Example usage for java.util.regex Matcher start

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher start


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Matcher start.


public int start() 

Source Link


Returns the start index of the previous match.


From source file:com.afousan.service.RetwisRepository.java

private String replaceReplies(String content) {
    Matcher regexMatcher = MENTION_REGEX.matcher(content);
    while (regexMatcher.find()) {
        String match = regexMatcher.group();
        int start = regexMatcher.start();
        int stop = regexMatcher.end();

        String uName = match.substring(1);
        if (isUserValid(uName)) {
            content = content.substring(0, start) + "<a href=\"!" + uName + "\">" + match + "</a>"
                    + content.substring(stop);
        }//from w w w.ja v  a2  s  .c  om
    return content;

From source file:com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.QueryTransformerRegex.java

public void mergeWhere(String query) {
    int startPos = 0;
    Matcher whereMatcher = WHERE_PATTERN.matcher(query);
    if (whereMatcher.find())
        startPos = whereMatcher.end() + 1;

    int endPos = query.length();
    Matcher lastClauseMatcher = LAST_CLAUSE_PATTERN.matcher(query);
    if (lastClauseMatcher.find())
        endPos = lastClauseMatcher.start();

    addWhere(query.substring(startPos, endPos));

From source file:PropertiesHelper.java

 * Adds new properties to an existing set of properties while
 * substituting variables. This function will allow value
 * substitutions based on other property values. Value substitutions
 * may not be nested. A value substitution will be ${property.key},
 * where the dollar-brace and close-brace are being stripped before
 * looking up the value to replace it with. Note that the ${..}
 * combination must be escaped from the shell.
 * @param b is the set of properties to add to existing properties.
 * @return the combined set of properties.
 *//* w w  w. j  a  v  a2  s.c  om*/
protected Properties addProperties(Properties b) {
    // initial
    // Properties result = new Properties(this);
    Properties sys = System.getProperties();
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+\\}");

    for (Enumeration e = b.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
        String key = (String) e.nextElement();
        String value = b.getProperty(key);

        // unparse value ${prop.key} inside braces
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        while (matcher.find()) {
            // extract name of properties from braces
            String newKey = value.substring(matcher.start() + 2, matcher.end() - 1);

            // try to find a matching value in result properties
            String newVal = getProperty(newKey);

            // if still not found, try system properties
            if (newVal == null) {
                newVal = sys.getProperty(newKey);

            // replace braced string with the actual value or empty string
            matcher.appendReplacement(sb, newVal == null ? "" : newVal);
        setProperty(key, sb.toString());
    return this;

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.textnormalizer.frequency.ExpressiveLengtheningNormalizer.java

public String getBestReplacement(String token) throws IOException {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z])\\1{1,}");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(token);

    // In case there are no abnormalities
    if (!matcher.find())
        return token;

    // Collecting the start points of all abnormal parts
    List<Integer> abnormalities = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    matcher.reset();/*from ww  w.  j av a  2s .co m*/
    while (matcher.find()) {

    // splitting in parts starting with first character abnormalities
    List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (int i = 0; i < abnormalities.size(); i++) {
        // in case the token has only one abnormality
        if (abnormalities.size() == 1) {

        // first abnormality
        if (i == 0) {
            parts.add(token.substring(0, abnormalities.get(i + 1)));

        // last abnormality
        if (i == abnormalities.size() - 1) {

        if (i < abnormalities.size() - 1) {
            parts.add(token.substring(abnormalities.get(i), abnormalities.get(i + 1)));

    // Fills big list of arrays with all parts and their versions
    List<String[]> bigList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    for (String part : parts) {
        String v1 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1");
        String v2 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1$1");
        String v3 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1$1$1");

        bigList.add(new String[] { v1, v2, v3 });

    List<String> candidates = permute(bigList, 0, new ArrayList<String>(), "");

    return getMostFrequentCandidate(candidates);

From source file:hu.petabyte.redflags.engine.gear.indicator.hu.TechCapRefCondExceedEstimValIndicator.java

protected IndicatorResult flagImpl(Notice notice) {
    String s = String.format("%s", //
            fetchTechnicalCapacity(notice) //
    ).trim();// w  w w .j  a va  2  s  .com
    String contractType = fetchContractType(notice);
    long estimVal = fetchEstimatedValue(notice);
    String estimCurr = fetchEstimatedValueCurrency(notice);
    if (contractType.isEmpty() || 0 == estimVal || null == estimCurr) {
        return missingData();

    if (estimCurr.matches("Ft|forint")) {
        estimCurr = "HUF";

    long sum = 0;
    for (String line : s.split("\n")) {
        if (HuIndicatorHelper.isRef(line) || line.matches("[0-9]\\. rsz( eset)?ben.*")) {

            // exceptions I
            line = line.replaceAll(
                    "legalbb.*?(rtk|rtket elr).*?beruhzs.*?(irnyul|kapcsold|vonatkoz)",
            line = line.replaceAll(".*szerzdsek kzl legalbb.*", "[CUT]");
            line = line.replaceAll(".*ptsekor vgzett.*mszaki ellenr.*", "[CUT]");
            if ("NC-4".equals(contractType)) {
                line = line.replaceAll(
                        "kivitelezsi munk.*?sszrtk.*?(?<v>\\d{1,3}( ?\\d{3}){2,10})(?<c> [A-Za-z]+)[^A-Za-z].*",
            line = line.replaceAll(
                    ".*(megvalstshoz|beruhzshoz) kapcsold (mrnki tancsads|mszaki ellenri tevkenysg).*",
            line = line.replaceAll(".*hitel.*?(nyjts|finanszrozs).*?referenci.*", "[CUT]");

            Matcher m = valuePattern.matcher(line);
            long mv = 0;
            while (m.find()) {

                // exceptions II
                String before = line.substring(0, m.start());
                int beforeLen = before.length();
                before = before.replaceAll(".*[,;.]", "");
                int commaBefore = beforeLen - before.length();
                String part = line.substring(commaBefore).split("[,;.]")[0];

                // REV 746 ---
                if ("NC-4".equals(contractType) && part.matches(
                        ".*sszrtk.*megvalsu(lt|l) ptsi szerzds teljests.*")) {
                if (part.matches(
                        ".*(kivitelezsi|beruhzsi|ptsi) rtket (elr|meghalad).*projektre vonatkoz beruhzs.*")) {
                if (part.matches(".*(beruhzs rtke|rtk projekt).*")) {

                // NEW
                if ("NC-1".equals(contractType) && part.matches(
                        ".*sszrtk.*?(ltestmny|intzmny).*?(pts|feljts|megvalsts).*?(irnyul|kapcsold|vonatkoz).*")) {
                if ("NC-4".equals(contractType) && part.matches(".*kivitelezs.*? rtke.*")) {
                if ("NC-4".equals(contractType) && part.matches(".*teljestst elr.*")) {
                if (part.matches(
                        ".*(kltsgvetsi fssze(g|st)|sajt tk|rbevtel|pnzforgalom).*")) {
                if (part.contains("beruhzsi rtk")) {
                if (part.matches(".*rtk .*?beruhzs.*")) {
                if (part.matches(".*beruhzs\\(?ok\\)? sszes rtke.*")) {
                if (part.contains("projekttel kapcsolat")) {
                if (part.matches(".*projekt(\\(?ek\\)?)? (ssz)?rtke.*")) {
                if (part.contains("projekt sszkltsg")) {
                if (part.contains("projekt kltsgvets")) {
                if (part.contains("biztostsi sszeg")) {

                System.out.println("*** " + line);
                System.out.println(" >  " + part);

                // parse
                long v = Long.parseLong("0" + m.group("v").replaceAll(" ", ""));
                String c = m.group("c").trim();
                if (c.matches("Ft|forint.*")) {
                    c = "HUF";
                if ("eFt".equals(c)) {
                    v *= 1000;
                    c = "HUF";
                if (c.equals(estimCurr)) {
                    // sum += v;
                    mv = Math.max(mv, v);
            sum += mv;

    LOG.trace("Estimated value: {}, ref cond value: {}", estimVal, sum);
    if (sum > estimVal) {
        return returnFlag("info", "ref=" + (sum / 1000000), "estim=" + (estimVal / 1000000),
                "curr=" + estimCurr);

    // credits
    long credit = 0L;
    long creditRef = 0L;
    if (!notice.getObjs().isEmpty()) {
        String tq = "" + notice.getObjs().get(0).getTotalQuantity();
        for (String line : tq.split("\n")) {
            if (line.toLowerCase().contains("hitel")) {
                Matcher m = creditPattern.matcher(line);
                if (m.find()) {
                    credit = Math.max(credit, Long.parseLong("0" + m.group("v").replaceAll(" ", "")));
    if (0 < credit) {
        for (String line : s.split("\n")) {
            if ((HuIndicatorHelper.isRef(line) || line.matches("[0-9]\\. rsz( eset)?ben"))
                    && line.matches(".*hitel.*?(nyjts|finanszrozs).*")
                    && !line.matches(".*kltsgvetsi.*")) {
                Matcher m = valuePattern.matcher(line);
                if (m.find()) {
                    creditRef += Long.parseLong("0" + m.group("v").replaceAll(" ", ""));
    LOG.trace("Credit: {}, ref cond for credit: {}", credit, creditRef);
    if (0 < credit && credit < creditRef) {
        return returnFlag("info", "ref=" + (sum / 1000000), "estim=" + (estimVal / 1000000),
                "curr=" + estimCurr);
    return null;

From source file:com.haulmont.yarg.loaders.impl.AbstractDbDataLoader.java

protected QueryPack prepareQuery(String query, BandData parentBand, Map<String, Object> reportParams) {
    Map<String, Object> currentParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    if (reportParams != null) {
    }/*w  ww  .j a  v  a 2  s.  co  m*/

    //adds parameters from parent bands hierarchy
    while (parentBand != null) {
        addParentBandDataToParameters(parentBand, currentParams);
        parentBand = parentBand.getParentBand();

    List<QueryParameter> queryParameters = new ArrayList<QueryParameter>();
    HashSet<String> paramNames = findParameterNames(query);
    Map<String, String> paramsToRemoveFromQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

    for (String paramName : paramNames) {
        Object paramValue = currentParams.get(paramName);
        String alias = "${" + paramName + "}";

        String paramNameRegexp = "\\$\\{" + paramName + "\\}";
        String valueRegexp = "([\\w|\\d|\\.|\\_]+|\'.+?\'|\".+?\"|\\(.+?\\))";//fieldName|literal|list or sub-query
        String andRegexp = "\\s+and\\s+";
        String orRegexp = "\\s+or\\s+";
        String operatorRegexp = "(=|>=|<=|\\slike\\s|>|<|\\sin\\s)";

        String expression1Rgxp = "\\s*" + valueRegexp + "\\s*" + operatorRegexp + "\\s*" + paramNameRegexp
                + "\\s*";
        String expression2Rgxp = "\\s*" + paramNameRegexp + "\\s*" + operatorRegexp + "\\s*" + valueRegexp
                + "\\s*";
        String expressionRgxp = "(" + expression1Rgxp + "|" + expression2Rgxp + ")";

        String andFirstRgxp = andRegexp + expressionRgxp;
        String orFirstRgxp = orRegexp + expressionRgxp;
        String andLastRgxp = expressionRgxp + andRegexp;
        String orLastRgxp = expressionRgxp + orRegexp;

        String isNullRgxp = paramNameRegexp + "\\s+is\\s+null";
        String isNotNullRgxp = paramNameRegexp + "\\s+is\\s+not\\s+null";

        String boundsRegexp = "\\[\\[.+?" + paramNameRegexp + ".+?\\]\\]";

        if (paramValue == null && reportParams != null && reportParams.containsKey(paramName)) {//if value == null && this is user parameter - remove condition from query
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + andFirstRgxp, " and 1=1 ");
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + andLastRgxp, " 1=1 and ");
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + orFirstRgxp, " or 1=0 ");
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + orLastRgxp, " 1=0 or ");

            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + expressionRgxp, " 1=1 ");
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + isNullRgxp, " 1=1 ");
            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + isNotNullRgxp, " 1=0 ");

            paramsToRemoveFromQuery.put("(?i)" + boundsRegexp, " ");
        } else if (query.contains(alias)) {//otherwise - create parameter and save each entry's position
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(paramNameRegexp);
            Matcher replaceMatcher = pattern.matcher(query);

            int subPosition = 0;
            while (replaceMatcher.find(subPosition)) {
                subPosition = replaceMatcher.start();
                        .add(new QueryParameter(paramNameRegexp, subPosition, convertParameter(paramValue)));
                subPosition = replaceMatcher.end();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paramsToRemoveFromQuery.entrySet()) {
        query = query.replaceAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    query = query.replaceAll("\\[\\[", "");
    query = query.replaceAll("\\]\\]", "");

    // Sort params by position
    Collections.sort(queryParameters, new Comparator<QueryParameter>() {
        public int compare(QueryParameter o1, QueryParameter o2) {
            return o1.getPosition().compareTo(o2.getPosition());

    //normalize params position to 1..n
    for (int i = 1; i <= queryParameters.size(); i++) {
        QueryParameter queryParameter = queryParameters.get(i - 1);

    for (QueryParameter parameter : queryParameters) {
        query = insertParameterToQuery(query, parameter);

    return new QueryPack(query.trim().replaceAll(" +", " "),
            queryParameters.toArray(new QueryParameter[queryParameters.size()]));

From source file:com.github.tteofili.p2h.DataSplitTest.java

@Test// ww  w .  ja v a  2  s .  com
public void testDataSplit() throws Exception {
    String regex = "\\n\\d(\\.\\d)*\\.?\\u0020[\\w|\\-|\\|\\:]+(\\u0020[\\w|\\-|\\:|\\]+){0,10}\\n";
    String prefix = "/path/to/h2v/";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
    Path path = Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/papers/raw/").getFile());
    File file = path.toFile();
    if (file.exists() && file.list() != null) {
        for (File doc : file.listFiles()) {
            String s = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(doc));
            String docName = doc.getName();
            File fileDir = new File(prefix + docName);
            assert fileDir.mkdir();
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
            int start = 0;
            String sectionName = "abstract";
            while (matcher.find(start)) {
                String string = matcher.group(0);
                if (isValid(string)) {

                    String content;

                    if (start == 0) {
                        // abstract
                        content = s.substring(0, matcher.start());
                    } else {
                        content = s.substring(start, matcher.start());

                    File f = new File(prefix + docName + "/" + docName + "_" + sectionName);
                    assert f.createNewFile() : "could not create file" + f.getAbsolutePath();
                    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);
                    IOUtils.write(content, outputStream);

                    start = matcher.end();
                    sectionName = string.replaceAll("\n", "").trim();
                } else {
                    start = matcher.end();
            // remaining
            File f = new File(prefix + docName + "/" + docName + "_" + sectionName);
            assert f.createNewFile();
            FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);

            IOUtils.write(s.substring(start), outputStream);

From source file:com.logsniffer.reader.support.FormattedTextReader.java

 * @param formatPattern//from   ww  w .  j ava 2  s.  co  m
 *            the formatPattern to set
protected void init() throws FormatException {
    if (parsingPattern == null) {
        // Only if not yet parsed
        if (formatPattern != null) {
            final ArrayList<Specifier> specs = new ArrayList<Specifier>();
            final StringBuilder parsingPatternStr = new StringBuilder();
            final Matcher m = SPECIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(formatPattern);
            int leftPos = 0;
            while (m.find()) {
                if (m.start() > leftPos) {
                    parsingPatternStr.append(Pattern.quote(formatPattern.substring(leftPos, m.start())));
                leftPos = m.end();
                final String minWidthStr = m.group(2);
                final String maxWidthStr = m.group(4);
                final String specName = m.group(5);
                final String specModifier = m.group(7);
                int minWidth = -1;
                if (minWidthStr != null && minWidthStr.length() > 0) {
                    minWidth = Integer.parseInt(minWidthStr);
                int maxWidth = -1;
                if (maxWidthStr != null && maxWidthStr.length() > 0) {
                    maxWidth = Integer.parseInt(maxWidthStr);
                Specifier spec = null;
                for (final Specifier specTest : createSupportedSpecifiers()) {
                    if (specTest.getSpecifierKey().equals(specName)) {
                        spec = specTest;
                if (spec == null) {
                            "Format specifier {} in pattern '{}' is unknown and will be parsed as simple text pattern",
                            specName, formatPattern);
                    spec = new ArbitraryTextSpecifier(specName, false);
                } else if (spec instanceof IgnoreSpecifier) {
                    logger.debug("Format specifier '{}' in pattern '{}' is ignored", specName, formatPattern);
                spec.fieldName = specifiersFieldMapping.get(specName);
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(spec.fieldName)) {
                    spec.fieldName = specName;
            parsingPattern = Pattern.compile(parsingPatternStr.toString());
            parsingSpecifiers = specs.toArray(new Specifier[specs.size()]);
            logger.debug("Prepared parsing pattern '{}' for log4j conversion pattern: {}", parsingPattern,
        } else {
            parsingSpecifiers = null;
            parsingPattern = null;

From source file:nya.miku.wishmaster.chans.cirno.MikubaModule.java

public String sendPost(SendPostModel model, ProgressListener listener, CancellableTask task) throws Exception {
    String body, video;//from   www. j  av a  2 s .  c om
    Matcher ytLink = YOUTUBE_PATTERN.matcher(model.comment);
    if (ytLink.find()) {
        body = new StringBuilder(model.comment).delete(ytLink.start(), ytLink.end()).toString();
        video = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + ytLink.group(1);
    } else {
        body = model.comment;
        video = "";

    String url = (useHttps() ? "https://" : "http://") + MIKUBA_DOMAIN + "/reply/"
            + (model.threadNumber == null ? "0" : model.threadNumber);
    ExtendedMultipartBuilder postEntityBuilder = ExtendedMultipartBuilder.create().setDelegates(listener, task)
            .addString("title", model.subject).addString("captcha", model.captchaAnswer).addString("body", body)
            .addString("video", video).addString("email", "");
    if (model.attachments != null && model.attachments.length > 0)
        postEntityBuilder.addFile("image", model.attachments[0], model.randomHash);
        postEntityBuilder.addPart("image", new ByteArrayBody(new byte[0], ""));

    HttpRequestModel request = HttpRequestModel.builder().setPOST(postEntityBuilder.build()).setNoRedirect(true)
    HttpResponseModel response = null;
    try {
        response = HttpStreamer.getInstance().getFromUrl(url, request, httpClient, null, task);
        Logger.d(TAG, response.statusCode + " - " + response.statusReason);
        if (response.statusCode == 303) {
            return null;
        } else if (response.statusCode == 200) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
            IOUtils.copyStream(response.stream, output);
            String htmlResponse = output.toString("UTF-8");
            //Logger.d(TAG, htmlResponse);
            if (htmlResponse.contains("/static/captcha.gif")) {
                throw new Exception(" ?!");
        } else
            throw new Exception(response.statusCode + " - " + response.statusReason);
    } finally {
        if (response != null)

    return null;

From source file:com.google.enterprise.connector.filesystem.FileConnectorTypeTest.java

 * Make sure HTML tags in {@code s} are balanced.
 * @param s//from ww  w.j  a va 2 s  .co m
private void assertBalancedTags(String s) {
    LinkedList<String> stack = Lists.newLinkedList();
    Matcher m = TAG.matcher(s);
    int start = 0;
    while (m.find(start)) {
        String tag = s.substring(m.start(), m.end());

        if (isOpenTag(tag)) {
        } else if (isCloseTag(tag)) {
            String open = stack.poll();
            assertNotNull(String.format("extra tag: %s", tag), open);
            assertEquals(String.format("mismatched tags: %s vs %s", open, tag), getName(open), getName(tag));
        } else {
            // Ignore open-closed tags (<tag/>).
        start = m.end();
    assertEquals("Open tags at end of input", 0, stack.size());