()); m_log.debug("patternMatch send logmsg generation date : " + new Date(logmsg.getGenerationDate())); m_log.debug("patternMatch send logmsg hostname : " + logmsg.getHostName()); } break; } } } else { m_log.debug("patternMatch is skipped because of monitor flg"); } if (!processed && monitorInfo.isCollectorFlg()) { MessageInfo logmsg = new MessageInfo(); logmsg.setMessage(line); if (generationDate != null) { m_log.debug("patternMatch set generation date : " + generationDate); logmsg.setGenerationDate(generationDate.getTime()); } else { logmsg.setGenerationDate(HinemosTime.getDateInstance().getTime()); } logmsg.setHostName(Agent.getAgentInfo().getHostname()); if (filename != null) { monitorInfo.getLogfileCheckInfo().setLogfile(filename); } if (HinemosModuleConstant.MONITOR_LOGFILE.equals(monitorInfo.getMonitorTypeId())) { LogfileResultForwarder.getInstance().add(line, logmsg, monitorInfo, null, runInstructionInfo); } else if (HinemosModuleConstant.MONITOR_WINEVENT.equals(monitorInfo.getMonitorTypeId())) { WinEventResultForwarder.getInstance().add(line, logmsg, monitorInfo, null, runInstructionInfo); } } else { if (!processed) m_log.debug("collected no data."); } }
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/** * Instantiates config related stuff.//from ww w . ja v a 2s . co m */ private void init() { config = getContext().loadConfig(TfsConfig.class); acceptFilter = new MessageBodyMatchesFilter(config.getRegex()); pattern = Pattern.compile(config.getRegex(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); client = Client.create(); HTTPBasicAuthFilter authFilter = new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(config.getUser(), config.getPassword()); client.addFilter(authFilter); }
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@Override public EcmaErrorMatcher<RhinoException> matcher(String errorType) { return new EcmaErrorMatcher<RhinoException>() { @Override//from ww w. j a va2s . com public boolean matches(RhinoException error, String errorType) { // errorType is now a regular expression Pattern p = Pattern.compile(errorType, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String name; if (error instanceof EcmaError) { name = ((EcmaError) error).getName(); } else if (error instanceof JavaScriptException) { Object value = ((JavaScriptException) error).getValue(); if (value != null && value.getClass().getName().equals("org.mozilla.javascript.NativeError")) { Object message = ((ScriptableObject) value).get("message"); name = ScriptRuntime.toString(message); } else { name = error.details(); } } else if (error instanceof EvaluatorException) { name = "SyntaxError"; } else { name = ""; } return p.matcher(name).find(); // return errorType.equals(name); } @Override public Class<? extends RhinoException> exception() { return RhinoException.class; } }; }
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public static boolean containRegex(String sql, String regex) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql); return matcher.find(); }
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@Override protected void parseSnippet(Snippet snippet, SnippetInputsXml inputsXml) throws Exception { File outputFile = RunnerProjectUtils.getSnippetOutputFile(getRunnerProjectSettings(), snippet); File errorFile = RunnerProjectUtils.getSnippetErrorFile(getRunnerProjectSettings(), snippet); if (errorFile.exists()) { // TODO enhance this section and make it more clear List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(errorFile); String firstLine = lines.get(0); if (firstLine.startsWith("Exception in thread \"main\"")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Exception in thread \"main\" ([a-z0-9\\._]+).*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(firstLine); if (m.matches()) { String exceptionType =; if (exceptionType.equals("java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError")) { inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.NA); } else if (exceptionType.equals("java.lang.VerifyError")) { inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.EX); } else if (exceptionType.endsWith("Exception")) { // enhance inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.EX); } else { System.err.println(snippet.getMethod()); System.err.println("NOT HANDLED TYPE: " + exceptionType); }/* w w w. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ } else { System.err.println(snippet.getMethod()); System.err.println("NO MATCH"); } } else if (firstLine.startsWith("java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException")) { inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.EX); } else if (firstLine.startsWith("WARNING: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prediction failed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")) { // TODO enhance (it was just warning) inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.S); } // if (firstLine // .startsWith("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError")) // { // inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.NA); // return; // } else if (firstLine // .startsWith("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException")) // { // inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.EX); // return; // }// else if(firstLine.startsWith(")) // TODO enhance error message // this is debug (only if unhandled error) if (inputsXml.getResultType() == null) { System.err.println("============================="); System.err.println(snippet.getMethod()); System.err.println("============================="); for (String line : lines) { System.err.println(line); } System.err.println("============================="); } } else { // TODO enhance this section inputsXml.setResultType(ResultType.S); // collect inputs List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(outputFile); if (!lines.get(0).startsWith("Now testing ")) { throw new RuntimeException("File beginning problem: " + outputFile); } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[Input (\\d+)\\]"); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(" (\\w+) param(\\d+) = (.*)"); int inputNumber = 1; for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); inputNumber++) { String line = lines.get(i); Matcher m = p.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (! { System.err.println("Current input should be: " + inputNumber); System.err.println("Current input line: " + line); throw new RuntimeException("File input problem (" + line + "): " + outputFile); } // find end of generated input int nextInputLine = -1; for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.size(); j++) { if (p.matcher(lines.get(j)).matches()) { nextInputLine = j; break; } } if (nextInputLine < 0) { // EOF nextInputLine = lines.size(); } int paramCount = snippet.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length; InputElement ie = new InputElement(); for (int j = 0; j < paramCount; j++) { String l = lines.get(i + 1 + j + 1); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(l); if (m2.matches()) { String type =; String value =; ParameterElement pe = new ParameterElement(); if (type.equals("String")) { pe.setType(ParameterType.EXPRESSION); pe.setValue("\"" + value + "\""); } else { pe.setType(ParameterType.fromString(type)); pe.setValue(value); } ie.getParameters().add(pe); } else { throw new RuntimeException("File input problem (" + l + "): " + outputFile); } } inputsXml.getGeneratedInputs().add(ie); i = nextInputLine; // TODO now NOT dealing with result and exception } else { throw new RuntimeException("File input problem (" + line + "): " + outputFile); } } } }
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/** * Validates a host name./*w w w. j a v a*/ * * @param value * @return */ public static boolean isHostName(String value) { if (value == null) return false; /* * A valid domain can be 63 chars long with out the extension or 67 * chars long with it. We should be getting them with extenstions so * we allow the 67 length. */ if (value.length() > 67) { return false; } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(?=.*?[a-z])(?!\\.)[a-z\\d.-]*[a-z\\d]$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(value); return m.matches(); }
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public User findUserForAlias(Account account, String alias) { return ds.createQuery(entityClazz).field("alias") .equal(Pattern.compile("^\\Q" + alias + "\\E$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).field("account") .equal(account).get();/* w w w .java2 s .co m*/ }
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private String runRegExExpression(String sqlString, String regEx) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx, Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(sqlString); if (m.find() && m.groupCount() > 0) return; else//from ww w.ja v a 2 s . c o m return null; }