Java tutorial
package org.apache.maven.plugin.cxx; /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016, Neticoa SAS France - Tous droits rservs. * Author(s) : Franck Bonin, Neticoa SAS France * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; /* Use enhanced FileSet and FileManager (not the one provided in this project)*/ import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet; import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util.FileSetManager; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; /** * Goal which cmakes workspace. * * @author Franck Bonin * */ @Mojo(name = "cmake", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.GENERATE_SOURCES) public class CMakeMojo extends AbstractLaunchMojo { @Override protected List<String> getArgsList() { return null; } /** * Directory location of main CMakeList.txt, argument for cmake command * Defaut set to ${basedir} * * @since 0.0.4 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.projectdir") private String projectDir; protected String getProjectDir() { if (null == projectDir) { projectDir = new String(basedir.getAbsolutePath()); } return projectDir; } /** * Generator name, arguments for cmake command * * @since 0.0.4 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.generator", required = true) private String generator; /** * Arguments for the executed program * * @since 0.0.4 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.args") private String commandArgs; protected String addCMakeDefinition(String sCMakeName, String sMavenValue) { String sResult = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sCMakeName) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(sMavenValue)) { sResult = " -D" + sCMakeName + "=\"" + sMavenValue + "\""; } else { sResult = new String(); } return sResult; } @Override protected String getCommandArgs() { String result = new String(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(commandArgs)) { result = commandArgs + " "; } result += "\"" + getProjectDir() + "\" -G " + generator; result += addCMakeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE", buildConfig); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_ID", project.getArtifactId()); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_NAME", project.getName()); result += addCMakeDefinition("DEPENDENCY_DIR", getProjectDependenciesDirectory()); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_VERSION", project.getVersion()); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_CLASSIFIER", targetClassifier); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_PLATFORM", targetPlatform); result += addCMakeDefinition("TARGET_ARCHITECTURE", targetArchitecture); result += addCMakeDefinition("EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX", executableSuffix); result += addCMakeDefinition("SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX", sharedLibraryPrefix); result += addCMakeDefinition("SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX", sharedLibrarySuffix); result += addCMakeDefinition("SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX", sharedModulePrefix); result += addCMakeDefinition("SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX", sharedModuleSuffix); result += addCMakeDefinition("STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX", staticLibraryPrefix); result += addCMakeDefinition("STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX", staticLibrarySuffix); result += addCMakeDefinition("INJECT_MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES", injectMavenDependencies ? "true" : "false"); return result; } @Override protected String getExecutable() { return "cmake"; } /** * Environment variables to pass to the cmake program. * * @since 0.0.4 */ @Parameter() private Map environmentVariables = new HashMap(); @Override protected Map getMoreEnvironmentVariables() { return environmentVariables; } @Override protected List<String> getSuccesCode() { return null; } /** * Out of source directory * Defaut set to ${basedir} * * @since 0.0.4 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.outsourcedir") private File outsourceDir; @Override protected File getWorkingDir() { if (null == outsourceDir) { outsourceDir = new File(basedir.getPath()); } return outsourceDir; } @Override public boolean isSkip() { return false; } protected String getProjectDependenciesDirectory() { // project.getProperties().setProperty("toto", "toto"); //String projectBuildDirectory = project.getProperties().getProperty(""); //String projectBuildDirectory = System.getProperty(""); //String projectBuildDirectory = project.getModel().getBuild().getDirectory(); String projectBuildDirectory = project.getBuild().getDirectory(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(projectBuildDirectory)) { projectBuildDirectory = basedir.getAbsolutePath() + "/target"; } return projectBuildDirectory + "/dependency"; } /** * generate a cmake maven dependency file according * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.injectMavenDependencies", defaultValue = "true") private boolean injectMavenDependencies; /** * cmake maven dependency file name. If not full qualified name file location is ${basedir} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.mavenDependenciesFile", defaultValue = "CMakeMavenDependencies.txt") private String cmakeMavenDependenciesFile; /** * cmake dependency file name. If not full qualified name file location is ${basedir} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "cmake.dependenciesFile", defaultValue = "CMakeDependencies.txt") private String cmakeDependenciesFile; /** * build configuration {debug, release, debcov, relcov, relinfo} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "buildConfig", defaultValue = "") private String buildConfig; /** * maven artifact sub-classifier {win32, win64, linux-x64_64, etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "targetClassifier", defaultValue = "") private String targetClassifier; /** * build platform = "native API" {win32, linux, mac} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "targetPlatform", defaultValue = "") private String targetPlatform; /** * build architecture {i386, x86_64, etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "targetArchitecture", defaultValue = "") private String targetArchitecture; /** * executables suffix of current platform {".exe", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "executableSuffix", defaultValue = "") private String executableSuffix; /** * libraries prefixe of current platform {"lib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "sharedLibraryPrefix", defaultValue = "") private String sharedLibraryPrefix; /** * libraries suffixe of current platform {".so", ".dylib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "sharedLibrarySuffix", defaultValue = "") private String sharedLibrarySuffix; /** * module prefixe of current platform {"lib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "sharedModulePrefix", defaultValue = "") private String sharedModulePrefix; /** * module suffixe of current platform {".so", ".dylib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "sharedModuleSuffix", defaultValue = "") private String sharedModuleSuffix; /** * static libraries prefixe of current platform {"lib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "staticLibraryPrefix", defaultValue = "") private String staticLibraryPrefix; /** * static libraries suffixe of current platform {".a", ".lib", etc.} * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter(property = "staticLibrarySuffix", defaultValue = "") private String staticLibrarySuffix; /** * directories were additional bin dependencies are * default dependencies location is : ${}/dependency/${targetClassifier}/${buildConfig} * "${targetClassifier}/${buildConfig}" will be automaticaly added to provided path to search for * additionnal dependencies * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter() private String additionalDependenciesRoots[] = null; /** * Directory where additional include dependencies are * * @since 0.0.6 */ @Parameter() protected String additionalIncludeRoots[] = null; protected void findDependencies(Map<String, String> aiDependenciesRoots, List<String> aoDependenciesLib) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : aiDependenciesRoots.entrySet()) { String dependencyRoot = new String(entry.getKey()); FileSet afileSet = new FileSet(); afileSet.setDirectory(dependencyRoot); getLog().info("Search for **/*.[so|dylib|dll|lib|a|] from " + afileSet.getDirectory()); afileSet.setIncludes( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "**/*.so", "**/*.dll", "**/*.dylib", "**/*.lib", "**/*.a" })); FileSetManager aFileSetManager = new FileSetManager(); String[] found = aFileSetManager.getIncludedFiles(afileSet); for (int j = 0; null != found && j < found.length; j++) { // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! getLog().info("Found dependencies Lib : " + found[j]); getLog().info("Found dependencies Lib full path : " + dependencyRoot + "/" + found[j]); getLog().info("Found dependencies Lib generalized path : " + entry.getValue() + "/" + found[j]); aoDependenciesLib.add(entry.getValue() + "/" + found[j]); } } } protected String baseNameAsStaticLibrary(String sName, boolean bMavenDependency) { if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(sName, FilenameUtils.getExtension(staticLibrarySuffix))) { sName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(sName) + (bMavenDependency ? "${STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}" : ""); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(staticLibraryPrefix)) { if (0 == sName.indexOf(staticLibraryPrefix)) { sName = sName.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(staticLibraryPrefix), ""); sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } else { sName = ""; } } else { sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } } return sName; } protected String baseNameAsSharedModule(String sName, boolean bMavenDependency) { if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(sName, FilenameUtils.getExtension(sharedModuleSuffix))) { sName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(sName) + (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX}" : ""); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sharedModulePrefix)) { if (0 == sName.indexOf(sharedModulePrefix)) { sName = sName.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(sharedModulePrefix), ""); sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } else { sName = ""; } } else { sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } } return sName; } protected String baseNameAsSharedLibrary(String sName, boolean bMavenDependency) { if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(sName, FilenameUtils.getExtension(sharedLibrarySuffix))) { sName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(sName) + (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}" : ""); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sharedLibraryPrefix)) { if (0 == sName.indexOf(sharedLibraryPrefix)) { sName = sName.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(sharedLibraryPrefix), ""); sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } else { sName = ""; } } else { sName = (bMavenDependency ? "${SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" : "") + sName; } } return sName; } protected String generalizeDependencyFileName(String dependency, boolean bMavenDependency) { String sName = FilenameUtils.getName(dependency); String fullPath = FilenameUtils.getFullPathNoEndSeparator(dependency); String sGeneralizedName = baseNameAsSharedLibrary(sName, bMavenDependency); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sGeneralizedName)) { sGeneralizedName = baseNameAsStaticLibrary(sName, bMavenDependency); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sGeneralizedName)) { sGeneralizedName = baseNameAsSharedModule(sName, bMavenDependency); } // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! return (bMavenDependency ? fullPath + "/" : "") + (StringUtils.isEmpty(sGeneralizedName) ? sName : sGeneralizedName); } protected boolean isDebugBuild() { return (!StringUtils.isEmpty(buildConfig) && 0 == buildConfig.indexOf("deb")); } protected void updateOrCreateCMakeDependenciesFile(List aiDependenciesLib, boolean bMavenDependencies) { String dependencieFile = (bMavenDependencies ? cmakeMavenDependenciesFile : cmakeDependenciesFile); String fullDependenciesFile = dependencieFile; File file = new File(dependencieFile); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! fullDependenciesFile = getProjectDir() + "/" + dependencieFile; } file = new File(fullDependenciesFile); if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error(dependencieFile + " script can't be created at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return; } } // check file content InputStream dependenciesStream = null; String content = new String(); try { dependenciesStream = new FileInputStream(file); content = IOUtils.toString(dependenciesStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { // shall not happen since file has been created getLog().error(dependencieFile + " script can't be opened at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { getLog().debug("close input stream at reading"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(dependenciesStream); } String beginDepsPattern = (bMavenDependencies ? (isDebugBuild() ? "# BEGIN MAVEN_DEBUG_DEPENDENCIES" : "# BEGIN MAVEN_OPTIMIZED_DEPENDENCIES") : "# BEGIN CMAKE_DEPENDENCIES"); String endDepsPattern = (bMavenDependencies ? (isDebugBuild() ? "# END MAVEN_DEBUG_DEPENDENCIES" : "# END MAVEN_OPTIMIZED_DEPENDENCIES") : "# END CMAKE_DEPENDENCIES"); String beginIncPattern = "# BEGIN MAVEN_INCLUDE_ROOTS"; String endIncPattern = "# END MAVEN_INCLUDE_ROOTS"; // reset file content if needed if (StringUtils.isEmpty(content) || content.indexOf(beginDepsPattern) == -1) { getLog().info(file.getAbsolutePath() + " content full update"); try { dependenciesStream = getClass() .getResourceAsStream((bMavenDependencies ? "/cmake-cpp-project/CMakeMavenDependencies.txt" : "/cmake-cpp-project/CMakeDependencies.txt")); content = IOUtils.toString(dependenciesStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error(dependencieFile + " default content not found "); } finally { getLog().debug("close input stream at full update"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(dependenciesStream); } } // update file content String simpleIndentation = "\n "; String doubleIndentation = "\n "; Iterator itDeps = aiDependenciesLib.iterator(); StringBuilder allDepsBuilder = new StringBuilder( (bMavenDependencies ? doubleIndentation : simpleIndentation)); while (itDeps.hasNext()) { String dep = (String); if (bMavenDependencies) { String externalDep = generalizeDependencyFileName(dep, true); allDepsBuilder.append("target_link_libraries(${target} " + (isDebugBuild() ? "debug " : "optimized ") + externalDep + ")" + doubleIndentation); } else { String cmakeDep = generalizeDependencyFileName(dep, false); allDepsBuilder.append("# If a \"" + cmakeDep + "\" target has been define, this means we are building " + "an amalgamed cmake project" + simpleIndentation + "# but maven dependencies can be used too" + simpleIndentation + "if(TARGET " + cmakeDep + ")" + doubleIndentation + "message(\"Adding direct " + cmakeDep + " cmake dependencies to target '${target}'\")" + doubleIndentation + "target_link_libraries(${target} " + cmakeDep + ")" + simpleIndentation + "endif()" + simpleIndentation); } } // adding additionalIncludeRoots in cmake maven dependencies file StringBuilder addIncsBuilder = new StringBuilder(doubleIndentation); if (bMavenDependencies && null != additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append("include_directories( " + doubleIndentation); for (String includeRoot : additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append("\"" + includeRoot + "\"" + doubleIndentation); } addIncsBuilder.append(")" + doubleIndentation); for (String includeRoot : additionalIncludeRoots) { addIncsBuilder.append( "message(\"Adding '" + includeRoot + "' additional include root.\")" + doubleIndentation); } } getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " depfile was : " + content); String allDeps = Matcher.quoteReplacement(allDepsBuilder.toString()); //.replace( "$", "\\$" ); // Matcher replaceAll() is a bit rigid ! getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " injected dependency will be : " + allDeps); // regexp multi-line replace, see Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(beginDepsPattern + ".*" + endDepsPattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(content); content = m1.replaceAll(beginDepsPattern + allDeps + endDepsPattern); if (bMavenDependencies && null != additionalIncludeRoots) { String addIncs = Matcher.quoteReplacement(addIncsBuilder.toString()); //.replace( "$", "\\$" ); // Matcher replaceAll() is a bit rigid ! getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " injected includes Roots will be : " + addIncs); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(beginIncPattern + ".*" + endIncPattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(content); content = m2.replaceAll(beginIncPattern + addIncs + endIncPattern); } getLog().debug(dependencieFile + " depfile now is : " + content); OutputStream outStream = null; try { outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.write(content, outStream, "UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error( dependencieFile + " script can't be written at " + file.getAbsolutePath() + e.toString()); } finally { getLog().debug("close output stream at update"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } protected String extractBuildConfig(String classifier) { //bin-${targetClassifier}-${buildConfig} String[] parts = classifier.split("-"); return (parts.length >= 3) ? parts[parts.length - 1] : null; } protected String extractSubClassifier(String classifier) { //bin-${targetClassifier}-${buildConfig} String[] parts = classifier.split("-"); if (parts.length >= 3) { //parts[1] .. parts[length-2] StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(parts[1]); for (int i = 2; i <= parts.length - 2; i++) { builder.append("-"); builder.append(parts[i]); } return builder.toString(); } return null; } @Override protected void preExecute(Executor exec, CommandLine commandLine, Properties enviro) throws MojoExecutionException { HashMap<String, String> dependenciesRoots = new HashMap<String, String>(); //Iterator<String> itAdditionnalDeps = additionalDependenciesRoots.iterator(); //while ( itAdditionnalDeps.hasNext() ) if (null != additionalDependenciesRoots) { for (String dependencyRoot : additionalDependenciesRoots) { // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! String cur = dependencyRoot + "/" + targetClassifier + "/" + buildConfig; dependenciesRoots.put(cur, cur); getLog().info("add additional Dependency Root: \"" + cur + "\""); } } // enhanced auto-detection of dependency root dir with artifacts classifier : // maven 2.0.11 api doesn't provide generics containers @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Artifact> dependencyArtifacts = project.getDependencyArtifacts(); Iterator<Artifact> itDeps = dependencyArtifacts.iterator(); while (itDeps.hasNext()) { Artifact cur =; String artifactId = cur.getArtifactId(); String classifer = cur.getClassifier(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(classifer) && 0 == classifer.indexOf("bin")) { String artifactBuildConfig = extractBuildConfig(classifer); String artifactBuildConfigGeneralized = artifactBuildConfig; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactBuildConfig) || artifactBuildConfig.equals(buildConfig)) { artifactBuildConfig = buildConfig; artifactBuildConfigGeneralized = buildConfig; //"${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}"; } String artifactSubClassifier = extractSubClassifier(classifer); String artifactSubClassifierGeneralized = artifactSubClassifier; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactSubClassifier) || artifactSubClassifier.equals(targetClassifier)) { artifactSubClassifier = targetClassifier; artifactSubClassifierGeneralized = "${TARGET_CLASSIFIER}"; } // $FB always use unix path separator with cmake even under windows ! String newDepRoot = getProjectDependenciesDirectory() + "/" + artifactSubClassifier + "/" + artifactBuildConfig + "/" + artifactId; String newDepRootGeneralized = "${DEPENDENCY_DIR}" + "/" + artifactSubClassifierGeneralized + "/" + artifactBuildConfigGeneralized + "/" + artifactId; if (!dependenciesRoots.containsKey(newDepRoot)) { dependenciesRoots.put(newDepRoot, newDepRootGeneralized); getLog().info( "add Dependency Root: \"" + newDepRoot + "\" <=> \"" + newDepRootGeneralized + "\""); } } } ArrayList<String> dependenciesLib = new ArrayList<String>(); findDependencies(dependenciesRoots, dependenciesLib); updateOrCreateCMakeDependenciesFile(dependenciesLib, true); // maven dependencies updateOrCreateCMakeDependenciesFile(dependenciesLib, false); // cmake project dependencies } }