Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.afousan.service; import com.afousan.model.Post; import com.afousan.model.Range; import com.afousan.model.RetwisSecurity; import com.afousan.controller.WebPost; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * Twitter-clone on top of Redis. * * @author Costin Leau */ @Named public class RetwisRepository { private static final Pattern MENTION_REGEX = Pattern.compile("@[\\w]+"); private final StringRedisTemplate template; private final ValueOperations<String, String> valueOps; private final RedisAtomicLong postIdCounter; private final RedisAtomicLong userIdCounter; // global users private RedisList<String> users; // global timeline private final RedisList<String> timeline; private final HashMapper<Post, String, String> postMapper = new DecoratingStringHashMapper<Post>( new JacksonHashMapper<Post>(Post.class)); @Inject public RetwisRepository(StringRedisTemplate template) { this.template = template; valueOps = template.opsForValue(); users = new DefaultRedisList<String>(KeyUtils.users(), template); timeline = new DefaultRedisList<String>(KeyUtils.timeline(), template); userIdCounter = new RedisAtomicLong(KeyUtils.globalUid(), template.getConnectionFactory()); postIdCounter = new RedisAtomicLong(KeyUtils.globalPid(), template.getConnectionFactory()); } public String addUser(String name, String password) { String uid = String.valueOf(userIdCounter.incrementAndGet()); // save user as hash // uid -> user BoundHashOperations<String, String, String> userOps = template.boundHashOps(KeyUtils.uid(uid)); userOps.put("name", name); userOps.put("pass", password); valueOps.set(KeyUtils.user(name), uid); users.addFirst(name); return addAuth(name); } public List<WebPost> getPost(String pid) { return Collections.singletonList(convertPost(pid, post(pid))); } public List<WebPost> getPosts(String uid, Range range) { return convertPidsToPosts(KeyUtils.posts(uid), range); } public List<WebPost> getTimeline(String uid, Range range) { return convertPidsToPosts(KeyUtils.timeline(uid), range); } public Collection<String> getFollowers(String uid) { return covertUidsToNames(KeyUtils.followers(uid)); } public Collection<String> getFollowing(String uid) { return covertUidsToNames(KeyUtils.following(uid)); } public List<WebPost> getMentions(String uid, Range range) { return convertPidsToPosts(KeyUtils.mentions(uid), range); } public Collection<WebPost> timeline(Range range) { return convertPidsToPosts(KeyUtils.timeline(), range); } public Collection<String> newUsers(Range range) { return users.range(range.begin, range.end); } public void post(String username, WebPost post) { Post p = post.asPost(); String uid = findUid(username); p.setUid(uid); String pid = String.valueOf(postIdCounter.incrementAndGet()); String replyName = post.getReplyTo(); if (StringUtils.hasText(replyName)) { String mentionUid = findUid(replyName); p.setReplyUid(mentionUid); // handle mentions below p.setReplyPid(post.getReplyPid()); } // add post post(pid).putAll(postMapper.toHash(p)); // add links posts(uid).addFirst(pid); timeline(uid).addFirst(pid); // update followers for (String follower : followers(uid)) { timeline(follower).addFirst(pid); } timeline.addFirst(pid); handleMentions(p, pid, replyName); } private void handleMentions(Post post, String pid, String name) { // find mentions Collection<String> mentions = findMentions(post.getContent()); for (String mention : mentions) { String uid = findUid(mention); if (uid != null) { mentions(uid).addFirst(pid); } } } public String findUid(String name) { return valueOps.get(KeyUtils.user(name)); } public boolean isUserValid(String name) { return template.hasKey(KeyUtils.user(name)); } public boolean isPostValid(String pid) { return template.hasKey(; } private String findName(String uid) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(uid)) { return ""; } BoundHashOperations<String, String, String> userOps = template.boundHashOps(KeyUtils.uid(uid)); return userOps.get("name"); } public boolean auth(String user, String pass) { // find uid String uid = findUid(user); if (StringUtils.hasText(uid)) { BoundHashOperations<String, String, String> userOps = template.boundHashOps(KeyUtils.uid(uid)); return userOps.get("pass").equals(pass); } return false; } public String findNameForAuth(String value) { String uid = valueOps.get(KeyUtils.authKey(value)); return findName(uid); } public String addAuth(String name) { String uid = findUid(name); // add random auth key relation String auth = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); valueOps.set(KeyUtils.auth(uid), auth); valueOps.set(KeyUtils.authKey(auth), uid); return auth; } public void deleteAuth(String user) { String uid = findUid(user); String authKey = KeyUtils.auth(uid); String auth = valueOps.get(authKey); template.delete(Arrays.asList(authKey, KeyUtils.authKey(auth))); } public boolean hasMorePosts(String targetUid, Range range) { return posts(targetUid).size() > range.end + 1; } public boolean hasMoreTimeline(String targetUid, Range range) { return timeline(targetUid).size() > range.end + 1; } public boolean hasMoreTimeline(Range range) { return timeline.size() > range.end + 1; } public boolean isFollowing(String uid, String targetUid) { return following(uid).contains(targetUid); } public void follow(String targetUser) { String targetUid = findUid(targetUser); following(RetwisSecurity.getUid()).add(targetUid); followers(targetUid).add(RetwisSecurity.getUid()); } public void stopFollowing(String targetUser) { String targetUid = findUid(targetUser); following(RetwisSecurity.getUid()).remove(targetUid); followers(targetUid).remove(RetwisSecurity.getUid()); } public List<String> alsoFollowed(String uid, String targetUid) { RedisSet<String> tempSet = following(uid).intersectAndStore(followers(targetUid), KeyUtils.alsoFollowed(uid, targetUid)); String key = tempSet.getKey(); template.expire(key, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return covertUidsToNames(key); } public List<String> commonFollowers(String uid, String targetUid) { RedisSet<String> tempSet = following(uid).intersectAndStore(following(targetUid), KeyUtils.commonFollowers(uid, targetUid)); tempSet.expire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return covertUidsToNames(tempSet.getKey()); } // collections mapping the core data structures private RedisList<String> timeline(String uid) { return new DefaultRedisList<String>(KeyUtils.timeline(uid), template); } private RedisSet<String> following(String uid) { return new DefaultRedisSet<String>(KeyUtils.following(uid), template); } private RedisSet<String> followers(String uid) { return new DefaultRedisSet<String>(KeyUtils.followers(uid), template); } private RedisList<String> mentions(String uid) { return new DefaultRedisList<String>(KeyUtils.mentions(uid), template); } private RedisMap<String, String> post(String pid) { return new DefaultRedisMap<String, String>(, template); } private RedisList<String> posts(String uid) { return new DefaultRedisList<String>(KeyUtils.posts(uid), template); } // various util methods private String replaceReplies(String content) { Matcher regexMatcher = MENTION_REGEX.matcher(content); while (regexMatcher.find()) { String match =; int start = regexMatcher.start(); int stop = regexMatcher.end(); String uName = match.substring(1); if (isUserValid(uName)) { content = content.substring(0, start) + "<a href=\"!" + uName + "\">" + match + "</a>" + content.substring(stop); } } return content; } private List<String> covertUidsToNames(String key) { return template.sort(SortQueryBuilder.sort(key).noSort().get("uid:*->name").build()); } private List<WebPost> convertPidsToPosts(String key, Range range) { String pid = "pid:*->"; final String pidKey = "#"; final String uid = "uid"; final String content = "content"; final String replyPid = "replyPid"; final String replyUid = "replyUid"; final String time = "time"; SortQuery<String> query = SortQueryBuilder.sort(key).noSort().get(pidKey).get(pid + uid).get(pid + content) .get(pid + replyPid).get(pid + replyUid).get(pid + time).limit(range.begin, range.end).build(); BulkMapper<WebPost, String> hm = new BulkMapper<WebPost, String>() { @Override public WebPost mapBulk(List<String> bulk) { Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<String> iterator = bulk.iterator(); String pid =; map.put(uid,; map.put(content,; map.put(replyPid,; map.put(replyUid,; map.put(time,; return convertPost(pid, map); } }; List<WebPost> sort = template.sort(query, hm); return sort; } private WebPost convertPost(String pid, Map hash) { Post post = postMapper.fromHash(hash); WebPost wPost = new WebPost(post); wPost.setPid(pid); wPost.setName(findName(post.getUid())); wPost.setReplyTo(findName(post.getReplyUid())); wPost.setContent(replaceReplies(post.getContent())); return wPost; } public static Collection<String> findMentions(String content) { Matcher regexMatcher = MENTION_REGEX.matcher(content); List<String> mentions = new ArrayList<String>(4); while (regexMatcher.find()) { mentions.add(; } return mentions; } }