List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher replaceAll
public String replaceAll(Function<MatchResult, String> replacer)
From source
protected void updateOrCreateCMakeDependenciesFile(List aiDependenciesLib, boolean bMavenDependencies) { String dependencieFile = (bMavenDependencies ? cmakeMavenDependenciesFile : cmakeDependenciesFile); String fullDependenciesFile = dependencieFile; File file = new File(dependencieFile); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! fullDependenciesFile = getProjectDir() + "/" + dependencieFile; }//from www. j av a 2 s. com file = new File(fullDependenciesFile); if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error(dependencieFile + " script can't be created at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return; } } // check file content InputStream dependenciesStream = null; String content = new String(); try { dependenciesStream = new FileInputStream(file); content = IOUtils.toString(dependenciesStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { // shall not happen since file has been created getLog().error(dependencieFile + " script can't be opened at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { getLog().debug("close input stream at reading"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(dependenciesStream); } String beginDepsPattern = (bMavenDependencies ? (isDebugBuild() ? "# BEGIN MAVEN_DEBUG_DEPENDENCIES" : "# BEGIN MAVEN_OPTIMIZED_DEPENDENCIES") : "# BEGIN CMAKE_DEPENDENCIES"); String endDepsPattern = (bMavenDependencies ? (isDebugBuild() ? "# END MAVEN_DEBUG_DEPENDENCIES" : "# END MAVEN_OPTIMIZED_DEPENDENCIES") : "# END CMAKE_DEPENDENCIES"); String beginIncPattern = "# BEGIN MAVEN_INCLUDE_ROOTS"; String endIncPattern = "# END MAVEN_INCLUDE_ROOTS"; // reset file content if needed if (StringUtils.isEmpty(content) || content.indexOf(beginDepsPattern) == -1) { getLog().info(file.getAbsolutePath() + " content full update"); try { dependenciesStream = getClass() .getResourceAsStream((bMavenDependencies ? "/cmake-cpp-project/CMakeMavenDependencies.txt" : "/cmake-cpp-project/CMakeDependencies.txt")); content = IOUtils.toString(dependenciesStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error(dependencieFile + " default content not found "); } finally { getLog().debug("close input stream at full update"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(dependenciesStream); } } // update file content String simpleIndentation = "\n "; String doubleIndentation = "\n "; Iterator itDeps = aiDependenciesLib.iterator(); StringBuilder allDepsBuilder = new StringBuilder( (bMavenDependencies ? doubleIndentation : simpleIndentation)); while (itDeps.hasNext()) { String dep = (String); if (bMavenDependencies) { String externalDep = generalizeDependencyFileName(dep, true); allDepsBuilder.append("target_link_libraries(${target} " + (isDebugBuild() ? "debug " : "optimized ") + externalDep + ")" + doubleIndentation); } else { String cmakeDep = generalizeDependencyFileName(dep, false); allDepsBuilder.append("# If a \"" + cmakeDep + "\" target has been define, this means we are building " + "an amalgamed cmake project" + simpleIndentation + "# but maven dependencies can be used too" + simpleIndentation + "if(TARGET " + cmakeDep + ")" + doubleIndentation + "message(\"Adding direct " + cmakeDep + " cmake dependencies to target '${target}'\")" + doubleIndentation + "target_link_libraries(${target} " + cmakeDep + ")" + simpleIndentation + "endif()" + simpleIndentation); } } // adding additionalIncludeRoots in cmake maven dependencies file StringBuilder addIncsBuilder = new StringBuilder(doubleIndentation); if (bMavenDependencies && null != additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append("include_directories( " + doubleIndentation); for (String includeRoot : additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append("\"" + includeRoot + "\"" + doubleIndentation); } addIncsBuilder.append(")" + doubleIndentation); for (String includeRoot : additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append( "message(\"Adding '" + includeRoot + "' additional include root.\")" + doubleIndentation); } } getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " depfile was : " + content); String allDeps = Matcher.quoteReplacement(allDepsBuilder.toString()); //.replace( "$", "\\$" ); // Matcher replaceAll() is a bit rigid ! getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " injected dependency will be : " + allDeps); // regexp multi-line replace, see Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(beginDepsPattern + ".*" + endDepsPattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(content); content = m1.replaceAll(beginDepsPattern + allDeps + endDepsPattern); if (bMavenDependencies && null != additionalIncludeRoots) { String addIncs = Matcher.quoteReplacement(addIncsBuilder.toString()); //.replace( "$", "\\$" ); // Matcher replaceAll() is a bit rigid ! getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " injected includes Roots will be : " + addIncs); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(beginIncPattern + ".*" + endIncPattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(content); content = m2.replaceAll(beginIncPattern + addIncs + endIncPattern); } getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " depfile now is : " + content); OutputStream outStream = null; try { outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.write(content, outStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error( dependencieFile + " script can't be written at " + file.getAbsolutePath() + e.toString()); } finally { getLog().debug("close output stream at update"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } }
From source
/** * * @param metadata//w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m * @param extracts * @return evalfilepaths for files if crawling an extract directory */ protected EvalFilePaths getPathsFromExtractCrawl(Metadata metadata, Path extracts) { String relExtractFilePath = metadata.get(FSProperties.FS_REL_PATH); Matcher m = FILE_NAME_CLEANER.matcher(relExtractFilePath); Path relativeSourceFilePath = Paths.get(m.replaceAll("")); //just try slapping the relextractfilepath on the extractdir Path extractFile = extracts.resolve(relExtractFilePath); if (!Files.isRegularFile(extractFile)) { //if that doesn't work, try to find the right extract file. //This is necessary if crawling extractsA and trying to find a file in //extractsB that is not in the same format: json vs txt or compressed extractFile = findFile(extracts, relativeSourceFilePath); } return new EvalFilePaths(relativeSourceFilePath, extractFile); }
From source
@Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) { jG.Log.d("onQueryTextSubmit = " + query); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(query); String decodedSearchStr = matcher.replaceAll("%20"); String searchUrl = SEARCH_URL_1 + decodedSearchStr + SEARCH_URL_2; new jGetterVideoListFromYouTube().execute(searchUrl); return true;//from w ww. j a va 2 s .co m }
From source
/** * Strips a string from media references. * // ww w.j ava2 s . co m * @param txt The string to be cleared of media references. * @return The media-free string. */ public String strip(String txt) { Matcher m = null; for (Pattern p : fMediaRegexps) { m = p.matcher(txt); txt = m.replaceAll(""); } return txt; }
From source
private StaticResource switchStaticResourceContent(String rootRealPath, String versionedResourceRealPath, String fileName, String content, boolean isMin) throws IOException { StaticResource resource = extractResource(fileName, content); String filePath = resource.getUrl(); filePath = filePath.replace("${ctx}", rootRealPath); if (isMin) {/*ww w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ File file = new File(YuiCompressorUtils.getCompressFileName(filePath)); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("" + resource.getUrl()); } } else { File file = new File(YuiCompressorUtils.getNoneCompressFileName(filePath)); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("?" + resource.getUrl()); } } content = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(content); File file = new File(versionedResourceRealPath + fileName); List<String> contents = FileUtils.readLines(file); for (int i = 0, l = contents.size(); i < l; i++) { String fileContent = contents.get(i); if (content.equals(fileContent)) { Matcher matcher = scriptPattern.matcher(content); if (!matcher.matches()) { matcher = linkPattern.matcher(content); } String newUrl = isMin ? YuiCompressorUtils.getCompressFileName(resource.getUrl()) : YuiCompressorUtils.getNoneCompressFileName(resource.getUrl()); content = matcher.replaceAll("$1" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(newUrl) + "$3$4$5"); contents.set(i, content); resource.setContent(content); resource.setUrl(newUrl); break; } } FileUtils.writeLines(file, contents); return resource; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<DockerfileValidationLevel, List<DockerfileValidationResult>> validate() { Map<DockerfileValidationLevel, List<DockerfileValidationResult>> result = new HashMap<DockerfileValidationLevel, List<DockerfileValidationResult>>(); if (this.dockerfileInputStream == null) return result; ValidatorUtils validatorUtils = new ValidatorUtils(); boolean fromCheck = false; int currentLine = 0; List<DockerfileValidationResult> errors = new ArrayList<DockerfileValidationResult>(); List<DockerfileValidationResult> warnings = new ArrayList<DockerfileValidationResult>(); List<DockerfileValidationResult> infos = new ArrayList<DockerfileValidationResult>(); Map<String, Object> ruleObject = validatorUtils .getRules(DockerfileDelegatingValidator.class.getResourceAsStream("default.yaml")); List<Map<String, Object>> requiredInstructions = validatorUtils.createReqInstructionHash(ruleObject); Map<String, Object> general = (Map<String, Object>) ruleObject.get("general"); List<String> valid_instructions = (List<String>) general.get("valid_instructions"); Pattern validInstructionsRegex = validatorUtils.createValidCommandRegex(valid_instructions); Pattern continuationRegex = null; // Pattern ignoreRegex = null; Object multiline_regex = general.get("multiline_regex"); if (multiline_regex != null && multiline_regex.toString().length() > 2) { String _multiline_regex = multiline_regex.toString().substring(1, multiline_regex.toString().length() - 1); continuationRegex = Pattern.compile(_multiline_regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Object ignore_regex = general.get("ignore_regex"); if (ignore_regex != null && ignore_regex.toString().length() > 2) { String _ignore_regex = ignore_regex.toString().substring(1, ignore_regex.toString().length() - 1); Pattern ignoreRegex = Pattern.compile(_ignore_regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); System.out.println("ignore_regex is not used for now: " + ignoreRegex.pattern()); } try { String dockerfile = IOUtils.toString(dockerfileInputStream); String[] linesArr = dockerfile.split("(\\r|\\n)"); if (linesArr != null && linesArr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < linesArr.length; i++) { currentLine++; String line = linesArr[i]; int lineOffSet = 0; if (line == null || line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') { continue; } while (validatorUtils.isPartialLine(line, continuationRegex)) { line = continuationRegex.matcher(line).replaceAll(" "); if (linesArr[currentLine + lineOffSet].charAt(0) == '#') { linesArr[currentLine + lineOffSet] = null; line = line + "\\"; } else { line = line + linesArr[currentLine + lineOffSet]; linesArr[currentLine + lineOffSet] = null; } lineOffSet++; } // First instruction must be FROM if (!fromCheck) { fromCheck = true; if (line.toUpperCase().indexOf("FROM") != 0) { DockerfileValidationResult error = new DockerfileValidationResult(); error.setLine(currentLine); error.setLevel(DockerfileValidationLevel.ERROR); error.setMessage("Missing or misplaced FROM"); error.setLineContent(line); errors.add(error); } } // end for FROM Matcher matcher = validInstructionsRegex.matcher(line); if (!matcher.find()) { DockerfileValidationResult error = new DockerfileValidationResult(); error.setLine(currentLine); error.setLevel(DockerfileValidationLevel.ERROR); error.setMessage("Invalid instruction"); error.setLineContent(line); errors.add(error); } else { String instruction = line.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()).trim(); String params = matcher.replaceAll(""); validatorUtils.checkLineRules(ruleObject, instruction, params, line, currentLine, errors, warnings, infos); requiredInstructions.remove(instruction); } // end for valid instructions checking } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } validatorUtils.checkRequiredInstructions(requiredInstructions, errors, warnings, infos); result.put(DockerfileValidationLevel.ERROR, errors); result.put(DockerfileValidationLevel.WARNING, warnings); result.put(DockerfileValidationLevel.INFO, infos); return result; }
From source
/** * Performs some pre-processing of entry text. It fixes a problem when * WordPress imports a self-closing HTML tag that does not have a space * preceding the "/>" characters. It also provides a replacment base URL * for all referenced resource files if requested. * * @param text The entry text to process. * @return The resulting String after processing has taken place. *//*from w w w. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ private String processEntry(String text) { String result; result = text; // Some special processing is needed for mtimport if (format.startsWith(MT_FORMAT)) { // Fix self closing tags that are missing a space, // replaceing <foo bar="foobar"/> with <foo bar="foobar" /> Matcher badSelfClosingTagMatcher; badSelfClosingTagMatcher = SC_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(result); result = badSelfClosingTagMatcher.replaceAll("$2 />"); if (format.equals(MT_PLUS_FORMAT)) { // Replace all newlines with spaces leaving "<pre>" blocks // alone. WordPress will automatically convert newlines to // "<br />" which alters the intended formatting. Matcher preTagMatcher; preTagMatcher = PRE_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(result); StringBuilder replacedNewLines; replacedNewLines = new StringBuilder(); int index; index = 0; while (preTagMatcher.find()) { replacedNewLines.append(NEWLINE_PATTERN.matcher(result.substring(index, preTagMatcher.start())) .replaceAll(" ")); replacedNewLines.append(; index = preTagMatcher.end(); } replacedNewLines .append(NEWLINE_PATTERN.matcher(result.substring(index, result.length())).replaceAll(" ")); result = replacedNewLines.toString(); } } // Replace all /weblog-handle/resource/ links with a specified base URL if (baseUrl != null && !baseUrl.equals("")) { Matcher baseUrlMatcher; baseUrlMatcher = baseUrlPattern.matcher(result); try { result = baseUrlMatcher.replaceAll("$1" + baseUrl); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error("Invalid base URL submitted: " + baseUrl + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } return result; }
From source
@ExposeToClient public Hashtable<String, Object> getLogUpdate(String filename, String lastStamp) throws IOException { logFolder = new"catalina.home") + "/logs/ProjectLogs", this.projectManager.getCurrentProject().getProjectName()); logFile = new, filename); if (!logFile.exists()) { Hashtable<String, Object> PEmpty = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); PEmpty.put(LOG_UPDATE_LOGS, ""); PEmpty.put(LOG_UPDATE_LAST_STAMP, 0); return PEmpty; }//from w w w. ja va 2s.c o m InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(logFile); try { String logFileContent = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); if (lastStamp.length() > 0) { // remove everything up to START_WM_LOG_LINE lastStamp Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+" + lastStamp + "\\s+", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = matcher.replaceFirst(""); // Replace everything from the start of whats left of this line to END_WM_LOG_LINE logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceFirst("^.*?END_WM_LOG_LINE", ""); } Pattern htmlTagPattern = Pattern .compile("(START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+\\d+\\:\\d+\\:\\d+,\\d+\\s+)(\\S+) (\\(.*\\))"); Matcher htmlTagMatcher = htmlTagPattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = htmlTagMatcher .replaceAll("$1<span class='LogType$2'>$2</span> <span class='LogLocation'>$3</span>"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+\\d+\\:\\d+\\:\\d+,\\d+"); Matcher m = p.matcher(logFileContent); String timestamp = ""; while (m.find()) { timestamp =; timestamp = timestamp.replaceFirst("START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+.*?", ""); } Hashtable<String, Object> logUpdate = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); logFileContent = m.replaceAll(""); // remove all START_WM_LOG_LINE xxx:xxx:xxx,xxx logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceAll(" END_WM_LOG_LINE", ""); if (logFileContent.matches("^\\s+$")) { logFileContent = ""; } logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceAll("(\\S+)(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)", "$1<br/>"); Pattern trimPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher trimMatcher = trimPattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = trimMatcher.replaceAll(""); logUpdate.put(LOG_UPDATE_LOGS, logFileContent); logUpdate.put(LOG_UPDATE_LAST_STAMP, timestamp); return logUpdate; } finally { inputStream.close(); } }
From source
@Override public List<Map<String, Object>> loadData(ReportQuery reportQuery, BandData parentBand, Map<String, Object> reportParams) { Map<String, Object> currentParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (reportParams != null) { currentParams.putAll(reportParams); }//from w ww. java 2 s. co m List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Matcher matcher = parameterPattern.matcher(reportQuery.getScript()); String parameterName = getParameterName(matcher); //adds parameters from parent bands hierarchy BandData curentParentBand = parentBand; while (curentParentBand != null) { addParentBandDataToParameters(curentParentBand, currentParams); curentParentBand = curentParentBand.getParentBand(); } if (parameterName != null) { Object parameterValue = currentParams.get(parameterName); if (parameterValue != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(parameterValue.toString())) { String json = parameterValue.toString(); String script = matcher.replaceAll(""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(script)) { throw new DataLoadingException( String.format("The script doesn't contain json path expression. " + "Script [%s]", reportQuery.getScript())); } matcher = AbstractDbDataLoader.COMMON_PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(script); while (matcher.find()) { String parameter =; script = matcher.replaceAll(String.valueOf(currentParams.get(parameter))); } try { Object scriptResult =, script); parseScriptResult(result, script, scriptResult); } catch (com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException e) { return Collections.emptyList(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new DataLoadingException(String.format( "An error occurred while loading data with script [%s]", reportQuery.getScript()), e); } } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } else { throw new DataLoadingException(String.format( "Query string doesn't contain link to parameter. " + "Script [%s]", reportQuery.getScript())); } return result; }
From source
private String cleanName(String name) { name = name.replace(".", " "); name = name.replace("_", " "); name = name.replace("&", "and"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(history|discovery) channel", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(name); name = matcher.replaceAll(""); name = name.replaceAll("(\\\\|:|!|\\\"|#|\\*|'|,|\\(|\\)|\\?)", ""); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{2,}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(name);//from w w w . j a va 2s.c o m name = matcher.replaceAll(" "); return name.trim(); }